Matt Schauerhamer Investigative Report

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Utah County Attorney's Office

Investigative Report
Case # 14CA00096

Date: 10/3/2014

Investigator: Sgt. Patty Johnston

Name: Matthew L. Schauerhamer
Saratoga Springs Police Department
Comments: Matthew Schauerhamer is a corporal with the Saratoga Springs Police Department.
On 9110/2014, Saratoga Springs Corporal Matt Schauerhamer and Officer Nick Judson were
involved in an officer involved shooting wherein Darrien Hunt was fatally wounded.
Both officers were interviewed in conjunction with the shooting. This report is a summary of the
interview with Corporal Schauerhamer. The audio recording of the interview serves as
Schauerhamer's official statement.
On the day of the incident, I was out of town conducting an interview and thus, was not involved
in the initial call-out. The day following the incident, UCAO Bureau Chief Jeff Robinson asked
Sgt. Richard Hales and me to interview the involved officers.
Sgt. Hales and I then contacted Schauerhamer's and Judson's attorneys and scheduled the
interviews. Schauerhamer was interviewed 9116/2014, while Judson was interviewed 9/18/2014.
On 9/16/2014, Sgt. Richard Hales and I interviewed Corporal Matthew Schauerhamer in the
Utah County Attorney's Office, Bureau of Investigations conference room. Schauerhamer's
attorney, Bret Rawson, was present for the interview. Prior to beginning the interview, I advised
all parties that the interview would be audio and video recorded.
I advised Schauerhamer that I needed to ensure that his participation in the interview was
voluntary, and not coerced or mandated by any party. Schauerhamer assured me that he was
voluntarily submitting to the interview.
Schauerhamer experience and qualifications: Schauerhamer began his employment with the
Saratoga Springs Police Department ("Saratoga") on 12/20/2009. He is currently a first line
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Report Released To: _GRAMA - 12/8/2014_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Utah County Attorney's Office

Investigative Report
supervisor (corporal), much like a sergeant designation in other agencies. Prior to working for
Saratoga, he worked for the American Fork Police Department. He began working for American
Fork PD on 5110/2006 until he was hired by Saratoga. He has no other law enforcement
Currently, Schauerhamer oversees the Field Training Officer (FTO) program and is a member of
the SWAT team. He is a Drug Recognition Expert (DRE), a DRE instructor, and a Field
Sobriety Test instructor. Schauerhamer worked JCAT for two years and is adept at authoring
search warrants.
Schauerhamer attends firearms training approximately every three months. Within the last six
months, he trained on Salt Lake County's shooting simulator. In the simulator, he faced threats
involving edged weapons as well as other scenarios.
Schauerhamer was on-duty at the time of the incident. He normally works graves or swings, but
was working day shift that day. Schauerhamer worked swing shift the night prior to the incident;
he checked on duty at 1800 hours and finished his shift at 2200 hours.
Schauerhamer went home and was in bed at 2230 hours. He then arose around 0430 hours the
following morning (Wednesday 9/10) and checked on duty at 0600 hours. Prior to the incident,
Schauerhamer wrote some traffic tickets and made an arrest.
Initial call and response: On 911012014, between 0930-0945 hours, Schauerhamer was in his
office with Detective Robinson experimenting with a bone mic they had hooked to
Schauerhamer's radio. They had the radio turned down low to see how high they could have the
volume without others being able to hear. As the volume was turned down, Schauerhamer heard
something barely audible regarding Officer Judson being dispatched to a call.
Schauerhamer pulled up his CAD and saw that the call involved "a guy with a Samurai sword"
walking down the street toward Wal-Mart. Schauerhamer felt the call was "kinda weird," so he
responded immediately to provide back-up for Judson. (Schauerhamer drove his marked police
vehicle and was in full police uniform.)
From the police department, Schauerhamer turned left onto SR 73, drove past McDonalds and
turned right onto Redwood Road. While heading north on Redwood Road, Schauerhamer saw a
male individual (later identified as Darrien Hunt) with a Samurai sword walking southbound on
the sidewalk on the west side of Redwood Road approaching the (east side) of Top Stop.
Schauerhamer then got on a "car-to-car" channel and told Judson that the subject, Hunt, was by
Top Stop and that he (Schauerhamer) had to tum around.
Schauerhamer went down to N. Commerce, made a U-turn and came back toward Top Stop.

