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The Design Better Challenge


Kris Kasprzak

Whats it take to win?

1. The fastest time

to correctly model
and edit assigned
2. Correct Volume
and surface area
of assigned parts

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Siemens AG 2012. All Rights Reserved.

Siemens PLM Software

Basic rules
1. All work must be completed within 60 minutes
2. All work must be completed on the supplied hardware using Solid Edge ST5
3. Each participant may only occupy one computer
4. At the beginning of the Contest, PCs may be on, but Solid Edge not started
5. Time and model parameters are recorded via software utility
6. Participants may not enlist assistance from any source or person
7. No time compensation will be provided to participants that arrive late to the
Contest or take time away during the Contest, including, but not limited to,
restroom breaks, software malfunction, or hardware malfunction.
8. Prizes will be awarded to the top three (3) fastest times with model surface
area and volume within a certain tolerance

See the back of your instruction sheet for complete Contest rules

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Siemens AG 2012. All Rights Reserved.

Siemens PLM Software

Step 1, model c:\temp\1.par
Model a part
When prompted, open this envelope and familiarize yourself with the two
The first drawing, Feed Rod Bearing Original Part is the part to be
The second drawing, Feed Rod Bearing Edited Part shows the changes
that must be made to the part.
Start Solid Edge and open the file c:\temp\1.par and use it to create the first
model using the drawing Feed Rod Bearing Original Part.
Note: this part template is a synchronous design but feel free to use ordered
features. To access ordered features just right-click on the design window
and select Transition to Ordered before you begin.
When complete, just save the part (make sure the files is c:\temp\1.par)

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Siemens AG 2012. All Rights Reserved.

Siemens PLM Software

Step 2, Save As to c:\temp\2.par make edits
Edit a copy of the part
Create a copy of the part using a SaveAs to create c:\temp\2.par.
Feel free to use Windows Explorer to make copy of c:\temp\1.par and
rename it to c:\temp\2.par.
Open c:\temp\2.par and perform the design change as listed on the drawing
Feed Rod Bearing Edited Part
Save your edited part to c:\temp\2.par
You may leave Solid Edge running.

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Siemens AG 2012. All Rights Reserved.

Siemens PLM Software

Step 3, log your results
Complete the challenge
When both models are complete make sure they are saved in the c:\temp
folder and double click a small utility found in c:\temp called
When the utility starts, enter your name and click OK. This small utility will
record the time and physical properties needed to validate the challenge.
If the parts ARE modeled correctly the utility will indicate that. This concludes
the test, you may leave.
If the parts are NOT modeled correctly or are not in the appropriate folder, the
utility will alert you of the issue. You may make as many corrections as needed
within the 60 minute timeframe. When complete re-run the utility.

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Siemens AG 2012. All Rights Reserved.

Siemens PLM Software

You may begin!


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