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Case No.:

DR. BRENDA SNIPES, in her capacity

as Supervisor of Elections for Broward
III, personally


Plaintiff, Charles K. Mac McElyea (McElyea) by and through his undersigned
counsel pursuant to Fl. R. Civ. Pro. 1.190 allege on information and belief, based, inter alia on
the investigation of their legal counsel, except as to those allegations which pertain to the
Plaintiff, which are based on personal knowledge and belief, as follows:
1. This is an action by which Plaintiff seeks a judgment declaring that candidate James
Robert Ridgley, III (Ridgley) lied on required paperwork to seek elective office as a City
Commissioner in the City of Dania Beach, that he is constitutionally unfit to serve in any elected
office in the state of Florida because he is a felon who has not had his rights restored.
2. This Court has subject matter jurisdiction as the relief sought is a declaratory judgment
and an injunction.
3. Venue is appropriate in this county as Dania Beach is located entirely within Broward
County, Florida.

4. The Plaintiff, Charles McElyea, is a long-time resident, voter and former Mayor of Dania
Beach, Florida and is otherwise sui juris.
5. Defendant, Dr. Brenda Snipes is the Supervisor of Elections for Broward County, Florida
and is being sued exclusively in her role as Supervisor of Elections and is otherwise sui juris.
6. Defendant James Ridgley III is a resident of Dania Beach, Florida and is currently
seeking the office of Mayor/Vice Mayor of the City of Dania Beach, Florida. He is also a
convicted felon and is otherwise sui juris.
7. Charles Camacho, Jr. is a non-party to this action but may have an interest in its outcome
as a candidate for Mayor/Vice Mayor. He has been couriered a copy of this Complaint.
8. Commissioner Bobbie Grace is a non-party to this action but may have an interest in its
outcome as a candidate for Mayor/Vice Mayor. She has been couriered a copy of this
9. Marco A. Salvino, Sr. is a non-party to this action but may have an interest in its outcome
as a candidate for Mayor/Vice Mayor. He has been couriered a copy of this Complaint.
10. Rae L. Sandler is a non-party to this action but may have an interest in its outcome as a
candidate for Mayor/Vice Mayor. She has been couriered a copy of this Complaint.
11. Defendant Ridgley has a long history of arrests and problems with the law, the vast
majority of which were for misdemeanors. (See Exhibit A.)
12. However, on October 3, 1989, Defendant Ridgley was arrested for cocaine trafficking, a
felony at the time in the State of Florida.
13. Defendant Ridgley was convicted of this crime in Palm Beach County, Florida.

14. In order to vote or hold public official in Florida, after a conviction of a felony, one must
complete their sentence, have no pending charges, pay restitution and then have their civil rights
restored by the Cabinet. See generally Chapter 940, Florida Statutes.
15. To date, Defendant Ridgley has not had his civil rights restored, although he has alleged
otherwise in the press.
16. All candidates for municipal election must file qualifying paperwork with their City
Clerk in accordance with Florida Law.
17. The City of Dania Beach will have a vacancy of Mayor and Vice Mayor that must be
filled on November 4, 2014.
18. Pursuant to its charter, the City permits any constitutionally-eligible individual to run for
both positions at the same time in the same election. The individual who receives the most votes
is elected Mayor and the runner-up is elected Vice Mayor.
19. Among those documents required to be filed in the City of Dania Beach are:
a. Statement of Candidate declaring the candidate has read and understands the
A requirements of Chapter 106, Florida Statutes.
b. An Oath of Candidate, wherein the candidate declares that he or she is
qualified to serve office pursuant to the Florida Constitution and Florida law.
c. A Notice of Candidacy for City Commissioner which states the candidate has
fully satisfied all conditions precedent to such candidacy,
d. A copy of the candidates current Voter Information Card
20. Defendant Ridgley filed his qualifying paperwork on June 17, 2014. (See Exhibit B.)
21. Non-party Charles Camacho filed his qualifying paperwork on June 20, 2014 (See
Exhibit C.)

22. Non-party Bobbie Grace filed her qualifying paperwork on June 18, 2014 (See Exhibit
23. Non-party Marco A. Salvino, Jr. filed his qualifying paperwork on June 16, 2014 (See
Exhibit E.)
24. Non-party Rae Sandler filed her qualifying paperwork on June 16, 2014. (See Exhibit
25. All five candidates are currently candidates for Mayor/Vice Mayor based on their filing
of complete qualifying paperwork within the qualifying time period in June 2014.
26. The Constitution of the state, Florida law and city charter for Dania Beach vests no
entity, including Defendant Snipes, with the ability to fully examine the constitutional
qualifications of those seeking office. In short, the Supervisor and the City Clerk rely on the
sworn statements of the candidates.
27. If elected, Defendant Ridgley could not serve as he is a convicted felon who has not had
his civil rights restored.
Plaintiff sues all Defendants and seeks a Declaratory Judgment and states,
28. Plaintiff re-alleges all previous allegations and conclusions.
29. This dispute raises a justiciable question requiring a present declaration by the Court
declaring the candidacy of Defendant Ridgley is void as he lied on his qualifying paperwork
about his eligibility to serve as Mayor/Vice Mayor of the City of Dania Beach and could not
serve as Mayor/Vice Mayor if he was elected.

