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Density and overcrowding - A Case of Hong Kong

Boston underwent a series of topographical, political, economic, and social changes that continue to shape its
role and appearance as a leading metropolis in the world. Boston, first incorporated as a town in 1630 and as a
city in 1822, is one of Americas oldest cities, with a rich economic and social history. Boston has grown with
landreclaimation and annexations. This vibrant, thriving city is renowned for its cultural facilities, world-class
educational institutions, champion sports franchises, as well as its place at the very forefront of American
history. The study of Boston gives us an insight of topography playing a major determinant in shaping the
settlement over the years.
Density, population, Landfill Reclamation, Population, Occupation

1. Introduction

Density is a measurement of population per unit area or unit volume; it is a quantity of

type number density. Urban density is considered an important factor in understanding how
cities function. The profile of densities is key to understanding a citys structure and its
livability. Cities where the land market works reasonably well have a common structure:
densities decrease from the city center outward. Population growth is the change in density
over time. The factors affecting density of population are
A) Terrain:
Terrain of land is a potent factor which influences the concentration and growth of
population. Normally speaking, plain areas encourage higher density of population as
compared to mountain regions. The steep slope in mountain areas restrict the availability of
land for agriculture, development of transport, industries and other economic activities which
may tend to discourage concentration of population but may lead to increase in density within
the available area.
B) Climate:
Climate is as important as terrain in influencing population. Of all the climatic factors, twin
elements of rainfall and temperature play the most important role in determining the
population of an area. Man cannot go beyond the limits set by climate.
Extremes of climate discourage the concentration of population. Such climates include the
too cold climate of Himalayas, and the too hot and dry climate of the Thar Desert. A
moderate climate, on the other hand, is favorable for population.
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C) Soil:
Soil is an important factor in determining the density of population. Fertile soil supports
higher population density while infertile soil leads to low density.
D) Water Bodies:
Availability of water plays a significant role in determining the population of a given area.
Water is the basic necessity for several purposes including irrigation, industries, transport and
domestic affairs. Rivers are the greatest source of fresh potable water. Therefore, most of the
population is concentrated in the river valleys, and other waterfronts.
E) Mineral Resources:
Minerals act as great source of attraction for people from different areas, which results in
higher density of population.
F) Industries:
Industrial growth offers massive employment opportunities and acts as a great magnet to
attract people, particularly from the neighbouring areas. This results in higher population
density. Industrial areas are almost invariably associated with areas of high population
G) Transport:
Growth of population is directly proportional to the development of transport facilities.
H) Urbanization:
Urbanization and population concentration go hand-in-hand and are closely related to each
other. All the urban centres are marked by high density of population. The minimum density,
that an area should have to be designated as urban, is 400 persons per sq km.

The spatial distribution of population density is classified into following categories:

Areas of extremely low density: Areas having 100 persons per sq km and less than that are
included in this class
Areas of low density: Areas having population density of 101 to 250 persons per sq km are
included in this class.
Areas of Moderate Density: This class includes those areas which are having 251 to 500
persons per sq km.
Areas of High Density: These are areas having population density of 501 to 1000 per sq km.
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Areas of Very High Density: Areas having more than 100 persons per sq km are termed as
areas of very high population density.
Population is defined as the total number of individuals of a species present in a particular
area at a given time. A species has many populations living in different regions.
The scientific study of human population is called demography. It deals with three
(1) Changes in population size (growth or decline)
(2) The composition of population and
(3) The distribution of population in space.
It deals with five demographic processes namely fertility, mortality, marriage, migration
and social mobility. These five processes are continually at work within a population
determining size, composition and distribution.

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1.1 Determinant :Population

During the early nineteenth century, Boston grew from a small town of 25,000 to a bustling
urban center of approximately 93,000.Through such a dramatic increase its population,
redevelopments within Boston became necessary as massive amounts of European
immigrants continually flooded into the city during this time in search of new opportunities.
As the city became a flourishing international trading center due to technological
developments and transportation advancements, an increasing demand of land became
inevitable as the city began housing more and more residents. Over the thirty years between
1950 and 1980 Bostons population declined from 801,444 to 562,994. This decline can
largely be attributed to families with children fleeing to the suburbs based on a perception of
better schools and less crime. Since 1980, however, the Citys population has stabilized and
grown slightly. The 2000 U.S. Census records the Citys population at 589,141, representing
a 2.6% increase over the 1990 population and a 4.6% increase over 1980. In 2007, the U.S.
Census Bureau estimated the Citys population exceeded 599,000 residents. A wide range of
ethnic backgrounds and countries of origin can be found in Bostons population. Bostons
rich cultural heritage is also reflected in the diversity of its neighborhoods. The City of
Boston is the 20th largest city in the United States by population, based on a revised estimate
of 599,351 in 2007. The Boston CSA had a total population of 7.4 million in 2007.

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Table 1
Table 2

Table 4

3.0 Conclusion
The original profile of Boston remains beneath the surface of the modern city. When one
realizes the dimensions of the changes enacted upon this site, one is filled with a new
appreciation for the achievement of earlier centuries. The historical sequence of landfill
projects in Boston also helps explain some of the peculiarities of the modern urban

4.0 References
Website resources

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6. (Accessed on 18-12-2014) (Accessed on 18-12-2014) (Accessed on 10-11-2014) (Accessed on 11-11-2014) (Accessed on 11-11-2014) Accessed on 11-11-2014)
Reference Maps

2. (Accessed on 10-11-2014) (Accessed on 11-112014)

&themei=1(Accessed on 11-11-2014)

Figures and Tables:


Fig1 Trimount In 1630

Fig2 and 3-Masonary Constructions to High Rise Glass Structures
Fig 4-Prudential tower 1964
Fig 5-skyline of Boston
Map1-Boston In 1630
Map2-Boston In 1830
Map3-Boston In 1845
Map4-Boston In 1865
Map5-Boston In 1890
Map6-Landfill And Annexations
Map7- city over the years 1630-1995 and situation
Map8- Pattern and Form of a City.
Map 9- Landfill And Annexations
Table 1-Demographics
Table 2-Age Of Population
Table 3-Boston Population From 1800 Census To 1950
Table 4-Boston Population From 1950-2010
Table 5-Education Level Of Boston Residents

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