Newsletter - Dec 19

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RTM Newsletter - Friday December 19, 2014

Principals Message
Dear R. Tait McKenzie PS Families,

We prepare all students for a
successful life
Creating Futures. Leading and
Learning for All

Principal: Mr. Paul LeRoy

Vice-Principal: Ms. D. Stroud
175 Paterson Street, Almonte, ON
K0A 1A0
Phone: 613-256-8248
Fax: 1-855-428-1500

ding activities and the

This is the first RTM newsletter of the 2014-2015 school year. It is my New
Years resolution to publish school newsletters on a consistent basis. You
can look forward to regular newsletters moving forward. Thanks for your
We are wrapping up a busy fall season and students are looking forward to
the holidays!
If you visited RTM in December you might have heard classes singing
both French and English carols in preparation for our Holiday Concert and
the collaboration of students building snow structures after our first snow
fall You would have seen students bumping and volleying in preparation
for school volleyball tournaments, doors being decorated for the season
and the incredible donations by our caring community to Lanark
Community Interval House as part of the RTM Elf Army initiative If you
popped by the school in December and late November you would have
smelled the gingerbread prepared by students who planned, measured
and revised gingerbread houses as part of math class, and the sweet smell
of whipped cream pies that landed in the face of staff as we wrapped up
our successful Chocolate Bar Campaign.
As you can see R. Tait McKenzie is alive to the senses! I am looking forward
to more community building activities and innovative academic initiatives in
From all of us at RTM have a very Happy Holiday! Enjoy the time to
reflect, recharge and reconnect with your family!
Paul LeRoy
R. Tait McKenzie Public School

Happy Holidays from


Important Dates to Remember:

Pizza - January 9, 16, 23, and 29
Ecole De Neige Gr. 6 January 19, 20, 21
Hot Lunch orders for Feb/Mar January 16

PA Day Friday January 30, 2015

RTM School Council News:

the next RTM School Council Meeting is scheduled for
Tuesday February 10th 2015 7:00-8:30 PM
Some topics for discussion and consideration

Patterson St. safety

Safe and Active Routes to School
Positive Interaction Programs Search and Review

Co Chair: Christine Andersen
Co-Chair: Shannon Boisvenue

My Family Room
The Upper Canada District School Board is pleased to announce
the launch of a new online service entitled My Family Room. This
new website will soon be available to all parents and legal
guardians of children who attend schools within the Upper
Canada District School Board.
My Family Room introduces new communication capabilities for
parents. Parents have the ability to update personal contact
information and set communication preferences to receive
urgent notifications regarding school emergencies, unexplained
absences and bus cancellations. Parents can keep up with
schools events with a view of their children's electronic school
calendar. Email communications with teachers and school staff
has been made easier for parents.
Additional features planned for My Family Room include a
Mobile Application for your tablets and smartphones to report
children's absences to schools (Spring 2015). Future offerings
will include Online forms (Fall 2015) and Online registrations for
new students (Winter 2016).

Health Unit Connection

Informational packages for parents/guardians of the Almonte

Family of Schools will be sent home via Canada Post the week of
January 5 , 2015

For Families:
Triple P Online: Triple P (a positive parenting program) has a
fun and easy-to-use online program. Triple P Online (TPOL) will
introduce you to Triple Ps 17 core parenting skills simple
strategies to encourage positive behaviour, and to prevent and
manage misbehaviour. This personal 24/7 online parenting
program is for parents of children aged 012. There are 20
FREE Triple P online program codes available. Please contact
the Health Units Health Action Line 1-800-660-5853 to see how
Triple P can support your family and to receive a TPOL code.
Holiday Healthy Eating Tips. If you are trying to maintain a
healthy eating pattern for your family throughout the holidays
and all year long try these tips:
Encourage enough time to enjoy family favourites and try
some new foods. Talk about being mindful of our bodies such
as eating when we are hungry and stopping when we are full. It
takes time for the body to signal the brain that it feels full so try
role modeling eating slowly and putting down cutlery between
Let everyone decide for themselves how much they want to
eat or if they even want to eat at all.
Eat high fibre choices like fruit, vegetables and whole grains
before going to holiday parties so you wont arrive hungry.
Dont let anyone skip meals. If there is a big meal planned for
that day, eat smaller meals and snacks beforehand.

Please stay tuned for more information about this exciting


Sports Report Jr. Girls Volleyball

The Girls volleyball team did an amazing job at the

Region Volleyball tournament on Friday December 12th @
Caldwell Street Public School. The team made it to the
semi-finals where they battled a tough opponent the
Stewart School right to the end. Unfortunately the team
lost the third game of the semi-finals, but they had a great
Team members include: Kayleigh V., Ericka L., Bella M.,
Hailey M., Nikyla T., Breah D., Nova H., Jacqueline F.,
Shayla B-L. and Molly M.

Jr. Boys Volleyball

Bien que lquipe de volleyball des garons sest mis dans une
mauvaise situation certains gards, le caractre se rvle dans de
situations pareilles. Cest ainsi que nos garons se sont prouvs rsilient
et surtout de lesprit positif. Aprs avoir termin les partis de
positionnement, certains avaient dj mis leurs manteaux et se
prparaient partir, sachant quun rsultat de 2 victoires et 6 pertes
ntait probablement pas suffisant pour pouvoir avancer. Cependant, ils
ont avanc, et avec un match venir dans les partis liminatoires contre
lquipe de Chimo, qui tait en premire place et qui navait pas dj
perdu. Nos garons ont chang ce fait, quand ils ont gagn le deuxime
match, et puis le match dterminant pour avancer aux demi-finales. L,
notre quipe a perdu encore le premier parti contre Montague, avant de
gagner le deuxime et le match dterminant de la srie pour avancer de
nouveau. Lquipe de lcole Stewart a gagn cette srie pour remporter
la premire place, mais nos garons ont surpris les spectateurs et les
entraineurs galement en remportant la mdaille dargent. M. Ruta
aimerait remercier ces joueurs vedettes : Jake C, Nayo E, Gabe P,
Griffin L, Dylan P, Sam R, Justin M, Brock D, Anik M, Matt S, et
Austin S.

School Life in Pictures!

Door Decoration

While they may have put themselves in a pretty tough situation in many
ways, the boys volleyball team showed that it is those kinds of
situations where true character reveals itself. Certainly, the boys
showed their resiliency and positive attitude after having finished the
round robin with a record of 2 wins and six losses. Several boys had
even put on their coats and packed their bags, knowing that they would
be unlikely to move on with that record. However, it turns out they had
done just enough to get into a quarterfinal matchup with undefeated
Chimo school. After dropping the first game against them, our boys
came back to win the second game and the tie-breaker to move on to
the semifinals. They did the exact same thing to beat Montague in yet
another tie-breaker to earn a spot in the finals. The Stewart School were
too strong on the day, and ended up taking first place, but our boys
certainly surprised spectators and coaches alike with their comeback
performance to win silver.
M. Ruta would like to thank his star players: Jake C, Nayo E, Gabe P,
Griffin L, Dylan P, Sam R, Justin M, Brock D, Anik M, Matt S, and
Austin S.

Gingerbread Math

Mrs. Pepper would like to send a great big thank you to the
parents and their children of Room 23. Because of your
generosity, we were able to choose three Angels from a
local Angel Tree, supporting them with gifts to be opened
on Christmas morning! Thank you so much!!

Holiday Concert

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