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December 2012

Greetings to all:
We are pleased to issue our 5th newsletter from the SOL
(The Secret of Light).
Rest is not death. Rest is the source of life.
It is the seed from which life springs.
The real YOU has never been created.
YOU are immortal and eternal.
~Walter and Lao Russell Home Study Course V3 - Unit 6
matt presti
Robert Otey
Cody Rose
Our featured writer for this newsletter is
Crystal Clark. Please visit her respective sites.

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which includes all of the music of Robert Otey and matt presti.
(111 songs in stereo 320mbps Mp3s, + 9 music videos in .wmv format)
As a bonus, you will receive all 15 units (.wmv format) of

The Secret of Light Series - absolutely FREE!

To order, email for instructions.
All orders benefit future productions of our series.***


The Only Time is NOW!

By matt presti December 16, 2012

Now is happening everywhere at once! Universal Mind is an ongoing

happening of illusion. Without effects of motion there would be no time, or
Universe. The past is history, the future is a mysterynow is a gift
thats why we call it the PRESENT! Merry Solstice to all! Happy 2012!
Can you believe WE ARE HERE? NOW?
i would like to extend a very special thanks to all of you who have so
graciously helped spread the message of Walter and Lao Russell out to the
world this past year. We have seen an incredible surge of interest in this
work especially in the last few months. This tells me that people are ready
for this message now. People from all over the world are writing and
sharing stories with Robert and i about the impact that the Russells have
had on their respective lives. It is our sincere hope as demonstrated
through our own action of spreading the message, that man will do what is
needed to save himself from his own destruction. Realizing as Walter
and Lao said, that man is the greatest asset to man will grant us the
needed impetus to reverse the course of destruction we are on. The power
to change the world awaits our realization that this power is within all of
us as an extension of the one Creator.
It is now overly obvious that the so-called authorities of mankind
are self-destructing. If i were to grade them spiritually, they would all get
Fs. The current science being taught is flawed due to its purely 2D
sense-based approach to the 3D Universe. Our political systems are
flawed because they do not represent Creation in the pure form of equal
balanced mate-hood of male and female opposites and therefore become
unbalanced and eventually collapse as men create the conditions of
imbalance with the purely male dominated decision making processes that
disregard the feminine principle. Our culture/media is flawed in that it
promotes the glorification of celebrity and hero worship, violence,

and the destruction of critical thought instead of self-unfoldment through

actions of your own making. Education is flawed in that it rewards those
whom remember and repeat with the best grade while retarding and
ignoring the uniqueness of every individual. At the very least, educational
institutions should approach each person differently in order to draw out
their own inner genius in a natural unfolding process of becoming ones
true self. It is unfortunate for all of us that the greatest inventions of
mankind are first considered for military applications and lastly for
humanitarian usefulness. So many things seem flawed these days! I could
go on and on! We are on the verge of all out world war and life changing
events loom for us in our economies and respective countries and world.
We are at the end of our ropethe wall for which no man can transcend. It
is time we awaken to the greatest challenge we have ever faced;
OURSELVES! This is the world we made togethereveryone of us! The
only way to change it is to change ourselves! As within, so without!
Our human species has lost 20 of its civilizations due to greed,
empire building and suppression of people by others with nefarious goals
who act with barbarityout of balance with Natural Law which eventually
leads to their own demise (evil sows the seeds of its own destruction).
What makes this time different than all the rest of history is the one fact
that we have technology which is neutral in all cases. Otherwise, little
has changed concerning mans awareness. This technology has greatly
assisted us and hindered us to a very real degree. Our choice of how to
use it makes it beneficial or detrimental to our continued development.
Our solution to the rising tide of violence, the incredible assault on
our liberty as humans in the 21st century, and the all out barbaric
destructive agenda being waged by the psychopathic aggressors now
leading our civilization into a dark age, is two fold. Following the advice
of Dr. Walter and Lao Russell, I humbly offer the following thoughts.
Firstly, one who seeks to change things must realize that his Mind is
Causal. Secondly, one must act on what one thinks.
The greatest wisdom/truth/realizations are all very simple. The
complexity of mans twisted interpretations of the Maya of effect and
illusions are and will always be infinitely complex. There is great beauty
and simplicity in truth. Keep It Simple Simon. Know CAUSE.
The past and future do not exist--only the Now. It is in the Now that
you get things done. Anyone alive can only do anything in the NOW! Now
is where the action is! So where is the cause of Now? That would be in the
Undivided Still Magnetic White Light of Universal Mind (CREATOR/GOD)
which is eternally at rest. To create your new life now, rest and decentrate
from the now into timelessness. Draw power from the still fulcrum of your
silent soul seed and birth your imaginings to the world in a formed body to
simulate your idea. IDEA = Internally Derived / Extended Action. Simulate
your imaginings in formed bodies of motion. Art, writing, painting,
sculpting, singing, playing, walking, running, loving and being!

