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Guide to committee positions

AGM Thursday 9th May 2013


What is the committee?

What are the positions?
What does each position do?
How can I get involved?

What is the committee?

The Music Society committee is a group of ~18
members of the society voted in at AGM and
auditioned in as conductors to work on
behalf of you, the society, to ensure the
smooth running of the society year on year.
Together we organise rehearsals, concerts and
events, the music, and the fun parts.
Good team work is essential, and sometimes
you will have to work hard, but it can be very

What are the positions?

Voted in at AGM:
Friends Officer
Social and Events Organiser
Orchestra Manager x 2
Choir Manager x 2
Jazz Band Manager x 2
Bands Manager
Tour Manager (on tour years only)
Auditioned in May:
Orchestra Conductor
Choir Conductor
Chamber Choir Conductor
Jazz Band Conductor

What does each position do?

All positions Committee Tasks
All positions are a part of the committee, and
there are many general committee tasks.
These include, but are not limited to,:
Being present at rehearsals
Helping at concerts
Organising events
Helping at summer concert
Publicising concerts and gigs
Encouraging society socials
Having responsibility while on Weekend
Away and Tour
Miscellaneous tasks at the discretion of the
Driving the minibus (ask Lydia for info)

What does each position do?

2012-13 Lydia Pearson
The Chairman has overall responsibility for all of
Music Society. They are financially
responsible, jointly with the Treasurer.
Chairman makes sure that each ensemble is
running as best as it can be, with music,
rehearsals, and concerts or gigs.
Chairman calls and leads meetings of the
committee when relevant.
Chairman is also responsible for communicating
with the whole society via the newsletter and
announcements (via conductors).
Chairman makes connections to the people
outside the society: our friends and
supporters, alumni, doctors and staff, and the
wider community.

What does each position do?

2012-13 Vilte Balcaityte
The Vice-Chairman supports the Chairman in
their role. The Vice-Chairman takes on
responsibility for the non-music parts of the
society weekend away, AGM and
organises the committee for events.
Vice-Chairman must be there to help out the
Chairman as and when needed, especially at
busy times.
Vice-Chairman and the Chairman should
communicate frequently to ensure all sides
of the society are running as they should.

What does each position do?

2012-13 David Lester
Treasurer holds joint financial responsibility for
the society with the Chairman. Treasurer
should keep a close eye on the societys
finances to ensure ensembles have what they
need, but to keep us out of the red.
When committee members are making
purchases for the club, they must speak to
the Treasurer first. The Treasurer will later
approve the claims being made for pay back.
Treasurer also deals with money coming into
the society, so concert profits and ticket
Treasurer should take a proactive role in seeking
sponsorship for the Society, an essential
source of income.

What does each position do?

2012-13 Chris Kane
Secretary is a fairly varied and adaptable role.
Secretary should be present at all committee
meetings to take the minutes and is
responsible for sending them round
committee and uploading them onto the
website afterwards.
From next year the Secretary should take a key
role in maintaining the website and facebook
page, making sure the relevant information is
reaching the relevant people.
Secretary should be available to assist the
Chairman and Vice-Chairman as required.

What does each position do?

Friends Officer
2012-13 Nathan Rouse
The Friends Officer is responsible for the Friends
of Music Society. These are supporters of the
society who give us an annual donation, and
in return they receive complimentary tickets
to our concerts as well as a termly newsletter.
Friends Officer corresponds with the Friends,
makes the newsletter, and sends them their
tickets. They should be on the door at all
concerts to welcome the Friends.
Friends Officer is also there to help the
continual expansion of the Friends scheme
and to encourage more Friends sign-ups.

What does each position do?

Social and Events Organiser
2012-13 Jennie Watson
The Social and Events Organiser is a role of two
parts: organising and leading the fun, and
organising the events. Events include
concerts and gigs, as well as weekend away.
Socials include the Freshers mingle and remingle, post-concert socials, and other postevent activities.
For events, the Social and Events Organiser
should work with the Vice-Chairman to sort
the non-music side of concerts and weekend

What does each position do?