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Supervisor Approval: _JLR_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Report Released To: _GRAMA - 12/8/2014_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Utah County Attorney's Office

Investigative Report
Judson pulled into Top Stop on the east side and parked at a "weird angle" as if he had stopped
to talk to the male.
Schauerhamer pulled into the Top Stop parking lot and saw Judson between twenty and forty
feet behind Hunt, walking briskly, trying to catch up. Schauerhamer observed Hunt walking
briskly (in front of the Top Stop) and a lady exiting the Top Stop, carrying a tray of drinks. The
lady was then walking right alongside Hunt. Schauerhamer initially thought Hunt was meeting
the lady (later identified as Christine Galanti). (See item #18.)
Schauerhamer pulled through the parking lot and decided to drive to catch up with Hunt. As
Schauerhamer drove through the parking lot (to the west side of Top Stop), the lady carrying the
drinks looked down, then looked over at Schauerhamer with a "worried" expression. She then
"peeled off' from Hunt. The lady continued to walk between Top Stop and Cypress Credit
Union; Schauerhamer believes Hunt cut through where the Top Stop vacuums are.
Schauerhamer pulled around in between the Cyprus Credit Union ATM stalls and the Top Stop
dumpster. (Schauerhamer was facing north, with the credit union to his left (west) and the Top
Stop to his right (east)).
As Schauerhamer exited his vehicle, Hunt was positioned on the passenger side of
Schauerhamer's vehicle. Hunt then "cut around the car" and ended up in front of the vehicle.
Judson arrived and was positioned just in front of the passenger side of Schauerhamer's vehicle.
The three then formed a "tactical L." (Schauerhamer was at the very front of the driver side of
the vehicle with Hunt three to four feet in front of him; Judson was three to four feet to Hunt's
Schauerhamer relayed that Hunt was not holding the sword, but rather had it affixed to his left
hip, possibly through a belt or somehow tied to him. The handle was at his hip with the blade
pointed behind him in a downward position.
SchauerhamerIHunt conversation: Hunt had earbuds in and had been presumably listening to
music, but removed them when he and Schauerhamer started talking. Hunt did not try to avoid
or elude Schauerhamer, but rather engaged in the following "casual," "everyday" conversation:
Schauerhamer to Hunt: "Hey, man. What's going on?"
Hunt: "I'm looking for a ride."
Schauerhamer: "Ok. Well hey, I need you to talk to you a sec. Do you mind setting your
Samurai sword on my car?"
(Schauerhamer told me, "He looked at me and just really weird" and responded in a "in a really,
really calm, just kind of disturbing voice: "I can't do that." Schauerhamer became emotional as
he relayed to me Hunt's response.)

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Report Released To: _GRAMA - 12/8/2014,_

_ _ _ _ _ __ __

Utah County Attorney's Office

Investigative Report
Hunt: "I can't do that."
Schauerhamer: "Why not?"
Hunt: "It's my sword."
Schauerhamer: "Ok. You can't just set your sword on the hood of my car for a second?"
(When the subject didn't want to give up the sword, "the hairs on the back of [Schauerhamer's]
neck were just standing on end and [he] knew something wasn't right." Schauerhamer didn't
know what to think about Hunt. He didn't know ifhe was "crazy" or just trying to "make a point
about 'open carry' with a sword." Schauerhamer told me they get calls on "open carry" guys all
the time, but he has never had an issue with them not being compliant.)
Schauerhamer: "So what are you doing?"
Hunt: "I'm looking for a ride to Orem."
Schauerhamer: Ok. Who's gonna give you a ride?"
Hunt: "Anybody."
Schauerhamer: "Huh. Well I can give you a ride to Orem."
(The reason Schauerhamer offered Hunt a ride was to ascertain what his intentions were with the
sword. In actuality, Schauerhamer did not intend to give Hunt a ride. When Schauerhamer
offered Hunt a ride, Hunt was "taken aback" for a sec and looked at Schauerhamer "weird" and
Schauerhamer: "But you gotta give me that sword."
Hunt: (something like) "Why can't I have the sword with me?" (Again, in that weird, calm
voice): "It's my sword."
Schauerhamer laughed and said, "Well, you're gonna be in the back of a police car, man. You
can't have a sword with you."
Assault with the sword, shots fired, and foot pursuit: Schauerhamer was again emotional and
told me it was at that point that Hunt "just went for it." Schauerhamer stated, "It was extremely
fast. It was extremely violent. When I saw about a foot of the sword come out of the sheath, I
knew that he was forcing our hands, forcing my hand."

