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Rodriguez 1

Andres Rodriguez
English 115A
John Kubler
29 September 2014

My group and I decided to get the ad of Dolce& Gabanna. I will now describe the
characters from left to right. The man on the far left is named Alexander and he is 25 years old.
He just got back from an expedition in Spain and is so anxious to tell his stories, adventures and
the different things he did in Spain to try and seduce the only woman in the picture. He has never
seen something so extraordinary in his life so he feels like she must be his, but she is simply
refusing him. He is just fascinated by life and just needs her to complete his life. The guy
following Alexander is named Reginald, he is the son of a famous killer, and he is obviously
following his fathers footsteps. He is 30 years old and he believes that he can have anything he
wants by being a bad guy. Reginald does not take anything from anyone. He is stuck up,
pretentious, and self-centered and that is the reason why he killed the other man in the photo. He
wants the girl all to himself so he decided to kill him. He is fearless and wants everyone to know
it. The man following Reginald is called Luke, he is definitely a model seeking for attention He
is 23 years old and his hormones are raging! He is mad because he is not getting the attention
that he wants so he stares the woman with anger or disapproval or sexual ferocity. The man on
the floor following Luke is named Billy. Billy tried so hard to flirt with the woman in the middle,
but he failed miserably because he got shot by Reginald. Theres not much to say about Billy
because he was 18. He tried to shoot Reginald and he definitely failed. You could tell he like the
girl because hes sitting right next to her. As for the only girl in the picture, her name is April.
April has a reputation of seducing guys and breaking their hearts. She is 24 and single, not really
looking to mingle. She simply just wants to trick guys into liking her by being completely naked.

Rodriguez 2

The guy following April is Arthur. Arthur has a bit of a drinking problem when he sees a
beautiful girl. He is 27 years old and is really shy when it comes to girls. He has the looks but he
needs to get out of his shell. The last guy on the right is Timothy and he just wants to have a
good time because he is a multimillionaire. He struck oil and that is how he got his wealth. He is
a 22 year old bachelorette.
It seems like all the guys are attracted to the girl because shes basically wearing nothing.
I feel like the attention is going towards her because all the guys are surrounding her. She also
has this hair that attracts all the attention of the viewers to her. The group met up because they
were casually having a drink together and some girl casually walked in naked. They all decided
to go and hit on her and chaos happened.
The dominant figure in the picture is obviously the girl. She is naked and right on the
sweet spot of the picture. She portrays beauty and what a girl should look like. The lighting of
the picture is revolved around her and that gray hair brings more attention to her. Also the fact
that she is the only naked one makes her the dominant one and no one is really bothering her.
She is also the one staring straight into the camera looking very confident. She is also covering
herself up not letting the guys see her and controlling them with that as well.

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