For thousands of years we humans have limited ourselves to the

authorities. These authorities tell us how we are to perceive reality.
They tell us how we are to perceive ourselves. They command us that we
unfailingly listen only to their interpretations of the Universe and obey their
laws without question. They threaten us with punishments if we think
differently. They scare us with fears of (fiscal) cliffs, severe injury or even
death dare we disobey them. To hell with all of them i say! Now is not
about them any longer! It is about us!
Each one of us is unique and different. Of that there can be no
doubt. By pursuing ourselves, we eventually find and become that true
self. How else can it be so? If we make the choice to unfold ourselves,
then ourselves is what is unfolded. So make it GOOD!
The seeds of new ideas are unfolding all around us as more and
more people look inwardly toward their souls instead of outwardly toward
their senses. Mankind is making a great attempt to save itself. It is
wonderful to see this taking place all around the world!
December 21st, 2012 is the symbolic end of something old and the
beginning of something new; the next Sun and a New NOW on Earth. May
this newsletter serve to inspire you to unfold the beauty of your own life as
well as our collective world. Take the chance. Make the change. What
have we to lose? OURSELVES! Idea = Cause. Action = NOW!
Blessings to all of youmay your dreams of the New Earth and
YOUR own ideas be realized and may our hearts work together to bring that
world into being for our childrenand our childrens children.
Love to you all.

Crossing The Galactic Divide 12-21-2012

By Robert Otey December 17, 2012

I first became aware of the 12-21-2012 date of crossing the Galactic

Ecliptic near the turn of the last Millennium, which seemed spurious and
insupportable to me at that time.

I then read John Major Jenkins, 2012 Mayan Cosmo-Genesis in 2008 and
got a deeper understanding of what seemed to be sensationalistic claims
when I first heard them. My first thoughts were how could this date of the
crossing be so well known with precision, by the Maya according to
Jenkins, with such vast regions and travel time being considered for the
motions of our Sun and planets above and below the Galactic Equator?
Being that I am not in any position to confirm or deny this exact date as
being the crossing of the galactic divide, I have had to trust Jenkins. His
deep research into the Mayan Mythology and his interpretation of the
Mayan works discovered in Izapa, Mexico, relating to this purported
cosmological event is exhaustive. Jenkins has produced some very
compelling arguments for this crossing. There is in fact much physical
evidence to back his assertions, encoded in the many stone glyphs found
there and in the Ball court of this small Mayan Village, which is located in
Southern Chiapas, near Mexicos southern border with Guatemala.
When I began applying the science I learned from studying the works
of Walter and Lao Russell, I realized there were insights to be found
pertaining to this very rare event, which occurs once every 25,625-7 years.
This material is never considered by anyone studying this rare event,
because most people have no idea who the Russells are, or what they even
taught. So, I will share with our group what I have deduced about it in
relationship to the magnetic cube and electric sphere Cosmology taught by
the Russells.
The ring system, populated by hundreds of billions of spherical
suns, which we call the Milky Way Galaxy, is compressed into its condition
by two massive, opposed, electric polar vortices which, simultaneously
unwind, electrically along the plane of the galactic equator. The Galactic
Ecliptic is a cathode plane of Still Magnetic Light known as the south
inertial plane in Russellian Science. It is one of the three mutually
orthogonal, interior planes of SML, which work together to give form to
the Galaxy as a whole. The three interior planes are extensions of the
center point of the Cubic wave field, which both center and bound our
Galaxy. The outer six planes of SML control the limits of the Galaxys
wave field. When we cross the south inertial plane of our Galaxy we will be
crossing an extension of that point which intersects the galactic core, aka,
the Heart of the Galaxy.
In Mayan Cosmology, this point is referred to as the Hunab Ku or the
being/consciousness which births the star fields unwinding from its
center into the fiery spiral vortex arms of our galaxy.
Considering the insights of Russellian Science we see that we will make
direct contact via this cathode plane of SML, in a flash of time, with the
Grand Cosmic Being that out pictures the galaxy we have come to know
as our home--meaning that, instead of having to travel to the galactic core,
we can experience its source with an instantaneous flash of time, said to
come sometime on in Mayan time keeping, or 12-21-2012, in the
revised Gregorian calendar used by the world presently.

