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-----------------------------TITLE: Best-Friends With Benefits

LENGTH: 9150
DATE: Nov 13, 2011
READ COUNT: 1547718
AUTHOR: Prodigywriter9638
MODIFY DATE: 2013-08-25 18:27:21
Best-Friends With Benefits
Once upon a time, (because that's how all good stories should start), there live
d a young girl and her faithful best friend.
From the moment they were born, they were inseparable. They grew up down the str
eet from each other, their parents being friends from working in the same law fi
rm. Now, most people found it odd that the two shared such a close bond, even th
ough they were of opposite genders. Heck, most of the time people had assumed th
at they were either related or getting married. But despite what everyone else t
hought, the two did everything together and remained just friends.
Who are we kidding? Of course, that didn't last.
Because then, puberty kicked.
And of course, with puberty, comes hormones. And everything is always more compl
icated when hormones are involved, (fact scientifically proven by experts).
So when they turned thirteen, everything changed.
"Okay Selena! Your turn! Truth, or dare?"
Conner and I were with a bunch of people from our school at a party. Since we we
re all only in middle school, the party was naturally pretty lame.
Empty plastic cups were scattered across the living room, and half-eaten bags of
chips were spilled across the carpet. The radio was playing loudly from the kit
chen, and a group of people were dancing idiotically around the table, everyone
specifically staying away from anyone of the opposite gender. Because god forbid
a girl was caught dancing with a boy, she would be permanently labeled as a slu
t by morning.
That's middle school for you.
Currently, Conner and I were participating in one of the dullest games of truth
or dare, ever. It pretty much consisted of "I dare you to eat" fill in-the-blank

I turned to the girl who had just asked the next question to me, and scarcely re
cognized her from being in my English class. "Dare."
She grinned at me, as if she had just thought of the craziest idea in the world.
I resisted the urge to roll my eyes as she smiled widely at me, resembling a mo
nkey on drugs.
"I dare you to go into the closet and make out,"
My mouth physically dropped open. No one had ever made a dare like this at middl
e school parties. We were barely past the whole 'kissing is gross' stage of life
Then, she shocked me even more.
"With Conner."
My eyes widened as I turned my head to look at my best friend since birth, wit w
hom I was currently leaning against. His green eyes were almost as wide as mine,
and a shock of dark hair was adorably ruffled on top of his head. And though ev
en I had to admit that he was really cute, there was no way I would kiss him. It
would be like kissing my brother!
"No way!" I answered at the same time as he exclaimed, "Not gonna happen!"
The girl did her best pouty face, that vaguely reminded me of a beached whale. "
You have to. That's the dare."
Such logic.
Conner scoffed. "So? I'm not going to kiss my best friend." I nodded in agreemen
t, a slightly disgusted look on my face.
"Sorry guys." The guy next to her said. "But you can't chicken again. You alread
y used your one pass to not drink pickle juice."
Man I hate pickles.
Conner gave me a resigned look, before slowly standing up and holding out his ha
nd to me.
I looked up at him, surprised that he was giving up so easily, but allowed him t
o help me up anyway. I let him lead me across the room to the closet, gripping h
is hand nervously. I was hoping that he would turn around and see my expression,
so that I could give him my best, hell no face.
I bit my lip as people started to whoop at us as we passed, since this was proba
bly the most exciting event of the night, until we awkwardly stopped at the door
. Reluctantly, Conner pushed open the door, allowing me to walk in before he joi
ned me and shut the door behind him.
My eyes adjusted to the dark after a minute, and I could see the outlines of num
erous jackets and sweaters hanging on the rack above us, the closest one an inch
from the top of Conner's head. I was still a tad bitter that after a few years,
he had finally grown taller than me.
So there I was, standing in a dark closet with my best friend, my mind whirling
and my heart pounding.

"Now what?" I tried to break the tension, but ended up sounding like an idiot.
Conner sighed, before responding. "I have to kiss you." My heart nearly stopped.
Before I could come up with an intelligent response, he leaned forward and did j
ust that.
I knew it was both of our first kisses, and was actually pretty relieved. I want
ed it to be with someone I cared about, and Conner was my best friend. Though ne
ver in a million years would I have imagined that I would kiss him.
I knew I was his first kiss, because he would have told me about it if he had ki
ssed another girl. We told each other everything. From all of our crushes, to ou
r opinions on teachers, to the latest middle school gossip, to even about when I
first got my period.
But this, this was definitely new.
His lips were warm, and a whole lot softer than I had expected. He hesitantly ci
rcled his arms around my waist, tugging me closer. A rush of unexpected heat ran
through me, making me respond to him immediately. I could taste his familiarly
warm scent, and I realized with a jolt that I was completely comfortable kissing
my best friend.
Surprised by how much I was enjoying this, I wrapped my arms around his neck, pr
essing my body against his.
We were so close, that I could feel his heart beat faster in his chest, until it
nearly matched my own in speed. I silently marveled in the fact that I seemed t
o fit in his arms perfectly.
He spun us around suddenly, not breaking off the kiss, and pressed me up against
the wall of the closet. Another feeling of lust, that definitely should not hav
e been in an eighth grader, coursed through my veins. My skin tingled wherever i
t touched his, and my entire body was practically buzzing in excitement.
His hands stayed locked around my waist, but I couldn't say the same about mine.
My fingers ran down his back without my permission, feeling his muscles under h
is T-shirt tense and shudder at my touch. I grabbed his shirt in my hands greedi
ly, and pushed him even closer to me.
I think I surprised myself even more than I surprised him.
He responded enthusiastically, kissing me harder. I had a hard time believing th
at this was his first kiss, because he was surprisingly good at it. And I know t
his will probably sound creepy, but he tasted amazing.
I involuntarily slid my hands under the back of his shirt. I ran my palms up his
bare back, savoring the warmth of his skin, and the toned smoothness of his bac
k. His heart quickened even faster.
It was probably the most inappropriate first kiss in the history of the world.
He pulled back, still not letting go of my waist. He rested his forehead on mine
, breathing heavily with me. I gasped in lung fulls of oxygen when I realized th
at I had stopped breathing, and retracted my hands from his shirt, catching my b
reath before speaking.
I hesitantly looked up at him, my nose just barely brushing his since he was loo

king right back down at me. The warmth of his breath made me just want to kiss h
im more.
"Wow." I breathed at last, feeling a blush rise to my cheeks.
He gave me an adorably lopsided smile, and swallowed nervously. "Yeah."
"I want to stay best friends." I breathed out, realizing it was true. We have be
en together since before I could remember, and I didn't want to risk that by dat
ing, no matter how much I was enjoying this.
He nodded, as if he were thinking the same thing. "Okay. That's probably a good
idea. But...."
I smiled. Once again, he had read my mind.
"A little more kissing won't hurt anyone, right?"
His smile grew as he leaned in to kiss me again. "You read my mind." He breathed
on my lips, before closing the gap between us again.
If you hadn't already guessed, I'm Selena, and I hook-up with my best friend Con
ner every once in a while.
Some things just never change, I guess.
Was it awkward? Nah, not really. After a year or so, we got used to the fact tha
t we were much closer than your average friends.
Don't get me wrong, I adore Conner. He knows everything about me, and I know eve
rything about him. We do everything together, and I really do love spending time
with him, even without all the extra fun. But somehow, in the back of my head I
knew that he didn't think of me as anything other than his best friend.
We both knew we were using each other, and enjoyed every minute of it.
Three and a half years have passed since then, and we were still best friends wi
th benefits. Turns out, "a little more kissing" involved a lot more kissing than
originally implied. Since that day we have remained just friends in the public
eye, and hook-up buddies behind closed doors.
Juggling school, friends, a social life, my parents, and Conner time? I could jo
in the circus.
Maintaining our life-long friends ship? No problem, I love him more than most si
blings love each other.
Convincing the world that we're best friends? Sure. After all, we kind of are.
The real challenge, was not letting anyone find out.
Welcome to my life.
Chapter 1- Wake-up Call

I groaned, rolling over on my bed and burying my head in my pillow.

"Come on Selena! We're going to be late!"
I grumbled into my pillow, knowing that he was right but not quite ready to admi
t it. Today was our first day of the eleventh grade, and as usual, I was blatant
ly refusing to get up.
I secretly dreaded going to school, after my long hot summer days of hanging wit
h my best friend in the universe. I had other friends of course, but none of the
m were as close to me as Conner was, which was unsurprising.
And school meant that girls would be drooling over him constantly.
"Three. Two-" He started, a warning in his voice.
"I'm not going to go to that hellhole just because you can count to three Con."
I mumbled tiredly into my pillow, just wishing that he would go away and leave m
e to vegetate.
And suddenly, he was on top of me.
I tried to move my head around to look at him, but he weighed too much for me to
even squirm beneath him.
I felt soft lips touch my neck, and a familiar jolt of aching pleasure ripped th
rough my body. I arched my neck up from my pillow, instinctively letting him get
a better reach as he nipped at the sensitive skin on my neck.
Well, I was wide awake now.
He flipped me over so I was looking up
suspiciously dark look on it. His dark
green eyes were shining as he down at
his intoxicating breath on my lips. I
his lips on mine as my eyes fluttered

at his rather handsome face, which had a

hair was sexily ruffled as usual, and his
me. He leaned in closer, and I could feel
smiled excitedly, longing for the feel of

Yup, making out was one of our normal best friend traditions.
But I guess today was just not my day, because just before his lips met mine, he
started tickling me.
I giggled hysterically, unable to stop as his fingers tickled my stomach.
"Con- Conner- stop- it!!!" I laughed, barely able to speak.
I flailed from under him, laughing until my lungs started to ache. Through my te
ars of laughter, I could see him smiling as he tortured me, exploiting my tickli
ng weakness.
He finally stopped, and I could now see the smug smile on his face clearly.
"Meanie." I pouted childishly, causing his smile to widen.
"Oh no. The pouty face won't work this time." He leaned in to peck my lips, send
ing my heart racing like it usually does. He pulled me up to a standing position
on the floor, giving me a shove to my closet.

Grumbling to myself, I picked out a pair of random skinny jeans and a grey shirt
from my closet. Not even bothering to leave the room, I took off my pajamas.
He sighed as he looked over my bare body apreciatively. I rolled my eyes, puttin
g on my clothes before going to look in the mirror.
My dark hair was long and shiny, hanging just above my lower back. My eyes were
a dull shade of brown, unlike the rest of my blue eyed family. I seriously used
to think that I was adopted, because literally everyone even the slightest bit r
elated to me has the same blue colored eyes. Conner of course, was constantly te
lling me how pretty they were, though I always suspected he was just doing his d
uty as my best friend. He said they reminded him of chocolate, but to me, they k
ind of looked like a shade of dog crap.
After I brushed my hair and my teeth, we headed downstairs and out the front doo
r since we were once again late. I didn't bother saying good-bye to my parents,
because I knew that they had probably already left ten minutes before I woke up.
I slid into the front seat of the over-rated shiny red car he loved so much, put
ting on my sunglasses. Conner hopped into the drivers seat, and I barely had my
seat belt on before he was pulling out of my drive way and driving towards our s
He handed me a cup of coffee from the cup holders. "What's this?"
"Well I knew you wouldn't have time for breakfast, so..." He said, making my hea
rt melt in my chest.
Right on cue, my stomach growled loudly as I smelled it, and realized that it wa
s my favorite order. Mmmmm, caramel. I leaned and planted a kiss on his cheek, l
oving how sweet he could be.
"And it's all yours. For a real kiss, that is." He flashed me a flirty smile.
And typical Conner was back. I reached over to slap the back of his head. "Ow!"
"Way to ruin the moment Con."
"What are friends for?" He mumbled, still rubbing the back of his head.
Fifteen minutes later, my coffee cup was empty, and we were pulling into the Jef
ferson High school parking lot. After parking, he hopped out of the car, before
rushing to my side and opening the door for me like always. Smiling, I got out a
nd linked his arm with mine, glad that he was here with me to endure the pure ag
ony that is high school.
And as usual, as soon as we walked through the front doors a mob of people had s
urrounded us.
"Hey look! It's Conner Rogers!"
"Who's that girl next to him?"
"Isn't that his girlfriend? She's always hanging around him. She's really pretty

"Nah, that has to be Selena Rider, they're just friends."

"Man, she's hot!"
"Conner is soooo hot!"
"Rogers! What's up man?"
A hoard of exited girls and jocks crowded us. The soccer players greeted Conner,
before not-so-subtly checking me out, while the girls just completely ignored m
e or shot me death glares.
This is why I hate high school.
I sighed, releasing Conner's arm before pushing thought a group of particularly
plastic looking girls, and heading to my locker, leaving him lost in a sea of id
iots and barbies.
After switching out my books, I closed my locker and saw Conner smiling at me fr
om the locker next to my own. I rolled my eyes, my lips smiling on their own acc
ord. He was never one to indulge in popularity, he was just a super cool guy. No
t to mention super hot, (though I'd never admit that to him, his ego is big enou
gh as is.)
He casually walked with me to my first class. When we stopped outside my classro
om, he gave me a sly wink, before grinning at me and heading down the, a herd of
giggling blonds following him.
"See you at lunch!" He called to me, before he was lost in a sea of people. The
only classes I ever had with him were gym and lunch, which meant I would probabl
y hang with my female friends.
Walking into English, I spotted them immediately and smiled.
Alex was decked out in a neon rainbow sherbet colored outfit, with a neon green
halter top and blue skinny jeans, topped with her favorite pair of pink heels. H
er red hair was straight, and pulled back with a purple bow headband. Her electr
ic blue eyes were lined with orange eye shadow, and she was wearing cotton candy
pink lip gloss. She was like a rainbow on two legs, and it was almost impossibl
e not to notice her. But even in neon outfits, she still managed to look hot.
Lilly was sitting next to her. As usual, she was wearing an all black, consistin
g of a black sundress and black flats. Her blond hair and fair skin were the onl
y bright things about her, because even her eyes were almost black. Her hair had
a new black streak thought the blond, but other than that, she looked about the
same as the last time I had seen her. She wasn't goth or anything, she just lov
ed the color black. She was actually pretty cheerful sometimes. Even in her dark
attire, she was as noticeably gorgeous as Alex.
Sometimes I couldn't help but be a tad jealous of them. They were so pretty, and
carefree, never bothered to care about what everyone else thought of them. They
would dress as crazliy as they pleased, and still strut down the halls like the
y didn't even notice that people were staring.
I was more of a behind the scenes girl, because I didn't feel entirely comfortab
le in the spotlight.
But right now, they looked so opposite it made me want to laugh. But I knew that
we had been good friends since fifth grade, and even if we looked really differ

ent, we were super close.

Together, we were know as: The-super-hot-girls-that-could-be-but-refuse-to-becom
e-popular. Aside from me of course. I'm more like "that random girl standing nex
t to those pretty girls over there".
It wasn't all that catchy a name.
I sat in the seat they had saved for me, mentally preparing myself to be tackled
"Hey Selena!" Alex cheered, launching into me with a bear hug and nearly knockin
g me off my chair.
Lilly rolled her eyes, reaching out to hug us. "Hi Seli." I smiled at their nick
name for me.
"Alex! Lilly! I missed you guys! How was Canada?" I said as they released me.
Lilly shrugged. "It was okay. Lot's of moose, and I'm so sick of bacon."
We were all supposed to visit Canada together over the summer, but my parents ha
d been poop heads and said no. So instead I had stayed at home with Conner, whic
h was fine by me.
Before I could respond, our teacher Mrs.Bubbles (funniest name ever) came in.
After two more classes with Alex and Lilly, I had lunch. We sat outside in our u
sual spot, in the grass under a tree. A few minutes later, Conner was plopped do
wn beside me, smiling at me like a madman.
"Hey Selena." He said cheerfully. He turned to Alex and Lilly, greeting them too
. "Hey guys."
They smiled and nodded at him, and I was suddenly relieved that they were my fri
ends. They were some of the only females in the school that weren't in lust with
my best friend.
"Ohhh Conner!" A plastic looking blond called out in, what must have been an att
empted seductive voice, from a nearby table.
"Uhhhh, yes?" He called back with a confused look on his face. "Do I know her?"
He mouthed to me.
"Come sit with us Concon!" I stifled a snort at her nickname for him, and Alex b
roke into a small giggle. Even Lilly was smiling.
Conner looked embarrassed as he replied. "Uhhh, no thanks!" He quickly turned ar
ound to face away from her, who was shooting me death glares like it was my faul
t that she creeped him out.
I was secretly glad that all the popularity hadn't gotten to him. Even though ev
ery had expected him to be a total man whore by now, he barely ever dated, and i
t was mostly with non-crazy girls.
"Aww come on Concon!" I giggled to him. "What's that matter?"
He rolled his eyes at me, before we all promptly burst into laughter.

"Haha. Very funny. How would you like it if I made up a weird nickname for you?"
He glared at me.
"Go right ahead." I giggled. Conner was the worst at making up nicknames. It too
k him three years, and a whole lot of scratched out names on paper to make mine.
Three full years to come up with S.
Conner looked surprised that I had agreed. "Okay. Well then..... How about.... S
Lilly covered up a laugh with a cough, and I had to bite my lip to keep from smi
"Was that supposed to be insulting?" Alex asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Ummmmm....... No?"
Math class rolled by, and soon, I was heading to the girls locker room for gym.
After changing into my shorts and T-shirt, I headed out into the gym, sitting do
wn between Conner and Alex.
Sighing, I rested my head on Conner shoulder.
"What's up S? Not excited for gym class?" He teased, before I punched his arm. H
e merely laughed.
The blond who had flirted with Conner at lunch walked by in her booty shorts and
pink tanktop giving me another death glare. If looks could kill, I would probab
ly be dead by now. I rolled my eyes at her, causing her to flick me off.
Well she's not a very happy person, now is she?
Our gym coach strolled in, before promptly telling us to go run around until we
puke. Yet another reason I hate high school.
We ran the track. Lilly was ahead of Alex and me, because she was on the track t
eam and was actually a decent runner. Conner was ahead of Lilly, since he was on
the soccer team. Meanwhile, I paced with Alex, already sweating and panting aft
er five minutes of running.
Sometimes I felt like such a wimp.
"So." Alex panted. "How was your summer?"
I shrugged. "It was okay. I mostly just stayed home with Conner."
Alex looked suspicious for a second. "You sure spend an awful lot of time with h
im. It's a surprise that you two aren't..." She didn't finish her sentence, but
I knew what she was saying and my stomach dipped nervously. It's a surprise that
you two aren't dating.
Everyone had always expected us to grow up, fall in love, and get married. Our m
om's even started planning our wedding, convinced that we were perfect for each
other. But I knew that Conner would never think of me that way.
We technically weren't dating, we just hooked up now and then. I knew I couldn't

tell this to her, because she wouldn't understand. She wouldn't get how we love
d each other as friends, and just took pleasure in each other.
So instead, I lied. "Nah. Con and I have been close since forever. Being like th
at with him would be, uhhhh, wierd."
She shrugged, letting it go.
Sometimes I really hated being a terrible liar.
Chapter 2- Catch Me If You Can
By the time Conner had driven me home from the first day of school, I was ready
for the school year to end.
My parents must have still been at the law firm, because the house was silent.
I plopped onto my sofa head first, letting out a huff. As I buried my face into
a pillow, I heard Conner sit on the floor beside me. I felt him rest his head on
my back, and a smile tugged at my lips.
"You are too cute sometimes." I told him, giggling into my pillow.
"No way, do you even see yourself? You look adorable when you're grumpy." He sai
d, his head still resting on my lower back.
I rolled my eyes. "Gee, thanks."
"It's nothing to be ashamed of S. You're just really adorable." Conner teased.
"Well at least I'm not terrified of butterflies." I said, mocking indignation.
"Hey!" He complained. "That was one time! And we were seven!"
I laughed. "Yeah, plus that monarch butterfly was soooo scary!" I laughed into m
y pillow, recalling the look on his face when that butterfly had made him shriek
like a little girl.
"Who's laughing now?" Before I could respond, his arms were wrapped around my wa
ist, and he had me hoisted over his shoulder like a squirming sack of turnips.
"Hey!" I struggled, but he had me in too strong a grip. "Put me down Con!"
"Hmmm...... No."
And with that he carried me up the stairs and into my room as I pounded on his b
ack with my fists, shutting the door behind him with his foot. He ungracefully t
hrew me onto my bed headfirst, and I bounced a little as my back hit the mattres
s. Then, before I could move he was on top of me, straddling my waist.
I struggled from under him, but he grabbed my wrists and pinned them firmly abov
e my head, completely immobilizing me.
He grinned smugly down at me as I put on my best pouty face. "I win."
But after seeing a flicker of lust cross his face as he met my eyes, I instantly
knew how win back my pride. By exploiting his biggest weakness.

Being a teenage boy.

Putting on my sexiest face, which I hoped didn't look completely ridiculous, I l
ooked up at him shyly. I bit my lower lip seductively, smiling slightly. I could
tell my strategy was working, because I saw his eyes flicker down to my lips fo
r a second, before they went back up to meet mine.
He bent his neck down to kiss me, and I eagerly responded. He leaned in closer t
o me, still holding my hands above my head. I wrapped my legs around his waist,
hugging him tighter while trying desperately not to lose sight of my goal while
kissing him.
I could feel his tounge enter my mouth, merging with mine in such a familiar man
ner. I kissed him feverently, arching my neck up to meet his soft lips. Each tim
e I kissed him, it was as though it was the first time. My heart was pounding wi
th adrenaline, my head hazing over with lust. But this time, I managed to keep m
y goal in mind, and not get completely lost with Conner.
Stage one complete, moving into stage two.
With an enormous effort, I broke the kiss and pushed him off of me. He willingly
plopped onto the mattress on his back, and I moved so that I was over him this
time. He moaned from under me as my lips moved to his neck.
Stage two complete, stage three activated.
I trailed my hands down his rib cage, feeling satisfied as he shuddered. I slipp
ed my hands under his shirt, trailing them over his hard stomach.
Then I tickled him.
He laughed from under me, fidgeting crazily. I was lucky to have stopped kissing
him before I started, because I was pretty sure that he would have bitten my to
ngue clean off.
He squirmed from under me, and I marveled in the fact that he was almost as tick
lish as me. I tickled him relentlessly, secretly enjoying the sound of his laugh
ter, and his joyful expression that made me giddy inside.
"I give up! I give up!" He laughed.
I ceased the torture, smiling widely as he laughed for another minute after I ha
d stopped. When he finally stopped laughing, I leaned in to whisper in his ear.
"I win."
"Hey S?"
I shifted in his arms to look up at him. We were laying on my bed after eating d
inner, watching tv absentmindedly. I was laying in his arms, resting my head on
his chest as he played with my fingers.
"Yeah Con?" I asked.
He looked down at me kissing my forehead before continuing.
"I think I might love-" He started.

"Selena? Are you there sweetie?" My mom called from outside my door.
"Yeah mom, I'm in my room with Conner!" I called back.
Most parents would be concerned if their daughter hung out with a boy in their r
oom all the time, but my parents didn't know about my complicated relationship w
ith Conner. So to them, we were best friends, and nothing more. Though I was pre
tty sure that my mom was hoping that we would eventually hook up.
Plus, it didn't hurt that they loved him.
"Hi Conner! How are you dear? Did you two eat dinner?"
He smiled. "Hi Mrs. Rider! Yeah we already ate!"
"Okay dear! You two have fun!"
I smirked, loving my mom, before turning back to Conner.
"What were you going to say?"
He shrugged, not meeting my eyes as he mumbled, "Never mind. Tell you later."
What was up with him?
Before I could question him further, he distracted me with another kiss that too
k my breath away.
The next morning, I was awoken by the blaring noise of my alarm clock.
Sighing, I untangled myself from Conner, who was still dozing peacefully on my b
ed next to me. Standing up on my sore legs, I turned to look back at him. Taking
in his peaceful expression, I secretly ogled over his toned chest and arms. But
before I could look away from not-so-secretly checking him out while he slept,
his green eyes flashed open.
"Enjoying the show?" He smirked.
I turned away, blushing in spite of myself.
"No need to be embarrassed. I'm enjoying the view as well." His smirk grew as hi
s eyes traveled over my bare body.
Crossing my arms over my chest, I turned away to my closet to pick out my outfit
"I cannot believe I slept with you again." I muttered mutinously.
The sound of Conners laughter filled my room. "Nah. You love me."
This wasn't the first time I had slept with my best friend. We had decided after
we had 'gotten together', to lose our virginity's to each other one day. And wh
en we turned sixteen, the deed was done. I was glad I had lost it to Conner, ins
tead of a weirdo pervert who would sleep with me, then pretend not to know me, l
ike what happens to most teenage girls my age.
"Suuure." I rolled my eyes, slipping on my bathrobe.

He put on a pouty face. "Awwww.... Why do we always have to wear clothes?" I was
stuck between kissing him senseless, and whacking him upside the head with a ba
seball bat till he passed out.
Instead I grabbed the nearest outfit I could find in my closet and placed it on
my dresser. Then I stormed into my bathroom, not even closing the door before tu
rning on my shower and hopping in.
I let the warm water soothe my tired muscles, stretching out my arms and legs. A
fter thoroughly scrubbing and washing myself, I stepped out of the shower and wr
apped myself in a towel.
As I walked back into my room, I saw Conner had gotten up, and was just pulling
on his jeans over his boxers. When I walked in, he turned to me and sent me a da
zzling smile.
He walked over to me, still not wearing a shirt, (which I honestly didn't mind t
oo much). He wrapped his strong arms around me, pulling me into a hug and restin
g his head near my ears.
"Well that was fun."
I smacked his arm, pulling out of his grip and turning towards my dresser. Perve
But not before he saw the happy smile stretched across my face.
"Love you Con." I said in a singsong voice, turning my head back to look at his
slightly dazed expression, loving how his eyes grew slightly glazed over.
He sighed, lopsidedly smiling. "Love you too S."
After Conner walked me to English class, I was instantly surrounded by my female
friends, who were giving me suspicious expressions.
"Hey Seli." Alex said cautiously, tugging at her crayon orange blazer.
"Good morning." Lilly said in the same creepy tone as Alex.
"Hey guys!" I smiled blissfully at them, still happy from the night before.
They exchanged a glance. "You sure seem happy." Lilly commented.
I shrugged casually. I was pretty happy.
"No really. You're like, glowing. It's physically hurting my eyes." Alex narrowe
d her eyes at me. "You get laid last night?"
I froze for a second, before shaking it off and fake laughing. "No! Can't I just
be happy for the sake of being happy?" I smiled, twitching slightly.
Wow I'm a terrible liar.
Lilly narrowed her eyes at me. "Riiigghht."
Man am I screwed.
But luckily, the bell rung and Ms.Bubbles ran in before they could interrogate m

e further.
Inwardly sighing in relief, I plopped into my seat and avoided all eye contact w
ith my friends. Whom at the time, I really wished were stupid.
I pulled out my phone under my desk, sending a quick text to Conner.
Hey Concon -S
Hey S! And don't call me that. Last night was fun. My place after school? -Con
I smiled to myself.
Sure thing Con. But A and L might be on 2 us. Apparently, I'm oozing bliss -S
I waited patiently for my phone to buzz back, pretending to listen to Mrs. Bubbl
es as she droned on in a monotone voice. A minute later, my phone vibrated in my
Dammit. You are a TERRIBLE liar too.They can't find out! -Con
Slightly offended I texted back.
I'm not that bad a liar! :( And don't worry, no one will find out. -S
My phone buzzed again.
Good. No one can know. They wouldn't get it. Love you- Con
I smiled to myself, slipping my phone into my pocket after sending another text.
Only he got me like this. Everyone else would call me a slut, or a whore, but t
he truth is I love Conner. He's my best friend, and I know that he always will b
e. Lilly shot me a look, which I ignored. Alex mouthed to me what?, which I also
Love you too Con :) C u at lunch- S####################################
Chapter 3- New Guy
Watching a bunch of sweaty teenage boys run across a field, rather aggressively
kicking a ball, was not exactly my idea of fun on a Friday afternoon.
Don't get me wrong, I loved watching Conner cheer like a lunatic when he made a
goal, and his team mates were totally hot, but I was so bored I was seriously co
nsidering starting my math homework.
But unfortunately, Conner was my ride home. So unless I waited for his soccer pr
actice to end, it was gonna be a long walk.
And for those of you who haven't already figured out, I'm not much of a walker.
I was just about to pull out my math homework, when someone sat next to me.
I looked up to come face-to-face with the hot new kid, who had been the main top
ic of discussion for everyone during lunch.
And though he wasn't nearly as drool worthy as my best friend, he was really att

His blond hair was slightly tousled, and he had those sharp angles in his face t
hat girls went crazy over. He had murky grey eyes with thick lashes, and a nice
smile with shiny white teeth. And get this, he was even wearing a button up shir
Everything about him practically screamed foriegn exchange student.
"Hey there." He gave me a charming smile, with a slight English accent that defi
nitely would have worked on most girls. But he was about to find out that I was
not like most girls.
"Uhhh. Hey. Can I help you?" I tried to act casual, even though I could already
feel myself start to get annoyed. I really hated it when random guys came up to
hit on me.
He shrugged. "Just watching the game. I love football."
I gave him a weird look. "This," I waved to the field full of running boys. "is
called soccer. Allow me to formally welcome you to America, Brit."
He chuckled. "You're cute. But my name's Travis."
"Well 'Travis'." I quoted his name with my fingers. "I'm Selena. And may I ask,
why, exactly, are you watching soccer with me?"
He shrugged, looking back over the field nonchalantly. "Cause I was bored, and I
have nothing better to do."
"And, I saw you sitting over here by yourself, also bored, and thought, 'Hey! Wh
y don't we be bored, together?!'." He answered, rolling his eyes dramatically. "
Even I had to crack a smile at that. He wasn't as much of a knob as he looked, I
'd give him that.
But then, soccer practice ended, and we were drowned in the smell of sweat and g
rass. Neither were particularly apealing. I held my nose as the team walked over
to us, trying not to notice a few look at me rather inappropriately.
Conner jogged over to me, his dark hair sticking to his forehead with sweat. Bef
ore I could protest, he gave me a dazzling smile, shot Travis a suspicious look,
and wrapped me in a sweaty hug.
"Ewww! Con!" I complained, trying to struggle away from his grip.
He laughed at me, lifting his face up to bathe in the afternoon sunlight. I coul
dn't help but admire how shadows were casted quite attractively over the planes
of his face.
"What? I thought you liked my sweat." He raised his eyebrows suggestively, and I
felt my face grow pink, realizing the deeper meaning in his words.
"Perve." I shot back at him, burying my pink face in the crook of his neck and o
ut of sight.
He snorted, before leaning over to whisper in my ear. "Who's he?" I looked up to
see his green eyes flicker over to where Travis was still sitting, watching us
with curious eyes.

"That's Travis, the new foreign exchange student. I think he's from England."
He turned me away, putting me out of Travis's line of sight with a protective hu
g. "I don't like him. He's staring at you." He growled slightly.
I stifled a giggle. "Jealous Concon?"
His body relaxed as he pouted down at me. "Don't call me that."
I laughed out loud. "Whatever Con. Let's go home, you smell." I waved my hand in
front of my nose dramatically.
"Race ya?" He asked, and I narrowed my eyes at him.
"I don't know. Are you prepared to lose?" I teased him, knowing that I was most
definitely going to lose.
"I'll take my chances." He rolled his eyes. "On three. One, two-"
I took off, racing to the car as fast as my legs would carry me. "You coming?" I
called over my shoulder.
I heard him laugh as he chased after me. "Cheater!"
Laughing, we headed towards the car, completely forgetting that Travis was still
watching us intently from the bleachers.
When we arrived at Conner's house, it was dead silent.
He had told me that his parents were on another 'Anniversary Retreat', somewhere
in the Bahamas, and his sisters were staying with their aunt, but I hadn't expe
cted the house to be so...... clean.
Usually, the house was completely hectic.
Toys and dolls covering the floor beyond recognition, books and papers layered o
n the counters and tables like a fur rug. His two little sisters running about l
ike they were at the mall and there was a huge sale. His older sister locked in
her sound proof room, blasting music and either texting her friends on her cell
phone or on facebook. (Sometimes even both.) His dad talking on the phone from t
he living room as he started to vacuum the carpet, repeating over and over that
he couldn't hear the other person over the sound of his screaming children. His
mom, silently typing away on the computer in the office, smart enough to have in
vested in ear plugs.
This place was normally a madhouse.
Now I barely recognized it.
I looked at Conner in amazement. He shrugged guiltily. "I wanted to know what th
e floor looked like, just this once. Sooo, I hired a maid."
I walked around, admiring how clean everything was. "Must have been one hell of
a maid." I mumbled.
"I'll say, she was hot."

I shook my head at him. "Too much information Con."

When we had made our way upstairs to Conner's room, I had plonked down onto his
king sized bed, which was probably the softest bed on the planet. I made sheet a
ngels with my arms and legs, enjoying the soft, silky feel of the fabric on my s
If it wasn't so loud here all the time, I would totally live on his bed.
Conner took a running start, before jumping and landing carelessly next to me. H
e sighed, resting his hands behind his head and moving his feet to play footsie
with me.
"So." He started.
I sighed, instantly recognizing his overly protective voice. "What?"
"That new kid. He's pretty cute, huh?"
I snorted. "Didn't know he was your type Con."
"Answer the question."
I giggled at his serious expression. "Well, he's not my type either, so no need
to worry."
"Good. Cause I want you all to myself." His serious face broke with an overly ch
eesy smile, causing me to roll my eyes.
"Go take a shower." I ordered, trying to shove him off the bed. "You stink."
He got up, completely unaffected by me pushing him, and turned back to look at m
e. "Wanna join?" He asked mischievously, quirking an eyebrow.
I put on my thinking face, before shrugging. "Sure."
I got up and walked past him, grabbing his hand to drag him along behind me. I l
ooked over my shoulder, sending him my best seductive expression as we entered t
he bathroom.
"I cannot believe you." Conner said, drying his hair roughly with his towel.
"What?" I asked, faking innocence and securing my towel tighter around my body.
"I just honestly, cannot believe you."
"You already said that."
"You actually started a tickle war, in the middle of the shower." He gave me an
incredulous look.
"Surprise was on my side."
"I was shampooing my hair."
"And now it smells like lemons. But I still kicked your sorry ass."
"I wasn't prepared!" He complained. "And we were in the shower."

I shrugged, giggling at him as I turned to reach for my clothes. "Always be aler

t then, lazy butt."
"I'm gonna get you back, you know that right?"
"Whatever you say Concon. Whatever you say." I pulled on one of his shirts over
my bra and underwear, too lazy to change back into my stylish, but uncomfortable
"Don't call me that." His voice was muffled as he pulled a shirt over his head.
I snorted in a manner that probably would have horrified my mom. "Well, can I st
ay the night?" I asked him, already knowing the answer.
"I thought you'd never ask. Plus, it's not like you can go home in that anyway."
He gestured to my currently borrowed outfit. "Not that I mind it or anything."
He grinned at me, running his eyes up and down my person in a way that could be
considered sexual harassment to some people.
I punched his arm. "Ow!" He yelped, rubbing his arm. "Would you stop hitting me
so much? I'm fragile!"
Ignoring him, I sat on his floor, which was covered in the softest carpet known
to man. I laid on my stomach, running my fingers through the soft carpet fibers.
I pulled my phone out of my bra, sending a text to my mom telling her where I w
as. I knew she wouldn't care anyway.
Conner sat crossed legged in front of me, looking down at my face. "Know what I
wanna do now?"
I felt myself smile. "I think I have a pretty good idea." I got to my feet. " Co
me on then!"
"This is gonna be awesome." I smiled from where I was standing by the front door
"I know right?" Conner replied, from next to me. He was carrying his stereo at h
is side. He was still in his pj pants and shirt. I was still wearing one of his
t-shirts, but I had slipped on a pair of shorts under it.
He opened the door for me, and we walked out. It was almost eight, so the sun wa
s setting in the sky. The other pricey looking houses in the neighborhood looked
as pristine and new as always. The lush green grass on lawns were glistening fr
om the sprinklers. Down the road, a large green field stood, bordered with white
picket fences.
He turned to me, a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. "Lets do this."
"WOOOOHOOOO!" Conner whooped to the sky, hands raised above his head.
"YAYA!" I twirled around him, feeling the water drip down my arms.
The stereo was a couple feet away, blasting a song I was screaming to loudly to
recognizing. The sprinklers were raining down on us as we frolicked in circles.

We danced like crazy people, earning a few odd looks from an elderly couple who
walked by. But by now, we were used to those.
I was about to cry from laughter as Conner preformed a dance that looked suspici
ously like the peepee dance.
We have been dancing in the sprinklers longer than I could remember. It was sort
a tradition, so most of the neighbors expected it, and didn't even bother calli
ng the police right away anymore.
And looking at Conner at that moment, with his head thrown back in laughter an h
is hair wet and sticking to his face, I couldn't recall a time when I had been h
Suddenly, Conner slipped on the slick grass, falling ungracefully onto his rear
with a surprised yelp. I burst out laughing, clutching my sides at his surprised
expression. I skipped over to where he was slithering on the wet grass, trying
to get up amd clearly failing, smiling cheerily down at him.
Then of course, with a satisfied grin he grabbed my hand and pulled me down on t
op of him.
I shrieked, flailing as I landed on Conner. My legs straddled his waist, and my
hands ended up on both sides of his face, my lips only an inch from his.
I stared into his eyes, our faces both now dripping with water from the sprinkle
rs. Water was dripping from his bangs, getting caught in the dark lashes that su
rrounded his crystal green eyes. Green eyes so familiar to me, so warm and soft.
The laugh was cut short in my throat as I looked at him, and everything seemed t
o grow still and slowly fade away around us.
It was just me, and him.
I leaned in slowly, my heart beating faster and the blood pounding through my ve
ins. I could feel his sweet breath on my face, and just as our lips were about t
o touch, I heard my name.
"Selena?" Travis said from behind us.####################################
Chapter 4- Caught in the Act
Gulping, I lifted my head away from Conner's.
Travis was looking at us from the sidewalk in front of the park, his mouth physi
cally dropped open. I quickly stumbled to my feet, becoming aware that it looked
like I was only wearing one of Conner's shirts to cover me.
Conner reluctantly stood up, mumbling. "You should tell your new friend to close
his mouth, he'll catch flies." But apparently, Travis had head him, because he
snapped his jaw shut.
"Hey." He raised one hand weakly, not bothering to stop starring at our obvious
lack of clothing.
I started to think of excuses, to why we would be dancing in the sprinklers half

-naked. I was considering using the American Indian rain dance excuse, when Conn
er broke in.
"Can we help you?" He asked rudely, crossing his arms over his chest.
"Uhhhh." Travis gulped. "No sorry, I just didn't know you two were- uhhhh-"
"We're not." Conner cut him off sharply, glaring.
Meanwhile, I was frozen in silence.
"But you two-"
I finally unfroze and broke in, changing the subject away from our previous, rat
her inappropriate actions. "What are you doing here?"
He pointed his thumb over his shoulder, his grey gaze still watching us suspicio
usly. "I just moved in down the street. I was going for a walk when I heard you
All I heard was, moved in down the street.
"Of course you did." I mumbled, before sneaking a glance at my best friend, and
knowing that he was thinking the same thing as me.
Things were about to get a whole lot more complicated.
"Oh well, we live right over there." I gestured to our houses, exactly three doo
rs away from each other. I inwardly sighed when I realized that Travis's house w
as directly in the middle of ours.
Travis glanced at our houses, before turning back to stare at us again. "Cool."
Conner sighed impatiently, purposefully being loud. He glanced at his wrist, for
getting that he had taken off his watch before we had left. I held back a snort
of laughter, but caught on with his message.
"Well it's been fun,-"
"Yeah right." Conner mumbled.
"But we really should get going before the cops show up. It usually takes around
fifteen minutes for the neighbors to finally call them, so....."
Travis nodded, looking thoughtful. "Yeah, sure. See you later then." He turned t
o walk back towards his house. Conner and I watched him walk away, not willing t
o start for home until he was out of sight. But when he stopped outside of his h
ouse, he turned back to us.
"Have fun!" He called, a smirk spreading over his face. "Just not too much fun.
I want to get some decent sleep tonight. I'm a light sleeper, so try not to be t
oo loud tonight. Later!" And with that, he opened his front door and headed insi
Leaving us staring after him, mouths dropped open.


The walk back home with Conner was agonizingly quiet. And usually, quiet and Con
ner don't even fit in a sentence together without a 'not' in between.
But as soon as the front door was slammed closed, Conner exploded. Ranting angri
ly, he marched up to his room, me following shell-shocked in tow.
"Why that little twit! I swear, if he tells anyone...."
"We'll just have to deny it and claim that he's crazy." I tried to reassure Conn
er, but he barely heard what I had said, and was still pacing agitatedly across
his room.
"What goes on between me and you, is none of his freaking concern! How dare he a
ssume that we sleep together! I should go over there and teach him a lesson!"
I tilted my head in confusion. "But he was right. We do-.... you know what I mea
n." I moved to sit down on Conner's soft bed, forcing myself to stay calm and re
"So? That doesn't mean he can just go around and assume that we do! What if he t
ells people!?" He retorted.
"We don't know for certain that he will! He has no proof Con. He won't go around
spreading rumors about us sleeping together without proof. I mean, he's the new
kid! No one will believe him, and he knows it."
Conner sent me a glare. "Unless he looks for evidence. Besides, how would he eve
n hear us? You're not even a screamer." For that, I chucked a pillow at his head
. He started pacing faster than before and mumbling words to himself to quiet fo
r me to hear. All I could catch was, "stupid Britt".
Sighing, I rested back on Conners bed, and patiently started waiting for him to
calm down.
Eventually, after Conner ran out of insults and grew dizzy from pacing back and
forth, he joined me. His arm was locked around my waist, pulling my body practic
ally on top of him. His head was bent to rest in the crook of my neck, and I cou
ld feel the tip of his nose brushing my collarbone.
We were watching a movie, some random chick-flick that I had found in Conner's s
helf of DVDs. I wasn't really paying attention though. Conner was so close to me
, that I was having trouble concentrating on anything really. The feel of his sk
in on mine, was pure bliss.
I breathed in, taking in the warm familiar smell that I've know since forever.
And then Conner gave me a strange look, and I immediately turned a bright pink c
I cannot believe he just caught me sniffing him. Why was I sniffing him? He does
smell good.... Oh god stop thinking about it!
I really should stop talking to myself.
I turned back to the TV, pretending to watch the screen intently. I felt Conner
laugh silently from beneath me, but I refused to show any notice.
"S?" He asked me, trying not to laugh.
"Yeah?" I said casually, still looking at the screen.

"You totally just sniffed me."

I whipped my head around to glare at his smug looking face. "Did not."
"Oh my god, you really are the worst liar in the world." He mused. "And you tota
lly did. It's okay you know. I do smell pretty good." He raised his eyebrows sug
gestively at me, causing me to whack his chest with my fist.
He put on his pouty face, rubbing his ribcage like an injured puppy. At one poin
t he pretended to flinch and whimper as his hand passed over where I had hit him
And he thought I was a drama queen.
"That really hurt S."
I fake pouted. "I sowwy." I ruffled his hair and his mock frown deepened.
"You have to make it up to me."
I raised an eyebrow. "How, exactly, would I do that?"
His frown turned upwards into a mischievous smirk. "I think you have a pretty de
cent idea, S."
I smiled back, glad to have my mind distracted from Travis. "I thought you'd nev
er ask." I whispered as I tilted my head up to kiss him.
Saturday morning light leaked through Conner's closed curtains. The sound of spr
inklers came from the front yard, and a dog was barking somewhere nearby.
I yawned, moving to sit up and stretch my arms over my head. Beside me, Conner s
tirred. I took the time to glance appreciatively over his bare chest, this time
before he opened his eyes.
When he finally did, I was already getting up to search for clothes to wear.
"Good morning." He shot me a dazzling smile, his green eyes squinting from the b
rightly lit room.
I opened my drawer, the drawer completely dedicated to me in Conner's house. Pul
ling out a pair of my clothes, I turned back to him. "Morning." I ruffled his se
xily messed up hair.
"Hey!" He complained, smoothing it down with his hand.
I rolled my eyes. "Like it's not already messed up."
"Admit it." He smirked at me. "You love my sex hair."
He had nooo idea.
"Whatever." I rolled my eyes, unable to come up with anything to counter him.
I didn't wait for him to respond as I skipped to the bathroom, but I knew that h
e was smiling in victory. I heard Conner get up behind me as I got in the shower
. By the time I had stepped into the warm water, Conner had already joined me.

"Do you ever wonder what it's like?"
When we had finished cleaning up, we had headed to the backyard. We were laying
comfortably in the lush green grass, that were the same color as Conner's eyes.
We were watching the clouds peacefully, letting the morning light wash over us.
I turned my head to look at him curiously. "Wonder what what's like?"
He didn't look at me, just continued to gaze up at the sky. His green eyes flick
ered around, as if he were searching for something in the clouds.
"Wonder," He began. "what it's like to be.... you know.... innocent?"
"Huh?" He couldn't have been more cryptic.
"You know. What would have happened to us if.... you know..."
"I know what? Con, what are you talking about?"
"What if.... well... my basilisk never met with your chamber of secrets."
I reached out to whack his shoulder, thoroughly disgusted. "You did not just ref
erence Harry Potter with our sex life."
He shrugged. "Sorry, I couldn't think of how else to put it! Well do you ever th
ink about it? What would have happened to us if we were just friends?"
I stared at his serious face for a minute, before tuning back to face the sky. "
We are just friends." I couldn't even convince myself.
Wow, I guess I was a bad liar.
Conner finally turned to meet my gaze, giving me a doubtful glance.
"Yeah, I know what you mean." I admitted. "And no, I don't think about it. I lik
e us. We're best friends, and we have little fun together. Everybody wins, and n
o one gets hurt."
Conner didn't speak for a while. But after a while I heard him whisper something
that I don't think was meant for me to hear.
"Except me."
Chapter 5- Cover Story
I was honestly dreading going back to school on Monday.
So much, in fact, that I had created this list and taped it on the front of the
refrigerator for my parents to read.
Top 10 List Of Reasons Why I Do Not Want To Attend School Today:
1.) It's boring
2.) It requires me to wake up before noon

3.) They won't let me wear my pj's to school

4.) Almost the entire student body drools over my best friend
5.) Possible black mail opportunities are set against me (I didn't specify, of c
6.) I don't want to
7.) If you were good parents, you would support my decision to not attend school
8.) I could learn just as much from surfing the Internet and watching TV
9.) If I go to school, then they'll assign me homework
And 10.) I don't want to
Childish, I know. But they gave me no other option.
Unfortunately, my notice was vetoed, via garbage can.
I glared at the back of her head as my mom walked out of the kitchen, unaffected
by my revolutionary logic. I marched back over to the trashcan, carefully picki
ng out my crumpled up list and straightening it out again.
I didn't notice Conner walk up behind me until his arms were wrapped around my w
He looked over my shoulder at my note, a smile spreading across his lips.
"Using the straight forward approach, are we? Well sorry to say, it hasn't work
out for me. And judging from the ketchup stains on you letter, I'm guessing that
you can relate."
I sighed, leaning back into him and trying not to imagine where I'd be in twenty
He gave me a cocky smile, and I knew that he hadn't overlooked the part of my no
te involving him.
"Everyone at school drools over me?" His green eyes twinkled.
"Only the stupid ones. Which is, almost everyone." I teased.
He put on his pouty face, leaning over to whisper in my ear. "You don't think I'
m hot?"
I tried to look thoughtful, though the giggling probably ruined the effect.
"Hmmmm.... Nope."
He laughed softly in my ear, sending shivers down my back.
"Then why do you keep sleeping with me?"
I looked around, making sure the house was empty before replying. My mom had jus
t left for a doctors appointment, and I knew my dad had rushed to the office ear
ly this morning, so I was in luck.

"Cause if I don't, who will?" I instantly knew that it was an unplausible lie, s
ince most girls my age already want to screw him.
"Lot's of people." He defended himself. I rolled my eyes at him.
"Crazy people." I muttered, just loud enough for him to hear. I broke off from h
is embrace and made my way upstairs to finish getting ready for priso- I mean, h
igh school.
As I climbed the stairs, I heard him call after me. "Well then, why do you sleep
with me?"
I turned my head back to look at him, rolling my eyes in a way that implied duh.
"I never said that I wasn't crazy!"
And with that, I made my way to my room, leaving him standing there, staring aft
er me, with an intrigued look on his face.
"Come on Selena! Get your pretty little ass down here! We're going to be late!"
"Hold your horses!" I mumbled to myself, even though there was no way he could h
ear me.
I rushed down the stairs, attempting to brush my hair and put on my shoes at the
same time. This of course, resulted in me tumbling down the stairs and landing
in a heap at Conner's feet,
I groaned into the carpet, not really wanting to get up.
"Oh S, what am I going to do with you?" I heard Conner sigh, before he leaned ov
er to pick me up and sling me over his shoulder. And for once, I couldn't find t
he willpower to protest as he carried me to his car.
First period has just started, and I was already more bored than I had believed
You have no idea. I was sooo bored, that I had forgotten what class I was in.
I felt Lilly poke my side. "You've been awfully quiet." She whispered to me when
the teachers back was turned.
I shrugged, trying my best to look casual. "Just super bored, I guess." I lied.
Truthfully, I was just longing to get back home and hangout with Conner, but she
didn't need to know that. But unfortunately for me, Lilly was brighter than she
She pushed a strand of black and blond hair from her face, glancing back at me w
ith her narrowed dark eyes. "Liar."
The bell rang, and I sprung out of my seat, anxious to get away from my friends,
who could see through my lying. Right before I left, I turned back to look at t
hem. Alex gave Lilly a confused look, her neon orange dress swishing as she stoo
d to leave.

And worst yet, Lilly had a determined look in her eye, and I instantly knew that
she was going to try to figure out why I was lying, if it killed her.
Shit shit shit shit.
I whipped out my phone as I speed walked down the hall, sending Conner a quick t
ext expressing my thoughts.
Con! Shit shit shit shit shit! Skip 2nd, and meet at monkey bars!
As I hurried to the front entrance, I could hear Lilly and Alex call after me.
S- You sound exited. B there in 2
"Ohhhh Sellliii! Where are you? We just wanna talk Seli!" Great! They haven't sp
otted me yet. And they wouldn't until lunch, because I was already out the door
and rushing across the street by the time the bell rang again.
I walked to the park across the street from school, hurriedly rushing towards th
e playground. I slid off my backpack onto the ground, and climbed on top of the
monkey bars. After I was settled, and sure I wasn't going to fall off, I waited.
Soon enough, I could see Conner's outline heading towards me.
When he had climbed up beside me, panting from jogging all the way here, he pull
ed out an apple from his lunch bag and munched into it contently.
With a mouthful of fruit, he finally spoke. "So." Munch munch munch. "What seems
to be the problem?"
"They're on to us."
He froze mid-chew for a couple seconds, instantly knowing what I meant. Then, he
continued to slowly chew, a worried frown on his face. Munch munch munch. "Shit
Couldn't have said it better myself.
"They know I've been lying Con! They know somethings going on between us! They'r
e not blind!"
Munch munch munch.
I grabbed his half-eaten apple from his mouth and chucked it across the park. It
flew for a second, before bouncing off of the slide and thumping into the dirt.
Conner looked at his hand like a child who had dropped his ice cream cone. "That
was my apple."
I threw my arms above my head in exasperation. "I'll get you a new apple! Now fo
"Fine." He replied, looking a little sad. "Just tell them..............." He sna
pped his fingers when the idea hit him. "Oh I know! So earlier this morning I wa
s thinking about what would happen if we did get caught, and I had an idea!"
"Did it hurt?"

He gave me a dry look. "Haha. But seriously, I think it could actually work!"
With a suspicious look, I allowed him to tell me his 'brilliant plan'. I grudgin
gly agreed, seeing no better option. This could work.
The bell ending third period rang as we stood up. I reached into my bag and pull
ed out my apple, handing it over to Conner. His face lit up like a lightblub, as
he snatched it exitedly from my hand and dug into it.
I laughed as we walked back together. One of his hands was holding his apple up
for him to munch some more, and the other was holding mine.
Just two best friends, holding hands and laughing care freely like they were six
Where no one else would watch them and judge.
By the time Conner and I walked into the courtyard, not holding hands, the place
was already packed with kids. We walked over to the tree we ate lunch at, where
Alex and Lilly were already waiting expectantly with their arms crossed.
When we stopped in front of them, Alex spoke. "Conner? Do you mind leaving? Just
for today. We just want to have a chat with Seli, here."
Conner looked conflicted for a moment, but after I reached over to secretly sque
eze his hand, he nodded. "Sure thing girls. I'll just go sit with the team." He
shot me a glance that said, good luck, before turning to head to the table packe
d with soccer players. I grimaced as dozens of girls sighed longingly as he walk
ed by, completely oblivious to them.
Turning back to the girls, I sat down between them, nervously digging in my bag
for my sandwich.
"Ok, what's up?" Alex asked, arms still crossed.
"What do you mean?" Wow I'm a bad liar.
"You are the worst liar on the planet." Lilly stated. "Now seriously, what's up
with you and Mr. hot ass over there?" She pointed a finger over to where Conner
was sitting with his teammates, and I had to smile at their nickname for Conner
whenever he wasn't around.
I sighed, trying desperately to channel my inner actress and look defeated.
"Fine, you got me." I sighed again, glancing to where Conner was sitting, laughi
ng with the jocks, before going on.
"We did? I mean, we did!" Alex's face lit up.
Lilly gave her a dry look. "Very subtle Alex."
"Are you two dating or something?" Alex asked excitedly, ignoring Lilly.
"NO!" I shouted, earning a few curious glares from neighboring students. They we
re getting a little to close to the truth for my liking.
"Then what is it?!" Lilly pressed. "You've been distracted lately, and attached

at the hip with Conner even more than usual! What's going on with you guys?"
I took a deep breath, preparing myself to say it. The game changer. The thing th
at would shock everyone. The thing that would change, everything. But hopefully,
it would turn out better than being discovered as being friends with benefits.
"I''m in love with Conner."
Chapter 6- Out of the Loop
Their reactions were, well, unexpected.
"Finally!' Alex exclaimed, flinging her arms up in exasperation and whipping her
red curls around her face.
"Took ya long enough." Lilly rolled her eyes, a smug grin on her lips.
Ok, make that really unexpected.
They stopped the commotion to stare at me. The smiles slipped from their faces.
Their dumbfounded looks made me feel kind of insecure, like I had gone to school
in my pj's. (Which would be so cool! Until I got suspended, of course). I was e
xtremely uncomfortable, though I'm pretty sure it was only weird to me. People f
rom nearby tables were giving us curious glances, and I knew that if someone did
n't unfreeze soon, the whispering would start.
But unfortunately for me, I was far to confused to find words to say, let alone
make a logical sentence presentable enough to say in public. So I sat there in s
ilence, and waited.
I swear, we were sitting there in silence for an hour before the responded.
"You're kidding, right?" Alex raised her eyebrows at me.
"Kidding about what?" I tilted my head to the side, as I always did when I was l
ost. Which was pretty much during every class except PE. "Run till you puke!" wa
s a pretty universal term.
"Wait." Lilly started massaging her temples, as if she had a headache. "You actu
ally have no idea about Conner?"
"What about him?" I felt really slow right now.
Alex face-palmed her forehead, and Lilly closed her eyes and tilted her head to
the sky, both letting out a frustrated groan.
I really hate it when I'm out of the loop.
I felt like I had when I had gone to school on a Saturday, only to be greeted by
silence. But still to tired to notice, or care, I still went to my locker, and
then continued on to my first period. Only to find the door locked. And then I r
emembered that there was no school on weekends, and proceeded to bang my head on
the lockers repeatedly.
This happened at least once a month.

