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PRATIWI WIDYA 041314353038 | NIRWAN ADINUGROHO 041314353045 | GIOVANI 041314353020

ANDIKA PRATAMA 041314353011 | EVI UMRAH WIDYANA 041314353018


Its mission:
to produce high-quality professional opera productions
develop future opera talent, and
promote opera appreciation through educational and
community outreach
1995 and 2000: subscribers more than doubled, number of
performances increased by 50 percent

In 2000, the company faced the challenge

Even with the higher audience

base, revenues from ticket
sales remained less than 40
percent of operating


Loyal and generous supporters:

Ticket sale revenues covered less than 35 % of annual expenses.

Subscribers who were willing to pay amounts over and above the high
ticket were critical for long-term success.

The BLO needed extensive, ongoing support from donors, foundations,

and the community.

Customer objectives for this strategic theme included:

- attracting new donors,
- increasing support from existing donors,
- recruiting new board members

National and international opera scene:

BLO could not to compete with the
world's great opera houses, but wanted
to differentiate itself from the many
regional companies in North America.
The customer objectives strategic theme
included :
- attracting the best young talent who
become future performers with the
world's most prestigious opera
- developing a unique BLO style: crisp,
simple, and elegant productions of
popular, lesser known, and
contemporary works.

To attract new generations of audiences, the BLO
would build support for opera in the greater
Boston community and develop opera education
programs for children, their families, and their

With the customer objectives defined for the three high-level

constituents, the project team could drill down to defining
objectives for the three strategic themes.
1. Enhancing customer relationships largely drove customer
objectives for loyal and generous supporters,
2. processes in the operational excellence theme largely drove the
production of innovative, quality performances that would be
recognized nationally and internationally
3. innovation or increase brand awareness theme pointed at
enhanced education, awareness, and support in the broader
Boston-area community.

The three strategic themes enabled tight linkages between the

internal and customer perspectives on the BLO strategy map.

Learning and growth

objectives related to human
capital development,
organizational alignment,
and technology
deployment that would
enhance the performance
of its critical internal
And the financial
perspective, with objectives
for fiscal health and growth
planning, anchored the
foundation of the BLO
strategy map.

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