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Computers and Electrical Engineering 40 (2014) 13161326

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Performance of space-division multiple-access system using

preprocessing based on feedback of vector-quantized channel
spatial information q
Prabagarane Nagaradjane a,, Shriram Swaminathan b, Suraj Krishnan c

Department of ECE, SSN Institutions, Chennai, India

Qualcomm Inc., Santa Clara, CA, USA
Qualcomm Inc., Boulder, CO, USA

a r t i c l e

i n f o

Article history:
Available online 5 February 2014

a b s t r a c t
In this paper, we report the performance of multi-user transmitter preprocessing assisted
multiple-input multiple-output downlink (DL) communication, when the channel impulse
responses (CIRs) required to formulate the preprocessing matrix are fed back to the base
station (BS) via feedback channels that endure noise and fading. Specically, in our work
the CIRs are estimated at the mobile stations (MSs) and are then decomposed by singular
value decomposition. The magnitudes and phases associated with the right-hand side unitary matrix of each of the MSs are then vector-quantized (VQ) and conveyed to the BS as
channel spatial information. This spatial information is then used to conceive the preprocessing matrix. Our study shows that the symbol-error-rate and capacity achieved with the
ideal feedback scenario is close to that attained with perfect spatial information assumption. Hence, we advocate that VQ-spatial information based preprocessing comprises an
efcient technique to deal with the DL multi-user interference.
 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction
In the context of multi-user multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) downlink (DL) and uplink (UL) communications
users conict multi-user interference (MUI) and multi-antenna interference (MAI). To combat these interferences, multiuser detection (MUD) techniques can be employed both at the base station (BS) and at the mobile stations (MSs). The
MUD techniques broadly fall into two categories namely, optimal and suboptimal [1]. Though the suboptimal approach
results in the mitigation of MAI and MUI with less detection complexity, its performance is poor in terms of the achievable
bit-error-rate (BER) or symbol-error-rate (SER) compared to the optimal approach [1]. On the down side, the optimal detector namely the maximum likelihood (ML) detector can perfectly eliminate the MUI but inicts too much computational
complexity in the context of signal detection [1]. This deters its implementation even at the BS where complexity is acceptable. An alternate way to mitigate MUI and MAI both in the UL and DL communications is to invoke multi-user transmitter
preprocessing (MUTP).
Of late, MUTP that completely removes the MUI by carrying out the corresponding signal processing at the base station
has received wide spread attention as MUTP obviates the need for complex signal processing and allows the implementation
of less complex and highly power efcient MSs [211]. Typically, three approaches are commonly addressed in the literature
for deriving the preprocessing matrix, namely, 1. Matched ltering, 2. Zero forcing (ZF) and 3. Minimum-mean-square error

Reviews processed and recommended for publication to Editor-in-Chief by Guest Editor Dr. Rajesh Karunamurthy.

Corresponding author. Tel.: +91 9840026202.

E-mail addresses: (P. Nagaradjane), (S. Swaminathan), (S. Krishnan).
0045-7906/$ - see front matter  2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