As Hunt drew the sword and ''jumped'' at Judson, Schauerhamer drew his gun "as fast as [he]
could" and fired two or three rounds. He then heard Judson fire one round which sounded like a
"soft pop." Schauerhamer relayed that all the shots sounded "super silent."
Because of how "fast" and "violent" Hunt drew the sword, Schauerhamer was "one hundred
percent" certain Hunt's only intention was to harm them.
Because Hunt was turned toward Judson when Schauerhamer fired his first round, Schauerhamer
believed the round hit Hunt on the right side of his back (approximately three inches to the right
of his armpit). Hunt then ran (easterly) between the carwash and the dumpster wall.
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Supervisor Approval: _JLR_

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Report Released To: _GRAMA - 12/8/2014_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Utah County Attorney's Office

Investigative Report
Schauerhamer was confused as to how Hunt was running when he (Schauerhamer) had just shot
As Schauerhamer was "lining up more shots," everything on the sides" of Schauerhamer' s vision
went really "blurry," but he was still able to see that there were cars directly behind Hunt. As
such, Schauerhamer was unable to fire more rounds from his location.
Schauerhamer ran after Hunt, thinking, "I've got to stop this guy!" Initially, Schauerhamer was
approximately thirty feet behind Hunt. As Schauerhamer pursued Hunt, he (Schauerhamer)
noticed Hunt was "running weird," "kind of tilted forward." Schauerhamer didn't know if Hunt
was holding up his pants or ifhe had been shot.
Schauerhamer and Hunt continued running (east) between the Top Stop and the Panda Express
(located just north of Top Stop). (There is a bed of large river rocks between Top Stop and
Panda Express.) As Hunt was going over the river rocks, Schauerhamer radioed that shots had
been fired and yelled at Judson, "Come on!"
Schauerhamer ran as fast as he could and began crossing the river rocks as Hunt was coming out
of the rocks and into the parking lot. Schauerhamer yelled, "Stop!" in a pleading manner in
hopes that Hunt would stop. (Hunt did not stop.) Schauerhamer did not shoot while they were
north of Top Stop because he would have been shooting into a congested Redwood Road.
Judson was following the pursuit, trying to catch up to Schauerhamer. Judson did not fire more
rounds because Schauerhamer was between Judson and Hunt. (Investigator's note: Officer
Judson disclosed in his interview that he tripped while trying to cross the river rocks, and thus,
fell significantly behind in the pursuit. See item #3-1.)
(Investigator's note: As Hunt ran north on the east side of Panda Express, Schauerhamer fired
one round. Video from Panda Express shows Schauerhamer fire one round and one spent shell
casing from Schauerhamer's gun was found in the vicinity. Schauerhamer does not recall firing
this round.)
Hunt then ran around the north side of Panda Express (headed west). As Schauerhamer rounded
Panda Express in pursuit, he closed within ten to fifteen feet of Hunt. Schauerhamer then
thought to himself, "This is the shot. I've got to take it now." Schauerhamer knew there were a
lot of people in the Wal-Mart parking lot (in the direction they were headed). However, the
ground leading into the parking lot "rises," giving Schauerhamer a "backstop."
Schauerhamer told me, "I lined up my shots again and these ones I could almost see hitting him.
"Pop- pop- pop." (Schauerhamer reported he fired three or four shots as fast as he could trigger
reset. All were "good shots.")