I'm seriously not, a morning person.

"Never mind." Lilly sighed, and started to eat her sandwich sadly.
What was it with my friends and their vauge elaborations?
"No, tell me." I crossed my arms and glared at them.
"It's not really our secret to tell Selli." Lilly shrugged, and Alex nodded, bot
h looking intently at the ground. I was about to argue, when I processed their w
ords and realization hit me in the face.
Wait, Conner was keeping a secret from me?
That couldn't be true, we told each other everything! We were practically one pe
rson, aside from the differences in our anatomies. If Conner had a secret, I wou
ld be the first to know about it.
The rest of the day, I was so preoccupied with trying to figure out my friends l
atest puzzle, that I was pretty much zoned out the entire time. Lilly and Alex d
idn't seem to mind though, because they themselves were preoccupied in a hushed
Which I would be totally fine with, if they would at least bother to try not to
glance at me meaningfully, and so obviously that it was ridiculous, in between w
When school ended in a blur, (as usual), I headed out to the soccer field for Co
nner's soccer practice.
So once again, there I was, sitting on the bleachers, incredibly bored out of my
mind, watching a bunch of sweaty teenage boys run after a ball.
"You look excited."
I jumped at the closeness of his voice in my ear. Turning my head, I noticed Tra
vis sitting comfortably next to me, his hands stretched behind his head leisurel
y. My instinct was to feel irritated, or possibly cautious by his presence. But
as soon as I caught sight of him, my emotions drained.
I felt kind of bad, because I almost burst out laughing at the sight of his outf
it. And, I must admit, I did choke on my laughter quite noticeably.
He was wearing a sweater vest. An actual sweater vest.
And worst yet, it was pink. Pink and grey plaid stripes stretched across the len
gth of the white cotton.
Not even the nerds at this school dared to stoop this low on the dress scale. In
our school, wearing a sweater vest was like walking around the halls with a fla
shing sigh that advertised, "Please come rearrange my face!" taped to your back.
And I was pretty sure that even his extreme attractiveness couldn't save him.
I was actually pretty amazed that he was still alive.
"What?" He smirked. "Can't dig the sweater vest?"

I shook my head, still failing to choke down my laughter.

I finally broke out laughing, and I just couldn't contain it. It was as if Conne
r were there, tickling my relentlessly. I was pretty certain that the Chinese co
uld hear me laughing, I was so loud. I was actually starting to cry from laughin
g so hard, by the time I actually opened my eyes and looked at him.
And froze at his calculating expression.
I suddenly remembered that he was onto me and Conner, and my laughter died in my
throat. His next words surprised me even more.
"You're cute when you laugh."
A blush crept over my face. I was expecting, "I know your sleeping around with C
onner, and I'm going to tell everyone if you don't do as I say," not that he lik
es my laugh.
I guess I'm just having an off day.
"Oh, and I know that there's something going on with you and Conner."
That was more like it.
"Why would you say that?" I tried to keep cool.
He gave me a cautious stare with his stormy grey eyes. "So you're not dating Con
"No." I almost cheered when I didn't stutter. That was probably the best lie I h
ad ever told in my entire life.
"Prove it."
This was about to get weird.
"Huh? Just how would I do that?" I asked, quickly getting anxious.
"Go on a date with me."
My eyes widened at his blunt solution. "Why?"
He shrugged casually, looking unaffectedly at the boys on the field. "To prove y
ou're not with Conner."
My mind whirled as I tried to process his explanation. I mentally compared the p
ros and cons. If I went on a date with him, it would prove that Conner and I wer
e just friends. But I would have to go on a date with Britt McSweater-vest. If I
didn't do it, he would be convinced that there was something between us, and pu
rsue the matter further. It was a pretty close call.
This kid was smarter than I had anticipated.
"Fine." I agreed curtly, relieved that the boys were finally done with practice
and were heading over.
I practically flung myself of the bleachers and charged to Conner.
"Hey-" He was interrupted when I yanked his hand, not breaking my stride. I drag

ged him to his car, him complaining in tow.

"Someone's horny! Not even a hello before you insistently drag me home to get in
my pants."
"Don't flatter yourself." I retorted blandly as I sat shotgun. Arms crossed over
my chest.
I had a date, with the Britt.
"Ouch." Conner tried to look wounded. "What's up with you?"
I looked at him, entirely serious. The laughter drained from his green eyes as t
hey saw my expression. I explained what had happened to him, conveniently skippi
ng over the whole 'blackmail date' part. I really didn't want him to go to priso
n anytime soon.
So instead, I told him that he was on to us, and told us that we had to do whate
ver he said if we didn't want him to blab our secret, and he listened, uncharict
eristicly quiet.
Then he exploded.
He balled his fists tightly, his jaw clenched. "That freaking psycho! That basta
rd! Who does he think he is? Why I oughta beat the shit out of that-"
"Con!' I grabbed his hand, trying to calm him down. He breathed deepily, making
an obvious effort to control his temper. After a few moments, he squeezed my han
d and opened his eyes, signalling to me that he was calm again.
"I'm ok. It's just that-" he stopped mid-sentence. "I just-" He sighed. "I don't
like that kid."
I rolled my eyes. "Welcome to the club."
"We don't actually have to do what he says, do we?"
"We have to! If we don't, he'll be suspicious!"
He cradled his head in his head, looking pitifully defeated. "I still don't thin
k we should go along with this." He muttered.
"We'll be fine!" I took his keys from his pocket, sticking them into the ignitio
n and turning on the engine. "He'll grow tired of us! And after that, we'll neve
r have to deal with him again. Okay?"
He sighed again, taking the wheel and driving us to my house in silence.
By the time we had walked to my front door, Conner still hadn't said a word. It
was so weird, that I was almost convinced that I was dreaming the whole thing.
My phone buzzed in my pocket. When I answered it, I could hear my moms breathles
s voice on the other end. "Hey honey! We're at the airport with Conner's parents
! Something came up, some case in Baltimore, so we'll be gone for the rest of th
e week."

I couldn't really say that I was surprised, because this happened almost every o
ther week. I loved my mom, but she was more scatter brained than a do-do bird so
"Oh, um, okay mom. Good luck."
"Thanks sweetie! See you Friday! We love you! Our planes boarding now, so bye!"
With a click, the line went dead.
Hanging up my phone, one look at Conner and I could tell that he had already fig
ured out what had happened.
I opened my front door, walking in a few steps before turning back to Conner. "S
Rolling his eyes, he followed me in.
He shut the door behind him, before leaning against it and grinning at me. "What
do you want to do now?"
Rolling my eyes at his sarcasm, I grabbed his hand and started to led him upstai
"In a rush are we?" He asked. I didn't turn back and respond, knowing he was usi
ng sarcasm.
"Jeez girl! You must really want to get in my pants huh?" This time, I turned ba
ck to whack his arm before continued upstairs.
Chapter 7- Complications
Sorry it took so long, my computer magically deleted the chapter I had written :
"Wow, this is such a buzz-kill."
Ignoring him, I shifted on the bed, moving to snuggle closer to him.
"You have no idea how turned on I was. I was so looking forward to tonight, and
you totally just let me down."
I didn't have to look up at his face to know that he was pouting.
"I mean, you dragged me up the stairs, all sexy and in charge. It was a total tu
rn on. And now," I felt him shake his head. "This. I'm rather disappointed with
I held back the smile threatening to appear on my face, still looking at the tv.
Sighing, he reluctantly curled his arm around my waist. I happily burrowed my f
ace in his shoulder, not breaking my gaze from the screen.
We were watching the best movie of all time, which also happened to be Conner's
least favorite movie that he hated with a burning passion.

The Notebook.
This was probably the ninety-seventh time we had watched it since Conner had got
ten it for me last Christmas.
And I'm pretty sure he was in physical pain right now.
"Come on S." He groaned. "No more!"
I shushed him, still staring at the screen with tears forming in my eyes.
"S!" He whined like a two year old. "I get that you like it, but watching it mo
re than three times a day is just plain unhealthy."
I barely heard him as I focused on the two characters, who were passionately con
fessing their love to each other in the middle of a rainstorm.
"Selena! Can you even hear me?" He waved a hand in front of my face. "Wait, are
you crying?"
I only sniffed in response.
"You've seen this movie dozens of times before! You already have the entire thin
g memorized! How can you be crying?"
I barely heard him. The two lovers ran at each other, clinging to the other need
fully, and ever so tenderly kissing.
I was about to sob, when the tv click off.
I turned to Conner, who was just putting down the remote on the nightstand. "Hey
! That was the best part!"
He rolled his eyes at me.
"I think that's enough 'The Notebook' time for today."
"I was watching that!"
"And you were crying." He agreed.
I crossed my arms over my chest stubbornly. "You probably only turned it off bec
ause you didn't want to cry in front of a girl."
"Oh believe me, I was crying on the inside. Just not for the same reasons as you
I glared at him. Only he could ruin 'The Notebook' for me. I had been obsessed w
ith it since it had come out, and up until now I hadn't had a problem with watch
ing it over and over until I went blind. But Conner was my best friend, and anno
yingly enough, if he had a problem with it, I automatically was forced to empath
Having a best friends could be such a hassle.
"Fine." I pouted. "No more until next week. But honestly, if you hate it so much
, why do you watch it with me?"
He was silent for a minute, and I turned around to look at his face.

For a second, he looked utterly, hopelessly sad.

Finally, he shrugged his shoulders, and the look on his face vanished so quickly
I wasn't sure if I had seen it. "I don't know. I guess I watch it, because you
like it."
My heart swelled, and I resisted the sudden urge to reach over and give him a hu
Instead, I suddenly remembered that Alex had requested a emergency girls only sl
eepover early today. Crap! She was so gonna be pissed if I didn't call her back.
I stood up from my bed and walked over to the phone that was resting on my desk.
"Okay, well I'm having a sleepover. Soooooo, in half an hour, you will have left
. Kay?"
Half an hour later
"Selena!" Conner whined.
"Why not?"
"Out!" I yelled, struggling to push him out the front door.
"Why can't I stay?" He asked, completely unaffected by my effort to make him lea
"Because," I explained, losing my patience as I grit my teeth and pushed harder
"you're male! Now leave!"
He crossed his arms over his chest, refusing to budge. At this rate, I would sti
ll be trying to force him out of the door ten years from now. He was bigger, tal
ler, and stronger than me, and I knew that trying to out strength him was pretty
I was going to have to use wit.
I reached for his stomach, and tickled him. He had a mini spaz attack, laughter
and snorting included, and temporarily forgot to hold his ground as I pushed hi
m. With a final shove, I shoved him out the door, slamming it shut behind him an
d locking it. I felt him bang on the door in frustration.
"Selena!" His voice was muffled through the door.
I rolled my eyes, even though he couldn't see me through the door. He was beatin
g his record for the most complaining in a single day. "Leave!"
And with that, I went upstairs to my room to clean up before my friends arrived.
By the time the doorbell had rung, I already knew that Conner had left. The begg
ing had stopped ten minutes ago.
I flung open the door, only to be greeted by my two female friends, arms stuffed
full of candy and various other sugar containing food items, covered head to to

e in black and rainbow pj's.

"Seli!" Alex cheered. She launched at me with a bear hug, her arms still carryin
g so much food that she probably couldn't even see her toes.
Lilly just rolled her eyes, inviting herself inside.
Once they had placed all their hibernation supplies on my living room table, we
continued to create a blanket fort.
Now usually, Conner and I would make the fort, since we had created the traditio
n back when we were six. But when I had met Alex and Lilly, I had been glad to s
hare the activity with them, seeing how it's awesome.
We used tall cabinets and chairs as a ceiling for our fort, draping blankets ove
r our heads. I made sure to cover any solid object, while Lilly placed pillows a
round to weigh the blankets down, Alex helped me hang the huge bed sheet from my
parents bedroom across the entire thing, using the ceiling face to hold it up.
"Done!" Lilly called, checking her watch. "Four and a half minutes, a new record
We plopped down in the pile of blankets and cushy pillows laid across the rug, f
acing each other. I sat hugging my knees to my chest, feeling myself growing ner
vous under my friends calculating expressions.
I guess it's a little too late to just now realize that my friends are all wierd
"Sooooo...." Lilly broke the silence.
She and Alex glanced at each other, before bursting into squeals. They were jump
ing and dancing around the fort, their squeals filling my living room. I just sa
t there, utterly lost in the commotion. Usually, I would have expected such erra
tic behavior from Alex, but I never expected Lilly to join. They were flinging t
heir arms around wildly, and I had to duck multiple times to avoid being punched
in the face.
"Am I missing something?" I asked.
They stopped to look at me, before continuing to jump around like kindergartners
in a bounce house.
"You're in love with Conner!"Alex rolled her eyes at me. "Duh!"
I studied my toes. "So?"
"Sooooo." Lilly chirped. "You guys were totally made for each other!"
I stayed silent. Even though I knew that it was only pretend, I still felt oddly
uncomfortable talking about me and Conner as being more than friends.
"Yeah totally! I mean, Conner's been our friend for ages! For you, even longer!
We could all see this coming."
I gulped. They could?
"Yeah! I mean, everyone could tell you were in love with him except you!"

"I was never-" stopped my defense mid-sentence, remembering the plan.

Though my mouth stayed shut, my mind was whirling. Why would everyone think I wa
s in love with my best-friend? I mean sure, we were alot closer than most friend
s, but in love?
I hugged my legs tighter to my body, once again trying to preoccupy myself by lo
oking at my toes intently.
"Yeah! You two are going to get married, and have kids, and grow old-" Alex blur
I held up my hands to stop her. "Wow there! Let's stick with discussing the pres
ent, okay? I mean, he doesn't even like me-"
Alex gasped. "What are you talking about?! He's in lo-"
Lilly shushed her, putting a finger to her lips. I mouthed to her, asking her wh
at was up, but she didn't even acknowledge me. She turned to us, pointing to her
ears silently telling us to listen.
The room was deathly silent, and the only thing I could hear was the sound of th
e neighbors mowing the lawn across the street.
Then I heard the static.
It was the type of static from broken radios and tvs, a grainy and rough sound.
It was so quiet, I could barely hear it, but I could tell it was nearby.
A walkie-talkie maybe?
We tip-toed out of the fort checking under pillows and blankets for the source.
I had reached the back of the sofa by the time I had found it.
Right under the couch, was an active baby-monitor.
I recognized it immediately. On the back, it was labeled 'S&C'. Conner and I had
bought it for a health project. We had taken home a battery operated baby doll,
and had to take care of it for a month. I fell bad for any kids that we have, b
ecause a week before the assignment was due, the baby was in shreds.
Apparently, one month was a little early to start teaching chores. Especially ch
ores involving lawn mowers.
I racked my brain, trying to remember what had happened to the monitor after the
project. I didn't think I had thrown it out. Had someone stolen it from me? No
, I had given it to someone.... But who?
I gasped as I remembered who. The fact that they were eavesdropping on me and my
female friends, was shocking. I had no idea how they could have gotten under th
e sofa with me noticing.
Conner was listening in on us.
As if he had heard us, the monitor immediately clicked off, and the static noise
Why would he need to listen in anyway? We were best friends! We told each other
everything! Did he think I was lying to him about something? And most importantl

y, how long had it been there?

He could have been listening to us every day I had hosted a sleepover, including
Which meant, that he had heard our entire conversation. Including how everyone h
ad thought I was in love with him.
I didn't tell them that I knew who had put the monitor there. I told them I had
accidentally lost it while it was on, and due to my scatterbrained reputation, t
hey believed me.
So there we were, back in the fort. Alex was snoring next to me, spread across t
he entire ground. Her left leg was draped over my stomach, while her right elbow
was close to choking Lilly, who was silently dozing next to her.
I stared at the ceiling, trying to organize my thoughts before my head exploded.
Things on my mind:
1. Conner
2. What Alex was going to say about Conner
3. How to confront Conner
4. Conner
5. Conner
6. Conner
Beside me, I heard my phone buzz. As I reached for it, I looked at the screen, a
nd realized that I didn't recognize the number.
Who would call me, that I don't know, in the middle of the night?
"Hello?" I whispered, trying not to wake the others.
"Hey." A male voice spoke on the other end.
"Conner?" I asked, nervous since he had been caught eavesdropping on us.
The voice chuckled on the other line. "Close."
"Travis." I blushed involuntarily.
"What's up?"
"Ummmm Travis?" I glance at the clock. "Why, exactly, are you calling me at two
in the freaking morning?"
"To ask you out of course." I could practically feel him smirking. "Now here's t
he plan....."
Chapter 8- Unexpected Visitors

"Selena!" Conner's voice echoed through my ears.

I rolled over in my bed, opening my mouth and letting out an irritated noise.
The bed bounced as Conner leaped onto the mattress next to me. "S! School time!"
He sang into my ear.
I realized that he either didn't know that I had caught him spying on me, or he
wasn't showing that he did. One thing was for sure, I was definitely not looking
forward to sitting alone with him in silence as we drove to school.
"Come on S! We're gonna be late!" He grabbed onto my feet and started to pull me
off the bed.
I opened my eyes, looked around distractedly, trying to look anywhere but into h
is green eyes. "Oh, uhhh, well I was going to get a ride from Lilly." I lied pra
ctically. I couldn't help but notice that as I said it, a slight pang seemed to
stab my chest.
I think it might have been the first time I had ever lied to my best friend.
He stopped tugging on my feet, dropping them as if they were hot. "Oh." A flash
of confusion followed by hurt crossed his face, but I could tell he was making a
n effort to hide it. "Ok then. I guess I'll just see you at school then."
He pulled on a forced smile, and I concentrated on staring at his forhead so I d
idn't have to look him in the eye. I only nodded.
Still smiling, he leaned over to kiss me, before heading out the door. The taste
of his lips seemed to linger on me for slightly longer than usual as I watched
him walk away, hands slung into his pockets. A minute later, I heard his car pul
l out of the driveway.
Sighing, I pulled out my cellphone. Punching in
he fact that I had lied to Conner, just because
ith him. We have been riding to school together
ergarten, and I had broken the streak because I
Conner, that I had never felt before.

the numbers, I tried to ignore t

I didn't want to ride in a car w
practically every day since kind
felt something entirely new with

I didn't trust him.

"Hello? " Lilly's voice broke my train of thought.
"Hey Lil, can you give me a ride?"
Stepping out of Lilly's black punch-buggy, I immediately looked around for Conne
r. Alex and Lilly had giving me curious looks the entire way there, but knew bet
ter than to ask if I had a fight with Conner. Still, they seemed to sense that s
omething was off with me.
Linking arms with me on both sides protectively, they guided me like a lost pupp
y towards the school, ignoring the curious glances and whispers from people wond
ering why I wasn't with Conner right now.
A rather attractive blond walked by slowly, giving us a very appreciative look o
ver. "Hey babes."

Alex promptly flicked him off.

I was wishing that Conner was here to beat him up, like he always did to pervert
ed boys who sexually harassed us with their eyes.
As if on cue, Conner sprinted into view, stopping in front of me with a huge smi
le on his face.
"Hey S! It was so weird not riding to school with you, but I'm sure you had a go
od reason." He gave a pointed look to the people watching nearby, silently telli
ng them to mind their business.
He was still showing no signs of being caught spying on me, and was acting perfe
ctly natural, so I figured that I would just go along with him until we were in
a more private place to talk about it.
I smiled as I unlinked my arms with my female friends and wrapped them around hi
s neck. His arms immediately went around my waist, his head coming down to rest
in the crook of my neck. The hairs on my arms rose as his nose brushed across my
neck, but other than that it was a strictly 'friend hug'. (As to not give watch
ers a new gossip topic.)
"Hey Con." I tried to sound casual as we pulled away, but was unsure whether it
was successfully.
The bell rang before he could respond, and Lilly and Alex gave me a thumbs up ov
er their shoulders as they rushed away.
Conner gave me a fluorescent smile that made my knees go weak, securing my waist
again in his arm as we started walking. I looked around, realizing that everyon
e was inside, no doubt hurrying to get to class. Smiling, I kissed his cheek, be
fore resting my head on his shoulder.
And arm in arm, we walked into school, not the least bit worried that someone wi
ll catch us being a tad more than friendly.
The bell rang, signaling lunch time. Students poured into the courtyard, going t
o their acclaimed tables and various cliques with a buzz of chatter.
Alex, Lilly and I moved to sit under our tree, where Conner was already lounging
. Sitting down, Conner shot me a wink that made my pulse speed up. I distractedl
y looked through my bag for my lunch, until I heard an uncertain voice.
"Ummm, excuse me? I'm new to this school, and was wondering if I could maybe si
t with you." I looked up, and saw that it was the cute blond from the parking lo
"No way in hell lover-boy." Alex shot daggers at him.
"Loverboy?" He echoed.
"Yeah." Lilly chipped in. "You practically undressed us with your eyes this morn
"He did what?" Conner glared.
"Oh." He actually smiled. "I think there's been a little mix up." He looked over
his shoulder to where he was flirting shamelessly with a slutty red head.

Wait, what?
"That's Jerry, my idiot twin brother." He explained.
Ohhhhhhhhhh. Now that I thought about it, Jerry had much brighter blond hair, an
d brighter blue eyes. But something told me this twin was still much brighter.
"I'm Tom." He smiled.
"Oh." Alex said, putting on her flirt face now that she knew he wasn't the same
guy as this morning. "In that case, please do sit down."
Tom sat down in between Alex and Lilly, and Lilly scooted closer to me uncomfort
"Wait." I said. "Your parents named you Tom and Jerry?" Lilly choked on her laug
hter, but Conner was still giving him a suspicious glare.
Tom sighed. "Yeah."
One glance at Alex and Lilly, and we all burst out laughing.
Tom hid his face in his hands. "I'm never going to live this down, am I?"
"Nope." Alex said, sill clutching her middle while she laughed.
Conner was stonily silent the entire time.
I was walking toward the exit, to watch Conner during his soccer practice. Tom t
urned out to be a pretty cool guy, and was in my history class. Alex was constan
tly attempting to flirt with him, and he continued to politely brushed it off, s
o I figured he couldn't be that bad. But I couldn't help but notice how he kept
sneaking glances towards Lilly, who was being unusually silent.
Naturally, Conner had not been nearly as fond of him.
My hand was on the schools front entrance door, when someone touched my arm.
"Hey Selena."
Turning around, I saw Travis smiling at me, looking as hot and blond as ever now
that he wasn't wearing a sweater vest.
"What?" I asked blandly, giving him a bored look.
He looked over his shoulder nervously, as if he expected Conner to jump out a st
ab him at any given moment. "Can we talk?"
Shrugging, I let him pull me down a hall and around the corner, which was comple
tely deserted by now.
"So." He started, peering at me confidently with his shiny grey eyes. "How's lif
I rolled my eyes, not even bothering to respond.
"Kay then, down to business. Listen. I know you don't like me very much, but I t

hink I kind of like you. I only made you go on a date with me, because you seem
like a really great girl, and I'd really like to get to know you more. I just th
ough I should tell you that, before our date on Sunday."
My jaw dropped open. He had blackmailed me to go on a date with him, because he
liked me? I wasn't quite sure whether to be flattered or offended. He was cute,
nice enough, and though I hate to admit it, quite charming. Chances were, that
if he had just asked me I would have agreed, as long as Conner didn't scare him
off. But I never would have pinned him to be one for blackmail.
This kid has some serious issues.
For once though, I was glad that Conner wasn't here. Because if he had found out
that Travis liked me, and got me to go on a date with him, he would pulverize t
he poor britt into a pulp. And suspension was not the best way to solve our curr
ent problem. Conner had always been over-protective of me when it came to guys.
He glared at any guy who attempted to flirt with me, and any who were brave enou
gh to ask me out, weren't brave enough to handle Conner's interrogations.
At this rate, I was going to be alone forever.
"Well news flash, Britt, blackmail is not the best way to get a girl to like you
." And with that I turned around and walked away, and headed out to the soccer f
He didn't try to stop me as I stormed through the parking lot, earning a few cur
ious glances from people.
By the time I had reached the field, I was late, because the boys were already r
unning around on the field. I plopped on the bleachers, in my usual spot, trying
to pick out Conner from the rest of the team.
I recognized him by his all over the place black hair, (which was totally hot to
girls, though I'd never tell him that).
He was dribbling the ball across the field, several paces faster than the guys r
unning after him. With a kick that was worthy of a slow-mo replay, the ball zoom
ed across the rest of the field, slamming into the goal with perfect aim.
Conner wiped sweat off his brow, before finally spotting me on the bleachers. He
raised one hand at me, sending me another charming smile. I can't help but smil
e back as I rolled my eyes.


"You're just jealous of my amazing athletic abilities."

"Yeah right! I could be athletic if I wanted to be!"
"No you couldn't! You suck at pretty much everything that requires movement!"
"Are you calling my fat?"

"That's not what I heard."

"When did the word fat leave my mouth?"
"There's really no need to be bitter! Just because you suck at life-"
"Awww come on. I made five perfect shots!"
"I only counted four."
"Well that's because you weren't there for the first one."
"Suuuurrree." I rolled my eyes again.
We were driving home in Conner's over-rated red car, him driving, still in his s
occer uniform, and me riding shotgun, trying not to think about Travis.
"Why were you late anyway?" He looked over at me briefly, before turning back to
look at the road.
I shrugged my shoulders, looking out the window.
And Conner, my completely trusting best friend, let it slide.
When we pulled in at my driveway, Conner magically read my mind and decided to s
tay awhile. Together, we walked up to my front door, a perfectly normal pair of
best friends, on a perfectly normal day.
That is, until I tripped.
My foot caught on something and I plummeted to the ground like a sack of diction
aries. My exposed legs and arms scraped on the pavement, and my skin began to st
ing. Lifting one arm, I saw that I was bleeding before I felt the actual pain.
The thing about pain, is that you feel it more when you slip outside your house
on the sidewalk, than when you jump off a roof onto you best friends trampoline.
What? I was seven, and it was a dare.
Well anyway, Conner immediately scooped me up like an injured kitten, carrying m
e bridal style in his arms as if I weighed nothing.
"Klutz." He teased, though I could tell he was already looking over my arms and
legs to check for blood.
I smacked his arm, instantly regretting it as my arm started to sting a little m
"You're bleeding." His voice was full of concern.
I rolled my eyes. "Thank you Captain Obvious." I started to squirm, trying to ge
t my feet back on solid ground. But didn't seem to have any effect on Conner.
"You're welcome Lieutenant Sarcasm."
He walked me, (still trying to get down), to the front door. "Do you have the ke

"Yeah." I answered casually.

There was a moment of silence before he responded. "Well can I have them?"
"Ohhhhhh! No."
He sighed. "Oh come on! How are we supposed to get in if you don't give me the f
reaking house keys?"
"Put me down." I crossed my arms over my chest stubbornly.
"But you're hurt!"
"Pleeeaaasssee?" He pouted with his extremely kissable lips.
"Nope." Even the puppy dog face wouldn't work. I absolutely hated being carried.
It made me feel small and weak, like a little kid who fell off of the swings.
"What if I make it worth your while?" His green eyes gleamed.
That got my attention.
"How so?" I inquired and raised my eyebrows.
Instead of responding, he leaned down to lightly kiss me, sending a parade of fi
reworks running up my spine to my brain, where I was currently feeling the spark
s. A tidal wave of lust would have knocked me off my feet if I wasn't being carr
When he pulled back, his handsome grin was on. He had quite literally, left me w
anting more. I reached into my back pocket handing him my keys. "My bedroom?"
Nodding and smiling, he opened the front door and stepped inside. "After we get
you cleaned up." I had completely forgotten about falling, all I was thinking ab
out was Conner.
"After what?"
Conner froze. That wasn't my voice.
We turned around, me still in his arms, until we were facing the living room, wh
ere my brothers were currently lounging on the sofa.
Chapter 9- The Young and the Restless
I immediately jumped out of Conner's arms, trying to ignore the sudden pain in m
y currently bleeding legs. I felt my face turn an unflattering shade of red as t
wo of my brothers three brothers gave me and Conner a suspicious and embarrassin
gly overprotective look.
I swear, Conner gives me the exact same look when I'm around other guys.
Sam and Stanton looked exactly the same as they had the last time I had seen the
m, brown hair and the family blue eyes that made me completely jealous. Compared
to me, they still towered over me, which I totally hated. They were my older tw

in brothers, fraternal of course, who have been teasing the hell out of me pract
ically since I was born.
Sandy was currently bouncing on the sofa, an exited smile stretched acroos his e
ntire face. He was also a brunette with baby blue eyes, though he was much young
er than the rest of us. He was only six, and so far was the only person in our f
amily who wasn't abnormally tall, except me.
Yet another family trait I had been excluded from.
My dad had sent them off to the all boys boarding school that he had attended as
a child, and apparently they had just arrived, because they were all still in t
heir dorky uniforms. I giggled when I saw Stanton in his tie. Mom had been tryin
g for years to get him to wear a tie, and had failed miserably. Only the strict
school dress code had forced him into finally wearing one.
"Sam! Stanton! Sandy! You're-you're here!" I limped forward straight into a crus
hing group hug, wincing slightly as my arms stung.
"Sellbells!" Sam laughed, snatching me away from my other brothers and lifting m
e off the ground, crushing me in a bear hug that nearly broke my ribcage. I grim
aced at the twins nickname for me, slightly disappointed that they hadn't forgot
ten to call me that. "I missed you so mu- why are you bleeding?"
When he put me down, Stanton was immediately looking over my wounds with a frown
on his face. It was funny to think that they had constantly teased me as a chil
d, and yet they still went all mother-hen when I was hurt.
"I fell walking up the driveway." They sighed, as if that explained everything.
I guess they just knew me to well.
"We've been here for ten minutes and you've already injured yourself." Stanton s
hook his head at me disapprovingly, but I could see from his grin that he was jo
"Selina!" Sandy moved to squeeze me, just barely reaching my waist. He looked up
at me with his humungeous blue eyes, and I ruffled his hair, grinning like a cr
azy person.
"Hey Sandman." I smiled and picked him up, carrying him on my hip while he giggl
ed adorably.
"Conner! Long time no see, huh man?" Sam and Stanton did that weird man-shake-hu
g-thingy that I can't really describe with Conner, who looked genuinely happy t
o see them. They had always been friends, and I was sure that if it hadn't been
for Conner, I probably would have been left out and lonely as a child.
My older brothers were only a year older, so they were seniors this year. I was
surprised to discover that Mom had even decided to have more kids after the fear
some twins. My mom was always telling stories of how evil my brothers were, and
I for one completely agreed. When I was seven, they had managed to cut off all o
f my hair with safety scissors, while I was sleeping. After that, Mom had hidden
all the sharp objects in the house in the attic.
We literally had to eat everything with a spoon for an entire year.
"What are you guys doing here?" I asked, slightly curious if they had finally ma
naged to get expelled.

"Well," Sam exchanged a glance with Stanton, "Apparently, someone blew up the en
tire science building. So we all got to leave school for the year a little early
A little early? It wasn't even Thanksgiving yet!
Wait, what?
"I for one, am offended." Stanton stepped forward, putting a hand over his heart
. Behind him, I could see Conner and Sam fist bump. I glared at them, before tur
ning back to look at Stanton expectantly.
"Why would you just automatically assume it was us? And anyway, there weren't an
y people in the building. Plus, there were no witnesses." He smirked.
"Just you wait till Mom finds out-"
"Well come on Sellbells." Stanton interrupted me by grabbing Sandy from my arms,
and placing him on Conner's back. Sandy instantly wrapped his arms and legs aro
und him tightly, while Conner pretended to be choking as he gasped for air drama
Ahhhh boys. I for one, am eternally grateful to have been born female.
But then, Stanton grabbed me and slung me over his shoulder so I was staring at
the back of his shirt. "Let's get you cleaned up sis!"
Scratch that. The only major drawback of being female is the size and strength d
"Hey!" I pounded on his back, but he only laughed as we headed towards the kitch
en. I looked up to see Sam and Conner following, Sandy still clinging to Conners
back like a koala bear.
I couldn't help but laugh as Sandy waved at me happily from over Conners shoulde
r. Sam reached over to ruffle his head, which only made him smile even bigger.
And for the first time in a while, my life felt complete, even if I was complete
ly surrounded by guys.
"No way."
"Sorry, it's true." Sam shrugged.
"No way in hell."
"I agree, it is kind of true." Stanton smirked.
"There is no way, that I look anything like Snookie!" My face was turning pink.
"Denial." Conner teased me.
We were sitting around the sofa, talking like old times. The twins were sitting
on the big sofa, stretching their arms and legs so there wasn't any room for me.
So instead, I was sitting on the love seat on Conner's lap. It was after ten, s
o Sandy was asleep in his room.

I punched Sam in the shoulder, slightly pleased when he cried out. "Yow! You act
like her too."
That wiped the grin off my face. "I do not look like that whore!"
"What's a whore?" Sandy asked curiously.
Everyone went quiet as Sandy walked in. "Uhhhhh..." Conner shot me a look.
"Nothing Sandy, go back to bed." I said.
He shook his little head, crossing his arms over his chest. "No. I'm a big boy n
ow. What's a whore?"
I nudged Stanton with my elbow, silently telling him to make something up. He sh
ot me a glare before turning back to Sandy. "Uhhhh... You see.... It means.... A
really bad person."
"Oh." Sandy instantly looked happy again. "So Sam is a whore, Stanty?"
One look and Conner and I started laughing hysterically, thinking about Sam's ma
n-whore tendencies. Sam looked a little offended, and Stanton was smiling widely
back at Sandy. "That's right Sandman, Sam is a whore."
"Ok!" He smiled. "Whore! Come tuck me back in!" He grabbed Sams hand, pulling hi
m off of the sofa and down the hall. Sam looked over his shoulder to shoot dagge
rs at us as we continued to laugh.
By now it was far past midnight.
Everyone except me was fast asleep, and Conner had already left to go home. Some
times, I wished I could just tell everyone about us, so we didn't have to sneak
Because I knew, that I wouldn't be able to fall asleep without his arms around m
Sighing, I sat up in my bed and turned on my lamp. I stood up, not hearing a sin
gle sound throughout the house. I paused at my door, peeking my head out to look
at the dark, empty hallway. Everything was quiet.
I tiptoed down the stairs, repeatedly glancing over my shoulder to check that I
hadn't woken anyone up. Once I made my way to the kitchen, I rummaged the drawer
s for a flashlight.
Luckily, I found one that worked, even though it was bright pink and had hello k
itty on it.
I stood in front of the front door, looking over my shoulder one last time only
to find darkness and more silence.
I quickly made my way outside, slowly closing the door behind me. Not a sound st
irred, and I let out a sigh of relief.
I felt like such a spy.
The streets were quiet, all the lights in neighboring houses turned off. The onl

y light came from a lonely street light. I jogged across my lawn, suddenly reali
zing that I hadn't even bothered putting on shoes.
I was half way there when a light flickered on and I froze in my tracks. The nei
ghbors probably wouldn't be all to keen to wake up in the middle of the night, a
nd see the teenager next door sneaking across their lawn like some sort of burgl
ar, in her relatively exposing pj's.
But when the front door swung open, Travis stepped out of his house.
I don't think I had ever seen his hair so messy, because it's usually perfectly
in place. I nearly slapped myself, when I thought it looked kind of hot.
"Oh, hey Selena." He yawned.
I knew I must have looked pretty weird with my pj's and my hello kitty flashligh
t obviously heading towards Conner's house, but I figured that I should at least
try to act like I wasn't completely humiliated.
He gave me a strange look. "What are you doing?"
My face was probably starting to turn pink. So instead of answering, I gasped, p
ointing in the opposite direction and trying to look surprised.
"Look a distraction!"
"What?" He took the bait, looking away and giving me time to take off running to
wards Conner's house like a maniac.
"Night!" I called over
got to the front door,
ng. I was particularly
t this would be pretty

my shoulder, before running up Conner's driveway. When I

I knocked loud enough for him to hear me if he was sleepi
grateful that his family was away, because I was sure tha
hard to explain.

Conner opened the door, hair ruffled and shirtless in all his glory. His eyes we
re slightly bloodshot, as if he was having trouble sleeping too. As he saw me, h
is lips broke into a smile.
"Hi S! You totally read my mind." He let me in, kissing my cheek as I brushed pa
st him.
When we had made our way back to his room, I immediately jumped into his bed, sn
uggling into the covers and closing my eyes. I felt the bed bounce slightly as C
onner laid down next to me. His hands found their way around my waist, and he pu
lled me back against him, my back to his chest.
I heard him sigh in content near my ear, as sleep found me right away.
Hi! I just wanted to say, if you have any suggestions on what should happen next
, please tell me! It takes me forever to decide what to write about. :/
Thanks! :)
Chapter 10- The Trouble with Family

"Five more minutes." I mumbled as I snuggled closer to Conner, who was still sle
eping peacefully beside me.
"Conner?" Sam called, and I vaguely heard the front door shut close. "Dude, you
left your front door unlocked!"
I bolted awake, recalling the events of last night. Me sneaking out, Travis catc
hing me, Conner's arms pulling me close as I fell asleep.
Ohhh, crap.
I sat up, looking around and remembering that I was in Conner's room.
In his bed.
Right next to him.
I could hear Sam walking up the steps, about to enter the hallway. Moving quickl
y, I gripped the edge of the bed, before shoving Conner onto the floor with my f
He immediately woke up of course, seeing as I had just shoved him onto the groun
d while he was asleep. But before he could speak, I threw a pillow at him and po
inted to the doorway, where Sam was just stopping outside.
As if he had read my mind, he laid down on the floor, hugging the pillow and clo
sing his eyes. I threw the covers over my shoulders and laid back down, shutting
my eyes and trying to look relaxed, even though I was far from it.
I had trouble not laughing when I heard Conner snore loudly, and I could almost
imagine him cuddled with his pillow, his mouth wide open.
The door creaked open. "Conner? Hey man, have you seen Sel-" He stopped as he to
ok in our sleeping figures. "Oh. Never mind."
I opened my eyes, trying to look like I had just woken up. As I stretched my arm
s, Conner sat up and ran a hand through his hair, making it look even hotter tha
n before.
"Hey Sam." He said casually, adding a yawn for extra effect. "What's up?"
He walked all the way in, stopping to look down at Conner curiously. "Oh, I was
just looking for Sellbells. But I see that she must have crashed here last night
"Oh, right." He yawned again, no doubt pushing his luck.
"Why are you on the floor?" Sam asked, looking confused.
Conner shrugged. "Ohh, ummmm... The floor is comfy. I always sleep on the floor.
I had to cough to hide my laughter. Conner sent me a quick glare, but Sam seemed
to buy it. "Ok. Well you better hurry. Stanton's making breakfast."
My eyes widened at him in horror before he walked out. I jumped out of bed, all
but running towards the door. Conner was scrambling behind me, struggling to run

while putting on a shirt.

Stanton+cooking= chaos.
This kind of math didn't confuse me in the least. All I knew was that I had to g
et home before it went up in flames.
We ran out
he lawn. I
I hurtled
ead of me,

the front door, not even bothering to lock it as we sprinted across t

was in such a rush, that I didn't see the sprinkler before I tripped.
to the ground, making my still sore arms and legs sting even more. Ah
Conner skidded to a stop, running back to me.

"Selena! You have to get up!"

I put a hand to my forehead. "I can't! Go on without me!"
"I'm not leaving you!"
"You have to!" I looked up at him, trying not to smile. "Save Sandy! Before it's
too late!"
"No one gets left behind!" He stated, completely serious. He lifted me up, carry
ing me bridal style before sprinting the rest of the way to the house.
We must have looked pretty weird as we walked in. Conner, standing inside the mi
ddle of the living room, looking heroic as he held me with his chin held high li
ke a superhero. Me, laughing hysterically.
Until we smelled the stench of something burning, and turned around to see the k
I jumped out of Conner's arms, gawking at the poor kitchen.
Flour and egg shells were covering the
ground, the milk already spread across
at looked like chocolate chips. Half a
the room, completely drenched in milk

walls. A gallon of milk was lying on the

the tile. The counters were coated, in wh
dozen pots and pans were scattered across
and maple syrup.

And on top of that, the entire stove was covered in fire extinguisher foam, neve
r a good sign.
In the middle of the room Sam, Stanton, and Sandy were frozen. Stanton was holdi
ng a nearly empty carton of eggs in one hand, and an egg in the other. Sandy was
holding the bag of chocolate chips, his hand still in the bag. Sam appeared to
be the only intelligent one, and was holding a fire extinguisher.
Everyone was silent.
"OH. MY. GOD." I shrieked, breaking the silence.
"Hey sis." I glared at Stanton.
One thing you should know about my family, is that Stanton is never aloud to coo
k. Ever.
"Mom, is going to freak! You know she gets home in a couple of hours, right?! Yo
u guys are gonna be in so much trouble if you don't clean this up!"
Sam sighed, giving his twin an annoyed look. "Stanton, no matter how many times
you try, you're never gonna be able to cook. Didn't we all agree on this the las

t time you tried to make breakfast?"

I shuddered at the memory.
"Sorry." Stanton mumbled, hanging his head.
"You guys are toast." Conner commented.
"Pretty much." I added. "You guys better hurry and clean up this mess."
Sam sighed, glancing at Stanton with a hint of a devilish smile.
"Well-" Sam started, and they took a step forward.
"If mom's already gonna kill us-" Stanton added, with another step forward. I no
ticed Sandy's eyes widen, and he slowly backed away.
"Then we might as well-" Sam smiled.
"Do this." Stanton finished.
It all happened at once. Stanton hurled an egg at me, Sam aimed his extinguisher
, Sandy ducked behind the counter, and I jumped behind Conner, using him as my h
uman shield.
"Hey!" Conner yelled as everything hit him instead of me. He ducked, laughing as
an egg splatted on my chest.
Mouth open, I looked at my ruined t-shirt. I looked back up at my laughing broth
ers, glaring. "It's on."
I sprinted to the fridge, grabbing a whip cream bottle in each hand and popping
off the lids. I charged across the kitchen, ducking behind the counter with Sand
y and avoiding the eggs extinguisher foam.
I laughed as I heard Conner yell, probably being pelted with eggs.
"Okay Sandman, here's the plan. You take Sam, I'll take Stanton." He nodded, clu
tching his chocolate chip bag seriously.
"Go!" We jumped out from behind the counter. Sandy steadily apraoched Sam, throw
ing a handfull of chocolate at him with each step.
Meanwhile, I charged Stanton, who was currently assaulting my poor best friend.
He faced me, grinning as he reached for another egg.
Until, he looked down, and realized that there were none left. His face looked p
anicked as he dropped the empty carton and backed away.
"Selena! Dont' do it-" I cut him off as I sprayed him with whipped cream. By the
time he dropped to the floor, he was covered in it from head to toe, looking a
bit like a snowman with hair.
"Revenge is sweet brother dearest." I laughed, spraying a little into my mouth a
nd smiling. I turned back around to see that Sam was curled up behind the counte
r as Sandy chucked more chocolate chips.
"Victory!" I yelled, throwing my arms in the air. But before I could start my vi
ctory dance, Conner tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around, only to have an
egg cracked over my head.

Everyone was cracking up at my shocked expression, even me. Sandy was smiling, a
nd had even momentarily stopped throwing things at Sam.
So there we were, covered in food, the kitchen a complete warzone, laughing our
asses off.
And that's just what Mom saw when she walked in.
"Hey sweetie? Our flight got in early-" She stopped when she saw us, and the sta
te of the kitchen. Everyone had stopped laughing now.
If we thought the kitchen was bad before, it was ten times worse now.
You could barely even see the floor though the layers of extinguisher and whip c
ream. Eggs were splattered on the walls where Stanton had missed Conner. Chocola
te chips here scattered all around where Sam was standing. Everywhere you looked
was a complete mess. Almost every inch of counter, cabinet, floor, and wall was
covered by one thing or another.
It looked like a blizzard had stormed throught the kitchen.
Conner was covered in eggs, Stanton was covered in whip cream, Sandy shoes were
submerged in foam, and I had a little bit of everything everywhere. Poor Sam sti
ll had chocolate chips falling out of his hair every time he moved.
"Honey, what- WOW." Dad walked up next to her, holding the bags.
"Living room. NOW."
Ten minutes later, we were sitting on the ground in a row, on towels. Everyone w
as smart enough to know not to look up until adressed, because we all knew how v
icious Mom could get, especially when it came to messes. Dad was smart enough to
be sitting on the far sofa, away from the danger zone of Mom's wrath.
Mom was pacing slowly in front of us like a drill sargent. Sandy looked like her
was about to wet his pants.
"As of now, you're all grounded."
"Mom!" The twins groaned in unison. Sandy was still frozen in terror.
"Even you Conner."
"But Mrs. Rider-" He whined.
She held up a hand to stop him. "No buts. You will all spend the rest of the day
cleaning the mess you've made in the kitchen. Curfews are officially cut, by tw
o hours. Three on school days. There will be no video games-" Sam whimpered. "or
television-" Stanton sighed. "until further notice."
She stopped pacing to stand in front of us, looking at us seriously.
"Now get cleaning!"
It was Saturday night, and I was cleaning on my hands and knees with my brothers

and Conner.
My back was starting to ache from crouching over so long, and the smell of soap
was practically making me nauseous. My hands were starting to go numb, due to th
e fact that I had been scrubbing for nearly three hours.
My mom was sitting on one of the clean counters, yelling at us like a football c
oach and being completely unhelpful.
"Come on Sam! Put your back into it! Stanton, you missed a spot. Stop sulking Co
nner! It's unattractive! Sandy, I can see you resting behind the counter! Selena
, stop daydreaming! My grandma can do better than you lazy bunch! SCRUB!"
I had a feeling that she was secretly enjoying this.
By the time we had finished, the first thing I did was take a shower to get rid
of the horrible stench of rotten eggs and soap. By nine, it was already curfew,
so Conner had been sent home, where his parents were waiting to talk to him.
His parents weren't nearly as crazy as mine. So I stared up at the ceiling, once
again unable to fall asleep.
I then remembered that I had forgotten to confront Conner about the spying incid
ent. Which led me to think about how natural and at ease he had been last night,
as if nothing was wrong. Which led me to think about my run in with Travis.
Which reminded me about our date tomorrow evening.
Banging my head on the head board of my bed, I mentally groaned. I had a date wi
th Britt.
I was secretly hoping that he would wear a sweater vest, just to brighten my day
a little. Since I had a feeling that I was gonna be really sore tomorrow. I did
n't even have a clue to what I was going to wear.
I wondered how long I could keep this from Conner, until he found out and had a
freak attack.
Well one thing's for sure, tomorrow was certainly going to be far from boring.
Thanks for all the ideas! As you can see, I wrote this chapter really quickly, s
o they must have helped me! I'm working on making my chapters a tad longer, so a
ll suggestions are welcome! I even wrote a few down! (Gasp!) So if you happen to
think of any more suggestions about where to go with this stiry, feel free to t
ell me anytime!
Thanks again!
Chapter 11- My Date with the British Devil
By the time I opened my eyes the next morning, it was 11:30, and I was still com
pletely exhausted.

Groaning, I got out of my warm and cozy bed to face the day. My arms were still
sore from scrubbing the kitchen, and my head was pounding. I had barely slept al
l night, due to the fact that I was tossing and turning like a washing machine t
he entire time.
Sighing, I stumbled out of my room and down the stairs to the kitchen. Sam and S
tanton were already there, grumpily eating their toast as Mom gave them the star
e down.
Guess she found out about the explosion.
Dad had to go to the office today, to work on some work related projects I didn'
t fully understand, and Sandy was still fast asleep upstairs.
Lucky duck.
I plopped into my chair, grabbing a piece of toast from Stanton's plate and digg
ing into it. Fortunately for me, he was to tired to even notice.
As I munched on my toast, I thought about going roller skating with Conner this
afternoon. We used to go all the time when we were little, but lately we just ha
dn't found the time.
I froze, my toast halfway in my mouth.
I had a date in an hour.
I threw my toast back onto Stanton's plate, making him jump. I sprinted to my ro
om, slamming the door shut behind me and running to my closet.
I was so doomed.
I had barely finished putting on my make-up when the doorbell rang.
I glanced at the mirror one last time, relatively satisfied at what I saw.
What? Just because I didn't want to go on a date with the bugger, doesn't mean I
was gonna dress like a hobo.
I had slipped on
tractive enough.
er top that made
rincess, hanging

my favorite pair of jeans, that made my butt look relatively at

I was pairing it with a cute, but simple purple over the should
my skin tone not look ghastly pale. My hair was curled like a p
in pretty ringlets just below my shoulders.

I smiled at myself in the mirror, strictly for self-motivational purposes. Go kn

ock him dead. Hopefully literally.
I grabbed my ankle boots that Conner had gotten me for Christmas last year (he h
as surprisingly good taste in shoes), and ran down the stairs as fast as I could
without falling on my face.
By the time I had made it to the door, Sam and Stanton were staring down an awkw
ard looking Brit on the front porch. I cleared my throat, but they didn't even s
pare me a glance.
"What are you doing here?" Sam asked, face impassive.

"Ummm." Travis shuffled his feet. "I'm here to pick up Selena." He glanced at me
uncertainly, and I had to sneak a grin back at his adorably nervous expression.
Cue mental face-palm.
I sighed loudly, walking past Travis and grabbing his hand and heading towards t
he shiny silver car parked in the driveway that could only belong to a Brit. Eve
n though he had pretty much blackmailed me into this date, no one deserved to be
tortured by my nosey brothers. I was just glad that Conner wasn't there to join
I pulled him away from my steely eyed older brothers.
"Where are you going?!" I could just imagine Sam crossing his arms over his ches
t while Stanton's frown deepened.
"On a date. I'll be back before curfew!" I called over my shoulder before hoppin
g into Travis's car and closing the door over their protests.
Travis slid into the driver seat, before looking over at me. "Your brothers?" He
looked over my shoulder to where they were probably glaring at the car from the
front porch. I wouldn't be surprised if the car caught on fire.
I nodded. "Yup. Please ignore them."
He smiled, and started the car.
"Where to, Brit?" I asked him as he pulled out of the driveway.
"If I told you, then it wouldn't be a surprise." He shot me a playful look that
I couldn't help but roll my eyes at.
"Whatever." I shrugged.
It's not like I was going to have a good time anyway.
"Owch!" I yelped, falling onto my butt again.
Travis was laughing as he skated over to me. "You're supposed to skate on your f
"Well sorry, I just started." I grumbled.
Turns out, ice skating is way different from roller skating.
He smiled down at me, grabbing my hands and pulling me up. He caught me around m
y waist before I could fall again, and I actually didn't mind because I was pret
ty sure that my tailbone was bruised dark purple by now.
He grabbed my hands again, and started to pull me across the rink while he skate
d backwards. My knees were locked in place, my legs stiff as he pulled me forwar
d slowly.
"See not so bad right?" He smiled at me, and I found myself blushing. This was k
ind of fun actually.
"Now you try." The smile wiped off my face as he let me go and yanked me forward
. I'm pretty sure that I screamed as I skated past him, arms flailing around me

to keep my balance.
"I'mmmmmm ssooo gonnna geeett youuuuu!!!" I screamed , squeezing my eyes closed
and waited to fall onto my butt again.
But I never did.
When I opened my eyes, I was still on my feet gliding steadily over the ice. And
even though there were still people going much faster, I was just surprised to
be moving at all. Travis was right next to me with a triumphant smile on his lip
s when I realized that I was actually skating, by myself, without falling and/or
injuring myself.
This dude is a miracle worker.
I felt a smile inch its way over my face as I leaned on one foot, slightly turni
ng me around the rink.
"Whooohooo!" I yelled, raising my hands above my head and earning a couple glare
s from other skaters.
Travis laughed, and I found myself savoring the pleasant sound. It was underwhel
ming, which was most definitely a new thing for me. Conner's laugh was a positiv
ely jubilant and cheerful sound that always rung in my ears and echoed through m
y head. But Travis, his laugh was more of a carefree chuckle. Like he was fully
content, instead of temporarily and erratically exited. Admittedly, it was....
An hour later, when we were walking out into the parking lot and talking, I caug
ht my hand gravitating a little to closely for my liking, to his. My pinkie just
barely grazed his hand before I pulled back my hand and stuffed it in my pocket
. If he noticed he didn't let it on.
"No way! You and Conner seriously got kicked out of Wallmart?"
I couldn't help but giggle as I recalled the memory. "Yeah, it
were sneaking up behind people and putting boxes of tampons in
rts, redressing all of the mannequins with the biggest bras we
laying a store-wide game of dodge ball! But Conner finally got
n he pantsed the manager."

was so funny! We
their shopping ca
could find, and p
us kicked out whe

Travis laughed with me, probably imagining the managers face as he looked down a
t his donald duck boxers, like I was.
When we stopped laughing and I realized that we had already passed the car. Inst
ead, we were heading down towards the park, where Conner and I always used to ha
ng out as toddlers. As we walked down the sidewalk, I told Travis about the time
we had been kicked out of Barnes Nobles for playing tag and knocking over all
of the shelves like dominos. By the time I had finished, we were sitting on the
swing set, laughing like little kids.
Travis was actually a really nice guy, despite popluar belief. He was cute, funn
y, and aside from the odd British accent, super sweet.
This, was officially the weirdest day ever.
"So." Travis said as we swung lightly back and forth. "You and Conner are really
close, huh?"

