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Utah County Attorneys Office

Summary Report
Case #


Date: 11/14/2014

Investigator: Jeff Robinson

Name: Darrien N. Hunt
Comments: Spillman #722969, Hunt was shot and killed after lunging at a police
officer with a samurai sword.

Name: Corporal Matthew L. Schauerhamer
Comments: Spillman #217840, Corporal Schauerhamer is a police officer with
the Saratoga Springs Police Department. He was involved as a shooter in this

Name: Officer Nicholas E. Judson
Comments: Spillman #275688, Officer Judson is a police officer with the
Saratoga Springs Police Department. He was involved as a shooter in this case.

Name: Elizabeth Jones
Comments: Spillman #848799, Jones observed Hunt acting erratically in the neighborhood a
couple of days before the shooting.

Name: Jill Siddoway
Comments: Spillman #848799, Siddoway observed Hunt swinging the sword in her

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Supervisor Approval: _______________________JR______________________________
Report Released To: ___GRAMA 12/8/2014


Utah County Attorneys Office

Summary Report
Name: Preston Blonquist
Comments: Spillman #593903, Mr. Blonquist observed Hunt at a stop sign located at Hillcrest
Road and Redwood Road. He was holding out the sword with both hands as if he was giving it
to someone. Blonquist thought this was strange behavior.
Name: Steven Spencer
Comments: Spillman #103166, Mr. Spencer observed Hunt walking along the Redwood Rd.
with a samurai sword and called 911.
Name: Jade Hardle
Comments: Spillman #633125, Ms. Hardle Drove past Hunt on Redwood Rd. She observed his
Name: John Serenita
Comments: Spillman #839894, Mr. Serenita observed Hunt carrying a sword a block north of
Pam Barnes
Comments: Spillman #422100, Ms. Barnes stopped at a light on Redwood Rd. She stated Hunt
walked in front of her car. She thought he was hiding a stick behind his back.
Name: Maya Herrera
Comments: Spillman #677908, Ms. Herrera observed Hunt walking with a sword.
Name: Natalie Christensen
Comments: Spillman #344645, Ms. Christen observed Hunt walking on Redwood Rd., with a
sword and took three pictures of him with the sword.

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Utah County Attorneys Office

Summary Report
Name: Thad Cole
Comments: Spillman #88870, Mr. Cole observed Hunt walking next to Redwood Rd., with a
Name: Cody Pilcher
Comments: Spillman #385461, Mr. Pilcher observed Hunt walking next to Redwood Rd., with a
sword, and in front of Top Stop. Mr. Pilcher felt Hunt was walking with a purpose and
something was going to happen.
Name: Christine Galanti
Comments: Spillman #505376, Ms. Galanti walked out of Top Stop with drinks. She saw Hunt
with earphones, and heard Hunt ask officers for a ride.
Name: Michael Hunting
Comments: Spillman #839933, Mr. Hunting observed Hunt speaking with officers. He heard
shots and saw Hunt running from officers with a sword in hand.
Name: Codi Butterfield
Comments: Spillman #145870, Butterfield observed Hunt speaking to a police officer next to a
car wash. She next heard yelling and two or three gunshots. She did not see anyone shoot.
Name: Jocelyn Hansen
Comments: Spillman #838803, Ms. Hansen saw Hunt in front of Top Stop; she saw Hunt
speaking with officers and took a picture. She heard gunshots and saw officers chase Hunt with
guns drawn. She saw Hunt with two sticks in his hand, and later saw him laying on the ground at

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Utah County Attorneys Office

Summary Report
Name: Melanie Wride
Comments: Spillman #A18918, Ms. Wride observed Hunt in front of Top Stop with a samurai
sword. She saw Hunt speaking with officers and then take the sword out of the sheath and swing
the sword at the officers mid section. Officers chased Hunt firing their weapons.
Name: Leonard John Zogg
Comments: Spillman #755843, Mr. Zogg observed Hunt speaking with officers. He saw Hunt
draw his sword and either swing or stab it toward the interviewing officer. He observed officers
shoot at Hunt as he ran away from them.
Name: Kimberly Zundel
Comments: Spillman #639253, Ms. Zundel saw Hunt in front of Top Stop; she later heard gun
shots and officers running.
Name: Orson Ludvigson
Comments: Spillman #A57899, Mr. Ludvigson observed Hunt speaking with officers, saw
officers shoot and heard gunshots. He saw Hunt running funny as if he had been hit.
Name: Zina Watt
Comments: Spillman #386919, Ms. Watt heard two or three gunshots and observed Hunt
running. She also observed an officer shoot at Hunt while they were running. She saw Hunt
laying on the ground.
Name: Cody Jewkes
Comments: Spillman #811259, Mr. Jewkes works for OReilly and reported seeing one officer
fire two rounds at Hunt by Panda.
Name: Paul Cook
Comments: Spillman #544633, Mr. Cook observed Hunt with a samurai sword speaking with
officers. He saw Hunt running from officers and gunshots. He observed Hunt falling to the
ground at Panda.
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Utah County Attorneys Office

Summary Report
Name: Kenneth Brian Pedockie
Comments: Spillman #207488, Mr Pedockie heard gunshots and saw Hunt laying on the
ground. He did not see what happened.
Name: Roxie Hunt
Comments: Spillman #574073, Ms. Hunt heard gunshots and saw a police officer standing next
to Hunt. She asserted she was harassed by the Hunt family.
Name: Donald Montoya
Comments: Spillman #798477, Mr. Montoya was outside of Wal-mart when he heard three
gunshots, a pause, and then two or three more shots.
Name: Brandon Monson
Comments: Spillman #180466, Mr. Monson was outside of Wal-mart when he heard three
gunshots and then another two shots.
Name: Taryn Hunt
Comments: Spillman #722900, Taryn Hunt is Hunts sister. She reported Hunt wasnt as right
in the head as everyone else. She said drugs caused Hunt to lose sight of reality. She related no
one wanted Hunt living at home.
Name: Alyia Hunt
Comments: Spillman #779595, Alyia Hunt is Hunts sister. She stated Hunt had been acting
weird for the last year. He used acid a couple of weeks prior to his death and burned pictures
of Jesus.
Name: Kerahn Jedadiah KJ Hunt
Comments: Spillman #773762, KJ Hunt is Hunts brother, he observed Hunt playing with his
sword the morning of the shooting. He believed Hunt to be crazy.

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Utah County Attorneys Office

Summary Report
Name: Susan Hunt
Comments: Spillman #641317, Susan Hunt is Hunts mother. She said KJ called her the
morning of the shooting and stated Hunt had his sword and was acting like he was going to cut
down a tree. Hunt told his mother he was God.
Name: Harley Humes
Comments: Spillman #485090, Ms. Humes dated Hunt one time, he became obsessive, and sent
her very odd texts that didnt make any sense. She felt he had some mental issues.
Name: Eric Young
Comments: Spillman #570372, Young is a UHP Trooper and attends the same church
congregation as Hunt.
Name: Haylee Young
Comments: Spillman #563743, Young is Eric Youngs wife. She gave investigators
background involving the Hunt family.
Name: Lucas Topham
Comments: Spillman #S53561, Topham reported he attempted to help Hunt at his church.
Topham said Susan Hunt told him Hunt had a crazy side, and that she feared for him.
Name: Lori Boysun
Comments: Spillman #495669, Ms. Boysun posted on Facebook that her neighbor told her that
she saw Hunt swinging his sword in the neighborhood prior to Hunt being shot.
Name: Waka Barrett
Comments: Spillman #282706, Barrett observed Hunt walking on Redwood Road with a
samurai sword.

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Utah County Attorneys Office

Summary Report
Name: Kei Tunufai
Comments: Spillman #841743, Tunufai is a Wal-mart employee. He observed Hunt running,
acting odd, and believes it was before the shooting. He asserts there was no prejudice or race
Name: Andrew Scivally
Comments: Spillman #B63922, Mr. Scivally was Hunts supervisor at E-Learning.
Name: Pat Barnum
Comments: Spillman #357201, Barnum was interviewed and appeared to arrive at the scene
after the shooting. He did not witness any of the events leading up to the shooting. He appeared
confused in reference to many of the facts.
Name: Dr. Pam Ulmer
Comments: Deputy Medical Examiner who performed Hunts autopsy
Name: Cory Manis
Comments: Spillman #478406, Manis was one of the first officers to arrive on scene. He helped
cordon off the crime scene and began a crime scene log.
Name: Zachary Robinson
Comments: Spillman #270238, Robinson was also one of the first officers to arrive on the
scene. He was assigned to do the parallel investigation for Saratoga Springs.
Name: Chad Pate
Comments: Spillman #841070, Pate is employed with Saratoga Spring Fire Department. He
went to the scene to assist.

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Utah County Attorneys Office

Summary Report
Name: Nate Harward
Comments: Spillman #335700, Saratoga Springs police officer who responded and transported
one of the involved officers.
Name: Bill Loveridge
Comments: Loveridge responded and assisted the Officer Involved Task Force.
Name: Corey Nye
Comments: Spillman #246300, Nye is a UHP Trooper who responded to the scene to assist.
Name: Jeremy Wright
Comments: Spillman #420412, Saratoga Springs police officer who assisted with photographing
the officers and securing their weapons.
Name: Shane Taylor
Comments: Spillman #497019, Taylor is a Saratoga Springs police officer who assumed
Incident Command at the scene.
Name: Matt Rider
Comments: Spillman #91279, Rider is from the Saratoga Springs Fire Department.
responded to the scene.


Name: Blaine Coombs
Comments: Spillman #128094, Coombs is from the Saratoga Springs Fire Department. He
responded to the scene.
Name: Brian Cullen
Comments: Spillman #606131, Cullen responded to the scene as a member of the Saratoga
Springs Fire Department.

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Utah County Attorneys Office

Summary Report
Name: Jerry Lund
Comments: Spillman #21076, Lund is from the Saratoga Springs Fire Department.
responded to the scene.


Name: Jeff Robinson
Comments: Spillman #S94556, Robinson is the Incident Commander of the Task Force.
Name: Scott Finch
Comments: Spillman #B47077, Finch was assigned as the Crime Scene Manager and is a
member of the Task Force.
Name: Patty Johnston
Comments: Spillman #85861, Johnston is a Task Force member who assisted with witness
Name: Mark DellErgo
Comments: Spillman #A6894, DellErogo is a Task Force member who attended the autopsy
and assisted at the crime scene.

Name: Richard Hales
Comments: Spillman #234650, Hales is a Task Force member who assisted with witness

Name: Greg Knapp
Comments: Spillman #A3962, Knapp is a Task Force member who assisted at the crime scene
and with witness interviews.

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Utah County Attorneys Office

Summary Report
Name: Chelsea Crawford
Comments: Spillman #10942, Crawford assisted with organizing interviews at the Saratoga
Springs Police Department. She is a paralegal with the UCAO.
Name: Alena Allred
Comments: Spillman #746399, Allred assisted Sgt. Finch at the crime scene.
Name: Dave Ventrano
Comments: Ventrano is a Task Force member who assisted with witness interviews.

Name: Toby Petersen
Comments: Spillman #A61341, Petersen is a Task Force member who assisted with witness
Name: Sean Ferrell
Comments: Spillman #18072, Ferrell from Lehi Police Department, assisted with interviewing
Name: Chad Ray
Comments: Spillman #A50685, Ray assisted with interviewing witnesses.

Name: Bart Kirkham
Comments: Spillman # 17821, Kirkham assisted with interviewing witnesses.

Name: Jeff Swenson
Comments: Spillman #A949, Swenson assisted with interviewing witnesses.

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Report Released To: ___GRAMA 12/8/2014


Utah County Attorneys Office

Summary Report
Name Robert Sager
Comments: Spillman #A36083, Sager assisted with interviewing witnesses.

Name: Sam Liddiard
Comments: Spillman #A479, Liddiard is a Task Force member who assisted with witness

Name: Josh Stilson
Comments: Spillman #151226, Stilson is a Task Force member who assisted with witness

Name: Jim Miller
Comments: Miller assisted with interviewing witnesses. He is from SBI

Name: Brian Davis
Comments: Davis is a member of the Task Force and he assisted in interviewing witnesses. He
is from SBI.
Name: Tanner Jensen
Comments: Jensen assisted with interviewing witnesses. He is from SBI.

Name: Roy Conteras
Comments: Conteras assisted in interviewing witnesses. He is from SBI.