Pope greg revised the Julian calendar, because of the Mayan codices
in his possession, as well as the direct testimony of several Mayan Priests,
who were brought back to Rome by the Conquistadors, during his rule,
to explain their Cosmology to his divine holiness. What this means, we
outsiders do not know, since the Vatican is well known for hoarding all
information which would tell us the true history of humanity and our planet.
Will something happen to us on an intuitive inner level of heart knowing,
where the veil of social engineering and mind control indoctrination,
courtesy of the global elite, is expunged from our brain based thinking, for
everyone on this planet, in a transparent moment of time? I dont know,
but I pray it is. I think maybe only a massive cosmological event can
change this world from the path of destruction it is currently being led
down by those who wield the power. I know for sure these control freaks
will never allow change which takes away their ill-gotten: authority, status,
fame, riches, power and absolute control over the masses.
Another thing to consider in relationship to Russellian Science is
that, all motions are recorded in the inert gases which bridge the Creators
immutable and eternal magnetic universe of motionless SML, with the
electric universe of ever changing, spiraling temporal motions. These
electric motions are voided in the stillness of the cathode planes of the
Creators Magnetic Light Universe and repeated into the neighboring
galactic wave fields, while being reflected back to the center of the Galactic
Cube-Ring system, where the magnificent Hunab Ku resides in absolute
stillness and calm, as the Mind source of its own Creation, our Milky Way
The Maya said this era would end in destruction by Water. Does
this mean there will be tidal waves which wipe the coasts out around the
globe? Will we be inundated with Rains of mythical biblical proportions? I
doubt it, but I could be wrong. We are only a few days away now from this
event and we all have front row seats to view it from. Perhaps the water is
symbolic of a cleansing we will all go through as the deception is washed
away and reality is seen for what it really is instead of the mask which it
pretends to be.
There is much talk about the meaning of the 5 Sun cycle and how the
last days of the 5th Sun which we find ourselves in currently, is the darkest
period before the emerging dawn of a new Golden Age which is the quality
attributed to the 1st Sun of a new 5 Sun cycle. We see the proof of this
darkness in the divide and conquer agendas called; politics, religion, the
monetary system, academic psyence, media mind control programming
and a world destroying itself with backwards explosion based
technologies, which steal from Nature while fouling it with pollution, crime,
wars, torture, poverty, murder and theft by the so-called global elite.
They are enslaving the entire planetary population, so a few thousand of
them may know unlimited wealth and control over the masses, while
everyone else tries to survive on the crumbs which fall from their tables.

It is my hope and desire that this corrupt system managed by

globalist control addicts will fall as we enter into a new era of the 1st Sun,
based on the Creators love which is giving so giving may give again; the
very perpetual electric motions upon which the entire Universe is founded-where the health and well-being of humanity as a whole, this planet and all
of its beautiful creatures is the first priority and those who have enslaved
humanity are finally held accountable for their ubiquitous crimes against
Mankind and Nature!
Much Love to all Sisters and Brothers of the Creators Immutable and
Eternal--Still Magnetic Light.
Robert Otey

The Divided Two

By Cody Rose December 2012

This is the second in what is to be a series of articles on an emerging New

Science and Philosophy inspired by the work of Walter and Lao Russell as well
as many other luminary geniuses throughout the world and throughout history.
To briefly summarize the first article, we looked at Russells concept of a
Universal Creative Mind, and the relation between Mind and physical Creation.
This Relation can be looked at as the relation between:
Cause vs. Effect
Absolute vs. Relative
Simple vs. Complex
Eternal and Transcendent vs. Fleeting and Illusory
Unchanging vs Constantly Changing
Stillness vs Motion
What can be Known vs. What can only be sensed or measured
It is also the Relation between Your Body and Your Mind, between that aspect
of you which does not change and that which inevitably fades away.