P. Nagaradjane et al. / Computers and Electrical Engineering 40 (2014) 13161326


(MMSE) [7]. ZF based transmitter preprocessing (TP) approach has been employed to get the desired signal by eliminating
the MUI in [2,3,8,12]. Further, in [4], it has been demonstrated that the MMSE preprocessing aided time division duplex code
division multiple access (TDD-CDMA) system completely removes the DL-MUI. Several TP techniques in the form of precoding have been studied in [13,14]. In [14], the authors have shown that dirty paper coding (DPC) coupled with geometric mean
decomposition (GMD) can be employed to pre-subtract the interference before transmission. In [11,13] the performance of
different non-linear precoding techniques that include the TomlinsonHarashima precoding (THP) and in [12] linear precoding techniques based on transmit ZF and MMSE have been analyzed in terms of the achievable BER. Though the linear approach is simple, it results in poorer performance compared to its non-linear counterpart. TP, whether linear or non-linear,
assists the implementation of simpler receiver side processing at the user terminal than MUD [29]. Singular value decomposition (SVD) has been invoked to derive the preprocessing matrix that creates an orthogonal subspace to the interfering
users subspace [10]. Moreover, in [14], the multi-user transmission (MUT) schemes invoke the block-diagonalization method, whilst in [15], SVD aided MUTP has been investigated in the context of at-fading channels. Furthermore, in [16,17] the
performance of MUTP aided systems in frequency-selective channels has been reported.
Motivation for our work stems from a recent study by Liu et al. [15]. In their work, they have demonstrated that MUTP can
perfectly eliminate MUI, but their investigations were principally in the context of space division multiple access (SDMA)
system over at-fading channels [15] under the assumption of perfect channel impulse responses (PCIRs) knowledge at
the transmitter and receiver. Further, when PCIR is available at the transmitter and receiver, the MIMO channels can be
decoupled into independent single-input single-output (SISO) channels without MAI among the different data streams
[15]. To carry out MUTP, the BS requires the knowledge of all the DL channels connecting the MSs. In TDD systems, the CIRs
of the DL channels can be acquired via UL channels as the DL and UL channels are reciprocal. On the other hand, in frequency
division duplexing (FDD) type wireless systems, the DL and UL channels are not reciprocal and hence, the formulation of preprocessing matrix becomes more challenging than its TDD counterpart. Consequently, in FDD systems, the DL-CIRs have to
be estimated at the MSs and should be conveyed to the BS via feedback channels.
Almost all the contributions mentioned above presume the availability of PCIR at the transmitter. However, in practice
the CIR available at the transmitter is usually imperfect due to various factors such as estimation errors, quantization errors,
noise in the feedback channels, and feedback delay. Further, TP based on PCIRs assumption may not reect the actual performance of the system when the CIRs at the transmitter are contaminated by any of the above-mentioned factors. Furthermore, SVD on imperfect CIRs can lead to imperfect channel decomposition causing interference among the different SISO
channels, thereby degrading the system performance. Besides, frequency-selectivity can result in signicant performance
degradation in terms of the achievable BER or SER. Moreover, insufcient angle spread or a lack of rich scattering will cause
fading to be correlated, thus severely affecting the performance of the MUTP aided DL systems.
Hence, in this letter, in contrast to previous contributions, we present the performance of MUTP assisted space-division
multiple-access (SDMA) DL system when communicating over correlated and uncorrelated frequency-at and correlated
frequency-selective fading channels. Specically, in this contribution, we investigate the performance of the considered
system with MUTP concocted with the aid of vector-quantized (VQ) channel spatial information of all the MSs acquired
via feedback channels that conict noise and fading. Our study shows that, MUTP realized with perfect CIRs at the BS is
capable of completely eliminating the MUI. However, VQ-channel spatial information based MUTP results in imperfect removal of MUI, as the quantization errors, feedback channel induced errors and fading play a principal role in determining
its performance in the context of interference removal. Albeit the performance degrades, we infer from our study that the
resultant SER and capacity achieved with ideal feedback scenario is close to that attained with perfect spatial information
case. Hence, we advocate that VQ-channel spatial information based preprocessing can be an efcient technique to deal
with the DL-MUI, particularly in frequency division duplex aided wireless systems when the feedback channels exhibit
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2 describes the system model of the SDMA system with MUTP. Section 3 addresses the vector quantization employed in our contribution and Section 4 details the power allocation policies
considered in our work. Performance results of our analysis are given in Section 5 and in Section 6 conclusions are drawn.
Notations: The following notations are adopted for remaining of the paper: All boldface capital letters represent a matrix
while a lowercase boldface letter denotes a vector. ()H denotes Hermitian transpose while () refers to the complex conjugate. ()+ refers to the MoorePenrose matrix (pseudo-inverse), while E{} gives the expectation of the argument and Trace ()
trace of the argument. Further, |||| denotes the norm operation and ()+ is max (, 0). d(,) denotes the Euclidean distance
between the arguments. O() means proportional to.

2. System model
Fig. 1 depicts the schematic of a DL-SDMA system. Here we assume that K users are arbitrarily distributed in a single cell
system for downlink communication. In the considered DL system the BS employs Nt transmit antennas and each of the K
users has Nr receive antennas. Further, the BS and the MSs support MUTP and post-processing, respectively, based on
SVD approach. In a multi-user SDMA DL communication, the users conict MUI in addition to multi-stream interference
(MSI) or MAI as (K  1)Nr interfering signals will be arriving at each of the MSs.


P. Nagaradjane et al. / Computers and Electrical Engineering 40 (2014) 13161326

Fig. 1. Schematic of a typical SDMA DL system with feedback.