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Utah County Attorneys Office

Summary Report
Name: Stephen Esplin
Comments: Esplin assisted in interviewing witnesses. He is from SBI.
Name: Wade Raab
Comments: Spillman #A3732, Raab is a Task Force member who assisted with witness
Name: Naomi Sandoval
Comments: Spillman #700661, Sandoval is a Task Force member who assisted with witness
Name: Jason Randall
Comments: Randall is a Task Force member who assisted with witness interviews.
Name: Doug Eastman
Comments: Eastman is a Task Force member who assisted with witness interviews.
Name: Scott Dibble
Comments: Spillman #808665, Dibble is a Task Force member who assisted with witness
Name: Tyler Duncan
Comments: Duncan is a Task Force member who assisted with witness interviews.
Name: Dave Oliver
Comments: Spillman #297285, Oliver is a Task Force member who assisted with witness

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Utah County Attorneys Office

Summary Report
Name: Doug Squire
Comments: Spillman #528862, Squire is a Task Force member and assisted with the crime
Name: Lee Fox
Comments: Spillman #S37800, Fox is a Task Force member and assisted with the crime scene.
Name: Kelly Heward
Comments: Heward is a Task Force member and assisted with the crime scene.
On September 10, 2014, at approximately 9:40 A.M. Officer Judson was dispatched to a
suspicious person walking in the area of Redwood Road and West Harvest Hills Blvd, south
towards Wal-Mart, in Saratoga Springs, Utah. This person was allegedly carrying a samurai
sword. Judson found Darrien Hunt walking near the Top Stop store with a samurai sword and
exited his vehicle. Judson began walking quickly behind Hunt to catch up with him. Cpl.
Schauerhamer responded to the call to back Judson.
The officers caught up with Hunt between the Cypress Credit Union and Top Stop. The
officers began speaking with Hunt and requested he place the sword on Schauerhamers vehicle.
Schauerhamer offered to give Hunt a ride to where he wanted to go. Hunt refused to relinquish
control of the sword. At some point in the conversation, Hunt drew the samurai sword from the
sheath and jumped or lunged toward Schauerhamer swinging the sword. Both officers drew
their handguns and shot at Hunt fearing for their safety and for the safety of the citizens around
them as Hunt turned and ran.
Hunt fled from the scene running to the northeast and around Panda Express on the
eastside. On the eastside of Panda Express, Schauerhamer fired another shot at Hunt. Hunt
continued fleeing to the northwest side of the Panda restaurant. Schauerhamer again fired his
handgun in pursuit of Hunt concerned he was going to hurt unwary citizens in the parking lot or
at the Wal-mart store which was close by. Hunt was fatally wounded and died at the scene.
(Note For a thorough chronology of events and their timing, read Sgt. Finchs crime scene
report, Item #1-2)

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Report Released To: ___GRAMA 12/8/2014


Utah County Attorneys Office

Summary Report
Elizabeth Jones
Jones reported she believed she observed Hunt on September 8, 2014, two days prior to
the shooting. Jones described the individual as black with an afro style hair; he was wearing low
rider jeans with a tank top shirt; he wasnt too big; and he appeared to be somewhere in his
teens. As Jones exited the LDS Stake Center on Saratoga Road, at about 2:30 P.M., she heard
this man yelling in a loud voice. She observed him waving and swinging his arms. Jones was
unable to understand what this individual was saying, but she felt the behavior was unusual and
it frightened her.
Jones quickly got into her vehicle and locked the doors. As she drove out of the church
parking lot, she felt uneasy because this mans behavior was erratic and she believed he may
have been on drugs.
When the shooting occurred on September 10th, she saw Hunts picture in the media.
Jones was eighty-five percent sure the individual she observed on September 8th, was the same
individual. (Note See Item #58-1, to review her 1102 statement; and Item #58-2, to read her
interview report)
Witness Kerahn Jedadiah KJ Hunt
KJ Hunt is the brother of Hunt; he is also autistic. KJ reported he woke up about 8:00
A.M. on September 10, 2014, and observed Hunt in the backyard playing with KJs sword. KJ
described the sword as a Katana metal sword approximately three feet long. He said the sword
was dull, but it could hurt someone if you swung it. KJ took the sword away from Hunt and
placed it in his room. Later he observed Hunt go into his room and then leave. KJ realized Hunt
had again taken his sword from his room. He called his mother worried and upset with Hunt for
taking his sword. KJ also told his mother that Hunt was swinging the sword like he was going to
cut down a tree. (Note See Item 25-2, to read Susan Hunts description of KJs phone call with
KJ also related that his mother was going to kick Hunt out of the house because he didnt
have a job. KJ said Hunt told his mother a couple of days before the shooting that she didnt
need to worry about him getting a job. (Note See Item #24-1, to listen to KJs interview; and
Item 24-2, to read KJs interview report)

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Supervisor Approval: _______________________JR______________________________
Report Released To: ___GRAMA 12/8/2014


Utah County Attorneys Office

Summary Report
Witness Jill Siddoway
Siddoway reported that on September 10, 2014, at approximately 9:00 A.M., she was in
American Fork, dropping off her children at Odyssey Charter School. After dropping her
children off, she stopped at Target and then returned home. As she was approaching her home
she saw Hunt walking along the sidewalk, across the street from an LDS Chapel that is located at
2181 North Harvest Moon Drive.
Siddoway described Hunt as wearing a red shirt, black pants, and his hair pulled back.
As Hunt was walking she observed him swinging a sword back and forth across the center of his
body. The blades sword was covered with a black sheath. She made eye contact with Hunt as
she drove passed him. Siddoway was left with the impression that he appeared to be off.
Siddoway did not know Hunt personally, but does know his mother and sister from their
church congregation. Siddoway related Hunt did not have a good reputation in the
neighborhood. She had heard he had a drug problem and introduced his sister to drugs he was
using. (Note See Item #36-1, to read Siddoways voluntary 1102 statement; Item #36-2, to
listen to her interview; Item #36-3, to review her interview report; and Item 34-5, to view her
Witness John Serenita
Serenita reported he was traveling southbound at about 9:25 A.M., on Redwood Rd,
north of Commerce, when he observed a male (Hunt), walking next to the west side of the road.
Serenita thought about offering Hunt a ride until he saw a sword on his left side. Serenita did not
recall if the sword was slung on Hunts back or if he was holding the sword in his left hand.
Serenita decided against offering a ride.
Serenita described Hunts walk as normal, and he did not appear rushed. Serenita also
said Hunt did not appear to be "arguing with his demons. Serenita described Hunt as wearing
dark clothing and having long curly hair. (Note See Item #39-1, to read Serenitas voluntary
1102 statement; Item #39-2, to listen to his interview; Item #39-3, to view his diagram; and Item
39-5, to review his interview report)
Witness Preston Blonquist
Blonquist reported he stopped at a stop sign locate at Hillcrest Road and Redwood Road
about 9:30 A.M. He observed a male (Hunt) standing on the southwest corner of Hillcrest and
Redwood. He described the male as early twenties, 510, slim build, Really big frizzy black
hair, in dark clothing, holding a sword. To Blonquist, Hunt looked scary and kind of acted
weird. Blonquist related Hunt was holding the sword horizontally in both hands out in front of
him, almost as if he were presenting the sword to someone. When Hunt looked at Blonquist,
Hunt seemed to look right through Blonquist. Blonquist left the area and didnt think about
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Utah County Attorneys Office

Summary Report
the incident again until he later heard about the shooting involving the sword. (Note See item
#34-5, to read Blongquists interview report. This interview was done by Officer Williams of
Saratoga Springs police department - not Task Force officers.)
Witness Jade Hardle
Hardle stated she was southbound on Redwood Rd., and 2100 N., at about 9:40 A.M.,
just prior to the Harvest Hills subdivision, when she observed a male (Hunt) with a large
sword near his shoulder or back area; the sword was in a black sheath. She related Hunt was
walking southbound, with his arms at his side. Hardle said she wished she had called the police
about Hunt. (Note See Item #21-1, to read Hardles voluntary 1102 statement; Item #21-2, to
listen to her interview; and Item #21-3, to read her interview report)
Witness Steven Spencer
Spencer reported that about 9:30 A.M. he was traveling northbound on Redwood Rd., a
little south of the Harvest Hills Subdivision, on his way to work when he observed a man (Hunt)
between twenty to thirty years old walking south towards Wal-mart on the west side of the road
with a sword in a glossy black sheath. Spencer related this individual was wearing a red/maroon
shirt (looked to him like a Japanese martial arts style wrap shirt). He believed the man to be
either Polynesian or black. Spencer stated that since Hunt was not heading towards a nearby
martial arts studio (he said none in the general area have sword classes), and the time of day, and
if his wife or child was at Wal-mart and the man had something bad or evil in mind he felt he
should call the Saratoga Police Department to report what he had observed. He said he called the
police at 9:34 A.M. (Note The 911 call according to Utah Valley Dispatch, was received at
9:38 A.M. See Item #16-1 to read Spencers 1102 Statement, Item #16-2, to listen to the
interview, Item #16-3 to read Spencers interview report, and Item #33-4, to listen to the 911
Witness Natalie Christensen
Christensen was driving southbound on Redwood Rd. passing the Zeneth Family Health
building, at about 9:34 A.M., when she observed what she thought was a male (Hunt) with a
sword slung across his back. Curious to see if she really saw a sword, she pulled into the parking
lot of Bank of American Fork and waited for the individual to walk in front of her. She
confirmed that he had a sword slung across his back.
She described Hunt as wearing a red long sleeve shirt, black pants that had white back
pockets; he had afro hair, with earphones in his ears, walking in a calm demeanor. Hunt smiled
at Christensen as he passed her vehicle. She took three pictures of Hunt after he walked passed
her. (Note See Item #20-1, to read Christensens voluntary 1102 statement; Item #20-2, to
listen to her interview; Item #20-3, to read the interview report; and Item #20-4, to view her
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Utah County Attorneys Office

Summary Report
Witness Thad Cole
Cole said he was driving southbound on Redwood Rd, at about 9:45 A.M., when he
observed a male walking southbound next to Redwood Rd., between OReillys and Panda. Cole
described this individual as wearing a red hoodie sweater or shirt, afro hair, and had a samurai
sword. Cole reported the part of the sword he observed was the handle and the case or sheath.
He said the rest of the sword was concealed in the shirt. He thought about calling the police but
Cole came back to the area about 10:05 A.M., and asked a couple of individuals what had
happened. He reported these two males told him they saw Hunt swing his sword at officers.
Both of these individuals told Cole they had spoken with officers about their observations. (Note
See Item #17-1, to read Coles voluntary 1102 statement; Item #17-2, to listen to his interview;
and Item #17-3, to review his interview report; Item #17-5, to see his diagram)
Witness Pam Barnes
Barnes reported she was stopped at traffic light on Redwood Rd. and Commerce Drive,
facing east in Saratoga Springs, when her five year old son, who was also in the car, said, Look
that man has a gun. Barnes described the man (Hunt) as an African American, wearing a red
shirt, blue jeans with white back pockets, an afro hair style, and he looked to be about sixteen
years of age. Barnes told her son it was not a gun but a giant stick. She stated the stick was
across his right shoulder and went up to his head. Barnes related Hunt appeared to be trying to
hide the stick behind him or at least act as if he had nothing on his back. (Note See Item
#40-1; to read Barnes voluntary 1102 statement, Item #40-2, to listen to her interview; Item
#40-3, to review her police interview report, Item #40-5, to review her diagram)
Witness Maya Herrera
Herrera related at about 9:45 A.M., she was driving out of the Wal-mart parking lot and
observed a police vehicle blocking her path. She drove past Panda and observed a man (Hunt)
running with a sword across his back. She described Hunt as wearing a red flannel shirt, baggy
blue jeans, with big afro hair. She did not see his face only his back. She drove to the
Chevron (Top Stop), and heard two gunshots, one right after the other. (Note See Item #11-1,
to read Herreras voluntary 1102 statement; Item #11-2, to listen to her interview; and Item #113, to review her interview report)

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Utah County Attorneys Office

Summary Report
Witness Cody Pilcher
Pilcher reported that at about 10:00 A.M., (Note The shooting occurred at 9:44 A.M.)
he was stopped at a traffic light located at SR73 and Redwood Rd. Pilcher was driving
southbound. He related observing a police car headed north on Redwood Rd., at about the same
time he saw an individual (Hunt) walking next to Redwood Rd., with a samurai sword in this
left hand with the blade facing up his back. Pilcher felt something wasnt right and asked his
friend who he was speaking with on his cell phone, Is there something weird about a kid
walking down the street with a samurai sword?
Pilcher next saw the police vehicle mentioned above, stop on the side of Top Stop. He
did not see the officer get out of the vehicle but it did appear to Pilcher by the officers driving he
was in a hurry. The traffic light turned green as Hunt was walking in front of Top Stop and
Pilcher left the scene. Pilcher did believe Hunt did not see the officer in the vehicle behind him.
Pilcher described the young man (Hunt) with the sword as being a white male, in his
early twenties, weighing about 160 to 170 lbs., and about 57. He also believed Hunt to have
dark hair or a black hat with no brim. He believed Hunt was wearing a shirt with the sleeves
cut off. Pilcher described the sword as being three to four feet long, with a black handle. The
handle was wrapped in black lace. The sword was in a black case. (Note See Item #19-1, to
read Pilchers voluntary 1102 statement; Item #19-2, to listen to his interview; Item #19-3, to
review his interview report; and Item 19-5, to view his diagram)
Witness Christine Galanti
Galanti related that she walked out of the Top Stop store around 9:30 A.M., (Note This
occurrence would have been later than 9:30 A.M.) and paused for a moment to let Hunt pass in
front of her. She followed him as he was walking west in front of the store and she was walking
west to Cypress Credit Union where she worked. As she walked behind him, she noticed the
handle of a sword in his right hand. Galanti began to feel uneasy and backed off from him.
She said he walked over a grassy area in the direction of Wal-mart with a police officer running
behind Hunt yelling at him. She believed the officer was yelling and asking why he was carrying
a sword. It was apparent to Galanti that Hunt could not hear the officer because he had
headphones in his ears.
Galanti observed Hunt take the headphones out of his ears and approach a police officer
who had just driven in front of her and stopped near Hunt. The officer got out of the car and
observed Hunt approach the officer and ask, Can I have a ride? She said, It was all very
strange the way he approached the cop it was almost like he was trying to get close to him.
Galanti quickly went through the doors of Cyprus Credit Union and went back to work. She did
not see or hear anything that happened after that. However she related the conversation between
Hunt and the officers did not appear to be strained or tense. Galanati said the officers were

