Dec 19

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interesting isnt it

how do you get those in thailand in jail

you would need to invade the country
how do you get those in india in jail
you would need a foreign army or invade the country
are the embargoes on communication permitted to continue
not a chance

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

Dec 18 1 day ago

to sgcentral

are sanctions warranted

jail is warranted by force

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

Dec 18 1 day ago

to sgcentral

protection in a foreign country by foreign officers of my entire family is substantiated for now and the
foreseeable future

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

Dec 18 1 day ago

to sgcentral

first you need to get them out of india to un headquarters

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

Dec 18 1 day ago

to sgcentral

its so sad what happened to the school children in pakistan

thats even twisted for a terrorist

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

Dec 18 1 day ago

to sgcentral

Clearly former Prime Minister Manmohan Singhs word holds no value either
Furthermore Chief Minister of Andra Pradesh I believe his name is Naidu to Ridhi Bansal Agarwals father
in law

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

Dec 18 1 day ago

to sgcentral

In fact CBI is currently trying to abscond for former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh in the Indian Coal
Allocation Scam

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

Dec 18 1 day ago

to sgcentral

I said three heads of government not two

President Mukherjee
Prime Minister Modi
Former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

Dec 18 1 day ago

to sgcentral

You already have a constitutional crisis in India

There should currently be no government but a military coup
And that isnt possible under the current situation
Thats in excess of six individuals with immunities
So if the army doesnt overthrow the government
You need to

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

Dec 18 1 day ago

to sgcentral

I want an Interpol badge thatd be cool

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

Dec 18 1 day ago

to sgcentral

Also Im sure I dont need to say click every time Im sure youve realised I aim to space messages out by
about ten to thirteen minutes to give authorities enough time to record calls

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

Dec 18 1 day ago

to sgcentral

I used to do it every seven to ten minutes but I think ten to thirteen gives them time to breathe

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

Dec 18 1 day ago

to sgcentral

And based on the authorities I send messages to call I do it in order of importance

So for example I click for your email address last and all other UN world authorities and foreign
establishments and world law enforcements before you

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

Dec 18 1 day ago

to sgcentral

However the only email address that has had any reasonable affect is yours and because the crimes
repeated by individuals impersonating or aiding and abetting to various authorities corrupting
investigation now I just aim to click yours to concentrate investigation as Ive already had world
authorities establish evidence of their crimes separately to each respective part of the government

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

Dec 18 1 day ago

to sgcentral

Than I do it strategically
I get indian authorities to call Thailand to establish evidence
I get Thai authorities to call India to establish evidence

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

Dec 18 1 day ago

to sgcentral

Also all members of the BJP parliamentary board I gave you the names of

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

Dec 18 1 day ago

to sgcentral

Like I Said BJP and INC wont exist after this case
Because all the big players will be in jail

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

Dec 18 1 day ago

to sgcentral

In fact Indian politics will not exist

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

Dec 18 1 day ago

to sgcentral

Now since you have pictures of every indian national that knows me in India from London with me in it
Everyone that has denied I'm at home in Canada needs to be arrested
Every single person

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

Dec 18 1 day ago

to sgcentral

Some of those indian nationals have pictures with my brother in it so they also know him
In fact a lot of them have met my brother in London when he used to visit me
Like I said the President of India cannot deny any crime nor that Im at home and there has been no
contact to Canadian authorities with any reported crime in fifteen months that Im a canadian citizen
who has committed no crime
That with voice recordings of the crimes being committed on me the Federal Government of India is
guilty of the offences

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

Dec 18 1 day ago

to sgcentral

In fact since Ive asked you to surveillance and tap my mobile phones and landline you should have heard
me on the phone with a lot of these people from India

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

Dec 18 1 day ago

to sgcentral

Discretionary communication

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

Dec 18 1 day ago

to sgcentral

Technically than everyone jail

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

Dec 18 1 day ago

to sgcentral

Everyone with immunity to every citizen

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

Dec 18 1 day ago

to sgcentral

Heads of Government

Heads of State
Defence Forces
Internal Security
Everyone jail

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

Dec 18 1 day ago

to sgcentral

As for the citizens

I would like all their voices recorded in the presence of UN with copies of their identification for Interpol
and all contacted authorities nationally and internationally for voice match
Ive shown they all know each other from pictures and Facebook alone