I nodded, smiling down at my feet. "Yeah. We've been best friends since, like bi
rth. I don't know, he's just always been there. He's always telling me how beaut
iful or how amazing I am. And sometimes, I actually believe him. He can make me
wet my pants from laughing, or do something so sweet that it makes me cry. He ju
st, gets me."
I don't know why, but I felt like I could confide in Travis. Something about him
, just made me feel so understood.
So I barely even flinched when he took my hand in his.
"Yeah." He sighed. "He's really lucky to have you as a friend. You are bloody am
azing, you know that?"
I smiled at him, blushing slightly. "Thanks. What about you though?"
"What about me?"
"Well, we've been sitting here talking about me this whole time. What about you?
Do you have any close friends back in England?"
Travis looked down at the ground, and I knew that I had hit a sore spot. "No. My
family moves around a lot, for business, and I never really had the chance to s
ettle down before we were already packing our bags back up again."
I felt so sad for the poor guy as he studied the ground intently. I felt the sud
den urge to cheer him up. Anything to make him smile again. "Well at least you h
ave your family!"
Travis flinched. Wrong again.
"Yeah right." He snorted. "I barely even see the people. Always off on business,
they say. And when they are around, it's so bloody depressing. The entire house
is dead silent aside from my mom, clicking away on her blackberry. My parents h
ardly even speak to each other about anything, other than work. They act more li
ke business acquaintances than a married couple."
I tried to imagine what my family would be like, if my parents were like Travis'
s. I couldn't even imagine my parents not flirting and snuggling all of the time
. They were best friends, my mom always told me. Soul mates.
"Why did they get married then?" As soon as I said it, I realized how insensitiv
e it must have sounded, and wished that I hadn't opened my mouth. "Sorry."
"It's okay." He gave me a small smile. "My family wasn't always like this. When
I was little, I grew up in London, hence the accent. My parents loved each other
then. We would always go mini golfing on Saturdays, if it wasn't raining. Tuesd
ay nights, we would stay up late watching movies and eating popcorn. We were all
so happy."
I squeezed his hand comfortingly. "Then what happened?"
Travis's blue-grey eyes darkened into an unsettling stormy grey. "When I was eig
ht, my dad got a promotion. A huge promotion. And the next thing I knew, we had
packed up our bags and boarded a plane, in compete and total silence. It gradual
ly got worse, until my parents were always finding work related excuses just to
be out of the house." Travis frowned, looking like a lost puppy.
I reached over to hug him, clutching him to me. I couldn't even begin to imagine
what his life must have been like. An constantly arguing family is one thing, b

ut a family that acts so coldly to each other is just depressing. I was grateful
, that even though my family argues a lot, we always forgive each other in the e
What ever happened to home is where the heart is?
When I pulled away from him, I froze, just staring at how close his face was to
mine. Up close, I could see that his grey eyes were flecked with blue. His hair
was a soft blond, that fell a little into his eyes when he shook his head or lau
ghed. His lips were soft looking, curving up into a gentle smile.
Before I could talk myself out of it, I did the one thing I never imagined doing
with the blackmailing Brit from next door.
I leaned in and kissed him.
I was right, because his lips were really soft. But instead of the electric fire
works that I felt when I kissed Conner, the kiss was just pleasant. There was no
sense of urgency, or desire, or need, that I always felt with my best friend.
It was just a sweet kiss.
Kissing Travis was the exact opposite of kissing Conner. When Conner kissed me,
I felt overwhelmed. Like I needed him, right then and there. It was erratic and
passionate, with electric jolts of pleasure that had me craving more.
But kissing Travis, felt more patient. He made me feel safe, and calm. Like I kn
ew he would always be around to catch me if I fell. (Which I did a lot of.)
Travis made no further move, other than wrapping his arms around my hips. When I
pulled away he gave me a warm smile, and even though it didn't make my heart po
I was happy.
Soooo??? How was it? I know most of you probably expected him to be a complete j
erk, but I have this really good plot plan now! I'm just trying to figure out ho
w Conner is going to find out, (cause he has to eventually.)
Well anyway, please comment, advise, ect.####################################
Chapter 12- What to do, What to do......
After we had left the park, the sun was already starting to sink in the sky.
When Travis drove me home, we were smiling and laughing like old friends, as opp
osed to the usual glaring and snarky retorts. I found myself actually enjoying s
pending time with the Brit, even if his straight-out-of-harry potter accent some
times got on my nerves.
But of course, then I got home and the entire evening was ruined.
"Say it again!" I insisted, still laughing as he parked in my driveway.
I could see him roll his eyes before giving in. "Bloody hell! 'Ello Govna, are y
ou up for a spot of tea?"

I guess his accent has some perks.

I giggled hysterically once more, at his absolutely ridiculous, overly dramatic
British accent. He rolled his eyes again and pointed out that people in England
didn't actually talk like that. I ignored him.
When Travis opened the door for me, bowing dramatically, I let out another giggl
e. I let him help me out of the car, resting my hand in the crook of his arm as
he escorted me up the driveway.
It was almost physically scaring me, with how at ease I felt around him.
"Right this was my lady." He stuck his nose in the air snootily, his British voi
ce uptight.
I snorted, taking the opprotunity to trip him. Since his face was looking upward
, he didn't see my foot until he was tumbling onto the road.
"Hey!" He pouted as I laughed even harder. "I'm so getting you back for that!"
I was smart enough to run to the door with a head start, seeing as my athletic a
bility barely rivaled Elmo's. Before I had even made it half-way, he had caught
up to me, grabbing me around the waist and making me laugh/shriek (though person
ally I prefer to think of it as a laugh).
But then the porch light flicked on, revealing a severely pissed off Conner watc
hing us from the porch, with his arms crossed over his chest and a fierce look m
arring his handsome face.
I took a step away from Travis immediately, feeling my stomach drop at the hurt
I could see in Conner's eyes beneath his protective glare. However, Travis could
only see the completely-pissed-off-teenage-boy-anger, seeing as he warily took
a step back from me. But he was my best friend, and I could read him like a book
. His usually cocky and cheerful expression was gone without a trace.
He was seriously pissed, but he was also more upset than I had ever seen him. My
mouth went numb when I realized that I had caused him to feel that, and I knew
exactly why.
I hadn't told him about my date with Travis.
Usually, he didn't like me dating anyone. But Travis was a whole different story
. He was the guy that suspected us, the guy that sent Conner's nerves on end. He
didn't even know about the whole blackmail date situation either. The steely lo
ok in his flaming green eyes was so uncharacteristic it was starting to scare me
To be honest, I would have been pissed at myself if I was him too.
The second he stormed back into my house, I chased after him. "Conner! Wait!" I
panted, as he sprinted up the stairs.
Man I hate running.
I chased after him, not even bothering to say good bye to Travis. As I passed th
e living room, I saw Sam and Stanton sitting on the sofa, looking at me disappro
vingly with their arms crossed over their chests, and shaking their heads at me
as if I were a kindergartner who had just poured glue into another kids hair.
I didn't even have time to roll my eyes at how cliche they looked, in fear that

I would end up face planting into the ground and ruining the whole serious effec
t for everyone else.
By the time I caught up to him, we were in my room, where he immediately slammed
the door behind me. Then, the frustrated pacing and ranting started, never a go
od sign.
"What the hell Selena? What the hell?" He interrupted me.
"I can explain-"
"Explain what?" He cut me off mid sentence again, well aware that I hated it. "T
hat you and that foreign trash are dating? Something you must have forgotten to
mention to me. Luckily Sam and Stanton called me as soon as you left, because we
both know you had no intention of telling me at all. "
"That's not-"
"Yeah yeah, what should I care? It's not like I'm your best friend or anything,
and you're dating our arch nemesis-" I had to bite my tongue to restrain the sar
castic retort towards his use of arch nemesis. "I mean, why would that concern m
e at all?"
I was kind of glad that my parents were still at work, because Conner was almost
full out yelling. His angry voice made me wince, and I secretly hoped that the
twins had taken Sandy out to a movie or something.
"Conner! Would you-" I said, trying to calm him down.
"No! I will not!" He stopped pacing to look back at me. "Wait, would I what? Wai
t, forget I asked." He shook his head and resumed pacing.
I rolled my eyes. "Listen. I actually really like Travis. He's sweet, and funny,
and I like spending time with him. Is that a crime?"
He glanced away, but I still saw the hurt look in his eyes."Yes! Because you did
n't even tell me! We tell each other everything!"
"I knew you would be mad." I mumbled, looking down at my feet.
"What, so you don't tell me at all? Is that your brilliant solution?"
"Conner. I don't like fighting with you." I lowered my voice.
"Does he make you happy?" His sudden question surprised me.
I nodded, not daring to say anything.
Conner sighed, moving to wrap his arms around my waist. I hugged him tightly, ha
ting that we were fighting over something so incredibly stupid.
I buried my head in his chest, enjoying the warmth in his arms and his achingly
familiar scent that I've known since forever. Though I would probably die of emb
arrassment if he found out that I liked smelling him.
"Then of course I'd be happy for you." He muttered grudgingly in my ear, his voi
ce pained. "You deserve to be happy. Even if you're amused by trash. You just sh
ould have told me."

"I didn't want to argue with you." I held back the whole blackmail situation par
And just as suddenly as he had hugged me, he was gone again, resuming to once ag
ain pace frustratedly across my room.
"Well, some good that did, huh? I still can't believe you though! You went on a
date with Mr.Sweatervest, and then you lied to me about it! You have to be the a
bsolutely worst best friend in the history of-"
"Me?" I interupted him this time, my anger steadily rising. He had crossed the l
ine, and he looked like he knew it. "I'm a bad friend? God, you're such a hypocr
ite! Did you think I was stupid? Did you think I wouldn't find out? I know you'v
e been spying on me!"
That stopped him in his tracks.
He looked at me, slightly confused. "What are you talking about?"
I snorted. "As if you don't know! I found the baby monitor, which is currently i
n your possession, under my sofa, eavesdropping on me and the girls during our s
leepover! Whatever we say is none of your freaking business!" My face flushed at
the thought of what Lilly and Alex had announced.
That I was in love with him.
Conner's eyes narrowed. "I don't have the baby monitor, genius."
I froze, all of my anger and distrust instantly draining from my body. "What?"
"I. Don't. Have. It."
My mind was whirling. All this time I suspected him of a crime he didn't even co
mmit. Maybe I really was a bad friend. "Then who does?"
He sighed, sitting back on my bed and running a hand through his hair. "A few ni
ghts ago, I was really mad about Travis threatening us about- well, you know. An
d his house is like next door to mine, right? Sooo..."
I really didn't like where this was going. "Soo?" I prompted him.
He looked me in the eye, his piercing green gaze sending my heart into racing fr
enzy. "Sooo, I might have thrown whatever I could find in my room at the time, a
t his window."
Dear Ghandi. This kid has some anger management issues to work on.
"You what? You freaking threw stuff at his window?" I gawked at him. "Isn't that
like, illegal? Con! You've stooped to a whole new level of immaturity."
He sighed. "Yes, but that's not exactly what I'm getting at."
"What are you trying to say Con?"
"I'm saying, that I would never spy on you. You're my best friend, and I trust y
ou. In fact, it hurts that you assumed it was me right away. But the point is, I
don't have the monitor."
It was as if all of the chaotically spinning gears in my head, suddenly froze as

I started to get a glimpse of the big picture.

And I really didn't like the finaly product.
"Travis does."
Sorry it's so short. :/ This was as long as I could milk it.
So what do you think she should do when she see's Travis next? MYSTERY!!!
No seriously, cause I have absoloutely no idea.
Sorry this tiny chapter took so long, I was really busy with school and all that
crap. I'll try to make the next one faster, if I can find the time!
Ps- New Cover! What do ya think? I think it's cute :)
Chapter 13- Poptarts, Golfcarts, and The Notebook
Almost two hours had passed since my in depth conversation with Conner. By now,
the sun was out of sight, and it was almost completely dark outside.
I was currently sitting on the living room sofa, eating popcorn by the mouthful,
and watching the Notebook again.
Conner, being the sweet best friend that he is, was patiently watching it with m
e as I tried not to sob. He sat on the floor bellow me, his head rested back on
my knees so I could card my fingers through his dark hair. I was grateful that h
e didn't speak, giving me time to think and gather my thoughts.
And even though I couldn't imagine being in a more comforting situation, my mind
was still reeling. I don't have the baby monitor, Travis does. Travis does. Tra
vis does.
I was having trouble picturing sweet and understanding Travis spying on me. He h
ad told me that the only reason he asked me out on a date via blackmail, was bec
ause he liked me. Why wouldn't he tell me that he had eavesdropped on my all gir
ls sleepover?
Oh right, because he probably thinks I'm in love with Conner.
Times like this made me wonder what life would be like if Conner and I were regu
lar best friends. Granted, probably boring and dull, but maybe our lives would b
e less susceptible to chaos.
Unless chaos was just naturally attracted to me.
I tried to go back to concentrating on the movie and the feel of Conner's soft h
air between my fingers, but before I could, I heard Sam's car pull back into the
drive way. When Conner and I had argued they had been considerate enough to giv
e us some privacy, even though they probably did because they thought Conner was
going to grill me for dating.
My brothers barged into the house. Sam was holding the largest bucket of popcorn
I had ever seen in my life, occasionally reaching a hand in to grab a handful a

nd stuff it in his mouth. Sandy was on Stanton's shoulders, happily slurping a s

lushy. I guess they went to catch a movie.
"Hey sissy!" Sandy giggled as Stanton placed him on the sofa next to me. I smile
d as his adorable face, resisting the urge to pinch his cheek.
"Hey Sandman. You guys go see a movie?" He nodded excitedly, and I noticed that
his eyes were as big as moons.
I groaned. Dear god. Sandy jumped up from the sofa and started to run around us
with his arms out, making noises that sounded suspiciously like an airplane.
"How much sugar did he eat?"
Sam and Stanton shared a guilty glance, before answering at the same time. "A lo
I reached up to wack both twins in the head. "Guys! It's past ten, you idiots! N
ow he'll never go to sleep!"
Sandy was still running around the living room making his airplane noises, givin
g no sign of tiredness in the future.
I rolled my eyes. "Whatever. You guys are gonna put him to sleep." I got up, gra
bbing Conner's hand to pull him upstairs with me.
"Are you kidding me?!"
"Wait! No fair!
"Vrrroooom!!!" I heard from behind me as I pulled Conner into my room and shut t
he door.
I groaned as I flopped onto my bed head first, burying my face into a pillow. Th
e bed dipped as Conner sat down next to me.
"You okay?" He asked. I knew this must be hard for him, because he pretty much h
ates Travis's guts and must be dying to say 'I told you so'.
I sighed. I needed to clear my head and stop freaking out.
I rolled over so I could see his face above me. His dark and sexy tussled hair f
alling onto his forehead. His soft and familiar green eyes looking at me with co
ncern. His kissably soft lips, curved into a slight frown, showing off the small
dimple in his right cheek.
I reached up to grab his head, before pulling it down to mine.
Our lips crashed together in a fireworks display as bright and hot as the sun. H
e seemed slightly surprised at first, but went along with it anyway.
I kissed him needily, suddenly feeling the need to memorize every inch of him. I
moved my hands from his face, trailing them down his chest and feeling elated w
hen he shivered. Conner's hands were on either side of my head, holding him abov
e me so that he didn't squish me.
All the worries in the world seemingly melted away. All thoughts of Travis's dar
k side, Lilly and Alex's suspicions, and even that my brothers were probably sti
ll chasing after Sandy in the living room, disappeared. The only person that mat
tered was right here, kissing me senseless.

As I ran my hands back up his chest, I grabbed a fistfull of his shirt and pract
ically yanked it off of him, throwing it on the ground. My hands ran over the ha
rd slopes and angles of his chest, loving the way he felt against my skin.
My skin was tingling wherever it was touching him and my brain felt as if it was
short-circuiting. My lips grew more impatient, kissing him back hungrily.
I moved my legs to wrap around his waist, not breaking the kiss. Conner lips mov
ed down to trail kisses down my neck and across my collar bone, making my neck f
eel like it was on fire. I arched my neck up at the wave of pure lust that hit m
e, letting out a small moan.
By the time his lips met mine again, I was already buzzing in anticipation. The
only reason that the twins probably hadn't heard me moaning by now, was that I c
ould hear Sandy screaming downstairs, and Conner's delicious lips was muffling t
he sound. I couldn't help but whimper as his lips left mine as he pulled back sl
"You sure?" He asked, panting slightly. I rolled my eyes and snaked my arms arou
nd his neck, pulling his lips back down to mine.
I jolted awake, clutching the covers to me.
Sunlight was filtering through the curtains from outside. Next to me, Conner was
still peacefully asleep, his arms wrapped around my waist tightly.
I sighed, automatically knowing that my hair was beyond messy. It really wasn't
fair how Conner's hair looked professionally styled and sexy every morning when
he woke up, while mine looked like someone had took to it with a lawn mower.
I laid back down, resting my head on Conner's bare chest and closing my eyes. I
listened to the steady beat of his heart, letting it drift me to sleep. I cleare
d my mind of all thoughts of school today, and relaxed against my best friend.
Wait, school?
I jolted back up, scrambling out of bed as I noticed the clock. 10:00 am.
I practically ran into the bathroom, taking a hurried shower and wrapping a towe
l around me. When I ran back into my room, Conner was still sleeping quietly, an
d as much as I didn't want to wake him up, he was my ride to school.
I chucked a pillow from the ground at his face, managing to catch him in the leg
instead. He bolted upright, looking around with bleary eyes. When he saw me scr
ambling towards my closet, he jumped out of bed and sprinted to the bathroom, mu
mbling something that sounded suspiciously like "Holy shit".
I grabbed the nearest clothes that were acceptable to wear to school, and pulled
them on. By the time I had even started on my hair, Conner was already out of t
he shower. I tried not to get distracted by the fact that he was only wearing a
towel around his waist, or that he was still slightly dripping with water.
We silently got ready for school, him passing me my shoes from the closet, me to
ssing him a shirt from the dresser.
By the time we were running down the stairs, it was 10:30. My mom was going to k
ill me.

Stanton and Sam were crashed on the living room floor, Sandy splayed across the
couch a couple feet away. They didn't even stir we ran to the door. Serves them
right for feeding him sugar before bed.
I hopped into Conner's car, barely even putting on my seat belt before we were p
ulling out of the drive way.
When my stomach growled, I realized that we had skipped breakfast. Conner reache
d into the backseat, pulling out a pop tart and handing it to me.
I smiled at him, opening it hugrily. Blueberry, my favorite. I leaned over to ki
ss his cheek, popping a piece into his mouth while he drove.
My entire day at school went like this.
1. Got to school, waaaay late.
2. People stared at me as I walked into classroom in the middle of class. I avoi
ded looking at Travis.
3. At lunch, girls flirted with Conner shamelessly, making him uncomfortable and
making me laugh. Then, they glared at me over his shoulder.
4. I avoided Travis in History class.
5. Tom and Lilly nervously exchanged glances.
6. Jerry hit on me. Conner gave him a death glare. Jerry hit on Alex instead.
7. I avoided Travis in English.
8. Lilly and Alex gave me and Conner suspicious glances in P.E.
9. Calculus homework.
10. I avoided Travis some more.
It was
in the
to his

actually pretty tiring. Travis had stopped trying to talk to me after the
time, getting the hint that I was avoiding him. Instead, he walked by me
parking lot, sending me a confused puppy dog glance before continuing on
shiny sliver car with his head down.

It was nearly nine by the time I had finished my calculus homework.
Since Sam and Stanton took Sandy and my parents out mini golfing, and Conner was
absolutely terrible and anything even remotely math related, my math homework t
ook an insane amount of time.
When I wearily tottered down stairs intent on watching the Notebook again, I saw
Conner leaning back on the front door, looking handsome in a worn pair of jeans
and a fitted black t-shirt. As he saw me, he give me a fluorescent smile that a
utomatically let me know that something was up.
"Ready to go?"

I looked down at my sweatpants and t-shirt, and reminded myself that my hair was
in a messy bun, which pretty much meant that I was not suitably dressed to be s
een in public.
"No? And just where are we going to go anyway? It's late."
Conner rolled his eyes, grabbing me around the waist and carrying me out the doo
r. "Come on S! You always look fine. Plus, there's not a lot of people where we'
re going."
I struggled in his grip, kicking and punching whatever was in my reach.
"Ow! Did you just bite me?" Conner complained, still steadily making his way to
his car.
"Yes, I did! And you tasted gross!" I wriggled in his arms, still trying to esca
"That's not what you said last night." I didn't have to see his face to know tha
t he was grinning.
For that, I reached an arm back to punch him in the face. "Ow! I guess I deserve
d that one. Now hold still Selena! Ow! Would you quit it?"
We had almost reached the car, and I was racking my brain for ideas. "Let me go,
or I'll scream."
When he didn't respond, I took the opportunity to open my mouth and scream. Loud
Lights in the neighboring houses lit up, and a couple of people stuck their head
s out of their windows and doors. Most of them went back to their business when
they saw it was us, but an elderly couple that just moved in down the street jus
t stared at us.
"Put! Me! Down!" I yelled at Conner, as he reached the passanger side door. He s
tuffed me inside, buckling my seatbelt and cslamming the door shut before I coul
d blink. Stubbornly, I crossed my arms over my chest and glared at Conner throug
h the window.
He had turned back to the elderly couple. "Don't worry. She's my friend."
I had to laugh as the elderly woman grabbed a broom from inside her house and ch
arged at the speed of turtle. Conner hurriedly hopped into the car and pulled aw
ay, careful not to hit her. The woman ran after us for a few feet, broom still p
oised as a weapon above her head.
When she was out of sight, I recrossed my arms and glared at Conner again.
"You'll thank me later." He rolled his eyes. I smirked as he absentmindedly rubb
ed the hand that I had bitten. There were still teeth marks.
"You have got to be kidding me." I said blankly, looking up at the fifteen foot
high, chain metal fence that surrounded the country club we were breaking into.
"Come on, it's easy!" He gripped the fence and pulled himself higher.
Sighing and knowing that we were so going to get busted for this, I started to c

limb, cautiously using the holes in the metal chains as footholds. By the time I
had steadily made my way to the top, Conner had already leaped over gracefully
and was looking up at me from the lush green grass of the golf course.
I was at the very top when I realized that I had no way of getting down. "I'm st
"Just jump!"
"Are you freaking crazy? I don't want to die!"
"I'll catch you!"
"Hurry up already!"
"Selena! We don't have a lot of time here!"
I took in a deep breath. "Con? If I die, I'm so going to kill you." And then I l
et go.
Conner caught me of course, the fence wasn't that high. His knees barely buckled
as he caught me bridal style in his arms. My eyes were still glued shut.
"You can open your eyes now princess." He sounded amused.
I glared at his smug face. "If you want to live, don't ever call me princess aga
in. What the hell are we doing here anyway? Trying to get arrested again?"
He smiled at me mischievously. "You'll see."
The wind was whipping my hair around my face. The moon was high in the sky, the
twinkling stars shining down on us. The golf course was completely dark, only th
e occasional light pole illuminating the ground beneath us.
"Stealing golf carts? This can't be legal!" Conner exclaimed from the cart behin
d me.
"Are you kidding? If they didn't want us to drive them, why did they leave the k
eys under the seats?" I laughed.
"Slow down!" He yelled at me.
"No way! I'm winning!" I yelled back.
Golf cart racing in an empty golf course in the middle of the night. This had to
be the craziest thing we've done yet.
"Sandpit!" He called.
"What?" I asked, confused by his urgent tone.
"What are you talking about?" I turned around to look at him behind me.

"Watch out for that sandpit!"

I turned back around to the front, and sure enough a giant sand ditch was a coup
le feet in front of me. Screaming, I rolled out of the golf cart onto the unnatu
rally green grass. The golf cart kept going, crashing down into the sandpit and
flipping over before fully stopping.
Conner parked his cart, hopping out and moving to stand over me. "You know the c
arts have break pedals, right?"
"Shit! I just crashed a golf cart!"
"Yupp." Conner laughed. "I told you to slow down."
"Stop laughing at me! Do you have any idea how much trouble we're going to be in
"Please, it's not even the least bit damaged." He looked back at the cart. " Plu
s, you're only in trouble if you get caught."
Almost immediately after the words left his mouth, the spotlight shone down on u
s. I imagined that being in a blizzard would be like this, loud, cold, and brigh
t as hell. It was so blinding that I had could only tell there was a helicopter
above us by hearing it. The wind whipped my hair around my head, and I had to ke
ep brushing away my hair from my face.
"Freeze. Do not move and stay right where you are."
It was so loud, that I could barely hear as Conner yelled to me.
"Ok, we're in trouble."
Ohhhh, busted!! This one's longer than usual! Yay! And yes, I did go back and ed
it it a little. I couldn't help myself. :)
Sorry it took me a while to write, I've been really busy lately. I'll try to pos
t the next one a bit faster if I can find the time to write it.
Comments? Suggestion? Please tell me!
No seriously, I appreciate the imput.
Ps- What should jail be like?####################################
Chapter 14- Back Behind Bars
Being arrested has never been a pleasant experience for me.
We were driven back to the station in police cars with those ridiculously obnoxi
ous sirens, and the brilliant officers thought it would be a smart idea to handc
uff us together.
"Conner! Stop nudging me!" I complained as his shoulder bumped into mine.

"Sorry! It's not my fault that the back of this car is freaking puny! Ow! Quit p
ushing me!"
"That's it, this is crazy! Officers? Can't he ride back in the other car?"
"Was handcuffing us together really necessary? My wrists are chaffing." He frown
ed, rubbing his wrists. I rolled my eyes, slapping the back of his head. "Ow!"
"I demand that you uncuff me from this idiot!"
The cops in the front of the car exchanged glances, not responding.
As the car turned right, Conner lurched into me, squishing me into the window. "
Conner! Get off of me, you fatty!"
"You didn't seem to mind me being on top of you last night."
I reached over to slap the back of his head again. "Ouch! Would you stop that?"
I tried to squirm away from him, but my side was still pressed flush against him
, which under different circumstances I probably wouldn't have minded. "You are
popping my personal space bubble right now!"
"One more sex joke, and I will make certain that you can't ever have kids."
"But I thought you wanted kids?"
We were inturupted when the two officers in the front of the car starting to lau
gh. Conner and I momentarily stopped arguing and exchanged confused looks. Quite
frankly, I didn't see how arresting us was supposed to be a laugh.
"You two, are Conner and Selena?" The cop number one who riding shotgun asked, s
till smiling.
"Yesss." Conner answered uncertainly. "Why?"
The cop number two shook his head and started to laugh again as he drove. Cop nu
mber one looked back at us to respond.
"It's just that, you two have quite a reputation back at the station. When we ca
me to pick you guys up, we were expecting hardcore criminals. Not two regular te
enagers with relationship problems."
In case you were wondering, yes, we had been arrested before. Nothing too seriou
s of course, no robbing banks or killing people. Just a couple of trespassing (s
pending the night camping in a zoo), vandalism (breaking an elevator at a mall,
who knew they weren't water proof? Note to self- no more water gun fights at the
mall), and public disturbance charges (singing loudly in the sprinklers the fir
st couple of times).
We had been going in and out of this jail pretty much since we could walk. The h
ead detective was a good friend, and didn't put anything on our records.
"Sorry to disappoint." I crossed my arms as we pulled into the station.

When we were walked inside, still handcuffed together, we saw Dave almost immedi
ately. His short blond hair had started to go grey a couple years back, along wi
th his blond mustache. He was huge, easily taller than Conner, with dark spy gla
sses and an even darker suit.
"Dave!" Conner and I ran to give him a hug.
The police station was quiet, since it was almost 11 pm. Half a dozen cops were
still working at their desks, and there was only one hardly dressed woman (proba
bly a hooker) being lead to the holding cells.
"Well if it isn't my two favorite criminals! And to think that I thought you guy
s would stop getting into trouble. I haven't seen you two in months!"
Conner grinned. "New record, huh?" Dave ruffled his hair.
"Well come one guys, we better get you two down to interrogation. Again." He ste
ered us past the half a dozen staring policemen, down the hall to the interrogat
ion room.
The room was as grey and prison like as ever, only occupied by steel chairs that
were cemented to the ground, and a long metal table. Conner and I took a seat o
n one side, facing the inconspicuous one sided mirror as standard procedure. We
knew that on the other side of the mirror, all of the curious cops were probably
watching us to see if we would leap across the table and attack Dave.
"So guys," Dave rested his chin in his hands. "what did you do this time?"
"We snuck into a country club and raced golf carts." I said bluntly. We knew bet
ter than to lie to the cops, especially Dave.
"So just trespassing?" He sounded slightly surprised.
"We also might have crashed one." Conner gave me a pointed look.
"Trespassing and destruction of property." Dave said to himself, nodding. "Okay
then. As far as I know, the club has decided not to press charges, as long as yo
u volunteer as life guards for their pool to pay off the damages."
"Life guarding!?" 24 hours of community service was one thing, but spending week
ends saving drowning children seemed much harsher. I valued my weekends.
He shrugged. "It's that, or juvie."
"You know, on second thought life guarding sounds pretty fun." Conner gave him a
forced smile.
"Ugh." I groaned. "My mom's gonna kill us if she finds out."
"Darn it. We're already grounded too." Conner sighed. "Any chance we can not tel
l her?"
Dave laughed. "If you behave. I'm talking six months before you're hauled back i
n." He gave us both stern looks.
"Don't look at me. These things are always Conner's ideas." I defended myself.
"What! That's not true!" He crossed his arms stubbornly.

"Who's idea was it to break into the golf course again?" I asked.
"Well I wasn't the one who crashed a vehicle going 5 miles per hour over an empt
y field!" Conner countered, giving me a playful pout.
"Great." Dave stood up. "Now you two go wait in the holding cells while I proces
s your paper work."
He opened the door for us, and we slipped back into the dimly lit hallway.
He didn't even walk us down to the cells, we'd been here so often. Conner and I
walked into our usual cell, one in the very front so we could leave quickly. A c
ouple of drunks and gang member were lying in cells nearby, mostly asleep. Excep
t of course, their cells were locked.
We sat on the wooden bench together, and I suddenly felt tired. After all, it wa
s a school day, and calculus almost always made me exhausted.
I rested my head on Conner's shoulder, and he wrapped an arm around my waist. "I
s someone tired?" He teased me.
"Shut up." I mumbled, too sleepy to come up with a better response.
I heard him chuckle, before he leaned over to give me a quick kiss on the lips.
The feel of his lips automatically jolted me awake, all traces of tiredness temp
orarily dissolved. He was like a life time supply of caffeine with legs.
I sat up to straddle his lap on the bench, wrapping my arms tight around his nec
k. My fingers tugged at his hair, and I felt him gasp slightly against my lips.
His hands were rested on my waist, and I knew he wouldn't dare move them, or I w
ould get uncontrollably antsy. And we were making out in a jail cell with other
people nearby.
I smiled against his lips at how considerate he was being, even though I knew he
was probably dying to move his hands.
"Hey guys? You should probably know that we can see you."
My head snapped towards the familiar voice, until I saw two blonds facing us fro
m their cell next door.
Tom and Jerry were watching us, Tom's eyes wide and his mouth dropped. It was Je
rry who had spoken, and he looked completely unfazed to find us making out in a
police station.
"Hey guys." I jumped off of Conner's lap, smoothing down my clothes with my hand
Tom stared at us. "What-? Are you two-? I don't-"
Jerry rolled his eyes at his brother. "Well obviously, they're either secretly d
ating, or they're sex buddies."
Conner and I didn't respond.
"Well that answers that question. Cool, I've always wanted a no strings attached
sort of thing. It's just hard to find a girl that will actually agree to it tho

I gave him a disguisted look. "Gross."

He shrugged. Tom finally closed his mouth, his mouth pressed into a line as he t
hought hard. "So you two are really..?"
Conner nodded slightly.
"You guys can't tell anyone though!" I pleaded.
"What's in it for us?" Jerry raised an eyebrow. Tom glared at his brother, elbow
ing him in the side. It wasn't hard to see which brother was civil between the t
"How about me, not crushing in your faces?" Conner stood up from the bench, glar
ing at Jerry.
Jerry took a step back, raising his arms in defeat. "Fine then. Our lips our sea
led. Please leave our faces as is."
Tom snorted. "Speak for yourself, I was already not going to tell."
"So why are you guys here anyway?" I asked, changing the subject.
Tom sighed. "We got hauled in for fighting at Walmart." He gave his brother a po
intedly annoyed look.
Jerry shrugged, not looking the least bit regretful. "What? He was asking for it
. He stole the last container of red bull."
Tom sighed, wiping a hand over his face before he turned back to us. "What about
you guys? They didn't even lock your cell!"
"Ummm." Conner glanced at me. "We're kind of regulars here. Tonight though, we b
roke into a country club and had a golf cart race. We probably wouldn't have eve
n gotten caught if somebody had just used the breaks, like a normal person."
I glared at him. "I was a tad focused on not dying at the time."
"Really." Jerry smirked. "Selena and Conner, criminals of the law. Never would h
ave seen that coming. Respect man." He reached out to give Conner a fist bump. I
rolled my eyes. Guys.
A second later, the front door swung open and Dave walked in. "Okay guys, you're
free to go. Show up for work at the club, this Saturday at 10 am. And remember,
I don't want to see your face for at least six months. Got it?"
I smiled at him as we walked out of our cell. "Thanks Dave. " I turned back to T
om and Jerry, giving them a half smile. "See you at school, I guess."
And hand in hand, Conner and I walked out of the police station and rushed back
By the time we had plopped down on his bed, we were still sweaty from our run ba
ck to Conner's car.
I groaned, pulling out my phone to text my mom where I was. Then, I got up and r
an to the bathroom to get all of the sticky sweat off of my skin.

I let the cool water from the shower wash all of the dirt and sweat off, and let
it run over my tired leg muscles and through my messy hair. I was so tired from
our three mile run, even though I had made Conner carry me on his back half the
way. I barely even realized that Conner had joined me, until he had leaned over
to place a light kiss on my shoulder.
When we got out, I changed into a new pair of underwear and a bra from Conner's
closet, before pulling one of his over-sized T-shirts over me.
Conner had already finished changing into a pair of pajama pants, and was watchi
ng me apreciatively from where he was laying on his bed. "Have I ever mentioned
how good you look in my shirts?"
I rolled my eyes, crawling under the covers of his bed beside him. He used an ar
m to pull me close to him, letting me snuggle up against him. I sighed contently
, my head resting on his bare chest, my ear listening to the sound of his stead
For a second I swear I heard his heart rate pick up, before I fell into a deep s
Soooooo? What did you think? Personally, I would totally love to get arrested fo
r doing something crazy, if I didn't get into trouble for it of course.
And yeah, I know I haven't mentioned the whole Travis situation since last chapt
er, but it's coming up soon! I promise!
Maannnnn, Jerry is seriously badass! Poor Tom.
Questions? Comments? Advice? (Please!?)####################################
Chapter 15- The Talk
When we pulled into the school parking lot the next morning, I almost expected e
veryone to be whispering and pointing at us, sure that Jerry had spilled the bea
ns and that Conner was going to have to spill his guts.
But the sun was shining, and everyone was acting perfectly normal. Girls gigglin
g at Conner, Boys calling out to Conner from across the lot, Travis no where in
I guess Jerry had a brain after all.
As we walked to the school, Lilly and Alex were waiting outside for me. When Con
ner turned his back to 'manshake' one of his team mates, Lilly winked at me and
Alex wiggled her eyebrows suggestively.
I rolled my eyes at them. "Real subtle guys." I whispered before Conner turned b
ack around to walk me to my locker.
As we neared my locker, Conner jerked to a stop. Jerry was leaning back against
my locker with his arms crossed, wearing a black shirt and dark jeans and giving
off the bad boy vibe perfectly.
"What." I glared at him. Alex and Lilly looked back and forth between us like th
ey were watching a vicious tennis match.

Jerry shrugged, letting his eyes run over me leisurely. Conner stiffened beside
me, clamping his hand tightly around my wrist. "Hi there. So Selena, you wanna g
o out with me sometime? Some place dark and secluded perhaps?" His voice was lig
ht, as if he were teasing us.
"No thanks." I snorted. I noticed that we had attracted a small crowd of people
that were starting to gather around us, watching us intently. Tom, who was stand
ing near Lilly, gave me thumbs up and a grin. I guess even his brother seemed to
dislike him.
"Why not?" He raised an eyebrow teasingly. "You got a secret boyfriend or someth
I glanced at Lilly and Alex, who were looking rather perplexed. "Nah, you're jus
t not my type."
"What is your type?" He smirked, pushing off my locker to stand in front of me.
"Hot soccer star boys?"
Conner's grip on my wrist tightened. I swallowed, trying to find a way to overco
me my bad liar tendencies. "Nope. I just prefer guys with a #@&%."
Everyone watching burst out laughing as Jerry's face turned five shades of red.
Lilly snickered behind her hand, trying to hide her laughter. Alex wasn't even t
rying to hide her laughter, doubling over while she held her gut.
Tom chuckled, walking forward to grab his very embarrassed twin brother's arm an
d pull him away.
As they passed me, Jerry turned his head to whisper something in Conner's ear th
at I couldn't quite hear. But whatever it was, it couldn't have been good, becau
se Conner immediately stopped laughing and took off down the hall in the opposit
e direction, not once looking back at me.
Lilly gave me a questioning look as she noticed him leaving. And for once, I had
absolutely no idea what could bother my best friend so much.
By lunch, Conner was perfectly normal again, acting like nothing had happened. W
hen I had asked him about what Jerry had said, he just shrugged and said somethi
ng about his shoe being untied.
I knew he was lying, but I let it slide since he was starting to look slightly u
ncomfortable. I would try asking him again later.
Mrs.Concon walked by us in her tightly fitted skirt and shredded top, and I had
to admit, she had some serious talent to have been able to walk in such murderou
s looking heels. She gave Conner a wink, which kind of looked more like a spasti
c eye twitch.
Either Conner didn't see her, or he just ignored her completely. That's my boy.
Finally it was time for my least favorite class of all time. That's right, P.E.
After I dressed out in my gym clothes and sat down in the gym with my friends, I
finally saw Travis. He walked in, looking a little depressed. He glanced in our
direction, meeting my eyes for a moment before I looked away. He sat down by hi

mself on the other side of the gym, well, except for his fan club group of girls
nearby, that were watching him and giggling hysterically.
When we were headed outside to run the track, which I really wasn't looking forw
ard to, the coach called ma back. "Rider! I need your help with something. Go on
Rogers, I'm not going to kidnap her." He rolled his eyes at Conner, who had sto
pped to look back at me.
Go ahead. I mouthed to him. He nodded and went to go catch up with Tom.
"McMullen! You too!" Coach called to Travis.
I groaned. Of course.
Travis kept his eyes on his feet (smart boy) as he joined us. Coach clapped his
hands together, leading us down to the end of the gym. "Ok kiddies! See these bo
xes? I want you to move them to the other side of the gym? Got it?"
My jaw dropped open as I looked at the humungous pile of boxes that almost reach
ed the ceiling. "You just want us to move them to the other side of the gym? Wha
t for?"
Coach glared at me, and I shut my mouth quickly. "Cause I'm the coach, and what
I say goes. Now start. This might take a while." And with that, he marched outsi
de to the track.
It was silent for a moment, me not wanting to speak first, and Travis not wantin
g to either. Finally, I just turned my back to him and grabbed the first box.
As I started to lug the box to the other side of the gym, I was fuming about how
I had trusted him, and he had been lying to me the whole time. I thought we had
a real moment back in the park, but I realized that he was probably just trying
to ruin my life and get in my pants. I was stupid to have believed him.
And to think, for a while, I thought that it was Conner who had spied on me. If
I take anything seriously, it's trust.
When I finally made it to the other side, fueled by my contained anger, Travis h
ad already started making his way over to me.
After that, we had made a pattern. I would place my box on the other side as he
picked up another box. That way, the only time we were close enough to talk, was
when we passed eachother in the middle.
And it was working well too, until I fell flat on my butt.
Immediately, Travis had dropped his box and had hurried to my side with a concer
ned expression on his face. "You ok?" It felt like forever since I had last hear
d his heavily accented voice.
"Magical." I muttered as I got to my feet and pushed past him. But in the middle
of my angry storm off, Travis grabbed my arm and spun me around to face him.
"What is your problem?" He glared at me, surprising me. I don't think I had ever
seen him angry before.
"One thing you should know about me," I pulled my arm from his grip. "is that I
don't like liars."
"What are you talking about?" His voice became less angry and more confused.

"A baby monitor? Really? If you wanted to know something, asking is a good start
. Not spying." I crossed my arms.
"Is that supposed to mean something?" He asked.
I stared at him for a moment, before I realized that he was telling the truth. H
e seriously had no clue what I was talking about.
Oh shit, I did it again.
An hour later, we had given up with moving the boxes to the other end of the gym
Instead, Travis and I were sitting on the boxes, talking and laughing like frien
ds again. (Honestly, our relationship was so bipolar.)
We had cleared up our little situation, and turns out that I really was wrong. A
gain. Travis swore that he had no idea about who would spy on me, but claims tha
t it wasn't him.
I have some serious trust issues.
But a voice was still nagging me at the back of my head. If he didn't do it, who
I pushed the thought to the back of my head. I would have plenty of time to wor
ry about that later.
"So.............." Travis started, nervously running a hand through his blond ha
I just raised an eyebrow questioningly.
"Well," he cleared his throat. "it's just that, I really had fun on our date, an
d I was wondering if we could-"
He was interrupted when the class came back in from the track, sweaty and smelly
. Lilly and Alex passed me on the way to the locker room, giving me curious glan
ces but not stopping to talk. Conner on the other hand, took one look at us and
glared at Travis threateningly. He grabbed my hand, pulling me slightly behind h
im like an over protective mother.
I rolled my eyes when Travis looked slightly more nervous, even though it was tr
ue that Conner could easily kick his ass.
"Sure Travis. I'll call you later and we can work out the details." I smiled at
him, pulling Conner out of the gym with me and into the hallway.
"What did I miss?" He asked as soon as the door shut behind us.
After I explained the whole mix up to him, he was quiet for a minute. I saw so m
any things cross his face, I wasn't sure what to make of it all. Uncertainty. Co
nfusion. Disappointment.
Wait, why would he be dissapointed about this?
Before I could ask, he spoke again. "So you're going on another date with the Br

itt?" He frowned.
"Was that seriously all you got from the entire story?"
He shrugged. "Selective hearing?"
I slapped his arm slightly, and he finally broke into the smirk that I was start
ing to miss.
When Conner and I walked into our kitchen, it was eerily silent.
We looked around for a moment, only to find an empty living room, and an equally
empty hallway. Was anyone home?
I was just about to voice the question, when we walked into the kitchen and saw
our parents sitting expectantly at the kitchen table. The twins must have taken
Sandy out earlier.
Well this can't be good.
Conner's mom and dad looked just like him, almost like older replicas. Jet black
hair, crystal green eyes, tall, lean bodies. Meanwhile, I looked little to noth
ing at all to my parents. They were tall, while I was only roughly 5'3ish. And d
on't even get me started on the whole blue eyes dilemma.
"Hi." Conner said cautiously. The whole place practically screamed intervention.
My heart started to speed up. Did they know? Did Jerry finally spill the beans?
I couldn't bare the thought of my parents knowing that I was sleeping with my b
est friend behind their backs. Sure, they wouldn't mind if we got married in ten
years or so, but they just wouldn't get it.
Like everyone else.
"Conner. Selena. Sit." My dad gestured to the two empty chairs at the table. We
nervously sat down, waiting for all hell to break loose.
Mrs.Rogers cleared her throat, and brushed her dark hair behind her ears. "It ha
s come to our attention," I held my breath. "that you two are maturing very quic
kly. Now there comes a time in life, when one starts to get more intimate with s
omeone else. And during this time, you might feel certain urges-"
"Mom!" Conner's neck and ears flushed red. I was sorta glad that I wasn't the on
ly one blushing right now.
The dreaded sex talk.
"Don't interrupt your mother." Mr.Rogers scolded.
My dad shifted in his seat, looking slightly uncomfortable. "Now we just want yo
u to always be safe, when-"
"Dear ghandi!" I clamped my hands over my ears.
"Honey." My mom frowned, moving my hands back onto the table. "We just want to m
ake sure, that when the time comes you'll be ready."
A little late for that mom.

"No. We are not having this conversation with Conner and his family!" I complain
ed, standing up. "You do realize, that he is the opposite gender, right?"
"We just thought it might be easier." Mrs.Rogers explained. "After all, you two
do everything together!"
They had no idea.
"Ok, well thanks for the lovely talk." Conner said, standing up next to me.
"By now!" We ran up to my room, not looking back to the kitchen, where our idiot
ic parents were still sitting.
"Oh my god. Please tell me that did not just happen." Conner buried his face in
his hands.
"Afraid so Con." I sighed, plopping onto my bed.
"So they think we're still virgins?" He asked, not sounding very surprised.
I only nodded. They had no idea, that we were far from being innocent virgins.
Hi! Did ya like it? I thought it was pretty entertaining.
Well,I'm goin out of town for spring break, so I might not get the chance to upl
oad again for awhile. Just thought I'd finnish this quickly before I leave.
Any thoughts of what to write about next? I'd love to hear about it!
Questions, comments, hopefully-not-concerns?
Chapter 16- Mentally Insane
When I woke up the next morning, I could tell that I was going to have an absolu
tely dreadful day.
I had been tossing and turning all night, since Conner had slept at his house, a
nd I felt like puking on the floor.
Never a good sign.
Grumbling, I whacked my blaring alarm clock off my side table, sending it flying
into the wall. But even though a chunk of plastic broke off of it, it was still
blaring the siren alarm, and giving me a headache.
Groaning, I buried my face back into my pillow, trying to drown out the sound of
my alarm clock.
"Good morning to you too." Conner strode in, looking bright, hot, and cheerful.
Ugh. Worst possible combination ever. "Ready to go yet, sleeping beauty?"
But I couldn't respond. I was too busy checking him out. His sexy dark hair was
all over the place, as if he had just gotten out of bed. His crystal green eyes
were lit up with amusement, and his lips were curled into his usual attractive s
mile. He looked casually gorgeous in an open blue plaid button up, and jeans tha

t seemed to fit him in all the right places. But all I wanted to do right then w
as rip it off of him.
Wow, I didn't know it was possibly to be horny so early in the morning.
"You done yet?" He teased me, obviously noticing me looking over him hungrily.
Sighing, I got up, watching his eyes go wide as he noticed that I was only weari
ng one of his shirts to cover me. "Maybe," I drawled out, walking closer to him.
"we could just be a little late. Hmm?" I trailed a finger down his chest, and I
felt him shiver from under me.
I heard him gulp, before he stepped back and shook his head. "Selena.... It's on
ly eight in the morning."
"So?" I tilted my head to the side, letting my long brown hair fall past my shou
lders as I let my gaze travel over him again.
Conner sighed. "Maybe when we get back. Okay?"
I pouted, crossing my arms over my chest like a child. "I don't know if I can wa
it that long Concon." I whined.
He rolled his eyes, once again regaining his composure. "Too bad. Now lets go ge
t educated!" He grinned at me as he pushed me into the bathroom.


When we pulled into school, I was still horny as hell. I had to force myself not
to drag Conner over the the nearest janitors closet and just have my way with h
im. And it didn't help that he was completely yummy looking right now.
"Hey Selli!" Alex greeted me, then glanced at Conner. "Hot-ass." She casually no
dded at him, and he gave her a dazzling smile.
"I'll say." I muttered to myself, turning my face away to look for something to
distract me from him.
"Where's Lilly?" Conner asked her.
Alex shrugged. "I think she's with Tom somewhere."
Just then, the bell rang, and Alex looked around alarmed. "Crap! If I'm late to
science, Ms. Tuttle is going to murder me! Later!"
And once again, it was just me and Conner alone, standing in the middle of the e
mpty hallway.
"Come on S." Conner grabbed my wrist and started to pull me to my first class. I
felt my body heat up slightly at his touch.
Then I got an idea.
"I have to use the bathroom."
Conner stopped, looking back at me reluctantly. "Right now?"

I nodded excitedly, making my eyes wide and smiling. I led him to the girls bath
room, and he stopped outside, glancing around for teachers.
"I'll wait here-" I grabbed his arm and yanked him inside, locking the door behi
nd him. "Selena!"
"What?" I asked innocently, stepping closer.
"Now? Really?"
"Yupp!" I smiled enthusiastically.
"We can't." He rolled his eyes.
"Why not?" I pouted.
"We are not going to have a quickie in a public restroom during school!"
"I brought condoms." I pulled a pack out of my bag.
"Jeez woman!" He grabbed the bag from me, staring at me like I was insane.
He was probably right, of course.
"Come on! We can start a list!" I pleaded to him.
"A list of what?"
"Public places where we've had sex." I answered simply. "Duh."
"Good ghandi." He face palmed himself.
Sighing, I moved closer to him, pressing myself flush against him and feeling hi
s heart rate speed up. "You give me no choice."
He gulped again as I back him up against the wall. "S? What are you doing."
"Nothing." I started to slowly grind my hips against him.
He stiffened, but didn't push me away. "This has got to be considered sexual har
"You gonna turn me in?" I teased, moving my lips to peck his lightly. I moaned s
lightly, he tasted amazing.
"You really wanna go at it in a public restroom?"
I nodded eagerly, my mouth already beginning to drool.

sighed again. He picked me up, sitting me down on the sink counter and steppi
in between my legs. I grabbed the collar of his shirt happily and pulled him
closer to me, until our noses were barely brushing. My pulse started to race
my chest.

"Selena, you really are mentally insane." He breathed against my lips.

"I know." I smiled, pulling him in for a kiss that made fireworks go off in my h


Thirty minutes later, we walked out after second period. Conner's next class was
across the school, so he kissed the top of my head and promised to see me at lu
I blissfully strode to my locker, but stopped short when I saw Jerry waiting for
"You weren't in class? What a coincidence, neither was Conner! Wherever could yo
u two have gone off to?" Jerry tapped his chin, pretending to think.
I ignored him, opening up my locker and switching out my books.
"So Selena." Jerry started. "Me and Tom are having a party tomorrow. You and you
r secret lover should come."
I slammed my locker shut, glaring at him before walking to class.
He caught up to me, falling into step beside me. "Come on Selena! It'll be fun!
Would you just chill out? I'm not going to tell on you and your sex buddy! Grant
ed, mostly because your friend would kick the shit out of me, but also because I
'm actually a decent human being!"
"Sure." I rolled my eyes.
"It's just a party. Live a little!"
"If I go, will you leave me alone?" I asked.
"Fine, I'll go." Right now, a party actually sounded like a good idea. I needed
to get my mind off of all the drama.
I sped up, leaving Jerry behind as I walked to class. On the way to English, I r
an into Alex. "Hey girl! You hear about the party?"
"Yeah." I said, feeling myself starting to get dizzy.
"It's gonna be awesome! You know, I may not like the guy tall too much, but I be
t he can throw an insane party." A sharp stab stung through my head, and a pulle
d a hand up to it.
I only nodded, my head starting to spin around me. Alex caught me. "Wow. You ok?
I nodded, but immediately regretted it when I started to feel my food come up. I
ran to the bathroom, running to crouch over a toilet as I lost my breakfast.
"Man. I forgot. Stanton cooked me breakfast this morning."
"WHAT?! Your insanely hot brothers are in town, and you just now tell me?!" Alex
started at me.
"Yeah, I'm fine, thanks for asking." I said sarcastically.

"Are you kidding me? Your brothers are on my top ten most lick-able list! We can
worry about your well being later!"
"Some things never change, I guess."
"Selena? Alex? What are you guys doing in here?" Tom walked in, looking confused
"Selli here, had to puke." Alex said bluntly, gestured to me, still on the groun
d crouched over a toilet.
"Oh.... Well I kinda meant what are you doing in the boys bathroom?"
I looked around, and noticed that there were urinals. Oops.
"What? Would you rather that she run all the way around to the girls room, and p
uke on the floor?"
"Oh, I guess not then." He replied, walking over to us. "You okay? Do you need m
e to take you to the nurses office?"
I shook my head, already starting to get up. "Yeah I'm fine. Just got a little l
ight headed. Bad breakfast."
He shrugged. "Kay then, if you're sure you're alright. See you guys at lunch the
n." He called over his shoulder as he walked out.
"Kay, let's go then too Selli. But just so you know, after school I'm totally fo
llowing you home to stalk your impossibly hot older brothers."
"Dully noted."

Hey! I'm back from my vacation! Which, actually wasn't much of a vacation at all
So, I just wrote this today, so it's kinda sloppy. I'll fix it up later though!
Sooooo? What did you think? Is it funny? Or borderline slutty? Both would be oka
y by me though.
Sorry it's a little short today, my brain is still kinda fried right now.
Yay! Comments? Questions? Suggestions? Tell me what you think!
Chapter 17- Life of the Party
Alex hadn't been kidding when she said that she would follow me home after schoo
Conner and I pulled into my driveway, leaving a space beside us for Alex and Lil
ly to pull in too. I guess she had managed to rope Lilly into this too. She park
ed beside us, happily bouncing out of Lilly's punch buggy and checking her hair

and make up in the reflection of the car windows.

Lilly grudgingly got out of the car after her, a bored look on her pretty face a
s she absent mindedly played with her blond hair.
Conner and I made our way inside the house, where we saw the twins chasing aroun
d a screaming seven year old, making loud animalistic roars and stomping like el
Great, I just got home and things were already chaotic.
"Alex is right outside." I informed them, causing two of the brothers to freeze
where they stood.
Stanton immediately stopped what he was doing to sprint behind the couch, hiding
from view. "Yikes!" Sandy yelped, diving behind the sofa after Stanton with a s
cared look in his baby blue eyes.
Stanton poked his head out from behind the sofa, beckoning to the remaining brot
her urgently. "Sam! Come on! She's coming!"
Sam shrugged. "So what? She's hot."
I rolled my eyes, and I heard Conner chuckle next to me.
"Sammy! Bad manwhore!" Sandy scolded his brother, leaving him with his mouth dro
pped open. Conner and I were trying to contain our laughter when Alex burst into
the room.
"BOYS!! I KNOW YOU'RE HERE! Oh hi, Sam!" She lowered her voice, moving over to k
iss his cheek after giving him a completely obvious, appreciative look over. Lil
ly walked in grumpily behind her, moving to stand on my other side with her arms
Sam smirked flirtily. "Hello there." He gladly returned the look. "Hi Lilly." Hi
s flirty tone instantly changed into a friendly one when he regarded my other ga
l pal. She smiled back tiredly, and Sam went back to undressing Alex with his ey
Alex chuckled, patting his cheek. "Save that for later Sammy. Now where was I? O
h right. STANTON!! SANDY!!"
Sandy's whimpering from behind the sofa gave him away.
"SANDY!" She lunged behind the sofa like a mountain lion, pulling Sandy up in a
lung-crushing bear hug that probably could have killed a small whale.
Sandy's face was starting to turn purple by the time she put him down. She place
d a wet kiss on his burning cheek, before moving her sharp green gaze to where S
tanton was slowly inching away from her.
"Stanty!" She walked to him, swaying her hips in a way that made the twins eyes
go wide. Conner chuckled, seeming to be the only teenage male in the world who w
as unaffected by her seductive ways.
Stanton swallowed nervously. "Hi-i Al-lex."
She stopped in front of him, tilting her head to the side to let her red locks f
all to her hips. "Hi sexy." She purred. "Did you miss me?" She peered at him thr
ough her lashes, and he anxiously ran a hand through his brown hair.