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verbally attempting to get the sword out of Hunts hands. She asserted she was about three feet
from the back of the police car when Hunt asked for a ride from the officer.
She described the sword as being about three feet long, with a black handle and diamonds
on it. She also observed a black sheath. She explained that the sword was being held in his right
hand and running up the back of his arm. She said, The way he was holding it, because it was
like this (pointing to the back of her arm), I figured he could have easily went like this
(mimicked drawing the sword) and then wielded it at anybody he wanted to.
Galanti expressed why she felt uneasy about Hunt and his samurai sword:
That something had either just happened or something was about to happen,
because this ... you see guns in Utah all the time, but I've never once seen anyone
walking down the street with a sword. And the way he was holding it did make
me uneasy. Like if he wanted to do anything at a moments time, he could.
Galanti described Hunt as wearing a red silk shirt, jeans that had blue and white graphics
on the pockets, and sporting black puffy hair. (Note See Item #18-1, to read Galantis
voluntary 1102 statement; Item #18-2, to listen to her interview; Item #18-3, to review her
interview report; and Item #18-4, to view her diagram)
Witness Codi Butterfield
Butterfield drove to the Cypress Credit Union on the morning of September 10th. As she
drove towards the drive-up window she observed a police car in the middle of the road, and she
surmised the vehicle was abandoned. Butterfield saw one police officer speaking with a male,
who was tall, sporting an afro hair style, and wearing a red shirt, near the car wash west of Top
Stop. She noticed the male had something over his shoulder. As she drove by the police car
and bank she heard yelling but could not make out what was being said. She drove up to the
teller window and asked the teller if everything was okay. The teller asked if she saw the
individual with the sword. When she was asked this question, it dawned on Butterfield what she
had observed was a sword sheath. The teller told Butterfield she should come into the credit
union. She drove to the west side of the credit union and entered the building and stayed there
until police officers told her she could leave.
Butterfield reported the police officer did not appear to be confrontational or out of the
ordinary demeanor for police officers. Butterfield did hear two or three gunshots but did not see
any shots being fired. (Note See Item #62-1, to listen to Butterfields interview; Item #62-2, to
read her interview report; Item #62-3, to read her 1102 statement; and Item 62-4, to view her
diagram of the scene)

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Witness Kei Tunufai
Tunufai reported he was parking his truck on the eastside of the Wal-mart parking lot
when he saw a male running north from the Top Stop gas station towards the business Panda
Express. However, Tunufai did not see any police officers nor hear any gunshots. He was
unable to see if Hunt had anything in his hands while he was running.
Tunufai said he spoke with a woman who was at the Top Stop during the time of the
shooting. The unidentified woman allegedly explained she was worried for her children, because
Hunt was inside Top Stop causing a disturbance prior to being shot. (Note There is no evidence
Hunt was in Top Stop. He simply walked in front of the store. Tunufai may have misunderstood
Witness Jenifer Hampton, store clerk. See Item #53-1 to read Tunufais 1102 statement; Item
#53-2, to view his diagram of the scene; Item 53-3, to read his interview report; Item #53-4, to
listen to his interview; and Item #52-1 to read Hamptons interview report)
Witness Michael Hunting
Hunting reported he observed Officer Judson park his police vehicle next to him about
9:41 A.M. He watched Judson walk towards the carwash. Hunting saw a second officer near the
carwash. He looked and saw the officers speaking with a person that appeared to have a sword
behind his back. He said it could have been a sword or a stick; he was too far away to see it
clearly. Hunting was speaking on a cell phone and looked away from the officers just before
hearing a couple of gunshots. When Hunting looked back over at the officers he could not see
Hunting next observed Hunt running in between Top Stop and Panda. He saw Hunt with
a sword/stick in his hand and it appeared the officers had something in their hands. He initially
thought one of the officers had a taser in his hand but he was not sure. He stated Hunt and the
officers ran around the northeast side of Panda and he lost sight of them.
Hunting could not tell if Hunt was a male or female. He described Hunt as having afro
hair, dark skin, and skinny. (Note See Item #12-1, to read Huntingss voluntary 1102
statement; Item #12-2, to listen to his interview; Item #12-3, to review his interview report; and
Item #12-5, to view his diagram)
Witness Kimberly Zundel
Zundel reported she parked just right of the front double doors at the Top Stop at about
9:40 A.M. in a Suburban. Her daughter Madison went inside of Top Stop to purchase a couple
of drinks. Zundel looked to her right and observed a teenager (Hunt) walking casually on the
sidewalk towards the front of the store. She initially believed the teenager to be Austin Tafoia, a
Polynesian, and a friend of her daughters. As Hunt came closer to the front doors, she realized
he wasnt Tafoia. She described Hunt as wearing a red shirt buttoned to the top and collard, a
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black headband on puffy hair. She also thought he was wearing khaki colored pants but later
saw a picture of him on-line and saw jeans. She smiled at Hunt and he returned a nod of the
head. She turned her head to look at her child in the back seat.
When Zundel looked forward again she saw a police officer (Judson) walking on the
same sidewalk approaching the front doors of Top Stop. The officer was walking casually and
she did not initially think he was attempting to catch up with Hunt, but was a customer of the
store. The officer walked past the doors and Zundel saw a police car drive near the car wash.
She observed the officer (Cpl. Schauerhamer) get out of the car. She saw both officers speaking
with Hunt and it appeared to her to be a casual discussion. She turned around to check on her
daughter and heard gunshots. As she looked back in the direction of the officers and Hunt, she
saw the officers recouping their footing and then running towards the northwest end of Top
Stop. She heard gunshots and thought the officers were shooting but didnt see them shooting.
She got out of her car to see if she could see what was happening. She could not see anything
and went back to her vehicle. She related hearing approximately five shots and after five
seconds passed, hearing two more shots.
As she went back to her vehicle, she heard a woman (Melanie Wride) in a van next to her
saying, He had a sword, and he swiped at the police officers. This woman told Zundel that it
was a large samurai sword. Zundel believed the female in the van was wearing a purple shirt and
a purple beaded necklace. (Note See Item #6-4, to view Wrides picture) Zundel reported that
she never saw a sword or what lead up to the shooting but believed the shooting took place one
to two minutes after Hunt walked in front of her.
Zundel looked up Hunt on Facebook the day following the shooting and what she saw
was disturbing to her. She wrote what she found:
A lot of emotional comments and seemingly suicidal implications. There were
also a few references to hating courts and government and religion. I gathered
from it all, that it appeared to have been a suicide attempt.
Zundel said she observed petitions and stories circulating in the media suggesting the
shooting was a hate crime and race related. Zundel asserted, It did not feel either of those
things at the time is [it] was happening. (Note See Item #45-1, to read Zundels voluntary
1102 statement; Item #45-2, to listen to her interview; and Item #45-3, to review her interview
Witness Jocelyn Hansen
Hansen reported she stopped at the Top Stop at about 9:45 A.M., with her four year old
son to get a drink. After getting back into the car, buckling her seat belt, she began looking at
some pictures on her phone when she observed a young man (Hunt) in his teens or early
twenties, wearing a large baggy red silk shirt, black afro hair, carrying a backpack, with light
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brown skin walking casually in front of the Top Stop store and her car. Hansen related Hunt
seemed relaxed and possibly listening to music since he had ear buds in his ears. She stated
Hunt walked past the entrance of the store heading west.
Hansen next saw a police officer, who she described as being 510 to 511 tall, wearing
sun glasses, bald headed, walk past her in the same direction as Hunt. She said the officer was
signaling to someone behind her and the officer appeared to be walking at a fast pace. Hansen
looked through the back window of her van and saw a police car driving behind her.
Hansen backed out of her parking space and then observed the officer in the car was out
of his vehicle, and the officer that had walked in front of her were with and casually speaking
to Hunt. Hansen reported the ear buds were out of Hunts ears at this time. Hansen estimated
the officers and Hunt were about six to ten feet from each other standing in the street or parking
lot next to a grassy island, past the carwash and near a building. Hansen asserted a woman in a
van next to her was also watching the discussion between the officers and Hunt. Hansen took a
photograph of the officers and Hunt with her cell phone. (Note See Item #31-5 to view the
photo) Hansen rolled down her window and commented to a male near her who was also
watching, Something is going down.
After looking away nearly three seconds, Hansen next heard two or three gunshots. She
looked toward the officers and Hunt, and saw Hunt turning away from the officers; he began
running. She observed Hunt carrying two long objects she described as looking like large
2x4s in his hands. One of those objects appeared to have a handle. As Hunt began running
from the officers they ran after him with their guns extended. She believed she heard the third
gunshot while the officers were pursuing Hunt. Hansens four your old child said to her, Oh,
theyre shooting that boy.
Hansen left the parking lot and eventually turned north on Redwood Rd. As she drove by
Panda Express she saw Hunt lying on his belly on the sidewalk and two officers were standing
over him. (Note See Item #31-1, to read Hansens voluntary 1102 statement; Item #31-2, to
listen to her interview; Item #31-3, to review her interview report; Item 31-4, to view her
diagram of the scene; and Item 31-5 to view the picture she took of the officers speaking to Hunt)
Witness Melanie Wride
Wride reported she parked in front of Top Stop and went into the store to get a drink.
While in the store, she observed a man (Hunt) who looked African American, with a large afro
type hair style. She said he was wearing a red hoodie and black pants. She observed Hunt
carrying a large samurai sword. Wride said that it appeared to her that Hunt was walking at a
fast pace. She saw ear buds in his ears.
Wride looked again and observed a police officer (Officer Judson) walking in the
direction of her parked car in front of Top Stop. Wride walked out of the store right behind the
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police officer believing he was going to her car because of the way she parked. However the
officer walked past her car and she realized that the officer was walking towards the male with
the sword.
Wride saw a police car stop near the Cypress Credit Union building. She saw Hunt stop
at the police car. At this point, Wride got into his silver Ford minivan. Her intention was to
drive by the officers to her next destination. Wride observed the police officer (Cpl.
Schauerhamer) exit his vehicle and stand next to it. She observed both officers having a
conversation with Hunt but she could not hear what they were saying. Wride related Hunt was
holding the sword in his right hand and moving his hands; it appeared like he was laughing. The
conversation lasted about thirty seconds to one minute.
Wride next observe Hunt take the sword out of the sheath and swing it very hard
towards the stomach area of Cpl. Schauerhamer. Wride saw the officers move back to avoid
being hit by the sword. Wride stated she felt the life of Cpl. Schauerhamer was in danger. She
also said, it was a long sword and both officers could have been hit by it if they did not back
away. Wride estimated the distance between Hunt and the officers was a couple of feet.
After swinging the sword, Wride said Hunt turned and began to run in the direction of
Panda Express. She said the officers pulled out their guns and that is when she heard the [gun]
shots. She related hearing five to seven gunshots. She does not know if both officers fired their
guns but she remembers seeing both officers weapons drawn. Wride reported seeing Officer
Judson with a gun in his right hand. Hunt and the officers ran towards the Panda Express and
she lost sight of them. Wright went back into Top Stop to report the shooting. Wride estimated
two to three minutes elapsed from the time she saw the first officer until she heard the gunshots.
(Note See Item #6-1, to read Wrides voluntary 1102 statement; Item #6-2, to listen to her
interview; Item #6-3, to review her interview report; and Item 6-5, to view her diagram of the
Witness John Zogg
Zogg related that he and his co-worker Orson Ludvigson were driving southbound on
Redwood Rd., near Panda Express, when Zogg noticed a dark skinned male (Hunt), sporting
an afro, walking southbound next to Redwood Rd. Zogg stated Hunt appeared to be happy,
smiling and had a bounce in his step. He also observed Hunt holding something that he later
identified as a samurai sword.
Ludvigson was driving the truck they were in and he stopped at Top Stop Chevron, at the
western most gas pump. The truck was facing south; Zogg on the passenger side, was facing
west. Ludvigson exited the truck and began to fuel it. Zogg reported Ludvigson saying to him,
Get out and watch this. At this point Zogg said he was able to see two police officers, a police
car, and a male subject.

