Morning Jolt With Jim Geraghty

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Attachments comprise, again, essays by Jim Geraghty and about Rush that inter alia address Jeb, Sony,

and Putin:

Morning Jolt with Jim Geraghty

America Is Suddenly Gripped by Jeb-Mania . . . or Something Like It

The editors of National Review, on Jeb Bush:
Jeb Bush, who says he is considering running for president, is a strong conservative. As
governor of Florida from 1999 through 2007, he advanced conservative goals on taxes,
school choice, privatization, racial preferences, the right to life, and many other issues.
He did all this and left office popular in a swing state but one that became more
conservative during his time in its politics. And the states schools, by all accounts, got a
lot better thanks to his efforts.
Many conservatives disagree with Bush on various issues we certainly do and have
other reservations about his candidacy. None of that should lead any conservative to
doubt that he is a friend and ally, and an extraordinarily accomplished one. He deserves
a fair hearing, and we intend to give him one.
My colleague Charlie Cooke:
I am fundamentally opposed to his candidacy on more basic grounds: Namely, that hes
the wrong man, at the wrong time and in the wrong country, too. As loathsome and
un-American as it may seem to hold someones family name against him, Michael
Brendan Dougherty wrote earlier this week, this point needs to be emphasized: the
GOP and the country dont need another Bush. Dougherty is right. The United States is
a republic, and in republics the citizenry should be reflexively nervous about dynasties,
regardless of how much they like their individual members. Certainly, America has
survived the emergence of great and powerful families before. President John Quincy
Adams was President John Adamss son; President Benjamin Harrison was President
William Henry Harrisons grandson; and President Franklin Delano Roosevelt was
President Theodore Roosevelts fifth cousin. (These relationships, you will note, get less
and less intimate as times goes on.) But these were departures from the norm, rather
than the norm itself. If Jeb Bush does manage to make it all the way to the top, we will
be in uncharted dynastic territory territory that, frankly, should begin to worry us.
Your friendly neighborhood Morning Jolt writer:
More recently, former president George W. Bush has referred to Bill Clinton as my
brother from another mother and to Hillary Clinton as his sister-in-law. On
September 11, 2013, Jeb Bush, chair of the National Constitution Center, honored the
former secretary of state with the organizations Liberty Medal, marking Clintons

lifelong career in public service. At a March conference on education, Hillary Clinton

praised Jeb Bush as someone who really focused on education during his time as
governor in Florida, and who has continued that work with passion and dedication in
the years since.
Insert all the standard boilerplate about the joy of friendship and personal relationships,
and how political opponents dont need to be lifelong enemies. Yes, its nice that the
1992 election results didnt cause these two families to hate each other forever. Yes, its
nice that the former presidents have come together to help noble causes and can unite
to help charities and the vulnerable when they need it.
But come on, man.
. . . Hillarys philosophy of government, approach to public power, foreign-policy vision,
vindictiveness to critics, and record of leadership matter, and the Republican partys
grassroots voters have good reason to require a nominee who doesnt think of his
Democratic rival as part of his family.
Over the past six years, we on the right -- and in particular, the previous Republican
nominee -- have been proven right time and again. Russia is indeed behaving like our
preeminent geopolitical foe. Negotiating with the Taliban was a stupid idea. We knew
leaving absolutely no U.S. military presence in Iraq was a formula for trouble. We never
dismissed ISIS as a jayvee team. Democrats didnt need to pass Obamacare for us to
know what was in it. The Obama team scoffed at Romneys idea of giving veterans
vouchers for care at private hospitals, assuring us that the Department of Veterans
Affairs was reducing the backlog and giving our veterans the care they deserved. We
talked about the need for a secure border decades before Central America decided to
turn our border into a giant open-air day care center.
We do not like Hillary Clinton. We do not like her philosophies, her decisions, or the
weapons-grade pabulum that she stuffs in her books and offers for six figures per
speech. Perhaps in person she is warm and funny and all of those things her
hagiographic media fans insist. But her record in public life -- and that of her allies, and
her party -- has been an absolute disaster for the country for the past six years, and the
2016 Republican nominee needs to be able to make that case and win that argument six
days a week and twice on Sundays.
Perhaps Jeb Bush can be that man. But to do so, hell have to bring his A-game to the
task of thoroughly defeating his metaphorical sister-in-law.
Just How Far Is North Korea Willing to Go to Derail a Critical Movie?
Up until now, the hacking of Sony Pictures -- suspected to be the work of North Korea, in response to
the upcoming comedy film The Interview -- has been mostly fun and games as long as you dont work in
Hollywood. (Our Tim Cavanaugh points out that were all chuckling about messages that constitute
stolen property.)