"Of-f course." He stumbled a little when she started to run a manicured hand dow
n his chest.
"Alex." Lilly rolled her eyes from where the three of us were trying not to laug
Alex sighed, removing her hand from my poor brother's chest. "Well, we have to g
o Stanty. But don't worry, I'll be back." She slipped her hand to pinch my broth
er's butt, causing him to jump slightly.
And with that, she turned on her heels and strutted out of my living room, Lilly
in tow right behind her giving the boys an apologetic smile. Sam's eyes were gl
ued to Alex's rear end as she walked by.
As soon as the front door closed, Stanton collapsed onto the sofa, clutching a h
and to his chest. "God! She's insane!"
Sandy timidly sat down next to him, nodding in agreement. "Stanty? I'm scared."
He patted his brothers back. "Me too Sandman, me too."
Conner rolled his green eyes. "You get used to it after a while."
"I don't ever want to get used to that girl." Sam chuckled, licking his lips. "S
he is smoking!"
Sandy looked confused for a minute. "Is she on fire?"
I laughed, moving to sit next to him. He was too cute. "No Sandman, Sammy's just
saying that she's pretty."
Three hours later, I was walking back upstairs with a sprite in each hand. Sam a
nd Stanton had gone 'partying', and my parents had taken Sandy to the mall, so t
he house was unusually quiet.
As I walked back into my room, I saw that Conner had fallen asleep on my bed.
He looked positively adorable, his dark hair unkempt and his mouth slightly open
. He was lying on his stomach with his shirt slightly raised, giving me a perfec
t view of his exposed, sculpted back.
He looked delicious.
I licked my lips, instantly starting to feel horny again. I approached the bed,
setting down the sodas on the dresser beside my bed before crawling onto my bed.
I straddled my legs over his back, enjoying the feel of his muscled body on my
bare thighs. He started to stir as I leaned down to nibble on his neck.
"S?" He instinctively arched his neck to give me better access. "What are you do
"Nothing." I breathed on his skin, before going back to sucking on the nape of h
is neck.
"Man that feels good." Me muttered to himself.

I moved my fingers to slowly pull up his shirt, exposing more heavenly perfect s
kin and muscle. He shivered when my hands reached his shoulders, his shirt almos
t completely off.
With a sharp tug, I yanked it over his head and threw it onto the ground. I lean
ed back down to place a kiss under his jaw, moving down to trail my lips across
the back of his neck.
"Selena?" He breathed my name, making my heart skip a beat. "Twice in one day?"
I didn't respond, continuing to trail kisses down his back. When I made it to be
neath his shoulder blades, he turned around from under me. I whimpered slightly
when I couldn't see his back anymore, but was instantly satisfied by the sight o
f his bare chest.
"Selena! You can't be serious!" He said, trying to get my attention.
"Why not?" I pouted, leaning over to give him a quick peck on the lips.
"We already did this today! Aren't you sore?" He was starting to look concerned.
He was right, I was still a little sore from earlier. But I was craving him more
right now, than I crave chocolate when I'm on my period. And I could feel that
he was craving me just as much.
"Nope." I lied, starting to shimmy my hips over his abdomen.
He sighed, grabbing my hips to stop their movement. "Fine. If you're sure."
Happily, I resumed my hip movements and crashed my lips to his hungrily. His lip
s were soft yet firm, and he tasted as heart-breakingly amazing as always. He mo
aned into my mouth, making me shiver at the sound of it.
"Sometimes I seriously do feel like your boy toy." He whispered against my lips
with a smirk.
"Get used to it." I breathed, going back to kissing him with all I had.
The next morning was ten times worse than the one before.
My head was pounding like I had a major hangover, and my entire body was stiff a
nd sore. As I looked down at my body, I noticed that there were a couple pinkish
splotches across my skin where Conner had handled me a bit to roughly. I was on
ly wearing a bra and underwear to cover me, and the rest of my exposed skin was
sticky with dry sweat.
With my head pounding, I untangled myself from Conner. Even fast asleep, he was
still gorgeous. He was only wearing a pair of boxers, his broad chest and should
ers exposed. He started to stir as I got up, and his drowsy green eyes cracked o
He stretched, before sitting up to look at me. He smiled at me happily, not once
moving his gaze below my face. "Mornin."
I gave him a weak smile, feeling my headache start to grow as light leaked in th
rough my curtains. I started to move to the bathroom to take a shower, but as so
on as I took a step there was sharp pain in my stomach.

"You okay?" Conner asked me from behind, noticing my stop and crouch over slight
There was another sharp pain in my side, and it took all my energy to run to the
bathroom and crouch over the toilet before I puked.
Conner was by my side in an instant, holding back my hair and rubbing my back so
othingly in all his half-naked glory.
The rank smell flooded my nose, causing me to puke again. Conner's hand started
to move more urgently on my bare back, and I knew that he was probably getting m
ore worried.
When I was finally done Conner helped me sit back up, before turning me around a
nd cradling me tightly to his chest. My head was pounding so hard that it felt a
s if it might burst from inside my skull. My stomach was churning wildly, empty
from my recently losing my dinner.
"You okay?" He asked, his warm chest vibrating beneath my cheek as he spoke.
I nodded, not daring myself to speak quite yet.
"Are you sure? We can just stay home a day if you're not feeling well-"
I shook my head. "No." I croaked, making my throat burn slightly. "I'm fine. It'
s probably just a bug or something."
"Wait." His eyes narrowed. He held me out at arms length, looking at me suspicio
usly. "Has this happened before?"
"Yesterday, but I'm pretty sure that it was just Stanton's cooking." I assured h
He didn't look too convinced, but didn't stop me as I headed to the shower.
"Hey Se- Oh wow you look like hell."
I rolled my eyes sarcastically, stepping out of Conner's car grudgingly. "Thanks
for the sunshine Lilly."
"Nope, she's right." Alex said, looking at me closely. "Did you even sleep last
Before I could think up of a plausible lie, Tom ran up to us excitedly. "Hey guy
s! You're all coming to our party tonight, right?" I couldn't help but notice th
at he seemed to be directing the question towards Lilly.
"Definitely." Lilly replied, blushing slightly.
"I'm in." Alex agreed.
"Selena." Conner glanced at me anxiously. "You still feeling up to it? We can ju
st sit this one out if you want."
"Pfffttt. And miss Tommy's big house party? As if. We'll be there." I waved him

"Good." He grinned.
"Hey Tom!" We all turned around to see Jerry waving his brother over from across
the parking lot. He had his hand on Mrs. Concon's ass, but she was still glanci
ng over at us to glare at me.
Tom sighed, giving us an apologetic look. "Sorry. Duty calls!" And with that, he
started to jog over to his irritating twin brother.
The bell rang, and Alex grabbed my arm in one hand and Lilly's in another, befor
e dragging us to English class. I turned to look over my shoulder, yelling good
bye to Conner before he was out of sight.
Great, another fun day in high school.
After school, Alex and Lilly insisted on coming back to the house with me to get
ready for the party later tonight. Though I'm pretty certain that Alex just use
d that as an excuse to harass my brothers again.
As soon as I stepped out of Conner's car, Alex had grabbed my hand and was yanki
ng me inside the house with Lilly following close behind.
Stanton and Sam were playing video games in the living room when we walked in. A
s soon as they caught sight of Alex, Stanton quickly backed up onto the sofa. Me
anwhile Sam looked completely at ease, waving at us and even winking at Alex as
we passed by.
"Hi guys. Bye guys."
"Guys, I look like a whore." I stated, looking into the mirror.
"What?! Are you kidding me? I put my sweat and blood into this look for you-"
"Gross image." Lilly muttered.
"You look hawt. If I were male, I would tap that." Lilly said, looking proud of
her work.
"Even grosser image."
I was dressed in a short silver dress that clung to my every curve and exposed m
y back almost completely. My hair was curled in shiny brown waves around my face
, and my grey heels were much higher than I was used to.
"I look like a whore." I repeated.
"No you don't." Lilly rolled her eyes. "You look amazing."
Lilly was wearing a cute black strapless dress, with her blond hair straightened
to perfection. Simple, yet effortlessly cute.
Alex on the other hand, went all out. Her bright blue dress made her eyes pop, a
nd her red heels were almost the exact same shade as her wavy red hair.
"Now come on! We're going to be late!" Alex whined, pushing us out of the door a
nd down the stairs.

Conner had joined my brothers in playing video games while we were getting ready
, though he was the only one not jumping up and down as he played. Hell, Sam was
even squealing like a little girl.
Conner was looking handsome as always in a pair of jeans that fit him just right
and a blue button up shirt. I could never quite figure out how he got his hair
so perfectly tussled, though I suspected that it was just naturally like that.
As soon as we started our descent down the stairs, they all turned around and st
arted gaping at us, making me more than a little uncomfortable.
Sam and Stanton were quite openly checking out my friends. (It would have been m
ore than a little awkward if they checked out their little sister.) But Conner d
idn't even seem to notice my drop-dead-gorgeous companions, he was too busy star
ing at me with his jaw dropped open and his green eyes wide.
Conner finally cleared his throat, breaking the short silence. "You look beautif
ul." He said to me, giving me a sincere smile.
Sometimes I had wondered how he could say something like that to me, when Alex a
nd Lilly were in the room.
"Come on lover boys." Alex smiled flirtatiously at my brothers, not seeming the
least bit self-conscious at their open staring. "Close your mouths. You'll catch
Stanton managed to snap his mouth shut as we walked by.
As we walked up to Tom and Jerry's house, the party was already in full spring.
For one thing, their house was huge. It was at least four stories tall, booming
with loud music and filled with almost every junior that attended our school. An
d it looked like there was still room to spare.
Teenagers were milling across the front lawn, most holding an alcoholic beverage
of some sort, chatting and dancing.
Don't get me wrong, this definitely was not my first party. But this party was h
Alex and Lilly were jumping excitedly, before they rushed inside ahead of us. Co
nner wrapped his arm around my shoulders, as if he knew exactly what I was think
"You ready for this?" He had to lean in to speak in my ear over the loud party m
usic coming from the house.
I gulped, looking up at the party again before responding.
"As ready as I'll ever be."
Soooooo? What did you think? (I just went back and edited it.)
Is it just me, or is Alex kind of hilarious? Oh! Please tell me which character
I should spotlight next! (Tom, Jerry, Travis, Lilly, Alex, Sam, Stanton, or Sand

It was an averagey chapter, I think. :/
The Par-tay chapter is next! :) This should be fun to write. Also, any suggestio
ns for fun party games?
Comments? Questions?
And P.S- This is definitely not another teen pregnancy story! I'm not saying tha
t she's not with child, but this definitely isn't going to be another episode of
'16 and pregnant'. :p Don't worry!
Chapter 18- You Only Live Once
When we finally walked in, almost everyone in sight was tipsy.
A group of guys were doing body shots off of 'Mrs.Concon' on the dining room tab
le, much to my distaste. A mass of people were dancing in the living room, the l
oud music booming from the speakers and shaking the whole house. I could just ma
ke out Jerry's blond head from behind a large group of barely dressed teenage gi
rls, across the room.
Alex was nowhere in sight, no doubt off in search of alcohol. Lilly on the other
hand, looked suspiciously flirty as she talked to Tom on the plush leather sofa
I stopped short in the doorway, not quite ready to go in. Girls were glaring dag
gers at me, and boys were giving me looks that made my skin crawl.
Conner walked in looking completely at ease, dragging me behind him. We stopped
in the kitchen, where we found Alex holding two beers in each hand. I gave her a
stern look that said 'if you get drunk and pass out I'm leaving you here'.
She rolled her eyes sarcastically at me. "Yeah, cause I'm the only one who drink
s underage here.These aren't even for me!" She called over her shoulder as she h
eaded for the living room. "Well, I'm off to go interrupt the love fest on the c
ouch. Later!"
And with that she strutted across the room, the gaze of every guy following her
When I turned back around, Conner was already pulling out the shot glasses. I wa
s never too much of a drinker, but at parties I allowed myself at least a couple
of shots.
He slipped out a bottle of alcohol, and I didn't even bother to read the label.
He poured the clear liquid into the glasses and handed me the smaller one, tryin
g to pretend that he didn't notice. I raised the glass to my lips, quickly swall
owing the drink and feeling the familiar burning sensation in the back of my thr
"Much better." I said breathily. Conner had already drank his, and was smirking
in silent agreement beside me.
I whipped my head around to see a surprised looking Travis. He looked much more

casual than normal, wearing a neat button up shirt and jeans. His normal perfect
ly styled blond hair was messier than usual, like it had been when he had caught
me sneaking across his lawn.
He looked hot!
"Hey Britt! Care to join us for a drink?" I smiled flirtatiously as the alcohol
started to kick in. Conner turned his head away, and I knew he was secretly biti
ng his tongue to keep from starting conflict.
Travis shrugged. "No thank you. I'm not much of a, uhhh, drinker."
Conner snorted, turning back around. "As in, you've never drank anything stronge
r than grape juice."
"Con!" I frowned at him, giving him a stern look. "Play nice."
"No." Travis brushed it off easily. "He's right."
I couldn't say I was too surprised. He was a proper white boy with a previously
non-exsistant social life.
"Well," I drawled out, a smile growing on my lips. "We're just going to have to
fix that."
After my fifth drink with Travis, I noticed that Conner had disappeared.
I wasn't too concerned, he was probably just picking up a girl, not that he woul
d have to try very hard. I may have been relatively drunk, but I could still see
the way girls look at him.
All traces of nerves had vanished from my body, probably due to all the alcohol
I had consumed.
Travis was doing surprising well for his first party with drinking, showing no s
igns of throwing up any time soon. "So we drank a lot. Now what do we do?"
I laughed at how technical he said it, as if he were solving a complicated math
problem. "We go play party games of course!" I jumped out of my seat, taking Tra
vis's hand and dragging him upstairs to the second floor, where all the games we
A group of sophomores were playing a loud game of spin the bottle on the other s
ide of the room. And a couple feet away, a dozen seniors were in the middle of a
rowdy game of beer pong.
I spotted Alex dragging Lilly and a nervous looking Tom to the center of the roo
m, where they sat down in a lopsided circle on the ground. "Truth or dare it is!
I led (dragged) Travis over to my friends and sat down between Alex and Lilly. T
ravis cautiously sat across from me, looking around at everyone skeptically.
"Hey Selli!" Alex said, slightly tipsy. "Are you and the Brit in for a round of
truth or dare?"
"Is that my new nickname or something?" Travis mumbled, mostly to himself.

"Yeah, we're definitely in." I smiled excitedly, making Alex squeal and clap her
hands like a maniac.
Lilly rolled her eyes at Alex, letting out a weary sigh. She of all people, knew
that the night would most likely result in regrets and severe hangovers. "Do I
have to play?"
"Yes." Alex and I didn't even hesitate to answer.
She sighed again. "Why do I even bother asking?"
Tom nudged her with his elbow playfully. "Come on Lilly! It'll be fun."
Lilly smiled back at him adoringly and nodded her head, which he responded to w
ith a tentative smile of his own. Alex and I shared a glance, and I automaticall
y knew that we were thinking the same thing. I smell romance!
Just then, Jerry and Conner entered the scene with their arms slung around each
others shoulders, laughing hysterically like old friends. It was a pretty odd si
ght, seeing your best friend, the sweetest guy on the planet, so friendly with a
self-confessed man whore like Jerry.
They walked over to us, still giggling like a pair of school girls, and joined o
ur circle. "Need two more players?" Jerry asked us, his cocky grin appearing on
his face as his eyes scanned over out little gathering.
"Seven people. Perfect!" I giggled drunkenly, feeling comfortably light headed.
"Who wants to go first?"
Travis cautiously raised his hand like a nervous five year old, eyes darting aro
und the room with obvious discomfort. "Uhhhh.... How do you play?"
Jerry snorted, and for once, Conner looked like he actually agreed with him. "Wh
at? Did your family lock you up your entire life?"
"Sort of, actually." Travis grimaced, a flash of annoyance crossing his expressi
on at Jerry's blatant rudeness. "Not that it's any of your business, you tosser.
Jerry blinked, like he was having trouble processing what Travis had said. Final
ly, he turned to Conner, who was looking just as perplexed. "Did he just call me
a tosser?"
"I think so."
"Is being a tosser, like an insult or something?"
"That would be my guess, yeah."
"Oh. Well, what the fuck is a tosser?"
"One who tosses?"
Jerry tilted his head, eyes narrowing as he attempted to think in his drunken st
ate of mind. "Makes sense to me."
"Well anyways...." I nudged Alex, giving her a pointed look to tell her to chang
e this rather odd thought process.
"Right." Alex clapped her hands together, effectively diverting every ones atten

tion away from the two idiots sitting next to her. "Well basically, we go around
and ask each other truth or dare. If they choose truth, the person can ask them
any question he or she wants, and they have to answer it. If they choose dare,
the person can dare them to do pretty much anything."
"Within reason." Lilly added.
"Yeah. Within reason. It's a pretty easy game." I finished.
Travis nodded, although he still looked a little uncertain. "Sounds easy enough.
Who's first?"
"Ooooh! Me me me me me me!" Alex raised her hand in the air, sporadically waving
it around childishly.
Tom sighed. "I guess Alex is."
"Yay! Okay..... Lilly. Truth? Or dare?"
Lilly frowned. "Truth?"
"Okaaaaay........ Are you and Tom dating yet?" She blurted out all at once, her
face visibly lighting up in excitement.
The two turned brighter than tomatoes, instantly avoiding each others gazes and
fidgeting in their seats. "N-no." She answered rather shakily, looking everywher
e except at Tom.
Alex sighed dramatically, a mischevious twinkle in her eyes telling everyone tha
t she had a few tricks up her sleeve. "Soon. Soon. Okay! Your turn!"
Lilly looked relieved at the change in subject, preoccupying herself with lookin
g around for a victim, before her eyes stopped on me with a smirk. "Selena! Trut
h or dare?"
I gulped, dread sinking in my stomach as I silently wondered why I always end up
playing this game, even though it usually ends in embarrassment. "Truth."
"Are you a virgin?"
"What?" My eyes nearly bulged out of my head, and I could feel my face reddening
"Well.... We were never really sure...." She shrugged casually, her dark eyes gl
eaming curiously as she shared a knowing glance with Alex.
I looked around for a second, mostly grasping for a plausible answer that wouldn
't ruin my life. Conner was nervously looking down at his feet, and Jerry, Alex,
and Lilly al looked intrigued. Other than that, Tom was the only one who looked
remotely sympathetic at my embarrassment, and Travis actually looked rather unc
I nervously nibbled on my bottom lip, an annoying habit I picked up for whenever
I got flustered. "I.... Uhhhh.... No?"
"What?! With who? Why didn't you tell us? Preferably in extreme detail that coul
dn't be repeated to anyone else? Does this happen often?" Alex pounced on me, he
r green eyes wide in curiosity as a million questions poured out of her mouth.
"Uhhhhh....." I didn't have to turn my head to feel Conner's piercing gaze on me

"You've been holding out on us! Our best friend is a sexy little fox!" Lilly squ
ealed excitedly, obviously taking my lack of an answer as a yes.
"Hmmm... Sexy little fox, indeed." Jerry smirked at me, before Conner elbowed hi
m in the gut.
Conner cleared his throat. "Only one question. Now, moving on....."
"Yeah." I agreed, relieved that the attention was off of me and my sex life once
more. "Umm... Tom. Truth or dare?"
"Okay, I dare you to kiss Lilly." I smiled delightfully, my light headedness mak
ing me particularly irrational.
He instantly took on a look I knew all too well. Embarrassment, with just a hint
of uncertainty. It was practically my entire being's motto.
"Uhhhhh..." He hesitated, glancing at Lilly uncertainly.
"Just do it! You know you want tooooo...." Jerry egged him on, wiggling his eyeb
rows suggestively.
"Okay then." His expression suddenly hardened with a new found determination, an
d his face swooped in to hers, until their noses were brushing. Lilly looked up
at him breathlessly, I couldn't decide if it was an effect of Tom being so close
, or just the alcohol. I suspected both.
Then, he leaned in ever so slightly so that their lips brushed. As soon as they
made contact, Lilly pounced on him, grabbing the back of his neck and deepening
the kiss. After a minute or so, I was pretty sure that they had forgotten that t
hey were making out right in front of us.
"Guys?" Conner asked, only to be shushed by me and Alex.
"Let them be!" Alex whispered shouted at him. "We've been waiting for this since
the twins moved here!"
We must have been whispering loud enough, because Lilly jerked away from Tom wit
h a shocked expression. Tom looked like he was in a daze, and Lily's hair was a
mess. "Uhhhhhh..... We're just.... Going to get a drink." She stood up, grabbing
Tom's hand and rushing them out of the room.
"Awwww!" Jerry squealed in what must have been his impression of us.
"Please. We only talk like that cause we're female. What's your excuse?" I rolle
d my eyes, alcohol giving me courage.
"Ouch." Travis mumbled under his breath, a smug grin edging at his lips as he sl
yly glanced between me and Jerry. Jerry instantly turned to glare at the other b
"Moving along. Conner! You're up!" I interrupted Jerry before he could start an
"Okay..... Travis." His green eyes darkened a shade as his gaze locked on his ta

"Ohhh. Uhhh, dare. I guess." He fidgeted restlessly.

"Why so nervous Brit?" I teased him, amused as he continued to squirm under Conn
er's intense predator look..
"No re-eason."
"I dare you, to go up to that senior over there and ask him for a kiss." Conner
pointed at a very drunken senior who was losing badly at beer pong.
Travis looked absolutely horrified as he looked at the said senior, who was curr
ently licking his ping pong racket. "What?! Are you mad?!"
"No, more like mildly amused." Conner smirked, and I didn't even bother to corre
ct his misinterpretation of the word mad.
"Sorry Brit, no chickens." Jerry chuckled.
"But-but I-"
"Come on Travis! He probably will just punch you, then it's all over." Alex gigg
With one last glare at Conner, he grumpily got to his feet and reluctantly made
his way over to the older boy. I saw him tap on the senior's shoulder uncertainl
y, and then he said something that was too soft to hear from across the room. Th
e boy laughed loudly, before planting a kiss square on Travis' lips.
We all burst out laughing at how pink his face was when he leaped away and ran b
ack to our circle frantically.
I was laughing so hard that my lungs were starting to ache. The look of pure pan
ic on poor Travis's face was absolutely priceless when that senior kissed him, a
nd I was sure that it would be permanently etched into my brain. No one had actu
ally expected him to be willing to comply to Travis' request.
"That. Never. Happened." Travis said through gritted teeth, his face still beet
The rest of the night, was pretty much a big blur.
But next thing I knew, I woke up and it was the next morning. I was nursing a hu
ge hangover, I felt like I had just been hit by a bus, and I was in the hospital
Dun dun duuun!! Cliffhanger!
Sorry it took so long. :( Had to study for EOCs all last week. (End Of Course Ex
ams) Who's bright idea was to make it 30% of our fianal grade?~
Well anyway, tell me what you think! Was it too cliche? :/ I had a bit of troubl
e with the whole party theme.
I'll try and write the next one a bit faster!

Chapter 19- Just Another Day in the Hospital

For a moment, I just blinked.
But nothing changed. The walls were a blinding white color, that made my head th
rob even more than it already was. I was laying down in a slightly uncomfortable
hospital bed, IV tubes stuck into my arms and a heart monitor beeping steadily
beside me. I had mysteriously changed out of my silver party dress, and into a h
ideous hospital gown with a weird breeze that made me shiver.
Why the hell was I in a hospital?
I looked around, and finally noticed my mom sitting in a plastic chair at the fo
ot of my bed, her head dropped into her hands. The sound of her crying nearly br
oke my heart. I tried to sit up, but any movement made my body sting and burn.
I silently gasped. I guess I could stay laying down for a while then.
"Mom?" My voice croaked, as if I had just gargled with sand.
Her head immediately whipped up to look at me. Her crystal blue eyes were bloods
hot with tears, and her brown hair was a complete mess. She looked as if she had
been sitting here for days. Which brings back the question, why the hell am I i
n a hospital?
"Selena!" The sound of her voice made me flinch. Why was she talking so loud? "O
h my baby!"
"Mom." I croaked again, holding a hand to my aching head.
She clamped a hand over her mouth. "Sorry. Forgot you had a hangover."
Wait, a hangover? Bits and pieces of last night flooded back to me. Ohhhh, the p
arty. Well that certainly explained my massive headache.
"What happened?" I asked in a rough voice.
My mom looked at me with sad eyes. "You got into a fight. Oh sweetie, why didn't
you just tell us? We would have understood!"
"Tell you what? What are you talking about?" My mom started crying again.
Before she could respond though, my dad came into the room. He looked just as ba
d as my mom, if not worse. "Selena!"
I flinched again. Why couldn't they just let me nurse my hangover in silence?
"Thank god you're up! When we get home, we have some serious talking to do." His
expression was a confusing mixture of relief and anger. What happened last nigh
"What-" I was just about to ask, when the door slammed open and Conner strode in
His green eyes were a murkey moss color, which automatically told me that he had
n't slept for a while. He was wearing the same clothes from the party, which I f
ound slightly odd. He stormed in silently before he stopped at the foot of my be
d, staring at me with an intensity that had me shivering.

My parents shared a knowing glance before they both stood up. "I think we'll giv
e you two a minute to talk." My dad called over his shoulder as he led my still
crying mother out of the room and into the hall.
For a minute, Conner and I just started at each other. I saw so many emotions pa
ss over his face that I might have got whiplash. Relief. Joy. Sadness. Betrayal.
Desperation. Anger.
Anger? Was he mad at me?
He was the first to break the silence.
"How could you?"
I blinked, utterly confused out of my mind. "How could I what?"
"You know damn well what!" His angry voice instantly brought tears to my eyes. I
n the full 17 years I've known Conner, I had never seen him this upset, especial
ly at me.
I stayed silent, not quite knowing what to say.
"After all you mean to me, you still go ahead and do- do that! With that piece o
f shit! And that wasn't enough! Then, you go ahead and keep it from me! I though
t we were best friends, but for weeks you've been lying straight to my face!" He
raised his voice, and started to agitatedly pace across the room.
Even though I was terrified to ask the question I had been wondering since I wok
e up, I did anyway. "What did I do?"
Conner stopped in his tracks. He whipped his head over to look at me, looking su
rprised. "You don't know?"
I shook my head, feeling the tears start leaking down across my cheeks. I must h
ave done something awful for Conner to be this upset. He was usually such a care
free guy, that could brush away anything that bothered him.
Conner sighed, running a hand through his hair wearily. He came to kneel down at
my bedside, before he gently took my hand.
"Selena. You had a miscarriage."
It took a moment for my brain to process what he was saying. My eyes locked with
his, trying to find the spark of humor in the green depths of his eyes that wou
ld assure me that he was just pulling my leg.
But his eyes were as dull as my math class.
"What?" I could barely find the words to respond. I had a miscarriage? That woul
d mean"S, you were three weeks pregnant."
The only sound that could be heard was my racing heart beat on the heart monitor
. His words just kept echoing in my head over and over again.
I was three weeks pregnant.
The tears I had been crying fell faster, making my entire face and neck slick an

d wet. I leaned my head back to stare at the ceiling, ignoring the jolt of pain
I felt when I moved my neck. I suddenly realized that though my entire body was
sore, a particular area of me was in much more pain than others.
It couldn't be. I was the good girl with the insane best friend. I got good grad
es, stayed clear from drugs, and babysat my little brother on Friday nights. I w
asn't the girl who got pregnant at 17.
I was looking everywhere but at Conner. Was he mad at me for getting pregnant?
"S." He sighed, pulling his hand away from mine and making me whimper slightly.
"I can't believe you slept with Travis."
My head snapped back to look at him, making me flinch at the sharp movement. "Wh
Conner's sad look instantly turned into a glare. "Well, we were always safe! So
obviously the only other person who could have impregnated you is-"
"I didn't sleep with Travis!" My throat was scratchy as I raised my voice to yel
l at him. "I'm not a slut! You are the only person I have slept with, in the pas
t seven months since I broke up with Charlie!"
"You slept with ass-hat Charlie?" He frowned.
"Seriously Con, this selective hearing thing has got to stop."
Conner continued to glare at me. "Right. We'll talk about that later. But it cou
ldn't have been mine! That's impossible. We always used protection!"
"Well we must have slipped up! So stop freaking accusing me! So congratulations,
you were a father to be!" I yelled, feeling my face grow hot.
Conner's glare was wiped off his face in a flash. It was silent for a moment as
he sat back down in the chair at the foot of my bed. He stared at his hand with
glazed eyes, reminding me of a lost little boy at sea world.
He finally spoke, breaking the silence without looking up from his hands.
"Oh my god. I got my best friend pregnant."
Dun dun dduuuuunnnn!
Gasp! She was pregnant! (though most of you already knew that)
Sooooooo? Did you like it? I really tried not to make it too cliche.
I know it's really short and stuff :/ But I though it was too much drama to make
it longer! Plus, who doesn't love a good cliff hanger?
Tell me what you think! Critisism is welcome, but please don't hurt my feelings
too much if you absoloutely hated it. I know most of you didn't want her to be p
regnant :/
Chapter 20- I Guess One Really Is the Loneliest Number

12 hours, 28 minutes, and 43 seconds.

That's how long I've been staring at the clock , my mother quietly crying at my
bedside next to my father, who was currently looking at everything except me.
That's also how long it's been since Conner left.
I mean, I couldn't exactly say I blamed him for needing some air. After all, he
did just find out that he impregnated his childhood best friend.
But the air in this freaking hospital room was literally suffocating me.
I wanted to just run out the door and skip town, unable to face the discussion w
ith my parents that I knew was just around the corner. But I knew that if I did
that, my mom would probably try to strangle me.
It was a good thing that the ER was just down stairs.
I soft knock at the door made my head whip up anxiously, almost giving me whipla
sh. But instead of Conner being there as I had hoped, Alex and Lilly were nervou
sly waiting at the door, looking uncertain.
"Hi girls." My mom greeted them with a weak smile.
"Hi Mrs.Rider." Lilly smiled politely. "Do you mind if we have a quick word with
Selena? We'll only take a moment."
"Of course dear. We'll just go to the cafeteria for a bite to eat." My mom nodde
d, getting out of her chair and leading my dad out the door. "Selena, honey, if
you need anything just call. Okay? We'll be back soon." She called to me over he
r shoulder as they exited, my father not even looking back at me.
I didn't respond. Alex and Lilly came to sit on either side of my bed. "Hi." Ale
x said, looking uncharacteristically subdued.
"Hey." My voice was still scratchy from crying.
"How are you feeling?" Lilly asked me.
I shrugged. "I'm in the hospital. Can't get much worse."
That made Lilly smile. But Alex was looking dead serious as she took my hand in
hers and asked the question I could practically hear echoing through their brain
"Is it true?"
I hesitated. Should I tell them? They were my friends! If I couldn't trust them,
who could I trust at all?
I mean, besides Conner.
I nodded hesitantly. No one said anything for a moment, and I nervously waited f
or them to ask who the father was.
"I'm sorry about the miscarriage. That bitch was way out of line." Alex huffed t
he last part angrily, looking more like herself again.
"Wait, what bitch?"

They both turned to look at me, surprised. "You don't remember what happened?" L
illy asked.
"Nope, nothing past Travis kissing that dude in truth or dare." I confessed, cra
cking a smile at the memory.
"Wow, you missed everything!" Alex exclaimed. "I mean, Lilly and Tom hooking up,
some guys on the football team skinny dipping in the pool (that was nice), stri
p poker, me and you pole dancing-"
"We did what?"
"Alex." Lilly frowned at her friend. "Maybe we should fill her in on the rest la
Alex rolled her green eyes. "Fine. Well anyway, some bitch who was dressed up li
ke a slutty bunny and was hitting on Conner was totally jealous of you and him,
so she pushed you off of him while you were giving him a lap dance-"
"I did what?"
"-and then threw a plate at you. Next thing we know, she's in a police car and y
ou're in an ambulance. We were so scared! You started screaming and crying and-"
She paused, paling slightly. "There was so much blood. No one was sure where it
was coming from, but it was everywhere. Conner looked just about ready to have
a heart attack when he helped carry you to the ambulance."
I didn't say anything, but vaugely remembered the sounnds of screaming and siren
I was looking up at the ceiling, clutching my stomach as it clenched painfully a
gain. Through my pain, I could here a loud sound ripping through the air, until
I realized it was just me screaming. Conner crouched over me, the blood complete
ly drained for his face as he looked down at me.
"Sir, we're going to have to ask you to move. We have to get her to the hospital
right now."
His jaw clenched as he glanced at me again. "Then what are we waiting for?"
He gently picked me up in his arms, but I still flinched at the movement. He cra
dled my sobbing face to his chest as he quickly jogged outside. I could see that
his arms were now drenched in blood.
Blood? Was he hurt?
I looked down, and realized that it was my blood. That made me cry even harder.
"Conner I'm scared." I sobbed into his shirt.
He didn't respond, but gently stroked his hand over my hair and shushed me.
And that was the last thing I remembered before I blacked out.
I looked back up at Lilly, who was waving a hand in front of my face. "What? Sor
ry, I just zoned out there for a minute."
Alex looked down at her shoes. "Selena, I know you probably won't tell us, but w

ho's the father?"

I didn't respond. There was no way I could tell them about my little arrangement
with my best friend.
Alex sighed. "You don't have to tell us. But, were you- you know, raped?"
My eyes nearly popped out of my head. "What?! No! Of course not!"
They visibly relaxed. "Oh, that's good. Well we'll stay for a little bit. We pro
mised Conner that we would keep you company while he worked double shift at the
country club."
I face palmed. "Right! Our community service started today! I'm so screwed!"
"Well, that's kinda the problem."
I slapped Lilly's arm playfully. "What? Too soon?"
The sound of someone clearing their throat politely made us look up. Standing at
the door, was a sad looking British teenager.
He walked in, his blond hair that was usually neat as hell, was scruffy. He was
wearing the same clothes from the party, and he had dark bags under his eyes.
"You look like hell." Alex stated.
"I feel like hell." He shrugged. "Hey Selena."
I didn't respond. Did he know?
"Yeah, I know." He smiled weakly.
"Did I say that out loud? Crap, I have got to stop doing that." I said, trying t
o change the subject.
A flash of hurt passed over his face, before it quickly disappeared. "It's okay,
you know. I know you two probably didn't mean to-"
"Wait. You know who the father is?" Lilly asked incredulously.
He nodded.
"Who?!" Alex practically yelled.
I sent him a pleading look, silently begging him not to tell them. He avoided my
eye contact, but shook his head sadly. "That's not for me to announce. If she w
ants you to know, she'll tell you herself."
I gave him a grateful smile, but he didn't return it.
"The reason I came here, was actually to say my good byes. I'm moving back to Lo

I know it's short :/ Don't hate me!

I've had non stop finals the last couple weeks, but they're mostly over now! Yay
Sooooo? What did ya think? Not too cheezy right?
Comment, vote, yada yada yada. :)
Chapter 21- Isolation
Later that night, I was still lying in my hospital bed, wide awake.
Lilly and Alex had fallen asleep in their chairs on the other side of the room,
Alex's mouth hanging wide open as she snored loudly. My parents and Travis had l
eft hours ago, leaving the three of us to watch the notebook (again) and eat ice
cream together.
Sighing, I opened my eyes again, finally admitting to myself that I would'nt be
able to fall asleep without him. I grumpily flung off my hospital bed sheets, fr
owning down at the hospital gown I was wearing.
I cautiously put my feet on the cold floor, satisfied when neither of my friends
stirred. I slowly made my way to the door, attempting not to be my usual clumsy
self. When I finally made it into the empty hallway, I started to wander aimles
sly down the endless hospital floor.
Other patients were sleeping in their rooms, exhausted from their long day fille
d with being sick.
As I walked, trying to ignore the obvious breeze hitting my backside, I thought
of my baby. Our baby. Since I had been here, everyone had been politely avoiding
the elephant in the room.
If I hadn't had a miscarriage, I would be carrying a child.
I could barely look after myself, let alone a baby. How could we have raised it
while still going to high school? We probably couldn't have. I had always assume
d that I would get married and have a baby one day, but I never expected to beco
me one of those moms that people, even me, always frowned upon.
Someone who got knocked up, and couldn't even raise the child.
I soon found myself on a balcony, overlooking the night time lights of the city
below. Cars were still driving up and down the streets, business as usual. A bil
lion little stars dotted the clear sky, leaving me breathless as I gazed at them
. A cool wind made me shiver, but after being locked up in that stuffy hospital
room since the accident, I found it rather refreshing.
I got drunk and lost the baby. I was such a cliche teen mom.
Since the accident, none of my brothers had attempted to visit me in the hospita
l, though I knew my parents had told them what happened. Were they ashamed of me
Little Sandy would have been an uncle. Even though he probably wouldn't understa

nd my situation fully, the twins certainly would. They probably thought they wer
e the ones who were the most likely to irresponsibly have a child, but their bab
y sister beat them to the punch.
I knew it would only worsen my heartache, but I found myself imagining what my b
aby would have been like. Would he or she have looked like me? No, if anything,
I would have wanted them to look like Conner.
Dark hair, unfathomable green eyes, and a disarming smile.
"I though I might find you here."
I didn't have to turn around to recognize Conner's voice. I made no move to resp
ond as he walked towards me.
He stopped right next to me, his shoulder softly brushing mine as his green gaze
flickered across the night sky. He was obviously waiting for me to respond, but
I couldn't quite find my voice to do so. Instead, I leaned my head on his shoul
der, silently praying that he wouldn't pull away.
When he didn't, I instantly felt myself relax. "You mad?"
He turned his head away from the sky to give me a skeptical look. "What for?"
I couldn't meet his searching gaze. "For getting pregnant."
He wrenched himself away from me like I was on fire, and I instantly felt my hea
rt plummet. Maybe I had spoken too soon.
But instead of withdrawing from me as I had expected him to, he grabbed me firml
y by the shoulders and looked me dead in the eyes, his green eyes flashing wildl
"Now you listen here, and listen good. This, is not your fault. I was the one wh
o knocked you up, so this is all my fault. Don't you blame yourself for even a s
econd." His voice was firm and unwavering, but I still couldn't believe him.
"I-I should have noticed the signs-"
"The-the morning sickness, the dizziness. God, the mood swings!" I interrupted,
feeling the realization dawn on me.
"Hold on now-"
"I'm such an idiot! I should have-"
"Selena!" Conner grabbed my face in his hands, forcing me to look at him.
"I'm your best friend." He spoke softly, wiping away the tears I hadn't realized
I had been crying, away with his thumbs. "You're my top priority. Always have b
een, an always will be. It was my responsibility to look out for you."
I didn't respond as he went on, looking into my eyes sincerely.
"You just don't get it S."
I sniffed. "Get what?" My voice croaked unattractively.

He smiled softly at me, looking at me with such adoration.

"All these years, and you were the only one who couldn't see it. S, you're my wo
rld, my everything. I care more about you than anyone I've ever met."
I smiled shakily at him, feeling my cheeks heat up. "And I feel the same way abo
ut you Con. You're my best friend."
He shook his head fondly at me. "No, that's not it."
What did he mean by that? Was he implying that I didn't care about him as much a
s he cared about me?
But before I could ask, he said something that made my heart stop in its tracks.
"Selena Rider, I am so completely in love with you that I can barely stand it. A
nd you can't even see it."
sooooooo? I know its a little short, but its mushyness makes up for it i guess!
Soryy bout the wait, my computer broke! :( im currently writing this on my ipod.
What did ya think? :)
Authors Note!
Hey guys! Sorry to say, this is not another chapter :/
As of now, my computer is completely shit. Seriously, point of no return shitty.
So for the past few weeks, I've been writing on my ipod.
Which by the way, is extremely difficult.
So the next chapter may take a little while. Sorry!
Well, I'll try my best to write the next chapter before next week. Kay, thanks f
or readin!
Chapter 22- Frozen
I couldn't move.
It was as if my brain had just frozen. I could still see and hear things around
me, but I couldn't seem to make my body respond.
Everything in my head seemed to vanish into thin air, letting Conner's words ech
o through my mind as reality itself started to blur into nothingness.
He didn't just love me, he was in love with me.
I stood there gaping at him, my mouth physically dropped open and unable to do a
nything but watch as he ran a hand nervously through his hair. His face flushed
pink, and he seemed to be looking at everything except me.
But even completely mortified, he kept going.

"Just let me get this out of my system, then you can scream and run away. I just
can't stay bottled up forever, or I'm going to explode." He started up with his
anxious pacing habit, looking intently at the floor.
"Okay. Here goes nothing." he let out a deep breath, looking on the verge of a m
ental breakdown.
He didn't so much as glance up to see my reaction, and he didn't stop pacing as
he went on. "You were 3, I had just turned 4. My parents moved into the neighbor
hood to start up a business with my mom's college roommate, aka your mom. We had
just rang your doorbell, and I was clutching my mother's leg so tightly that sh
e claimed it turned purple for a few minutes. Your mom answered the door, huggin
g my parents, and I spotted you right behind her."
He paused his pacing to stare absentmindedly at the ground, his expression softe
ning as he recalled the memory with an unexpected fondness."Your dark hair was i
n pigtails, and you were wearing that white dress your dad had gotten you for Ch
ristmas. You-"
He seemed to snap out of his daze, finally turning to look at me. The distressed
, glowing emerald of his irises were changing along with his emotions, transitio
ning into a soft green that was so light, it would have been considered baby blu
e from a distance. "You looked like an angel. My own personal angel, sent down f
rom heaven just for me."
He was looking at me with such endearment and fondness, that my cheeks flushed p
ink and my heart started racing in my chest. And when his lips started to lift i
nto a small half-smile, I was almost certain that I would merely implode from th
e inside.
The thought that he had remembered us meeting for the first time, an event so ob
scurely distant that I couldn't even recall it in the slightest, thoroughly fasc
inated me.
"You remembered that?" I somehow managed to find my voice, but it barely came ou
t as a whisper.
"I don't think I could forget if I wanted to." He chuckled darkly. "In that mome
nt, I had never wanted anyone or anything more. That was the moment I realized t
hat-that you were my forever." He stumbled out as he started walking towards me
uncertainly, his usually confident demeanor completely gone without a trace.
And seeing him in such a state of obvious longing and desperation, nearly broke
my heart.
I hate to admit it, but my eyes had started to water. I'm such a wuss.
I closed my eyes, ignoring the burn of tears sting my eyes and just listening to
the smooth sound of his voice as he approached me.
"And after that, you were even more amazing than I could have imagined. You're s
mart, funny, a terrible liar, sarcastic, a pathetic athlete, and so incredibly b
eautiful, and you can't even see it. You're so perfect that sometimes it hurts j
ust looking at you, and I love you so much sometimes that it scares the shit out
of me." He broke off, and I heard him stop right in front of me.
He was so close that I could practically feel the heat of his skin on me, making
me itch with the urge to reach out and touch him. "And you never told me?" I br
eathed, my eyes still firmly shut and refusing to release tears.

"I couldn't risk losing you." He said quietly, his warm breath fanning over my l
ips and making me shiver.
My heart wrenched in my chest. "So what? You were just going to live on as my be
st friend, watching me eventually get married and start a family with someone el
My body jolted as he suddenly reached out a hand to grasp my chin, his thumbs br
ushing away the tears on my cheeks that had shamefully escaped me. My eyes invol
untarily fluttered open, and I found myself greedily drinking in the sight of Co
nner's familiar, sincere face.
"It would be worth it, as long as I had you, and you were happy."
And that was the moment I realized that I had loved him all along.
Before I could chicken out I grabbed his face firmly in my hands, and roughly pu
lled his lips to mine, meeting his lips in a shell-shocking kiss that altered th
e universe and made my brain melt.
Sorry it's a little short, and it took me quite a while to write!
Hope its not to cheezy and cliche! But tell me wat ya think!
Chapter 23- Confessions
Kissing him at that moment, was probably the most reckless thing I had ever done
, easily surpassing each and every time we had gotten arrested.
I could tell that I had taken him by surprise, but after a moment his lips were
moving to kiss me back.
Now of course, I have already kissed Conner more times than I could count. The b
oy had serious skill. But not once had it felt quite like this.
Normally, shocks and sparks would be running up and down my spine, making me fee
l more alive than ever. Whenever we got together, it was positively erotic, expl
osive even. Then like clockwork, the fireworks would go off in the back of my mi
But this was a new sensation entirely.
Because even though the sparks and fireworks were still there, they were nothing
compared to the mind numbing kiss we were sharing right now.
His hands slipped around to hold my waist, pulling me tighter as he kissed me sl
owly, all sense of urgency gone. It was as if time had stopped, and we had all t
he time in the world.
I pulled away for a mere second, and his lips moved to fill the space between us
again. Just before he kissed me again, I whispered "I love you too", against hi
s lips. His grip on me tightened and his kisses grew more insistent.
I slid my hand down from his cheeks to wrap them around his neck, my fingers tug
ging at the back of his dark hair. I felt him smile against my lips as he simply
held me in his arms.
And to think, he's been right under my nose the whole time.
All too soon, he pulled his lips away from me, resting his forehead on mine. I c
ould barely see his face in the dim lighting, but his green eyes were lit up lik
e a Christmas tree.
"What took you so long?"
I rolled my eyes. Glad to see some things stayed the same.

"Way to kill the mood."

"What? I deserve some comedic relief. The whole friends with benefits arrangemen
t was hell." He gave me a cheeky grin.
"I didn't mind it too much." I teased, my lips tugging up into a grin.
That earned me an eye roll. "Well that's probably because you weren't hopelessly
in love with me."
My grin grew as he reminded me that he loved me. My best friend, who knew me bet
ter than any living soul, flaws and all, and loved me anyways.
"Plus, I'm amazing in bed. Ow!" He complained as I slapped the back of his head.
"You just couldn't resist, could you?" You'd think that after he confessed his u
ndying love to me, he would at least hold off on the inappropriate commentary. B
ut I guess he wouldn't be Conner if he did.
"You love it really." His cocky smirk reappeared onto his face.
Yeah, I really do.
"So." I nervously played with the hair on the back of his head, my arms still wr
apped around his neck. "Where does that leave us?"
Immediately, the grin slipped from his face and his expression turned serious. I
f this had happened a week ago, I would have found his 'down to business' side a
complete turn on, maybe even a bit comical. And a part of me still did. But now
it also made me slightly nervous, like I knew something big was happening.
It was like I saw him in a whole new light.
"Well that's up to you, I guess." He replied, snapping me out of my daze.
I hesitated. What did I want? Now that was the million dollar question.
"I-I want to be with you." I admitted to him.
He nodded, moving to give me a swift peck that sent my heart racing. "Me too. Bu
t should we... Tell anyone?"
I tilted my head to the side, signalling that I wasn't following. "Why not? What
is there to hide if we're dating?"
"How bout the fact that I got you pregnant, before we were even dating?" I could
n't help but notice that he looked away from me as he said 'pregnant'.
"That's a pretty good point."
Our heads whipped around at the sound of someone else speaking from the doorway.
My eyes narrowed in annoyance at the sight of a calm looking Jerry leaning in th
e doorway, his arms crossed over his chest and a gleam in his blue eyes. He seem
ed to be around at all the wrong moments.
"What are you doing here?" I glared at him, angry at him for interupting us. Aga
in. "The hospital has a strict 'no tools allowed' policy."
He held a hand to his heart, attempting to look hurt. "Ouch."
But Conner didn't seem to mind his presence, judging from the amused smirk on hi
s lips. "Hey man. What are you doing here?"
I sighed, realizing that the two boys becoming buddies was not a drunk hallucina
tion, as they moved forward to do that weird man-shake/fist bump.
"Tom wanted to come check up on his girl." Jerry answered, a matching smirk cros
sing his face. "So I was right then? C-man, you were the daddy?"
I gave him a dry look. "C-man? Really?"
Conner ignored me as he nodded to his drunk buddy. "Yeah. But keep it on the dow
n low, kay J-man?"
"That one's even worse than C-man." Once again, the boys ignored me.
"Wow man, you really fucked up this time, dude." Jerry gave him a sympathetic lo
Wait, Jerry? Sympathetic? They must be closer than I thought.
"I know." Conner glanced at me quickly, and I caught the guilty look in his eyes
."I did."
I grabbed his hand, entwining our fingers together. "We did." I emphasized the '
we'. There was no way he would take all the blame.
"But mostly me." He said to Jerry, while looking intently at me.
"It takes two to tango." I squeezed his hand tighter, but he didn't seem to noti
"Unless you have an imaginary friend." He shot back stubbornly.
I rolled my eyes at his childish behaviour. "You're impossible."

"Well then you're possible!"

"That doesn't even make any sense!"
"Well then-"
"Wow." Jerry interupted our argument, smirking. "You two really are made for eac
h other."
My face flushed red, and I tried to pull my hand away from Conner's. But his gri
p tightened, stubbornly holding my hand in his.
"Well." I relaxed my hand, before yanking my hand away when his grip relaxed. "I
'm going back to bed."
Before I could protest, Conner swooped down to give me a lingering kiss. When he
pulled away, my face darkened even more as I saw Jerry's smug smirk grow.
"Night Con." I mumbled, before hurrying back inside.
I can't believe he actually kissed me in front of Jerry!
But the kiss still replayed over and over again in my head as I walked back thro
ugh the deserted hallways and back into my room.
Alex and Lilly were still sound asleep, except now Tom was sleeping there too, a
t the floor of Lilly's chair. His head was tilted back to rest on Lilly's stomac
h, since she was laying sideways in it, with her legs stretched out across Alex'
s lap.
My friends were so cute!
I tiptoed back to my bed, and no one stirred as I climbed back under the covers.
A .smile tugged at my lips as I remembered Conner's confession, until I finally
dozed off, picturing his smile against my lips as he kissed me ever so tenderly
----------/--/--------Hey! Sorry its another short one :/
Im working on it! Plus, my ipod is irritating me to no end.
Watcha think?! Personally, i rather like jerry. Hes got spunk.
Any questions? Comments? Advice? Predictions? Im all ears! :)
Chapter 24- Awkward Moments
I really hated waking up in a hospital.
First off, there was this constant stench in the air. To me, it smelt like a str
ange combination of urine and fluoride.
And don't even get me started on the criminal hospital food.
Also, you should know that hospital rooms are by no means private property. Mean
ing, as long as you weren't dying, anyone from doctors to guests could pretty mu
ch walk in and out of your room whenever they felt like it.
It might as well be a public playground right now, because my idiotic brothers w
ere currently running around the room screaming at the tops of their lungs.
Not the best wake up call I've ever had.
"Could you guys be any louder? It's not like we're in a hospital full of sick pe
ople trying to sleep or anything." My voice dripped with sarcasm, and I couldn't
help but roll my eyes.
At once, they all froze in their spots, their heads whipping around to look at m
And then I was being crushed by two large teenage boys and a seven year old. The

y literally just leaped on top of my bed and squished me.

Normally, this would be considered an expected occurrence. But they seemed to ha
ve forgotten that I was in the hospital for a reason.
Immediately, a sharp pain shot up from my hips, and I let out a loud hiss as I g
ritted my teeth together. I guess I wasn't completely healed yet.
Sam and Stanton must have noticed my pain though, because they practically jumpe
d off my bed, dragging Sandy off a moment later.
"Ummm... Oops?" Sam gave me a cheeky grin.
"What are you guys even doing here?" I asked, when the pain slowly faded away.
"Why we came to visit our favorite sister of course!" Stanton answered, while th
e other two started nodding like bobble heads in an earthquake.
"I'm your only sister."
"Exactly!" Sam's threw his hands in the air, nearly knocking over Sandy in the p
I hesitated, slightly shocked that they weren't completely pissed at me for almo
st becoming a teen mom. My uber over protective brothers hardly let me talk to b
oys, let alone sleep with them. Maybe they didn't know?
"Mom told us." Sam said lightly, not looking too bothered.
"What?" I asked cautiously. Every time I saw her, my Mom constantly tried to avo
id the 'm word'. But she told my brothers that I had a miscarriage? Maybe she st
retched the truth? There was no way"We're sorry you lost the baby."
My gut wrenched a little in my stomach. Well that answers that question. "You're
not mad?" My voice was barely a whisper.
"Nah." Stanton shrugged. "It's not your fault some dickhead-" Sam slapped his ha
nd over his twins mouth, his eyes wide as he glanced down at a very confused loo
king Sandy.
"What?" Sandy asked, looking up at Sam.
"Errrrrr, nothing Sandman." He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, and if
we weren't in a hospital I probably would have burst into hysterics.
"Annnnyway," Stanton peeled his brothers hand off of his mouth, nervously glanci
ng at Sandy as he thought of what to say. "It's not like you knew about it until
the, uhhh, incident. Accidents happen."
"That's what Mommy said about when she had you two." Sandy grinned, and this tim
e I really did burst out laughing.
And though it stung my throat a little, if felt really good.
"Haha, very funny." Sam crossed his arms over his chest, pouting like a two year
old at me, while Stanton snorted. Sam turned on his brother, looking indignant.
"Hey bro! We were a package deal! We're in this together!"

"But-" He was interrupted when the door suddenly swung open. I involuntarily smi
led, expecting to see Conner standing in the doorway. But my grin immediately sl
ipped from my face when my dad calmly walked into the room, looking heartbreakin
gly indifferent.
"Boys." He nodded at them, showing no expression. Sensing something was off, the
y stayed silent and looked down at the ground.
He had to teach me that trick.
"Selena." The coolness of his tone made me flinch, though he didn't notice since
he was to busy inspecting the window.
"Errrrrr.... Bye!" "See ya!" The twins left in a hurry, dragging a reluctant San
dy in tow.
When the door closed, my father made no move to look at me. I couldn't say I bla
med him really. It's not every day that your baby girl almost has a baby of her
Freaking defective condoms.
"I'm sorry." The words escape my mouth before I can stop them, and I feel my eye
s start to water. Not even caring of how much of a wuss I was being, I continued
running my mouth. "I never meant to! It was an accident! We were always safe, b
The words caught in my throat, as he finally turned to look at me. And he looked
pissed. I gulped, unsure of how to respond. I couldn't really come out and say
'Oh my best friend impregnated me. Probably in my room while you were at the mov
He moved to sit in the chair close to my bed, looking at me seriously. I couldn'
t help but squirm under his harsh gaze.
"So you are seeing this" He folded his arms over his chest. "boy?"
But I was saved from answering when the door swung open again, and Conner stroll
ed in cheerfully.
"Hey there! Why is Sam dressed as a doctor and hitting on a nurse?" He stopped s
hort when he saw my dad sitting with me.
I almost laughed at the irony of the situation. There we were, my dad grilling m
e about the baby daddy, when Conner walks in. And my dad doesn't even blink. He
probably would accuse the mayor before my best friend.
Talk about awkward.
"Errrrr... Hi Mr.Rider." Conner said, breaking the silence and shuffling his fee
"Hi son." My father sighed, and I flinched at the word son. Did that make us inc
est? "Well I better go check on the boys, before Sam gets a patient killed."
My father stood up again, glancing at me one last time before heading to the doo

r. But at the doorway, he turned back to look at Conner.