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Supervisor Approval: _JLR'--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Report Released To: _GRAMA - 12/8/2014_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Utah County Attorney's Office

Investigative Report
Hunt then went from a "dead sprint" to "sliding" across the sidewalk. The sword went flying up
to his left, about five or six feet away from his body. The sheath went out into the parking lot
approximately four to five feet. Hunt landed face up with his pants down around his knees.
Schauerhamer does not believe anyone touched or moved the sword or sheath from the original
location where they landed.
Schauerhamer caught up to Hunt as he hit the ground. Schauerhamer said he took a "big, deep
breath" and everything came back into focus and "opened up again." Schauerhamer grabbed
Hunt's left hand to feel for a pulse and said to Hunt something to the effect, "Why did you make
me do that?" or "Why'd you do that, man?" Judson arrived shortly after Hunt went down.
Initially, Hunt had a pulse and was making "weird sounds." Schauerhamer called for EMS and a
helicopter. He also advised dispatch that Hunt's condition was very critical. As Schauerhamer
held Hunt's wrist, it was apparent he was losing Hunt's pulse and he knew there was no way
Hunt was going to live. Schauerhamer continued to hold Hunt's wrist "until the life went out of
him." Hunt made "one twitch" and Schauerhamer knew Hunt was gone. (Neither Schauerhamer
or Judson performed other lifesaving measures as it was apparent Hunt was deceased.)
Immediately post-shooting: Schauerhamer asked dispatch to contact the on-call detective and
the OIS protocol team and to send additional units to set up a perimeter. He gave some locations
for perimeter establishment and started thinking about preservation of evidence such as video
from Top Stop and Cyprus Credit Union.
Schauerhamer then waited for what "seemed like forever" for the sirens get closer. When the
medics arrived, Schauerhamer said he was "pissed" because they walked over to Hunt rather
than running and "getting all amped up." One medic came over and hooked Hunt up to
machines. One asked Schauerhamer where Hunt had been shot; Schauerhamer replied Hunt had
been shot in the back. The medic gave Schauerhamer a weird look, like he was surprised Hunt
was shot in the back.
Saratoga Corporal Taylor directed Officer Nate Harward to take Schauerhamer to the office and
to refrain from talking him. Officer Nick Stidham was instructed to take Judson back to the
office. Taylor told Stidham to put Schauerhamer and Judson in separate rooms and to not allow
them to talk to each other. Schauerhamer was then taken to the Saratoga Springs Police
Department and waited in his office.
I asked Schauerhamer several clarification questions. My questions and his responses are as

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Report Released To: _GRAMA - 12/812014 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Utah County Attorney's Office