In the context of single user, let the Nr dimensional vector transmitted to the kth user be denoted by dk. It is premultiplied
by (Nt  Nr) DL preprocessing matrix Pk resulting in

xk Pk dk ;
Here, Pk

k 1; 2; . . . ; K

VHks  k ; k

1; 2; . . . ; K; [16,17] formulates the preprocessing matrix. Vks is obtained by decomposing with the aid
h11 h12 : h1Nt
: h2Nt 7
6 h21
7 k = 1, 2, . . . , K, denotes the
of SVD, the effective correlated channel matrix Hk R1=2
r Hk R t , where Hk 4
: 5
hNr 1
: hNr Nt

uncorrelated channel matrix seen by the kth user. Further, let dk dk1 ; dk2 ; . . . ; dkNr  ; k 1; 2; . . . ; K denote the downlink
symbol vector transmitted to the kth user and, ck diagfck1 ; ck2 ; . . . ; ckNr g represent the DL power control coefcient matrix
designed for inicting the transmission power constraints. The transmission power control co-efcient matrix is necessary to
maintain the transmission power constant even after preprocessing i.e. EfkPk dk k2 g  Efkdk k2 g. Now, when a SDMA DL system supporting K users is considered, after DL preprocessing, the Nt component preprocessed symbol vector that will be
transmitted to all the K MSs is given by

x Pd



d d1 ; d2 ; . . . ; dK 


denotes the KNr component symbol vector and P

c represents the (Nt  KNr) component preprocessing matrix.
Further, Vs = [V1s, V2s, . . . , VKs] represents the signal space of channel spatial information of all the K DL users and
c = diag{c1, c2, . . . , cK} denotes the power control matrix. Here, the preprocessing is incorporated under the constraint so that,
the total power EfkPdk2 g transmitted to all the MSs after preprocessing does not exceed the original transmission power
E{kdk2} i.e. EfkPdk2 g  Efkdk2 g KN r . Then the received vector yk at the kth MS can be expressed as

yk Hk x nk Hk Pd nk Hk xk

Hk x i n k ;

k 1; 2; . . . ; K


where nk is a (Nr  1) component noise vector having zero-mean and a covariance

available at both the transmitter and receiver, SVD on Hk yields



Uk Kk ; 0VHk

Uk Kk ; 0


r2 INr . Assuming that perfect CIRs are


Uk Kk VHks

P. Nagaradjane et al. / Computers and Electrical Engineering 40 (2014) 13161326


where Uk and Vk are the (Nr  Nr) and (Nt  Nt) unitary matrices, Kk represents a (Nr  Nt) component diagonal matrix containing the eigenvalues of Hk HHk , Vks is a (Nt  Nr) component matrix constituting the eigenvectors corresponding to the nonzero eigenvalues of HHk Hk , Vkn is a [Nt  (Nt  Nr)] matrix constituting the eigenvectors corresponding to the zero eigenvalues
of HHk Hk . Now, substituting (5) into (4), the received DL signal yk of the kth MS can be expressed as

yk Uk Kk VHks Pd nk ;

k 1; 2; . . . ; K

The received signal vector of K DL users can be collected into a single vector denoted by y
(6), the received DL signal y in the context of K DL users can be readily expressed as

yT1 ; yT2 ; . . . ; yTK  .

y UK1=2 VHs Pd n;

Then, based on

whereby denition

U diagfU1 ; U2 ; . . . UK g;
K diagfK1 ; K2 ; . . . KK g;

Vs V1s ; V2s ; . . . ; VKs ;

n nT1 ; nT2 ; . . . ; nTK 

In (8), U and K are (KNr  KNr) component matrices and Vs is a (Nt  KNr) component matrix and n is a (KNr  1) component
noise vector having zero-mean and a covariance r2 IKNr . Substituting the overall DL preprocessing matrix P in (7) yields

y UK1=2 cd n;

To be specic, the received vector in the context of the kth MS can be readily expressed as

yk Uk Kk ck dk nk ;

k 1; 2; . . . ; K


The BS transmitter preprocessing matrix P is designed so as to effectively remove the MUI which is evident from the above
expression. The postprocessing matrix that completely eliminates MAI is given by [16,17]