Orchestra Managers
2012-13 Kat Saul and Chris Vaz
As Orchestra Managers, you are there to
support the conductor and to organise the
ensemble. After the conductor has settled on
repertoire, the Managers will source the
music and get it ready for the rehearsals.
Every week the Managers should be there to set
up the music room for the orchestra by
putting out chairs, music stands and music.
Managers should encourage attendance at
post-rehearsal socials.
The Managers should also play a part in postconcert socials by publicising these to the
orchestra and arranging orders in advance if
On concert days the Managers should be
present to prepare the church and ensemble.

What does each position do?

Choir Managers
2012-13 George Moore and Diana Newman
As Choir Managers, you are there to support the
conductor and to organise the ensemble.
After the conductor has settled on repertoire,
the Managers will source the music and get it
ready for the rehearsals.
Every week the Managers should be there to
make sure the conductors stand, music and
piano are out and ready for the choir
rehearsal. Managers should encourage
attendance at post-rehearsal socials.
The Managers should also play a part in postconcert socials by publicising these to the
choir and arranging orders in advance if
On concert days the Managers should be
present to prepare the church and ensemble.

What does each position do?

Jazz Band Managers
2012-13 Tricia Ferguson and Richard Stanton
As Jazz Band Managers, you are there to
support the conductor and to organise the
ensemble. The Managers take responsibility
for the music, ensuring it is kept in order and
getting it ready for the rehearsals.
Every week the Managers should be there to set
up the music room for the jazz band by
putting out chairs, music stands and music.
Managers should encourage attendance at
post-rehearsal socials.
Jazz Band Managers must take a proactive role
in organising gigs for the band, and this can
be done with the conductor.
NB. It is very helpful if one of the JB team can
drive the minibus ask Lydia for info.

What does each position do?

Bands Manager
2012-13 Leo Whitehead
The Bands Manager is responsible for the Bands
section of society. Bands are a highly variable
bunch, so you must be flexible and
accommodating as far as possible. Bands
Manager should be at the weekly Bands
Jams, and should be there in advance to set
up the drum kit and amps.
Bands Manager should take a proactive role in
organising Bands nights, such as Battle of the
Bands or gigs.
Bands Manager should also keep a note of
Bands using the music room and allocate
Saturday evening rehearsal slots.

What does each position do?

Tour Manager(s)
2011-12 Vilte Balcaityte and David Lester
Tour is a biennial event for Music Society, so
Tour Managers are voted in every other year
as necessary. You may run alone or as a pair.
Tour Managers plan the Summer Tour, liaising
with Chairman for dates and Chairman and
Treasurer for financial advice. They may also
have a Tour sub-committee, which is not
voted in at the AGM.
Summer Tour is for all members of Music
Society, so concerts should be arranged for
all ensembles (at least Orchestra, Choir, and
Jazz Band). Thought should go to the balance
of music, culture and fun to be had on Tour.
Tour Managers will also need to think about
fund raising for the Tour.

What does each position do?

Orchestra Conductor
2012-13 Geraint Herbert
The Orchestra Conductor is the face of the
orchestra. Ultimately choice of repertoire for
the orchestra is with the conductor, though it
is wise to involve the Managers and members
of the ensemble in these decisions.
Conductor leads every rehearsal and should be
there to assist the Managers in setting up for
the rehearsal. The Conductor should also get
involved in the social side of the ensemble,
both after rehearsals and concerts.
The Orchestra Conductor will have a joint role
with the Choir Conductor in the Carol Service
in December, at the discretion of the

What does each position do?

Choir Conductor
2012-13 Christina Tavener
The Choir Conductor is the face of the choir.
Ultimately choice of repertoire for the choir
is with the conductor, though it is wise to
involve the Managers and members of the
ensemble in these decisions.
Conductor leads every rehearsal and should be
there to assist the Managers in setting up for
the rehearsal. The Conductor should also get
involved in the social side of the ensemble,
both after rehearsals and concerts.
The Choir Conductor will have a joint role with
the Orchestra Conductor in the Carol Service
in December, at the discretion of the

What does each position do?