The most important part of your personal growth and education is to investigate
this relation, rather than accepting what science or religion says about what and
who you are. We are approaching the ends of what empirical science can tell us
and must turn our investigations inward as a new scientific, spiritual, and social
paradigm emerges.
Know Thyself -Socrates
Now we will look more deeply at the Creation we see around us, and the
simple principles which lie at its foundation. For those who are skeptical about
the mystical and metaphysical nature of this dialogue, we hope you will be
convinced by the elegance, simplicity, effectiveness, and Universality with which
the Russellian cosmology can explain the phenomenal world. I will be
challenging some of the major pillars of modern physics in a clear but thorough
manner, which I hope will satisfy both scientist and layman.
The Divided Two
Russell teaches that all systems are made up of Balanced pairs of Opposite
Conditions. Many philosophies, such as Taoism, Hermeticism, and Buddhism
focus on this so-called duality of the Universe. In Russells philosophy, the
Source of Creation is Equilibrium or Zero. This is like the equilibrium of an
Ocean at Rest, or of Silence.

The many forms and systems which constitute the phenomenal world of
Nature are created by dividing this Zero into Opposite conditions. If we make
Motion in the Ocean, it divides into two opposite conditions, called peaks and
troughs. If we make a Sound, we divide the equilibrium of Silence into two
opposite conditions, compressed air and expanded air.

Notice how, in all of these examples, the two Opposites are extended from, or
balanced by an Equilibrium. Polar opposites must always add up to the Zero
from which they were divided. There are many names for these Opposites.
High temperatures Low Temperatures
High Density
Low Density
High Pressure
Low Pressure
Science is accustomed to calling one of these opposites energy and the other
not energy. It should be clear, however, that they are both necessary to the
expression of energy, that one could not exist without the other, and they always
must total the Zero of Equilibrium from which they came. This Equilibrium IS
then Energy which is expressed by the Opposites.

Consider the High Pressure and Heat of a Star vs. the Low Pressure and Cold
of the Space between Stars. The same is true of an atom. An atom is said to be
99% empty space. No Space is Empty. Light, the One Universal Substance,
is everywhere. What we call Space is an expanded, low pressure condition of
light, which we cannot normally sense. What we call matter is the opposite high
pressure compressed condition of light, which we can sense.
If everything is One Substance, where does the boundary between the atom
and the empty space liebetween the so-called nucleus and the electron
shellbetween the Earths atmosphere and outer spacebetween the Sun and
the Solar System? Where does the boundary between a whirlpool and the rest
of the Ocean lie?

It is only an Illusion of the senses which tell us any of these systems has a
definite boundary - just like we can see rain falling but not water vapor rising. On
a philosophical level, we might ask, where do I end and the rest of the Universe
begin? Our bodies depend on the air that surrounds us, and extends into the
vastness of Space, on the many plants which refresh that air, on food which
comes from soil of Earth, on the water from the great Oceans and rivers and
springs, on the light of the Sun and many stars which glitter the cosmos, and on
the many people upon whom we rely from day to day.

Kirlian photographs show that

the body does not end where the senses tell us it does. I hope that thought and
Meditation on this will convince you on your Universality as well as that of all Life.
Everything that is, is of everything else that is. Nothing is of itself alone.
All created things are indissolubly united...No man can say I alone am I. -Walter
Russell, The Universal One
Everything depends on everything else. -The Buddha
Thus the Newtonian concept of static objects or masses floating in empty
space must be discarded. Instead, what we see are centers of hot,
compressed mass surrounded by boundaries of cold, expanded mass
which are equal and opposite to each other, just like the peaks and troughs of
the wave in the Ocean, or the two cells of a battery.
Everywhere in Nature do we see this pattern. The weather on Earth consists of
heat and cold, high pressures and low pressures.