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

Dec 18 1 day ago

to sgcentral

In fact I showed it through my own Facebook account which shows Im from Canada and is directly
connected to my hotmail email address and that I live in Mississauga Canada

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

Dec 18 1 day ago

to sgcentral

So that connects my email address rishi underscore gulati one at hotmail dot com with my picture my
canadian passport and my canadian citizen and to every indian national that has committed the crimes
and knows me

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

Dec 18 1 day ago

to sgcentral

States sponsored terrorism

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

Dec 18 1 day ago

to sgcentral

Cool eh I solved historys largest case since world war two with zero contact

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

Dec 18 1 day ago

to sgcentral

More specifically zero return contact

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

Dec 18 1 day ago

to sgcentral

In four hundred and fifty one days

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

Dec 18 1 day ago

to sgcentral

So if anyone has used my name impersonated me or anyone directly related to me that Ive identified as
family for any purpose theyre automatically guilty of identity theft on international terrorism and if they
have government documentation to support identity theft than they are automatically guilty of
aggravated identity theft of international terrorism criminal conspiracy on international terrorism
conspiracy to participate in racketeering amongst the gravest offences of international law on terrorism

On international corruption and international terrorism and national terrorism on constitutional criseses

Therefore the entire UN General Assembly should want my entire family with UN Headquarters
additional to the UN Secretary General and UN Security Council

They should be able to live in any country of their choosing

A decision only made once in New York

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

Dec 18 1 day ago

to sgcentral

The acts of terrorism centring around identity theft stealing communication globally

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

Dec 18 1 day ago

to sgcentral

The entire world at this point will trust me enough to make a decision on behalf of the world community
If I state Ambassador Stephens when you speak to my family that being me Rishi Gulati from mississauga
Canadian Passport Holder and Citizen you can sign their passports if they want US ones because they
want to live in the US
Because President Obama would sign their passports with his eyes closed

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

Dec 18 1 day ago

to sgcentral

Dr Tavares please invite the ambassadors of the un security council in delhi to stay with you
Being at their discretion if they wish to
Additional to any involve consular general nationally

They can all meet my family me being Rishi Gulati from mississauga Canada canadian passport holder
and citizen
At minimum ensure they all share a meal with you in the hotel

Mr Gary Lewis you the same for Thailand

I dont know too much about Thailand so I will leave all these tedious decisions upto you Mr Lewis

All representative un security council members should be made aware of the circumstances

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

5:58 AM 23 hours ago

to sgcentral

Any UN and Foreign official in both countries has access to any level of resource they deem fit for
security for convenience for due process and any justifiable action
All acting foreign officials are automatically assigned dual roles of their member nation and that of UN
thereby granting them UN immunity and all benefits that come with it
If they feel the integrity of the system is compromised at a level that cannot bring control to the
situation I would advise them to seek foreign defence forces of a un security council member from travel

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

5:59 AM 23 hours ago

to sgcentral

If for example they wish to have their family living with them travel with them they are completely
encouraged to do so

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

6:05 AM 23 hours ago

to sgcentral

You have unlimited flexibility in any aspect

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

6:16 AM 23 hours ago

to sgcentral

Interesting eh

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

6:19 AM 23 hours ago

to sgcentral

Remember to save all audios on an external drive and print all records
Transfer to Delhi tihar Jail with recorded camera surveillance to the UN and foreign establishments as
they come

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

6:25 AM 23 hours ago

to sgcentral

Im sure you see a major problem at this point

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

6:27 AM 23 hours ago

to sgcentral

Save the audios now

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

4:02 PM 13 hours ago

to sgcentral

Whats the point in clicking when you cant put them in jail

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

4:16 PM 13 hours ago

to sgcentral


Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

4:18 PM 13 hours ago

to sgcentral

Which one is actually in jail

Have you seen it over the news
Indian media would eat that story up more than any news network worldwide

