Team Fortress 2 Scout Story

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Zere ve are, good as new! the medic announced with pride.

Now, to go help zat

heavy Scout looked down at his chest, to see all the bullet holes gone, and the skin looked
good as new, as he said. Thanks, doc, Scout replied. The medic just waved a hand behind him
as he walked away. Yeah, anytime Scout said in irritation. Nazi bastad The demo man
sitting on the floor behind him merely scoffed. Ye best watch your mouth, lad. Getting the
likes of im mad at ye aint no way to survive. He belched and leaned his head on his chest,
and fell asleep.
This ordeal done with, Scout headed to the armory to see if he had any new imports. Every
now and then, he would get a new weapon from Hale Sometimes from Heavy. However,
sometimes he had to make his own weapons, since his stuff was always custom. His bat, on the
other hand His Sandman was his own bat. It wasnt bought, made, or given to him. It was his
old bat. Back when he was just a baseball fanatic. He looked through his locker, finding nothing.
These lockers were two-sided. One side was for the owner to open, to collect any new
weapons. The other side? That was the delivery side.
Nothing being in his locker, he checked the fridge. There was usually a drink of some kind in
there Ah-ha! he triumphantly cried, finding one of his favorite drinks in the back. Bonk.
Pure and simple. He popped the top, and took a drink.
Usually, Bonk made him so hyper-alert, he paid attention to where guns were fired, and
dodged accordingly. The other side once said it made him bulletproof. This was far from the
truth; he just saw the shooters faster. Except for that damned Pyro he said, hanging his
head. That Pyro almost killed him last time. If it hadnt been for that sniper, he would have
been toast. Speaking of the sniper, he was heading down this hallway now
Gday mate, Sniper greeted as he walked by Scout. Scout nodded in respect. Got that
soda, right? he asked. Scout held it up to show Sniper. Mind if I have a drink? the sniper
asked. Scout shrugged and handed the Bonk to the sniper. After a few gulps, the sniper
belched, and handed the Bonk back to Scout. Under the sunglasses Sniper wore, Scout could
see his eyes widen. Holy Doodie! Whats in that, acid?!? he asked in shock. As Sniper tried to
spit the taste out, Scout laughed and replied, Yeah, yeah. Just for taste! Scout then thought
about something, how would Bonk taste to someone without that acquirement? The cola
tastes better, let me tell ya, he finished. Sniper looked around for a second, leaving Scout
wondering what for. Then he pulled his knife from his back, Got a new knife, mate. Just this
mornin and smiled.
The thing looked like it could easily kill Scout in a single hit. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Bet thats
gotta hurt! He tentatively touched the blade, and jerked his hand back when he felt the blade
go through the skin. Sucking on his finger, Scout looked back at the sniper, who was laughing.

That bloke Hale, he promised me it would bleed out anythin, and lookin at ye touchin it, I
gotta agree, Sniper stated with pride.
Snipers head cocked to the side just a bit, and he put his finger to his lips. Then he put his
hand down, and mouthed the word, Spy. Scout nodded, and looked behind Sniper. Focusing
out, he could catch the ripples in the air, where the spys invisibility failed. Scout looked back to
the sniper, and mouthed, Right behind you. Sniper nodded slightly, then slashed out with his
new knife.
Blood splattered the wall, and the spy became visible. His red suit grew darker around the
collar, as the blood from his hidden throat seeped through. Sniper raised his knife, and buried it
in the center of the spys head. His eyes clouded out, and one of them slowly began to lower.
Sniper wrenched the knife out of Spys head, and put it back in its sheath as the spy fell to the
floor, into a puddle of his own blood.
Yeah, nice one! Scout congratulated the sniper. The sniper smiled and nodded. Gotta get
rid of that body, though. As the sniper proceeded to do just that, he said under his breath,
Cant expect them to have any onor, spies. Aways the same: sneak an stab, sneak an stab
Makes me sick just imaginin a life like that. He dragged the body to the pit area that was
blocked off. After a bit of lifting, the spys body was on the snipers shoulder. One shrug, and
the spy was falling down a very long way.
The sniper walked back with a smile on his face, Ya know, mate, I think we might have a
good team ere. The scout just shrugged. They hadnt had a good team in ages. The scout
knew that this sniper might have been around just as long as he had. Hey, were you that
sniper that took out that Pyro? he asked. Sniper nodded, Yeah that was me. Youre welcome
for that, by the way. I knew that drink of yours doesnt always work.
Scout couldnt help but laugh. Funny you should say that, Sniper! Without that Drink of
mine, you would have been dead! He laughed harder at the Snipers look of confusion. You
dont feel it? The Scout smiled, and thought back on Snipers words a good team

Mission begins in Sixty Seconds

The Scout heaved a deep breath, and worked his fingers over his bat.
The Medic looked a bit nervous as he continued to charge the Heavy.
The Demo-man loaded grenades into his launcher, and grimaced at the speaker.

The Heavy, being over-healed on, thoughtfully chowed down on his sandwich.
Sniper looked over at Scout, and nodded a farewell-type nod, and chambered a round in his
Engineer pressed some buttons on his PDA.
Spy pulled his cigarette from his mouth, and looked at it mournfully. Then he flicked it, and
pulled a new one.
Pyro fiddled with his flamethrower.
Soldier removed his helmet, and held it to his chest. Then he began to chant the national
Mission begins in Thirty Seconds
Sniper held out his hand to Scout, who took it and gave one good shake of friendship.

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