Water is visible when it falls to the ground, but invisible when it rises to the
clouds. Your body is a balance of alkaline and acid, of energized red blood in
arteries and depleted blue blood in your veins. An atom consists of a high
pressure center (which science calls a nucleus) surrounded by low pressure
(which science calls empty space). The pressure stored within the atom is so
great, if released it creates an enormous nuclear explosion. Again, the
immense heat and pressure of the Sun is surrounded by an equally immense
cold and low pressure of Space which surrounds it. The soil, air, and water which
will one day be the body of the tree take up much more space than the tree
ultimately will. This is then released slowly when the tree decays, or quickly if we
burn it. The DNA in all of your cells, if unwound, could wrap around the Earth
millions of times, and yet all of this information is compressed in an orderly
manner within the space of your body.
In modern academic science, the second law of thermodynamics teaches that all
these opposites must dissipate towards equilibrium over time. But then where do
these polarities come from in the first place?
Science believes the Universe came from one original polarity: the mass of the
Universe condensed to a tiny point, surrounded by the infinite cold of Space.
Thus it is believed that all Creation is the result of an explosion of this fiery mass
outward into Space, called the Big Bang. But this does not explain how so much
potential is concentrated or imploded into atoms, stars, galaxies, plants and
animals. Russell offers an alternative explanation; that Motion goes
Continuously in Two-Ways, in Opposite directions, between Opposite
Conditions, Forever. For every explosion, there is implosion. For every
expansion, there is contraction.
Because of the supposed unquestionable truth of this law, science cannot
offer much hope in the face of our situation regarding the environment; only that
we can consume less explosive fuel. This New Science, however, gives a
different paradigm; that we can use implosion, as Nature does, and reverse the
effects of pollution, radiation, multiply the power of our resources, and cultivate a
condition where growth and healing thrive.
Notice this is not a theory where the Universe as a whole expands for several
billion years, then contracts for another several billion yearsinstead it moves
in both directions at all scales, at all times. All atoms are pulsing in and out
many times a second. Cells of your body are growing and dividing. Your heart
beats in and out, regenerating discharged blood and distributing charged blood.
You breathe in, building your body, and breathe out, un-building your body. As
you breathe, so do plants breathe in reverse to refresh the air.

A tree unfolds from a seed and refolds itself back into a seed. You are active in
the day and restful at night. Life is active in the summer and restful in the winter.
Stars and Galaxies breathe in black space and breathe out white light. All is
continuous cycles within cycles within cycles.

All the Principles of the Heavens and the Earth are inside you. Life itself is the
Truth, and this will never change. Everything in Heaven and Earth breathes.
Breath is the thread that ties all of Creation together. Morihei Ueshiba (founder
of Aikido), The Art of Peace
All Life, Matter, and Motion can be seen as being Continuously
Created by One, Universal, Creative Process. This Process is The Wave.
The Wave, whether in Light, Sound, Electricity, Ocean, Atom, Human, or Star,
can be seen as a Rhythmic Balanced Interchange between Two Opposite
Centripetal Motion Centrifugal Motion

Try to see this simple play of Opposites everywhere, in the breathing and
growing of plant and animal bodies; in the motion of rivers, air, and smoke; in
beautiful art, music, and architecture; and most importantly, in your Thinking and
in your Relations with other People, and with the Earth. Try not to see these
opposites as Good & Bad, or Positive and Negative, but rather as Equalboth
necessary for Creation and Life, as we think (or ought to) of Male and Female.
In the Wave lies the Secret of Creation. ~Walter Russell

Cody Rose

Gone But Not Forgotten:

Walter Russells Breathtaking View of
Natural Law & Creation
By Crystal Clark, December 12, 2012
Even the shallowest attempts at honest
historical reflectionboth our individual and collective
historywill often reveal there were very specific and
pivotal moments wherein better choices or
alternatives were available. These defining moments
and the crucial timing of their appearance are
generally viewed from the perspective of hindsight,
and the hard-earned lessons that come with it.