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

8:40 PM 9 hours ago

to sgcentral

You should make me the military commander for India and Thailand
I can get rid of all the terrorist organisations and corruption

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

8:43 PM 9 hours ago

to sgcentral

w w w d o t d r o p b o x d o t c o m f o r w a r d s l a s h s h f o r w a r d s l a s h h g u a a o x r s l three d d
r x f o r w a r d s l a s h A A C L N h p U seven six G d X y s eight seven c k w six four L l a question mark d l
equals zero

If you notice I listed three credentials for un secretary general

military experience
international law experience
humanitarian experience

thats why i said i appoint myself youth un secretary general not un secretary general

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

8:45 PM 9 hours ago

to sgcentral

All UN officials particularly Dr Tavares and Mr Lewis are permitted to access my accounts and my
password is already what I told you Rashi and her birth year for all accounts

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

8:47 PM 9 hours ago

to sgcentral

So I advise you to download all my files and print immediately

birth year nineteen eighty eight

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

8:56 PM 8 hours ago

to sgcentral

also any foreign official any confusion you can ask Rashi in your presence as you should have her with
you she knows everything about me including my passwords down to my bank accounts
like i said she has complete meaning one hundred percent authority
i used to give her my wallet for keeping and that is my ultimate sign of trust to someone
i only give my wallet to my mother or rashi

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

9:01 PM 8 hours ago

to sgcentral

i even sent you a picture of her a long time ago wearing a canada shirt i bought for her

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

9:03 PM 8 hours ago

to sgcentral

in accordance with the national security act all indian nationals are forced to comply in a threat free
due to constitutional failure and the crimes being at the level of the united nations and foreign officials
who are given the same roles that would be them

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

9:03 PM 8 hours ago

to sgcentral

due to international terrorism and controlling all modes of communication and mass identity theft and
constitutional crises the place of threat free atmosphere would be un headquarters or with a un security
council member

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

9:04 PM 8 hours ago

to sgcentral

so if you broke the law you dont have my entire family with un

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

9:05 PM 8 hours ago

to sgcentral

because whilst icc regulations are not applicable to india the same would be applied for a judge on
states sponsored terrorism
states being plural

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

9:06 PM 8 hours ago

to sgcentral

she is six feet tall and has a right mole scar on her right upper lip

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

9:08 PM 8 hours ago

to sgcentral

because no communication of any security council member has gone to canadian authorities either
the place of threat free atmosphere would be un headquarters directly with the personal responsible to
take action
the un secretary general

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

9:08 PM 8 hours ago

to sgcentral

therefore no form of communication required

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

9:11 PM 8 hours ago

to sgcentral

due to the crimes of d company that including the two states involving all connections they are
permitted to choose anyone they wish to travel with them and have the support and option of living in
another country
that includes my entire social network platforms and relations and those thereon
therefore if a few hundred people wish to travel to un headquarters they are in complete right to
such as under the universal declaration of human rights

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

9:12 PM 8 hours ago

to sgcentral

due process and justice is a mirror reflection of the crimes committed

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

9:15 PM 8 hours ago

to sgcentral

everyone will get compensation

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

9:27 PM 8 hours ago

to sgcentral

obviously their travel is free their accommodation is free their food is free and any miscellaneous
expenses are free

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

10:42 PM 7 hours ago

to sgcentral

I'm six feet one inch tall two hundred forty pounds

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

11:04 PM 6 hours ago

to sgcentral

the address for my relatives is sector thirteen house three nine four kurukshetra
pusa road left at the telephone exchange booth second house on the right with tree with branches cut

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

11:05 PM 6 hours ago

to sgcentral

my uncles owns s paul in karol bagh market

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

11:06 PM 6 hours ago

to sgcentral

its one of the first few shops at the beginning

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

11:38 PM 6 hours ago

to sgcentral

they will tell you where ashok gulati lives

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

12:18 AM 5 hours ago

to sgcentral

my rishigulatiunscartfortytwo gmail email address is the one used for dropbox so if dr tavares or mr
lewis or any officials want to access it to download files they are free to do so they should have all my
personal information