"Try and talk some sense into her."
When he left, Conner walked over to me, looking thoughtful. "Sense? Selena? Hmmm
m.... I don't think it's possible."
I rolled my eyes, a grin instantly appearing on my face. He edged closer still,
a cocky smirk gracing his lips.
"Well," He continued, inching closer until I could feel his breath on my lips. "
I guess I have to at least try."
He closed the gap between us, kissing me softly. I kissed him back eagerly, my h
ands moving through the shock of raven hair on his head. He expertly licked at m
y bottom lip, and I willingly opened my mouth to deepen the kiss. My brain fogge
d over, and as he ran his hands up and down my sides I didn't even care that we
were making out in a hospital. And though I'd kissed him countless times before,
this was still 10 times better.
Because I knew he meant it.
When he pulled back, I let out a small whimper, making his smirk grow larger. He
rested his forehead on mine, catching his breath.
"Morning beautiful." My heart skipped a beat at the sound of his husky voice.
And the moment was so incredibly perfect, that I didn't notice the people standi
ng in the doorway with their mouths agape, until someone cleared their throat.
Aww shit.
Have I mentioned how much I hate hospitals?
I know they're kinda getting shorter... Sorry! My iPod sucks.
Who do you think is at the door? :)
Let me know what you think!!!
Chapter 25- Exposed
My head jerked back at the sound of the voice in the doorway, my fists clenching
as I slowly turned my head to see the speaker.
My eyes widened as I saw them. I opened my mouth to speak, but Conner beat me to
the punch.
The fiery red head looked absolutely shell shocked, her green eyes so wide I was
afraid that they would fall right out.

"Oh my god! Oh my god, oh my god! Tom! Are you seeing what I'm seeing, or have I
finally lost it?" She said, not taking her gaze off of me and Conner.
Tom shifted on his feet next to her, his gaze looking down at the ground.
"Tom?" Alex turned to him after he didn't respond.
"Errrr, well...."
"Don't tell me you knew before I did!"
"Well Jerry and I-" Tom started, looking guilty.
"What?!" She turned to me, marching angrily up to my bedside. "You told blond an
d blonder before your best friends?!"
"Hey!" Tom complained.
"Shut it blonder! Well?" She stared at me expectantly.
I gulped. "Well what?"
She rolled her eyes at me. "How long?"
I turned to Conner, and he gave me an encouraging nod, an amused look in his eye
. He was actually entertained by watching me get yelled at!
Oh he was so going to get it.
"A year and a half." The words tumbled out of my mouth before I could stop them.
"A year and a half?! Well I expected you two to fall in love eventually, but you
're so oblivious I hadn't expected this for at least another year!" She crossed
her hands over her chest grumpily, and I saw Tom crack a smile at her theatrics.
"And why wasn't I informed of you two dating?" She went on.
Conner and I shared a glance. I silently begged him with my eyes to explain, unw
illing to be beaten to death with a whatever was in the room.
"Errr, well, thet's just it." Conner cleared his throat. "We only just started d
The room became silent as Alex processed his words. But all to soon, the confusi
on on her face vanished as she understood.
"No. Freaking. Way."
I gulped again, preparing myself to die.
"Selena you naughty girl!"
My jaw dropped, and the guys started to laugh hysterically. I should have expect
ed this from her. After all, this was the same Alex that had me wasted and pole
dancing at a party.
"Wow! You got with that hot ass of a boy- no offence." She winked playfully at C

"None taken." He shrugged.

"And didn't tell me all the yummy details!" She continued, a gleam in her eyes.
"Alex!" My cheeks reddened, and Tom was now laughing so hard that he was brought
down to his knees.
"So? How was he? Is he as good as everyone thinks?" She came to sit next to me o
n my bed, looking at me expectantly like a child waiting to be told a bedtime st
"Oh my god this is so not happening." I buried my face in my hands.
"What is so not happening?"
At the sound of a new voice, everyone froze. Tom immediately shot to his feet as
Lilly walked into the room, looking at us questioningly.
"Nothing!" Alex and I answered together.
She looked at us suspiciously, and for a moment I thought that she might dig dee
per until Tom wrapped her in his arms.
Her face automatically brightened, and her smile was so brilliant that it was al
most blinding me. "Hi Tom."
"Hi Lillypad." He smiled back goofily, earning a giggle from her.
"Ugh. Kill me now." Alex int erupted them, pretending to gag. Lilly only rolled
her eyes.
Alex turned to me. "They've been all loveydovey since the party. It's sickening.
Conner chuckled, making my heart involuntarily skip a beat. That boy would serio
usly be the death of me.
"Jealous?" Tom teased her, his arms still around Lilly's waist.
"As if." Alex snorted. "I can still have hot hate sex with random strangers."
"Umm is this a bad time?" A doctor walked in, a clipboard in hand. He must have
heard Alex's proclamation though, because he was looking at her like she was cra
"Uhhhh, no sir." Conner chimed in, still smiling from Alex's words. "We were jus
t leaving."
Alex hopped off my bed, her cheeks flushed pink as the doctor eyes her. As she h
urried to the door, he stopped her with a hand on her arm.
"There is a better way." He told her, looking sympathetic.
Lilly burst out laughing as Alex wrenched her arm away and sprinted out of the r
oom at full speed. That was probably the fastest I've ever seen her run!
Tom guided Lilly out after her, Lilly still laughing. She was never going to let
that one go.
Conner gave me a small peck on the cheek, before giving me a dazzling smile and

making his way to the exit. "See you later S."

The doctor turned back to me, looking disappointed and muttering to himself. "Ki
ds these days."
He had no idea.
"So Miss Rider." He smiled at me, pushing up his glasses. "I have good news. You
r recovery has gone splendidly! And though you won't be fully healed for months,
you will be free to go home by this evening."
I almost couldn't contain the smile that broke onto my face. I could leave this
wretched prison!!!
"However. You should not be participating in any drastic physical activity-" I c
ould definitely handle that. "including sexually activity."
That was going to be more of a challenge.
If I thought Conner had been delicious before I knew he was on love with me, I w
as going to have some serious trouble keeping my hands off him now that we were
Sorry for the wait! But I have bad news.
It starts on Monday.
Which means, I will probably have even less free time to spare than usual. But f
ear not! I will not surrender so easily.
Tell me watcha think!
Chapter 26- The Homecoming
"Mom! For the last time, I'm fine!" I complained, pulling away from her again.
"Are you sure? I mean-" She fretted, looking around for anything potentially dan
gerous that could injure me. I've been home for approximately five minutes, and
I was already being fussed over.
"Mom! I'm laying down in my room! How does that require any assistance what so e
ver?" I asked, flopping back down onto my bed with a sigh.
"Okay, okay." She pursed her lips. "Fine. Just call me if you need anything? Oka
I nodded, restraining myself from rolling my eyes up at the ceiling. "I have Con
ner here, remember?"
"Oh right!" She sounded relieved, and I felt another stab of guilt. "Well in tha
t case, I'm taking the boys to that fair ground they've been begging to go to."
She smiled, all traces of worry gone in an instant.
I nodded as she turned around and practically skipped out of the door. "Bye swee
tie! Have fun!"
I swear, she trusts Conner more than she trusted the hospital staff.

"Hey." Conner walked in, smiling widely with his hands stuffed into his pockets.
"Why does your mom look high?"
I sat up, shaking my head. "You don't wanna know."
He shrugged, still smiling as he made his way over to my bed.
The very thought of him and me on my bed again, together, made my body start to
tingle. I tried to ward off all thoughts of my attraction towards him, since sex
was off limits for a while.
Plus, the last time we had done it I was pregnant with his child.
But I couldn't help but drool at the sight of him. He looked ravishing in a whit
e fitted t-shirt and sweatpants. Simple, yet sexy.
I still had yet to find out how he looked so damn good in everything he wore. I
usually took around ten minutes to pick out my outfits, and on the other hand I'
m pretty sure he just throws on whatever he can find in his closet.
So, unfair.
"So." He smiled, turning his cheek to the side expectantly.
I giggled as I leaned in to kiss his cheek, only to have him turn his head at th
e last minute so I caught his lips instead. But he pulled away all too soon, a s
mug grin plastered to his face.
And here comes the perverted comment....
"Wow Selena. If you really wanted a kiss all you had to do was ask."
I smacked his arm, rolling my eyes. Same old Conner.
"Woah there! Save that for after our first date!" He said cheekily, raising his
eyebrows suggestively.
"Pig." I commented, before freezing when my brain fully processed his words. "Wa
it. Is that your subtle way of asking me out on a date?"
"Maaaybe." He smirked, green eyes twinkling mischievously.
"Well then." I crossed my arms over my chest, and smiled wider when his grin fal
tered. "You're going to have to try a little harder then that."
His smirk dropped completely, replaced with a frown. "Please?"
I snorted, trying to look preoccupied with inspecting my nails.
He sighed dramatically, before standing up to walk over to the window. Before I
could ask where he was going, he had closed my curtains shut, blocking out the a
fternoon dusk light. The room immediately went dark, the only light coming from
the light in the hallway filtering in through the open door.
He made his way back to me, his face completely serious. I swallowed nervously a
s he kneeled down at my bedside, looking up at me with such genuine adoration. A
ll thoughts of trying to appear unconcerned vanished as I lost my ability to thi
nk properly.
"Selena Rider." He started, his eyes not straying away from my face.
"Yes?" My voice came out as more of a squeak.
"Will you do me the honor of accompanying me on a date?'
"What is this, senior prom?"
He gave me a bland look as my sarcastic response completely ruined the moment. "
Is that a yes?"
"Yeah, it's a yes." I laughed. "Jeez, this is like an episode of One Tree Hill o
r something."
"Only you Selena. Only you." He said, shaking his head as he stood back up and b
rushed himself off.
"What did I do?" I asked, struggling to wipe the smile off my face.
"You killed the moment."
"Did not!" I said defensively, crossing my arms over my chest even though I knew
he was right.
"You completely shredded it, then threw it off a cliff." He continued, trying an
d failing to look sour.
"Then brought it back to life again, and pushed it down a well." He interrupted
"No one said anything about a well-"
"And then you set it on fire." He added.
"How can you set something in a well, on fire?" I asked.

"Maybe the well was empty!" He countered.

"Maybe your brain is empty."
"Hey! I'll have you know-"
I cut him off by grabbing the front of his shirt and smashing his lips to mine.
He responded immediately, moving his hands to grab my hips and pull me closer. M
y heart raced in my chest as his lips moved in perfect harmony with mine, like t
wo pieces of a puzzle.
My arms went to wrap around his neck, my fingers lightly tugging at his hair, ca
using him to moan huskily. I shivered at the sound, my mouth moving from his lip
s down to kiss the spot just under his jaw.
He physically tensed as I kissed him there, his fingers tightening on my waist a
s he let out another moan.
Looks like I finally found his weak spot.
I was so caught up in the moment, that I when I remembered what my doctor had to
ld me I nearly jumped away from him, backing up on my bed until I hit the head b
He sat there, panting and looking confused at my response. "What's wrong?" I gul
ped at the lust clearly visible in his eyes.
"Sorry." I gulped. "Doctors orders."
He stood up suddenly, slapping a hand to his head. "Oh god! I completely forgot!
" He looked at me guiltily. "Sorry."
"Don't be." I shrugged, trying to force my breathing to return back to normal.
"I, umm." He started to back up from the bed, looking a little embarrassed. "Bet
ter go take a shower."
I felt a little guilty when I realized that I had left him turned on. "That's pr
obably a good idea. I'm just going to get ready for bed."
He nodded, before quickly speed walking to the bathroom and shutting the door be
hind him.
Ten minutes later I was in my pajamas. I was wearing another over sized t-shirt
that belonged to Conner, and I had opted for shorts underneath to save the poor
boy from more temptation.
Conner walked back out of the bathroom in his sweatpants, drying off his wet hai
r with a towel. "Hey."
"Hi there." I smiled at him as he ditched the towel on my floor and joined me.
I snuggled deeper under the covers, feeling satisfied when I felt a pair of hand
s snake around my waist and pull me into a firm chest.
I sighed happily, letting my head rest on Conner's warm chest with his arm still
resting on my hips.
Neither of us spoke, but there was a kind of silent understanding in the air. Sa
tisfaction. Being completely content with just each others company. No words nec
And the moment was perfect.
I closed my eyes, letting the steady sounds of Conner's heart beat lull me to sl
The next morning was hell.
The usual Monday morning was going on around me, kids screaming and frantically
running around, mom yelling from the kitchen, and Conner running around getting
ready for school.
And then there was me. Sitting on my bed in my pajamas, watching it all happen.
I saw Sandy run down the hall in a pair of roller blades, Sam right on his tail
running at full speed.
Downstairs, it sounds like Mom had made the fatal mistake of letting Stanton hel
p with breakfast, and it was definitely going wrong.
Meanwhile, back in the only non-insane room in the house, Conner was slipping on
his shirt while struggling to slide on his favorite green converses.
Since I had just been released from the hospital yesterday, I wasn't supposed to
be going back to school until tomorrow. Something about resting, or something.

I couldn't really concentrate on what the doctor had said before I had left, Con
ner's hand was resting on my thigh.
I watched as he struggled to multi-task, letting out a small chuckle.
"Come here." I told him, finally deciding to help the poor kid out.
He stopped to look up at me, before straightening up and following my command. I
moved towards the edge of my bed to straighten out his shirt so he didn't look
like he was jumped on the way to school.
He smiled gratefully at me as he easily put on his shoes. When he straightened b
ack up, I looked thoughtfully at his hair, before using a hand to tussle it a li
"Perfect." I smiled.
"Thanks S." He grinned, swooping in for a swift kiss before he rushed for the do
or. "Gotta go! I'm already late for class!"
"That's what happens when you don't set the alarm Con."
He stopped at the door way, before looking over his shoulder with a crooked grin
. "I love you."
Somehow, the extra 'I' before the usual 'love you', made the entire statement te
n times better. It felt...
More sincere.
"I love you too, Con." I responded back with a love sick smile of my own.
He gave me a sly wink before he was out of sight, making my heart skip a beat.
That boy was going to be the end of me.
Imagine watching paint dry.
Now times that boring activity by 30, and you'll get my entire day until school
was over.
I did literally nothing for hours. The boys had gone out to do something stupid
and reckless, and my parents had gone to lunch shortly after.
So it was just me, and the paint on the wall.
Heck, I would probably have rather gone to school than sit here doing squat all
day. In fact, I was excited to go back to school tomorrow, to catch up on all my
missed math homework and have people whispering rumors about what had happened
for me to have been dragged out of a high school party in an ambulance.
From what Alex has told me, I had made quite an impression.
And I was also excited to see the bitch who had thrown a plate at me and killed
my baby. So I could introduce my fist to her face.
That is, if she has been released from jail.
I was sitting on the couch, staring up at the ceiling when Conner had came home
from school. As soon as the door opened, I had jumped up and tackled him to the
ground, wrapping my arms and legs around him.
"Conner!!" I cheered loudly.
He looked at me like I was insane, which I might have been after several hours o
f isolation. "Uhhh, hi? Can you maybe get off of me?"
Unbothered, I hugged him tighter, smiling so big I thought my face might break.
He chuckled from under me. "Miss me much?"
I looked up at his cocky face to give him a playful scowl. "As if. I'm just glad
someone's here to save me from boredom."
He pouted, and my scowl broke into smile involuntarily. I leaned up to give him
a lingering kiss, savoring the exquisite feeling of his lips on mine. When I pul
led away, his frown had instantly transformed into a wide smile.
"Much better."
Guess what?!
My computer is back!!!!
Hence the slightly longer than normal chapter, and the use of italics and/or SPE
I know, I know. It's still kinda short. But I'm working on it, I swear!
And sorry about the wait, I had my first week of school. Gross.

Oh one more thing! I'm currently looking for a new cover for this story! Yayy!
So if you have anything, I would really appreciate the help. I might even dedica
te a chapter to you! Well, if you wanted.
Well, tell me what you think?
Authors note!
Hey guys!
And I know what your thinking, and no, I didn't finish two chapters in one day.
Just asking if you liked the new cover! I think it's freaking awesome personally
, but what do you think?
What can I say? I'm a people pleaser.
Special thanks to k3ls3y!
I will be dedicating the next chapter to you. Well, as soon as O get around to w
riting it...
I am still accepting new covers for the future though :) because quite honestly
I suck at making them.
Anyway, thanks for all the support!
Until next time!
Chapter 27- Business as Usual
As I stepped out of Conner's car the next day, and looked around as everyone sta
rted to whisper and point at me, it hit me like a freight train.
What the hell had I been thinking?
I realized too late that returning back to school was a huge mistake.
A protective arm slung casually over my shoulder as Conner gently began to lead
me inside. People didn't even bother to pretend not to be talking about me as I
passed, not that I could really blame them. The last time I had been seen, I was
completely wasted and being hauled away in an ambulance.
"Selena!!" I was nearly knocked off balance as a whirlwind of red hair tackled m
e out of Conner's grasp.
"Hey Alex." I smiled nervously at her, noticing that everyone was still staring
at me like I was the new kid, even though I had been here just last week.
Alex must have noticed my glance, because in a second she was turned towards the
crowd, a fierce scowl on her pretty face. "What?!"
Everyone grew silent as Alex's voice rang out loudly across the parking lot. Aft
er a short moment of silence, everyone was speed walking in the opposite directi
on, glancing over their shoulders nervously.
Conner's laughter made my heart race as he turned back to Alex, an appreciative

smile gracing his features. "Nice."

She shrugged, smiling back as she linked her arm in mine. "Well what are we wait
ing for? Time to face your demons lover girl."
Conner nodded in agreement, liking his arm with my free one. And suddenly, I kne
w they were right.
It didn't matter that I was going to be the gossip of the school. I had my best
friends, and the greatest boyfriend in the world by my side.
And with my newly boosted confidence, I lifted my chin and led them inside.
And like all things, what goes up must come down.
By lunch time, the curious gossip was starting to get to me. A couple of girls h
ad actually had the nerve and ask me to confirm what had gone down at the twin's
Before they were promptly told off by Alex.
I don't think I had ever been more grateful for her and Lilly.
Lilly was currently sitting by my side, holding hands with Tom. On my other side
, Conner's hand was holding my hand beneath the table, resting on my lap. And fi
nally, on the other side of the table Jerry and Alex were arguing.
It was like I was never gone.
"Are you freaking kidding me? There is no way that One Direction is gay!" Alex s
aid firmly, crossing her arms over her chest.
"Uhhh, have you seen their hair? No straight guy would spend that much time on t
heir hair." Jerry countered.
Alex snorted. "As if your hair is naturally so perfect! You're just jealous beca
use they are drop dead, mouth wateringly sexy!"
"As if!-"
Alex cut him off again. "And don't you even think about saying that they're not
good looking! On my most lick-able list, they might even be before Selena's godl
y of twin brothers!" She turned to me. "No offence."
"None taken?"
"But they aren't even that good looking!" Jerry protested, his eyes narrowed.
Alex rolled her eyes again. "Are you kidding me? The things I would do to those
boys wouldn't be legal in some countries-"
"Okay then!" Conner cut in, thankfully. Those two could keep on arguing even if
they were on the sinking titanic together. "Instead of arguing, lets just have a
tie breaker and spare my ears."
"Fine." Jerry agreed. "Girls?" He turned to Lilly first.
"Nope, I agree with Alex. Those guys are hot a hell." She smiled, licking her li
ps over dramatically.
Beside her, Tom pouted. "But not as hot as me, right?"
Lilly only giggled, patting his cheek lightly. "Sorry Tommy."
"Oh barf." Jerry scrunched up his nose in distaste at their flirting, before tur
ning to me. "What about you Selena?"
"I agree with them of course. They're all ridiculously attractive." I admitted.
I felt Conner lean down to whisper in my ear as Alex and Jerry started back up w
ith their argument, Jerry clearly not accepting defeat. Meanwhile, Lilly and Tom
were still flirting.
"But not as ridiculously attractive as me, right?" His warm breath tickled my ea
r, causing me to shiver.
I had to bite my lip to keep from moaning as he moved his lips down to place a k
iss on the hollow of my ear.
"Not here Con." I managed to breathe out, even though I really didn't want him t
o stop. There were already a ton of people gossiping about me, I didn't need to
give them another reason to talk.
He sighed, before grudgingly pulling away, frowning. I giggled as his puppy dog
face, before turning my head back to the rest of the table. I realized that Alex
and Jerry had stopped arguing long enough to catch our little exchange, and now
both had smug smirks on their faces.
Luckily enough, Lilly and Tom were still flirting, Lilly moving to ruffle Tom's
golden hair.

But before Jerry could open his mouth and make a no-doubt perverted comment, I f
elt a hand tap on my shoulder.
I turned, and immediately wished I hadn't, as Mrs.Concon glared down at me.
"Hey bitch." She smirked with her overly coated in lipstick lips.
Alex and Lilly stood up, making all eyes turn towards us as they gave her death
"I missed you over the weekend." She pouted. "I'm sorry you couldn't stay for th
e rest of the party, it was really such a blast."
Now, even Jerry looked pissed. "How would you know? You were hauled off in a cop
car, if I remember correctly."
WOW. Was Jerry actually standing up for me?
"Not my fault she can't take a hit." She shrugged, inspecting her red nails.
My blood ran cold as her words hit me. "YOU."
I stood up, not even caring that everyone was watching as I stood nose to nose w
ith her. My stomach churned with hate, and it must have shown because she took a
nervous step back.
"Selena." Conner said softly, resting a hand on my shoulder. "She's not worth it
I had to physically restrain myself from leaping on her like an animal and rippi
ng her limb from limb, knowing he was right. Suspension wasn't exactly on my buc
ket list right now. But I couldn't seem to let go with what she had done.
She killed my unborn baby.
She must have taken my hesitation as a sign of defeat, because as everyone quiet
ed down to watch us, she seemed to regain her confidence.
"Yeah that's right. Walk away. Glad to see you've finally learned your lesson."
And that was the last straw.
In an instant I had flung myself at her, knocking her to the ground with an angr
y yell.
She let out a squeak as I we fell, bringing her hands up to block her face. But
ignoring her hands, I brought up all thoughts of my unborn baby, and swung my fi
st as hard as I could, hitting her square in the face.
Feeling satisfied when she screamed, I punched her again. And again. And again.
Releasing all the rage I had contained in me, letting it all out with each swing
at her ugly face.
Until finally, Conner had managed to drag me off of her, where she jumped onto h
er hands and knees and began to speed crawl away like a little toddler.
The crowd around us stopped cheering as she turned around to face me, her face t
inting red and purple with bruises, under her make up. "You-you bitch!"
"If that's the best you can do, you should seriously reconsider your role as a m
ean girl." Lilly snorted, crossing her arms over her chest.
"Why-why you-" She stumbled uneasily to her feet. "Rot in hell!"
I was lucky that Conner was still holding me, because I'm pretty sure I would ha
ve kicked the shit out of her.
But Alex beat me to the punch, literally, as she strolled up to her and decked h
er across the face. She dropped like a rock, and the crowd of watchers cheered.
"What is going on here?" The sound of a teacher had everyone scrambling away.
"And that's our cue to scram!" Alex yelped, grabbing me and Conner and dragging
us away.
"Nice hit." Conner smiled, kissing the top of my head as we ran.
I laughed, feeling most of my angry emotions flood away. Punching people can be
rather therapeutic, actually. Plus, it was way cheaper than a psychiatrist.
Finally we turned a corner and stopped, panting heavily. I could still hear the
distant sounds of the teacher yelling at people to stop running.
"Selena, you are officially my new hero." Tom told me, giving me a high five.
"Danm girl! That was hot!" Jeryy told me, still slightly out of breath. Conner r
olled his eyes, slapping the back of his head. "Ow!"
"Selli." Lilly started, bringing me in for a hug. "That was awesome!"
"Awesome?" Alex snorted. "Try freaking amazing! I have wanted an excuse to hit t
hat girl since the first day of school!"
The four of them continued their conversation, talking about how exciting that w

as. Meanwhile, Conner pulled me in for a hug, wrapping his arms securely around
my waist.
"They're right you know." He said softly. "You are amazing."
My heart beat faster in my chest involuntarily. "Why thank you."
I noticed Alex give us a knowing glance, before leading everyone back down the h
all so we could be alone.
Remind me to send her a thnank you card later.
He frowned as he took one of my hands and looked at it. For the first time, I no
ticed the start of bruises forming on my knuckles.
"I'm fine." I sighed, pulling my hands away to hug him back. Trust him to be wor
ried about me after I just beat someone up.
"I love you." He told me, looking me straight in the eye.
"I love you too." I told him honestly, leaning up to give him heart-breakingly a
mazing kiss.
And for the first time that day, I was glad to be back.
I have decided that if I finish this story by next month, I might nominate it fo
r the Watty Awards!!
Now don't worry, I would totally write a sequel for cutting it off so short. I'l
l need to see if I can wrap it up fast enough....But what do you guys think?
There have been an awful lot of great stories this year....
I won't enter it unless you guys think it's a good idea.. so let me know asap! I
have to finish it by October 31!
Well anyways, sorry this took so long, I've been a little preoccupied with my ed
Plus, in case you haven't noticed, I went back over all the chapters and used sp
ell-check. It has come to the recent attention of my fans, that I had been missp
elling Britain wrong this entire time.
My bad!
One more thing, any suggestions for who should play Tom & Jerry?
And once again, I am still looking for banners, covers, and suggestions from my
wonderful readers :)
That would be youuu.
Tell me what ya think? It's kind of a filler chapter....
Chapter 28- Date Disasters
I worriedly glanced at my clock again, but it still said 6:30.
Dammit I was running out of time!
I turned back to my closet, ripping through the clothes to find something to wea
r on my first date with Conner.
I mean sure, we went out all the time together. But never as a 'couple'. And I w
as determined to blow his socks off and look amazing.
Well, if I could find something to wear that is.
I pulled out shirt after shirt, and dress after dress, until I was staring blank
ly at the wall of my now completely empty closet.
I groaned, pulling at my hair in frustration. If this kept up, I would end up ha
ving to go on my date butt naked.

"Hey Sele- WOAH."

I turned to see Sam walk into my room, stopping short to gape at the humongous p
ile of clothing that had accumulated on my floor. That was going to be hell clea
ning up.
"What happened in here? Hurricane Selena struck again?" He asked, starting to ca
refully make his way around the mountain of clothes towards me. "I'm pretty sure
this pile is so huge you could see it from space."
"I don't have time for the usual sibling banter Sam! I need something to wear!"
I groaned, starting to look over the pile of clothes again.
"Ahhhh!" Sandy screamed as he ran in at full speed, not slowing down as he hurdl
ed into my clothes pile and was buried in clothes.
"Sandy you come back here! I know you- WOAH." Stanton stopped short in the doorw
ay, his mouth dropping open.
"Hey that's what I said!" Sam chuckled.
"I didn't know this much clothes even existed!" Stanton said, looking up at it a
s he approached us.
I slapped a hand to my head. Trust my brothers to make me even later than I alre
ady was. "Guys! Get out! I need to find something to wear!"
"Fine, I just need to find Sandy. And I have a pretty good idea where he's hidin
g." Stanton said, eyeing up the clothes pile in search of our younger brother.
"Here." I turned to look as Sam crouched down to pick something from the pile. "
Wear this." He handed me a ruffled, dark blue dress that cut off mid-thigh. My j
aw dropped.
"It's perfect!" I snatched it from him, clutching it tightly to my chest.
"You're welcome." Sam chuckled, crossing his arms over his chest.
"Where are you even going?" Stanton asked, not looking up at me as he continued
to prod through the clothes mountain with a tennis racket.
I gulped, but luckily I had already come up with a cover story as to my whereabo
uts. "It's a Friday night. I'm just going to a party."
"Oooooh a party." Sam wiggled his eyebrows at me. "Maybe we should tag along."
"No!" His eyebrows raised, and I realized that I had answered way too quickly. "
I mean, it's an invite only party. I'm going with Conner."
Sam rolled his eyes, pushing his brown hair off his face. "Whatever. We were goi
ng to go and sneak into that new club downtown anyways."
"Sam, you're not 21."
"Emphasis on 'sneak into'."He replied easily, sending me his award winning smile
that had flocks of girls swooning over him.
Of course.
"I hope you realize that your plan is so not going to work." I said, crossing my

arms over my chest.

"You'll see." He said, a glint in his blue eyes.
As soon as he finished speaking, Sandy burst out of the pile of clothes, tacklin
g a very surprised looking Stanton to the ground with a screech. The tennis rack
et was knocked out of his hand, and in an instant Sandy was on his feet again, r
acing out of the room screaming.
"Hey! I said no sneak attacks!" Stanton yelled after him, getting to his feet an
d rushing out of the room.
I had the strangest brothers.
"Well, I better go help out my idiot twin brother." Sam sighed, beginning to pic
k his way to the door. "Now go get changed."
I nearly punched myself when I realized that I was still running late. "Right! G
otta go!"
I rushed into the bathroom, quickly changing into the dress. I let out a relieve
d sigh when I realized that it fit me perfectly. I went to work on my make-up, d
eciding to leave my hair in it's long, natural waves.
Just as I had finished, a knock on my bedroom door sounded. I finished right on
"Hey S, you ready to go- WOAH." I rolled my eyes as Conner spotted my clothes pi
"Is that just the boy generic response to seeing a ridiculously large pile of gi
rl clothing." I said, exiting the bathroom to meet him.
I could have drooled at how good he looked. A white dress shirt rolled up to his
elbows, over a pair of dark jeans.
"You done?" He teased, catching my stare.
"Nope." I said, popping the 'p' and continuing to take my time looking over him.
He chuckled, moving forwards to wrap his arms loosely around my waist. "Well you
look stunning." My cheeks flushed, and I leaned up to give him a kiss on the ch
eek to draw attention away from my blushing face.
He pouted down at me playfully. "Can I have a real kiss now?"
I giggled, shaking my head. "Maybe after our date. If you're lucky."
His frown transformed into a smirk. "Well, good thing I'm a pretty lucky guy."
I rolled my eyes, finally pulling out of his hold to start for the door.
"So." He said, close behind me. "What happened to your closet?"
"You know, just a closet malfunction." I responded as we started down the stairs
"Your mom is so going to kill you." He told me, and I knew he was right.

"Well, she can kill me after our date then." I smiled at him as we reached the f
ront door. "Mom! I'm going to a party with Conner!" I yelled up the stairs.
"Okay honey!" She yelled back from somewhere upstairs. "Have fun and stay safe!
I'm just going to put your laundry in your- SELENA RIDER!" I cursed under my bre
ath, realizing that she probably just walked into my room.
"Bye Mom I love you!" I said quickly, hurriedly dragging Conner outside and sla
mming the door shut.
"Hurry!" I pulled my laughing boyfriend along with me towards the car, hurriedly
getting in the shotgun seat. As Conner sat in the drivers seat, still laughing
at my misfortune, I glanced back at the front door, expecting my mom to crash th
rough the doors like a monster at any given second.
"Drive!" I urged Conner.
And with a chuckle, he started the car and began to drive us to our first date.
"Wow." I breathed as I got out of the car, staring at the scene in front of me
in awe.
"Come on." Conner said with a hint of laughter in his voice, taking my hand and
leading me onto the deserted beach.
I let him guide me to the picnic blanket, my eyes transfixed on the perfect suns
et setting over the ocean.
I sat down on the blanket, looking around at the picnic basket and the candles a
nd feeling my eyes start to water. "You did all of this for me?"
Conner smiled. "You only get one first date, right? Do you like it?"
"I love it." I answered honestly. A soft breeze brushed through Conner's dark ha
ir, and I fought the urge to run my fingers through it. That would be an awkward
start to a first date, huh?
Conner started to take out the food from the basket, and I laughed when he broug
ht out a plastic container of sushi.
Another benefit of dating your best friend: they already know all of your likes
and dislikes.
"So how am I doing so far?" He asked, handing me a pair of chopsticks.
"Perfect." I said, already digging into my sushi. He chuckled, grabbing one from
the plate and popping it into his mouth.
By the time we had finished eating, the sun was sinking out of sight in the hori
zon. In the dim light, I watched as Conner stood on his feet, dusting the sand o
ff of him before making his way over to me.
Before I could react, he had slung me over his shoulder.

I squealed, beating on his back with my fists as he leisurely made his way to th
e water. "Conner! Put me down if you want to live!"
"No can do S." He laughed at my feeble attempts to get free. I could tell that w
e were nearing the ocean by the sounds of the waves lapping on the shore.
"Con! I really like this dress!" I pouted, even though I knew he couldn't see my
"Oh! Why didn't you say so!" I let out a relieved sigh as he put me down, before
he yanked his shirt off and threw it into the sand. I watched in shock as he pu
lled off his jeans, leaving him in only his boxers.
But while I had been staring at his bare chest, I was too distracted to notice t
hat Conner had started to grab my dress until it was over my head and discarded
in the sand.
"Hey!" I said, crossing my arms instinctively over my bra. He didn't respond, on
ly slung me back over his shoulder and continued down the beach. "That wasn't wh
at I meant!"
"Right," He stopped suddenly. I looked down, and gulped nervously when I noticed
that Conner was up to his thighs in water. "Now where were we? Oh right, now I
And suddenly, I was thrown into the water. I screamed as I was submerged in the
cool salty water. When I stood back up gasping like a fish, Conner was laughing
his ass off, bent over and clutching at his stomach.
"Your-your face!" He laughed, barely able to get out the words. I glared at him,
stomping towards him and slapping his arm.
"That wasn't funny!" I grumbled. "But this is!"
With a giggle I wrapped my arms tightly around his waist, before leaning back. C
aught off guard, Conner couldn't manage to stop us from falling into the water.
This time, I was laughing as Conner came back up. But I stopped short when I saw
the devious smirk on his lips. And in an instant, I knew I was in trouble.
"See ya!" I called over my shoulder as I started to run through the water.
"Oh no you don't!" Splashing told me that Conner was close on my tail.
In case you didn't already know, running in water is like, ten times harder than
running on land. And I wasn't particularly good at either.
Conner on the other hand, was a star athlete. And actually ran on a regular basi
s. So naturally, Conner had caught up to me in seconds.
Darn my slowness.
I squeaked as his arms wrapped securely around my stomach, pulling me back into
his chest. "Gotcha." His breath tickled my ear, and I shivered.
"Lucky me." I said back, a little shakily, causing him to chuckle again.
"Nope. Lucky me." He said as he turned me around to face him. And as his lips le
aned in to touch mine, I didn't hesitate to kiss him like there was no tomorrow.


"You are so not lucky anymore."

Conner groaned at my comment, trying to start up his car again. The engine let o
ut a loud gurgling sound, before falling silent again.
"Now I'm no car expert, but I'm pretty sure cars aren't supposed to make that no
ise." Conner shot me a bland look.
I hugged Conner's shirt tighter around my wet body as he tried again, trying to
fight off the wind. it was a pleasant wind when we were dry, but now that the su
n was completely gone and we were soaking wet, it felt like a bucket of ice wate
Since I may or may not have accidentally fell on top of my dress as I had gotten
out of the water, I was now wearing Conner's dress shirt and a pair of his swea
tpants that he had found in the trunk of his car, to cover my soaking wet underg
Poor Conner though, was only wearing his jeans. Even in the dark I could see the
goosebumps on his arms.
After another failed attempt to start his car, he stood up with a sigh. "I don't
suppose you have your phone on you."
"No. I left it at home in case my mom tried to call me and make me clean my room
." I groaned. Conner ran a hand over his face, before grabbing the spare sleepin
g bag he keeps in his trunk and the picnic blanket.
"You up for a camping trip?" He said with fake enthusiasm.
I looked around for a moment. There were no people in sight, and the nearest bui
lding had to be miles away. "I guess we don't really have any other options."
It was a tight fit, but we had somehow managed to crawl into the sleeping bag to
gether. I curled up on his chest as Conner pulled the blanket over us. My body w
as snug against his in the tight sleeping bag, keeping me completely warm.
Man, this was comfier than my bed.
"Now you stay on your side of the sleeping bag." I teased him, feeling him laugh
under me.
"That might be problematic S." He mumbled, making my smile grow even larger. His
hand snaked around my waist, pulling me tighter to him.
It was odd. Even though we were alone on a dark, deserted beach, I felt perfectl
y at ease with Conner around.
"How did I do?" Conner asked.
"Four and a half stars. I deducted points for not bringing your cellphone and le
aving us stranded at the beach."
I yawned, feeling my eyes suddenly start to grow heavy. "Goodnight Selena." Conn
er said softly in my ear.

"Night Concon." I said, my eyelids starting to flutter shut.

"Don't call me that." I heard, right before I fell asleep.

Was that a quick upload or what?

Truthfully, I was going to write this up on Saturday. But I'm going out of town
tomorow until Monday, so I figured I should just get this out of the way!
Sooooo? What did you think?
I know, it's borderline cliche. But what can I say? I'm a hopeless romantic at h
eart. I guess.
Tell me what you think! And don't forget to vote for mine when voting for the Wa
tty Awards!
Well, only if you like it I guess.
Until next time!
Chapter 29- Double Trouble
If you've ever been awakened by being repeatedly poked in the head by a police o
fficer holding a stick the morning after your first date with your best friend
on the middle of a deserted beach, you would know that it isn't very pleasant.
Though chances are, you haven't.
I groaned, wearily opening my eyes to see the group of cops staring down at us.
For a moment, I just stared at them, silently wondering whether I was dreaming o
r I had seriously lost it.
"Excuse me m'am? We're going to have to ask you to come with us."
Nope, I was definitely awake.
Still bleary from sleep, I managed to unzip the sleeping bag and sit up. Looking
around, I remembered that after our car wouldn't start, we had eventually crash
ed on the beach in a sleeping bag. And sure enough, when I turned around Conner
was still sleeping next to me.
He was almost so adorable asleep, that I didn't want to wake him. But I don't th
ink the police would agree with me too much.
So instead, I brought my hand back and whacked him in the chest as hard as I cou
"Ow!" He immediately jolted awake, sitting up and looking around wildly. His gaz
e stopped to glare at me, before widening as he spotted the officers behind me.
"Uhhhh, hi?"

"Sir, you and your girlfriend are going to have to come down town with us." The
first police officer told him gravely.
Man, it was way too early in the morning to get arrested.
"What? Why?" Conner asked, his voice still rough with sleep.
"Hey it's you two!" One of the cops stepped forward, and I recognized him as one
of the goons who had arrested us earlier this year. Oh great, what were the odd
"You know these punks, O'reiley?" The leader asked.
"Yeah Peters! That's Selena and Conner!"
Right in front of my eyes, the fully grown police officers started to gossip lik
e teenage girls, whispering to each other and glancing at us with wide eyes.
"That's them?"
"No way!"
"They look pretty harmless.."
"Harmless? They're dangerous criminals!"
I cleared my throat, uncertainly standing up only to have half of the men bring
out their taizors and point them at me like scared kittens.
"Easy now!" Conner immediately stepped in, moving in front of me. "We're not res
isting! Drop the weapons please!"
After a nod from Peters, who must have been the leader, they uncertainly lowered
their weapons, though most of them still carried them in their hands.
"Now." I said, moving to stand beside him. "What, exactly, have we done?"
Peters cleared his throat. "Well, you were trespassing on private property."
I could have slapped myself. No wonder the beach was practically deserted, it wa
s a private beach! Someone lived her for pete's sake! If I had woken up to see t
wo strangers sleeping on my front lawn, I probably would have called the cops to
I groaned. It was way to early in the morning to be arrested.
I slowly turned to Conner, bringing out my most murderous glare. "You didn't thi
nk to check if this beach was private property?" I asked harshly, causing Conner
and half of the cops to flinch.
"Ummm." Conner said nervously, moving an arm to scratch the back of his head. "W
I flung myself at him, prepared to tackle him to the ground. But lucky for him,
two of the cops had rushed forward to restrain me. He backed away, holding up hi
s hands in surrender.
"Conner when we get out of jail I am so gonna get you!"
"Move along now, before we have to restrain you." Peters said, snapping cuffs on

to Conner's wrist.
He frowned, rubbing at his wrists as one of the scared kitten cops gingerly guid
ed him towards the road, a couple other cops trailing behind cautiously.
"I got it." I snapped at one of the cops who had attempted to cuff me as well, c
ausing him to drop the cuffs and back away quickly.
Rolling my eyes, I picked up the handcuffs and carefully put them on, making sur
e I had enough room to stay comfortable.
You'd think that we were serial killers or something by the way these guys acted
. I mean sure, I could see how they could see Conner as a threat, he was like a
head taller than me after all. But I was barely 5' 3, not exactly criminal worth
Not bothering to wait for the police officers, I headed in the direction the oth
ers had went. I spotted a small house that had been covered by trees, not even t
wenty feet from the beach.
Outside the door, an older couple were staring at me with wide eyes, the older m
an holding the women protectively.
"Don't worry mam!" I couldn't help but call to them. "We're not really criminals
- Ow!" I yelped as one of the cops nudged me with a stick from behind.
I turned to glare at him, making him flinch and back away behind the lead cop, w
ho only rolled his eyes.
"For the last time! We didn't know that this was private property!" I heard Conn
er complain from up ahead.
I looked up to see Conner being shoved into the back of a police car, complainin
g the whole time.
Atta boy.
I shuffled in next to him, not feeling the need to stick around and be forced in
As the cops closed the door and started to argue anxiously outside about who wou
ld have to drive us back to the station, he leaned in to whisper in my ear, his
warm breath fanning over my skin and giving me goosebumps.
"You look beautiful in handcuffs by the way."
I looked at him carefully, trying to decide if he was serious or if he was makin
g some sort of sex reference. Knowing him, it very well could be a perverted com
Before I could decide though, a pair of cops sat in the front seat, including th
e guy from last time, O'reiley, riding shotgun, and Peters in the drivers seat.
Muttering what sounded like "Bunch of wimps. Some cops they are. They're just te
enagers for gods sake.", the lead cop started the car.
"Nice to see you two again." The other cop turned to smirk at us. "So much for s
taying out of trouble, eh?"
I snapped my teeth at him. "Bite me."

I had been woken up at the crack of dawn for this? I definitely had the right to
bitch a little. The two in the front seat didn't respond, only chuckling slight
ly as we pulled out into the street.
"I'll do it!" Conner grinned, raising up his cuffed hands over his head like a l
ittle kid.
Rolling my eyes, I swung my arms around to whack him with both of my restrained
hands, hitting him square in the shoulder.
"Ow!" He said, rubbing at his arm. "Man! This is just like the last time we got
arrested!" He complained, shuffling away from me to his side of the car.
For the first time that day, I couldn't help but let out a small giggle. I leane
d over to give him a quick kiss on the cheek, instantly making him grin.
"Here's the part where you give me a real kiss, right?"
Only he would say that while we were being arrested. "Uh, I don't think so."
"What? No way!"
"Why not?"
"Con, we're in the back of a police car." I reasoned with him, glancing to see o
f the cops were watching us. They were. Like we were in a tennis match.
"And?" He pressed stubbornly.
"What do you mean and?" I asked incredulously. Men. "Now is not the time, not th
e place for that!"
"So? That didn't stop you when we were in the girls bathroom during school, and" I slapped my hands over his mouth, feeling my eyes go wide and my cheeks flush
I looked up front to see that we were stopped at a red light, and the two police
men were staring at me.
"I thought I told you never to mention that again, Con." I said through my teeth
"Djeiudfkj." I forgot to take my hands off of his mouth. I hurriedly placed them
back in my lap, my cheeks still tinged dark pink.
I looked up to see that the officers were still staring at me, even though the l
ight had already changed green.
"What?" I snapped. They turned back around, avoiding eye contact as Peters conti
nued to drive us to the station.
Law enforcement these days.


Grumbling to myself, I stormed into the police station angrily, and I could almo
st feel the dark clouds thundering above my head.
People who passed me backed away, walking in another direction quickly with thei
r heads down. Even the cops kept their distance, scared that if I snapped I woul
d pounce again.
Conner on the other hand, looked a little amused by my misery, turning his head
away from me to hide the small smirk on his lips.
Some boyfriend he was!
I marched down the hall, heading towards the interrogation room where I knew Da
ve would be waiting for us.
I didn't bother waiting for Conner as I let myself into the interrogation room.
Sure enough, Dave had been expecting us. He sat in one of the two metal chairs t
hat was facing away from the one sided glass, dressed in his usual dark suit wit
h his hands folded on top of the table.
"Hi Dave." I said glumly, plopping into the remaining chair opposite of him.
"Okay, there's absolutely no way you got arrested on your own. Where's Conner?"
He asked, looking around the room.
Turns out, I didn't even have to answer. Conner could be heard complaining in th
e hallway. "These damn handcuffs are completely shitty! Have you ever considered
replacing them with like, duct tape or something?"
There was a pause as one of the police officers answered him, and if I wasn't ha
ndcuffed I probably would have face palmed.
"So what? Kidnappers use it all the time, and it always seems to do the trick fo
r them!" He defended himself.
I had to stop him before the poor officer taized him.
"Conner!" I called through the open door. "Get your sorry ass in here!"
I could hear him sigh. "Women." He muttered, and another cop chuckled in agreeme
nt. "Coming dear!"
A few seconds later, he walked through the open doorway, shutting the big metal
door behind him.
"Hey Dave." He gave Dave a dazzling smile, before looking around the room questi
oningly. "Where do I sit?"
"Sorry kid, we're in a recession. It was either chairs, or doughnuts." Dave shru
gged, the hint of a grin on his face.
Conner shrugged, looking unbothered. "Kay. I guess I'll sit with Sele-"
"You will do no such thing." I cut him off, still a little mad at him for gettin
g us arrested in the first place. "You can sit on the floor."
He pouted at me, but was smart enough not to argue. He trudging over with his fa
ce downcast, and plopped onto the ground next to where I was sitting.

At the sight of him pouting on the ground and looking adorable, all my previous
irritation seemed to vanish. I felt a smile work its way onto my face as I let o
ut a giggle.
"Good boy." I said playfully, patting his head.
He looked up at me, his green eyes seeming to sparkle even in the dimly lit inte
rrogation room. My breath caught in my throat as his eyes caught mine, holding m
y gaze for what seemed like an eternity but was actually only about 15 seconds.
"Now then." Dave cleared his throat, breaking the moment and making us turn back
towards him. "What did you two rascals do this time?"
I stared pointedly at Conner, and he gave us a sheepish grin. "Fell asleep on pr
ivate property."
Dave stared at us for a moment, looking back and forth between us as if he was w
aiting for a punchline. When he didn't get one, his eyes nearly popped out. "Tha
t's it? No vandalism? No public disturbance? No food fights in grocery stores?"
"That was one time!" Conner protested.
"Wow." Dave said, laughing slightly and ignoring Conner's previous comment. "How
refreshing! You two didn't knowingly break any laws!"
"Yes." I grumbled to myself, starting to rub at my handcuffs as my wrists starte
d to hurt. "Shocking. Now can you get these retched torture cuffs off me?"
Dave only laughed, moving to reach in his pocket and pull out the keys, before u
nlocking us both. Red marks had appeared on my wrists, and I frowned. Maybe duct
tape wasn't such a bad idea after all...
"Now go wait in the holding cells while I write up your paperwork." Dave said, s
tanding up and calmly exiting the room and leaving the door open behind him.
Conner helped me to my feet, before guiding me out of the room and down the hall
. Cops seemed to gice us weary glances as we walked by.
I frowned as a younger man even backed away a couple of steps. Did they reaaly t
hink that we were that bad? Sure, Conner comes up with the World's most fun and
idiotic 'field trips', but no one ever really got hurt in the process.
So why was everyone always staring at us like we were escaped convicts?
"Do they hurt?" Conner asked, breaking me out of my thoughts. I turned to see hi
m looking down at my wrists, a concerned expression on his handsome face.
"A little." I admitted, instinctively moving to clutch them to my stomach.
We had stopped in front of our holding cell. He gently took my hand, bringing it
closer to his face to look at my wrist. My heart went into overdrive as he lean
ed down to place a soft kiss on the inside of my wrist.
"We'll put some ice on them when we get back home." He said softly, before leadi
ng me inside our cell and sitting us down on the creaky wooden bench.
I nodded in reply, before resting my head on his shoulder and closing my eyes.
It was strange. Even in jail, Conner seemed to make everything more bearable.


Tada! I know, my track record hasn't been to good, but I'm determined to write t
his thing!
I'm getting ready to wrap up book one, but fear not! I see a sequel in the near
future ;)
kay guys, here where I need you assistance. How should I end the story?
Any ideas?
Cause I'm seriously coming up with nada.
Cause I gotta finish it by the end of next month....
So, please. I'm begging. Leave any suggestions in the comment box, or you can me
ssage me, or whatever.
Also, looking for a cool new cover! So pretty pleaseeee? Use the artistic talent
that went to everyone else except me!
Chapter 30- Jaw-Dropper
I groaned, snuggling deeper into the smelly leather seats and hugging my arms cl
oser to my chest in an attempt to stay warm.
"Selena! Wake up!" I could vaguely hear Conner's voice, but was too exhausted to
By the time we had been released from jail, it was only around noon. But I had b
arely gotten five hours of sleep last night before we had been arrested.
Needless to say, I really needed my beauty rest.
"Selena! You're scaring the taxi driver!" He whisper yelled in my ear, reminding
me that his car was still in the shop for repairs.
"Uhhh, sir?" An unfamiliar voice sounded from the front seat. "I'm going to have
to ask you to leave."
"I know, I know." Conner sighed, before I was pulled into a warm set of arms.
Even though my mind was still groggy with sleep, I could imagine Conner's begrud
ging expression as he gave up on any chance of me waking up.
I sighed contently as pleasantly warm tingles shot through my body, bringing my

arms up around his neck and snuggling my head into the crook of his neck.
"Thank you sir." The voice sounded a little gruff. "You teenagers should really
consider sleeping at night, instead of-"
"Yeah, have a nice day." Conner interrupted him, his chest vibrating as he spoke
I heard him slam to car door shut. He started to walk, me still cradled in his a
rms half-conscious.
"S, it's only one in the afternoon." He grumbled. "Now is not the time to hibern
Even though I was only half-awake, I still heard him.
"Ow!" He jumped as I pinched the skin on his neck where my hands were resting. "
I guess I had that one coming."
I smiled lightly as he carried me to my house, I finally fell asleep. Listening
to the steady sound of his breathing.


It was around six pm when I finally woke up.

Sitting up, I looked around to see that I was lying in my bed, Conner still dozi
ng right beside me.
I looked down at his adorable expression, his face relaxed and his hair all over
the place. His arms had been wrapped securely around my waist, until I wriggled
out of them and stood up.
Conner must have changed me into my pajamas, which I was more than thankful for.
There was probably still sand in my dress.
My hair felt disgusting though, and I had no doubt that I had enough sand near m
y scalp to build a small sandcastle.
I made my way to the bathroom, wasting no time in removing my comfy pj's and hop
ping in the shower.
The warm water pounded on my back, instantly cleaning away all the extra sand an
d grime from my skin.
I thought back to my first date with Conner. How it was so cliche and perfect it
nearly broke my heart.
And even though in the end we had to sleep on the beach, and then got arrested,
I still considered the event a success.
After all, it was impossible to go somewhere with the boy and not get into a lit
tle trouble.

After I had finished washing myself, I was a little reluctant to get out of the
warm water and dry off. But at the sound of a loud crash coming from downstairs,
I knew it was probably for the best.
Rolling my eyes and silently cursing my idiotic brothers, I got out and quickly
wrapped a towel around me.
I grabbed my pajamas and walked out of the bathroom, seeing that Conner was stil
l fast asleep in my bed. Deciding to let the poor boy sleep a little longer, I c
hanged back into my pajamas and hurried downstairs at the sound of another crash
Well, it was safe to say the parents had stepped out.
I followed the sounds of yelling to the kitchen. My eyes widened as I ducked jus
t in time to avoid a jet of water from soaking me.
I glared at Sam, who gave me an apologetic shrug and a smile before turning back
to his twin and squirting his water gun at his face.
"Hey!" Stanton complained, his face and hair drenched as he glared at Sam. He li
fted his own water gun, aiming it at back at his brother.
Sam was quick to dive out of the way, but poor Sandy was caught off guard as the
water sprayed him straight in the back of his head.
Sandy yelped, before running over to hide behind me, one small water pistol in e
ach hand. I giggled as Sandy clutched at the back of my shirt, peeking out to wa
tch as Sam and Stanton shoot at each other, missing and soaking the walls and ca
"Mom is so going to murder you guys." I informed them.
"Totally worth it!" Sam cheered as he aimed another round at Stanton.
"Tag team Sissy?" Sandy asked me, handing him one of his water guns with a wide
smile that showed off his dimpled cheeks.
Hmmmm... Was destroying the kitchen and soaking my brothers really worth facing
the wrath of Mom?
I returned the smile, taking one of the water pistols.
"Charge!" Sandy yelled, his brown hair sticking to the sides of his face as ran
back into the battle. I followed close behind, relieved that I had changed into
pajamas as Stanton managed to spray my shoulder.
I returned fire, laughing as Stanton slipped and hit the ground when I had got h
is face.
"Lucky shot!" He complained, rubbing at his eyes.
I rolled my eyes, walking over to stand above him. "Lucky shot my ass."
I took no time to shoot at the top of his head and soak his scruffy brown hair.
He shook out his head like a dog, making water go everywhere. He shot me a look
through narrowed blue eyes as I laughed at him.
"I wouldn't be laughing just yet, Sellbells. Turn around."

