Downfall of Pat Miletich

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The Downfall of Pat Miletich

The continuing saga of problems for the very troubled MFS (Miletich
Fighting Systems) Camp and Pat Miletich himself seems to have no
relief in sight. Just since the time of our last report only weeks
ago, the Pat Miletich implosion has continued its downward spiral
and path of self- destruction with the following problems:

*Escalation of the war with crosstown rival Spencer Fisher, to the

point that Pat Miletich has now stated that 'he will kick Mr. Fisher's
ass on the street when he sees him'. Apparently Miletich is not
happy with the results of his slanderous Smear Campaign against
Mr. Fisher, who has basically taken most of the MFS Camp students
and fighters over to his camp.

* A complete falling out with former MFS Camp fighter, Drew

McFedries. After the quite revealing UFC after-fight interview,
where Drew did his part to validate the 3 year trend of failed support of the MFS fighters by
Pat Miletich, Drew actually attempted to meet Miletich's ridiculous demands of making a public
apology for Drew's accurate comments in the UFC interview, which everyone knows were
well-deserved. In spite of this, Miletich threw Drew out of the Camp anyways, once and for all.
Obviously Miletich is having difficulty living in his own "doo-doo" by having a guy present in
the gym who he clearly let down.

* With Tim Sylvia being one of the few "significant" fighters left in the MFS Camp, the term
"significant" now becomes the operative word. We all only needed 10 seconds in the Ray Mercer
fight to see the standard of Boxing Coaching and Conditioning currently being administered by
Coach Pat Miletich.

* The Carlson Gracie Team and renowned Black Belt BJJ Instructor, Jeff Neal, have arrived in
the Bettendorf, Iowa area to pick up the remaining pieces \ members of the fallen MFS Camp
and Gym.

* The MFS Affiliate School Program now drops to only 9 member locations, from the 62
members just 2.5 years ago. The revealing McFedries UFC interview certainly informs us as to
why these school numbers have dropped so rapidly. Rumor has it that 2 more locations are
scheduled to leave in the next 45 days.

* A complete falling out with the WAMMA organization, after less than a year of running time
with Pat Miletich as its Vice-President. Miletich's quote from his interview on the subject,
"'s time to move on.......", seems to be the slogan for literally every business
relationship this man has ever had. Can we think of any MMA celebrity with more failed

* Yet the next edition in the 6 year war with Dana White. This most recent Dana White video
interview on the subject of Pat Miletich is again yet another strong validation of the difficulties
in business dealings and relationships with Pat Miletich.

But now, have we reached the defining moment? A bomb has as its destiny its ultimate
explosion. An unexploded bomb has not fulfilled its mission. Clearly there is a time bomb
ticking inside Pat Miletich. Perhaps it has actually gone off now. On June 11th, a District Court
Judge slapped a Restraining Order on the 5 Time UFC Champion for his Criminal HARASSMENT
of an 80 YEAR OLD WOMAN. Hello, Earth to Pat, come in please. Is there anybody at home in
that 1300 cc brain? For more on this story see the LINK below:

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