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

1:11 AM 4 hours ago

to sgcentral

whos next SG
chief justice of india or thai army general

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

1:12 AM 4 hours ago

to sgcentral

cant be rakesh maria commissioner of mumbai most people didnt even want him to become

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

1:25 AM 4 hours ago

to sgcentral

maybe the thai monarch or former prime minister manmohan singh

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

1:33 AM 4 hours ago

to sgcentral


Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

1:47 AM 4 hours ago

to sgcentral


Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

1:50 AM 4 hours ago

to sgcentral

r s l three d d r x F O R W A R D S L A S H A A C L h p U seven six G d X y s eight seven c k w six four L l a
question mark d l equals zero

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

1:53 AM 3 hours ago

to sgcentral

i would prefer if you print that one now

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

2:10 AM 3 hours ago

to sgcentral

did you match the voices of the bjp parliamentary board i gave you all the names

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

2:45 AM 3 hours ago

to sgcentral

as long as those with immunity are out no one goes to jail therefore lets work from the top down

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

2:46 AM 3 hours ago

to sgcentral

confirmed proof of former prime minister manmohan singh and anyone else with immunity
arrested and brought to their jail cells

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

2:55 AM 2 hours ago

to sgcentral

indian mafia

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

2:56 AM 2 hours ago

to sgcentral

italys government and the italian mafia worked together too

it was called collusion

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

2:56 AM 2 hours ago

to sgcentral

except that was a government and a mafia

this is a terrorist organisation and a government

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

3:13 AM 2 hours ago

to sgcentral

italian government got arrested too

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

3:43 AM 2 hours ago

to sgcentral

do you suppose every foreign establishment in india is pretty angry by now

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

3:57 AM 1 hour ago

to sgcentral

i think so

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

4:11 AM 1 hour ago

to sgcentral

Which one now former director ranjit Singh modi army General dalbir Singh suhag

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

4:19 AM 1 hour ago

to sgcentral

its obviously very important to print as they come now

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

4:20 AM 1 hour ago

to sgcentral

former director ranjit sinha prime minister modi army general dalbir singh suhag

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

4:23 AM 1 hour ago

to sgcentral

arrested straight to their jail cell where recorded camera surveillance should be feeding directly and
continuously to UN Canadian High Commission and US Embassy
Indian Army additionally guarding their jail cells due to obvious jail corruption

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

4:34 AM 1 hour ago

to sgcentral

its time we publicly declare war against all terrorist organisations world wide in the largest international
cooperation to destroy them

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

4:38 AM 1 hour ago

to sgcentral

you dont need to worry un secretary general

ill do it much better than
president obama
president xi jinping
prime minister cameron

president hollande
put together
this rishi gulati in mississauga canada canadian passport holder and citizen whose authorities are missing
to the un secretary general and un security council un establishments worldwide interpol FBI and the
worlds most powerful authorities and foreign authorities worldwide
even the white houses calls to canadian authorities dont work nor any other mode of communication

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

4:40 AM 1 hour ago

to sgcentral

i told you before if prime minister cameron whom i can speak for has zero tolerance for terrorism
than this rishi gulati at home in mississauga canada twenty five eighteen rugby rd has absolute zero
tolerance for terrorism
negative two hundred and seventy three degrees

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

4:45 AM 1 hour ago

to sgcentral

obviously my parents are at home with me

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

4:47 AM 1 hour ago

to sgcentral

the world community trusts me so who is the chief justice of india to doubt my word
or a corrupt king of thailand
or potentially the crown prince of thailand who you may be speaking to now or director cbi or president
of india

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

4:48 AM 1 hour ago

to sgcentral

even a travelling manu kapoor who pretends to be my father with false government documentation

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

4:53 AM 58 minutes ago

to sgcentral

the un secretary general and un security council cannot themselves deny I'm at home and not
committing the crimes
in fact you have hard evidence of me being a victim one of the voice recordings i provided of false cbi
was from a pay phone outside walmart the same person came onto hudsons bay landline using a calling
card and the same person on my cell phone