I froze at the sound of Sam's voice, coming from right behind me. Stanton smirke
d as he got to his feet, dramatically aiming his gun at me.
How exactly, was I going to get out of this mess?
Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Sandy looking on nervously, peering out
from behind the fridge.
"Now!" Sam yelled.
Acting quickly, I instantly hit the deck as the two sprayed at where I had been
standing. But since I had dropped down, they really ended up just spraying each
Sandy instantly burst out laughing as the twins glared at me, water dripping fro
m both their faces onto the floor.
"What did I miss?"
Everyone turned at the sound of Conner's voice. He was looking quite amused, wat
ching from the doorway with his arms crossed over his chest.
"Oh nothing." I said, standing up and dusting myself off. "Just me and Sandy kic
king the senior citizen twin's butts."
"We're only a year older!" Sam argued.
I laughed, finally looking around to assess the damage done to the kitchen.
Every inch of the walls and cabinets were soaked, though luckily the oven had av
oided most of the water. The entire ground was covered in at least half and inch
of water, and even the ceiling was wet.
Mom was so going to freak.
I glanced at the clock next to the fridge. It was 6:40, and I had no doubt that
my parents would be home for dinner at 7.
I grabbed Sandy's little hand, dragging him upstairs and calling over my shoulde
r. "I'll clean up the kid! You guys start drying the fridge!"
Surprisingly, they didn't complain.
When we had made it to Sandy's room, I tossed him a stray towel from the floor.
His room was a typical boy room, blue walls, green bed, red furniture, and compl
etely mismatching. Clothes and toys littered the green carpeted floor, and it sm
elled slightly of potato chips.
If you though this was bad, you should see Sam's room.
Sandy dried himself off as I looked around for clean pajamas. I handed him a pai
r of spider man pj's, and he took them without complaint.
He shifted on his feet nervously, looking down at the ground.
"What?" I asked him, noticing his change in demeanor.

"You have to go." He muttered, still facing the ground.

"Cause I have to change, and you're a girl." It was almost a whisper, and I had
to restrain myself from giggling at how cute he was.
"Okay Sandman." I said, amused. "I'll go get changed too then." I called over my
shoulder as I walked back to my room.
I quickly slipped into a dry shirt and a pair of sweat pants, throwing my hair i
nto a messy bun.
When I got back, Sandy was done changing, looking adorable in his spider man get
up. And right on cue, I heard the front door open and the sound of my parents vo
e Conner!" My mom's voice turned friendly as she addressed my boyfriend, before
I imagine she turned back to the twins.
I quietly giggled with Sandy, covering my mouth with my hand. "You ready to put
on a show, Sandman?"
He nodded excitedly, and I picked him up and rested him on my hip. His little ar
ms curled around my neck as we headed downstairs.
I tried to make my face as confused looking as possible as we neared the kitchen
"What's going on?"
My mom sighed as she turned around. "Nothing honey. You two ready for dinner soo
n? Thanks to your brothers, it looks like we're going to have to order pizza."
"Yay!" Sandy cheered. "Pizza! Can I pick the toppings Mommy?"
Behind her, my older brothers mouths dropped open, their blue eyes widening in s
ync. Conner was hiding his smirk behind his hand, covering it with a cough.
"Of course you can sweetheart!" She cooed at him, taking him from my arms to hol
d him.
"What?" Stanton complained. "But they-"
"Stanton." My dad cut him off. "You two get back to cleaning right now."
"But Dad!" Sam groaned.
"No buts! Get to it!" My mom scolded them, clutching Sandy to her.
"Hey Mom?" I started, grabbing Conner's hand. "Concon and I are going to go upst
airs. Can you call us when the pizza gets here?"
"Sure thing honey. You two have fun!" She smiled at me, before turning back to t
he twins with a stern look on her face.

I lead Conner upstairs, unable to contain the triumphant smirk on my face. As so

on as we were out of earshot we burst out laughing.
"Did you see their faces?" I giggled into my hand as we made our way down the ha
"I know!" Conner chuckled. "I thought Stanton was going to start crying!"
I giggled, listening as my mom started her drill sergeant routine in the kitchen
We stopped outside of my room, Conner facing me with a playful expression on his
"But stop calling me Concon."
I giggled again, until I noticed the down casted expression that flashed across
his face. "What? Con, I'm just teasing you."
"No, S." He shook his head. "Turn around."
Confused, I turned around. "What?"
Conner pointed, and I followed his gaze to Sandy's room. I gave him a confused l
ook, before walking closer to my little brother's room.
I peered inside, before I spotted it and froze in my tracks.
I couldn't believe that I had just been in here not even five minutes ago, and d
idn't notice it until now.
I had put the subject to the back of my mind until now, not even giving it a sec
ond glance.
After I had already jumped to conclusions, falsely accusing Conner and Travis, I
had tried my hardest to forget.
A million possible explanations rushed through my head at once, not one satisfyi
ng me. How was this possible? Was this some sort of mistake?
"S?" Conner said nervously from behind me, wrapping a comforting arm around my w
aist as he stood next to me. "You okay?"
But I couldn't even respond.
I was to busy staring under Sandy's bed, where the unmistakable figure of my mis
sing baby monitor receiver, laid.
The same receiver that my gal pals and I had found carefully hidden under the so
fa during that sleepover weeks ago, turned on and listening to every word we wer
e saying.
Including that I was in love with Conner, though I had only found that to be tru
e recently.
Which meant that the person who had been spying on me, was actually my baby brot

Cue dramatic music, and cut to black!

Sorry bout the wait guys! I'm thinking about doing two-five more chapters before
ending in. But fear not! I will confirm that a sequel is in the near future!
Just a reminder, I'm looking for new covers and banners! I have the artistic abi
lity of a tree frog.
Special thanks to DanceWithPassion for the very lovely banner over to the right
of the screen. :)
I know some of you were a tad confused at the last part, so I edited it with a l
ittle recap! What did I tell you? Writing is actually a team effort! Thanks for
the tip guys!
Anyways, tell me what you think!
Chapter 31- The Intruder
I'm not sure how long I have been laying on my bed, staring up my ceiling, but I
was pretty sure that it was past midnight by now.
I was wide awake, desperately trying to think about anything and everything othe
r than the recent discovery that my little brother had been keeping something fr
om me.
Conner had long since gone home, and I knew I had little to no chance of getting
any sleep tonight.
Sighing in defeat, I grudgingly got to my feet. I stumbled through my dark room,
carefully avoiding the partially put away pile of clothes in the middle of my f
Let's just say that my lovely boyfriend had distracted me from finishing my chor
When I got to the hallway, everything was dead quiet, as I would expect it to be
at three in the morning.
I couldn't help but glance at Sandy's room, where you could hear soft snoring le
aking through his open door.
I was finding it rather hard to believe that such an adorable little boy could a
ctually spy on me.
It had to be some sort of mistake!
Now I could buy the twins doing something like that, but Sandy?
I shook my head, pushing away all thoughts about the subject. I turned my head b
ack around and walked down stairs as quietly as I could.
Meaning that the stairs seemed to creak even louder than usual with each step I

I winced when I reached the floor as a particularly long, piercing creak echoing
through the dead silent house. I looked back upstairs, but no one seemed to hav
e awakened.
Letting out a breath of relief, I continued to walk to the living room, only to
immediately trip on my feet and fall on my face.
Man, Conner was right. I really was a klutz!
I groaned, laying on the ground for a moment.
I've been having a really rough night.
I pulled myself to my feet, making my way to the couch a little more carefully.
When I finally managed to sit on the sofa without collapsing again, I relaxed a
little and hugged my knees to my chest.
I looked around the dark room, wondering why I had even come downstairs in the f
irst place.
Now what?
I was reaching for the remote when I heard a noise come from the kitchen.
I froze in my tracks, trying to convince myself that I had just imagined it. The
re's nothing there, there's nothing there, there's noMy heart started to race as I heard it again. A creaking, sliding noise, coming
right from the kitchen.
But the lights were off, and my entire family slept like rocks at night, so they
were all still tucked into their beds.
So who was in my house?
When the noise came again, I huddled myself on the sofa, trying to make myself s
eem as small as possible.
I slowly turned and lifted my head, peeking my head out just enough to get a dec
ent view of the kitchen.
Through the darkness, I could see the window above the sink, slowly opening.
I held back a scream as I realized that someone was definitely breaking into our
What the hell do I do now!?
I had left my cellphone upstairs, and the nearest home phone was in the kitchen
itself. I could potentially sneak upstairs and wake up the boys and my parents.
But if my luck hadn't changed in the past five minutes, I was positive that I wo
uld be just as loud if not louder going up the stairs as I had been going down.
Man was I screwed.
My eyes widened as the window fully opened, and the shadow of a human leg steppe
d in.
I whipped back around, my heart racing a mile a minute as I inwardly panicked. W
hat did people do in situations like these? Scream?

If I did that, three things could happen. One, the thief could get scared and ru
n away. Two, it would somehow awaken my dead asleep family, and they could call
the police from upstairs and/or save me. And three, no one could wake up and the
thief could attack me for screaming like a little girl.
I guess that would have to be a last resort.
I frantically looked around, looking for something, anything to help me out.
I took no time to snatch the tennis racket that was lying on the ground, grippin
g it tightly in both hands.
As I crawled off the sofa with my new makeshift weapon, I silently thanked my br
others for being weirdos.
I hurriedly crawled towards the kitchen, being sure to stay out of the sight fro
m the door way. When I reached the wall I stood up, pressing myself to it and sq
ueezing my eyes shut.
I could hear the intruder shuffling inside, before a pair of feet hopped to the
floor and the window slid shut.
I tried not to hyperventilate as the footsteps grew closer, gripping my tennis r
acket so tightly that I wasn't sure I would be able to let it go later.
I could see the headlines now.
A young girl was found passed out on the floor in her home earlier this week, in
her pajamas and tightly clutching a tennis racket. Somehow, she had managed to
stay unconscious for the duration of an entire house robbery, and the thief got
away. And I thought I was a deep sleeper! And now back to Barbara with the weath
I gulped as the footsteps drew closer, silently telling myself to stop being a w
I counted to three in my head, my eyes still shut.
One... My heart pounded in my chest, and I urged myself not to just give up and
make a run for the stairs.
Two... The person was almost to the doorway.
I jumped out from the doorway, randomly swinging my tennis racket like a lunatic
with my eyes still shut tight.
And oddly enough, it worked.
My racket hit something hard, and I heard an "Umph" as a heavy figure dropped to
the floor with a groan.
Wait, I actually got him?
My eyes snapped open to where Conner was groaning on the floor, clutching his he
"Conner!" I whisper-yelled, immediately dropping to my knees to see if he was al

right. Which he obviously wasn't since I had just knocked him to the floor with
my brother's racket.
All traces of fear instantly turned into embarrassment and guilt as I watched my
poor boyfriend clutch at the side of his face.
"Selena?" He said rather groggily, confusion evident in his voice. "Ummm.. Ow?"
"My bad." I smiled sheepishly at him, and he glared at me in response, his green
eyes visible in the darkness. "I thought you were a robber!"
"So you attacked me with a tennis rackett?"
I huffed, crossing my arms over my chest. "Maybe."
"I'm glad I wasn't a real thief, or you'd be toast." He muttered mostly to himse
lf, and I glared at him.
"I was taken by surprise, okay!? Now why the hell were you sneaking through my k
itchen window like a creeper?!" I helped him to his feet, secretly glad that it
was too dark for him to see my cheeks start to heat up.
"Couldn't sleep." He mumbled, still rubbing the side of his head tenderly, and I
saw him wince. "What are you doing up so late anyway?"
"Same." I muttered, feeling more than a little guilty for almost giving Conner a
concussion. "Come on then."
There was no point arguing in the dark where anyone could come down and see us.
I grabbed his hand in the darkness, and practically pulled him upstairs, not bot
hering to be quiet. If my family had managed to sleep through me attacking Conne
r with my household weapon, there was no hope.
When we had reached my room, Conner barely managing to stumble in behind me, I t
urned on the lights and shut the door.
"Damn girl, you have some swing." He said as he laid back on my bed with a paine
d groan.
"I said I was sorry." I rolled my eyes, walking over to sit next to him.
"Umm, actually," Conner said, looking up at me with another glare. "I don't thin
k you did."
I thought back to what had happened, and realized that I actually hadn't apologi
zed for going psycho on my boyfriend.
Was I girlfriend material, or what?
"Sorry?" I figured I might as well try.
He gave me a deadpanned look. "Okay, you're going to have to try a little harder
than that."
I sighed, getting up to straddle his waist. I sat back on him comfortably with m
y knees bent on either side of him, and I visibly saw his eyes grow wide.
Right, now I had his attention.

I leaned forward, holding myself up with a hand on either side of his head. I dr
ew my head in close to his, feeling his breath hitch.
"I," I began, whispering huskily on the side of his neck. "am so, so, sooo, sorr
y Concon."
He didn't move as I leaned down to place a light kiss on the side of his neck. H
e shuddered, making delight run though my body.
"Don't call me Concon." He managed to say, his breath slightly huskier than norm
Wow, I was really getting better at this!
"Anything for you." I smirked up at him, making his jaw clench.
I pulled away with a giggle, only to have him snake his arms around my waist and
hold me in place. I struggled to wriggle out of his arms, but he was having non
e of it.
"Conner!" I complained. "Let go!"
"No." He smirked at me, mischief twinkling in his gaze.
"Fine!" I dropped onto him, going limp. He grunted as I landed on him with my en
tire boy weight, completely caught off guard. His grip loosened momentarily, I m
anaged to quickly roll off of him before he could fully recover.
He glared at me, and I couldn't help but laugh at his expression.
"Party pooper." He pouted, causing my smile to only grow.
"Too bad, I'm tired." I said, sliding back under the covers to prove my point. I
would never admit it to him, but I knew that I would be able to sleep now that
he was here. Though I suspected that he already knew.
He grudgingly stood up to turn off the lights, muttering to himself, before slid
ing in next to me.I snuggled up against his chest, and his arms came up to wrap
tightly around my waist.
I looked up at him, to see that he had been looking down at me. His gaze didn't
waver as we simply just looked at each other, taking in every detail of the othe
r's face.
Like the way there was a small dent at the bridge of his nose, from when he had
once beat up my ex boyfriend for cheating on me. And how his cheek bones slanted
downwards perfectly, until they met at his strong jawline. How his lips were cu
rved upwards into a small smile, with one side reaching up higher than the other
and showing off a single dimple. How a shock of dark hair rested perfectly over
his forehead, unruly and entirely sexy. Or how his green eyes seemed to pierce
through mine under a flutter of dark lashes, that brushed his cheekbones wheneve
r he blinked.
I frowned when I noticed the small red mark near the side of his head, peeking o
ut from his hairline. I reached a hand up to touch it, frowning when he flinched
"I'm sorry for hitting you so hard." I whispered softly, lightly moving his hair
aside with my fingers to get a better look at it. Ouch, that would definitely b
e a bruise by morning.

"I'm fine." He smiled at me softly, gently grabbing my hand and intertwining our
I couldn't hold back the return smile as my eyes started to shut on their own ac
cord, his soft voice slowly lulling me to sleep.
"I love you." I told him truthfully, my eyes growing heavy.
"I love you more." He whispered back, and I felt his lips brush against my own b
efore I finally fell asleep.

Awwwww :)
This chapter was so cute to write! :)
Sorry for the delay!
No other announcements, so just tell me what you think!#########################
Chapter 32- Pissing Off Your Sister 101
"Oh my god! It's happening, isn't it?! It's finally happening!"
"I knew it! I knew this day would come!"
"They are too cute!" A hushed voice giggled.
"Shhhh!" Another voice whispered. "You'll wake them!"
I groaned as the not-so-quiet voices stirred me from my sleep. I heard another g
iggle as I rolled over to snuggle deeper into my pillow.
My warm, moving, breathing pillow.
My eyes shot open to see that I was sleeping on Conner, who was just starting to
stir himself. I couldn't help but stare as he groaned, before his emerald eyes
finally fluttered open to look at me.
I frowned as I noticed the prominant purple mark on the side of his head that lo
oked suspiciously like a tennis racket. But it didn't appear to bother him, beca
use as soon as his gaze met mine, his lips spread into a lazy smile that made my
pulse race.
"Morning, beautiful." He said softly, making my cheeks instantly blush scarlet.
"Awwww!!" A voice squealed from the front of the room, reminding me that someone
giggling had actually woken us up.
Which meant....

I whipped my head around to the front of the my room, where my mom and Conner's
mom were standing, smiling like lunatics.
It was strange, because if they hadn't given birth to us, I probably would have
thought that they were tourists who had wandered away from their tour guide.
They were both wearing their hair in perky, high ponytails, with cut off plaid s
horts and matching pink polo shirts. They both also had on sneakers, and two bla
ck fanny packs were strapped around their waists.
I gasped as I noticed the digital camera that my mom was holding in her hands as
she jumped up and down.
"Oh honey!" My mom ignored me as she turned to Mrs. Rogers. "We're going to have
grand kids together after all!"
Conner choked up a little as his mom nodded enthusiastically in response, still
squealing. "Mom!" He whined.
My cheeks darkened even more as my mom snapped another photo of us.
"Mother!" I exclaimed. "What are you doing in here!?"
"Oh dear!" She smiled at me adoringly. "We just came by to tell you two lovebird
s that we were going out golfing!" She stretched out the word lovebirds suggesti
vely, wiggling her eyebrows. Well that at least explained the outfits.
My jaw dropped open, and I heard Conner stifle a snort from behind me.
"Well anyways," Conner's mom continued, throwing me a playful wink.
"Selena, you're in charge of your brothers today." My mom finished, before skipp
ing out of the room, Mrs. Rogers close on her tail.
"Mom!" I complained, but she didn't reply. And soon enough, I heard the front do
or slam shut and a car start in the driveway.
I swear, most days they acted more like teenage girls then I did.
I groaned into my hands, falling back onto the bed heavily.
I wasn't sure which was worse, them embarrassing me to no end so early in the mo
rning, or the fact that I had to watch three idiotic boys today when I wasn't ev
en the oldest.
Well, four if you counted Conner.
"What?" Conner chuckled, prying my hands away from my face.
"That was so..." I just groaned again instead of finishing the thought.
Conner's smirk widened. "I thought it was kinda funny."
"How on earth, could that have been amusing to you?" I asked. "That was so embar
He rolled his eyes, standing up and stretching out his arms as he replied. "Not
really. They were just joking around S."

"They were planning out our children!" I pointed out, trying and failing not to
stare at Conner's shirtlessness.
He only shrugged. "I still think it was funny."
I rolled my eyes, standing up next to him. "Were you dropped as a baby?"
Suddenly, a set of arms spun me around, and I was pressed up against his hard ch
est as he stared down at me steadily.
"Yes. I was." He said evenly, keeping a perfectly blank face. My breath caught i
n my throat at the intensity of his gaze, and for a minute, I almost forgot what
we were talking about.
"Into a pool of sexy." His poker face instantly changed into a cocky expression,
his lips smiling smugly.
I slapped my hand to my head. I so should have seen that one coming.
He laughed as I turned away to head to the bathroom, my cheeks flushing for the
third time this morning.
When I closed the bathroom door, I could hear that he was still laughing on the
other side. I took a quick shower, though I knew that since I was in charge tod
ay, it was most likely in vain.
When I was done washing my hair, I stepped out of the shower only to freeze I wa
s hit with a painful cramp, a signal that I was going to get my period soon.
Just great.
Well, at least I knew for sure that I wasn't pregnant.
The thought of my almost-child made me wince, before I quickly pushed the though
t to the back of my mind. What's done is done.
I sighed wearily, wrapping a towel around me and going out into the bedroom. Fro
m the lack of perverted comments about me being in a towel, I figured that Conne
r must have already went downstairs.
When I exited the bedroom, fully dressed in the comfiest clothes I could find, I
could already hear screaming downstairs.
At the sound of a particularly loud bang, I was instantly angered.
With the new found energy that came with being really pissed off, I stormed out
of my room and straight down the stairs, my fists clenching at my sides.
When I saw what the boys had been up to, I could almost feel my blood boil in my
skin. I took a deep breath, before yelling out as loud as I could, letting out
all the anger I felt through my voice.
And as commanded, four boys went still and stared at me with wide, guilty eyes.
I must have been wearing my emotions on my expression, because they immediately
dropped all of the once folded clean clothes onto the ground.
I had finally gotten around to cleaning up the mountain of clothes in my room, t

aking hours to wash and fold everything perfectly, and this was my reward.
I gritted my teeth when I noticed a pair of my underwear on top of Sam's head. S
tanton was behind him, subtly attempting to take off the bra that he had put on
over his shirt.
Sandy had managed to avoid most of the clothes that had been thrown at him, the
only evidence of him being involved in warfare being a single sock that was rest
ing on his shoulder.
Conner on the other hand, hadn't been so lucky.
I took another shaky breath. "I have just been rudely woken up by two psychotic
fan-moms, the beginning of a migraine is amplifying every sound in my head by 20
, and I am having cramps that you guys couldn't even imagine."
"Uh-oh," Sam nervously whispered to Stanton. "She's PMSing."
I glared at him, making his mouth snap closed when he realized that I had heard
him loud and clear.
"Now." I continued, on the edge of being severely ticked off. "You four, are goi
ng to clean up this mess. NOW!"
They all jumped to work at the sound of my voice, stumbling over clothes as they
hurridly attempted to pick as much clothes as they could.
I sighed, falling back onto the sofa as I watched them work.
"Selena?" Conner's soft voice woke me up.
My eyes fluttered open, to see the four boys peering at me anxiously. I must hav
e fallen asleep while they were cleaning like madmen, because when I looked arou
nd I noticed that the place was now absolutely spotless.
I sat up, groaning and rubbing my head as I realized that my headache had not go
ne away along with all my clothes.
"We've finished your housework milady." Sam rolled his eyes. "Can I go pick up c
hicks now?" Stanton elbowed him in the ribs.
I rolled my eyes back, regretting it immediately when my headache caused me to w
ince. "Go for it."
He didn't need to be told twice. And in ten seconds, Sam had grabbed the car key
s and was out the door, grinning victoriously over his shoulder. "My body thanks

"Aw gross!" I frowned at where the door had shut. "I see his manwhore tendencies
haven't gone away."
Stanton shrugged. "I swear, he's going to be eighty years old and still hitting
on waitresses."
Sandy frowned. "Mommy said that we weren't supposed to hit girls."
Conner ruffled his hair with a chuckle. "We have so much to teach you, young one
"Now this, I'm going to enjoy." Stanton gave me a mischievous smile. "Can we go
to the park Sellbells?"
I narrowed my eyes at him. "The park? What for?"
"I knew I shouldn't have agreed to this."
"Shhhhh!" Stanton shushed me, crouching lower in the bushes as he looked around.
I was about to snap back at him, when I felt Conner's hand interlace with my own
. I looked at him in surprise, but he only gave me a devilish grin.
"So this is how you get girls..." Sandy muttered to himself.
"Nope." I said flatly. "This is just the way your brothers, get girls."
Stanton glared at me, but didn't respond.
I had the feeling that I was going to seriously regret this.
"There!" Stanton hissed excitedly, pointing a finger to across the park. We all
followed his gaze, to where a young girl was sitting alone on the swings. She lo
oked to be around Sandy's age, with her pretty blond hair pulled up into pigtail
s, and her brown eyes looking around curiously.
"She's pretty." Sandy whispered to me, making me giggle.
"Okay." Stanton turned to his little brother, grabbing his shoulders. "You're up
. Now, just remember what Sam and I have taught you."
"To seduce them while they're vulnerable, then never call them back?"
Stanton gave me a blank stare, showing me that he hadn't appreciated my input. "
Fine. Just remember what I taught you then. Ignore whatever Sammy told you."
Sandy nodded attentively.

"Now go!" Stanton gave him a shove out of the bush, making him stumble. Once he
regained his balance and glared at his brother, he started walking towards the s
"I'm going to get in closer so I can hear." Stanton whispered to me and Conner,
before crawling away, army-style.
"My brothers are crazy."
Conner only laughed at me, causing a few nearby children to stare at us curiousl
y. I saw a little boy run over to his mother, who was sitting on a bench nearby,
pregnant and on the phone. "Mama! Mama! There are strange people hiding in the
I shared a glance with Conner.
"Not now honey." The mother sighed. "Now come on. It's almost time to pick up yo
ur sister from ballet class."
"But Mama!-" The boy looked over at us again.
"No buts!" The mom scolded, picking him up. "Now let's go."
And they walked the other way, the little boy still pointing at us over his moth
ers shoulder. I felt a little bad for him. The other kids nearby just nervously
walked away.
"Great. Now I feel like a stalker." I said dryly.
"Aww come on!" Conner smiled. "You have to admit, that was funny!"
"Our definitions of funny must be really different, Con."
Conner kissed me on the cheek, and I could feel him still smiling.
I looked over to Sandy, to see that he was on the swing next to the little girl,
nervously making conversation with her. My heart warmed when the girl giggled,
playing with a strand of her hair.
In my family, players started young.
Stanton's brown hair could be seen sticking out of the bushes nearby, until a li
ttle kid and his mother noticed him while walking nearby.
The mom picked up her kid, screaming at Stanton and threatening to call the cops
Stanton jumped up, surrendering as the mother whacked at him with her purse. Sta
nton hit the ground like a rock.
"Now that's, funny." I giggled.
"Agreed." Conner laughed. "I think they'll be fine here."
I looked over to where Sandy and the girl were now heading towards the slide tog
ether, holding hands.
I nodded, my big smile beginning to hurt my face. They were so cute!

Conner, still holding my hand, stood up and lead me back to the car.
I frowned. "But we don't have the-"
Conner interupted me by holding up Stantons keys, grinning sneakily. "He may or
may not have dropped them while he was crawling away."
I laughed, realizing that my head wasn't hurting anymore.
Maybe a day of watching my brother get beat up by a middle-aged women was just w
hat I needed.
I gave him a quick kiss, before we walked to the car, enjoying the sounds of the
woman screaming at Stanton to get out of the bushes and Sandy and his new frien
d giggling.


And done!
Now guys, I really need your help.
The deadline for the Watty Awards is in 2 weeks. I have two options. I can drop
out now and continue the story. Or I could cut it short and do a sequel some oth
er time. :/
Decisions, decisions, decisions.
Anyways! Sorry bout the wait! Hope you like it!
Questions? Comments? Advice?
I'm all ears!####################################
Chapter 33- Scars
"I hate you."
I snorted at Stanton, turning back to the television and shoving another handful
of popcorn into my mouth.
"I was almost arrested!" He complained, moving to stand next to the TV with his
arms crossed over his chest.
"When are you not about to get arrested?" I pointed out. Conner sighed next to m
e, mumbling under his breath. 'Here we go again.'
I elbowed him in the ribcage to tell him that I had heard, before going back to
snuggling into his chest. He grumbled to himself, but let it go as he wrapped an
arm around my waist.
"I'm serious!" Stanton pressed.
I gasped dramatically, and his glare deepened. "This isn't funny! I had to run a

ll the way home with the cops right on my tail! I only barely managed to lose th
em by hiding in a dumpster! Do you have any idea how gross it is, by yourself, i
nside of a garbage dumpster for two hours?"
"What are you talking about? You had Sandy with you." I gestured to where he was
seated at the foot of the couch, fast asleep.
"He caught a ride home from his new lady friend's mom!"
"So wait," I finally turned to him. "You let Sandy get in a car with a stranger
you've never met?"
Stanton looked like a deer caught in headlights for a second. "No?"
"Oooh. Mom is so going to kill you." Sam's voice made us all turn around to see
him walking through the front door, a wide smile on his face.
"Shut up." Stanton punched his brother in the arm, his face turning redder by th
e second.
"Well, at least I won't have to share a birthday with anyone else again." Sam sh
rugged, plopping down into the couch next to Conner.
"Not funny." Stanton huffed."Is nobody on my side with this?"
He turned to Conner for support, but Conner only shrugged. "Sorry man, I'm stayi
ng out of this one. I was just following your sister."
I snorted. "Following me? You drove the car!"
When Stanton glared at Conner, he held up his hands in defense. "Only because sh
e told me to?"
I rolled my eyes. "Yeah right. You're the one who took his car keys."
"Conner!" Stanton held a hand to his heart. "Man, I really thought we had someth
ing together."
"You guys are ridiculous." Sam stated, reaching over a hand to grab for the bowl
of popcorn in my lap. I slapped his hand away, glaring daggers at him as he cra
dled his hand to his chest.
"Oh right." He muttered. "Still PMSing."
I growled at him, and Conner chuckled from under me. "Okay, it's Selena's bed ti
Before I could protest, I was lifted into a strong pair of arms. Conner held me
tightly to his chest, and I knew that resistance would be pointless.
"Night Sellbells!" Sam called after us, followed by a loud complaint from Stanto
n. "This conversation isn't over!"
"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Remember to put Sandy to bed!" I called back from upstairs, f
ollowed by a chorus of groans.
Conner chuckled again as he closed my bedroom door behind us. He set me on the b
ed, and I sat watching happily as he stripped down to his boxers.
My breath caught in my throat as he approached me, and my eyes couldn't help but

wander over him.

"Enjoy the show? Careful, next time I'm gonna charge you." He teased, and I roll
ed my eyes.
His hands came to wrap around my lower back as he pulled me closer, his breath t
ickling my ear. My eyes closed on their own accord, and I could feel my heart ra
te spike in my chest.
"Your turn."
My eyes snapped open as his fingers tugged at the hem of my shirt. A strangled m
oan sounded at the back of my throat, and I wasn't even embarrassed. It was unfa
ir how much I wanted him right then and there.
He pulled my shirt over my head, his fingers teasingly brushing across my bare s
tomach on the way up. I was left only in a bra and my sweatpants, and every inc
h of my skin was covered in goosebumps at how close Conner was. I shakily looked
up at his eyes, only to see that his usual bright green gaze was darkened with
And at the sight, I couldn't help but lean over to kiss his neck.
He groaned, his eyes snapping shut. "Selena... I was just teasing you. You know
you're not supposed to-" He groaned again as I placed another kiss on his neck.
"You should know by now," I paused to kiss further up his neck. "That I don't ta
ke to teases well."
"I know, I shouldn't have-" He stopped as my lips reached the spot under his jaw
that made him go crazy. He tensed under my lips, his entire body going rigid.
His head fell back as I kissed his skin, another groan leaving his mouth.
"Ew!" A voice squeaked.
Our heads immediately whipped around to see Sandy standing in the doorway, his h
ands covering his eyes. He must have been on his way to bed, because he was wear
ing his spiderman pajamas, and his chocolate brown hair was neatly combed.
"Sandy!" I reached around to grab a pillow and clutch it to my chest. Conner scr
ambled around, before hastily pulling his jeans back on. He grabbed his shirt of
f the ground, but instead of putting it on, he tossed it to me.
I happily pulled it on, feeling my face go pale. I could not believe that my lit
tle brother had actually walked in on me and my boyfriend while we were"Selena?" Sandy carefully pulled his hands away from his face, his baby blue eye
s wide. "That was gross."
My face felt hot. "Sandy! Don't you knock?"
He shook his head. "Sammy said that knocking-"
"Forget everything that Sam ever tells you." Conner chuckled at him, and I shot
him a glare. How was it, that whatever I found mortifying, he found amusing?
Sandy nodded solemnly, as if to say 'lesson learned'. "Sorry sissy." My heart pa
nged as he looked at me like I had just ran over his puppy.

I sighed. "It's okay. Come here."

Sandy hesitantly walked towards me, his fists stuffed into his pajama pockets. W
hen he was standing in front of me, I picked him up and sat him comfortably on m
y lap. He wrapped his small arms around my neck, still refusing to meet my eyes.
"Okay, I'm just going to go grab a snack." Conner said, a hint of a smile in his
voice. "You two talk." He gave me a meaningful look, and I realized that he wan
ted me to find out about the whole 'spying' ordeal. I nodded back, knowing that
not knowing was killing me. He gave us a small smile, before leaving the room.
"Okay Sandy." I started. "Now you can't tell anyone about me and Conner, okay? N
ot even Sam and Stanton."
He nodded into the collar of Conner's shirt. "It's a secret, right?"
"Yupp, that's right. It's our little secret." I'll admit, I felt a little bad ma
king my little brother keep my secrets for me.
"So are you really in love with Conner?"
I froze. Here it was, the moment of truth. "Where did you hear that?"
He paused, as if deciding whether or not to confide in me. "You might get mad at
me." He mumbled, his voice muffled into my shirt.
"I won't." I assured him.
"Promise?" He asked me, looking up at me with Bambi eyes.
"Promise." How could I ever get mad at him if he kept using that face?
"Okay." He nodded, going back to snuggling into my shoulder. "I've been listenin
g to you with a walkie talkie."
"Go on." I pressed.
"I heard you and your friends talking about how you and Conner were in love." He
BAM! And that was the moment of truth.
But unexpectedly, I wasn't all that angry.
Instead, I was a little relieved. Relieved that finally someone in my family kne
w about me and Conner, even if it hadn't been completely true the time he had fo
und out. And relieved that out of all the people who could have found out, it wa
s my little brother. If my other brothers or my dad knew, it would probably be r
elatively easy to figure out that Conner accidentally impregnated me. And my mom
would probably just throw an engagement party, which in my opinion would be equ
ally as bad.
"I'm sorry. I just missed you." He said softly while he hugged my neck tighter,
almost as if he were afraid that I would push him off of me. The thought of how
cute my baby brother was made me giggly inside.
"It's okay." I assured him. "I missed you too. But where did you get it?"
"I found it in Sam's dorm six months ago." He admitted. Somehow, that didn't sur
prise me in the least.

I am so going to kill him.

A knock at the door made me look up, to see that Conner had returned. He gave me
a knowing smirk as he came to sit down next to me, ruffling Sandy's hair. Sandy
giggled and swatted at his hand, before hopping off of my lap.
"Night sissy. Night Concon." He beamed at us, before sprinting out of the room a
nd screaming as he dashed down the stairs. I snorted as Conner groaned.
"Not him too." He muttered, and I couldn't resist leaning over to give him a kis
s on the cheek.
"Night lover boy." I whispered to him, before scooting back to snuggle into bed.
Seconds later, the lights were turned off, the door was shut, and Conner was in
his boxers again, hopping into the bed next to me.
A smile found its way onto my lips as he tucked me to his chest, nestling his fa
ce in my hair.
"Night S." He mumbled back. I closed my eyes, merely enjoying the pure contentme
nt I felt just lying in his arms.
"You do realize that we're on life guard duty tomorrow." He pointed out, breakin
g me out of my daze.
I used what little arm space I had to smack him in the chest. "Shut up Concon."
"Don't call me that!" He complained.
I giggled, not opening my eyes as I replied. "You're such a baby. Night then, Co
He sighed, and I didn't have to see his face to know that he was smiling.
"Goodnight Selena."
And then I was out like a light.


I know what your thinking, it's been a while since I last updated, and for that,
I apologize sincerely.
My mom has recently grounded me, for getting literally straight B's on my report
But in my defense, they were some pretty high B's!
On top of that, I am also sick. Whoopie.
Anyways, sorry for the wait.

Also, I have officially dropped out of the Watty Awards!!!

(Cue applause)
It was just too much stress to deal with, plus I really didn't want to have to c
ut the story short. That would just be plain cruel!
So thanks for the support my fellow Wattpad users!
Another thing, I am looking for a good read on this sight. Any suggestions? I'm
not too picky on genre.
If you have even taken the time out of your busy schedule to read this whole mon
ologue, I commend you for being an awesome fan.
Still looking for Covers and Banners too!
Questions? Comments? Recommendations? I'm all ears!
Chapter 34- How To Guard a Life for Dummies
I stirred in my sleep, turning over to roll the other way. I vaguely realized th
at I was sitting up right, but was still too drowsy to care.
"Selena." The voice repeated, a little more forcefully.
I groaned, snuggling deeper into the seat and squeezing my eyes shut.
"Selena! Wake up already! We're here." I recognized Conner's voice as he began t
o shake my shoulder.
"No." I mumbled, still refusing to open my eyes even as I was slowly waking up.
I heard him sigh from beside me, before he reached over and undid my seat belt.
Wait, seat belt?
I snapped my eyes open to see that I was indeed in a car. Conner's car to be exa
ct. Why were we in his car? I remember falling asleep in my bed...
I looked over to see Conner smiling in amusement at my confusion, before he turn
ed off the car and got out.
I looked around as my boyfriend walked around the car to open my door for me. I
vaguely recognized the place, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it.
"Where are we?" I finally asked, stretching out and yawning.
"At the country club."
I rubbed at my eyes, remembering that Conner had mentioned out community service

last night, for crashing a golf cart. Well, for me crashing a golf cart. I noti
ced that he was wearing a pair of red swim trunks and a t-shirt, and I recalled
that we had to life guard the pool for a few months.
I frowned at him as he grabbed my hand to pull me out. "But I'm still in my-"
I stopped when I looked down and realized that I was no longer in my pajamas, bu
t was instead wearing a red, one piece bathing suit and a pair of shorts.
I glared at him, making his smirk only grow. "You changed me?"
He nodded, almost as if pleased with himself. "While you were dead asleep, which
was no easy task."
I crossed my arms over my chest, feeling my cheeks heat up. "I feel violated."
He only rolled his eyes, shutting my car door and wrapping an arm around my wast
to guide me to the entrance. "Well then you should have just woken up, instead
of punching me in the stomach."
I laughed, admitting to myself that what he said was probably true. I was not a
morning person.
He shook his head, in a what-am-I-going-to-do-with-you manner just as we reached
the front gate. When the guard at the doorway saw us, he nodded at us before ge
sturing us inside.
We walked through the crowded lobby, until Conner led me to the room that said '
Employees Only' on the door. I had almost forgotten that he had already been wor
king my shift while I had been in the hospital.
Inside, Conner showed me how to clock in and out, and where out locker would be.
Apparently, since the manager already hated us for being delinquents, he had on
ly allowed us one employee locker for the both of us.
Conner put his phone and wallet inside, as well as his shirt, much to my delight
. If I could at least spend the day checking out my hot-as-hell boyfriend, maybe
this wouldn't be so bad.
I put in my shorts, and Conner handed me my sunglasses, which he must have grabb
ed from my room before he left. Together we headed out to the pool area, hand in
I nervously looked around at the pool area as we walked towards the life guard s
tands. The pool was packed with people, mostly kids. The adults were all sunbath
ing in the pool chairs, and a couple of teenagers were sitting farther away in t
he grassy area. How bad could it be?
We stopped, and I realized that we had reached the life guard stand.
"You wanna sit in this really tall chair, or that really tall chair?" He teased
me, giving me a quick peck on the cheek.
I giggled involuntarily. "This one's closer. You can go sit in the other one Con
." I gestured to the other life guard chair on the opposite side of the pool.
He nodded, still smiling as he gave me one last lingering kiss that made my brea
th hitch in my throat. I watched as he made his away around the pool to his chai

r, completely oblivious to the stares of teenage girls that followed him.

I carefully climbed up in my chair, attempting not to slip off and fall in the p
ool on my first day here. I slipped on my aviators, seeing Conner do the same fr
om the corner of my eye.
Now what? Was I just supposed to watch the kids in silence all day, waiting for
one to drown?
I looked over at Conner, to see him scolding one of the kids for running in the
pool area. Ooooh, so I was supposed to enforce the rules too!
I casually looked around the pool, but everyone seemed to be perfectly fine and
enjoying their Sunday afternoon.
I jumped when I felt a sudden cold splash. Below me, a saw two little boys giggl
ing up at me as they watched me. I glared at them, but it only seemed to make th
em giggle louder.
"Please don't splash me." I told them with as much fake-politeness as I could mu
They glanced at each other, before they continued to splash water at me. And the
worst past was, I'm pretty sure they would have stopped if I hadn't asked them
I used my arms to block my face. "Hey! Stop it you little-"
"Hey kids!" Conner's voice interrupted my swearing from across the pool, probabl
y saving my ass. "Leave the poor girl alone!"
I turned my glare to him, and he only winked teasingly. Oh he was soooo going to
get it later...
But to my relief, the boys only gave Conner apologetic smiles, before swimming o
ff to the other end of the pool.
How did he do that?!
I huffed at Conner's smug look, pulling my slightly wet hair up into a lazy bun.
But just as I finished, another cold splash got me.
Maybe they didn't like Conner more after all!
My head snapped down at the water, prepared to throw caution to the wind and jus
t give the two buggers a piece of my mind. "Now listen here you-"
This time, I cut myself off when I noticed that instead of two little boys looki
ng up at me mischievously, there was one teenage guy. I recognized him as one of
the teenagers that had been sitting in the grassy area earlier.
Oh great.
"Ummm, hi there." I said, confused as to why he splashed me.
"Hello there, beautiful." The guy purred, giving me a bright smile as he ran a h
and through his beach-styled blond hair.
Oh, that's why they splashed me.

Now don't get me wrong, he was totally considered hot and I usually had nothing
against a little flirting. Just nothing about him compared to the boyfriend that
I already had.
"Can I help you?" I asked politely, attempting to appear oblivious to his flirti
ng and trying not to squirm as he openly checked me out. I could never quite tel
l if boys purposefully got caught checking out girls.
"Yes, yes you can." He smirked, stepping closer until his head was a few inches
from my shins.
I waited for him to continue, but he only stared at me expectantly. "Yesss?" I p
ressed, starting to get impatient.
"Oh, right." He looked slightly taken aback for a moment, before his flirty look
was back in a flash. "I think I lost my phone number around here somewhere, so
can I just have yours?"
I gave him a blank look. "Does that actually work on girls?"
He looked surprised to say in the least. But once again, the cocky smile returne
d to his lips again in an instant. "Only the really pretty ones."
"Okay then." I glance up to
tching the whole time, with
his side. His aviators were
almost glowed as he seethed

where Conner was sitting, to see that he had been wa

his jaw clenched and his hands curled into fists at
now on top of his head, and his shocking green eyes
at the back of the guys head.

"Ummm, look guy-I-don't-know." I turned back to the horny teenager in the pool.
"I already have a boyfriend."
He only rolled his eyes. "Of course you do." He said sarcastically, making me ra
ise my eyebrows. "And what is this 'boyfriend's name? I bet I could kick his ass
any day."
Now it was my turn to glare daggers at him. I was just about to open my mouth to
tell him what I really thought about him, when a voice spoke behind me.
"Somehow, I highly doubt that."
I looked over to see that Conner was not sitting in his chair anymore. Instead,
he was standing right next to me with his arms crossed over his chest.
The boy instantly looked terrified as he looked up at my boyfriend. "Oh, ummm...
I'm just gonna go now." And with that, he swam away like a terrified mouse and
ran out to where his friends were already laughing at him.
I giggled as Conner grabbed onto my hand possessively, still glaring after the b
oy. "You know Con, for such a friendly dude you sure can be intimidating."
He instantly lightened up as I ruffled his dark hair with my free hand. It felt
nice to be couple with him in public around people we didn't know.
"You're welcome." He winked at me, pulling down his shades over his eyes once mo
I rolled my eyes and leaned down to give him a kiss. When Conner pulled away and
beamed, I saw the horny guy pouting over by his friends as he watched us, from
the corner of my eye.

"Now go back to saving kids!" I commanded him, lightly pushing him away. He salu
ted me, before marching back to his post.
He was such a child sometimes.
We were of course, politely asked to leave early after an incident in the pool.
Let's just say that Conner thought I was a football and threw me in the pool.
I was silently cursing to myself as I dried myself off in the locker room, point
edly ignoring Conner as he continued to laugh.
I grabbed my shorts and stormed past him towards the lobby.
"Aww come on S!" He followed me, still laughing. "It was funny!"
"Glad I could sacrifice my dignity for your entertainment." I muttered back, sti
ll refusing to look at him. We got some pretty weird looks from club members, bu
t no one commented as I marched grumpily out into the parking lot.
Conner was silent, and for a moment I thought he was going to apologize.
Until he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.
"Hey!" I yelled indignantly. "Put me down!"
"No can do girlfriend of mine." He replied cheerily continuing to walk as if I w
eighed nothing.
"Conner Rogers!" I growled. "I can walk you know!"
"I know."
I huffed, hitting him wherever I could reach, which just so happened to be his a
"Are you trying to convince me or encourage me?" I didn't need to see his face t
o know that he was smirking.
I blushed, and was secretly glad that he couldn't see me. But before I could rep
ly, I was suddenly plopped down onto my feet again as we reached the car.
I grudgingly sat down as he opened my door for me, crossing my arms over my ches
t. He walked around to sit in the drivers seat, a cheeky smile on his face as he
turned to look at me again.
"You know, crossing your arms like that makes your boobs look really nice."
My entire face felt like it was on fire as I looked down to see that he was righ
t, especially since I was wearing a swim suit. I immediately whipped my hands to
my sides.

Conner only laughed, and I knew that he had only been teasing me. He leaned over
to give me a kiss on the cheek that literally made my skin sizzle a little.
I covered my blush with my hands to feel that my cheeks were in fact hot. Beside
me, Conner laughed again, and I felt like a total school girl as my cheeks heat
ed up even more against my wishes.
Conner only smiled adoringly at me before he turned on the car and started to dr
ive us home.
Tada!!!! Sorry about the wait, I've been a little busy lately :/
So just tell me what you think guys!
Ps. I super love the cool banner!
Chapter 35- Irony
I really hate Mondays.
Conner and I had just arrived at school the next morning, one of us dragging alo
ng the other, who was moaning and complaining loudly.
Guess which one I was.
"But Conner!" I pouted as we reached the front steps. It was still a little too
early for school to start, so most everyone was still hanging around and being a
general nuisance in the parking lot.
"Butts are for sitting, princess." He gave me a smile but didn't relent, pulling
me inside the building by my arm.
"I thought I told you never to call me that!" I complained, glaring daggers at t
he back of his head.
"Nope." He said, popping the 'p'. "You said never to call you babe. That's compl
etely different."
If I had just sped up a little, I'm sure I would have been able to slap the back
of his head. But it was too early and I was still tired, so instead I just gave
a noncommittal grunt as my locker came into view.
My locker, and the couple making out on top of it. Of course.
I huffed, not even thinking twice before marching over and tapping on the girls
shoulder. "Lilly, haul your ass off of my locker, before I punch your boyfriend
in the face."
She pulled away, giving me an amused smile that told me she didn't actually take
my threat to heart. Tom only gave me an apologetic half-shrug.
I sighed loudly, making Conner role his eyes. "I know you two are dating now, bu
t try and hold off on the extensive PDA."
"Sorry Selli."Lilly giggled as Tom teasingly kissed her cheek.

"I'm sure you are." I grumbled as I opened up my locker.

"Someone's bitter." Conner smirked at me, a gleam in his eyes as I turned to gla
re at him again.
"Am not!" I huffed, grabbing my books and closing my locker. "It's just too earl
y for me to be awake!"
"Selena, Selena, Selena." Lilly shook her head and tutted like I was five. "I t
hink we all know what's going on here."
That caught my attention. I turned back to see her smiling mischievously at me,
Tom looking anxious from beside her. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Conner l
ooking down at his feet, clearly not paying any attention to the conversation.
"And what would that be?" I nearly cheered when my voice came out steadily.
Lilly clapped her hands together, before pulling me into a bear hug that even I
couldn't escape from. "We need to find you a boyfriend!"
Then relieved laughter.
"Oh r-right!" I smiled at her as she pulled me away. "A boyfriend!"
Lilly nodded proudly, finally smoothing down her messed up blond hair. "I knew i
t! What you really need right now, is a new boyfriend! You have'nt had one since
the whole 'Travis fiasco'."
I rolled my eyes. "Lilly, that was like two weeks ago."
"Exactly! All we need to do if find you a hot rebound guy!" She giggled, grabbin
g onto Tom's hand and jumping up and down excitedly.
I was smiling too, relieved to know that she didn't know about my secret boyfrie
nd just yet. If I knew anything about Lilly, it was that she was really big on t
Oh, wait a second.....
Then, I processed her words.
Oh, shit.
"Lilly!" I laughed nervously, swatting at her arm. "I don't need a boyfriend! I
have you guys!"
She shook her head, as if she had expected me to react this way. "Selena, don't
live in denial."
"No I agree with her." Tom chipped in, sending me a sympathetic smile. "I think
we're all she needs!"
"No no no! I won't take no for an answer!" Lilly's smile grew larger across her
"But it's true! I am perfectly fine without a boyfriend! Just ask Conner!" I tur
ned to my real boyfriend, who had gone quiet a couple minutes ago.

When he didn't say anything for a moment, I sneakily nudged him whit my elbow. H
e jolted back to reality, looking around frantically until his eyes met Lilly's
expectant look.
"What? Oh right! Yes! I totally agree with everything Selena just said!" He said
quickly, stuffing his hands into his pockets.
Lilly rolled her eyes. "You didn't hear anything we just said, did you?"
"Nope, not at all." He admitted, giving me a sheepish grin.
"Welllllll." She started again. "We're going to find Selena a new boyfriend!"
His eyes visibly widened. "What?"
"Yupp!" She cheered. "And you're going to help me do it!"
Have I mentioned how much I hated Mondays?
"I hate life."
"Now that's the spirit!" I cheered sarcastically, and Conner gave me an unamused
glare in return. School had just ended, and we were walking to the parking lot
to go home. Lilly, being nearly as crazy as Alex, had insisted on us going to th
e mall after school to 'guy hunt'.
"Now I have to go and find my girlfriend a boyfriend, because all of your friend
s are crazy!" He complained, running a hand through his dark hair.
"My friends aren't-" I cut myself off when I realized that they really were craz
y. "Tom's not too crazy!"
"Selli!" A voice gasped from behind me. In a flash, Alex was walking on my other
side, a hand pressed to her heart and a mock wounded look on her face. "Are you
calling me bonkers?"
"Indirectly, I suppose." I answered, grinning back.
She rolled her eyes, brushing her hands to straighten out her bright red sundres
s. Her wild red hair was swept back in a classy bun, and her red heels clacked l
oudly over the bustling hallway noise as everyone scrambled to get out and go ho
me for the day. I couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of several lustful gaze
s following after her.
"Fair enough." She admitted, before turning to Conner with a devious smirk. "Soo
oo hot-ass. I hear that the Goth Queen is making you scout out potential boyfrie
nds for your secret lover."
Oh Alex, blunt as ever.

Conner huffed, crossing his arms over his chest. "Shut up."
Alex's grin only grew wider, and a small giggle escaped her mouth. "The irony in
this situation astounds even me."
"It's not funny!" Conner grumbled, and I couldn't help but tilt my head up to ki
ss his cheek at the sight of his pouty face.
"Awwww!" Jerry cooed as he appeared on the other side of Conner. "Young love is
in the air!"
Conner rolled his eyes and elbowed him hard in the stomach as soon as he started
to sing the love song from the Lion King. "Ow! Touchy..."
By now we had reached the front doors, where kids were currently streaming out i
nto the parking lot like a herd of startled antelope. It was half amusing, and h
alf scary at how much the average teenager disliked high school. I breathed in a
sigh of relief as we exited the school, excited to just go home and relax with
Until I saw Lilly leaning up against her yellow punch buggy next to a reluctant
looking twin, waving at Conner enthusiastically.
Conner sighed as he caught sight of her. "Aww hell. Would it be mean if I just m
ade a run for it right now?"
"I wouldn't blame ya." Jerry chuckled, while eyeing up a skinny blond that passe
d by. What a multi-tasker. But Alex caught him eye-raping the poor girl, and rea
ched around us the slap the back of his head.
"Ow!" He jumped, rubbing the back of his head. "I don't even know why I'm friend
s with you guys! All you do is abuse me!"
"Oh please." Alex snorted, before turning her attention back to Conner. "Okay no
w Romeo, now go find your Juliet another man!" And with that, she shoved him in
Lilly's direction.
He looked over his shoulder to give her a withered look. When his eyes met mine
though, his lips stretched into a cheeky smile. He mouthed words at me, and I in
stantly recognized them as 'I love you'. My heart melted a little in my chest as
I smiled brightly in return.
He turned back around, his back slouched as he grudgingly walked over to Lilly a
nd Tom. I couldn't help but stare at how the muscles in his back and arms visibl
y retracted under his shirt with each step he took. His jet black hair ruffled a
little as a breeze swept it to the side, and I couldn't help but long for him t
o turn back around so I"Okay, okay! Cliche chick-flick moment over!" Jerry's sarcastic voice in my ear
snapped me out of my daze. I blushed a little when I realized that they had caug
ht me staring.
"So now what?" I turned to Alex and asked, trying to change the subject.
"Now." She smirked. "We go have fun. Slut and manwhore style." She winked at Jer
ry, and they highfived.
Oh brother.