Investigative Report
Hunt's demeanor: I asked Schauerhamer to describe Hunt's demeanor during the initial
contact. Schauerhamer noted Hunt was "eerily calm" and the "calmness and the oddness of his
voice" led Schauerhamer to believe Hunt was "a bit detached."
Schauerhamer said both he and Hunt were "super calm," and that he (Schauerhamer) was just
"FI-ing a guy walking down the street who just happened to be carrying a Samurai sword."
Hunt was not combative or argumentative; he just didn't want to give Schauerhamer his sword.
Hunt didn't want to put it on the car and didn't want it "travelling away from him" in the car.
Past interaction with Hunt: I asked Schauerhamer if he had had any prior interaction with
Darrien Hunt. Schauerhamer was not sure. He said he talked with a group of kids at McDonalds
one night and that Hunt may have been with that group.
I told Schauerhamer that Saratoga police officers have had dealings with Hunt and his family.
Schauerhamer did not know anyone had dealt with Hunt's family and didn't even know Hunt
was from Saratoga.
Sgt. Hales then advised Schauerhamer that (in March 2013) Schauerhamer had impounded
Hunt's vehicle for expired registration. Schauerhamer had noted in his police report that Hunt's
mother had called him a "racist" for impounding the car (see item #5-8). Hales gave
Schauerhamer and Mr. Rawson a copy of the police report to peruse. Schauerhamer read the
report and stated he had no recollection of this incident.
Threat level: Schauerhamer reported that initially, the threat level was simply a heightened
awareness due to Hunt having a sword, consistent with someone who is open carry. However,
the threat went from casual conversation to "scary as possible" and "faster than [he] could
fathom." Schauerhamer stated, "We went from like zero miles an hour to a hundred and twenty
miles an hour like (snapped fingers) instantly."
Verbalization: I asked Schauerhamer if he verbalized anything to Hunt as he unsheathed the
sword. Schauerhamer's best recollection is that neither he, nor Hunt, nor Judson said anything as
Hunt unsheathed the sword.
Following the initial, brief conversation between Schauerhamer and Hunt, the only verbalization
from any of the three involved occurred when Schauerhamer yelled at Hunt to "Stop!" on the
south side of Panda Express. Nothing was verbalized on the north side of Panda Express until
Hunt was shot and went down.
Sword description: Schauerhamer described the sword as a black Katana (Samurai sword),
with a black handle, silver blade, and approximately three feet in length.
While still not perfectly clear in his mind, Schauerhamer believes Hunt held the sword in his
right hand. It only makes sense to Schauerhamer that the sword was in Hunt's right hand.
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Investigative Report
Schauerhamer relayed that the sword was whipping back and forth in Hunt's hand while he was
running. Hunt never sheathed the sword after he drew it and lunged at Judson; the sword was
"flailing around" the whole time Hunt ran.
Impairment: I asked Schauerhamer if he believed Hunt was chemically impaired. While
Schauerhamer wasn't looking for indicators of impairment, no clinical indicators of impairment
were readily apparent. Hunt just struck Schauerhamer as being "odd," "a little bit off," and
"detached. "
Available options: I asked Schauerhamer what devices were available to him during the
incident. He replied he had only his hands and a gun. Schauerhamer explained his taser is not
working. When it was working, it gave him cysts on his back so he doesn't wear a taser
anymore. Schauerhamer stated that even if he had a taser, he would not have deployed it "in a
billion years."
In his car, Schauerhamer had an M4 and a less lethal shotgun with beanbag rounds. However, he
did not feel it was appropriate to bring either of those weapons with him simply to "F.I."
someone. I asked Schauerhamer what hand he shoots with. He replied he shoots right handed.
Duration of incident: In regard to the duration of the incident, Schauerhamer perceived that he
and Hunt may have conversed for a minute. Then everything went in fast forward and seemed
"time warped." He said the incident was very fast and felt like two seconds, although in reality,
he guessed it was approximately fifteen seconds.
Motion toward Judson: I asked Schauerhamer for clarification on the motion Hunt made with
the sword toward Judson. Schauerhamer explained that when Hunt "whipped" the sword out, it
was all toward Judson because that's the way Hunt was facing. Schauerhamer could only
describe Hunt's motion as "jumping" with the sword toward Judson.
I asked Schauerhamer if he ever believed Hunt was going to attack him. Schauerhamer replied
he was scared for himself, but he was more scared for Judson. Schauerhamer doesn't remember
stepping back or even flinching. He just remembers trying to protect Judson.
Deadly force: I asked Schauerhamer when he was last trained on the use of deadly force. He
replied he is trained on deadly force every time he has firearms. He estimated the last time was
three to six months ago.
Regarding Schauerhamer's understanding of when deadly force is permitted, he explained that a
police officer can use deadly force if there is an imminent threat of serious bodily injury or death
being inflicted on someone or if an officer is trying to effect an arrest or detention and delaying
such, would put the public at risk for serious bodily injury or death. In addition, deadly force is

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Supervisor Approval: _JLR"_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Report Released To: _GRAMA - 12/8/2014_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Utah County Attorney's Office