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

4:54 AM 57 minutes ago

to sgcentral

an immunity will not get a terrorist chief justice prevented from going to jail

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

4:55 AM 56 minutes ago

to sgcentral

that is my final decision on behalf of the world community

that being rishi gulati canadian passport holder citizen birthdate april ninth nineteen eighty seven height
six feet one inch weight two hundred forty pounds brown eyes voted prettiest eyes in high school

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

4:57 AM 54 minutes ago

to sgcentral

my deceased grandmother named me karan because she said i would be generous meaning i was born
to serve people

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

4:58 AM 53 minutes ago

to sgcentral

my old school mississauga private school is now called newtons grove school

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

5:00 AM 51 minutes ago

to sgcentral
you know my music teacher who also taught me career studies his name was john alonso
he used to sleep 3 hours a day the minimum required for a human being to maintain productivity
he was also ontarios fittest man

to sgcentral

his class was the one that taught me how to divide people into personality types
after that it was just experience that led the way

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

5:10 AM 42 minutes ago

to sgcentral
my favourite teacher the one who pushed me so much to the point i didnt even need a cheat sheet for
the exams that i would just derive the equations
who got annoyed that i was months ahead of the class and identifying where she was making mistakes
was a lady by the name of dr louise royer
she also taught me how to learn and think
i said to myself that i would visit her again the day i feel i can make her proud
you can search her name on google it will say mississauga private school just like my high school
transcript that i provided you

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

5:11 AM 41 minutes ago

to sgcentral
she respected me so much because i had integrity and wanted to learn and be pushed

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

5:12 AM 40 minutes ago

to sgcentral
my math teacher in the previous year mr k y tang programmed the canadarm on the american space

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

5:12 AM 39 minutes ago

to sgcentral
on my saying the high school made an enriched math class because i felt under challenged

Rishi Gulati rishi DOT gulati 1987 AT gmail DOT com

5:15 AM 37 minutes ago

to sgcentral
in fact it would be a great honour if you meet her personally

to sgcentral
I'm very grateful to her

to sgcentral
i can make you into a remarkably strong un secretary general
youre on the right path thats for sure
i keep track of how youre improving your efforts same with prime minister cameron and president

to sgcentral
for example i told you about preventative measures and you talked about preventative measures for
africa to the un security council recently
that was a step forward
i live by the idea that if you think youve done enough push harder and when you get tired push harder

to sgcentral
if youre going to serve people do it to capabilities surpassed what you think you have
i tell my mom and all my best friends to push me so hard i pass out if I'm helping others
if ten thousand or one point two four five billion people benefit from just my life
its worth it

to sgcentral
thats why I'm up at five thirty in the morning clicking away with my countries authorities oblivious to the
current situation and uncontacted by the un secretary general un security council FBI interpol world un
establishments and foreign establishments in four hundred and fifty two days

to sgcentral
if thailand is involved thats one point three one billion people
india canada and thailands populations
obviously india has breached canadas national security additional to their own and international security

to sgcentral
canadas national security breached as it has had zero contact on this case in over fifteen months
something i can confirm because no one has been able to get police rcmp to me with reported crimes in
that time to my house twenty five eighteen rugby rd mississauga canada l five b one t two postal code

to sgcentral
you should have read my documents correctly
india and thailand perverting the course of justice together
constitutional crises and stuff

to sgcentral
that makes india the principal perpetrator and thailand an accessory to their crimes
therefore you already have a constitutional crises in thailand that too recurrent now I'm sure you can
see why

to sgcentral

i did ask you to have dr tavares in delhi un women video conference with mr gary lewis in thailand
therefore two faces who can recognise each other

to sgcentral
i would therefore like the interpol secretary general dr tavares and mr gary lewis on video conference
together at the same time

to sgcentral
without delays without false excuses without fake secretaries

to sgcentral
jail who lied to you repeatedly
all of them
every single person who didn't tell you to fly someone to mississauga to see me the real rishi gulati at
twenty five eighteen rugby road mississsauga canada postal code l five b one t two my home canadian
passport holder and citizen and didn't send my entire family to un headquarters
for perverting the course of justice on international terrorism
for criminal conspiracy on international terrorism

to sgcentral

chief justice of india king of thailand prime minister of india president of india
the entire terrorist organization in jail
this youth un secretary general demands law and order

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