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Zogg exited the vehicle and stood next to it. He related the officers and Hunt were just
west of him at an estimated distance of one hundred feet. Zogg described the area where the
officers and Hunt were standing was between the Top Stop and nearby Cypress Bank. Zogg
stated the officer (Cpl. Schauerhamer) parked his police car near Hunt and was standing on the
driver side of the car. Hunt was standing near the front of the police car and the other officer
(Judson) was standing on the front driver side of the police car, but not next to it.
Zogg said he was unable to hear the conversation between Hunt and the officers. He
wears hearing aids in both ears and is hard of hearing. He also wears corrective lenses and had
the glasses on during the incident.
Zogg observed Hunt during the discussion with the officers and said Hunt kept looking
back and forth between the officers. Hunt appeared to be pleasant with the officers. However,
Zogg saw Hunt remove the sword from the sheath with his right hand and swipe or swing or
stab at Cpl. Schauerhamer. Zogg could not remember if it was a swing or a stab. He asserted
he felt the officers lives were in danger when Hunt drew the sword. He described the sword as
being a samurai sword, about two to two and half feet long and an inch in width. He noted the
blade was curved and the sword had a black handle. He also saw the sheath was black in color
and appeared to have an oriental design.
After swinging the sword at Cpl. Schauerhamer, Zogg said Hunt turned and ran
northbound. Zogg observed Cpl. Schauerhamer holding his gun with two hands and pointing it
towards Hunt as he ran. Zogg next heard a bunch of gunshots. He estimated that the officers
were about 10 to 15 feet from Hunt when the shooting began. Zogg then saw Officer Judson
holding his gun with two hands and both officers began pursuing Hunt. Zogg lost sight of the
officers as they began running, but he recalled hearing about three more gunshots but wasnt
Zogg related the events he saw happened very fast. He estimated that about ten seconds
passed from the time he saw Hunt speaking with police officers, Hunt drawing his sword, and
shots being fired. (Note See Item #15-1, to read Zoggs voluntary 1102 statement; Item #15-2,
to listen to his interview; Item #15-3, to review his interview report; and Item 15-5, to view his
diagram of the scene)
Witness Orson Ludvigson
Ludvigson was driving a work truck and his co-worker John Zogg, was a passenger in the
truck. As they were traveling south on Redwood Rd., he observed a kid (Hunt) at the
intersection of Commerce Rd., walking south on Redwood Rd. He described Hunt as an African
American, in his mid twenties, with a goatee, mustache, or beard, in a red shirt, wearing dark
pants with a flower design on the back pockets. He had a big afro pulled back in a headband,
caring a big long samurai sword (he believed to be five feet long) which appeared to be strapped
on his back. Ludvigson asked Zogg if Hunt had a sword. Zogg responded affirmatively.
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Ludvigson described Hunt walking fast and had a bounce to him. After passing Hunt,
Ludvigson stopped at Top Stop (Chevron) to refuel his truck.
While refueling his vehicle, Ludvigson saw Hunt walk in front of Top Stop. He next saw
a police officer park his vehicle on the eastside of the store and the officer began walking trying
to catch up to [Hunt]. Ludvigson next saw a patrol car drive up on the eastside of the bank
(Cypress Credit Union) and stop. The officer exited his vehicle to speak with Hunt. At this
point the officer walking caught up with Hunt. Hunt walked up to the car near the officers
driver door like nothing feared him. Ludvigson said the officers and Hunt were within five or
six feet of each other, and it appeared Hunt was nodding his head and smiling and joking
around but Ludvigson could not hear what was being said. Ludvigson returned to fueling his
vehicle but could no longer see what was happening due to a large box in the back of the truck.
He told his co-worker, John Zogg, to watch this to see what happens. As Ludvigson turned his
attention back to refueling the truck he heard gunshots. He reported hearing seven to eight
Ludvigson went to the back of his truck where he could see. He saw the two police
officers and Hunt running between the car wash and Top stop. Ludvigson observed Hunt
running with the sword in his hand. He asserted he observed one officer holding his gun with
both hands firing his weapon while they were running. He also said he believed Hunt was shot
because he was running funny. In addition, Ludvigson thought Hunt was shot because he had
his hand on his side or at least trying to hold up his pants, or limping.
Once the initial shooting stopped, Ludvigson heard seven to eight more shoots near
Panda Express but said he wasnt counting. As he walked around the north side of Top Stop,
Ludvigson saw a magazine and an unfired bullet on the ground. (Note See Item #14-1, to read
Ludvigsons voluntary 1102 statement; Item #14-2, to listen to his interview; Item #14-3, to
review his interview report; and Item 14-6, to view his diagram of the scene)
Witness Zina Watt
Watt reported she was driving a car westbound on SR73 approaching the traffic light at
Redwood Rd. Her passenger window was down. Watt heard two or three gunshots. She looked
over at Top Stop (Chevron gas station) and saw birds flying from the trees. Watt observed a man
(Hunt) running and then observed two police officers on foot in pursuit.
She believed she heard one of the officers yell, Get down. She said next she saw the
officer in front stop and shoot three gunshots at Hunt from a handgun. Watt said the shots were
fired in a north direction. She did not see a weapon in Hunts hands. Watt believed the distance
between the officers and Hunt was about thirty to forty yards
Just before Watt drove into the Wal-mart parking lot she saw Hunt run around the Panda
Express on the northeast side. She believed Hunt tried to enter the Panda at the eastside doors
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and north side doors with no success. By the time Watt was in the Wal-mart parking lot, Hunt
was on the ground and a police officer was standing next to him. She did not observe Hunt
receiving any medical attention, and then went into the Wal-mart store. Watt believed she saw
someone recording this incident on their cell phone. (Note See Item #32-1, to read Watts
voluntary 1102 statement; Item #32-2, to listen to her interview; Item #32-3, to review her
interview report; and Item 32-5, to view her diagram of the scene)
Witness Cody Jewkes
Jewkes is an employee of OReilly Auto Parts. He was at the front counter of the store
which faces south with the east and north side of Panda Express in view. He was assisting a
customer prior to 10:00 A.M., when he heard what sounded like a pop. Jewkes initially
thought someone had thrown something at the front window of the store. Upon hearing the pop,
Jewkes turned and observed a male (Hunt) dressed in a red shirt running northbound between
Panda Express and Redwood Rd. Jewkes next saw two officers chasing Hunt, and the front
officer (Cpl. Schauerhamer) had his gun drawn. Jewkes saw Hunt run around the northeast
corner of Panda Express. Because a radio was playing and he was helping a customer, he did not
know if the officers said anything to Hunt.
Jewkes heard a total of two shots. He heard one gunshot and a second or two passed and
then a second gunshot. He did not see anything in Hunts hands. Jewkes estimated the officers
were between thirty and fifty feet from Hunt when he heard gunshots. He related that he had a
difficult time seeing what was happening due to a coke machine that was blocking his view.
Jewkes saw Hunt lying on the ground and did not see anything in his hands. He did see an object
near Hunt that he could not identify because he was too far away. (Note See Item #10-1, to
read Jewkess voluntary 1102 statement; Item #10-2, to listen to his interview; Item #10-3, to
review his interview report; and Item 10-5, to view his diagram of the scene)
Witness Paul Cook
Cook reported he was traveling southbound on Redwood Rd., near Panda Express and
pulled to the side of the road because of seeing a police car with emergency lights flashing near
the car wash, east of Top Stop. He saw a black male (Hunt) wearing dark colored clothes, with
afro style hair, standing near a police car. Cook related Hunt was holding a sword in his hand.
Cook could not see any police officer, but had a clear view of Hunt with a sword.
Cook related hearing two or three gunshots while Hunt was near the car wash, and
observed him turn and run towards Panda Express. Cook thought Hunt dropped the sword and
then immediately tripped and fell to the ground. Cook thought Hunt dropped the sword to pull
up his pants because they were so baggy.
Cook then drove to Top Stop without seeing if Hunt got up. He entered the store and got
a drink and then observed lots of police cars responding to the area. (Note See Item #7-1, to
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read Cooks voluntary 1102 statement; Item #7-2, to listen to his interview; Item #7-3, to review
his interview report; and Item 7-6, to view his diagram of the scene. Cooks diagram indicates
he believed Hunt ran directly from the police vehicle directly to the northwest side of the
building instead of running around the eastside of the building. Also see Item #7-5, to view
Cooks pictures of the scene)
Witness Edgar Hernandez
Hernandez was standing in the Wal-mart parking lot (Note He was in the parking lot
three car rows to the west, from the east end of the lot. See his diagram, Item #44-4) when he
heard three or four gunshots between Top Stop (Chevron) and the bank (Cypress Credit Union).
He saw three people run from the Cypress Credit Union. He believed the shooting was a result
of a drug deal gone bad. He did not know the police were involved until someone had told him
the police were the ones shooting at the person (Hunt) running away. Hernandez related the
police officers were shooting at the back of Hunt, who was running away. Hernandez saw Hunt
running by Panda Express when Hunt fell on his side next to the store. Hernandez believed he
heard the last two shots and he asserted those two shots killed Hunt. Hernandez believed one of
the involved individuals/officers yelled, Police! twice after the shots were fired. Hernandez
did not see anything in Hunts hands. He believed if there was a weapon in Hunts hands, the
police should have held it up for everyone to see. (Note Hernandez observed the last portion
of the shooting from the northeast side of the parking lot)
Hernandez saw a police officer walk up to Hunt and check his pulse. He believed this
officer still had his gun drawn. However, Hernandez believed the officer who checked Hunts
pulse had just driven up in an unmarked police car not the individuals on foot. It was also this
officer who allegedly yelled, Police! twice before he walked up to check Hunts pulse.
When asked how many officers were chasing Hunt, Hernandez said, he couldnt see too
well because of the trees. Hernandez had viewed some of the media reports and did not believe
the police were telling the truth. He said this because the majority of people from his country are
shot in the back as they run from the police.
Hernandez said he watched CNN News and saw the mother of Hunt tell her version of
events. He did not agree with her version either.
Hernandez observed an ambulance come on scene. He did not see these paramedics do
anything to Hunt because he believed he was already dead.
When asked, Hernandez was unable to describe the clothes Hunt was wearing or what the
officers were wearing. He was not able to observe if anyone had guns drawn during the pursuit.
Again, he said the reason was the difficulty of looking through trees from his location. (Note
See Item #44-1, to read Hernandezs voluntary 1102 statement; Item #44-2, to listen to his
interview; Item #44-3, to review his interview report; and Item 44-4, to view his mapped
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diagram of the scene. Investigator Knapp also recorded Hernandez giving his statement. See
Item 44-5)
Witness Brian Pedocki
Pedocki reported that he works for OReilly Auto Parts, just north of Panda Express. He
stated that he was in back of the store when he heard what sounded like someone hitting a barrier
in front of the store with a vehicle. He associated the noise with breaking glass. He came to the
front of the store and saw two police officers approaching a person (Hunt) who was face up on
the ground. Pedeocki observed something in the parking lot approximately fifteen feet from
Hunt, but he did not know what it was.
Pedocki related one of the officers began using a radio and the other officer leaned down
to check Hunts pulse. The officer checking the pulse stayed with Hunt while other officers
arrived on scene and began to approach. The officers arriving then began to tape off the scene.
Pedocki estimated that he was thirty-five to fifty feet away from the scene. He did not
leave the store to view the scene. (Note See Item #8-1, to read Pedockis voluntary 1102
statement; Item #8-2, to listen to his interview; Item #8-3, to review his interview report; Item 87, to view his diagram of the scene; and Item #8-6 to view Pedockis Facebook post and picture
of the scene)
Witness Roxie Hunt
Hunt related she works for OReilly Auto Parts, just north of Panda Express. Hunt was in
a back room when she heard a loud popping noise at about 9:43 A.M. She then heard a female
customer say, Oh my God! several times. She went to the front of the store to see what was
going on. When she got to the front of the store she observed two police officers in the parking
lot near Panda Express. One of the officers was bent over checking a male on the ground. She
initially thought the male was intoxicated and passed out. A short time later she saw a Lehi
police officer arrive and then the Fire Department.
Hunt described the male on the ground as having short, possibly curly hair. He was
wearing a red shirt, plaid underwear, and black pants.
Hunt filed a police report with the Saratoga Springs Police Department concerning
harassment allegations against Hunts family investigator, who she felt would not leave her
alone. (Note See Item #9-1, to read Hunts voluntary 1102 statement; Item #9-2, to listen to
her interview; Item #9-3, to review her interview report; Item 9-5, to review her harassment
report filed with the Saratoga Police Department; and Item #9-6, to view her diagram of the

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Witness Donald Montoya
Montoya reported he is an employee of Wal-mart as a supervisor. He was in the store
parking lot on break when he heard three gunshots. There was a pause and then two to three
more gunshots. He did not see where those shots came from. (Note See Item #37-1, to read
Montoyas voluntary 1102 statement; Item #37-2, to listen to his interview; Item #37-3, to review
his interview report; and Item 37-4, to view his diagram of the scene)
Witness Brandon Monson
Monson is an employee of Wal-mart. He was in the Wal-mart parking lot smoking when
he heard three gunshots and after a pause, two more gunshots. He walked to the eastside of the
parking lot and observed police officers, fire engines, and an ambulance. He did not see what
had happened. He was sitting with Montoya on break during this incident. (Note See Item
#43-1, to view his 1102 statement. There was no audio or written report done on this interview)
Officer Nicholas Judson
Officer Judson reported he was notified by dispatch of a suspicious Polynesian male
about six feet tall, walking on Redwood Rd., (SR-68) carrying a sword. Judson was at the office
at the time he received the call. Judson observed the male (Hunt) walking southbound on the
sidewalk on Redwood. Judson stated Hunt was near the Panda Express restaurant. Judson had
to continue north to make a U-turn on Redwood Road because of a center divider. Upon making
the U-turn Judson continued southbound on Redwood Road observing Hunt turn into Top Stop
gas station. Judson turned into the parking lot of Top Stop on the east side and stopped. Hunt
was walking in front of the Top Stop store.
Officer Judson yelled from his vehicle, attempting to contact Hunt verbally. Hunt failed
to respond. Judson yelled again and this time Hunt briefly looked around. Judson stated he
observed white chords coming from his ears and believed Hunt had ear phones in his ears.
Judson was unsure if Hunt could hear him yelling. Judson noted Hunt was carrying what
appeared to be a sheathed samurai-type sword in his left hand. The hilt was pointed towards the
ground and the scabbard ran up the length of Hunts left arm.
At this time Cpl. Schauerhamer turned into the Top Stop parking area from SR-73
coming up the west side of the store. Schauerhamer was in a marked police vehicle and Hunt
appeared to notice the police vehicle entering the parking area. Judson by this time was about
20-30 steps behind Hunt closing on him on foot. Judson observed a female (Galanti) coming out
of Top Stop and came in directly behind Hunt.
Judson said Schauerhamer stopped and exited his vehicle. Hunt stopped in front of the
patrol car. By this time, Judson had caught up and was only a short distance away. Judson
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described their pattern of stance near the patrol car as a tactical L. Schauerhamer was standing
near the drivers door and he was standing in front of the patrol car near the right fender.
Judson related Schauerhamer confronted Hunt asking him to put the sword on the hood of
the patrol car. Hunt refused by saying, No, this is my sword. Schauerhamer asked Hunt what
he was doing. He responded saying he was looking for a ride to Orem and he was looking for
anyone to give him a ride. Judson stated Schauerhamer offered to give Hunt a ride but only if he
would put the sword on the hood of the patrol car. Hunt denied again by saying the sword was
his. During this conversation Judson observed Hunt holding the sword in his left hand. There
were black laces wrapped around Hunts hand holding the sheath of the sword. The handle was
toward the ground. The sword was in the sheath upside down; it ran the length of his left arm.
Judson reported Hunt became quiet and there was a short pause. During this pause
Judson observed Hunt slightly turn to his left and with his right hand grab the handle of the
sword. Judson related Hunt drew the sword taking it upward over his head then swinging it
toward Schauerhamer. Judson saw Schauerhamer go backward toward the ground and Judson
was unsure if Schauerhamer was hit with the sword. Knowing he was in danger, Judson started
to turn away to create space between he and Hunt. Judson asserted he made eye contact with
Hunt and then Hunt moved toward him. Judson began drawing his gun knowing he was going to
fire it because they were in danger. As Judson was creating space and drawing his gun, he heard
shots fired from Schauerhamer. Judson was unaware if Hunt had been hit. As Judson completed
the 360 degree turn, he saw Hunt in front of him. Judson fired one round from his gun. Judsons
perception of distance to Hunt when he fired was 20-30 feet.
At this point, Schauerhamer had moved between Hunt and Judson. Hunt began to run
and Schauerhamer pursued him. Judson followed Schauerhamer in the foot pursuit.
They ran behind the car wash and easterly behind Top Stop. Judson observed
Schauerhamer had lost his cell phone from his belt and believed Schauerhamer had reloaded his
gun. Judson remembered Schauerhamer yelling, STOP! to Hunt one time after the foot pursuit
started. Judson related Schauerhamer was on his radio advising dispatch of shots fired.
Judson stated he observed Hunt get shot in the lower left side during the foot pursuit by a shot
fired by Schauerhamer. The pursuit went across a large bed of river rocks and Judson got caught
up in the rocks and tripped.
Utah Valley Dispatch asked for verification of the radio traffic and Judson used
Schauerhamers call number reporting shots fired. By this time Judson was at the south east
corner of Panda Express and Hunt was out of sight. Schauerhamer had turned the corner at the
north east corner of Panda Express and was out of sight. Judson heard several more shots and
reached the north east corner of Panda Express where he saw Hunt down on the ground and
Schauerhamer running up to him.