The furious reaction from Pyongyang is particularly ironic, since having a hostile foreign state with
nuclear weapons throw a temper tantrum and/or launch a cyber-war is basically the greatest publicity a
film could possibly want. Considering the way theyre reacting, you would think The Interview has actual
footage of Kim Jong Un dancing YMCA in pink underwear or something. (Actually, the films climax
features an actor playing Kim Jong Un meeting a spectacularly unfortunate end. Spoiler and content
warnings for that link.)
The fun just stopped:
The Sony hackers have threatened a 9/11-like attack on movie theaters that screen Seth
Rogen and James Francos North Korean comedy The Interview, substantially
escalating the stakes surrounding the release of the movie.
The attackers also released the promised Christmas gift of files. The contents of the
files are unknown but its called Michael Lynton, who is the CEO of Sony Pictures
The world will be full of fear, the message reads. Remember the 11th of September
2001. We recommend you to keep yourself distant from the places at that time. (If your
house is nearby, youd better leave.) Whatever comes in the coming days is called by
the greed of Sony Pictures Entertainment.
Past messages have included budgets to Sony films, salary information of top
executives, and employee medical records and social security numbers.
There have been suspicions that the attack may have been launched by North Korea in
retaliation for The Interviews depiction of an assassination attempt on Kim Jong-un.
The country has denied involvement but praised the attacks.
North Korea -- or somebody working on their behalf -- wouldnt be dumb enough to launch a terror
attack on American movie theaters on Christmas Day, would they?
Somebodys getting nervous.
The Interview stars Seth Rogen and James Franco have canceled all upcoming media
appearances following the latest threats made against theaters showing the movie,
Variety has confirmed.
The duo has withdrawn from previously scheduled press appearances, including Rogens
Thursday appearance on Late Night with Seth Meyers and a chat with Buzzfeed Brews,
leading up to The Interviews Christmas Day release.
According to insiders, Rogen and Franco are still scheduled to appear at Thursdays New
York special screening of The Interview. The two were at the Los Angeles premiere last
week, but didnt do press interviews.
Sometimes North Koreas idea of saber-rattling is drawing the saber and stabbing you:

The ROKS Cheonan sinking occurred on 26 March 2010, when the Cheonan, a Republic
of Korea Navy ship carrying 104 personnel, sank off the countrys west coast near
Baengnyeong Island in the Yellow Sea, killing 46 seamen. A South Korean-led official
investigation carried out by a team of international experts from South Korea, the
United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and Sweden presented a
summary of its investigation on 20 May 2010, concluding that the warship had been
sunk by a North Korean torpedo fired by a midget submarine.
The Norks entire concept of deterrence, and what kind of risk is acceptable in their metronomic
brinksmanship, is completely different from ours.
Maybe the threat to movie theaters is nothing but bluster. But weve seen a gunman shoot up the
Canadian Parliament, a guy out on parole take hostages and kill hostages in an Australian chocolate
shop, and the Taliban massacre children in a school. The sense of whats really unthinkable in our
chaotic world gets a little narrower, week by week.
Fall, Little Ruble, Fall
Just call it the Rublitchka.
International economics, punishing Vladimir Putin in ways our grab-bag of sanctions never could:
The severity of the current crisis became apparent by Tuesday. The ruble had lost nearly
20% in just one day. So the Central Bank, Russias version of the Federal Reserve, held
an emergency meeting and raised interest rates to 17% from 10.5%.
The move was meant to strengthen the ruble, to keep people from selling. Wealthy
Russians have taken more than $125 billion out of the country, and slashed oil earnings
mean there are less export earnings to convert into rubles.
The rate hike hasnt appeared to work. But even if it does, that neck-snapping hike will
make it hard for the economy to breathe. Once again, the Russia people will go through
wrenching economic hardship because their leaders are following foolish, grandiose
Only recently authorities had predicted a mild recession for next year. That is all
changing now. Instead of the original government forecast of a 0.8% decline, the Central
Bank said that if oil stays under $60 a barrel, the economy could contract more than
4.5%. That is a deep and painful recession.
Living standards are now sure to slide.
The only problem is, this more or less feeds into Putins us against the world philosophy, and hell no
doubt blame a conspiracy of international bankers, the go-to scapegoat of a particular brand of
autocratic, power-hungry, expansionist European leaders.
Our Nat Brown:

While the country has sufficient reserve funds to weather the short-term storm, the
medium-to-long term is another question entirely, says Natasha Udensiva, a managing
partner at Eurasia Energy Associates and a lecturer in international affairs at Columbia
University. How long might the Russians be able to maintain their current stance? They
say theyll be fine for two, three years, Udensiva tells NRO. I think theyll be fine for at
least one year and a half. Despite this huge inflation and all the terrible things going on
in the country, they still have a lot of assets.
Tom Rogan:
This informs the larger strategic issue. Western leaders believe that their sanctions,
which are relatively weak, will pressure Russia to make a geographical compromise. But
for Vladimir Putin, the stakes are far higher. He sees Ukraine through the prism of a
philosophical identity, as a foundation of Russias timeless soul. In this view, Ukraine
isnt only about land; its about patriotic prestige. To reinforce this point, Putin offered a
dig at post-patriotic Europe: If for some European countries national pride is a longforgotten concept and sovereignty is too much of a luxury, true sovereignty for Russia is
absolutely necessary for survival. And as his standoff with the West continues and he
grapples with economic weakness, Putin is likely to become even more unpredictable.

Rush Limbaugh Echo for Today, 12/17/14

Rush teases with his to-be-announced Perfect Ticket
Opening: There are points on both sides: Cuban embargo
Seg#1: Tax-payer money will go to prop up a Cuban dictator
Cuba trades with every nation in Earth but USA. Yet, their citizens live on $2/day. The Obama Regime
didnt give them rice, but they did give them rice cookers. Outside their leadership and military, they are
a 4th world country.
With Cuba, trade is not the issue: they live in a Communist regime!
There were numerous times Clinton would have lifted the embargo, and Castro always shot the effort
down. He shot down a plane, twice. Why? Because he uses the United States as a reason for his iron

Three pro-Castro terrorist guys are being released back to Cuba. What do we get? God made Cubansoil to grow great cigar tobacco: binder, wrapper, and filler come from three different tobacco plants.
US citizen Alan Gross went to Cuba to set up a secret internet for the Jewish community in Cuba,
released after five years in prison.

Let us leave behind the legacy of colonization and Communism, says Obama.
Were the colonizers, and they are the Communists?
Some people like Cuba for the sugar or the rum. ((Reading differences: Travelers can return with more
than $400 in cigars and liquor.)) A lot of companies have spent millions developing and they are not
going to just sit idly bythey will go to the State Dpt for first dibs on getting the Cuban tobacco, and not
allow Cuban products directly on the shelves.
Rush Limbaugh - Honorary Member of the 1994 GOP Congressional Class
Yesterday, I reacted to the news that Jeb Bush set up an exploratory committee about running. CBSEvening-News says Im fuming and up in arms, when I was not. Republican leadership is delighted
Limbaugh attacks Jeb Bush. I remember being heralded by the junior class of Congress, now I am
enemy #1.

Segment#2: The embargo is codified in Law!
The last two years of The Obama Regime will be Obama as he wants to be. This with Cuba is just a
teaser what if he gives Iran a nuclear bomb? You watch. You may not know this: The Obama
Regime (DoJ) is in the process of eliminating the equality clauses in the Constitution, for police officers.
Grand juries will not be able to rule, and it will be adjudicated by the Department of Justice.
>>> [ED: The embargo is codified in Law!]
Patriot Radio: Marco Rubio, The embargo is codified in Law; it could be lifted tomorrow if Cuba became
a democratic nation; thats all they have to do.
Segment#3: Adding analysis to what Jeb Bush said has the story about DoJ taking over White cops killing Black men.
Why deny policemen equal protection under the law? Arent they U.S. citizens also? They will also
receive mandatory training.
For the next two years, you will see this all over the place, rat-tat-tat like a machine gun. It will all be
predicated on the premise, Finally, after 200 years, someone comes along to make America right. You
will look in vain to see someone stand up in DC to stop itand those that do, like Cruz and Lee, will be
accused of being Kooks.
Lets get to the DbM hubbub reacting to my comment on Jeb Bush. ((Clip: It was no surprise when the
knives came out from both sides. [Clip-Limbaugh: He is not going to pander to the Conservative base
tea party peoplehe is going to try to win without the base.] )) That wasnt fuming I was quoting what
Jeb Bush said.
Go to the next soundbyte ((Clip with a clip of Rush *Hes going to show he can win the nomination an
election without the base.)) Was I fuming and up in arms? Seems like it was rather factual to me.