Not knowing what we had until it was gone, by experiencing a difficult period of time
without it, is often how we brand those once elusive moments in our personal lives.
In a more collective sense, these very special opportunities for global course correction
were brought to us by brave and gifted individuals from all walks of life. Further, their
timing and appearance into our collective reality should be duly noted, not just in terms
of what they offered, but also the need that offering would have filled. Each instance
and appearance marked a pivotal moment in time that could have quickly and
dramatically forever changed the course of our future. The most celebrated and wellknown list of these personalities includes names like Gandhi, Malcolm X, John Lennon,
Martin Luther King, and perhaps even Tesla. Short as the list may seem however, there
were certainly many others of note, and Walter Russell was definitely one of the others.
Tesla and Walter Russell were active in our collective past during the same time period,
and in fact they knew each other. Personally, I find it difficult to tell whose genius was
more impressive between the two, but then we dont have much of Teslas work
publicly available to us in that regard. We do know however, as it was and has been for
so many gifted minds of this caliber, that their genius was first absorbed (funded, coopted and publicly suppressed) by people who had no intention of doing anything other
than building bigger weapons and bank accounts with it. This type of greed and
technopathy, and the secrecy it engenders, still seek to impede cultural progress and
plague us today. Even so, while the bulk of Teslas work and understandings may have
been confiscated and hidden from the public, this is not the case with Walter Russells
work. Even the home study course created by Walter and his wife Lao in the 1950s can
still be found in its unadulterated form.
Reading through it one will immediately discover that they had
many of the same concerns then, that we have now, especially
where the misapplication of knowledge breeds technologies that
become more wholly destructive and anti-life with every natural
law they violate.
This was very succinctly expressed in Lesson Number 34 of the
Home Study Course under the section titled THE RISE AND FALL OF MAN:
These four lessons are especially devoted to making you fully comprehend the cause
of the periodic rise and fall of man, as an individual, a nation, and whole civilization.
They are also devoted to giving you the knowledge needed for rising to great heights
with such stability you will not fall. We have never yet known the law of Nature which
governs our rising and falling. We have not been able to command or obey that law
because we have not known it. We have suffered the pains, aches, disasters, and
tragedies of disobedience to Natures laws because of our ignorance of it.
Even more impressive, beyond their understanding that where there is design there is a
designer, was their intimate realization that although the creation may be separate from
the creator to some degree (the way a painting is separate from the painter), the best
way to understand the later, is to understand the former.

In this sense, they are no longer entirely separate from each other, but rather one is the
reflection of the other; what has been created is a reflection of the thoughts and desires
of its creator.
This is very much true of the creational design matrix we call Nature, which certainly
extends well beyond our own planetary front door.
In other words, the same principles apply at every scale of creation, and this realization
is something Walter and Lao Russell worked very hard to communicate.
One of the more beautiful principles they expressed regarding the creational design
matrix, is that everything is given for the purpose of re-giving. We see the reality of this
simple principle repeatedly played out in nature all around usespecially throughout
the changing seasons. There is a period of activity where new life is in full bloom
(summer), and a period of rest (winter) where what was given to the tree and its blooms
is returned to the earth so that it may be taken up again later. There are transitory
phases in between (spring and fall), regulated by what Russell referred to as rhythmic
balanced interchange.
Rhythmic breathing (and interchange) patterns of
the creational design matrix are included in our own
breathing patterns as well. One moment our lungs
may be completely full, actively delivering the
oxygen to our blood stream (summer) and making
an equal exchange with carbon, and once the carbon
has been completely expelled and our lungs are
empty (winter), the process is repeated. Further, the
carbon we exhale we give to the tree so that it may
breatheeven the carbon our lungs are given to
exhale is re-given to something else. We also see this
same form of rhythmic balanced interchange, in
terms of alternating action and rest periods, in our
days and nights; in our own action (awake) and rest
(sleep) periods. Also, even our days and nights have
transition periods: dusk (exhale) and dawn (inhale).
Walter Russell also beautifully connected this great,
rhythmic and creational breathing in-and-out, to our misconceptions of life and death.
Life is the giving phase, and death is the re-giving phase. And certainly, that these
phases have phases of their own is represented by the age-old question: What walks on
two legs in the morning, and three legs in the evening? The first half of our lives (when
we walk on two legs) is full of growth and regeneration. The second half of our lives
begins a more degenerative process wherein we may find ourselves using a walking
cane for support (three legs).
This can also be viewed as integration and dis-integration, for the purpose of reintegration. Life and death are two sides of the whole life cycle. Walter Russell further
applied this to a deeper understanding of concentration and de-centration, not just in
terms how an idea (non-physical) becomes compressed to manifest in ways our senses
refer to as physical, but also how that applies to reincarnation.