Annnnnndddd Done!!
Sorry it took a while, I was having, as they call it, writers block. Arrrrrg!
Okay guys, I need your help ASAP! Where would two slutty friends take their norm
al friend for a day of fun? Suggestions?
Awww poop, it' a little short little filler chapter I suppose. But every story n
eeds some of those I guess!
Anyways, thanks for reading! Tell me what ya think!
Chapter 36- Slut City
"You have got to be kidding me."
Jerry only laughed at me as he parked the car. As soon as he did, Alex was alrea
dy leaping out of the car and roughly opening my door before I had the chance to
lock it.
Man, she knew me too well.
Alex grabbed my hand, dragging me out of the safety of the car. Jerry joined me
on the other side, snaking an arm around my waist. To any passerby, it would app
ear as an act of affection. But in reality it was a clever way of preventing me
from running away, without drawing any suspicion.
Damn it.
I scowled at the smug smirk on his face, reluctantly letting the two lead me int
o the nightclub.
"Seriously?" I glared the building accusingly, even though it probably wouldn't
mind. "What nightclub is open at 4 o'clock? School literally just ended!"
Jerry shrugged. "What can I say? Sometimes a player just can't wait to play."
Alex snorted, rolling her eyes. "Pig."
Jerry turned to glare back at her, a scowl replacing his previous cocky smirk. "
Like you're one to talk!"
I sighed loudly. Even when they're on the same page with something, they're stil
l bickering like an old couple. "Can we just get this over with please?"
Alex didn't need to be told twice. When we reached the front entrance, I could a
lready hear the loud music blasting from inside.
Outside the door, there was a line of people waiting to get in. But instead of h

eading to the back of the line, Alex and Jerry confidently strode straight to th
e front, ignoring the harsh glares of the people we were skipping in line. A hug
e looking bouncer in a pair of dark shades looked us over, a permanent scowl etc
hed onto his face.
That is, until he noticed who I was accompanied by.
His lips instantly upturned into a grin. "The lovely Alexandra has returned!" He
She giggled and sent him a flirty wink in response. "Just couldn't stay away." S
he purred, running a hand through her long fiery hair.
He turned to Jerry, and his grin grew even wider, if that's possible. "And with
my man Jerry! I didn't know you two even knew each other outside of the club!" J
erry smirked again, nodding his head in acknowledgement.
Of course they were regulars.
"It seems like the two troublemakers are back for another round, eh? And you bro
ught a little friend?" He turned to me curiously, and I couldn't help but shrink
back under his scrutinizing look.
"This is our friend Lena." Alex chipped in, a charming smile gracing her feature
s. "We're just here to show her a little fun."
I gave her a questioning look at my new name, but she gave me a pointed look tha
t said 'I'll tell you later'.
The bouncer nodded in understanding. "In that case, go right ahead! Good to see
you two again." He waved us inside, oblivious to the complaints of the people wa
iting in line.
Jerry's grip around me tightened as we followed Alex inside. but as soon as we s
tepped inside, my mouth dropped open.
I had reached Slut City.
Strobe lights covered every inch of the dance floor, strategically leaving the b
ar and back booths dimly lit. Even though it was still daylight outside, a mass
of young adults were on the dance floor going crazy. The strong reek of alcohol
filled the air, and it was pretty obvious that most everyone here was completely
And that's not even the worst part. I haven't even mentioned the strippers yet.
Yup, actual strippers.
At the end of the dance floor there was a large, elevated stage, where several s
trippers and pole dancers were entertaining the audience. The audience cheered i
n response, throwing everything from money to beer onto the stage in approval.
"Welcome to heaven!" Jerry said, looking around at the club excitedly.
It's official. I've reached a new low.
"Well let's get this party started, shall we?" Alex smiled enthusiastically at m
e, not waiting for a response before she grabbed my hand and pulled me to the ba

The bartender smiled at Alex as we sat down. He was cute, looking to be in his m
id 20's. "Alexandra!"
"Why does everyone call you that?" I whispered in Alex's ear. As far as I knew,
she hated people calling her by her full name.
Alex shrugged, winking at me playfully before turning back to the bartender. "Aa
ron! Fancy seeing you here."
Aaron rolled his eyes. "Haha very funny, Alexandra. Not like I work here or anyt
hing. So who's your friend?" He turned to me, leaning against the bar with an am
used glint in his eye.
"Of course! How rude of me." Alex grabbed my arm. "This, is my dear friend, Lena
"So what can I get you? The usual?"
Alex laughed, but nodded anyways. "Two please."
I turned back to Alex curiously as Aaron got our drinks. "Why do you keep introd
ucing me as Lena?"
Alex rolled her eyes at me. "Selli, you'll thank me later. You do not want the p
eople in this club knowing your real name outside of these walls. It's best to k
eep your clubbing life, and your real life separate."
I only nodded, because Aaron had just returned with our drinks. That explained w
hy everyone was calling her Alexandra.
"Here you go ladies." Aaron smiled at us. "Now don't cause too much trouble!"
"You know we will." Alex replied playfully. Aaron gave us one last smirk, before
going further down the bar to get another person's order.
"Why doesn't Jerry use a different name then?" I asked curiously, resuming the c
"Cause Jerry's an idiot." Alex stated simply.
"I heard that." Jerry sauntered up beside us, a beer in his hand.
"You were meant to." Alex retorted and took a long sip of her drink.
I looked down at the no doubt alcoholic beverage curiously. After Alex gave me a
n encouraging nod, I hesitantly brought it to my lips and drank. The liquid inst
antly burned at the back of my throat, and my eyes started to water a little.
"I have a feeling I don't wanna know what's in this." I pointed out, and Alex on
ly gave me a sheepish shrug.
"You're probably right." She admitted, slipping back more of her drink.
"C'mon Lena!" Jerry put a hand on my shoulder, sensing my hesitation. "You reall
y just need to let loose! Have some fun! Do something crazy!"
"For once, I actually agree with Jerry." Alex nodded at me. "Ever hear of YOLO?"
I rolled my eyes. "Oh god."

"Awww c'mon!" Alex pouted. "Just live a little! Admit it, ever since you got out
of the hospital, you haven't done anything insane!"
Looking around at the vibrant club buzzing with life, I realized that they were
right. A month ago I might have actually agreed to this whole thing.
But since the accident, I had become more cautious with whatever I did. I had to
worry about my health now. I had to worry about disappointing my family. I even
had to worry about sneaking around with Conner. And as much as I hated to admit
it, I missed being spontaneous.
Ignoring the voice inside my head that said this was a bad idea, I brought the g
lass back to my lips, chugging it until it was all gone.
The last time I had gone drinking, I had a miscarriage. And now, I was determine
d to forget all about it and just have some fun with my friends.
I slammed the empty glass back on the bar, hearing the sound of Jerry and Alex c
heering me on. I took a deep breath, feeling the alcohol already start to flood
my system.
"Even though I'm so going to regret it tomorrow, let's do this."
"And now, the moment you've all been waiting for!" The announcer voice boomed ov
er the loud dance music.
"When this is all over, I'm so gonna kill you." I whisper yelled at Alex as she
straightened out her tight red leather dress. She gave me a deadpanned look, ste
pping into her black stilettos and giving herself another look over in the backs
tage mirror.
She turned to me and gave me an approving smile. I was dressed similarly, in a p
air of black leather shorts and a black sparkly tank top, that exposed every cur
ve and left little to the imagination. But even her excessive begging couldn't g
et me into the matching black heels. So instead, she settled for a pair of black
leather combat boots.
"Lena." She whined, her ruby red lips pouting at me. "It'll be fun! I promise. N
o one besides me and Jerry know who you are! You can be anyone you want to be."
Even though her words intrigued me, the manager came in to rush us towards the c
urtains before I could respond. We waited behind the curtains, and the palms of
my hands started to shake.
"Put your hands together for..... The sexy Alexandra and her partner in crime, L
Alex gave me a pointed look, before strutting out onto the stage and making the
audience roar in approval.
I took a deep breath, remembering what Alex had told me. You can be anyone you w
ant to be.
And with a new-found confidence, I opened the curtains and joined Alex on stage.

The crowd's cheering got even louder as I sauntered up beside my redheaded frie
nd, somehow managing not to fall on my ass.
Pole dancers were swinging around on the sides of the stage. Alex told me that t
hey were our back up dancers, but from the glares they sent us I could tell that
they would disagree. The stage was so bright, that I could barely make out the
people dancing along in the crowd.
The loud music pulsing through the club, Alex gave me a wink and started to stru
t down towards the front of the stage.
Closing my eyes momentarily, I tried to picture myself as a Lena, a crazy, spont
aneous party girl. Opening my eyes again, I let my feet walk to the beat of the
music, letting my false confidence and slight alcohol buzz take over.
The clubbers cheered crazily, throwing money onto the stage as Alexandra and Len
a danced and and moved to the music.
I caught Jerry's eye as I danced, seeing his smirking face wink at me suggestive
ly. I couldn't help but role my eyes as I looked away from him, sending him a su
btle flash of my middle finger.
I let out a giggle as Alexandra started to move towards the nearest pole, shovin
g off the dancer and stepping up to the pole. She tried to wave me over, but I s
hook my head. I wasn't that drunk.
And for the first time in a while, I didn't worry about anything. I had to admit
, being Lena was fun! I could have fun and do whatever I wanted, because in the
end nobody would even know it was me.
And you can only imagine how my day went from there.
~ ~
Anddddd Cut!
Well. That was certainly interesting.
To be completely honest, I was more than a little nervous about writing this cha
pter. But I was wrong! It was most entertaining!
Happy Holidays everyone!
Here is my gift, to you :)

And also........
1,000,000 reads!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How flipping awesome is that?
"I'd like to thank the academy! And my mom for always supporting me! And-"
But seriously, thanks you guys :)
Sooooooo, tell me what ya think! ;)
Chapter 37- Cat Fight
Now, seeing as Jerry had drove me and Alex here to begin with, we had assumed th
at he would be the one to drive us home as well.
We should have known better than to rely on Jerry.
"Jerry, you're a dumbass."
Jerry glared at Alex, crossing his arms over his chest defensively. "Am not!"
Alex and I shared a disbelieving glance. We were currently standing in the parki
ng lot of the night club as the sun sank lower in the sky, all completely wasted
"So much for you being the designated driver." I sighed loudly, leaning back uns
teadily against Jerry's sports car. It was one of those ridiculously flashy cars
, with the shiny new paint job and barely enough room to fit four people.
No wonder he and Conner hit it off.
"Hey, I never said anything about being the responsible baby sitter." Jerry comp
lained, wobbling unsteadily on his feet.
"It's your car!" Alex yelled, angrily stepping out of her shoes and holding them
in her hand. "What?" She said at our questionable looks. "Heels hurt my feet."
"High-heeled shoes. If they hurt so damn much, why wear them? That's the one thi
ng I don't get about girls." Jerry contemplated, almost mostly to himself.
"You mean, besides our feelings?" I added scathingly, trying not to focus too mu
ch on how the ground was starting to spin beneath me.
"No, I get your feelings and shit." Jerry shrugged. "I just choose not to care."
Alex snorted. "Pig."
"Awww come on!" Jerry turned to her, a scowl apparent on his handsome features.
"At least I'm honest, about my player-ism-ness."
"Not a word." I pointed out, but if he had heard me, he didn't acknowledge it.
Alex's green eyes narrowed into cat-like slits. "Are you calling me a liar?"
"Maybe I am." Jerry retorted back.
"I wasn't the one who claimed to be a brain surgeon, just to get some action wit

h some slutty brunette sitting at the bar." Alex fired back.

"So what? She was hot!" I watched the argument unfold before me, ready to step i
n if Alex decided to beat him up.
Alex looked almost dumbfounded by how unintelligent Jerry's argument was. I had
to admit, I was a little stunned that he could be that idiotic. But I suppose we
were all pretty intoxicated.
"And you're calling me the liar?"
"She had green eyes! That's a special circumstance!"
"So what? I have green eyes!" Alex rolled her eyes.
Jerry stopped for a second, stepping closer to Alex so that their faces were inc
hes apart. I nearly slapped myself when I realized that he was actually checking
"Hmmm." He concluded, stepping back again. "I suppose you do."
"Oh my god!" Alex face-palmed, looking close to nearly knocking his brains out.
I sighed loudly, making their attentions turn back to me. Finally. It was as if
they had forgotten that I was here. "Can't you two just have meaningless sex and
quit bitching?"
Both of their mouths dropped open, and even I was surprised that I had actually
said that. Wow, drunk me was badass.
"Please." Alex finally answered after a brief awkward silence. "In his dreams."
"Yeah, my nightmares." Jerry was quick to fire back.
"Oh whatever! Don't even pretend that you haven't thought about getting into my
pants!" Alex threw her hands in the air angrily, but her continued state of into
xication caused her to stumble a few steps off balance. "In fact, is there a gir
l you haven't thought about boinking?"
"Of course there are!" He protested stubbornly. "I haven't thought about most of
the chicks I've already banged!"
"You're unbelievable." I interjected, shaking my head. I put a hand to my hand w
hen the sudden movement made me wobble a little.
"See!" Alex pointed a manicured finger at me, turning back to Jerry. "Even Selen
a agrees with me!"
"Like you're much better!" Jerry spat, his blue eyes now glittering in aggravati
on. "I may hook up with girls all the time because I'm a pig, but at least I don
't need to have everyone drooling over me in order to feel loved!"
And that was the moment I knew that something really bad was about to happen.
Jerry continued, fueled by his reckless anger. "You walk around all high and mig
hty, looking like you shit rainbows, and expect everyone to just fall at your fe
et! And most of the time, they do!" He took a step closer to her, looking her de
ad in the eyes as he went on with his rampage.
And I don't think I had ever seen anybody so enraged before.

"But there's gonna be a day when you wake up and realize that all the lust and a
dmiration they feel for you is bullshit, and that in the end nothing has changed
and you're still alone."
All went quiet.
I could feel my eyes grow as wide as moons as I glanced between the two. Jerry l
ooked as if he knew that he had taken it just a step too far, but didn't make an
y moves to apologise. He was panting heavily from all the yelling, quickly calmi
ng down now that he had said what was on his mind. The realization of what he ha
d just said appeared in his eyes, and he almost looked regretful that he had spo
I transferred my gaze to Alex, and for a moment, I could have sworn that I saw a
flash of pain crawl across Alex's face. But in an instant her expressionless, f
lawless face was back up, all traces of venerability vanished.
Alex's jaw visibly clenched, and for a split second she looked at a loss for wor
ds. Half of me thought that she might just storm away without another word, and
the other half was mentally preparing to call the cops before she really did str
angle him. But instead, she took a deep breath and turned back to me, her lips s
queezed shut in a thin, unsmiling line.
"Selli, please just call Conner before I have to go to prison for first degree m
urder." She said, her fists clenched so tightly at her sides that her porcelain
skin turned a shade even paler.
Jerry was smart enough to keep his mouth shut as I reluctantly did as she reques
ted, but continued to glare daggers at Alex.
As I dialled Conner's number, a small part of my mind couldn't help but wonder i
f Jerry was right.
"Hello?" The familiar sound of Conner's voice finally picked up.
"H-hey Conner." I started nervously, suddenly anxious about whether or not Conne
r would be mad at me. But the sound of Jerry yelling was still distantly ringing
in my ears.
There was a pause, and I silently worried that he might find out just by hearing
the effects of the alcohol in my voice. But he couldn't know! There was no way
he could know that I had become an entertainer for a nightclub today. Conner may
know me well, but even he couldn't know that quickly!
I was so wrapped up in my mini-panic attack that I almost didn't hear his respon
"What did you do?"
I gulped. "N-nothing! We just need a pick up. J-jerry's car broke down, and-"
"Wow." Jerry muttered to me. "You really are the worst liar ever."
"Could you just come pick us up?" I finished, shooting a silent shut the hell up
glare at Jerry.
There was another short pause and for a second I thought he would decline. "Yeah
, sure. Tell me where you are and I'll be right there."

I let out the breath I hadn't realized I'd been holding. "Thanks Con." I quickly
told him our location, thankful when he didn't seem to recognize the nightclubs
"Kay, see you in ten. I love you." I couldn't help but smile like a school girl.
"I love you too." I giggled, before hanging up the phone.
"Wow." Alex commented at my flushed cheeks. "I can't tell if you're just a ditz
in love, or if it's just an effect of drinking too much vodka." That made my che
eks blush even more. But by the steely look in her eyes, I could tell that what
Jerry had said to her had struck a nerve. Her hands were shaking ever so slightl
"You do realize that he's still going to be pissed at you when he comes to pick
us up and sees that A. My car looks perfectly fine, B. We're all completely drun
k off our asses, and C. We're outside of a nightclub." He ticked off on his fing
ers, giving me a pointed look.
Alex and glared at him, but didn't bother to respond. After all, he was right.
Conner was going to kill me.
Sorry it's a little-bitty short one!
I apologise about the delay, I've been really busy with semester exams all week,
and I'm sad to say that I'm only half way done with them all.
Ugh. I hate studying.
But moving on, I personally think that Alex and Jerry are an entertaining pair!
But I'm not entirely convinced on whether or not they should end up together....
Another thing, I've been considering, that instead of doing a sequel (In the dis
tant future don't freak out) about Conner and Selena, it could be in Alex's poin
t of view! Now it's just an idea, and the 'secret lovers' would still definitely
be in the mix there.
But it's just an idea! So no need to stress. I have no intention of ending this
current story any time soon!
So moving forward.....
Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Speculations?
Thanks for reading!
Chapter 38- Tension
To say that the ride home had been awkward....
Would probably be the understatement of the century.
In all truth, as soon as Conner pulled up beside us and saw the three of us- two

of us not even bothering to attempt to act sober- loitering outside what was pa
infully obvious to be a night cub, I had almost expected him to lunge at me and
throw me over his shoulder like a cave man.
But besides the subtle tick of his jaw as he took in the scene and told us to ge
t in, he made no moves what-so-ever to reprimand and/or lecture me.
Now I know what you're thinking.
Conner, my best friend and boyfriend, not scolding me for throwing caution to th
e wind and getting completely trashed before dinner? It sounds like a total nonConner move.
Well you would be right.
Because even though he had just arrived, he had obviously tasted the agonizingly
-thick tension between a certain, very drunk, pair sitting in the backseat.
Neither had spoken since the 'incident' in the parking lot, and I was starting t
o become concerned. I mean, sure, Alex had made it quite clear about her blatant
distaste for the overly-confident blond boy. But to be honest, I was actually s
tarting to miss when they bickered like an old married couple.
Because the silence was suffocating.
Behind where Conner and I sat in the front seat, Alex and Jerry were clearly unh
appy about being squished into the tiny back seat together, both leaning towards
their windows in an attempt to put more distance between each other.
But in Conner's tiny car, their efforts were futile.
So instead, they merely ignored each others presence, only sending the other an
occasional death glare but not saying anything. The tension was so dense between
the two hot-heads, that I bet that I could cut through it like butter by merely
opening my mouth.
But I was too nervous to make a move, and it looked like Conner was to.
I rode home in silence, unsure of whether or not I was scared of the two time-bo
mbs in the backseat, or grateful that they were there to delay my sure-to-come l
ecture. Probably a little bit of both.
As we pulled up in front of Lilly's white-picket house, Alex and Jerry took no t
ime in leaping out of the car and storming up the driveway, refusing to make eye
contact with each other.
Knowing Alex, she would probably end up staying the night there, while Jerry got
a ride home from his brother.
The rest of the ride home was silent, and I mentally prepared myself for the sco
lding that was sure to come at any given moment. But surprisingly enough, when w
e had made it back to my house, Conner still hadn't said a peep.
And as usual, I spoke too soon.
As soon as Conner helped me half-stumble upstairs, ignoring the suspicious looks
from a certain pair of twins in the living room, Conner pounced.
He shut the door to my room and turned to me with his arms crossed over his ches
t, a scowl evident on his face.

"What the hell were you thinking?"

I rolled my eyes, leaning back on my bed and staring up at my ceiling, still fee
ling slightly tipsy. Maybe is I ignored him, he would leave me alone at least un
til I was sober.
But Conner had other plans.
"Selena Rider!" He scolded me like a child, marching over to look down at my fac
e. "You better answer me!"
I let out a loud, slightly over dramatic sigh, mostly just to get on his nerves.
And it seemed to do the trick. "What?"
His glare intensified. "Don't play dumb with me! What were you doing at a night
club on a Monday night, with those horny maniacs?" He huffed, looking a little l
ike a toddler throwing a tantrum and making me giggle.
I couldn't help but reach a hand up to bop him on the nose, and let out another
drunken giggle as he continued to glare daggers at me.
"And you're completely drunk off your ass!" He added after that.
Suddenly, I felt icky. All of the dry sweat and glitter, alongside the unpleasan
t stench of alcohol, was starting to make me sick. Without responding to Conner,
I hopped off my bed and headed towards the bathroom, not even thinking twice be
fore I threw my clothes onto the floor.
Grinning to myself at the sharp intake of breath from Conner, I stepped into the
shower in the hopes that maybe a quick bath would clear my mind a little.
"Continue?" I prompted, already feeling the effects of the shower start to wake
me up a little.
Conner cleared his throat, before I heard shuffling as he moved to stand in the
doorway of the bathroom. "Right. So?"
"So what? We were just having a little fun." Because after all, we were.
"Fun?" His voice choked in disbelief. "If I remember correctly, the last time yo
u had fun, you-"
"I had a miscarriage, I know." I interrupted him, beginning to feel annoyed even
though I could see his point.
"Exactly! So-"
"So what?" I interrupted again, my mouth forming words before my mind could even
think of them. "One bad thing happened, so I'm not allowed to have fun ever aga
"Well no, but-" Conner started to protest.
But I was on a role. "But nothing! For once, I just want to feel normal again! T
o have some fun with my friends! to make some questionable decisions! Is that so
wrong?" I could feel the uncomfortable prick of tears at the back of my eyes, a
nd I was secretly glad that Conner couldn't see me through the shower curtain.
"Of course not! I'm just saying that-"

"That I should just live in worry for the rest of my life?" I was on the verge o
f sobbing by now, feeling all the emotions I've been bottling up start to pour o
ut all at once. I angrily scrubbed at the shampoo in my hair, taking out my frus
tration on my scalp.
"Selena, I-"
"Well I don't want to live like that anymore! It happened, it's over, and now we
have to move on! I can't just be constantly worrying that something could go ba
d again!" I complained, furiously wiping away a stray tear that leaked out of th
e corner of my eye.
"I know that-"
"I'm just tired of always being careful! I want to be reckless! I want to have f
un! I just want to-"
"Selena!" This time it was Conner who interrupted my rant. "Will you stop interr
upting me?"
Once his voice snapped me out of my rather emotional dazed state, snapping me ba
ck into reality to realize that my scalp was starting to hurt from my intensive
Conner took my silence as a signal to continue. "I know that you were just havin
g a little fun, but I just want you to realize that if you were going to go some
where dangerous, I should at least be with you to make sure you're okay." He spo
ke cautiously, as if he were nervous that his words might make me blow up again.
And he was right to be nervous.
"Excuse me?" I asked, slightly offended. He better not be insinuating what I thi
nk he may be insinuating.
"Next time you do something dangerous, just make sure I'm there to look after yo
u." He stated more clearly, and I realized that he thought I hadn't understood h
im the first time.
My annoyance level shot to the ceiling. "I can look after myself." My teeth were
gritted, and I could feel my fists clench painfully into my palms.
Conner sighed, realizing his mistake at the sound of my cold words. "I know that
, but I'm just saying that it would be better if I could be there for you too. J
ust in case."
"In case what?" I practically spat. Here I was, just brought back from the verge
of a nervous break down, and he was telling me that I needed him to look after
me like some sort of babysitter? He was my boyfriend, not my mom!
"Shit." I could practically see him run a nervous hand through his hair at the r
ealization that he had just screwed up. Big time. "I'm not trying to offend you
or anything-"
"Well your doing a pretty bang up job." I threw in bitterly.
I had just went through the afternoon knowing that one of my best friends was he
lping my boyfriend find another girl, gone clubbing with two psychotic friends w
ho ended up going at each others throats, and gotten chewed out by my said boyfr
iend for doing so, all within a couple of hours. I was really not in the mood to

be offended.
Conner let out an exasperated sigh. "Look, all I'm saying, is that-"
"That I can't take care of myself?" I finished for him, my anger only heightenin
g when he didn't respond.
I shut off the shower, reaching out to snatch my towel and disappear behind the
curtains again. Conner remained quiet as I dried myself off -rather harshly- and
tightly wrapped the towel around my body.
I was still pissed off at him though, and I couldn't help but rip open the showe
r curtains a little too forcefully to show him.
I brushed past him, only inwardly smirking when I caught him looking over my exp
osed skin.
After quickly changing into my pajamas, I plopped down onto my bed, crossing my
arms over my chest and glaring at where Conner was still standing.
"Are you going to keep staring at me like some creeper?" I asked scathingly.
My voice seemed to snap him out of his thoughts, and he hesitantly shifted on hi
s feet, clearly uncertain about what he should do.
"Oh, and I'm mad at you." I added, smiling sarcastically.
He looked a little surprised that I had just stated it so matter-of factly. But
it only took moments before he looked back at me indignantly, his eyebrows furro
"You're mad at me? I'm mad at you!" He argued stubbornly, recrossing his arms ov
er his chest like a child.
And suddenly, like a switch turned on a light bulb, I was turned on.
Don't ask me why, but something about the idea of Conner being mad at me was mor
e than a little hot.
Not to mention the fact that he was ridiculously attractive.
Cheeks flushed, jaw tensed, hair tussled, and green eyes sparkling, my boyfriend
was more than a little easy on the eyes.
Though I had to admit, here and now was probably not the best time for such a th
I considered my options in my head. The doctors had assured me that I was pretty
much fully recovered, but since the incident Conner refused to touch me. But he
was already mad at me, so what did I have to lose?
"Wanna try hate sex?"
To say Conner was surprised would be an understatement. He looked down right spe
After raising a pointed eye brow at him, he finally seemed to regain his use of
speech. "Wh-what?" Well, a little bit anyways.
He cleared his throat, clearly embarrassed about his earlier spluttering. "I mea

n, is now really the time for that?"

I shrugged, leaning back on my hands and watching his reaction to my abrupt sugg
estion in amusement. And to think, he was supposed to be the perverted one and y
et he looked as if I had asked, 'Hey, wanna eat Stanton's dirty socks?'
Man, I didn't get guys at all.
"Why not? Alex tells me it's wonderful." I pointed out curiously.
Conner snorted, rolling his eyes sarcastically. "Alex also told you that you can
treat chlamydia by bathing in banana juice."
I frowned. "How did you know that?"
"You talk in your sleep."
"Ughhhhh." I moaned, feeling another wave of frustration consume me. "I swear, e
very time I talk to you we always manage to get sidetracked. So do you want to d
o this or not?"
I could see the hesitance in his eyes. "I don't know S, we-"
I whipped off my t-shirt.
And it took him approximately three seconds to make up his mind and jump me.

"I'm still mad at you."

Conner turned his head to look at me, still panting slightly. His skin was cover
ed in a sheen of sweat, which I had to admit was a pretty good look for him.
"S, with sex like that, maybe you should be mad at me all the time." He grinned,
his lips still red and partially swollen from kissing.
I barely had the energy to reach over to whack his arm.
"Well, technically this was half-fight sex and half-reunion sex. There were spec
ial circumstances." I mumbled back, before rolling over to curl up on his chest.
Though I'd never admit it to him, it was probably the best sex we've ever had.
Alex tended to be right about once in a while.
"Whatever. We can continue arguing tomorrow." The vibration of his voice rumbled
through his chest.
At the mention of arguing, my mind flashed back to Alex and Jerry's previous arg
ument, and my buzz was sufficiently extinguished.
What Jerry had said (or screamed drunkenly) to Alex had been undoubtedly harsh,
but that didn't necessarily make him wrong. Was Alex's whole daring personality
really just a front? It wasn't all that hard to imagine. I had only been Lena fo
r a couple hours at most, and it was more than easy to slip into that careless a

nd borderline self-destructive personality. It had been so much easier pretendin

g that none of my problems existed, even just for a couple of hours.
Was something really going on with Alex, that even Lilly and I didn't know of?
"Hey Con, have you ever met Alex's parents?" I asked, at the sudden realization
that I knew little to nothing about my fiery friends personal life.
Conner thought for a minute, looking up at the ceiling and skimming his fingerti
ps rather distractingly over my bare shoulder. Finally, he shook his head. "Come
to think of it, no. Why, what's up?"
I could feel my frown deepen. "I haven't either."
Mentally reminding myself to ask Lilly about the subject later, I pushed the top
ic out of my head until tomorrow. My limited time of bliss was nearly over, and
in the morning I would be back to being mad and offended by his sexist, though p
otentially chivalrous, words from earlier. So I had every intention on enjoying
this rare moment of peace before the storm, because I knew just how stubborn the
both of us could be.
After that, it was quiet for a while, both of us just soaking in each others pre
sence in silence. I could feel the steady beating of his heart beneath my finger
s as I traced them over his stomach, smiling in satisfaction as I felt him shive
r from under me. I tucked the curve of my body into his side, basking in the war
mth and familiarity that practically radiated off of him.
"You do realize that when we get up tomorrow, I'm probably just going to be even
more pissed off then I was before."
Conner only smirked, looking smug as he leaned in for another lingering kiss tha
t made my heart race in my chest.
"Totally worth it."


And Fin!
Sorry bout the wait, I just started a new story that's completely epic. Well, in
my opinion anyways.
So, tell me what you think!####################################
Chapter 39- Chain Reaction
Life is complicated.
When I woke up the following morning, now that my head was clear and I could thi
nk straight again, I realized that I had possibly overreacted last night over wh
at Conner had said.
I mean sure, it was no doubt sexist, and if some random dude had come up to me w
ith such a comment I would have likely socked him in the eye.

But I had to remind myself that this wasn't just some random dude.
Conner was not only my boyfriend, but also my best friend, who knew me completel
y and hadn't run away screaming. Well, so far anyways.
I knew that he hadn't meant to insult me, which he so obliviously did. In his pe
rspective, he was just being the caring-borderline-overprotective guy that I was
so deeply in love with. Which under different circumstances would have been com
pletely romantic, and maybe even a little chivalrous.
But here's where things got complicated.
A large part of me, didn't want to forgive him.
Admittedly, our official 'first fight' as a couple was surprisingly appealing. A
s 'just friends', we had hardly ever argued over anything major, aside from the
occasional tickle fight. (Which I definitely won.) So experiencing our small lov
ers spat felt guiltily exciting, in a embarrassingly selfishly point of view.
In fact, I was beginning to believe that people secretly lived for such conflict
s. After all, if there were no bad times to be had, then technically there would
be no good times either. How can life be worth living without the exciting achi
evement of overcoming obstacles?
But mostly, my pride absolutely refused to let him win.
I could imagine what Sam would say if I told him such a situation. He would prob
ably roll his eyes an snort 'Typical Selena'.
And it nearly killed to to admit that he would be right.
Even I knew that prolonging a fight solely on my stubbornness to admit defeat, w
as entirely pointless.
But regardless, something in my genetic composition made me admirably, annoyingl
y, and irrevocably unable to admit defeat.
The mere thought of Conner's triumphant and overly-smug grin after my submission
, made my blood boil under my skin. I was certain that such a disagreement could
possibly end horribly and ruin my life, but regardless I was still determined t
o at least not admit that I was wrong, even if it lead to my downfall and overal
l demise.
I was a taller and less violent version of Napoleon.
So in other words, I was awkwardly caught between a rock and a hard place, the r
ock being Conner and the hard place also being Conner.
Well this sucks.
So when I woke up the next morning, flush against Conner's side, I had to force
myself not to wake him while I got ready for school. Which was only made more im
possible by the pounding hangover I was experiencing.
Note to self: No more clubbing on school nights.
So I tiptoed around the room with a hand held to my pulsing headache, stumbling
around in the dark as I got ready for school.
When I was finally presentable, I couldn't help but look back at Conner's sleepi

ng form longingly. At the mere sight of him, I had to swallow the intense urge t
o just give in and return to cuddling into his side. He was still fast asleep, h
is pink lips slightly parted and his hair an absolutely chaotic mess. (It didn't
help that he was pretty much naked too.)
It should be illegal for anyone to look so good at this ungodly hour.
After sneaking a quick kiss from him, I somehow managed to stumble down the stai
rs. The house appeared to be empty, my parents already at work and my brothers p
robably still sleeping like logs. Lucky bastards.
I felt guilt eat at my stomach when I heard Conner's car keys jingle from inside
my pocket. But it was certainly too late to give up now.
After scribbling down a little note for when Conner woke up, and taping it to th
e front door where he would definitely see it, I hurried outside. The bright sun
light made me wince, further intensifying my hangover.
And before I could change my mind, I hopped into Conner's car and started for sc
The war had officially begun.
-~~~~~~~Two and a half hours.
That's how long it took for Conner to get to school.
We were all sitting at lunch under our tree, making small chat and pretending no
t to notice the glaringly obvious tension between the two hot heads, when Conner
stormed into the cafeteria.
Lilly immediately stopped whatever she was saying as she caught sight of his sto
rmy expression, her expression clouding over in concern and confusion.
His gaze was locked on me, and I noticed that his clothes were slightly crooked,
a sure sign that he had rushed around to get here. In his hand, my little note
was crumpled inside his fist.
I swallowed thickly as he stopped in front of me, his flashing green eyes freezi
ng me in place where I sat.
Nobody moved, (aside from Jerry chuckling softly in amusement), and the tension
hanging in the air seemed to grow even thicker. If that was possible. Even the p
eople sitting at neighboring tables around the courtyard were glancing over at t
he scene and whispering excitedly, as if they knew that something dramatic and e
ntertaining to everyone except me, would be occurring.
And they would be right.
"Selena." Conner's deadpanned, his entire body rigid and his eyes shooting dagge
rs at me that were sharp enough to kill a small whale.
I gulped, forcing myself to remain cool on the outside, even if I was close to h
aving a panic attack on the inside. "Conner." I replied, nearly cheering when my
voice came out steadily. Unfortunately, my disconcerted reaction seemed to make
him even angrier. I was close enough to see the tips of his ears start to redde
n, a tell-tale sign that he was pissed.

"I found your note." I cringed at his steely tone, feeling more guilt and regret
gnaw at my stomach. But once again, my extremely persistent hotheadedness preva
"Really?" I asked, in what I hoped was a seemingly uninterested tone. "Which not
e would that be?"
From the corner of my eye, I could see Alex stifle an amused giggle behind her h
and. If I was capable of looking away from Conner, I would have most certainly s
hot her a scowl.
Unfortunately, he didn't seem quite as amused as Alex at my response. "This one.
" He shoved the paper in his hand in front of my face, a prominent scowl breakin
g his steely facade as irritation overtook his expression.
I somehow managed to keep my cool, looking casually over the note hanging in fro
nt of my face. But that didn't stop my heart from pulsing wildly in my ears.
"Oh." I shrugged, pretending to stifle a bored yawn. "That note. Right."
Conner's jaw clenched, and I couldn't help but think about how hot he looked whi
le he was mad.
"Right?" He repeated incredulously. His eyes narrowed into emerald slits, and he
was staring at me so intensely that I was afraid of exploding.
But like a switch, realization flickered briefly over his face.
All of the sudden, his scowl transformed into a cocky smirk and his rigid postur
e relaxed, like ice melting. His entire persona had changed back into the one I
had grown unusually fond of over the years, mischievous and entirely too sly.
And although this side of him was much more approachable, to most people, the si
ght of his lips upturned into such a smirk worried me more than the scowl had.
I knew all too well what Conner was capable of.
All of the sudden his scruffy 'just got out of bed' look, didn't look so adorabl
e. Paired with his new, confident composure, he changed from cute to irresistibl
e in a matter of seconds.
He leaned closer, instantly breaking through my temporary internal panic attack.
I was frozen in place as he advanced towards me, until I could nearly see the w
heels turning in his head, inside the depths of his eyes.
"Well then." He said softly, the warmth of his breath fanning over my face and m
aking me shiver. I could see his gaze flicker briefly down to my lips, and for a
moment I thought he was going to kiss me.
But before I could gather up the courage to grab his face and smash our lips tog
ether, which I was literally aching to do, the velvety richness of his eyes retu
rned back to meet my gaze. I couldn't help but notice that they were a shade dar
ker than normal, hooded under a familiar veil of lust.
"Game on."
And with a
of people
y until he

final chuckle, he turned away from me and made his way past the crowd
staring and exited the courtyard. And as if he had an alluring aura s
him, the gazes of the entire student body seemed to follow him closel
was fully out of sight.

I released the breath I hadn't realized I had been holding, instantly feeling my
body relax from the tension I hadn't realized I had been feeling.
I looked around, and remembered that I wasn't the only person in the room, seein
g the widened eyes of my friends openly staring at me.
"Wow." Jerry, of course, was the first to break the silence. I glared at the amu
sed expression still visible on his face, but he didn't seem to notice. "Well th
at was entertaining."
Beside him, Tom rolled his eyes and pulled Lilly closer to his side. Lilly's mou
th was blatantly dropped open, until Alex managed to lean over and close it manu
"Wha-at the hell was that?" Lilly stuttered out, and I realized with a pang that
Lilly and Tom probably had no idea what had gone down yesterday.
I shrugged, focusing my gaze on a blade of grass by my legs in fake interest. I
knew that if I looked up and met her gaze, the lie that came out of my mouth wou
ld probably be something ridiculous and unbelievable.
Jerry rolled his eyes again, as if to say 'kids these days'. He reached forward
and grabbed the note from my lap, which I hadn't even noticed. Conner must have
left it there while I was in my rather embarrassingly transfixed state.
His smirk only widened as he read it, and by the look on her face I could tell t
hat Alex was dying to read it, but was probably still too engulfed by her anger
directed at Jerry, to reach out and grab it from him.
But fortunately, Jerry placed the note face-up on the ground, and everyone took
the opportunity to lean over and read what I had written to Conner earlier this

Dear Concon,
Just thought you should know that you are late for class, and that I took your c
Hope you don't mind!
But don't worry I'll take good care of it! You've seen first hand how excellent
I am at driving, especially when it comes to cars/golf carts that don't belong t
o me.
See you in class! (Well, hopefully. )
P.S.- Have a nice run!

And to my dismay, Conner had written a note right back. Scrawled at the bottom i
n black marker, were the two words that made me involuntarily bite my tongue so

hard, that I had begun to taste blood by the time the words had sunk in.

Challenge Accepted


Dun dun dun dun!!!!

Again, sorry about the long wait! I've been attempting to juggle like 5 stories
at the same time, and I'm afraid it's becoming a losing battle.
I'm not going to bore you with my life problems though!
Just tell me what you think!

~And so the war begins~

Chapter 40- This Means War
I was seriously beginning to lose my mind.
For the rest of the day, I actually thought that Conner was lurking behind every
corner, waiting for an opportunity to strike.
And of course, he never did. Which only drove me more insane.
I should have known that this would be his battle strategy. After all, I've know
n him for pretty much my entire life.
And in the past years, I've known just how diabolical he can be, if he's properl
y motivated. And he was definitely motivated now.
So instead of straight out attacking me, he did the small, barely noticeable thi
ngs that were just about unbearable. Like smiling that heart melting smile at me
from across the hall, that made me want to leap over the crowds of people and j
ust kiss him senseless. Or making it so his hand just barely brushed across the
span of my hips when we walked past each other, making me shiver with some intan
gible emotion even though he didn't even glance in my direction.
So as I was saying, I was losing my mind.
I nearly sang in relief when I made it to my gym class, which was also my last c
lass of the day. And after that, I could go home and scream into my pillow.
I have to admit though, like the big coward I was, I purposefully showed up to c
lass early, just so I didn't have to run into Conner in the hallway again. My sk
in was still burning from where his fingers had brushed across the exposed skin
of my hips only moments earlier.

I let out a relieved breath when I saw that the locker rooms were empty, everyon
e sill bustling around in the hallways, idly chatting and not worrying about bei
ng assaulted.
I began changing into my gym clothes, barely stripping off my shirt before a pai
r of arms snaked around my waist, securing my bare back to a solid chest. I let
out a little yelp, whipping my head around to see a familiar pair of green eyes
glittering in amusement.
His cheek was resting on my shoulder, his face angled in a way so that his lips
just barely brushed my jaw when I turned to face him, sending a flurry of excite
d tingles down my spine. His grip around my stomach tightened, as if I could eve
n want to escape his arms.
"Hi there, beautiful." He chuckled lowly when I blushed scarlet, only succeeding
in making me blush more. He shifted his arms a little, causing the skin on my s
tomach to erupt in goosebumps.
He knew exactly what to do to get to me, and boy was it working.
And before I could even form intelligible words to respond to him, his lips were
on me.
He littered my skin with butterfly kisses that made my toes curl, starting from
my shoulder and working up to the edge of my jaw. I had no doubt that he could
feel my pulse beating frantically beneath his lips, and my suspicions only grew
when I could feel him smirk against my skin.
My head tipped back, a breathy moan escaping my lips as my own body betrayed me.
I longed to feel his pink, soft lips on mine, but I was far too dizzy to even t
I nearly screamed in sexual frustration when I felt his tongue peek out of his l
ips as he started to suck at where my neck met my shoulder. He nipped, licked, a
nd sucked on the tender skin, and I was so enamoured that I didn't even care tha
t he would likely leave a mark.
His hands had finally loosened their steely grip on my hips, now that he was cer
tain I wouldn't even dream of stopping him. His fingers were tracing up and down
my sides, making me jolt and shudder in ways that could only result from him.
I could feel his hot breath on my neck as he separated his lips from me, only to
have him hover his mouth up to my ear.
"I win."
And just as quick as he had came, he was leaving again, leaving me breathless an
d completely incoherent.
"Tease." I huffed out in frustration, still pretty much seeing stars.
He didn't even turn around as he replied, seemingly unaffected by our encounter.
"By now, you should really know that I'm not one to lose."
And then he was gone.
I nearly collapsed back against the nearest gym locker, my legs threatening to b
uckle from under me. I held a hand to my heart, attempting to calm it as I caugh
t my breath.

I was suddenly beginning to regret taking on the one person who knew my every we
"You do realize that he is wiping the floor with you."
I turned my head to glare at Alex, before going back to my running.
We were currently running around the track, as punishment for the two of us (cou
gh*Alex*cough) pissing off the gym teacher. Let's just say that he didn't find A
lex's mocking impression of him quite as amusing as the rest of us had. And I ju
st happened to be standing next to her.
So while the rest of the class was doing whatever they wanted to in the grassy a
rea nearby, Alex and I were stuck running indefinitely. Great.
Alex rolled her eyes at me, showing no signs of letting up on her questioning. "
Don't even pretend that it's not true! I can see the hickey on your neck just as
well as everyone else can!"
My hand snapped up to my neck, my cheeks instantly reddening when I realized tha
t everyone had probably already noticed it. Well, that certainly explained the c
atcalls I had received when I had walked into the gym.
I couldn't help but glance over to where Conner, Jerry, and a couple of his socc
er team mates were kicking around a soccer ball. And almost as if he could feel
my gaze, Conner's piercing green eyes suddenly flashed up to meet me. He winked
at me with a smug grin, eyes briefly but obviously glancing down onto the promin
ent purple mark on my neck, before going back to his game.
With a jolt of annoyance, I realized that his intention had probably been to giv
e me an obvious hickey all along.
Alex laughed at the look of angered realization on my face. "That's the spirit!
Now are you ready to show hot-ass who's in charge?"
I smiled at the look of absolute mischief on her face, a look I had seen many ti
mes before.
And she was right. Who was I, to stand around and just wait for him to strike ag
ain? The ball was in my court, and I sure as hell wasn't going to pass up an opp
ortunity for revenge.
Because he may know my weaknesses, but I also knew his just as well.
Conner and I had been involved in numerous face-offs such as this in the previou
s years, and I was entirely capable of doing some damage of my own. Just because
he was my boyfriend now, didn't mean I was going to show any mercy.
With clenched hands and my new found determination, I turned back to Alex with a
mischievous look of my own.

"Shit's about to get real."


Oh my god, I know I'm the worst!

I have finals this week, and I took up soccer and gymnastics, and I've just been
extremely preoccupied with my crazy life. I'm so sorry this took so long!
And it's short too, sorta a filler....
But I will prevail! Authors promise.
Well anyways, just tell me what you think, and any pranking suggestions would al
so be great :)
Dedication to the awesome girl who made the new cover, and everyone who's ever r
ead this story. Im nearly at 2,000,000 reads! You guys are incredible.
Read on!
Chapter 41- Time's Up
I'd like to think that I managed to pull it together after my little pep talk wi
th Alex.
For the rest of the day, Conner continued with his rather unorthodox assault. Ex
cept now, the slight touches and the dark looks that had me melting on the insid
e, were met with little to no reaction on my part.
And oddly enough, it seemed to be working. Which is strange, because my plans us
ually have a success rate of 0%.
My look of indifference was clearly starting to freak my boyfriend out, judging
from the intense glare I could feel drilling holes in the back of my head.
I wasn't sure when I became so good at acting exactly, but I was fairly certain
that it had something to do with my experience convincing people that Conner was
absolutely just my best friend, which hasn't been entirely true since middle sc
So it seemed that all the hard work and hiding in bushes had finally paid off.
The final bell rang, and I took no time in strolling out of my final class and
making my way outside, feeling Conner's persistent gaze still following after me
. I held my head up high with false confidence, and I was internally praying tha
t I didn't end up falling flat on my face. That would certainly ruin the moment.

I calmly walked through the parking lot with swaying hips, over to where Alex an
d Lilly were waiting for me, both leaning against Lilly's yellow bug. Alex had a
rather proud smirk on her face, her eye twinkling knowingly as they glanced pas
t my shoulder to where Conner was no doubt trailing after me.
"My little girl's all grown up." Alex sniffled, before yanking me into a bone c
rushing hug and pretending to sob into my shoulder.
"Aghhhh!" I yelped as she crushed my ribcage in her arms, leaving me short of br
eath. I immediately tried to wriggle out of her grip, but she had my arms pinned
efficiently to my sides. "You're. Choking. Me."
She released me, holding me at arms length with a bright smile that soon transfo
rmed into a scowl at the sight of something behind me.
Well, I guess Jerry has arrived at the scene.
Lilly rolled her eyes at Alex's bipolar antics, automatically leaning into Tom's
side as he came up next to her, throwing an arm casually around her shoulder. I
noticed her eyes flicker briefly over to Conner, most likely taking note of his
uncharacteristic silence.
"Hellooooo ladies." Jerry slid up next to me, Conner on his other side with a th
oughtful look on his face.
Alex snorted, crossing her arms over her chest and deepening her scowl. "Jerry,
sexist as ever, I see." She regarded him as if he were a dirty pair of gym socks
, her nose wrinkled like she was smelling something awful.
That instantly seemed to change Jerry's mood, as he scowled right back at her wi
th just as much distaste. "Alex, slutty as ever, I see."
"Here we go again." I heard Lilly mutter under her breath, but the two hotheads
seemed to be far too caught up in each other to take notice.
"You have absolutely no right to call me slutty, as long as your jeans are tight
er than mine." Alex retorted, pointedly eyeing Jerry's black skinny jeans.
"Yeah, we're gonna go now." Tom announced to no one in particular, glancing betw
een Jerry and Alex. When neither responded, far too preoccupied glaring daggers
at each other, Tom led Lilly into her car.
By the time the two had driven out of sight, Jerry was already sending back a sn
arky reply to Alex.
"Well, women don't seem to be complaining too much." His cocky smirk had found i
t's way back to his face, and I could see Alex's eye twitch. "Right Selena?"
His arms snaked around my waist, pulling me tightly to his side before I could e
ven blink. I glared up at his face, feeling my cheeks heat up against my will in
embarrassment as he shot me a playful wink.
"No." Conner growled suddenly, surprising everyone. I peered around Jerry to se
e him glaring intently at Jerry's arm, a head-scratching combination of frustrat
ion, annoyance, and jealousy evident on his face.
Jerry immediately retracted his arm, lifting them up in a sign of surrender. "Cman, chill! It was just a joke." He frowned as Conner's scowl deepened. I was su
re that if anyone else besides Jerry had been on the receiving end of that glare

, they would have most likely wet themselves.

I could tell that I was grimacing as soon as his eyes flickered from Jerry's arm
to my face, watching in fascination as his scowl transformed into a conflicted
I couldn't help but wonder what was going on inside his head at the moment. Conn
er of all people, should recognize that Jerry was just joking around and screwin
g with Alex. Sure, my idiot boyfriend has always had a little bit of a jealous s
treak, but it had never really came to the point of not letting his own idiot fr
iend touch me.
Boys are idiots, I concluded to myself.
That, or maybe my whole 'indifference' strategy was working a little too well.
His gaze transferred away from me and back to Jerry, his scowl reappearing on hi
s face again.
For the moment, Alex and Jerry seemed to forget that they were in the middle of
an argument, as everyone was closely watching Conner. His hands were squeezed in
to fists, his jaw was clenched, and his eyes had steeled over, all signs that he
was about to lose it.
I took no hesitation in grabbing his hand and quickly dragging him across the no
w empty lot, knowing all too well how bad his temper could get. For the most par
t, he was a pretty laid back kind of guy, and it took a lot to actually wind him
But once he was wound up enough he was practically a ticking time bomb, just wai
ting for a trigger to explode.
I guess he was a bit like me, in that way.
"Hey." I said softly once we had come to a stop, turning to grab his face in my
His sharp features instantly softened, his cheek leaning into my palm and his ey
es fluttering closed. I was nearly in awe of the effect I had over him, watching
in complete fascination as his body relaxed and his breathing slowed.
He let out a sigh, before his eyes opened and he was looking at me with soft gre
en eyes once more. Eyes that were the color of sparkling emeralds. Eyes that wer
e hotter and more intense than the Sun. Eyes that I had undoubtedly fallen in lo
ve with.
"Sorry." He muttered rather grudgingly, reminding me slightly of a small child b
eing forced to apologize by his parents. I smiled at that.
"Me too." I replied, and he instantly knew what I was referring to.
His lips fell into a childish pout, and I couldn't help but giggle as he pulled
on his 'you-ran-over-my-puppy' face.
"I don't like being ignored."
I smiled my smuggest of smiles, doing imaginary victory laps in my head. I had k
nown, of course, about this particular weakness of his. He has always hated bein
g ignored, especially by me. I think it had something to do with growing up as t
he only boy, stuck right in the middle of several attention lapping sisters. And

although he didn't really care if people he didn't know paid him no mind, (whic
h hardly ever happened because let's face it, he's gorgeous), he usually craved
my undivided attention.
He seemed to have caught on to my thought process, as he rolled his eyes and too
k a step back from me.
My hands fell back to my side, but I didn't care. I was too busy watching in amu
sement as Conner crossed his arms over his chest and glared at me.
"That wasn't very nice, S." He huffed, a smile breaking to one end of his lips a
s he watched me begin to howl with laughter.
"Sore loser much?" I was still chuckling when I had finally calmed down enough t
o respond.
"No, you just know me far too well for this to be a clean fight." He pointed out
, and I had to agree with him. What was that saying again.... Know thy enemy? We
ll, whatever it was, they were spot on.
"Plus," he went on. "I missed doing this." He leaned in to give me a lingering k
iss that made my head spin and my heart race.
"No complaints here." I grinned up at him, delighted when he gave me a lopsided
grin of his own in response. I the background, I could hear the familiar voice o
f Alex and Jerry, no doubt having continued on with their argument, unaware that
they had both missed their rides home, seeing as Tom had taken his own car keys
with him and Lilly's bug. "Well, it looks like everything's back to normal!"
"Nuh uh uh." He waggled a finger in front of my face, like he was scolding a nau
ghty kindergartner. I gulped at the devious look in his eyes, suspiciously playf
ul and altogether up to no good. "I believe a little revenge, on my part at leas
t, is in order."
I groaned, but didn't resist as he led me to his car.
When we were both in our seats, Conner turned back to me with a wide smirk that
I half wanted to kiss, and half wanted to smack off his face.
"Rule number one, beautiful. Never start something you're not going to finish."
And with that, he started to car and begun the drive home, acting as if nothing
had even happened.
What have I gotten myself into?

Hiya readers!

Now I know, once again, it is really short. -_So, I have come to the conclusion, that maybe that's just my style of writing! S
hort and sweet! Though mostly, I just made that up to make myself feel better. B
ut oh well!
Also, any ideas for pranks would be greatly welcome :)
Anyways, just tell me what you think!
Chapter 42- Breaking Point
When we pulled up in my driveway, we were surprised to see that the house looked
completely normal.
A.k.a: My family wasn't home.
We went inside and curiously looked around for a while, until Conner finally fou
nd the sticky note stuck to the fridge.
'Went to Disney World, brought the boys along. Be back in a few days. Have fun w
ith Conner!'
And then there was a heart and a winky face at the bottom. I had no doubt that m
y mother had written the note.
I frowned, momentarily disappointed that they hadn't even stuck around to tell m
e they were leaving, let alone invite me along. But my sudden streak of loneline
ss vanished as soon as I felt a warm pair of lips kiss my shoulder.
"Well," Conner whispered huskily, and I felt my body shudder at the very sound.
"You heard the woman. Let's have some fun, shall we?"
Protesting didn't even cross my mind as he led me upstairs, gradually trailing k
isses up my arm as he went.
My feet padded across the cold floor as I walked around the room, a dull reminde
r that Winter was on its way.
Conner was still laying on my bed in all his glory, his arms resting behind his
head as he watched me with burning eyes. He had always had a thing with me weari
ng his shirts as pajamas.
Conner didn't question me as I changed my course to exit the room.
My feet led me across the hall to the crooked door that led up to the attic.
The door creaked when I opened it, since it was by far the oldest and least used
door in the entire house. Hardly anyone even bothered going up there.
Like the door, the wooden stairs also creaked beneath me, but I quickly ascended
them regardless. I had something in mind for Conner, and I remembered exactly w
here my mom had left it.
The attic was just as dusty and cluttered as the last time I had seen it, boxes
of junk and other forgotten belongings scattered around the murky room. The only

source of light came from a small, wood framed window on the far wall.
I spotted a couple of spiders, so I hurried across the room to the box of my mom
s old stuff. I dug through it hurriedly, feeling the cold nip at my legs due to
the lack of the heater system in the attic.
I finally found what I had been looking for. With it tightly clutched in my hand
, I hurried back downstairs.
I was instantly relieved as I shut the door to the attic. Most of the time I was
too anxious to even go up there. It was quite creepy at times.
Well, that and Sam had once lost his pet rat up there.
I walked back to my room to see that Conner was in the same place I had left him
. Laying on my bed, only wearing his boxers to cover his mouthwatering self.
I grinned deviously as I showed him the object I had retrieved. His eyebrows rai
"A camera?" He inquired. "What, are you going to shoot some porn or something?"
My cheeks burned as I glared at him. "Of course not you dolt! Why would I need t
hat when I have the real thing?" I didn't really intend to stroke his ego, I jus
t knew that he would drop the subject if I did so.
He smirked, seemingly satisfied with my answer.
I made my way towards the bed with my mothers old Polaroid camera in hand. It ac
tually wasn't even that old, but my mother had discarded it when she got over he
r photography phase, and Conner's mom had introduce her to yoga soon after. I sw
ear, my mother was more 'teenage' than I was, at times.
I hopped up to stand on the bed over Conner. I looked down into the lens at his
smiling face, and took my first shot. Click. He chuckled at me, unfazed.
He shook his head at me, looking amused. "What are you doing?"
I shrugged. Click. "Capturing memories."
He raised an eyebrow at my response, a sarcastic smile tugging at his lips. I co
uldn't help but capture the classic Conner moment. Click.
"Fine. But does it have to be when I'm mostly naked?"
"It's not porn!" I said rather defensively at what he was implying, my cheeks pi
nkening again. I was glad that the camera was blocking my face.
He held up his hands in surrender, but didn't quite look like he believed me. Cl
I looked back over my pictures for a second. They were good, and in all honesty
Conner was gorgeous, but it still felt like it was missing something. They just
weren't doing Conner justice.
I changed the effects to black and white, and pulled it back to my face.
"Why did the baboon say to the giraffe, 'why the long face?'" I asked him.

His eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Click. "Ummm... Is that a trick question?"