Gk Uk  ;

k 1; 2; . . . ; K


Exploiting this postprocessing matrix, the received vector (10), can be expressed as

yk Gk Uk K1=2
k ck dk Gk nk ;

k 1; 2; . . . ; K


Substituting Gk from (11) into (12), the received signal vector at the kth MS can be simplied to

yk K1=2
k ck dk Gk nk ;

k 1; 2; . . . ; K


that results in the elimination of the symbols from other antennas. Thus the SVD based MUTP and postprocessing
completely eliminates the MUI and MAI, respectively. The above expounded approach assumes perfect CIRs knowledge
to formulate both the preprocessing and postprocessing matrices. However, the CIRs available at the transmitter are
usually imperfect due to estimation errors in the case of TDD aided systems while, estimation errors, quantization errors,
noise in the feedback channels and feedback delay typically make the CIRs imperfect in FDD type wireless systems.
Further, as alluded to earlier, our focus is in investigating the performance of the system when the required channel spatial
information is vector quantized at each of the MSs and acquired via feedback channels that conict noise and fading.
b ks of all the users to concoct the preprocessing matrix P, while the MS will exploit U
Therefore, the BS will exploit V
b ks corresponds to a (Nt  Nr)
or Uk as applicable to formulate the postprocessing matrix Gk as shown in Fig. 1. Here, V
b k obtained from the
component matrix constituting the eigen vectors corresponding to the non-zero eigenvalues of H
b k formulated with the aid of ECIRs is a (Nr  Nr) component unitary matrix which is
estimated CIRs (ECIRs), and U
b kH
b H.
constituted by the eigenvectors of H
Furthermore, according to (11), for realizing the ZF-MUD based post-processing, the MSs need to compute the pseudo
b k or Uk which requires ON multiplications. Consequently, in the case of DL communication, the detection cominverse of U
plexity for per symbol per user is ON 3r =N r ON 2r . This detection complexity is the same as that of ZF-MUD. However, the
performance gain in terms of the attainable SER is signicant which can be witnessed from the performance results section.
3. Vector quantization
The formulation of preprocessing matrix requires the knowledge of channel spatial information of all the K MSs at the
transmitter. In TDD systems, channel reciprocity can be exploited to obtain the channel spatial information in order to
formulate the preprocessing matrix. But, in this contribution, we presuppose frequency division duplex (FDD) type wireless
system and hence, channel spatial information of each user has to be fed back through a feedback channel to the transmitter.
Therefore, we estimate the CIRs at each of the MSs by adopting pilot symbol assisted channel estimation method and call
upon SVD to decompose the CIRs to obtain the channel spatial information. Each MS then vector quantizes [18,19] the


P. Nagaradjane et al. / Computers and Electrical Engineering 40 (2014) 13161326

Table 1
Codebook update using Lloyds algorithm.
loop for i = 1 to M
for k = 1 to M

if dut ; cbi < dut ; cbk "i k

ut !


else if dut ; cbi > dut ; cbk

ut ! cbj
else if dut ; cbi dut ; cbk
if i 6 k

ut ! cbj

ut ! cbj
find Dj1 V


j1 2

uk 2Ri juk  ci

if jDj1  Dj j < threshold

CB cb0 ; cb1 ; . . . ; cbM1 
goto loop

magnitudes and phases of its channel spatial information and sends it back to the BS through a feedback channel that conicts
noise and fading. The vector quantization can be explained as follows.
Let {un} denote a real and continuous valued source vector which is to be quantized. Here the source refers to the amplitudes or phases of the channel spatial information. Let the source vector be dened as a zero mean, stationary and ergodic process. Further, let this continuous valued source vector that constitutes the DL channel spatial information magnitudes or
phases belong to the N-dimensional hyperspace RN. In other words let un2RN. Now, the VQ encoder maps {un} to a nite precision representation Qn2QM where QM = {0, 1, 2, . . . , M  1} denotes the M VQ centroids i.e. Qn = U(un). Therefore, the VQ encoders mapping function can be represented as U: RN ? QM. Denoting the M partitions of the channel spatial information
hyperspace by RM1
i0 , each of these partitions has a VQ encoded centroid fcbi gi0 such that cbi E(un|Qn = i)= E(un|un2Ri).
Now, the VQ encoder connects each of the unquantized sources with the ith cell or region as, ui2Ri ) Qn = i where i is the
index of the VQ encoded centroid fcbi gi0 . As a result, the VQ codebook has M VQ encoded centroids or codewords
fcbi gi0 . The codebook is updated with the aid of Lloyds algorithm [19]. In this context, let a large number of data samples,
say V, be generated such that Z u1 ; u2 ; . . . ; uV . Now, by setting j = 1, the initial codebook CBj cb0 ; cb1 ; cb2 ; . . . ; cbM1 
be devised by randomly choosing M values from the data set Z. The codebook is updated according to the procedure evinced in
Table 1.
As it has been shown in [18] that the phases and amplitudes follow different distributions, i.e., amplitudes obey Rayleigh and
phases obey uniform distribution, in this contribution we use two vectors to denote the vector quantized phases and amplitudes. Let un denote the vector that corresponds to either the phases or magnitudes. Now, when the elements of un are transmitted through a feedback channel that endures noise and fading, the observation vector at the BS can be expressed as