Investigative Report
pennitted if someone committed a felony involving the threat or infliction of serious bodily
injury or death.
Justifications of rounds: I told Schauerhamer that I needed to understand his justification for
each round he fired. I asked, "When you fired the two or three rounds at the first location, did
you feel like your life was in danger?" Schauerhamer replied, "Yeah. Mine and Judson's.
Judson's especially."
I asked if he perceived anyone else's life was in danger. Schauerhamer explained he fired as fast
as possible and then ran after Hunt so he couldn't get to anyone else.
I asked, "Was the use of deadly force at this location your only option?" Schauerhamer replied,
"Absolutely. One hundred percent." I asked, "Why"? He explained, "He had a sword and it was
so fast and so violent ... It was so fast and so violent that that was the only option. It was either
him or us."
I asked, "When you fired your shots here (2 nd location), was your life in danger?" He replied,
"Oh absolutely. I was ten, fifteen feet away from him and all he had to do was tum around and it
was back on again."
I asked Schauerhamer if he felt other lives were in danger. He answered, "Yeah. All I could
think about as I was chasing him was stopping him before he got back to people." He referred to
the people at Wal-Mart and the lady with the drinks. He relayed that "she was kind of the face to
it all."
I asked Schauerhamer if deadly force was his only option at that point. He replied, "Yeah. One
hundred percent." When I asked him why, he explained, "Ifhe'd turned around, we'd have been
so close that I would have had to shoot him again and if he kept going this way, I was going to
lose my shot and I mean, I had to shoot him there. There was no way around it. I couldn't keep
letting him run around with a 'frickin' sword."
(Earlier in the interview, Schauerhamer told me that as he was running, he knew he couldn't let
Hunt get away. Mr. Rawson asked, "Why? What were you worried about?" Schauerhamer
replied that when he hit the comer and came around Panda, all he could think about was the
people in the Wal-Mart parking lot. (Wal-Mart is just northwest of Panda.)
Schauerhamer was also concerned that Hunt would tum the (northwest) comer of Panda (and
head south), leading him back to the area of the lady with the drinks who had exited Top Stop.
In addition, Top Stop is a highly congested area. Schauerhamer stated, "I was worried he was
gonna come around and hack the first person he saw.")

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Supervisor Approval: _JL R,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Report Released To: _GRAMA-12/8/2014_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Utah County Attorney's Office

Investigative Report
Firearm and equipment: The gun Schauerhamer fired was his department issued Glock with a
regular capacity magazine. Schauerhamer reported he fills his magazines to capacity. However,
if he puts down an animal, he may not top off his magazine. However, he is "almost 100%
positive" his magazine was full.
Schauerhamer did not reload at any time during the incident. The only attachment on his gun is
a tac light. Schauerhamer's gun has never malfunctioned.
After Schauerhamer fired his first rounds, he did not holster his weapon until the incident had
concluded. As soon as the incident concluded, Schauerhamer holstered his firearm and left in
the holster until Officer Jeremy Wright took it from him at the police department.

In regard to other equipment, I asked Schauerhamer about the cell phone and the magazine found
by the rock bed. He replied that following the incident, he realized he was missing the two items
off his gun belt, but had no idea what happened to them. He was not aware he had lost the items
while he was running.
Recording devices: Schauerhamer does not have an in-car camera or any other recording device
in his vehicle. Most of the Saratoga police vehicles do have an in-car camera, but
Schauerhamer's vehicle is new and has not yet been fitted with a camera.
Schauerhamer has a lapel camera, but it is broken so he does not use it. On occasion,
Schauerhamer will use his personal smart phone to record stops like a DUI or a domestic
violence call. Schauerhamer did not even think to record the incident in question and did not
take any photos during or following the incident.
Accusations of racism: Schauerhamer relayed he had read media accounts regarding the
incident which accused him of being racist. Schauerhamer denied the shooting had anything to
do with race and stated that "a white guy would have been just as dead." Schauerhamer called
assertions in the media that he is racist, "ridiculous."
Schauerhamer state of mind: Schauerhamer did not consume any alcohol in at least 24 hours
prior to the incident and does not take any prescription medications. He wears contact lenses for
vision correction and was wearing them at the time of the shooting.
Prior to the shooting, Schauerhamer had no major stressors in his life. He has had no recent
disciplinary problems at work. This is the first shooting Schauerhamer has been involved in.
Prior to being interviewed, Schauerhamer talked to no one about the incident other than his wife,
his attorney, and his ecclesiastical leader.