I ignored him and went on. "Because he thought its neck was its face."
Then a loud, joyous laughter filled the room.
Conner had always had a soft spot for my awful jokes. Seriously, the more absurd
and childish, the better. I looked over him, his head thrown back into the pill
ows, his eyes scrunched shut, frozen mid laugh. Click. Perfect.
I took a few more until he finally calmed down enough. And then, he was looking
at me with a look of pure adoration that made me melt, an endearing crooked smil
e on his face and his green eyes twinkling like stars, mirth and utter infatuati
on swirling in their depths. Click.
It was like pure enamor captured within a single moment.
"Hey Con?"
His mouth quirked on on side. "Yeah S?"
"I love you." I said softly, feeling sincerity leak into each word.
I got the reaction I had been hoping for. His grin softened into a gentle smile,
and I thought the very sight of him would give me a heart attack though the len
s. My hands shook as I took the picture. Click.
"I love you too. Forever." He promised softly.
I couldn't help myself as I dropped to my knees on the bed to give him a lingeri
ng kiss. I pulled away after a few seconds to capture the awestruck look on his
face. Click. He was looking at me like he was the luckiest guy on Earth for bein
g with me, when in reality he was probably just the craziest. But it pulled at m
y heart strings nevertheless.
I dropped the camera to the bed again to kiss his neck. I instantly targeted the
weak spot on the junction of his collarbone and neck, and I used my teeth to tu
g and lick at his skin until he was moaning beneath me.
"Hold that thought." I whispered, grabbing my camera to take another shot. His n
eck arched, hair ruffled, lips parted, and the smooth planes of his neck and che
st visible, he was probably the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. He was pee
ring at me with hooded eyes, searing right through the lens with a dark promise,
and the light casted over the angles of his face was exquisite. Click.
I swooped back down and continued trailing kisses down his neck and chest, savor
ing the soft feel of his skin against my lips. Using the flat of my tongue, I li
cked back up to his jaw, relishing in his jolts and shivers.
I pulled back again. His back was slightly arched off the bed now, and his eyes
were squeezed shut, almost as if he were in pain. He was biting his soft, pink l
ips, the moistness of his mouth only making them softer and pinker. It was an im
age of pure sex. Click.
He was panting, but opened one eye at the sound of the click. "Are you sure this
isn't porn?"

I couldn't even find it in me to playfully glare at his words, when he was looki
ng so completely undone. Without another thought, I dropped the camera to the fl
oor and kissed him with everything I had.
After several hours, I could truthfully say that I hated my most recent of incon
venient flaws.
Sure, the whole blushing thing was completely mortifying most of the time, and m
y tendency to trip over my own feet was ridiculous, but this definitely took the
cake for most annoying.
It was as if my entire sleeping pattern had suddenly begun to revolve around Con
ner. Usually, I just felt a little out of place sleeping by myself, and I had no
ticed it gradually become worse. But now it was at the point where I couldn't ev
en sleep a wink without him, even though I was thoroughly exhausted.
It was positively absurd, really.
I continued to stare at my ceiling, wide awake and wishing I wasn't. Maybe it wa
s all the stress of my overly dramatic life, or the fact that Conner wasn't here
next to me, but whatever the reason my brain was blatantly refusing to rest.
I sighed to myself, before finally admitting defeat and sitting up in my bed.
For what seemed like the billionth time that night, I glanced over at my alarm c
lock, only managing in making myself even more frustrated when I saw that it was
12:05. Which was only 3 minutes later than when I last checked.
Which basically meant, that I still had 7 hours to kill before school started. A
nd I was stuck here, bored and completely alone.
So you can imagine how relieved I was when my phone lit up, indicating that some
one was calling me. The only question was, who would be calling me at midnight o
n a Thursday?
But stupid ol' me was so sick of being bored and alone, that I didn't even bothe
r to check who it was before I lunged to answer my phone.
"Alex?" I asked questioningly. Oddly enough, I had trouble recognizing her voice
at first. I mean, it still sounded like her, but almost as if something was off
"Selena!" She gasped in relief, sounding suspiciously like she was holding back
a sob.
I was instantly on my feet, all traces of tiredness, (even though there wasn't a
ny), disappeared. One thing I knew about Alex after all these years, was that sh
e never cried. Like ever.
I remember when she broke her arm in the eighth grade, after some kid accidental
ly missed the basket while playing a rowdy game of basketball. Instead of crying
like a baby in pain, (like I would have done), she ended up chasing the poor bo
y around the gymnasium and beating him up with her good arm. In the end, a few t
eachers had to restrain her, and surprisingly enough the other kid was the one w

ho ended up crying like a baby.

So if Alex was crying, something was going horribly wrong.
"Alex?" I asked again, more worried and alarmed. "What's wrong?"
"Sellie I-I'm scared." She whimpered pitifully, and I heard the distant sound of
yelling and banging on the line.
"What's happening? Did you find a ride home? Are you alright?" I stopped when I
realized that my rapid fire mother hen questions weren't going to help. "Where a
re you? I'm coming to get you."
"N-no!" She protested weakly, and I got the sinking feeling that she wasn't talk
ing to me. She yelped loudly, as if in sudden pain, and I felt a surge of anger
at whoever was with her.
I was almost positive that someone had just hit her.
I yelled Alex's name into the phone, as someone on the other end of the line sup
posedly took the phone from her.
"Alex? Alex are you there?" I felt my eyes begin to water as I heard a loud 'thw
ack' on the other end, followed by some crying that I knew had to be Alex. "I'm
calling the police!"
But before I could even move to rush out of the room and call the police, a dark
chuckle stopped me in my tracks.
"Now now now," A deep voice chided, making me go icy still. "There's no need for
"Who are you?" I asked stiffly, my fist clenching at my side to the point of pai
n. I couldn't recall any other moment when I had felt this much rage, with the p
ossible exception of me punching the girl who had inadvertently killed my unborn
No matter how insane she could be, or how much trouble she always ended up getti
ng me in, Alex was on of my best friends, and whoever was hurting her would have
to deal with me.
"Why don't you come pay us a visit and find out." The voice chuckled again, and
for a moment I saw red. I could hear Alex crying again, louder heart wrenching s
obs, before there was more shuffling and she cried out again.
"Where?" I said stonily, already deciding on going.
The voice only hummed, as if he was thinking. After a few torturous seconds, he
gave me the location.
I wrote it down on my arm, since I had no paper close by.
"I'll be there." I could hear Alex protesting in the background, and I felt a su
dden urge of protectiveness over her.
The voice chuckled sinisterly again. "I know. Come alone."
And with that, he was gone, and I was pulling on some clothes and running out of
the house.

Cue suspense!!
Sorry bout the delay, i'm out of town the entire summer with no computer!!!!! No
This was written on my iPod, so sorry if it's bad!
Sooo, who do you think it is??
Tell me what you think!
Chapter 43- Fear Factor
I was an idiot.
You know that one girl in every horror movie? The one who will walk around the h
ouse saying "Hello? Who's there?", as if the serial killer will respond with "He
y! I'm in your kitchen making a sandwhich!"
That character who will wander around outside alone, with a flashlight as their
only choice of weapon, whenever they hear something suspicious. And every single
time you can't help but yell at the screen "Stay inside you idiot! He's going t
o stab you, dumbass!"
Well, right now that character was me.
My hands gripped tighter at the steering wheel, as I tried to get them to stop s
The sinking pit in my stomach grew heavier with guilt, when I realized that this
was the second time today that I had stolen Conner's car. And at the mere thoug
ht of Conner, probably still fast asleep in his bed, the shaking in my hands spr
ead up to my arms. I knew that if he had any idea what was going on he would be
But honestly, I didn't really have many other options.
Now I know what you're thinking. Why don't I just call the cops? Or even bring C
onner along? It was more than obvious that this was some sort of setup, and if I
wasn't in the middle of this circumstance I would have thought the same thing.
But having someone I cared about in danger really put things into perspective.
If I called the cops, I had no doubt in my mind that whoever was with her would
take her down with him. And there was no way I could even consider causing that.
And then there was Conner, the boy I was so helplessly in love with. If anything
ever happened to him on my account, I already knew that I wouldn't be able to l
ive with myself.

"Hey Con?" I asked him softly, hearing the grass rustle beneath us as he shifted
into a more comfortable position.
My head was resting on his chest, listening once more to the steady beating of h
is heart.
The sun had already gone down hours ago, but we were content watching the subtle
glimmering of stars and enjoying the silence of each others company.
He was occupying himself playing with my fingers again, a distracted habit of hi
s. I shivered every time his thumb lingered over the soft skin of my palm, cares
sing my hand ever so gently.
"Yeah?" He responded softly, his warm breath tickling my ear.
"I totally won."
He chuckled, and I let out a small mewl of protest as he sat up to look around.
The sprinklers had gone off a while back, but the grass, along with our clothes,
was still soaking wet. Conners soccer ball was still laying abandoned a few met
ers away.
I sat up as well to remain cuddled against his bare chest, and his arm willingly
snaked around to secure me to him.
Finally, he shook his head and snorted. "As if, you completely cheated."
"Did not." I grumbled rather childishly.
I didn't have to look up to know that he was rolling his eyes. "You picked up th
e ball and ran away." He pointed out.
"What, is that not allowed?" My heart soared when he laughed in response.
We fell back into a short, comfortable silence for a few moments, merely taking
each other in. He was wearing only a pair of sweat pants to cover him, and his j
et black hair was dripping wet, but I couldn't help but think that he had never
looked handsomer.
"I know you've heard me say this far too often, but I love you. More than I thou
ght possible." He said softly in my ear, and I took note of his increase in hear
t rate.
I smiled and shook my head. "As if I could ever get tired of hearing that." And
it was true, even after all this time I still felt like a giddy school girl. "I
love you more."
"Impossible." He teased, and I looked up to see him grinning down at me, green e
yes alight like the stars above us.
He craned his neck to kiss the junction where my neck met my shoulder, and I had
to suppress a tremble.
"And I gotta say," He went on. "I've always liked the sight of you in my shirts.
This time, it was me who snorted. "Trust me, I know."
"And it doesn't hurt that you're soaking wet and- Yowch!" He yelped when I whack
ed the side of his head. He brought a hand to rub at his skull grumpily. "Jesus,

I was just kidding."

"Sure you were." I was more than used to his perverted comments by now.
"You know," he said after a while. "I'm surprised no on has called the cops by n
"Huh." I responded, realizing it was true. The neighbors would have usually call
ed the police by now. "Maybe they gave up trying."
And right on queue, the distant sound of a siren has us scrambling to out feet.
He grabbed my hand and sprinted for my house, and I giggled the whole way back.
I was jolted out of my remembering as a car honked at me. I then remembered that
I was driving.
I could practically hear Conner complaining about my wretched driving skills, an
d demanding me to pull over and allow him to live.
I blinked back tears. Yeah, I could definitely not bring him into this.
It may not be the smartest decision, but for now it was my best bet at getting A
lex out of there in one piece.
Alex, my mood dropped even further. My bubbly, ever-confident redhead of a frien
d, was in trouble. Probably in more trouble than I knew of. And if I had the cha
nce to save her, I was sure as hell going to try.
I pulled up into the address the mystery man had given me, not even caring that
I had been driving around 20 miles over the speed limit. It was a mansion, and a
rather big one at that. The gate had been left open, and the path was convenien
tly lit up with old fashioned street lights.
After double checking the address, I jogged up the long driveway to the large wh
ite house, currently near black in shadows. It vaguely reminded me of Tom and Je
rry's house from back when they had a party. That ended in disaster.
So I didn't exactly have high expectations for how this would turn out.
I was surprised to see that the front door was also wide open, and I grimly real
ized that he was already expecting me. That certainly didn't calm my churning st
Unlike the outside of the house, everything inside the house was bathed in shado
ws, only remnants of wood flooring and smooth walls visible under the light leak
ing in from the open door.
Another feeling of uncertainty made my gut clench when I took the first step ins
ide. I half wished I had brought Conner along, to hold my hand in the dark and w
hisper soothingly in my ear whenever I got nervous. Like now.
But then Alex flashed across my mind, crying and probably terrified right now, a
nd my determination and generally stubborn conscience forced my feet back into a
Gulping loudly and swallowing my fear, I traced a hand along the wall to my righ
t so I didn't run into anything. My heart was thudding so loudly that I wouldn't

be surprised if everyone in the house could hear it.

I made it to a set of stairs, and ascended them as quietly as I could, wincing w
ith each step that creaked and silently cursing my notoriously rotten luck.
When I made it to the top, I suddenly realized that I could see the floor in fro
nt of me. My head whipped up and sure enough, there was light coming out from a
doorway across the hall.
I stopped, but everything was silent. I tried not to notice that my hands were s
haking again as I slowly made for the door.
This is it, I thought to myself. This is the moment that could very well get me
or Alex severely injured, or worse.
And I was willingly walking right into it. Maybe Conner was right, I was too hea
I hesitantly stepped into the room, ignoring the voice in my head yelling at me
to run like hell.
The first thing I saw was Alex, facedown on the floor and chillingly silent. Tho
ugh she had always been on the paler side (much to her dismay), at the moment sh
e looked as still and white as a ghost. But that wasn't the scariest part, no, w
hat horrified me the most was the scarlet liquid leaking out onto the floor.
The sight of blood on the floor beneath her had me rushing to her side.
Big mistake.
"Alex? Alex!" I shook her lightly, feeling panicked when she didn't respond.
The sound of the door shutting brought me out of my terrified state, and my eyes
widened to the size of saucers at what- or rather who- I saw standing there.
My heart sank. I should have known that this was a set up.
"Well, hello there Selena. I was hoping you would make an appearance tonight."
Again, sorry bout the wait, I am still computerless and my iPod is ridiculously
A little cute one here! :)
Sorry bout the typos! They really bug me :/ thanks for pointing them out guys!
Anyways, just tell me what ya think? ;)####################################
Chapter 44- Fated
Fate has a funny way of changing everything.
And when I say funny, I mean funny in the ironic, some supernatural force is out

to get me -kinda way.

I mean, I should've seen this coming, right? I've seen the movies, I know how th
ese sort of situations play out. And I've witnessed such suspenseful moments be
resolved, after the main character comes up with some quick and undeniably risky
move and saves the day against all odds. The end.
So why is it, that I'm positively frozen right now?
Why can't I be that brave hero in action movies? What's stopping me from forming
a brilliant plan to save the day against all odds?
Well, in short- Reality.
Because in reality, the very fear of the slightest possibility that this personor man in my case- could end a life at any chosen moment, was a stab in the gut
all on its own.
So, back to being helpless and scared out of my wits.
I didn't know it was possible to be even more terrified than I was ten seconds a
But once again, the world just loved proving me wrong.
My hands started to violently tremble at the sight of the man standing in front
of my only escape route. The sight of the gleaming blade at his side, as well as
the sadistic smile on his face, made me want to curl up and cry.
It couldn't get more horrifying if a masked man wielding a chain saw burst throu
gh the door to join the party.
"W-who are you?" It took my a few moments to realize that I had started speaking
. Honestly, I was surprised that I could even speak at all.
The man didn't respond, only smiled in amusement and stepped closer. He leisurel
y took step after step towards us, expertly twirling his knife between his finge
rs. He fit the stereotypical serial killer motif, to the letter.
As he approached, I was startled to see how young he looked. He couldn't be that
much older than I was, with well groomed dark hair and chiseled features. All i
n all, he looked to be an ordinary guy in his 20's.
Only the cold and calculated look in his eyes suggested that he was anything but
"Oh Selena." He tutted, shaking his head like he was reprimanding a small child.
"Or is it Lena? Which do you prefer?"
My mind started racing alongside my heart. Not only did he know my name, but he
knew my partying alias.
Which was odd, seeing as I had only been Lena for about 6 hours.
"Oh right." He stopped right in front of where I was with Alex, crouching down t
o my level to grin maniacally at me. "I don't care."
He stood back up, not waiting for a response. He watched me some more, playing w
ith the razor sharp blade in his hand with disinterest.

I stole a glance back at Alex, who hadn't moved a muscle since I had found her.
Now, how was I going to get myself out of this one....
"Well then." Mystery psychopathic man went on. "Initially, I was only going to d
eal with little miss Alexandra here, but I suppose ridding the world of yet anot
her whore couldn't hurt."
His smirk transformed into a unstable looking Cheshire cat grin. "It's just a sh
ame you don't even remember me."
That certainly gave me a jolt
Did he mean.... Was he saying that I had already met him?
My mind immediately raced to place his face to a memory, desperate to obtain any
sort of clarity on the situation.
But how does one simply recall a nameless person from among dozens of forgotten
nameless people?
Think Selena, use that big head of yours.
Well let's see..... For starters, he called us Alexandra and Lena. But how would
he know about our one night debut as club entertainers? Unless....
Man I'm an idiot.
He must have been at the club that night!
Jesus, I can't believe I didn't figure that out sooner.
I tried to recall all the occupants in the club that night. But 99% of them had
been completely intoxicated out of their minds. There was no way they would have
been the capacity to remember who we were, let alone be able to track Alex down
Then, I remembered what Alex had told me that night, while we were sitting at th
e bar.
'Selli, you'll thank me later. You do not want the people in this club knowing y
our real name outside of these walls. It's best to keep your clubbing life, and
your real life separate.'
My head snapped up as a name suddenly clicked to a face. There was only one pers
on in the entire club that night, who had met us both and hadn't been as drunk a
s a sailor.
I vaguely recalled the cheeky young bartender from the club, whom Alex had seeme
d familiar, and quite fond with. But it simply didn't make any sense- there were
several other people present in the club that night that I would have guessed t
o be psychopaths before Aaron, the cute and friendly bartender.
At the time, he had seemed entirely insignificant. Just a single person in a cro
wded room full of other, much more noticeable people. It was hard to believe tha
t the same playful eyed man from that night was the same crazy eyed killer stand
ing before us.

I hadn't realized that I had even voiced my thoughts aloud, until I witnessed hi
s smirk widen further.
"Ah, so you do remember me!" He said with fake cheeriness. "What a relief! I was
afraid you wouldn't even recognize who had killed you."
That made me feel tons better.
He clapped his hands together, the hilt of his weapon held between his palms. "S
plendid! Now where was I?" His head tilted as if he were deep in thought, and it
was obvious that he was both mocking me and bathing in his own success. If I ha
dn't been about to pee myself, I probably would have felt offended. "Oh yes! Thi
s is the part where I kill you!"
And with that, he stepped forward with the gleaming metal gripped in one hand. I
t took me a moment to process his words.
"W-wait!" I managed to choke out, feeling nothing but fear and desperation, and
in return hearing nothing but that in my voice.
And to my surprise, he halted, a curiously amused look plastered on his expressi
"I-isn't this the part where you take the time to spill out your evil plan?"
It was a rather desperate move, I'll admit.
But nonetheless, I went on hurriedly, nearly tripping over my own tongue in the
process. "It's like an unspoken super villain law or something! You can't just l
eave us wondering what we did that resulted in our- o-our.... Don't you want us
to know why you're-y-you're-"
He held up his free hand to stop my stuttering mess of an excuse. But to my shor
t lived relief, he smiled and shrugged his shoulders.
"Yes, I suppose I didn't set up this elaborate plan just to flash you my handsom
e smile and be on my way." He looked over me thoughtfully, the flat of his blade
lightly resting against his lips.
"I want you to feel remorse for your actions when you die."
He turned back around and began to slowly pace in front of me, still toying with
his weapon like it was just a pen, and not a gleaming knife that could easily a
mputate his fingers if he slipped up.
I released the breath I hadn't realized I'd been holding.
I subtly scooted back on my butt and carefully pulled Alex's unconscious head on
to my lap, keeping one eye on Aaron at all times. If he saw me move towards her,
he didn't show a signs of it. I held back my sigh of relief when I felt her sha
llow breath against my hand.
Thank God.
I rested my arms protectively around my broken, fragile friend, and waited with
baited breath for our captor to continue. As much as I hated to admit it, he was
calling the shots. For now, anyways.
I had bought us some time. But I knew in my gut that the final hour was approach

And fast.
Sorry for the delay, my Ipod- excuse my french- is shitty.
PS. I'm still accepting covers!
Special thanks to Kaur92, for the lovely art attached to this chapter! And a mor
e gratitude to iGOTenchanted, for the incredible new book cover! :) Thanks, you
guys are sick!
Are any of you surprised to find out who it was?
Tell me what you think!
Chapter 45- The Final Hour
Sometimes, you'll find that the things you want most, are often the things that
you will probably never have.
Wait, hold on. Let me try that again.
The things you want most, are the things that you will probably never have.
For instance, right now, I wanted nothing more than to be somewhere warm and sun
ny, with Conner's arms wrapped around me, and preferably far far away from the p
sychotic killer monkey, who was smiling at me like I was the World's biggest ban
ana sundae.
Like I said, not gonna happen.
In my current state, I was fairly certain that the only thing keeping me from ha
ving a complete psychological meltdown, was the overpowering concern I was feeli
ng for Alex, who was remaining very still and very unconscious in my lap. I soot
hingly ran a hand through her wild red hair, trying to comfort both her and myse
lf. Well, maybe mostly myself, seeing as she was unconscious.
I still wasn't even sure what had caused her injury, only that it was some sort
of blow to the head, judging by the blood sopping the entire right side of her h
ead. It made me wonder why anyone would want to hurt someone as fluorescent as A
"Ahem." A firm hand came out of nowhere and grabbed my chin, yanking my gaze up
to meet a shaded pair of eyes. "Now where did those pretty brown eyes of yours r
un off to?"

A maniacal grin appeared on Aaron's face, and I had to suppress a shiver as his
fingers clenched tighter around my jaw until it reached the point of being nearl
y unbearable. I could feel the blood roaring in my ears as the pain intensified,
and for a moment I was sure that my bones were going to snap. Tears pricked at
my eyes, but I refused to let them fall and give him the satisfaction of seeing
me cry.
"That's better." He roughly released my face, painfully jostling my head in the
process. I winced, but kept my mouth shut and my expression impassive.
Blocking out the throbbing of my jaw, I turned my attention back to Alex, partly
out of concern and partly as a distraction.
"Right, so let's say we get this show on the road! Huh, ladies?" He stood up str
aight and shot me a sarcastic smile, that in any other occasion I would have tho
ught to be charming.
I was starting to miss his crazy face. At the very least, when I saw it I knew I
was dealing with a nutcase.
I gave a nervous laugh, holding back a wince at the sharp pain when I opened my
"Well, I see no point in scooting around the subject." He went on cheerfully. "I
bet you're curious as to why I'm going to kill you."
At the certainty in his words, another wave of fear washed over me. He sounded s
o sure of himself, as if there was no doubt in his mind that he was going to fol
low through with his words.
"Well, it all started when I fell in love with this girl." For a split second, t
he sadistic gleam in his eye seemed to fade. But before I could be sure, another
mock-thoughtful expression masked the emotion. "She was a lot like the two of y
ou, actually."
Well, I had a sinking suspicion as to where this conversation was heading.
"She was kind, intelligent." His flickered appreciatively over me, before moving
to Alex, and then returning to me again. "Beautiful."
I shivered and directed my gaze to his feet. Anything to avoid his piercingly ob
sessive gaze.
"And like the fool I was, I fell for her. Hard." His hand snapped out to push up
under my chin, and I let out a small whimper at the sudden burst of agony that
exploded in my face. "I'd suggest that you look at me, when I'm speaking to you.
I met his eyes and shakily nodded, but made no move to respond.
"So anyways, you could imagine my surprise when she broke it off between us." Hi
s face darkened, and surrounded by the dim lighting and the eerie silence, he tr
uly looked the part of a murderer.
His eyes narrowed. "She, actually had the audacity to break up with me, after I
caught her in our bed with another man. So she shatters my heart, and then gets
to break up with me and stomp all over it afterwords."
He let out a humourless laugh that made me start to tremble. I was finally getti
ng some insight into his motives. It was what I had been wanting since I had got

ten here, and yet I suddenly wished that I could have remained in the dark. Know
ing his story just scared me further.
And all I could think about, was how much I wished Conner was here.
"And I never saw her since! The nerve of that-that whore!" His fist clenched aro
und the handle of the knife, and I could visibly see the rage in his eyes multip
ly. "She's just like you, actually."
I heavily swallowed down the terrified sobs arising in the back of my throat. It
felt a lot like trying to swallow a block of lead.
"Seductive," he took a slow step forward. "Charming," another step. "Confident,"
yet another step, until he stopped right in front of me. "Wicked."
The emotions in my head were jumbling up my thought process, and I was finding i
t rather difficult to think.
"You walk strut around like you're hot stuff,
le you hurt along the way!" His eyes flashed,
that he was going to lunge at me. I could see
nto his eyes and see all of the rage and hurt
because you're all the same."

not even caring about all the peop

and for a split second I was sure
his pain, I could literally look i
bottled up inside of him. "That's

"And since I can't seem to find her," He drawled out, picking at his fingernails
with his blade. "I guess the two of you will have to suffice."
He stepped impossibly closer and crouched, angling his head down so that I could
feel his warm breath fan across my neck and collarbone as he inhaled deeply. "I
t won't quite be the real deal, but at least I get to rid the world of yet anoth
er rat."
My entire body was shaking uncontrollably, and if it wasn't for Alex lying in my
lap I probably would have wrenched myself away and scrambled back towards the w
After a few, agonizing moments, he finally pulled back and stood up again. He sh
ot me one last boyish grin and twirled his knife between his fingers.
"Now, who's first?"
And just as he spoke, there was a loud thunk, a spray of white dust, and then an
even louder thunk as Aaron collapsed onto the floor.
"Gee, I'm so glad you thought up this ingenious plan. Really, the absolute brill
iance of it is shocking. See? You even knocked creepy-bartender-dude off his fee
My head snapped up at the sound of Jerry's familiar, sarcastically scathing tone
And sure enough, right behind where Aaron had been standing, Jerry stood with hi
s arms crossed and a scowl on his face. He looked down at Aaron in distaste, scr
unching up his nose at the unconscious man who was now covered in white dust par
ticles. "What was that? A bag of flour?"
"Hey! It was all I had!" Said an achingly familiar voice that made my heart race
"C-conner?" My voice trembled rather embarrassingly.

And then as his figure stepped into my lime of sight, the world stopped spinning
, as my gaze locked with a pair of brilliant green irises. The same straight out
of bed hair, the same dimpled grin, and god, the same boy I was so irrevocably
in love with.
"Selena!" He breathed out, before I was suddenly shaking in his arms. "God, Sele
My heart soared, and my stomach was fluttering with butterflies. Right then and
there, it didn't matter that I was a second away from being murdered. All that c
ounted was that he was here, with his arms around me and his lips nuzzled into m
y neck, and he was mine.
"I hate to crash the love fest, but Alex needs to go to a hospital. Like, now."
Jerry interrupted. We broke apart long enough for Jerry to swoop in and carefull
y lift Alex from my lap. "Which brings me to my point. You just knocked out a ps
ychopathic murderer with a sack of flour. Did you think that plan through, like
at all?"
I tried to stand, but my legs gave out and Conner just barely managed to catch m
e and lift me into his arms. He gave me a small, reassuring smile that said it a
ll. Once I was safely tucked away in his arms, he turned back to Jerry to respon
"Nah, I try not to think too much. It interferes with being nuts. Now let's get
out of here before the creepy guy passed out on the floor wakes up."

Before you get all mad at me, I should probably mention that my wattpad has some
major glitches. Like, majorly. I have been trying to update for literally weeks
-_So, sorry!
I know it was short, and didn't make a lot of sense, but have no fear! all will
be revealed soon!
Anyways, just tell me what you think!
Chapter 46- Live and Let Go
Being carried through the dark house, barely able to think let alone move, and s
ilent watching Alex's ghostly pale face in the pair of arms a few steps behind,
I can honestly say that I had never felt more helpless.
"Now, who's first?"
His last words were echoing in my mind and scaring me half to death, but I could
n't even find it in me to whimper. All I could do was tremble and try to find co
mfort in Conner's arms. Because even though he appeared to be in contemplation,
I had already seen his decision all over his face. He had already made it the mo
ment that he had hung up the phone earlier that night. The question had been rhe

He had already decided on me.

Which meant that if Conner and Jerry had shown up just a mere minute later, I wo
uld be dead right now.
I was brought out of my dark thoughts at the sound of Conner's soft voice as he
murmured to Jerry. "I can hear him somewhere behind us. The flour hadn't been en
ough to knock him out."
My blood ran cold, and I realized that sure enough, I could hear the heavy patte
r of feet somewhere behind us.
Jerry grunted in acknowledgement, and he tightened his grip on Alex. "Then we su
re as hell better hurry." He picked up the pace, and Conner easily followed suit
, but I could tell that they were tiring, if only a little. It couldn't have bee
n easy, carrying two teenage girls while they ran.
After another agonizing minute, that honestly felt longer than forever, we manag
ed to burst through the -luckily already open- front door. But one glance up at
Conner's face, and I knew that we weren't in the clear just yet. Aaron's footset
eps were still following close behind us.
With a little more room and a lot more lighting than inside, Conner and Jerry sp
rinted down the long driveway at full speed. I worriedly glanced behind us, but
Aaron was nowhere to be seen.
"Shit!" Jerry exclaimed, and suddenly came to an abrupt stop.
Conner nearly tumbled over Jerry and Alex in the process of stopping, but instea
d managed to reverse his momentum and land on his butt. He was quick to shift th
e position of his arms around me to cushion my fall, but I felt him wince as he
took the full force of the fall. I was plopped into his lap, and I felt his hand
suddenly grip mine in a death squeeze. But when I looked up at him in surprise,
I saw that he wasn't looking at me. He was looking at something ahead of us.
Even though my entire being was screaming at me not to, I slowly lifted my head,
and let out a breathy gasp at the sight in front of us.
He was standing directly in our paths, his huge build and broad shoulders making
an effective road block. He wasn't all too difficult to recognize, especially s
ince he was still wearing the exact same clothing as he had before.
"Sorry fellas, I'm afraid I can't let you go any farther." The club bouncer smil
ed almost apologetically.
"Dammit Selena! Did you piss off everyone in that dumbass club?!" Jerry groaned.
My eyes must have been comically wide at the sight of yet another familiar face,
because when his sharp gaze landed on me his smile widened.
"Nice work Mike." Conner stiffened at the sound of Aaron's voice. I turned my he
ad just in time to see him step up behind us, and I shivered when I realized tha
t we were effectively surrounded. Like a group of mice, being cats. And judging
from the looks on both their faces, they had been playing with us the whole time
"Aaron?" Mike said in surprise, his eyes squinting as he took in his accomplices
' appearance. "Why do you look like the Pillsbury dough boy?"
Jerry snorted, and even Conner cracked a smile as Aaron's face flushed red. "N-n

ever mind that! Just do your job and round up the victims!"
Mike rolled his eyes. "What am I, a collie?"
And suddenly, there was a flash of blond and red. Before I even knew what was ha
ppening, Jerry had managed to edge his way around Mike, while everyone was distr
acted. He was off like a shot, Alex still slumped in his arms.
He angled his head back to yell at us. "Well? What, are you waiting for an invit
ation? Get a move on you lazy idiots!"
Typical Jerry.
"Aaagghhh!" Aaron yelled in frustration and annoyance, pulling roughly at his ha
ir. And then, he was running after them, barely taking the time to yell back at
Mike. "Stay here and watch them!"
"Woof." Mike grumbled and crossed his arms, glaring in the direction Aaron had d
isappeared in.
Beneath me, I could feel Conner silently positioning himself to escape as well.
He slowly lifted me back up in his arms and cradled me to his chest, before movi
ng his legs to a crouching position beneath us, balancing on the balls of his fe
But then Mike had whipped around and proceeded to aim a hard kick to Conner's co
llarbone, just inches away from my face, and I was close enough to hear the shar
p snapping sound of bone. With a grunt, Conner was knocked off balance and he wa
s thrown backwards. But once again he managed to position us so that I was still
safely on top of him as he skidded across the gravel.
I was quick to roll off of him when we came to a stop. I crouched beside where h
e was laying, his teeth gritted in pain and his hand hovering over the red skin
of his misshapen clavicle. And even while in a bucket load of pain he had insist
ed on taking the force of the blow.
I gently carded my hand through his hair. "Conner, you idiot." I said gently whi
le I looked over his injury, my own broken bone forgotten. The sight of him hurt
made my chest ache, and my hands began to shake, a sign that I was going to cry
Conner grunted in response, but the clenching of his hands and jaw showed that h
e was in a lot of pain. "Feels broken." He managed to grit out.
I nodded. "Looks broken too." And it did. The bones were jutting out from under
his skin at visibly odd angles, and the red was quickly darkening into an ugly p
"Speaking of broken bones," Mike interrupted, and I suddenly remembered that we
were not alone. "How'd you bust up your pretty little chin there?"
Mustering up a look of pure loathing I glared daggers at him, feeling a surge of
indescribable anger and protectiveness. I didn't fully understand his part in a
ll of this. All I knew, was that he hurt Conner, and that was plenty to get my b
lood boiling. "How do you think, you prick?"
Seemingly unaffected by my attempt at hostility, he sighed and ran a hand over h
is face. "I thought so. Geez, does that man have no morals? Attacking a defensel
ess little girl like that is just barbaric."

"God you're such a hypocrite. You just did the same thing!" I shot back, trying
not to let the fact that he just called me a little girl annoy me further.
He shrugged. "That's different. You're little boyfriend looks like he's perfectl
y capable of defending himself. In face, if he had been paying more attention an
d hadn't been carrying you, I'm pretty sure that he could have avoided getting h
it all together." Mike pointed out. "On the contrary, Aaron broke the jaw of a m
uch weaker person than himself. No offense."
I glared at him again, but didn't bother protesting since he was pretty much cor
"If he's trying to prove how big and powerful he is, he should pick an opponent
that would be worth fighting. No one should ever find pride in winning over some
one who didn't even stand a chance in the first place. That's just cowardly." I
stared at him, suddenly realizing that Mike might not be at all what he seems. F
rom what I just heard, the club bouncer actually appeared to use rational intell
igence and morals.
Which meant that there was hope for us yet.
But as per usual, Conner beat me to the punch. He somehow managed to extend his
arms behind him, propping up the upper half of his body with a grimace so that h
e could look at Mike. "If you're so against preying on the weak, why are you wor
king for him? You do know what his intentions are, right?"
Mike sighed. "Yeah, I know. Right from when I met him, I knew that Aaron had to
have some sort of psychiatric serial killer complex. It's a shame really. I have
a feeling that before his girl problems completely shattered his humanity, he w
as actually a good kid."
I had never really thought about it, but I wondered if he was right. Before his
girlfriend had broke his heart, he quite possibly could have been an ordinary gu
y. It was hard to believe that someone could be driven to such a dark point, pur
ely because of one bad breakup.
"But hey, I need the money." He shrugged, palms facing upwards in a what-can-you
-do, kinda way.
Well, consider my hopes crushed.
And what's worse, was that now I actually felt worse about being trapped by him.
He wasn't some loon that although highly enthusiastic, was a bit predictable. H
e didn't have his own personal motives clouding his mind, and could still inhibi
t rational thought. At least with the psycho, I had a pretty clear idea of what
he would do.
Mike on the other hand, was just as motivated as Aaron, but his calm and collect
ed composure gave away nothing of his intentions.
From how I saw it, Mike was just as dangerous as Aaron was.
"Now," Mike said authoritatively, a little like a school teacher instructing a r
owdy group of students. "You two are going to be nice and quiet right where you
are, and wait until Aaron and the slutty redhead get back. And if you so much as
think of pulling a fast one, it's girly's clavicle I'll be snapping next. Got i
And I believed him.

And done!
Man, I hadn't even realized that I was falling behind on my writing until just n
ow! Sorry guys, sometimes getting proper education can be seriously life consumi
Anyways, just let me know what you think! Any thoughts on how this will turn out
Chapter 47- The Rescue Mission
My life, as it turns out, is one unrelated obstacle after the next.
I mean, in all seriousness I couldn't think of anyone with as much rotten luck a
s me.
It seemed like as soon as one problem was resolved, I barely had time to blink b
efore the next impending doom was knocking on my doorstep. Well, more like bargi
ng in through the walls with a monster truck.
I could barely remember all the other teenage crises I had undergone this year,
because there were just too damn many.
But while I attempted to comfort Conner, and possibly myself, snuggling close ag
ainst his chest all the while paying close caution to his broken collar bone, I
looked up into two eyes of green and realized something important.
Every coincidence, every mistake, every little mishap of bad luck that I would c
urse about under my breath for days, had lead me directly to this moment.
If that one girl from that fateful middle school party hadn't shown up that nigh
t, if she had suddenly gone ill or decided to study for a test instead, then she
never would have dared me to kiss Conner in an embarrassingly immature game of
truth or dare.
If Conner and I had never kissed, we would have never become best friends with b
enefits, and I would never have accidentally gotten pregnant and eventually go o
n to have a miscarriage.
And if I hadn't had that miscarriage, as much as it breaks my heart thinking abo
ut it, I would have never ended up in the hospital the night that Conner confess
ed his love to me.
And without a doubt, I would have never realized my true feelings towards him ei
If that had never happened, then I would not have gotten mad at Conner in such a
manner that Alex and Jerry would feel obligated to drag me to that god forsaken
night club, and we wouldn't be in this mess right now.
So in conclusion, my life is pretty much a soap opera with teenagers.
But taking in the sight of Conner's eyes scouring my face to make sure that I wa
s okay, selflessly to the point of being ridiculous, I realized that I wouldn't

have changed it anyways.

"How are we gonna get out of this one, Con?" I finally rose up the courage to as
He looked down at me for the first time in my life, with hopeless uncertainty. T
he type of expression that people had before they finaly gave up. I shivered. "I
don't know, S."
"Hey! Love birds! What did I tell you about keeping your mouths shut?" Mike scow
I opened my mouth to speak, most likely a sarcastic and entirely impulsive comeb
ack that I would right after regret, but as soon as my lips parted a fiery burst
of pain exploded in my jaw.
My mouth slammed shut, and my ears began to ring as wave after wave of relentles
s agony flooded over me. No doubt the adrenaline of nearly dying had worn off, a
nd the pain was returning at full force.
Conner, of course, noticed the sudden change. The concern in his eyes quickly mo
rphed into downright panic. "Selena? Are you all right?"
I nodded slightly, knowing better than to try speaking. Tears were burned in the
brim of my eyes, so with my face turned towards the ground, I slowly scooted my
self away from Conner. The last thing he needed was a helpless crying girlfrien
d to deal with.
I could practically hear the frown on his face as I distanced myself from him. "
Ummmm, what are you doing?"
"Noth-" A hot sear of pain reminded me that I couldn't speak. Nice going, idiot.
I shook my head instead and pretended to be survey our surroundings, as if I wa
s actually capable of planning an ingenious escape.
Mike caught my eyes and then rolled his, having no trouble realizing what was tr
anspiring. But thankfully, he kept his mouth shut.
"Stubborn-ass teenagers."
Well, mostly shut.
When I was finally satisfied glaring daggers at him, I curled my knees to my che
st and wrapped my arms around myself, seeking comfort but unsurprisingly finding
none. I rested my forehead on my knees, finally allowing the tears in my eyes t
o drop, now that no one could witness it.
The sheer pain itself was nearly to the point of being unbearable, and the pain
was gradually but undoubtedly intensifying.
For those of you who have never had your jawbone shattered, it's a bit like biti
ng through solid steel. Now, the average person is incapable of biting through s
olid plastic, let alone solid steel. (Well, hopefully. If not, seek help immedia
tely.) So the pain was like an intense pressure that wouldn't go away, no matter
how much you wanted to stop chewing on metal.
Great, the pain is making me delirious too.
"S?" His voice said softly, and for a moment I remembered that I wasn't alone.

I didn't respond, praying that he would think that I was sleeping or unconscious
. Or something.
After a short silence, he sighed. I coudn't find it in me to protest as one of h
is arms curled under my knees, the other gently wrapping around my back. He lift
ed me up like I was minuscule, which I certainly felt, and gently placed me back
on my original position on his lap.
I didn't look up when he kissed the top of my head, knowing that my face was now
soaked with tears.
"You know, you have this really annoying martyr complex. One of these days it's
going to drive me insane." He murmured in my ear, and at that I couldn't help bu
t break down in his arms.
"Touching." A sharp voice made Conner's head snap up, and his grip around me tig
htened. I forced myself to peer out from behind my knees, making sure that my fa
ce was still mostly out of sight. No way was I giving him the satisfaction of te
Aaron smiled wickedly as us, and I let out a silent breath of relief when I saw
that Alex and Jerry weren't with him.
"Did ya miss me?" He said humorously, and I dreading noticed the hot rage swirli
ng in his eyes. "Of course not! No one ever misses me."
Even Mike looked mildly intrigued at his change in demeanor. "So blond superman
and the ginger got away then?"
"Yes they got away!" Aaron snapped at Mike, who held up his hands in surrender a
nd took a step back. "Fucking whore. I'll just have to get her another time."
My heart sunk when he turned back towards us, a mad gleam in his eyes as they lo
cked on my gaze. "On the bright side though, I still have the pretty brunette o
Conner's arms were clenched so tightly around me that it was nearly painful. Aar
on's face lit up in triumph at our apparent fear, and he took a few eager steps
toward us. He squatted down to my level and leaned in close, and Conner remained
as rigid as stone around me.
Aaron tilted his head as he peered at me with a dazed smile that would surely ha
unt my nightmares. He reached a hand forward, as if he were going to stroke my f
ace like I was his fucking cat, but Conner was quick to move on of his arms forw
ard to shove him back.
Aaron fell back on his butt, clearly unprepared. When he finally regained his be
arings, his eyes glared at Conner, as if he was just realizing that he was there
with me. His fists clenched.
"Mike, restrain the boy." Aaron commanded.
There was a rustling sound, and all of us turned to see Mike shoving various bel
ongings into a bag hanging off his shoulder. He must have ran inside to grab it
while we were all distracted.
"Mike?" Aaron repeated. "What the hell are you doing?"
Mike looked up with an apologetic smile. "Sorry man, I'm getting out of here."

"Getting out of here?" Aaron echoed. "Why?"

"Ummmm, because Miss Alexandra and Jerry, got away." He emphasized, in a tone of
voice that implied a sassy 'duhhhh'.
Aaron blinked, Conner and I momentarily forgotten. "Yes, and?"
"Annnnnnd," Mike rolled his eyes. "They've probably called the cops by now. Look
, I needed the money, but I'd rather be broke than in prison."
"B-but you work for me! You can't just leave!"
"Watch me." Mike said bluntly, not saying another word as he turned and started
jogging down the pathway towards the street.
"Wait!" Aaron scrambled to his feet and turned towards Mike's retreating figure.
"Get back here!"
Mike lifted a hand in response, not looking back as he finally disappeared out o
f sight.
"Well, sucks for you."
In the blink of an eye Conner was on his feet and throwing a swing at the back o
f Aaron's head. Aaron's eyes widened comically as he turned to the sight of my h
ot-ass boyfriend's fist hurtling towards his face.
Aaron dropped like a sack of flour, (pun entirely intentional), but unfortunatel
y it hadn't been enough to knock him out.
He scrambled to his feet again, but I could tell by the look in his eyes that wi
thout Mike, he was fighting a losing battle.
Conner stood a few feet in front of him, glowering and radiating anger in a way
that made him go from model to Greek god.
For a few seconds, everything was still.
But when my eyes moved away from my striking boyfriend back to the crazy psychop
ath, I jolted when I saw that he was looking intently at me.
And before I could even open my mouth to shout, though it probably would have hu
rt like hell, he lunged at me.
"Selena!" Conner shouted, instantly springing into action just a split second to
o late.
I let out a bloodcurdling scream as his hands brutally gripped at my jaw, a move
that's entire purpose was solely to cause me pain.
I don't know if Conner managed to pull him off of me, because as soon as the pai
n had reached my limits I was fading into blackness.

Dun dun DUNNNNN!!!
And yes, the dramatically implied suspense music was necessary.
Sorry it took so long! To tell you the truth, I've taken up a nasty habit that i
s extremely time consuming and is probably going to ruin my life.
Doctor Who.
Now I know, unless you've watched it, it sounds like an entire overrated and ner
dy show that people who think they're hipsters watch just for the sake of it, bu
t man.
That show is bloody brilliant.
No really, I wish I was joking when I say that the voice that thinks thoughts in
side my head now has a British accent.
It's sad, really.
Anyways, please, just tell me what you think! Not long now until the big finale!
The excitement in the air is all around us now! If only I could pry myself away
from that handsome British doctor, long enough to do something of relative prod
Also, check out the new cover! Awesome right? Special thanks!
Chapter 48- End of the Line
"Are you sure she's going to be alright?"
The voices were swimming in my head as I drifted through darkness. Everything
ound me was empty space and nothingness, like I was trapped in outer space or
ssible a mental asylum. But as the tranquil silence surrounding me was broken
the sound of the voices echoing in my head, I felt the bleary darkness begin
slip away.


"I hope so." A different voice replied, this one much deeper and richer in a way
that made me shiver involuntarily.
Even in my state of unconsciousness I could recognize him.
"Well then, why isn't she waking up?" Another voice, much lighter and distinctly
feminine responded.
"I'm sure she'll wake up when she's good and ready." Another female voice said s
A warm sensation started to send pleasant tingles up my arm, and I suspected tha

t someone must have grabbed my hand. As my brain continued to wake up at an agon

izingly slow pace, I began to become more aware of my surroundings.
I was right, someone was definitely holding my hand. Quite tightly, in fact. The
room fell silent again, and I could almost feel the multiple stares trained on
my face. I struggled to find a way to wake up and erase the concern I could feel
in the air and hear in the tone of their voices.
I heard the sound of nearby footsteps and the door opening interrupt the quietne
ss, followed by a loud sigh. "Mr. Rogers, how many times have we told you to sta
y in your room? You really shouldn't be out of bed so soon, or you could risk in
juring yourself further."
"The doctor's right, Conner. You should go back to your room. We'll come tell yo
u as soon as she wakes up." A firm voice reasoned.
The tone of his voice was the coldest I had ever heard leave his mouth in all th
e years I have known him. His simple refusal, while brusque, was hard and unrele
nting in a way that said everything. Even behind my closed eyelids I could pictu
re the hard-edged expression on his face, and the expressionless blank stare in
his eyes.
"Conner." The Doctor said warningly.
"No." He said in the same blunt manner.
"Conner! I know you're concerned about Selena, but you need to think about your
own health too!" A familiar female voice exclaimed. "Can't you just try and see
reason here?"
"I said no." A sharp edge appeared briefly in his voice, breaking out of his mi
rage of level-headedness and overshadowing the calmness of his previous words.
My worries for him only doubled. If I knew anything about my ridiculous, spontan
eous boyfriend, it's that he's only ever harsh when he's near his breaking point
. Conner was never one to seriously lose his temper, usually I was the one who n
eeded to be calmed down. However, once in a rare while, I had recognized the sig
ns and had been able to calm him before he exploded. But right now, despite my b
est efforts, I was completely useless.
Th doctor sighed again. "I really didn't want to have to do this, but......" He
paused, before exhaling and continuing. "For the safety of our patients it seems
I have no choice. Security!" He opened the door and called out.
For a minute, all I could hear was the sound of scuffling and angry yelling. Fin
ally though, everyone else grew silent and I could make out Conner's voice again
"No! Let me go! Selena! I need to see-"
With all the strength and desperation I could muster, I managed to crack open an
eye in time to see him being forced out of the room by what I presumed to be tw
o security guards. He was facing towards me, his face livid and his mouth open a
s he yelled. But past his angry facade, I could see the sorrow swimming in his i
rises, the kind of sadness and grief that was shattering to witness.
Could they not see it? Couldn't they tell how upset he was?

The door slammed shut and everything fell silent again.


I drifted back out of consciousness, but my mind felt like lead. I groaned, mana
ged to squeeze open my eyes that felt like they were sealed with cement.
"Remind me never to be the hero again." My voice creaked like I had been garglin
g with all the sand in the Sahara.
"Selena!" A large pair of arms flung around me, and before I could even blink I
was pulled into a tight hug.
My vision blinked back to normal, and I saw that the room nearly completely dark
. Light filtered in through the hallway from the crack at the bottom of the hosp
ital room door, and I just barely make out the black hair tickling at my chin. "
His face was buried in the crook of my neck, his arms tightly circled around my
back. After gaining to response in return, I gave in and managed to lift my arms
to wrap around him, hugging him back just as fiercely. Who was actually comfort
ing who, I wasn't sure. But judging from Conner's trembling and the wrenching ac
he in my heart, it was probably an even split.
"Are you alright?" I said softly, recalling that the last time I had properly se
en him, he had been severely injured. "You're not hurting yourself, are you?"
He pulled away with an amused smirk, his face inches from mine and the warms of
his breath fanning my face in a way that gave me shivers. "You just woke up from
a severe concussion, and asked me if I'm alright? Guess you'll always be the he
I shrugged, and tried to muster up a smile of my own. But as soon as my lips cur
led up, a stinging pain in my jaw made me wince.
"Hey." Conner said softly, carefully reaching up a hand to brush over my jaw. I
gratefully leaned into his hand, and I couldn't help but stare as his concerned
emerald gaze studied my jaw. He leaned in for a soft kiss, and my head span for
reasons that didn't involve my concussion.
When he pulled back again, his gaze returned to my aching jaw.
"I can't believe that bastard laid his grimy paws on you." His jaw clenched and
his eyes steeled over, but the soft cradling of his hand on my face remained gen

"I'm alright, Con. No need to worry so much." My gaze finally took note of the p
urple bags under his eyes. "When was the last time you got some sleep? You look
"Of course I'm going to worry!" He complained, suspiciously avoiding the second
part of my question. "You were out for nearly 24 hours! The doctors weren't sure
you were ever going to wake up."
"Really? But I thought you said I just had a concussion?"
"Selena, do you know why you're not supposed to go to sleep when you get a concu
ssion? Like that time when I got a concussion playing soccer and you had to wake
me up every couple of hours?"
"Well, you shouldn't have used your face as an airbag for the ball."
He ignored me, of course. "That's because if you go to sleep immediately after r
eceiving head trauma, you could fall into a coma. And guess what you did right a
fter your head hit the ground. "
"Solid argument."
Conner rolled his eyes, but thankfully my sarcasm managed to calm his anger. Gue
ss it's gotta have more uses than just to get me into trouble.
Conner opened his mouth to speak again, but was interrupted by a large yawn. My
heart melted, and I gently took his hand. "How about we get some rest? You look
like you could use it."
He smiled playfully. "I'm so hot that I don't need any beauty rest." But he didn
't resist as I scooted over on the hospital bed and pulled him up beside me. He
settled in beside me, his forehead resting against mine and his arm curling arou
nd my hip.
Even in the dark I could see the fondness shining in his eyes, and I had a naggi
ng suspicion that mine looked exactly the same to him.
"Okay, fine. But I'll be waking you up every few hours just to make sure you're
alive, deal?" He was cut off with another yawn, and I rolled my eyes and nodded
in agreement.
"Sleep tight." He murmured, but his eyes were already drifting shut. He truly di
d look exhausted.
I couldn't resist reaching a hand up to softly brush his messy dark hair from hi
s eyes, before I too was overcome with exhaustion and gave in once more to the d
arkness of sleep.
True to his word, (unfortunately), Conner woke me up several times during the ni
ght to make sure I was still alive. I promptly replied by smacking whatever part

of him was closest to me, which usually ended up being his head, and using a fe
w choice swear words to tell him to shut up and let me sleep.
The last time he woke me up, I could see that it was light outside and that ther
e was really no point in trying to get any more sleep. "Shit, I was having a rea
lly good dream too." I mumbled grumpily.
"Why dream about me, when you can have me in real life instead?" His annoyingly
charming smile had made a reappearance on his face.
I leaned in to kiss him, if only just to shut him up.
But just as my eyes fluttered closed and our lips met, the door swung open and S
tanton's voice was bursting my eardrums.
"What the hell are you doing to my baby sister?!"
He immediately pulled back, and we turned to see the three worst possibly people
standing in the doorway gaping at us.
Stanton, Lilly, and my father.
"Why does this always happen when we're in a hospital?" I muttered to myself, re
membering that indeed, the last time we had been here it had been Alex who had w
alked in on us kissing and discovered our secret.
"S-selana!" Lilly stuttered, her eyes almost comically wide. "Are you and Conner
together now?"
I shared a quick glance with Conner, and he nodded encouragingly. At this point,
there was really no point in lying. "Uhhh, yeah."
Deafening silence.
But of course, what came after the silence was ten times worse.
"What?!" Stanton exclaimed, before he turned to our dad expectantly. "Are you go
ing to just stand by and let this happen?"
I gulped when I met my father's calculating gaze. "How long?"
"About two months." I answered quietly.
His eyes narrowed. "And was he the one who got you pregnant? And don't even thin
k about lying to me."
Before I could have an aneurysm and collapse, Conner jumped in. "Yes sir, it was
Suddenly his entire posted changed. His fists clenched and his blue eyes blazed
like fire. "That's funny, seeing as that happened almost a month before you supp
osedly started dating."
My heart nearly stopped then and there when I realized our mistake. Conner's han
d tightly grabbed on to mine, and I had the aching feeling that he was going to
have to let go soon.
The whole time, Lilly remained a blank slate, but I could see the hurt in her ey
es. Meanwhile, Stanton looked like he really was having an aneurysm, and his min
d was taking a second to catch up.

Just then, Alex, Tom, and Jerry entered the room. They took one look at our entw
ined fingers and my brother's gaping mouth, and smiled nervously.
"So they found out?" Alex broke the silence.
Lilly looked like she'd been slapped as she turned and looked at Alex. "You knew
Tom stepped forward, guilt written all over his face. "I'm sorry Lills, we could
n't tell anyone-"
Lilly took a step back, and her eyes filled with tears. "You too, Tom? Everyone
knew? Even my own goddamn boyfriend?"
Tom was at a loss for words. He reached for her pleadingly, but Lilly was faster
. Smack! The room fell quiet as Lilly stormed out of the room, wiping at her eye
s. Tom simply stood there with his head turned from the impact of the slap, his
cheek red and his eyes wide and horrified.
"Lilly! Wait!" He rushed out after her.
No one quite knew what to say. But just then, Stanton's brain finally seemed to
catch up as he exclaimed at the top of his lungs,

And that's a wrap! The final chapter of my book! (Insert tears of joy here)
Anyways, fear not! There will be a sequel out soon. I'll let out a post when it'
s done.
However, I need your help!... Because I'm utterly useless.
I haven't decided whose perspective it should be in, so I'm holding a vote! You
don't have to give me an essay as to why you choose what, please just write a si
ngle letter to vote for what you think it should be in the comments.
A.) Selena
B.) Conner
C.) Both
D.) Alex

Note: If it's in Alex's perspective, it'll be mostly about her and Selena and Co
nner's issued will be a side problem.
Please tell me what you think! I'll tally all the votes when I'm ready to start

up the next book!

Also, I could use a good cover for the new book! It'll be called, "Best-Friends
With Issues", or something similar to that. If you can come up with a better nam
e, feel free! Please send them to me in my inbox!
You guys are awesome.
Again, sorry about the wait, I really wanted to get this one right! t\
Thanks for everything! You guys are definitely worth writing for.
-Until next time!
Sequel Announcement!
Hi guys! Thanks for being so patient.
Just letting you know that the sequel is official out! The first chapter should
be done soon as well :)
It's called 'Best Friends with Issues', and you can either search it or find it
on my profile!
And also, thanks to everyone! I finally reached 10,000,000 reads! You guys are a
wesome. Thanks for reading and see you soon!

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