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David Mitchell

Automation Department - Engineering

Career Self Review

What Am I Looking For?

What work experiences I have enjoyed most and why?

Working in the CA Department and Also at Present in the Automation Department

When have I been most successful at work and why? What key successes have I delivered
in previous job roles? What could I transfer to future roles?
I Delivered a few things. I Designed Wakefields Yield system and information center
system. I have a good systems knowledge and am a forward thinker.
What motivates me in my career and why? For example


Other (please list)


What sponsors / support do I have other than my line manager?

I think the management group appreciate the things i have put in place.

Work-life Balance what is important to me work, home, family, interests what

balance would I like?
Family, Work a good balance between both is a must for me.

Long term career aspirations 3-5 years (what kind of role/work/lifestyle?)

SME in automation systems would be my main goal.
Short term career goal 1-2 years (what kind of roles- within or outside current function?)
Try and get my Certification in a microsoft discipline
What might get in the way of my success? (Am I prepared to travel/move for the right job?
Does the job exist? What is the likelihood of it coming available in my timescale? Do I have
life plans that might impact?)
Family comes first so a small amount of travel would be ok. The role i am doing at
present is Great but would like to see it progress into SME type of role.

What have I got to Offer?

What skills/experiences have I got that might contribute towards CCE and help my future
Electrical Qualifications.
Self Taught Automation Skills ( Would like these to be made formal )
Self Taught System/programming Skills ( Would like these to be made formal )
What are my key strengths?
Flexible working, Forward thinking, Problem solving, Engineering skills

What might make me stand out from others? (e.g. experience in other businesses,
specialist skills, results achievement etc.)
Good knowledge of all areas/Depts of wakefield
Systems/PLC knowledge
Last 2 years PDR rating

What are my current development needs?

These are on my IDP. This i try and keep current.
Mainly at the moment these would be network training and Zenon/Siemens HMI
training. Also as B&R automation products are becoming more widely used more
pf this type of training would be of use.
What are my skill/experience gaps for potential next role? How could I tackle these?
As stated above i feel that these would help keep me in a position where my
skill base would be adequete for any future role.

What positive feedback have I received about my skills/knowledge/behaviours?

I think my PDR Rating have shown what im able to do and the response from
the management. I generally feel that people like what i do and feel they can
call on me to help out.

What do I want to gain from a career discussion with my Manager?

i would like to see what future training i could get to further my skill base and make
a contribution to the effectiveness of the engineering dept. I would also like to
know what the future holds so i could tailer my training/approach to be more
effective and valuble. Also i would like some feedback on how the maneagement
percieve me and the job i am doing and what i need to change.



Career Paths



Skills &


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