rf hf un nf


where hf represents the feedback channel gain which is assumed to be Rayleigh distributed and nf denotes the noise which is
b n the estiassumed to be Gaussian distributed with zero-mean and a variance r2. Based on the observations of rf in (14), u
mates of un which represents either the phases or amplitudes of the CIR vectors connecting the BS and MSs can be expressed
as follows

b n wH rf

hf hf


where by denition w
r2 INt hf . Here I is the identity matrix and r2 is the additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN)
b n corresponding to each of the K users can be collected into one matrix so that the CIR matrix can be
noise variance. Then u
readily formed.
4. Power allocation policies
In this contribution, the power allocation regime considered is based on [2022]. As addressed in Section 2, the preprocessing matrix is designed in such a way that it completely eliminates the MUI. In order to eliminate the DL-MUI, the
preprocessing matrix Pk of each user is chosen to satisfy the condition (assuming VQ-channel spatial information)

b H Pk c


where ck diagfck1 ; ck2 ; . . . ; ckNr g denotes the DL power control constraint of the kth user. To satisfy (16), Pk can be set to,

b H  c Pk c
Pk V


P. Nagaradjane et al. / Computers and Electrical Engineering 40 (2014) 13161326


Now, the overall preprocessing matrix can be readily expressed as

b H  c Pc


where c diagfc1 ; c2 ; . . . ; cK g diagfc11 ; . . . c1Nr ; . . . ; cK1 ; . . . ; cKNr g is the overall DL power control constraint and
P P1 ; P2 ; . . . ; PK  denes the overall preprocessing matrix. In the DL communication, the power allocation is incorporated
under the constraint that the total power EfkPdk2 g transmitted to all the MSs after preprocessing should not exceed the
original transmission power E{kdk2} i.e.

EfkPdk2 g  Efkdk2 g KNr


with the assumption that Efdd g IKNr .

Exploiting (18), it can be shown that

TracePH Pc2  KNr


^ ii g; 1  i  KN r with v
^ ii > 0 be the diagonal elements of the matrix P P. As a result, the constraint of (20) can be
Let fv
expressed as

v^ ii c2ii  KNr



Power allocation can also be implemented for each user under the constraint

EfkPk dk k2 g  Efkdk k2 g


Hence, we have

TracePHk Pk c2k  N r


Now let v
 i  N r with v > 0 be the diagonal elements of the matrix
be expressed as
f ^ kii g; 1

^ kii

PHk Pk .

Consequently, the constraint of (22) can


v^ kii c2ki  Nr



4.1. Individual power allocation policy

This power allocation scheme aims at maximizing the capacity of each of the DL users. By invoking the water-lling principle, the capacity of the kth MS can be maximized if {cki} are chosen to satisfy,

c2ki lk 


k ki

i 1; 2; . . . ; Nr ;

k 1; 2; . . . K


Hence, the maximum capacity of the kth MS normalized by the Nr receive antennas is given by,

k ki
1 X
log2 1 2
Nr i1



! #


k ki

4.2. Joint power allocation policy

This power allocation regime maximizes the overall capacity of the DL communication. Now, similar to the individual
power allocation regime, when water-lling principle is called upon, it can be demonstrated that the overall capacity of
the K DL users can be jointly maximized if {cii} are chosen to satisfy

c l


k ii

i 1; 2; . . . ; KNr


Accordingly, the maximum overall capacity normalized by the total number of receive antennas KNr can be expressed as