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Judson said Hunt was alive upon his arrival, and Schauerhamer was checking Hunts vital
signs. Schauerhamer asked Judson if he was okay and Judson asked Schauerhamer if he was
okay. Schauerhamer holstered his weapon. Judson stated Schauerhamer called dispatch for
medical assistance and other officers.
Judson related he holstered his gun and began to secure the scene. He noticed the sword
Hunt had used was lying on the ground about 15 feet away. The sheath was lying in the parking
lot area north of Hunt.
Judson reported the Fire Department personnel determined Hunt was deceased. Hunt
was lying on his back, face up. The shirt was still buttoned and his pants had fallen down to his
knees. (Note Judson was wearing a body cam but never turned it on. See Item #3-1, to read
Judsons interview report; Item #3-2, to review his Waiver of Blood and Urine Release; Item #33, to review the Forensic Nursing Field Report; Item #3-4, to view the video of Judsons
interview; Item 3-5, review Judsons diagram of the scene; Item 3-6, audio of Judsons
interview; Item #3-7, to review Judsons police training records; and Item 3-8, to see Judsons
toxicology report)
Officer Matt Schauerhamer
Cpl. Schauerhamer reported he was in his office with Detective Zach Robinson, when
Schauerhamer heard something barely audible regarding Officer Judson being dispatched to a
call. Schauerhamer pulled up his CAD and saw that the call involved a guy with a Samurai
sword walking down the street toward Wal-Mart. Schauerhamer felt the call was kinda
weird, so he responded immediately to provide back-up for Judson.
From the police department, Schauerhamer turned left onto SR 73, drove past McDonalds
and turned right onto Redwood Road. While heading north on Redwood Road, Schauerhamer
saw a male individual (later identified as Hunt) with a Samurai sword walking southbound on the
sidewalk on the west side of Redwood Road approaching the (east side) of Top Stop.
Schauerhamer then got on a car-to-car channel and told Judson that the subject, Hunt, was by
Top Stop and that he (Schauerhamer) had to turn around.
Schauerhamer went down to N. Commerce, made a U-turn and came back toward Top
Stop. Judson pulled into Top Stop on the east side and parked at a weird angle as if he had
stopped to talk to Hunt.
Schauerhamer pulled into the Top Stop parking lot and saw Judson between twenty and
forty feet behind Hunt, walking briskly, trying to catch up. Schauerhamer observed Hunt
walking briskly (in front of the Top Stop) and a lady exiting the Top Stop, carrying a tray of
drinks. The lady was then walking right alongside Hunt. Schauerhamer initially thought Hunt
was meeting the lady (later identified as Christine Galanti).

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Schauerhamer pulled through the parking lot and decided to drive to catch up with Hunt.
As Schauerhamer drove through the parking lot (to the west side of Top Stop), the lady carrying
the drinks looked down, then looked over at Schauerhamer with a worried expression. She
then peeled off from Hunt. The lady continued to walk between Top Stop and Cypress Credit
Union; Schauerhamer believes Hunt cut through where the Top Stop car wash vacuums are.
Schauerhamer pulled around in between the Cyprus Credit Union ATM stalls and the
Top Stop dumpster. (Schauerhamer was facing north, with the credit union to his left (west) and
the Top Stop to his right (east)).
As Schauerhamer exited his vehicle, Hunt was positioned on the passenger side of
Schauerhamers vehicle. Hunt then cut around the car and ended up in front of the vehicle.
Judson arrived and was positioned just in front of the passenger side of Schauerhamers vehicle.
The three then formed a tactical L. (Schauerhamer reported he was at the very front of the
driver side of the vehicle with Hunt three to four feet in front of him; Judson was three to four
feet to Hunts left.)
Schauerhamer relayed that Hunt was not holding the sword, but rather had it affixed to
his left hip, possibly through a belt or somehow tied to him. The handle was at his hip with the
blade pointed behind him in a downward position.
Hunt had earbuds in and had been presumably listening to music, but removed them
when he and Schauerhamer started talking. Hunt did not try to avoid or elude Schauerhamer, but
rather engaged in the following casual, everyday conversation:
Schauerhamer to Hunt: Hey, man. Whats going on?
Hunt: Im looking for a ride.
Schauerhamer: Ok. Well hey, I need you; to talk to you a sec. Do you mind setting your
Samurai sword on my car?
(Schauerhamer told me, He looked at me and just really weird and responded in a really,
really calm, just kind of disturbing voice: I cant do that.
Hunt: I cant do that.
Schauerhamer: Why not?
Hunt: Its my sword.
Schauerhamer: Ok. You cant just set your sword on the hood of my car for a second?
(Schauerhamer said when the subject didnt want to give up the sword, the hairs on the back of
[his] neck were just standing on end and [he] knew something wasnt right. Schauerhamer
related he didnt know what to think about Hunt. He didnt know if he was crazy or just trying
to make a point about open carry with a sword. Schauerhamer said they get calls on open
carry guys all the time, but he has never had an issue with them not being compliant.)
Schauerhamer: So what are you doing?
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Hunt: Im looking for a ride to Orem.
Schauerhamer: Ok. Whos gonna give you a ride?
Hunt: Anybody.
Schauerhamer: Huh. Well I can give you a ride to Orem.
(The reason Schauerhamer offered Hunt a ride was to ascertain what his intentions were with the
sword. In actuality, Schauerhamer did not intend to give Hunt a ride. When Schauerhamer
offered Hunt a ride, Hunt was taken aback for a second and looked at Schauerhamer weird
and quizzically.)
Schauerhamer: But you gotta give me that sword.
Hunt: (something like) Why cant I have the sword with me? (Again, in that weird, calm
voice): Its my sword.
Schauerhamer laughed and said, Well, youre gonna be in the back of a police car, man. You
cant have a sword with you.
Assault with the sword, shots fired, and foot pursuit
Schauerhamer said at that point Hunt just went for it. Schauerhamer stated, It was
extremely fast. It was extremely violent. When I saw about a foot of the sword come out of the
sheath, I knew that he was forcing our hands, forcing my hand.
As Hunt drew the sword and jumped at Judson, Schauerhamer drew his gun as fast as
[he] could and fired two or three rounds. (Note Witness Wride, Zogg and Officer Judson
observed Hunt swing at Schauerhamer) He then heard Judson fire one round which sounded like
a soft pop. Schauerhamer relayed that all the shots sounded super silent. He stated because
of how fast and violent Hunt drew the sword, Schauerhamer was one hundred percent
certain Hunts only intention was to harm them.
Schauerhamer said because Hunt was turned toward Judson when Schauerhamer fired his
first round, Schauerhamer believed the round hit Hunt on the right side of his back
(approximately three inches to the right of his armpit). Hunt then ran (easterly) between the
carwash and the dumpster wall.
Schauerhamer expressed he was confused as to how Hunt was running when he
(Schauerhamer) had just shot him.
As Schauerhamer was lining up more shots, everything on the sides of Schauerhamers
vision went really blurry, but he was still able to see that there were cars directly behind Hunt.
As such, Schauerhamer was unable to fire more rounds from his location.
Schauerhamer ran after Hunt, thinking, Ive got to stop this guy! Initially,
Schauerhamer was approximately thirty feet behind Hunt. As Schauerhamer pursued Hunt, he
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(Schauerhamer) noticed Hunt was running weird, kind of tilted forward. Schauerhamer
didnt know if Hunt was holding up his pants or if he had been shot.
Schauerhamer and Hunt continued running east between the Top Stop and the Panda
Express, located just north of Top Stop. There is a bed of large river rocks between Top Stop
and Panda Express. As Hunt was going over the river rocks, Schauerhamer radioed that shots
had been fired and yelled at Judson, Come on!
Schauerhamer ran as fast as he could and began crossing the river rocks as Hunt was
coming out of the rocks and into the parking lot. Schauerhamer yelled, Stop! Hunt did not
stop. Schauerhamer said he did not shoot while they were north of Top Stop because he would
have been shooting into a congested Redwood Road.
As Hunt ran north on the east side of Panda Express, Schauerhamer fired one round.
Video from Panda Express shows Schauerhamer fire one round and one spent shell casing from
Schauerhamers gun was found in the vicinity. Schauerhamer does not recall firing this round.
Hunt then ran around the north side of Panda Express and headed west. As
Schauerhamer rounded Panda Express in pursuit, he said he closed within ten to fifteen feet of
Hunt. Schauerhamer then thought to himself, This is the shot. Ive got to take it now.
Schauerhamer knew there were a lot of people in the Wal-Mart parking lot (in the direction they
were headed). However, the ground leading into the parking lot rises, giving Schauerhamer a
Schauerhamer reported, I lined up my shots again and these ones I could almost see
hitting him. Pop. Pop. Pop. Schauerhamer related he fired three or four shots as fast as he could
trigger reset. All were good shots.
Hunt then went from a dead sprint to sliding across the sidewalk. The sword went
flying up to his left, about five or six feet away from his body. The sheath went out into the
parking lot approximately four to five feet. Hunt landed face up with his pants down around his
Schauerhamer caught up to Hunt as he hit the ground. Schauerhamer said he took a big,
deep breath and everything came back into focus and opened up again. Schauerhamer
grabbed Hunts left hand to feel for a pulse and said to Hunt something to the effect, Why did
you make me do that? or Whyd you do that, man? Judson arrived shortly after Hunt went
Initially, Hunt had a pulse and was making weird sounds. Schauerhamer called for
EMS and a helicopter. He also advised dispatch that Hunts condition was very critical. As
Schauerhamer held Hunts wrist, it was apparent he was losing Hunts pulse and he knew there
was no way Hunt was going to live. Schauerhamer continued to hold Hunts wrist until the life
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went out of him. Hunt made one twitch and Schauerhamer knew Hunt was gone. Neither
Schauerhamer nor Judson performed other lifesaving measures as it was apparent Hunt was
Schauerhamer asked Utah Valley Dispatch to contact the on-call detective and the OIS
protocol team and to send additional units to set up a perimeter. He gave some locations for
perimeter establishment and started thinking about preservation of evidence such as video from
Top Stop and Cyprus Credit Union.
Schauerhamer then waited for what seemed like forever for the sirens to get closer.
When the medics arrived, Schauerhamer said he was pissed because they walked over to Hunt
rather than running and getting all amped up. One medic came over and hooked Hunt up to a
machine. One asked Schauerhamer where Hunt had been shot; Schauerhamer replied Hunt had
been shot in the back. The medic gave Schauerhamer a weird look, like he was surprised Hunt
was shot in the back.
Saratoga Corporal Taylor directed Officer Nate Harward to take Schauerhamer to the
office and to refrain from talking to him. Officer Nick Stidham was instructed to take Judson
back to the office. Taylor told Stidham to put Schauerhamer and Judson in separate rooms and
to not allow them to talk to each other. Schauerhamer was then taken to the Saratoga Springs
Police Department and waited in his office. (Note Schauerhamer was not wearing a body cam.
See Item #2-1, to read Schauerhamers complete interview report; Items #2-2, to view Waiver of
Release for Blood and Urine; Item #2-3, to review the Forensic Nursing Field Report; Item #2-4,
to see pictures of Schauerhamer, Judson, their weapons and ammunition; Item #2-5, to view the
video of Schauerhamers interview; Item #2-6, to review his diagram of the scene; Item #2-7, to
review his police training; Item #2-8, to see his toxicology report; and Item 2-9, to listen to the
audio of Schauerhamers interview)
Officer Cory Manis
Manis is a Saratoga Springs police officer. He was the first officer to arrive on scene
along with Detective Zach Robinson. He responded to Panda Express and after checking on the
officers involved assisted in cordoning off the crime scene. Once the crime scene was
established he maintained a log of all officers on scene, assisting with and maintaining the
perimeter, and those officers who entered the crime scene. (Note See Item #34-2, to read
Manis police report; Item #34-14, to listen to his interview; and Item #34-16, to read his
interview report)
Officer Taylor
Cpl. Taylor responded to the scene at approximately 9:45 A.M. and established Incident
Command and made various assignments to responding officers. He assigned Detective Stidham
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to transport Officer Judson to the police department and remain with him. He assigned Officer
Harward to transport Cpl. Schauerhamer to the police department and remain with him. Both
officers were sequestered and in different rooms.
Cpl. Taylor called Chief Deputy County Attorney, Tim Taylor and requested the Officer
Involved Protocol Task Force to respond. (Note See Item #34-19, to read Cpl. Taylors written
report; Item 34-20, to review his interview report; and Item #34-21, to listen to his interview)
Officer Zach Robinson
Detective Robinson is a police officer with Saratoga Springs Police Department. He was
also one of the first officers to arrive on scene. Robinson was assigned to do the parallel
investigation of the shooting for Saratoga Springs.
Officer Nate Harward
Harward responded to the shooting scene. He was asked by Cpl. Taylor to take Cpl.
Schauerhamer to the Saratoga Springs Police Department and sequester him. He took Cpl.
Schauerhamer to the station and stayed with him until he was relieved by another officer.
Harward stated they didnt speak much to each other because they were not allowed to speak
about the incident. (Note See Item #34-11, to listen to Harwards interview; Item #34-12, to
read Harwards interview report; and Item #34-13, to view Harwards diagram of the scene)
Matthew Rider (Saratoga Springs Fire Department)
Rider related he was called to the officer involved shooting scene and was assigned to the
ambulance with Blaine Coombs. As Rider walked to the patient (Hunt) on the northwest side of
Panda Express, Rider observed a large Samurai sword and an officer near Hunt. Rider asked the
officer what happened. The officer allegedly told Rider that Hunt was shot multiple times in the
back. Rider asserted Hunt was not breathing. He checked for a pulse in Hunts wrist and neck
and did not find one.
Rider next cut Hunts shirt off and helped his partner Blain Coombs, apply EKG patches.
Rider and Coombs determined Hunt was asystle on the monitor. They then called Hunt deceased
and removed themselves from the scene.
Rider reported he observed blood near Hunts torso which could have come from his
back. Rider also saw blood on Hunts nose and face, although he stated he didnt see any
obvious sign of injury. (Note See Item #59-5, to read Riders 1102 Statement; Items #59-6, to
listen to his interview; Item #59-7, to review his interview report; Item #59-8, to see his diagram
of the scene; and Item 59-23, for the Patient Care Report)

