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A Statement of Purpose (SoP) for Electrical Engineering in any of the top univer

sities should be the answer for "Why Masters, Why this field and Why this school
". Also you should try to bring out what sets you apart from other candidates t
hough it is advisable not to be boasting on your achievements. Instead, one can
make the admission committee see merit in your case through deeds.
Here is a sample Statement of Purpose for Electrical Engineering
Conceiving ideas and developing systems that deliver that promise" is a personal
goal that I have set for myself. When translated into actions this goal has rei
nforced my belief in leadership through creativity. At a very young age, when wa
ve transmission and guided antennas were words unheard of for me, I wondered abo
ut the working of Television and Radio sets and I can very well say that a mysti
fication at such an insignificant age has led to a passion for research thirteen
years later.
Ever since my school years I have been the recipient of Proficiency prizes for c
onsistent performance, be it topping my class in academics and completing my sch
ooling with full scholarship or fetching accolades to my school by winning vario
us academic competitions all over Tamil Nadu state. My hard work and perseveranc
e paid off when I was assured a seat in Birla Institute of Technology and Scienc
e, Pilani, one of the top 5 engineering colleges in India, by securing 13th rank
in the whole of Tamil Nadu State.
My undergraduate years in BITS, Pilani most definitely contributed to my shaping
into an individual with a compounded attitude for excellence. The Electronics E
ngineering curriculum comprising of courses like Microprocessor Design and Compu
ter Architecture and Micro-Electronics and Computer Organization impressed upon
me the significance of creatively maneuvering elementary concepts. A natural inc
lination towards electronics made me compete with the best of brains from all ov
er India and perform exceedingly well in the compulsory discipline courses and m
y Junior-Senior GPA bears testimony to the fact.
My unique interest in RF Electronics and my passion for the subject helped me to
be chosen for the Lab oriented project on Design Considerations and Trade-offs
for RFID Antenna design and Study on Fractal RFID antennas in my junior year. Th
is project enkindled me to grasp the fundamental concepts in RF using tools like
HFSS which steered me to informally attend Electro Magnetic Fields and Waves co
urse which few students in my class embarked to do.
Accordingly, I opted for an Internship in Honeywell Technology Solutions Laborat
ory, Bangalore, India (Subsidiary of Honeywell Inc. NJ, USA) which fostered exce
llent research work in RF Design and development. I had the rare opportunity to
associate myself with two very significant projects. Design and implementation of
a Short Range RFID system with Passive HITAG transponders for Hindustan Aeronau
tics Ltd., gave me the necessary exposure on developing RFID systems and allied a
pplications and helped me venture into research work on EPC Compliant RFID Devic
es. Design and deployment of firmware and software for Long Range RFID systems us
ing Active ELPAS Tags over Eiris server operating on LON Protocol aided me to pur
sue research on RFID Technology for Distributed systems. My outstanding contribu
tion and hard work made me an indispensable member of RFID research Team in Hone
ywell. These recognitions have instilled deep confidence in me and motivated me
to explore the field more and delve further into research.
The comfort that I found in working on RF Devices and Design and the experience
I had gathered gave me more than the required confidence to take up the ambitiou
s project on Smart Irrigation Systems, funded by Microsoft Corp, USA. As a part
of the wireless Communication Module group I was involved in the design of Micro
controller (Motorola HC series) based control system which involved data transmi
ssion/receiving to the RF sensors (pH, Moisture etc.) embedded in the field.
I believe that academic credentials only when complemented with team work and le
adership qualities, shape an individual s frame of mind. I had the privilege of be
ing nominated as the President of the Paper Evaluation and Presentation Team dur
ing the All India Academic Festival (APOGEE) held annually in BITS, Pilani. This
served as an enlightening phase in which I had the rare opportunity to interact
with top notch students from all over India. I also take pride in describing my
self as an athlete having shown my sportsman skills leading teams through school

, under graduate years and in Honeywell.

Now, as an Engineer in the Innovation Research and Development Team in Honeywell
, I have associated myself with the challenging project based on a novel innovat
ion on Generic Modem Design with Bluetooth Capability for industrial communicati
on protocols (HART/FF/Profibus etc.). I have also been closely associated with r
eal time research in projects like Design of low cost RFID Systems where I direc
ted my focus in Antenna & Tag Design and also coding the Devices Drivers and Sof
tware API s for interaction with the RFID readers in the process of which I finall
y decided on RF Antenna, Devices Design as my research platform.
Having done an inspiring four year course work in electronics I would like to wa
ste no time in putting this knowledge garnered to pursue Masters in Electrical E
ngineering (With Thesis) and contribute to the research in RF and allied fields.
I have observed that the research work at your university is akin to my interes
ts. I am fully confident that my research experience combined with my unbounded
enthusiasm would enable me to contribute productively to the active research wor
k in your University. I am completely assured that the University will definitel
y help me in my pursuit for technical expertise.

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