Chamber Choir Conductor
2012-13 Lauren Crook
The Chamber Choir Conductor is the face of the
chamber choir. Ultimately choice of
repertoire for the chamber choir is with the
conductor, though it is wise to involve
members of the ensemble in these decisions.
The Chamber Choir Conductor should source
the music and prepare it for the rehearsals.
The Chamber Choir Conductor leads every
rehearsal and is responsible for setting up for
the rehearsal. The Conductor should also get
involved in the social side of the ensemble,
both after rehearsals and concerts.
The Chamber Choir may have extra concerts
through the year, particularly at Christmas
and the conductor is responsible for
organising these with help from the

What does each position do?

Jazz Band Conductor
2012-13 Alex Cox-Smith
The Jazz Band Conductor is responsible for
directing the music in Jazz Band. The
conductor may purely conduct, or conduct
while playing at their own discretion.
With the Managers, the Conductor has choice
of repertoire for rehearsals and for concerts
or gigs. The Conductor should also be
involved in the decision making around gigs.
The Jazz Band Conductor should also assist the
Managers every week to set up the music
room for the jazz band by putting out chairs,
music stands and music. Conductors should
encourage attendance at post-rehearsal and
concert socials.
NB. It is very helpful if one of the JB team can
drive the minibus ask Lydia for info.

How can I get involved?

If you are interested in being a part of the
committee 2013-14 please get in touch with
the current officer you are interested in
becoming or with Lydia to find out more. Our
emails are later in the booklet.
The AGM is on Thursday 9th May, at which the
votable positions will be voted in. Before
this, you will need to register to stand for the
position with Lydia as Returning Officer, with
the names of one nominator and two
seconders for you going for that position.

Deadline for registering to stand, with names of

nominator and two seconders Sunday 28th
April. Please email to Lydia.

How can I get involved?

Notes on nominating/seconding:
- Nominators and seconders (and those going
for a position) must all be a full member of
the Music Society this year, ie. have paid their
subscription fee. You can do this here:
- You cannot nominate or second different
people for the same position
- Nominating/seconding someone for a
position should reflect your feeling that that
person would be a suitable person for that

- Similarly, your nominators/seconders should

reflect on you and make sense eg. if going
for orchestra manager, ask another member
of the orchestra to nominate you rather than
someone from choir.

How can I get involved?

After you have registered to stand for a votable
position, you will need to write a manifesto
stating why you would like to go for the
position, and why you think you are a good
candidate. This does not need to be too long.
Deadline for your manifesto Friday 3rd May.
Please email to Lydia.
At the AGM each candidate will be asked to
stand and introduce themselves, and make a
short speech as to why they would like to go
for the position and why they think they
would be a good candidate. There will be the
opportunity for questions too. The AGM is a
very welcoming and supportive environment,
please do not worry about this part! Do talk
to Lydia if you have any concerns.

How can I get involved?

After all the candidates for the position have
made their speech and answered questions,
the votes will be taken.
After the votes have been counted, the result
will be announced.

How can I get involved?

If you are interested in auditioning for a
conductor position this year, please register
your interest with Lydia.
Auditions will be held at the time most
convenient time for all those auditioning at
the discretion of the Chairman. The
auditioning panel will consist of Richard
Dickins (Director of Music at Imperial),
current Chairman (Lydia), and an external
musician. If the auditions are after the AGM
then the Chairman elect will also be on the
Deadline for registering to audition Sunday
28th April. But the sooner the better! Please
email Lydia.

How can I get involved?

Before the audition you will be given a short
piece of music for a small group relevant to
the ensemble you are auditioning to conduct
(eg. string quartet, small choir). In the
audition you will have 10mins to lead a
rehearsal with that group, and then have to
perform what you have rehearsed. The
panel will ask a few questions.
After all the auditions the Chairman will contact
you to let you know the results.

How to get in touch


Lydia Pearson


Vilte Balcaityte


David Lester


Chris Kane

Friends Officer

Nathan Rouse

Social and Events


Jennie Watson

Orchestra Managers

Kat Saul
Chris Vaz

Choir Managers

George Moore
Diana Newman

Jazz Band Managers

Tricia Ferguson
Richard Stanton

Bands Manager

Leo Whitehead

Tour Managers (201112)

Vilte Balcaityte
David Lester

Orchestra Conductor

Geraint Herbert

Choir Conductor

Christina Tavener

Chamber Choir

Lauren Crook

Jazz Band Conductor

Alex Cox-Smith

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