Democrats misquote me simply to tick off their own base and raise $$. Theory goes that Limbaugh is so
hated it helps for him to speak against you. The difference now is that Republicans are saying this
also. ((Clip))
I merely added analysis to what Jeb Bush said. He said it.
Ive gone from entertainer to Titular Head of the Republican Party, now to *Enemy of the Republican
Party]. Drive-by Media (CBS, Bloomberg, msNBC) are all on the same page: Have Limbaugh fuming up
in arms and you have a badge of honor.
>>> My parents would not believe my influence today.
Seg#4: What is the perfect Republican-Conservative ticket?
Caller: Jeb Bush has the money to split the vote sucking away Conservative votes. It could go to
So there would be no money left for Rick Perry or Ted Cruz? Im convinced that Jeb Bush got in
because of Mitt Romney: they have the same donors. I dont think that is the sole reason. Its not a
race just now for votes, it is a race for money.
>>> And thats a good hint to guess and understand my Perfect Ticket.
Rush says he is not teasing the Q/A but checking a few details.
Seg#5: Lindsey Graham is thinking of running also?
*Not on Rushs ideal ticket to run.+
>>> When I announce my Perfect Ticket, it is over.
What the Hell is wrong with valet? Same with Michelle Obama at Target.
Segment#6: Ideal? Jeb Bush and Hillary Rodham Clinton for 2016
(Theme Music) Greetings to you, music lovers, conversationalists So I got a note from a friend last
evening that hit me: the perfect ticket for 2016. Why did that thought come to me? Jeb Bush wants to
win the nomination without Tea Party Conservatives.
In 2009, It is time to give up the Reagan Era; we must be respectful of the other side and recognize they
have something and we have nothing, said Jeb Bush. Do you ever hear a Democrat say, the era of JFK
or FDR is over? You never hear that, and yet Republicans are insistent, for years, We must look at how
Democrats win elections and steal it says Jeb Bush.
What is the winning strategy of Democrats? Obama ran platitudes.
Voters shouted, Stop it; stop Obamacare; stop Amnesty! Both parties are not paying attention.
Instead, they go after bankers and Big Money. They both seek pleasing coverage from the media.
Weve also heard that Republicans refuse to cooperate. Independents dont like the criticism of
Obama. Show low info voters we can cross the aisle and get things done. At the same time, GOP

leaders say, Forget Reagan. Republican leadership thinks the Tea Party has to be dealt with since it is
a big problem, which is the same thinking Democrats have.
Elizabeth Warren telegraphs she wants to run by saying she isnt, yet. Obama is death to office seekers,
and Hillary Clinton distances herself. Like Jeb Bush she has to win without the Democrat base.
My IDEAL TICKET is Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush. The only decision is who is on top. Clintons and Bush
family never say an unkind word about the other. When it comes to Obamacare they want it; they have
the same donor class and they dont care about Little People. This is a ticket made in Heaven. They
are so close on the issues. If the POTUS left, and VP takes over, you wouldnt know the difference. Bill
Clinton is the White Bill Cosby and might have to step down.
What better way to deal with the fear of HRClinton than to put her on your ticket? Same w/ Democrats
being scared to death of a Bush. Jeb could come in and save the day with crossing the aisle
>>> Clinton-Bush 16you choose who is on top.
PS: Rush Limbaugh likes Gov. Scott Walker!
From the Rush Limbaugh Morning Update: "Master of Fake"
Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren, also known as Fauxcahontas, has been getting a lot of buzz
from the radical left of her Party [Obama alums: We're Ready for Warren]. Howard Dean, the failed
presidential candidate, indicated his support for a Warren presidential run. The establishment radicals at announced a draft Warren campaign.
And AP reports more than 300 former Obama campaign staffers and organizers have signed a letter to
Warren urging her to run. Among the campaign aides whove switched from Obama Kool-Aid to Warren
Kool-Aid is Rajeev Chopra, chief information officer for Obamas 2012 campaign. Stephen Geer, who
headed up email and online fundraising operations in 2008, also put his John Hancock on the letter. Sam
Graham-Felsen, Obamas chief blogger in 2008, joined in.
The Warren liberals say they want somebody who will stand up for working families, and take on the
Wall Street banks and special interests. They believe that someone is Fauxcahontas. Just like they
believed that someone the one they were waiting for was Barack Hussein O. Remember Hope and
Change, Yes We Can, and all that nonsense? He turned out to be the best friend Wall Street bankers
and wealthy liberals ever had in the White House.
Fauxcahontas, for her part, keeps insisting she isnt interested doesnt want to run for President. Of
course, that could be a head fake, a strategic deception to deal with the other large figure in the
Democrat Party running in pantsuits.
After all, Fauxcahontas is a master of the fake. Yes, indeed.
Quote Gems from Rush Limbaugh dot com:

"For the longest time the smartest thing to ask about any news story you read, watch, or listen to, is: Is it
"There's no question in my mind that the Republican Party would love to win the presidency and have it
be said in the aftermath that they didn't need any Tea Party votes to do it. That's their dream."
"Based on the vote on the budget, I don't think anybody could honestly claim that the modern
incarnation of the Republican leadership is at all interested in reducing the size of government."
"To the Democrat Party, the Republicans are not the big threat; you and me are. Not the Taliban. Not AlQaeda. Not Islamic jihadist terrorists."
"Individual freedom and liberty are directly related to the size of government. Bigger government, the
less freedom and liberty we all have. Undeniable."
"I think that the Republican Party -- it's true of both parties -- the Republican Party is dominated now by
what is called in the parlance of the day, the donor class."
"Is it good for the country at large for people to be running around all day, every day thinking that they
might have a deadly disease or that they might get one later today or tomorrow? All of this
consciousness raising about things, how many hypochondriacs is it creating? How many people are
doing nothing but thinking about disaster befalling them with all of this?"
"The Republican Party has already squandered a massive landslide election win. They've already
squandered it with this budget deal that they did. They looked at this landslide election victory and spat
upon it, all to send a message to us, to conservatives."
"I've had people call me over the years, say, 'Rush, there's no difference in the parties.' And I've always
argued with those people. But in the last two weeks, you'd be hard-pressed to find any difference. I
mean, they've all united on this lamebrain budget."
"You've got four analysts and maybe an anchor at CNN sitting there, hands raised, in solidarity with
something that did not happen. A news network claiming to be America's leader."
"I don't know how widely read you are on all of this, but because, 'It's my job, man,' I read all of this
stuff, and I'm telling you: It's getting harder and harder to remain in good cheer. I can't tell you how
ticked off I am every day by 11 o'clock, literally ticked off at some of the stuff I run into. On my tech
blogs I can't escape this stuff about how America sucks. I can't escape celebrating when America takes it
on the chin."
"I'm telling you, the sense of war and opposition and hatred for American conservatives by the American
left I don't think is something people have a full grasp of. I'm without doubt convinced that nobody in
the Republican establishment understands it, except to the degree that they agree with the Democrats."
"President Obama's finally come up with a strategy to fight terrorism after all of these years. He
announced he's going to make the military more lean. What it means is he's gonna gut it. It could have
been worse. I wouldn't have been surprised if he had ordered the military to start walking around with
their arms up chanting 'hands up, don't shoot.'

"I think that the Democrat Party today, the American left and the US media, if there's any distinction in
them, really do consider American conservatives to be a bigger threat to their way of life, their version
of America, what they think is true, than they consider the Taliban or Al-Qaeda or Iran or any other
foreign enemy, the ChiComs, the Russians. And I'm not exaggerating. This is another one of those things
I used to joke about that actually has come true."
"I'm in a content, content, content business. I'm proud of my content. I don't make it up, and I don't lie
about it."
"I am hearing from people who heretofore have sworn off third-party. 'No way, Rush. That's a sucker's
bet. I wouldn't do it. That's guaranteed Democrat victory for as long as we all live.' I'm having these
people who have told me this say if there was a viable third party, they would be there right now after
this budget deal."
"The state of journalism today is horrible. Things that are untrue, just jam pack lies are making it into the
news routinely and regularly. Sometimes corrections are made; sometimes they're not. The rape story
at UVA with Rolling Stone. They're just everywhere."
"I think journalism is undergoing a tectonic shift right before our eyes that's not being seen. The results
of it are being seen, but what's actually happening isn't being seen."
"The truth is no longer a fact. The truth is not even objective. The truth is relative, and it's a mess. So it
wouldn't have surprised me at all, given Obama's trying to get in on the pop culture stuff, if he'd had the
military walk around with their hands up saying 'hands up, don't shoot'."
"It dawned on me yet again that people do not understand principled opposition to amnesty. There's
nothing personal about it. It has nothing to do with these particular 15 or 20 million people. It has
nothing to do with that. It has everything to do with borders. It has everything to do with preserving the
country as we know it with a distinct and proud of it, damn it, American culture, which is why every
immigrant in the past has wanted to come here."
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