Regarding reincarnation, Russell likened the incarnation and re-incarnation process to

photography. He explained that as long as the original negative exists, destroying all of
the positive copies made from the original wouldnt really upset a person. With the
negative, another positive copy can be made by projecting sunlight through the
patterned negative and the reverse of it would provide a positive pattern. In other
words, positive photo copies of the negative were simply re-incarnations of the original
pattern. In regards to what we think of as death, Russell further explained:
The negative has absorbed the positive, but white light will
again be projected through that negative and it will print a
new one. Scientists have ever wondered how it is that matter
seems to emerge from space and can be swallowed again by
spacebodies eternally repeat themselves to manifest life.
Walter Russell believed that the pattern or negative of a body
(bodies being everything from trees to suns) was the thoughtbody or thought-record of the material body, and that this was
Natures system of record keepingthe way Nature records every
thought pattern and action of all Creation. In other words, the
pattern or negative of a body is stored so that it can one day
Of course this is an oversimplified version of his tremendously
expansive teachings in this regard, but I thought this particular
example would be fun to use because examples of it are easy to
findespecially in what we refer to as doppelgangers. This
phenomenon of *repeating bodies* is becoming more and more
well known. More examples can be found here and here.
Giving the timing of the Newsletter for which this article was written, there is one last
observation I would like to share.
Walter Russell embodied a type of genius that implies he had Unified
Consciousness. This goes beyond just understanding the creational necessity of sexed
pairs of opposites and their rhythmic balanced interchange one with the other. Walter
Russell clearly stated that the brain is merely a sensing and recording machineit is
NOT the Soul mind or Universal Mind. The soul mind is centered in the heart. The brain is
used for sensing, but the soul mind has a knowing that goes beyond the sensing brain.
Unified Consciousness is achieved when both are working together; Walter Russell was
a functioning example of this union.
The way split consciousness has been encouraged and exploited for thousands of years
on this planet, which includes everything from withholding proper scientific knowledge
(dumbing down), chemical additives to vaccine, food and water supplies, repressing the
value of feminine energies and promoting socially debasing relationship patterns, has
been opportunized to create a global masterslave construct. This imbalance in
equity and equality is something Walter Russell also had a great deal to say about, as it
is also a violation of Natural law which requires rhythmic balanced interchangegiving
for the purpose of re-givingnot hoarding for self and power over others.

Further, using the same analogy of the creation being a reflection of the mind of its
creator, this can certainly be reversed: the destruction being a reflection of the mind of
the destructor, aka, our shadowy global handlers. Their behavior clearly indicates that
they themselves are not yet capable of understanding the inevitable outcome of their
incredibly imbalanced behavior, for all involved. That is to say, they too are participating
in their own demise out of ignorance.
That said, as discussed in my latest article (The Winners Write Reality) and the
associated radio show, I do believe that December 21st through December 23rd of this
year, a window into the infinite (Universal mind) is being opened for us. For these three
days it is entirely possible that everyone on this planeteven themwill experience
Unified Consciousness long enough to achieve a kind of clarity and knowing that will be
as life-changing for us, as Walter Russells Divine Illumination was for him.
Having a pen and paper available during that time will allow you to record your thoughts
and inspirations, the same way Walter Russell recorded what he learned during his own
similar experience. This is a very special time in our history and if harnessed, can provide
potentials for change never before shared by so many people at the same time.
Blessings in your continued journey wherever it may take you,
Crystal Clark

Here are some links to the latest interviews featuring matt presti
& Robert Otey. There will be many to come in the next year.
10/2012 - matt presti & Coe Kitten (Secrets of the Divine Feminine) with David
10/2012 - Robert Otey, Allen Adkins & matt presti with David Gibbons
10/2012 - matt presti & Lana Lokteff of Red Ice Creations Radio 3Fourteen
11/2012 - matt presti & Robert Otey with Santos Bonacci on American Freedom
12/2012 - matt presti & Robert Otey with Santos Bonacci - Syncretism on

On a final note, we have entered into the planning

stages of the 1st annual Russellian Science &
Philosophy Conference.
The conference will be a joint venture with the
Center of the One Heart Homecoming

to be held at historic Swannanoa

(former home to Dr. Walter & Lao Russell and the
University of Science and Philosophy) in Waynesboro,
Virginia, September 7th & 8th of 2013. Details will follow
over the next few months. We hope you will join us!
We thank you for all your support and may the years
ahead see the total and complete LIBERATION of the
Human Race into the World Brotherhood and Sisterhood
that all mankind deeply desires.
Many Blessings to you all.

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