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So:ware | IT Solu?ons | ICT Project Management


Automation Proposal

Verification Systems for Military, Government and Civilian Applications

Reduce Ghost Worker & Customer Registrations
Seamless Integration with Third-Party Systems
Enhanced Governmental and Organizational Security
National, Gubernatorial and Local Voter Registration Exercises
Prepared By:
Global Network Exchange
Version: 1.0
Proposal ID: GTBIO01-2012
Copyright 2012 Glonetex Technologies


Automation Proposal

Who We Are
The Global Network Exchange (Glonetex Technologies) is a USA based software and IT services company
with over 15 years of IT and software application development experience. We customize and develop
cutting-edge business management and IT solutions that are designed to improve productivity and lower
operational costs. Our operations span from within the USA and West Africa.
If your company or organization is looking for ways to automate your business processes, we are the right
organization for you. We have a team of highly trained IT professionals that can implement and manage
multiple projects simultaneously. Our technical team has vast experience in the latest biometrics,
networking, mobile and software development tools to ensure that your business is up to date with the latest
trends in Information Technology. Additionally, we strive to ensure that you get 100% satisfaction, including
after sales and on-site support from our product specialists. We serve the global community.

Industries We Serve

Financial Services
Oil and Gas

What makes us unique

Our Proven track record of delivery

Our ability to improve business processes with flexible IT solutions
Our cutting-edge solutions that really work
Our technology innovations adapt to your changing needs.

Copyright 2012 Glonetex Technologies


Automation Proposal


One of the worlds fastest growing technologies, biometrics has revolu?onized business security landscape at oces.
Government organiza?ons as well as nancial and educa?onal ins?tu?ons, across the globe, are also enjoying the
advantages of its applica?ons. Biometric uniquely iden?es a persons physical and behavioral characteris?cs, and
governments across the world are adop?ng the technology to strengthen their na?onal security and maintain
individual iden?ty. Our proposal includes a host of biometrics solu?ons for the African market that have been
proven to strengthen infrastructure security, lessen ID the: and provide safe working environments.

Practical Uses of Biometrics Technology

Our Biometrics solu?ons and registra?on plaTorm

can be used by local and na?onal governments to
assist with the voter registra?on process. Biometric
civilian data can be captured, stored and integrated
with external databases for other uses.

Do away with paper forms. Biometrics technology can be

used at Banks, Insurance Companies and other high-volume
industries to register customers and complete applica?on
forms. Capturing biometric footprint data can be used for
authen?ca?on on core system applica?ons.

Border and immigra?on security can be

strengthened at Air, Sea and Land checkpoints.
Implementa?on of our robust Biometrics solu?ons
will enable immigra?on ocials to beWer monitor
ci?zenry movement in and out of the country.

Copyright 2012 Glonetex Technologies


Automation Proposal

Biometrics Hardware Solutions (Biometric Fingerprint Scanners)

Futronic FS80 USB 2.0:

Futronic FS80 Features:

Futronic FS88 FIPS201/PIV USB 2.0

Fingerprint Scanner:

Futronic FS88 Features:

The FS80 USB2.0 is a high quality op?cal

Precise op7cs allow the scanning of
ngerprint scanner whose rugged case and
prac?cally undistorted ngerprint images.
tough crown glass window make it ideal for
Live Finger Detec7on rejects fake
environments with heavy or unaWended usage.
ngers made from silicone, rubber, play-

doh or other materials. This feature may
The nger scanning window is a crown glass
be turned on or o in so:ware.
with a thickness of 14mm. It is much more
Infra-red illumina7on allows scanning
reliable and robust compared to any
of wet, dry, blurred and other problema?c
OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT semiconductor type ngerprint sensor.
Can be used as stand alone or
Rugged sensor thick (14 mm) crown
embedded in a kiosk unit.
glass used for platen. Prac?cally
indestruc?ble scanner surface.

