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Twentieth Century Dictatorships

Roman Rajbhandari
23 February 2014


I chose to do my research project on Syria as I was very curious about the

current events that are happening there right now more specifically what are
the main causes for the civil war. Doing the research on the history of Assads
regime will help me understand the sides of this war and find out what has
gone out of control during the regime. I hope the research will also help me
understand possible outcomes of the civil war and I strongly believe current
situation in Syria might possible have some major consequences in the modern
Thesis Statement
Syria regime is an example of modern dictatorship mainly because its based on
radical-nationalism and from 1970, Assad holds ruling power through
repressions, cult of a Leader and use of propaganda.
In 1970 Assad took power in Syria through the coup by arresting previous
leader and securing positions in the party government and military. He
defactionalized military to make sure that it wont cause instability by getting
involved in politics. The Baath party was made the ruling party, and all other
parties were now controlled by Baath party. Assad now a chief executive and a
president had a power to assign, discharge and replace prime minister, deputy
prime minister, the three vice presidents, cabinet , parliament, military officers
and civil servants, as well as he was a commander of the military forces ,
effectively making him in control of anyone who he considered not loyal.
Parliament was stripped of its legislative control, President became a legislative
authority. All independent media was made to commit to socialism and
protection of political system and ban of criticism of the government was
introduced. Assad attempted to create a cult that tried to show citizens that the
Person in power signified more than being merely a president. The cult also
endorsed Assads sons Basil and Bashar as next leaders.

Works Cited
Antoun, Richard T., and Donald Quataert. Syria: Society, Culture, and Polity.
Albany, NY: State University of New York, 1991. Print.
Rubin, Barry M. "PART I: Politics of Governing in the Middle East; Syria." The
Middle East: A Guide to Politics, Economics, Society, and Culture. Armonk,
NY: M.E. Sharpe, 2012. N. pag. Print. In this book Author describes all
major points on Syrian establishment of authoritarian government and
what makes it an example of modern authoritarian government. Rubin
gives a historical background that describes instability in the area after
second would war and all proceedings that eventually led to 1970s
revolution and Assads taking over the country. He talks about the
Radical-nationalist regime in Syria, and many coup and revolution
attempts, as well as the role of military and its factions in these protest
and instability during the time before Assad. Author also describes in
detail ways Assad came to power and took charge of the country, which
leads him to portray Assads presidential dictatorship, and the importance
of Baaths party and military forces in retaining the regime under control.
The books also talks about the economic liberalizations in 1980, the move
by which Assad tried to increase the governments support.

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