KN r
k ii
1 X
log2 1 2
KNr i1


k ii

! #


5. Performance results
In this section, we present the simulation results to demonstrate and characterize the performance of the considered
SDMA system in terms of the achievable SER and capacity in the context of correlated and uncorrelated fading channels
for the following cases: (a) Perfect channel spatial information, (b) VQ-perfect channel spatial information under ideal, noisy


P. Nagaradjane et al. / Computers and Electrical Engineering 40 (2014) 13161326

and fading feedback that experiences noise as well and, (c) VQ-Imperfect channel spatial information under ideal, noisy and
fading feedback that conicts noise as well. The base band modulation considered in our simulations is 64 quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) and the channel estimation technique employed is based on pilot symbol assisted modulation. Also,
a spatial correlation (q) of 0.7 and a Doppler shift of 300 Hz is assumed in our simulations. Further, both the magnitudes and
phases of the channel spatial information are quantized using N = 10 bits corresponding to a codebook comprising of 1024
codewords [18]. Monte Carlo simulation trials are carried out to assess the performance of the system. The feedback channel
signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) considered in our simulations is 15 dB. For frequency-selective fading case, the channel fading
coefcient connecting the ith transmit antenna and the jth receive antenna can be expressed as

hji t

hji dt  sl



where hji is modeled as a zero-mean complex Gaussian random variable (RV) with variance p(sl). In (29) L denotes the total
number of paths between any pair of transmit and receive antennas. Furthermore, we assume that each of the MSs is
equipped with one receive antenna. However, the proposal can be readily extended to any number of receive antennas as
long as the constraint of Nt P KNr is satised.
Figs. 2 and 3 demonstrate the performance of the considered system when communicating over at-fading channels with
no spatial correlation and with spatial correlation, respectively, and Fig. 4 shows the performance of the system when communicating over frequency-selective channels with spatial correlation. For performance comparison, MUTP realized with


Perfect CSI

VQPerfectCSI Ideal Feedback

VQImperfectCSI Ideal Feedback
VQPerfectCSI Noisy Feedback


VQPerfectCSI Noisy+Fading Feedback

VQImperfectCSI Noisy Feedback

Average SER

VQImperfectCSI Noisy+Fading Feedback











Average SNR (dB)

Average SER

Fig. 2. SER performance of DL SDMA system (uncorrelated at-fading) under perfect channel spatial information (CSI), VQ-perfect-CSI under ideal, noisy and
fading feedback that experience noise and, VQ-imperfect-CSI under ideal, noisy and fading feedback that conicts noise. (K = 12, Nt = 12 and Nr = 1)








Perfect CSI
VQPerfectCSI Ideal Feedback
VQImperfectCSI Ideal Feedback
VQPerfectCSI Noisy Feedback
VQPerfectCSI Noisy+Fading Feedback
VQImperfectCSI Noisy Feedback
VQImperfectCSI Noisy+Fading Feedback






Average SNR (dB)

Fig. 3. SER performance of DL SDMA system (correlated at-fading) under perfect channel spatial information (CSI), VQ-perfect-CSI under ideal, noisy and
fading feedback that experiences noise and, VQ-imperfect-CSI under ideal, noisy and fading feedback that conicts noise. (K = 12, Nt = 12 and Nr = 1)

P. Nagaradjane et al. / Computers and Electrical Engineering 40 (2014) 13161326


perfect channel spatial information, VQ-channel spatial information acquired via ideal feedback channels, feedback channels
that endure noise as well as fading and VQ-imperfect channel spatial information that is infected by noise and fading are considered. From the plots it is observed that when the preprocessing based on VQ-perfect channel spatial information acquired
via feedback channels that experience noise and fading is considered, the performance of the system degrades appreciably.
On the other hand, when the preprocessing based on ideal feedback of VQ-perfect channel spatial information is considered,
there is only a marginal performance loss in terms of the achievable SER. Further, it is observed that the preprocessing formulated with the aid of VQ-perfect channel spatial information obtained via noisy feedback channels exhibits poorer performance than the preprocessing based on VQ-imperfect channel spatial information acquired via ideal feedback channels. This
is mainly due to the fact that noise power determines the attainable SER. Furthermore, VQ-imperfect channel spatial information acquired via feedback channels that endure noise as well as fading when considered in the context of preprocessing
matrix formulation results in the worst SER performance as the channel estimation errors, quantization errors, noise and fading determine the achievable SER. In Figs. 5 and 6, we plot the attainable average capacity versus average SNR per symbol for
the considered DL system when communicating over uncorrelated and correlated at-fading channels, respectively, by
invoking the individual power allocation policy addressed in Section 4. Further, in Figs. 7 and 8, we report the achievable