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Blaine Coombs (Saratoga Springs Fire Department)
Coombs related he was assigned to an ambulance with Matthew Rider, and was
dispatched to a shooting victim (Hunt) near Top Stop. Upon their arrival on scene, Coombs said
he observed a Saratoga Springs police officer near Hunts head. Hunt was laying face up on the
northwest side of Panda Express. Coombs recalled Hunts head was facing west and his feet
were on the eastside. Coombs observed Hunts pants were down around his knees.
Coombs remembered seeing ear buds on Hunt and hearing music coming from them.
Coombs said Rider cut Hunts shirt in order to place EKG leads on Hunt. Coombs said it was
clear to him Hunt was deceased because he did not see any signs of life. Once it was confirmed
Hunt was deceased, he assisted one of the officers (Cpl. Schauerhamer) in an attempt to find a
magazine that he had lost. (Note See Item #59-18, to read Coombs 1102 Statement; Items
#59-19, to listen to his interview; Item #59-20, to review his interview report; and Item #59-21,
to see his diagram of the scene)
Patrick Cullen (Saratoga Springs Fire Department)
Cullen works for the Saratoga Springs Fire Department as an EMT. On the day of Hunts
shooting, Cullen was not working at the time but his pager went off notifying him of the
shooting. Since he was already in the area, he responded to the scene. Upon his arrival there
were already several members of his department already on scene. He was told the EKG
confirmed Hunt was deceased.
Cullen described seeing Hunt lying next to Panda Express, face up and his hands closed.
Hunts head was west and his feet were east. Cullen observed ear buds on Hunts chest and
hearing music coming from them. Cullen recalled seeing a sword about four to six feet from
where Hunt was lying.
Cullen did not touch Hunt and left as soon as he was allowed to do so. (Note See Item
#59-1, to read Cullens 1102 Statement; Items #59-12, to listen to his interview; Item #59-3, to
review his interview report; and Item #59-4, to see his diagram of the scene)
Chad Pate (Saratoga Springs Fire Department)
Pate reported that he and Jerry Lund were assigned as the engine crew on the day of the
Hunt shooting. Pate said they were dispatched to a report of a shooting and upon their arrival he
saw the City ambulance already on scene. He observed Coombs and Rider from the ambulance
working on Hunt.

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Coombs asked Pate to double check the EKG monitor to check what he was seeing. Pate
related the EKG monitor indicated no signs of life in Hunt. Pate observed blood on Hunts face
and possibly lung tissue in his nose. Pate did not see any other signs of injury on Hunt.
Pate recalled seeing Cpl. Schauerhamer and the new guy (Officer Judson) on scene.
While Pate did not speak with them, he did say both of them looked as if they were in shock.
Pate described Hunt as lying on the sidewalk near the northwest corner of Panda Express.
He recalled Hunts head was west, his legs appeared to be crossed, and his arms were at his
sides. Pate noticed ear buds on Hunts chest and also heard music coming from them. He
confirmed the ear buds were not in Hunts ears.
Pate related seeing a samurai sword three to four feet away from Hunt. Pate described
the sword as looking authentic to him. (Note See Item #59-10, to read Pates 1102
Statement; Items #59-11, to listen to his interview; Item #59-12, to review his interview report;
and Item #59-13, to see his diagram of the scene)
Jerry Lund (Saratoga Springs Fire Department)
Lund reported he is a Captain with the fire department and was assigned to an engine
with Chad Pate. They responded to an individual (Hunt) suffering from a gunshot. Lund
recalled a helicopter rescue being called but was later cancelled due to Hunts condition.
Upon Lunds arrival he recalled seeing the ambulance and crew already on scene
attending to Hunt. Lund saw Cpl. Schauerhamer and Officer Judson standing just east of Hunt.
Lund asked Cpl. Schauerhamer who fired their weapon and how many times they fired. Cpl.
Schauerhamer told Lund he had fired his weapon but did not tell him how many times. Lund
confirmed both officers were not injured.
Lund described Hunt as lying on the northwest corner of Panda Express. His feet were
east and his head on the west side. Lund said Hunts hands were near his side and he observed
blood around Hunts mouth and nose. After a short time of being on the scene, Lund was told
Hunt was deceased. At this point, Cullen arrived on scene.
Lund reported seeing a Samurai Sword and commented, It looked very real. He
estimated the blade to be about three feet long and silver in color.
Once the fireman and ambulance crew determined they were unable to help Hunt they
left the scene.
On September 10, 2014, at approximately 9:47 A.M., Utah Valley Dispatch called the
Utah County Attorneys Office, Bureau of Investigations (UCAO) to notify me that officers from
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the Saratoga Springs Police Department had been involved in a shooting. I was given the
location of the incident as the Panda Express, on Redwood Rd., near the intersection of SR73 in
Saratoga Springs. The dispatcher told me the involved officers responded to a suspicious person
call. She also reported the subject of the shooting was in critical condition.
I assigned the following from the Utah County Attorneys Office, Bureau of
Investigations: Sgt. Finch as the Crime Scene Manager; Investigator Greg Knapp and Alena
Allred, Legal Assistant, to assist at the crime scene; Chelsea Crawford, Paralegal, to assist with
managing witness interviews at the Saratoga Springs Police Department. I took the
responsibility as Incident Commander, and case officer. Crawford and I arrived at the police
department at 10:45 A.M.
Sgt. Finch called others to assist him at the crime scene. (Note See Item #1-2, to read
his report)
Upon my arrival at the Saratoga Springs Police Department, I met with the City Attorney,
Kevin Thurman, and the City Manager, Mark Christensen. Since Police Chief Andrew Burton
was out of town, I explained to them the Utah County Officer Involved Incident Protocol Task
Forces (Task Force) purpose, role, and responsibility.
While I was meeting with the Saratoga Springs City administration mentioned above,
Crawford arranged for Task Force officers to respond to the police department to conduct
interviews. Officer Toby Peterson, Lehi City Police Officer and Task Force member, went to the
crime scene and arranged for the transportation of witnesses from the scene to the police
department. Upon the arrival of witnesses at the police department, Crawford photographed and
arranged for them to be interviewed by Task Force officers.
Officers Weapons, Ammo, and Clothing Collected
While Task Force officers were interviewing witnesses, I asked Detective Ventrano, Task
Force officer, to meet with Officer Jeremy Wright in order to seize and trade the involved
officers weapons. Officer Wright with Detective Ventrano witnessing, photographed the
officers involved in the shooting, seized their weapons, counted and photographed the
ammunition left in their magazines and guns. I reviewed the photographs and observed photos
taken of Cpl. Schauerhamer were very dark and asked Officer Wright to retake those in the same
clothing the officer was wearing at the time of the shooting. (Note The officers had not
changed their clothes at that point. See Item #2-4, to view the photographs of the officers, their
weapons, and their ammunition; and Item #41-1, to read Detective Ventranos written report) In
addition, I asked Officer Wright to seize the clothing, shoes, and Sam Browns of the officers and
place them in evidence, which he did.

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Blood and Urine Samples
I met individually with Officer Judson, and then Cpl. Schauerhamer and requested they
sign waivers to draw their blood and urine samples as part of the shooting investigation. They
agreed to the request. Crawford requested Utah Valley Dispatch call-out a forensic nurse to
draw the officers blood and urine. Deborah Moultrie, Forensic Nursing Services (FNS),
responded and drew Officer Judsons blood at 11:27 A.M., and his urine sample at 11:30 A.M.
Moultrie drew Cpl. Schauerhamers blood sample at 11:44 A.M., and his urine sample at 11:47
A.M. Both officers drug field tests indicated negative results for drugs in their urine. (Note
See Item #2-2 to view the signed waiver by Cpl. Schauerhamer and Item #3-2, to view Officer
Judsons. Also see Item #2-3, to view the urine field drug test results of Cpl. Schauerhamer and
Item #3-3, to view officer Judsons results)
Two attorneys from the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) arrived at the Saratoga Springs
Police Department. I informed them the Task Force would like to interview Corporal
Schauerhamer and Officer Judson within forty-eight hours. They told me that it would likely be
the following week as they were not available due to their schedules.
Interviewing Officers
At the conclusion of the witness interviews, I debriefed with the Task Force investigators
to obtain perspectives of what happened according to the witnesses. The following officers
interviewed witnesses on September 10, 2014: Officer Ferrel, Officer Ray, Officer Kirkham,
Officer Swenson, Officer Sager, Officer Loveridge, and Officer Peterson, from Lehi Police
Department; Officer Liddiard and Officer Stilson from American Fork Police Department;
Officer Ventrano from Lone Peak Police Department; and Agent Miller, Agent Davis, Agent
Jensen, Agent Conteras, and Agent Esplin from Utah State Bureau of Investigations (SBI).
I requested the following officers perform follow-up interviews: Sgt. Hales, Sgt.
Johnston, Sgt. Finch, Investigator Knapp from UCAO; Officer Wade from BYU Police
Department; Officers Sandoval, and Dibble from Payson Police Department; Deputy Randall,
and Deputy Oliver from Utah County Sheriffs Office; Officer Eastman from Lindon Police
Department; and Officer Duncan from Springville Police Department. Twenty-five officers from
ten different agencies participated in interviewing witnesses.
Crime Scene
As mentioned above, Sgt. Finch, UCAO, was assigned as the Crime Scene Manager. He
requested CSI Doug Squire, UCSO; and CSI Lee Fox, UCSO; respond to the scene to assist.
Investigator Knapp, UCAO, had already responded to the scene and reported to Finch that the
crime scene had been contained and taped off with police tape. The Utah Medical Examiners
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Office was contacted and Investigator Mike Morgan responded to the scene at 11:45 A.M. Sgt.
DellErgo, UCAO, also responded to assist at the scene.
Hunts family members came to the scene at 11:30 A.M. Knapp and DellErgo spoke
with them and asked them to respond to the Saratoga Police Department to be interviewed.
UHP Lt. Cory Nye as well as the State Bureau of Investigations (SBI) Lt. Jared Garcia
arrived on scene and offered their services and personnel in assisting in the investigation. SBI
had their agents, Agent Randall Aker, Agent Alan Jensen, and Agent Steve Marble; that operate
their FARO Laser Scanner, deployed to document the scene (Note - See Items #48-1, 48-2, and
48-3 for these agents reports and Item #4-5 for the FARO pictures, case #14INV0613). Also the
Attorney Generals Office Investigators Craig Gibson and Aaron Jones responded to document
the scene using their Pano-Scan (Note - See Items #4-10, for the reports and Item #4-11, for the
Pano-Scan pictures, Case #2014-847). The FARO and Pano-Scan recordings of the scene with
reports were given to Finch and placed in our case file.
Sgt. Josh Edwards, Lindon P.D., responded with his drone to take aerial photographs
documenting the scene. Sgt. Edwards completed taking the aerial photos. Sgt. Dell Ergo placed
the photos in our case file. (Note - See Item #4-1 for the drone images and video taken by Sgt.
Edwards, Case #14LI03272)
Surveillance recordings were taken from the Top Stop (Chevron gas station), Panda
Express, and Cyprus Credit Union. The times on the surveillance recordings are close in time,
however, do not match up to each other exactly. This is also true with the time in relation to the
Utah Valley Dispatch Call Detail Report (CDR) times listed above. We used the dispatch CDR
as the official time but used the businesses times on the surveillance recordings when the CDR
times are not available.
The crime scene consisted of a large area on the Northwest corner of Redwood Road
(SR-68) at Cedar Fort Road (SR-73) in Saratoga Springs.
The businesses in the crime scene area include Top Stop (Also referred to as the Chevron
Gas Station), 36 W Cedar Fort Road; Cyprus Credit Union, 74 W Cedar Fort Road; and Panda
Express, 1413 N Redwood Road.
There were three scenes during this incident where shots were fired:
The First Scene is where the officers made contact with Hunt at about 09:44:40. This
event occurred in the driveway and parking lot between Top Stop Car Wash and Cyprus Credit
Union. (Note See Item #31-5, a picture showing the position of the officers with Hunt) When
the officers made contact with Hunt they formed a tactical L.