FIPS 201 and PIV compliant cer?ed by

FBI and included in US General Services
Futronic's FS88 is an enhanced version of FS80
Administra?on approved products list.
ngerprint scanner. The scanner is suitable for

Precise op7cs allow to scan almost

high-trac applica?ons like border control,
undistorted ngerprint image
iden?ty card, driver license, elec?on or any

Live Finger Detec7on rejects fake

other type of civilian AFIS, as it is able to capture
ngers made from silicone, rubber, play-
high quality ngerprint images almost without
doh or other materials.
OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT distor?ons and has a rugged sensor.

Infra-red illumina7on allows to scan

Can be used as stand alone or
wet, dry, blurred and other problema?c
embedded in a kiosk unit.
Rugged sensor thick (14 mm) crown
glass used for platen.

Copyright 2012 Glonetex Technologies


Automation Proposal

Biometrics Hardware Solutions (Biometric Fingerprint Scanners)

Digital Persona U.are.U 4500HD:

The Digital Persona U.are.U 4500HD was

specically designed for business cri?cal
applica?ons that require a high-level of
durability from ngerprint readers but
s?ll need a high degree of accuracy. The
4500HD Reader has a super tough
coa?ng that stands up to physical and
chemical abuse while delivering
OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT unequaled accuracy and performance for
Can be used as stand alone or hard-to-read ngerprints.
embedded in a kiosk unit.

Digital Persona U.are.U 4500HD


Small form factor, Conserves valuable desk

Rugged construc7on - High-quality metal
casing weighted to resist uninten?onal
Extra Tough Coa7ng - Extra tough coa?ng
for use in shared or customer facing
Special undercoa7ng - Stays where you put
it because of a special undercoa?ng.
Rota7on invariant - Touch it from any
direc?on, it s?ll provides a high quality
image and matching performance, perfect
for shared environments.
Excellent image quality - High-quality op?cs
ensure best image every ?me.
Works well with dry, moist, or rough
ngerprints - Reliable performance over the
widest popula?on of users. Reads even the
most dicult ngerprints.

Lumidigm Mercury Series Desktop:

The new Mercury desktop sensor is a stand-

alone biometrics reader that can easily be
aWached to a host PC or intelligent controller via
a standard USB cable.

The Mercury reader can be congured to
support several modes of opera?on. Device
installa?on and opera?on is simple and easy.
Once connected, high-quality 500 dpi images or
Can be used as stand alone or templates can be swi:ly and consistently
embedded in a kiosk unit. delivered to the host PC or controller. Both
enrollment and user authen?ca?on can be done
on the very same device.

Lumidigm Mercury Series Desktop


Superb Image Quality - Lumidigms

mul?spectral imaging technology
simultaneously reads the surface and
subsurface to capture clear, clean images
every ?me.
Spoof detec7on - Eliminate performance
problems associated with conven?onal
ngerprint sensors.
Ease of Integra7on - Equipped with
mul?ple communica?on interfaces that
easily integrate with exis?ng systems.
State-of-the-Art Performance -
Outperforms other sensors by improving
your applica?ons throughput, accuracy,
speed, and security.

Copyright 2012 Glonetex Technologies


Automation Proposal

Biometrics Hardware Solutions (Biometric Fingerprint Scanners)

Lumidigm Venus IP65 Shell:

The Venus IP65 is an excep?onally

reliable ngerprint sensor that virtually
eliminates the common performance
problems experienced when using
conven?onal ngerprint sensors such as
failure to enroll, high false reject rates
and poor performance in outdoor

Can be used as stand alone or

embedded in a kiosk unit.

Lumidigm Mercury Series Desktop


Superb Image Quality - Lumidigms

mul?spectral imaging technology
simultaneously reads the surface and
subsurface to capture clear, clean images
every ?me.
Spoof detec7on - Eliminate performance
problems associated with conven?onal
ngerprint sensors.
Ease of Integra7on - Equipped with
mul?ple communica?on interfaces that
easily integrate with exis?ng systems.
State-of-the-Art Performance -
Outperforms other sensors by improving
your applica?ons throughput, accuracy,
speed, and security.