Perfect CSI

VQPerfectCSI Ideal Feedback

VQImperfectCSI Ideal Feedback
VQPerfectCSI Noisy Feedback






VQPerfectCSI Noisy+Fading Feedback

VQImperfectCSI Noisy Feedback

Average SER

VQImperfectCSI Noisy+Fading Feedback







Average SNR (dB)

Fig. 4. SER performance of DL SDMA system (correlated frequency-selective fading-LTE Extended Vehicular channel) under perfect channel spatial
information (CSI), VQ-perfect-CSI under ideal, noisy and fading feedback that experiences noise and, VQ-imperfect-CSI under ideal, noisy and fading
feedback that conicts noise. (K = 12, Nt = 12 and Nr = 1)

Capacity (bits/channel use)

Perfect CSI
VQPerfectCSI Ideal Feedback
VQPerfectCSI Noisy Feedback
VQPerfectCSI Noisy+Fading Feedback
VQImperfectCSI Noisy Feedback
VQImperfectCSI Noisy+Fading Feedback








Average SNR (dB)

Fig. 5. Average capacity versus average SNR per symbol evaluated based on (26) when invoking individual power allocation policy of (25) under perfect
channel spatial information (CSI), VQ-perfect-CSI under ideal, noisy and fading feedback that experiences noise and, VQ-imperfect-CSI under ideal, noisy and
fading feedback that conicts noise. (Uncorrelated at-fading)


P. Nagaradjane et al. / Computers and Electrical Engineering 40 (2014) 13161326

average capacity when communicating over uncorrelated and correlated at-fading channels, respectively, by invoking the
joint power allocation regime addressed in the same section. Here we compare the performance of the system in terms of the
attainable capacity when the MUTP is realized with perfect channel spatial information, VQ-channel spatial information acquired via ideal feedback channels, feedback channels that endure noise as well as fading and VQ-imperfect channel
spatial information acquired as in the preceding case. From the gures it can be observed that the achievable capacity in
terms of number of bits per channel use is marginally higher when perfect channel spatial information knowledge is used
to formulate the preprocessing matrix than the VQ-channel spatial information acquired via ideal feedback channels. Further,
the average capacity decreases when the preprocessing is realized with the aid of VQ-channel spatial information acquired via
feedback channels that conict noise and fading. The reason for this is because of the deleterious effects imposed by noise
and fading on the VQ-channel spatial information. Furthermore, it is observed that the attainable capacity decreases when
there exists spatial correlation.
Also, when the performances under individual and joint power allocation approaches are compared, surprisingly, we observe that the average capacity achieved by the joint scheme is slightly lower than that achieved with the individual regime.
This is because the constraint imposed by (21) is tighter than that inicted by (24).

Capacity (bits/channel use)

Perfect CSI
VQPerfectCSI Ideal Feedback
VQPerfectCSI Noisy Feedback
VQPerfectCSI Noisy+Fading Feedback
VQImperfectCSI Noisy Feedbcak
VQImperfectCSI Noisy+Fading Feedback








Average SNR (dB)

Fig. 6. Average capacity versus average SNR per symbol evaluated based on (26) when invoking individual power allocation policy of (25) under perfect
channel spatial information (CSI), VQ-perfect-CSI under ideal, noisy and fading feedback that experiences noise and, VQ-imperfect-CSI under ideal, noisy and
fading feedback that conicts noise. (Correlated at-fading)

Capacity (bits/channel use)

Perfect CSI
VQPerfectCSI Ideal Feedback
VQPerfectCSI Noisy Feedback
VQPerfectCSI Noisy+Fading Feedback
VQImperfectCSI Noisy Feedback
VQImperfectCSI Noisy+Fading Feedback








Average SNR (dB)

Fig. 7. Average capacity versus average SNR per symbol evaluated based on (28) when invoking joint power allocation policy of (27) under perfect channel
spatial information (CSI), VQ-perfect-CSI under ideal, noisy and fading feedback that experiences noise and, VQ-imperfect-CSI under ideal, noisy and fading
feedback that conicts noise. (Uncorrelated at-fading)

