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his site was created when we first found out the "official conspiracy theory" of 19

hijackers causing the collapse of the twin towers on September 11th was not possible
given the evidence. We created this site to bring the evidence to you, and you can decide
what you believe to be true. The best way to start is to view this short flash movie.
Loose Change by Dylan Avery has taken the 911 awareness movement by storm. this
college age kid has created a hip young documentary about 911 which speaks to the
younger crowd in a much better way than other documentaries, and is highly
We asked Eric Hufschmid, the author of the DVD called Painful Deceptions, to allow us
to post his video on our web site, and he agreed that the word needs to get out to
everyone in every way possible. He also sells his DVD's and books at his site, and offers
boxes of them for low cost.
We also have been in contact with the makers of the
video 911 In Plane Site - another great documentary
on the 9/11 cover-up and have made their video
available for download here as well. The video creator
Dave vonKleist has asked listeners to his radio show to
copy this video and "get it out any way you can". After
watching this, you may wish to purchase the DVD
version so that you can prove to yourself and friends
that none of this actual news footage from the major
media has been tampered with.
Secret Evil of 911 is another video of evidence which
is very quick and concise. At 20 minutes you will learn
the most critical 9/11 issues and evidence in an
entertaining format.
We are constantly looking for more videos to spread
the truth of this and other cover-ups worth of
discussion and debate. If you have an idea, send us a
You will see in these videos many revealing questions
about what really happened on September 11th,
2001, and the evidence will anger and astound you and make you question the accounts
of the event by the major media. There are amazing questions here which demand to be
answered. What will you do when you find out who really attacked America that day?
Who is the real enemy?
These downloads are free of charge because we pay for the bandwidth required to
transfer it to you. If you cannot donate $1 to help cover our costs, please contribute by
encouraging people to watch this video. You can post links to our web page; make CDR's

or DVD's for your friends; hold viewing parties or public screenings for church groups or
hand them out on street corners.
The media is not investigating this issue, and every US congressman and senator has
gotten copies of these videos already, so it's up to us to pass this information around.
Also, please support these video makers by buying their DVD's if you can. We make no
profit from this site and hope to support the documentary makers with these small sized
prevue versions of their works.
Ignorance of 9-11 is nothing to be proud of. We don't expect you to agree with
everything these videos offer, but you should be able to discuss the issue in an intelligent
manner with the help of this evidence.
Download the video from one of the following links. If we run out of bandwidth, please
try to download the files the following day. Keep in mind this video distribution is
approved by the owners of the work.

Video Downloads
Flash Video Introduction to The Truth of 9/11
Thank you. We welcome your comments by e-mail Download problems? Please notify

Here are some issues about the September 11th attacks to consider:

World Trade Center Towers

Jet fuel does not burn hot enough to melt steel.

Footage shows explosives were placed in both towers before the attack to cause
the towers to disintegrate into dust.
The towers fell exactly into their footprint, taking the path of most resistance in
about 10 seconds, the same amount of time it takes an object to fall that distance
in a vacuum.
The towers tossed massive steel beams 200 feet in each direction, too far to be
explained by a gravity collapse.
Survivors and firefighters report explosions at the BASE of the WTC towers at
the same time as the planes hit it - how did Osama do this?
Pools of molten metal were found 7 stories under the towers 6 weeks after the
attack. It takes 3000+ degrees Fahrenheit to turn steel into liquid. Where did this
energy come from?
The top of the south tower began to collapse sideways, then righted itself, falling
into it's footprint. This is impossible with only gravity working to collapse the

Building 7

It was a 47 story, steel-framed building that disintegrated later in the day, also
from explosives. It was not hit by any planes. How did Osama pull this one off?
The 23rd floor was the Mayors "Emergency Command Center," a reinforced
bunker which had its own air and water supply. Could this have been the
command center for destroying the towers?


How does a 65 ton Boeing 757 with a 125 foot wingspan fit through a single 16
foot hole in the side of the Pentagon leaving virtually no wreckage?
There is no evidence of a Boeing 757, seats, wings, engines, luggage or the dead
passengers at the Pentagon.
The Pentagon security video suggests a missile explosion rather than a jet fuel
There is a hole through 3 rings of the Pentagon, totaling 9 solid feet of steel
reinforced concrete the object would have to penetrate, and experts believe this to
be very unlikely.

The Planes

The planes that hit the WTC towers, from viewing the footage in slow motion, do
not appear to be standard passenger jets.
What is the explosive flash on the side of the towers just before the planes
penetrate the buildings?
With Flight 93, the reported flight of the "Lets Roll" heroes, wreckage was strewn
8 miles from the crash site when this plane was reported to be "ditched" in
Pennsylvania. How is that possible?

At least 8 of the reported 19 "hijackers" are still alive, as reported by the UK

Guardian Newspaper.
There are no Arab names on ANY of the passenger lists for the 4 hijacked flights.
There is no video showing the "hijackers" boarding any of the planes, only fuzzy
security footage from Logan Airport for a connecting flight.
Cellular phone calls are nearly impossible in flight above 8000 feet as cell phones
have low power and cell towers point downwards.

A physics professor at Brigham Young University has published a paper concluding that
available evidence indicates that the World Trade Center towers were demolished by
explosives (pdf). 60 of his fellow professors agree with his analysis and are simply
calling for more investigation, as we are. Is that too much to ask?

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