30. It is this Plaintiffs assertion that Defendant Ridgleys actions in filing out the fraudulent
paperwork is invalid and does not permit him to stand for election.
31. It is the Plaintiffs assertion that Defen dant Snipes will further this fraud, without her
having any authority absent a court order to do otherwise, by permitting absentee ballots to be
sent to voters with Defendant Ridgleys name on it or without information that votes for
Defendant Ridgley will not be counted as he cannot serve legally.
32. Plaintiff, and those similarly situated to him, would suffer irreparable injury if Defendant
Snipes did not take action to remove Defendant Ridgley from the ballot or inform the voters that
Defendant Ridgleys votes will not be counted.
33. If Defendant Ridgley is permitted to remain on the ballot it will force the other four (4)
candidates, who all complied with Florida law in their qualifying paperwork, to run in an
election against a candidate who cannot serve. They may be forced to spend resources (time or
money) to defeating a candidate that cannot serve.
34. Due to time constraints, absentee ballots will be mailed the week of September 29, 2014,
the Plaintiff and his counsel have not been able to amicably resolve this matter.
WHEREFORE, the Plaintiff respectfully requests that this Court take jurisdiction of Count
I, enter a Declaratory Judgment invalidating Defendant Ridgleys qualifying paperwork and
order Defendant Snipes to either only mail absentee ballots and provide regular ballots without
his name or provide a clear disclaimer to all voters in Dania Beach, whether they vote by mail,
early or on Election Day, that Defendant Ridgley cannot serve as Mayor/Vice Mayor and their
votes will not be tabulated.
Plaintiff sues Defendant Snipes and seeks a temporary and permanent injunction and states,

35. Plaintiff re-alleges all previous allegations and conclusions.

36. Without the issuance of a temporary injunction, Defendant Snipes would print ballots for
the November 4 ballot (or, if ballots are already printed, distribute ballots without a clear and
proper disclaimer) that would list Defendant Ridgley.
37. The Plaintiff, and those similarly situated, would suffer irreparable harm as their ballot
would contain the name of an illegible individual, which would cause voter confusion and votes
not being counted.
38. The Plaintiff has no other remedy at law besides seeking an injunction to ensure the
election only contains candidates that complied with Florida Law and are eligible to serve.
39. Florida Law is clear individuals who have been convicted of a felony and have not had
their rights restored are not eligible to hold public office. Therefore, Plaintiff has a likelihood of
success on the merits requiring a temporary injunction.
40. Plaintiffs only seek to either enjoin the printing or enjoin the distribution of already
printed ballots without a clear disclaimer in the City of Dania Beach, one of the smallest
municipalities in Broward County.
41. Plaintiff incorporates all arguments being made with regard to a temporary injunction
which are made in the Plaintiffs Motion for Temporary Injunction, which is being filed with this
WHEREFORE, the Plaintiff respectfully requests that this court take jurisdiction of
Count II, temporarily and then permanently enjoin the Defendant Snipes from issuing ballots
with Defendant Ridgleys name on them or, in the alternative, issue ballots with Defendant
Ridgleys name on them with a clear and proper disclaimer

42. As the Plaintiff believes the ballots in question are on the verge of either being printed or
sent to vote-by-mail voters and the election has not taken place, the Plaintiff requests that an
expedited hearing be held on this matter. Plaintiff and his counsel believe that no more than a
half day will be required for this hearing.
WHEREFORE, Plaintiff prays for judgment and relief as follows:
1. Enter a declaratory judgment confirming Defendant Ridgley is not permitted on the
general election ballot for election as Mayor/Vice Mayor in the City of Dania Beach,
2. Enter a declaratory judgment stating that Defendant Snipes is not permitted to send out
ballots that either contain the name of Defendant Ridgley or if they are already printed,
that a clear and proper disclaimer be added to the ballot in a conspicuous fashion,
3. Enter a final injunction against Defendant Snipes from counting any votes that are given
to Defendant Ridgley in the general election,
4. Award costs to the Plaintiff,
5. And such other relief as this Court may deem just and proper.
Plaintiff hereby waives the right to a jury trial.
Respectfully submitted,

Nicholas T. Steffens
Attorney for Plaintiff
Florida Bar Number: 10873
Nicholas T. Steffens & Associates, P.A.
6810 S.R. 7, Second Floor
Coconut Creek, Florida 33073
Telephone: (954) 757-1687
Fax: (954) 301-6333

Secondary E-Mail:

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