P. Nagaradjane et al. / Computers and Electrical Engineering 40 (2014) 13161326


Capacity (bits/channel use)

Perfect CSI
VQPerfectCSI Ideal Feedback
VQPerfectCSI Noisy Feedback
VQPerfectCSI Noisy+Fading Feedback
VQImperfectCSI Noisy Feedback
VQImperfectCSI Noisy+Fading Feedback








Average SNR (dB)

Average SER

Fig. 8. Average capacity versus average SNR per symbol evaluated based on (28) when invoking joint power allocation policy of (27) under perfect channel
spatial information (CSI), VQ-perfect-CSI under ideal, noisy and fading feedback that experiences noise and, VQ-imperfect-CSI under ideal, noisy and fading
feedback that conicts noise. (Correlated at-fading)













Average SNR (dB)

Fig. 9. Performance comparison of SVD aided MUTP with THP, DPC, BD and GMD (Uncorrelated frequency-selective fading-LTE Extended Vehicular
channel) under ideal feedback of VQ-perfect channel spatial information (CSI). (K = 12, Nt = 12 and Nr = 1)

In Fig. 9, we compare the SVD-aided MUTP with that of the popularly known preprocessing techniques such as DPC, THP,
block-diagonalization and GMD in the context of ideal feedback of the VQ-channel spatial information. From the gure, it can
be inferred that the SER performance corresponding to the SVD-aided MUTP is appreciably better compared to other preprocessing approaches.
6. Conclusions
In this paper, we investigated the performance of a multi-user SDMA DL system with the aid of multi-user transmitter
preprocessing formulated with both perfect, vector quantized perfect and imperfect channel spatial information of all the
K DL users acquired via ideal, noisy and fading feedback channels. Our studies show that the system aided by MUTP can
completely remove the MUI under the assumption of ideal feedback of perfect channel spatial information. On the other hand,
when vector quantized channel spatial information is invoked via ideal feedback channels for realizing the preprocessing matrix, the performance of the system degrades slightly in terms of the achievable SER as the quantization errors result in
imperfect removal of the MUI and, further degradation results when the feedback channels that carry the channel spatial
information are tainted by noise and fading. Further, our study shows that, the attainable capacity decreases only marginally,


P. Nagaradjane et al. / Computers and Electrical Engineering 40 (2014) 13161326

when the channel spatial information acquired via ideal feedback is employed for formulating the preprocessing matrix
compared to its perfect channel spatial information counterpart. Furthermore, the achievable capacity decreases appreciably
when noise and fading impose a more grave effect on the channel spatial information. However, as the resultant SER and
capacity achieved with the ideal feedback scenario remain close to that attained with the perfect channel spatial information
case, it may be concluded that feedback of the VQ-channel spatial information to the BS for formulating the preprocessing
matrix to deal with the DL-MUI can serve as an efcient approach, provided the number of bits required for representing
the channel spatial information is legitimate with the feedback channels exhibiting robustness against noise and fading.
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Prabagarane Nagaradjane received the B.E. degree in ECE from Madras University, Chennai, India, in 1999, and the M.Tech. degree in ECE from Pondicherry
University, Pondicherry, India in 2003. He currently holds an academic post as Assistant Professor in the department of ECE, SSN Institutions. From June
1999 to May 2001, he was a Product evaluation engineer with the HCL Info systems. His research interests include signal processing for wireless and
broadband communications, MIMO system architecture, iterative receiver algorithms and transmitter preprocessing.
Shriram Swaminathan received the B.E. degree in ECE from Anna University, Chennai, India, in 2011 and MS Degree in ECE from Georgia Institute of
Technology, Atlanta, USA in 2013. He is currently working as a PHY layer engineer at QUALCOMM Inc. Santa Clara, CA USA. His research interests include
MIMO, multiuser communications, interference rejection and error correction coding.
Suraj Krishnan received the B.E. degree in ECE from Anna University, Chennai, India, in 2011 and MS Degree in ECE from Georgia Institute of Technology,
Atlanta, USA in 2012. He is currently working as a PHY layer engineer at QUALCOMM Inc. Boulder, Colorado, USA. His research interests include multiuser
communications and interference rejection.

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