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Supervisor Approval: _JLR,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __

Report Released To: _GRAMA - 12/8/2014_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __

Utah County Attorney's Office

Investigative Report

Utah County Attorney's Office

Diagram 1 Sketch

Case Name

H-vCVT 0 :(:.5

Case #


Time _ __


UCAO 2008 i{evised

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JLR_ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ __

Report Released To: _GRAMA - 12/8/2014 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Utah County Attorney's Office

Investigative Report

At my request, Schauerhamer completed the following diagram:

On the far right of the diagram, Schauerhamer drew and labeled "Redwood Rd." The red "x"
with the arrow pointing south indicates Hunt's location and direction of travel when
Schauerhamer first saw him.
Schauerhamer drew a rectangle with an arrow pointed in a northeasterly direction and labeled it
"My Vehicle." It is located between Cyprus Credit Union and the carwash. The blue box to the
south ofthe car wash is the Top Stop vacuums.
There are three dots in front of Schauerhamer's vehicle marked "Me", "Suspect", and "Judson."
These dots represent the positioning of the three when the conversation and assault occurred.
Schauerhamer is on the front edge of the driver side and approximately three to four feet in front
of Hunt. Judson is approximately three to four feet to the left of Hunt.
The blue line with arrows represents the path Hunt ran.
dumpster, across the river rocks and around Panda Express.

He ran on the south side of the

The red dot shows where Schauerhamer was when he began running. The red line shows the
path Schauerhamer ran as he pursued Hunt.
The red "x" on the south side of the river rocks indicates Schauerhamer's position when he
radioed dispatch, advising "shots fired."
The red "x" on the north side of the river rocks shows where Schauerhamer was when he yelled,
Hunt and Schauerhamer both ran around the north side of Panda Express.
indicates Schauerhamer' position when he fired three or four shots at Hunts.

The red arrow

The last blue arrow and blue figure on the north side of Panda Express shows where Hunt was
when he went down.
The blue line to the west of the blue figure is the location of the sword after Hunt went down.
The blue line to the north of the blue figure indicates where the sheath landed in the parking lot.

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Supervisor Approval:

_JLR~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Report Released To: _GRAMA-12/8/2014_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Utah County Attorney's Office

Investigative Report
Summary: Saratoga Springs Corporal Matt Schauerhamer and Officer Nick Judson responded
to a complaint of a man, later identified as Darrien Hunt, walking down the sidewalk in a
congested area carrying a Samurai sword.
After a very brief, casual conversation between Schauerhamer and Hunt, Hunt unsheathed the
Samurai sword without warning and swung it a Judson. Schauerhamer instinctively drew his
gun and fired three rounds at Hunt. Judson fired one round. (Schauerhamer believed he fired
two or three rounds. Evidence shows he fired three.)
Hunt then fled on foot from the officers. Schauerhamer pursued Hunt in attempt to stop him
before he could harm anyone. Schauerhamer sincerely believed, if he did not stop Hunt, an
innocent person(s) would be seriously hurt or killed.
Schauerhamer fired one round at Hunt on the east side of Panda Express and three rounds on the
north side of Panda Express. Hunt collapsed on the pavement and was pronounced dead at the
scene. (Schauerhamer believes he fired three or four rounds on the north side. Evidence shows
he fired three rounds.)

Appropriate emotion: Several times throughout the interview, Schauerhamer became

emotional. He was especially emotional: 1) when he talked about seeing the first foot of the
sword coming out of the sheath as Hunt was unsheathing the sword and 2) when he talked about
the assault on Judson. It is evident Schauerhamer truly feared for Judson's life.
Schauerhamer stated in the interview that he believes "one hundred percent" that he did what he
had to do and that his actions potentially saved lives.

(Investigator's note on interview and report format: Sgt. Richard Hales and I use the
Cognitive Interview format for our interviews with the involved officers. Schauerhamer was
asked to give a free recall of the incident. We then asked clarification questions as
Schauerhamer completed the diagram. Lastly, we reviewed relevant questions from a checklist
to ensure all aspects of the incident were covered.
For purpose of clarity and succinctness, this report was written in a chronological fashion from
information gleaned from all aspects of the interview. It is not written according to when it was
disclosed during the course of the interview.)
The video of the interview is located in the case file, #2-5.

Page 13


Supervisor Approval: _ l LR'-----_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __
Report Released To: _GRAMA - 12/8/2014_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Utah County Attorney's Office

Investigative Report

Page 14



Supervisor Approval: _

JLRO-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Report Released To: _GRAMA-12/8/2014_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

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