Biometrics Hardware Solutions (Biometric IRIS Cameras)

Iris ID iCAM TD100:

Iris ID iCAM TD100 Features:

Cross Match I Scan 2:

Cross Match I Scan 2 Features:

The iCAM TD100 includes an op?cal system

specically designed and op?mized to operate
in perfect unison with the integrated high speed
mul?-sensor iris imager array. The iCAM TD100
OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT automa?cally processes and outputs high
Can be used as stand alone or quality ISO standards compliant iris images as
embedded in a kiosk unit. well as a properly formaWed ISO/ICAO face

I SCAN 2 is an integral part of any
comprehensive biometric iden?ty management
program. The device brings rapid mobile
enrollment, iden?ca?on and verica?on
through iris capture applica?ons to any security

Can be used as stand alone or

embedded in a kiosk unit.

High Speed Dual Iris Capture

Compact and Lightweight
Single Mo?on Automa?c Iris and Face
Intui?ve Operator Guidance System
Standards Compliant Hardware and

Designed for rapid dual iris capture

Durable housing
Operates in total darkness and in bright
High-level image quality
ANSI INCITS and ISO/IEC compliant
I SCAN 2 in use worldwide

Copyright 2012 Glonetex Technologies


Automation Proposal

Biometrics Hardware Solutions (Biometric Kiosk)

Free Standing Lobby Type GNX8200
Series Kiosk:


The 8200 Series is a fully customizable free

standing kiosk solu?on. Includes a powder
coated shell that can be branded according to
your organiza?onal requirements. This
solu?on can be deployed in your lobby or open
area for self-service registra?ons, customer or
employee verica?ons for a host of dierent

Biometric devices can be

embedded within.

Desktop Type GNX8700 Series Kiosk:

The 8700 Series is a fully customizable desktop

kiosk solu?on. This solu?on is ideal for high
volume customer self-service loca?ons. The
sleek design is light-weight, mobile and
includes the basic components necessary to
capture and register the necessary biometric
Biometric devices can be
embedded within.

Op7onal Features:

Regular or industrial PC (Detailed specs may

dier according to dierent applica?ons)
Industrial Power Supply
15, 17, 19 or above TFT LCD monitor
Vandal proof (6mm thickness)
Swipe Card Reader, track 1,2,3 Readable
Metal Encrypted Pin Pad / EPP
Card Dispenser
Bar Code Scanner
Thermal receipt printer, 80mm paper
width, auto cut Hea?ng and Cooling
system (op?onal)
Open Door alarm system
Uninterruptable Power Supply
Fingerprint Scanner
IRIS Scanner
All steel alarm system
OEM Logo or Light Box
All Steel Made Enclosure, Powder coated

Other Op7onal Components:

Variable Height GTV9000 Kiosk:

The 9000 Series Biometric Kiosk can be adjusted

according to dierent environmental layouts.

Supports Fingerprint and IRIS scanning ac?vi?es

for high-volume commercial areas. This solu?on

is ideal for commercial and governmental


Cash dispenser
Telephone (landline)
Cash Acceptor
IP Telephone
Passport Reader
Signature pad

A4 Laser Printer
Card Printer

Metal keyboard

Biometric devices can be
embedded within.

These kiosk units will be embedded with any of the above-men7oned Fingerprint or IRIS scanners.

Copyright 2012 Glonetex Technologies


Automation Proposal

Biometrics Software Solutions

GT Listener Mul7Biometric Client:

Features and Benets:

The GT Listener - Mul?biometric ID Client provides

a ready to deploy client side applica?on that is
capable of managing all GT supported biometric
devices. The GT Listener works together with the
GT Silverlight Controls and the GT BioServer to
provide secure end to end biometric capture,
enrollment and iden?ca?on in your applica?on.