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Utah County Attorneys Office

Summary Report
Cpl. Schauerhamer was at the very front of the drivers side of the vehicle with Hunt
three to four feet in front of him; Judson was to Hunts left. At this scene, Cpl. Schauerhamer
reported shooting three times. Three casings were found on the pavement in the area of Cpl.
Schauerhamers patrol vehicle. CSI Justin Bechaver from the Utah State Crime Lab was able to
match these casing to Cpl. Schauerhamers weapon.
Officer Judson reported shooting once from this scene. An extensive search of the area
for Officer Judsons casing was made without locating it. A bullet impact was located west of
the Panda Express building marked #11 on the scene diagram, see Item #4-14. However, the
actual bullet was not located. It is believed this impact was from Officer Judsons weapon based
on how it lines up with the area from which he most likely fired. It is unlikely Officer Judsons
shot hit Hunt.
The Second Scene is on the road east of Panda Express. The drive-up window
surveillance camera at Panda Express captured this event. (Note - See Item #27-2, Camera 08;
for the recording of this event) After Hunt and Cpl. Schauerhamer crossed the decorative rocks
in between Top Stop and Panda Express, they ran north on the road located on the east side of
the businesses. As they were at the drive-up window driveway, Cpl. Schauerhamer brought up
his weapon to a shooting position. At 09:44:16 Cpl. Schauerhamer fired his weapon at Hunt.
(Note - The time on the recording is according to the Panda Express surveillance recorder)
Hunt continued to run west on Panda Express north sidewalk area with Cpl. Schauerhamer and
Officer Judson still pursuing him.
The evidence recovered at this scene consisted of one spent .40 Cal casing recovered in
the road on the east side of Panda Express. This is also where the first blood drops were found
for this incident. The blood drops continue to the sidewalk on the north side of Panda Express to
where Hunt came to rest.
The Third Scene is the on the north side of Panda Express where Cpl. Schauerhamer
fired three additional rounds at Hunt who collapsed from his wounds and came to rest at the
Northwest corner of Panda Expresss building.
Cpl. Schauerhamer closed the gap between him and Hunt as they went around the
Northeast corner of Panda Express. They went to the north side of Panda Express and ran west
in the direction of Wal-Mart. Cpl. Schauerhamer stated he lined up his shots and fired three to
four shots. Cpl. Schauerhamer reported he could see his shots hitting Hunt. Three spent .40 Cal
casings were recovered at this scene.
Cpl. Schauerhamer said Hunt went from a dead sprint to sliding across the sidewalk
after being shot. The sword went to the left of Hunt about five to six feet from his body. The
scabbard went out in the parking lot four to five feet.

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Officer Judson was behind Cpl. Schauerhamer and lost sight of him and Hunt when they
went around the Northeast corner to the north side of Panda Express. He did hear Cpl.
Schauerhamer fire several more shots.
After Hunts body was photographed and processed it was turned over to the M.E.
transport personnel to be taken to the M.E.s office for the autopsy. The evidence at the above
scenes was photographed, collected, and taken to the UCSO Evidence and Lab for storage and
processing. Hunts body and clothing were taken to the M.E.s office by transport personnel.
Hunts clothing was recovered by Sgt. DellErgo from the M.E.s office and booked into UCSO
During the entire incident a total of eight bullets were fired. Six of those rounds struck
Hunt from behind. Approximately thirteen officers from six different agencies participated in the
crime scene investigation. (Note See Item 1-2, to read Sgt. Finchs crime scene report for a
very thorough review of the timing of events, a review of the scenes, and the evidence collected;
also see Item #4-15, to read CSI Doug Squires thorough report involving the crime scenes and
the likely location where each of the shots were fired and struck Hunt)
Medical Examiner
On September 11, 2014 at approximately 9:00 A.M., Dr. Pamela Ulmer of the Office of
the Medical Examiner (OME) performed an autopsy examination of Hunt. The OME case
number is R201401812. The examination was performed at the OME office in Salt Lake City.
Sgt. Mark DellErgo from the UCAO attended the autopsy for the Task Force.
Dr. Ulmer noted six gunshot wounds, three penetrating gunshot wounds, three perforating
gunshot wounds and superficial abrasions to the upper extremities.
She also noted several injuries in addition to the gunshot wounds. On the inside surface
of the left middle finger was a sharp force injury to the middle joint. Dr. Ulmer said the injury
could be consistent with drawing the sword from a sheath. There were three small abrasions and
one lacerated abrasion on the left thumb. The right medial forearm had three abrasions. The left
upper arm had one abrasion, and the left wrist had several small healing abrasions.
Dr. Ulmer reported the cause of death was multiple gunshot wounds, and the manner of
death was listed as homicide. (Note See Item #1-4, to review Sgt. DellErgos thorough
autopsy report; and Item #30-6, to read Dr. Pamela Ulmers autopsy report. Also see Doug
Squires report, Item #4-15; wherein he gives his opinion as to where each of the gunshots to
Hunts body took place)

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Summary Report
Hunt Family Interviews
Susan Hunt reported her son Darrien Hunt was physically abused by his father when he
was a child. She moved to Utah three years ago from Washington, D.C. Hunt would often ask
her why God hated him. Hunt did not have any friends, but he connected the most with K.J.
Susan related Hunt used a hallucinogen called DMT to cope with his emotional issues.
She had previously removed the drug from the home to get him to stop using. Susan said when
Hunt took the drug he would wake up in the middle of the night and tell her he was God. She
reported Hunt used Acid approximately three weeks prior to the shooting, and heard Hunt
making noises during the evening and woke up in the morning to find that he had taken all of her
pictures of Jesus and burned them in a fire pit. That was the last time she knew he had taken
drugs. Susan said Hunt also believed his sister, Taryan, was supposed to be his wife. She related
it was creepy.
Susan reported Hunt wrote in chalk on the back yard, One day I won't be dysfunctional
and I'll belong. She felt Hunt has always been sad or suicidal. Hunt always wondered why he
was here. Susan said for about a year he truly believed people were in his head. She thinks the
drug DMT was the cause of the voices in his head. Susan believes Hunt had a mental illness and
the DMT enhanced it.
Susan asserted she was going to kick Hunt out of the house on Friday, September 12th,
because of losing another job. Hunt was fired from his job a week and a half before the shooting
at E-Learning because he wasn't showing up for work. He had a previous job at Convergys for
about three months. She said he left that job because he thought people were messing with his
brain. Hunt was convinced people were reading his thoughts.
Susan reported Hunt was not seeing a physician, although he had seen physicians in the
past. Hunt was previously prescribed Wellbutrin, but refused to take it. She said Hunt had been
acting confused and schizophrenic, but was unable to find help for him.
Susan believed Hunt had dressed nicely on September 10th, because he was going to a job
interview. She said he was dressed in a long sleeve red shirt. She last saw Hunt at 7:30 A.M.
when she left for work.
Susan reported receiving a text from her daughter Alyia at about 9:45 A.M. Alyia was
experiencing an anxiety attack and was crying. She also received a phone call from her son KJ
at about 10:00 A.M. As mentioned above, KJ told Susan that Hunt had taken his Katana sword
and had acted like he was cutting down a tree with it. She informed the investigators
interviewing her that a Katana sword was a fake pretty sword for display. She didnt believe you
could cut yourself if you tried with the sword. KJ would keep the sword in his windowsill and
she never saw them playing with it.
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Susan said she picked-up Alyia from school and while driving noticed an area with a lot
of law enforcement. Alyia said to her mother, Darrien [Hunt] has been pretty crazy. I wouldnt
be surprised if that has anything to do with him. Susan called her daughters boyfriend, Nick
Waitkevich. She said Waitkevich told her he saw Hunts Facebook post and it said, I have a
sword and Im going to get shot. (Note At the time of writing this summary report, our office
is still waiting for Facebook to provide information requested from a search warrant concerning
Hunts Facebook page in order to confirm this statement. Waitkevich refused to be interviewed
by police officers)
Susan also reported around Christmas time of 2013, Hunt became drunk and got in a fight
with a couple of individuals. She said he pushed her and scratched her daughter Taryn. During
the altercation Hunt said he just wanted to hurt somebody or die. She said he was arrested and
was ordered to get a psychological evaluation. She asserted Dr. Livingstone conducted the
evaluation, but she hasn't received the results. (Note This incident actually occurred on January
5, 2014. Hunt threatened to kill his sisters friends and his family during this incident. See Item
#5-6, to review the Saratoga Springs police report. Also see Item 25-1, to listen to Susan Hunts
interview; Item 25-2 and 2a, to review Susans interview report; and Item #25-3, to listen to
Investigator Greg Knapps initial contact with Susan at the crime scene)
Taryn Hunt reported she works with her mother at E-Learning Brothers in American
Fork, Utah, and has for approximately one month prior to the shooting. Taryn stated that Hunt
also used to work there, but was fired about 3 or 4 weeks ago. She said Hunt was initially
suspended at work because of an incident at home where he took "acid," and burned all of the
pictures of Jesus in their home. He later failed to show up at work and was fired.
Taryn was at work by 8:00 A.M. on September 10th, and went with her mom. She saw
Hunt that morning before work, and he was "dressed up". She did not speak to him. She didn't
get along with Hunt because she feels like he just lives off of their mom. Taryn stated that Hunt
was lazy, and wouldn't get a job. She and Hunt would fight often. It was hard for them to be in
the same room.
The last time they had a conversation was on September 9th. Hunt was trying to talk to
her in her room, and she told him to leave. Hunt didn't seem upset, he just blew it off. Hunt
allegedly would purposefully try to get on her nerves all the time. Taryn described Hunt as
"creepy and weird", and seemed to be infatuated with her. She said it wasn't ok for him to be
having weird thoughts like that about her. She said that she came to hate him, and would have
horrible thoughts about him.
Taryn stated that their dad was neglectful, and was mean to Hunt sometimes, but she
doesn't think that was an excuse for Hunt to have all of the issues that he had. She feels like
Hunt should have been able to deal with things. She said that Hunt thought that he needed to be
compensated because he wasn't "as right in the head" as everyone else. She feels that Hunt pitied
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himself, and didn't believe that he could deal with things, and never even tried. Taryn stated that
Hunt was paranoid and thought people were always watching him.
Taryn stated that Hunt used a hallucinogen called DMT. He watched a documentary on
it, and he believed that it was going to open his eyes, and help him. Hunt had been using this
drug for the last year or two. Taryn said Hunt just lost sight of reality.
According to Taryn, Hunt was not acting out of the ordinary on the morning of
September 9th. Hunt didn't want to live at the house with his family. Taryn said that no one
wanted him there because he was lazy, and couldn't hold down a job. He would sit home all day
and play video games on-line. Taryn related Hunt would always make comments that weren't
Her brother KJ had a samurai sword that he got for Christmas one year. She didn't see
Hunt with the sword on September 9th, but she did see Hunt go into KJ's room that morning.
Taryn said that Hunt hadn't really been himself lately.
Alyia Hunt reported she last saw Hunt the evening of September 9th, although she didnt
speak with him. She went to school the morning of September 10th, and while in a foods class
had an anxiety attack, which she has a history of. Alyia said as her mother was coming to pick
her up from school Susan received a text from her brother KJ stating that Hunt had left the house
with KJs samurai sword. Alyia related her mother became worried. Alyia asserted she had not
seen Hunt with KJ's sword before.
After Susan picked up Alyia, they drove past a lot of police cars at the Panda Express.
She told her mother that she hoped it wasnt something that Hunt had done.
Alyia said that Hunt has been acting weird for the last year or so. Hunt had started using
the hallucinogenic drug DMT, and that "it screwed up his head even more than it already was."
Hunt began talking about Pandora's Box, and other "crazy stuff".
Alyia reported Hunt used acid a couple of weeks ago, and had burned pictures of Jesus.
She said Hunt has had a very difficult time the last year or two, and has been posting a lot of
weird things on his Facebook page lately.
Lucas Topham is friends or attends the same church congregation as the Hunts. He
reported he got along well with Hunt and did not personally notice if he had a drug or mental
issues. Topham reported on one occasion a few weeks prior to the shooting he heard Susan Hunt
say that Hunt had a crazy side to him and it caused her to fear for him. This conversation took
place right after Hunt burned the pictures of Jesus in Susans home. Tophams experience with
Hunt had been a positive one. (Note See Item #57-1, to listen to Tophams interview; and Item
#57-2, to read his interview report)

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Summary Report
Darrien Hunt Criminal Background

February 3, 2012, Hunt was charged with Class B Possession of Controlled Substances,
Marijuana. Guilty plea. Saratoga Springs Police Department was the law enforcement
agency involved.

September 15, 2012, Hunt was cited for Right of Way, Stop or Yield sign, Class C
Misdemeanor. Forfeited bail. Utah County Sheriff Office was the law enforcement
agency involved.

March 13, 2013, Hunt was cited for Failure to Register or Expired Vehicle, Class C
Misdemeanor, Saratoga Springs Police Department was the law enforcement agency

March 21, 2013, Hunt was cited for Speeding, Class C Misdemeanor. Guilty plea. Hunt
refused to pay the $90 fine in spite of his mother willing to cover the cost. He opted in
lieu of paying the fine to spend two days in the Salt Lake County Jail on this charge.
Bluffdale City Police Department was the law enforcement agency involved.

January 5, 2014, Hunt was charged with Assault, a Class B Misdemeanor; Domestic
Violence in the Presence of a Child, Class B Misdemeanor, four counts; Intoxication,
Class C Misdemeanor; and Child Abuse/Neglect, Class B Misdemeanor, two counts.
Hunt spent five days in the Utah County Jail, and pled to the assault charge. The judge
ordered a Substance Abuse/Mental Health/Domestic Violence evaluation and assessment
within sixty days. Saratoga Springs Police Department was the law enforcement agency
Outstanding Court Orders

At the time of writing this report, search warrants have been served but the information
requested from those warrants has not been received. We also have investigative subpoenas
served that we havent received the documents requested.
Associated Cases

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Case Report: R201401812, Office of the Medical Examiner, Hunts autopsy report.
Case Report: 14UC09312, Utah County Sheriffs Office Crime Lab Report written by
Doug Squire, Lee Fox, and a supplemental report written by Det. Eckles.
Case Report: 14UC09979, Utah County Sheriff Office Reports, by Deputy Oliver
involving interviews he conducted.


Supervisor Approval: _______________________JR______________________________
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Utah County Attorneys Office

Summary Report

Case Report: 14UC10866, Utah County Sheriff Office Report, by Deputy Jason Randall
involving interviews he conducted.
Case Report: 14SS04900, Saratoga Springs Police Department reports, by the officers
who assisted in this incident.
Case Report: AG 2014-847, Attorney General Office: Pano-Scan Report of Photograph
of the Scenes
Case Report: 14INV0613, State Bureau of Investigations (SBI): FARO Laser Scanner
images of the Scenes.
Case Report: 14LI03272, Lindon City Police Department, Sgt. Josh Edwards and
Detective Gray: Aerial Photos and video.
Case Report: 14LE10984, Lehi City Police Report, by Officer Swenson involving
interviews he conducted.
Case Report: 14AF07281, 14AF07568, 14AF07573, 14AF07574, 14AF07576,
14AF07578, American Fork City Police Reports, by Detective Stilson, involving
interviews he conducted.
Case Report: 12AF07282, American Fork City Police Report, by Lt. Liddiard involving
interviews he conducted.
Case Report: 14AF07306 American Fork City Police Report, by Lt. Liddiard involving
interviews he conducted.
Case Report: 14AH03641, 14AH03736, 14AH03754, 14AH03755, 14AH03756,
14SV08462, 14AH03604, Lone Peak Police Department Reports, by Officer Ventrano
involving interviews he conducted.
Case Report: 14BY03637, 14BY04015, 14BY03886, 14BY03608, BYU Police
Department Reports, by Officer Raab involving interviews he conducted.
Case Report: 14SV08462, Springville Police Report, by Officer Duncan involving
interviews he conducted.
Case Report: 14PA05469, 14PA05472, 14PA05317, Payson City Police Reports, by
Officer Sandoval involving interviews she conducted.
Case Report: 14SA03741, Salem City Police Report, by Officer Dibble involving
interviews he conducted.
Case Report: IR 1460862-2014-09-10, Saratoga Springs Fire Department Report.

On the morning of September 10, 2014, KJ Hunt reported his brother Darrien Hunt took
his Katana sword and practiced swinging it. Hunt left his residence with the sword and was seen
walking near a church building swinging the sword by witness Siddoway. Numerous witnesses
saw Hunt walking southbound on Redwood Road, walking in the direction of Wal-Mart, Panda
Express, or Top Stop. Most witnesses saw him walking with the samurai sword or what some
believed to be sticks behind his back.

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Summary Report
Utah Valley Dispatch received a suspicious person call at 9:38:38 A.M., in the area of
North Redwood Road and West Harvest Hills Blvd. The caller was Steven Spencer. He
reported there was a male with a samurai sword walking towards Wal-mart on the west side of
Redwood Road.
Officer Judson was dispatched and en-route to check on the suspicious male at 9:40:23
A.M. Cpl. Schauerhamer also responded to the call at 9:41:38 A.M. Both officers arrived in the
area of Top Stop at 9:44:17 A.M. Top Stop was very busy at this time in the morning. As Hunt
walked past the front doors of Top Stop, witness Galanti walked out and followed him briefly.
At 9:44:40 A.M., Cpl. Schauerhamer informed dispatch that he was with Hunt in the area
of Top Stop. When the officers made contact with Hunt they formed a tactical L. Galanti was
the only witness that we are aware who heard any conversation between the officers and Hunt.
Galanti reported she heard Hunt ask for a ride from the officers as he approached one of the
officers. She was approximately fifteen feet from the officers when she overhead the
conversation. Cpl. Schauerhamer related he told Hunt he would give him a ride, but Hunt would
need to give him the sword. Hunt refused to give the officers his sword.
What appeared to be a very low key discussion changed instantly when Hunt quickly
drew his sword from the sheath and jumped towards the officers and began swinging, or
stabbing his sword at Cpl. Schauerhamer and Officer Judson according to witnesses Wride,
Zogg, and both police officers. Officer Judson stated as they were talking with Hunt, he drew
the sword over his head and Hunt swung the sword at Cpl. Schauerhamer. Officer Judson did
not know if Cpl. Schauerhamer was struck with the sword at this time. Cpl. Schauerhamer was
reportedly three to four feet from Hunt. Witness Wride indicated that if Cpl. Schauerhamer
hadnt moved back the sword would have struck him in the stomach.
Officer Judson backed up and turned 360 degrees to create space between him and Hunt,
because Hunt appeared to come at him and he felt he was in danger. During this time he could
hear Cpl. Schauerhamer firing at Hunt. However, Cpl. Schauerhamer believed Hunt drew the
sword and jumped at Officer Judson. Witnesses Wride and Zogg indicate Cpl. Schauerhamer
was the officer Hunt initially attempted to assault with the sword.
From the time Cpl. Schauerhamer told dispatch he was out with Hunt, thirty-seven
seconds later, at 9:45:17 A.M., Cpl. Schauerhamer radioed Shots Fired. Cpl. Schauerhamer
fired three times as Hunt turned and began to run from officers. Officer Judson fired one time.
Both officers believed Hunts intent was to harm them.
Hunt then ran northeast between the carwash and the dumpster wall. As Hunt was
fleeing from officers, Cpl. Schauerhamer stated Hunt was kind of tilted forward. Cpl.
Schauerhamer did not know if Hunt was holding up his pants or if he had been shot. Cpl.
Schauerhamer yelled at Hunt to Stop! but he continued to run.

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Hunt ran to the north side of Top Stop heading east. After Hunt and Cpl. Schauerhamer
crossed the decorative rocks in between Top Stop and Panda Express, they ran north on the road
located on the east side of the businesses. As they passed the drive-up window driveway, Cpl.
Schauerhamer brought up his weapon to a shooting position and fired his weapon at Hunt. Hunt
ran west on Panda Express north sidewalk area with Cpl. Schauerhamer and Officer Judson still
pursuing him. It is important to note that Hunt still had the sword and the scabbard in his hands.
On the north side of Panda Express Cpl. Schauerhamer fired three additional rounds at
Hunt who collapsed from his wounds and came to rest at the Northwest corner of Panda
Expresss building. During these shots Hunt dropped the sword and the scabbard.
Cpl. Schauerhamer informed dispatch he was on the north side of Panda Express at
9:46:17 A.M. Dispatch notified Cpl. Schauerhamer at 9:46:25 A.M. that Life Flight would
launch. At 9:47:20 A.M. Cpl. Schauerhamer informed dispatch that Hunts condition was very
Cpl. Schauerhamer reported he felt he needed to stop Hunt before he got back to
people, meaning individuals in the Wal-Mart area, Top Stop, and the woman (Galanti) he saw
near Top Stop. Cpl. Schauerhamer expressed his belief Hunt was an immediate threat to him and
to others if he continued to pursue him. Cpl. Schauerhamer asserted this was the safest location
for him to stop Hunt.
The following statutes apply to this case:
Utah Code Section Utah Code Ann. 76-2-402 (West 2004), Force in Defense of Person
Forcible felony defined:
(1) (a) A person is justified in threatening or using force against another when and to the extent that the person
reasonably believes that force or a threat of force is necessary to defend the person or a third person against
another person's imminent use of unlawful force.
(b) A person is justified in using force intended or likely to cause death or serious bodily injury only if the
person reasonably believes that force is necessary to prevent death or serious bodily injury to the person or a
third person as a result of another person's imminent use of unlawful force, or to prevent the commission of
a forcible felony.
(2) (a) A person is not justified in using force under the circumstances specified in Subsection (1) if the person:
(i) initially provokes the use of force against the person with the intent to use force as an excuse to inflict
bodily harm upon the assailant;
(ii) is attempting to commit, committing, or fleeing after the commission or attempted commission of a
felony; or
(iii) was the aggressor or was engaged in a combat by agreement, unless the person withdraws from the
encounter and effectively communicates to the other person his intent to do so and, notwithstanding,
the other person continues or threatens to continue the use of unlawful force.
(b) For purposes of Subsection (2)(a)(iii) the following do not, by themselves, constitute "combat by

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Utah County Attorneys Office

Summary Report
(i) voluntarily entering into or remaining in an ongoing relationship; or
(ii) entering or remaining in a place where one has a legal right to be.
(3) A person does not have a duty to retreat from the force or threatened force described in Subsection (1) in a place
where that person has lawfully entered or remained, except as provided in Subsection (2)(a)(iii).
(4) (a) For purposes of this section, a forcible felony includes aggravated assault, mayhem, aggravated murder,
murder, manslaughter, kidnapping, and aggravated kidnapping, rape, forcible sodomy, rape of a child,
object rape, object rape of a child, sexual abuse of a child, aggravated sexual abuse of a child, and
aggravated sexual assault as defined in Title 76, Chapter 5, Offenses Against the Person, and arson, robbery,
and burglary as defined in Title 76, Chapter 6, Offenses Against Property.
(b) Any other felony offense which involves the use of force or violence against a person so as to create a
substantial danger of death or serious bodily injury also constitutes a forcible felony.
(c) Burglary of a vehicle, defined in Section 76-6-204, does not constitute a forcible felony except when the
vehicle is occupied at the time unlawful entry is made or attempted.
(5) In determining imminence or reasonableness under Subsection (1), the trier of fact may consider, but is not
limited to, any of the following factors:
(a) the nature of the danger;
(b) the immediacy of the danger;
(c) the probability that the unlawful force would result in death or serious bodily injury;
(d) the other's prior violent acts or violent propensities; and
(e) any patterns of abuse or violence in the parties' relationship.

Utah Code Sections 76-2-404. Peace Officer's use of Deadly Force.

(1) A peace officer, or any person acting by his command in his aid and assistance, is justified in
using deadly force when:
(a) the officer is acting in obedience to and in accordance with the judgment of a competent
court in executing a penalty of death under Subsection 77-18-5.5(3) or (4);
(b) effecting an arrest or preventing an escape from custody following an arrest, where the
officer reasonably believes that deadly force is necessary to prevent the arrest from being
defeated by escape; and
(i) the officer has probable cause to believe that the suspect has committed a felony
offense involving the infliction or threatened infliction of death or serious bodily
injury; or
(ii) the officer has probable cause to believe the suspect poses a threat of death or
serious bodily injury to the officer or to others if apprehension is delayed; or
(c) the officer reasonably believes that the use of deadly force is necessary to prevent death
or serious bodily injury to the officer or another person.

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Supervisor Approval: _______________________JR______________________________
Report Released To: ___GRAMA 12/8/2014


Utah County Attorneys Office

Summary Report
(2) If feasible, a verbal warning should be given by the officer prior to any use of deadly force
under Subsection (1)(b) or (1)(c).
Utah Code Section Utah Code Ann. Utah Code Section 76-10-501(6), Definitions
Dangerous Weapon:
(6) (a) "Dangerous weapon" means:
(i) a firearm; or
(ii) an object that in the manner of its use or intended use is capable of causing death or
serious bodily injury.
(b) The following factors are used in determining whether any object, other than a firearm, is
a dangerous weapon:
(i) the location and circumstances in which the object was used or possessed;
(ii) the primary purpose for which the object was made;
(iii) the character of the wound, if any, produced by the object's unlawful use;
(iv) the manner in which the object was unlawfully used;
(v) whether the manner in which the object is used or possessed constitutes a potential
imminent threat to public safety; and
(vi) the lawful purposes for which the object may be used.
(c) "Dangerous weapon" does not include an explosive, chemical, or incendiary device as
defined by Section 76-10-306.

NOTE: Please see the case file Contents List for all information and reports available from this
investigation. This report is a summary of this case and only comprises those items that the
investigator felt important to this investigation. To understand the full and complete
investigation of this case, please review, read, listen, and watch all of the evidence the case file
contains. You may contact our office at (801) 851-8026 to make an appointment to see any
additional information.

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Supervisor Approval: _______________________JR______________________________
Report Released To: ___GRAMA 12/8/2014


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