Runs in the background (Always On

Automa?c Device Detec?on (Inser?on and
Allows for event driven biometrics
Publish/Subscribe biometric model
Automa?cally acquires available network
Easiest way to integrate client side biometric

GT BioServer:

Features and Benets:

GT BioServer takes the complexity and high cost

out of implemen?ng biometric iden?ca?on in any
sized project. GT BioServer has been built from the
ground up to be a powerful mul?-biometric
iden?ty matching engine. Leveraging the
performance and versa?lity of Microso:s
Windows Embedded 7, the en?re GT BioServer
installa?on process is seamlessly incorporated into
a complete OS installa?on. There are no
congura?on steps, no administra?ve headaches!
GT BioServer simply enables the easiest biometric
server deployment process possible, hands down.
GT BioServer is ideal for:
Small, large and na?on-scale deployments
Mobile, desktop and web-based applica?ons
AFIS or ABIS implementa?ons
Premise-based or hosted service

Super simple deployment

Easily scales to support from 1,000s to
millions of biometric images
Reduces ?me to market
Reduces complexity and cost of implemen?ng
biometric iden?ca?on
Pre-integrated with GT mobileOne and a
variety of desktop scanners and cameras
Supports ngerprint, face, iris and palm vein
GT BioServer can be delivered as a full
opera?ng system (OS) installa?on
that you can run on your own
hardware or as a turnkey appliance. It
is complemented by a suite of o-the-
shelf GT modules used for developing
web-based biometric applica?ons.

Figure 1: GT Listener and BioServer Connec7vity Diagram

GT Listener

GT Biometric Control
GT Silverlight
Client Library


Copyright 2012 Glonetex Technologies

GT BioServer


Automation Proposal

Biometrics Software Solutions

GT Demographica (Web-Based Registra7on Management Features and Benets:
Wen-Based plaTorm with Customizable user
GT Demographica is a web-based solu?on that will be u?lized to
capture registrants at single or mul?ple branches. This solu?on will
be customized to perform the following tasks:
Authen?cate User Creden?als via Biometric Fingerprint and/or
Eye Scans at branch loca?ons
Unlock sensi?ve account Informa?on at the customer service
Alert Management of unauthorized account holders
Generate alerts and send automated messages as pre-dened
by the System Administrator
Pull data from external or third party systems in mul?ple
database formats including; SQL, MDB or Excel format. It
includes a ODBC connector that interfaces with biometric
devices and databases for seamless database integra?on.

This system can be customized to include an unlimited number of
addi?onal modules as per Union Registrar Requirements. Heres a
list of current features / modules: User Dashboard, Register New
Person, Iden?fy Person, Search Person, Reports, Congura?on

Supports desktop, kiosk and mobile devices
Manages biometric ngerprint and iris images
capturing and edi?ng
Supports centralized management for single
or mul?ple networks
Supports registra?on systems for employees
and customers
Intui?ve user dashboards for System
Administrators and end-users
Includes dynamic repor?ng tools including
integra?on with MS Excel and PDF formats
Database compa?ble with Microso: SQL
Server, Oracle and MySQL

Figure 2: Dashboard View veries that the GT Listener is connected and so is your scanner or camera.

Copyright 2012 Glonetex Technologies


Automation Proposal

Biometrics Software and Hardware Integration

Our biometrics solu?ons support single or mul?ple client capture environments. The so:ware and hardware
architecture is scalable, aordable and can be easily integrated with any third-party applica?on either Client/Server,
Web-Based or Cloud systems. The diagram below shows how all proposed hardware and so:ware devices can be
integrated on a Local Area Network (LAN).

Minimum System Requirements

Figure 3: Biometrics integra7on using a PC, Kiosk, Fingerprint and IRIS Scanner

HARDWARE (PC, Kiosk, IRIS Scanner)
Supported Applica?ons
GT Listener
MS Windows XP, SP2 or Higher,
Intel Pen?um IV, 2GHz or faster
processor (or equivalent), 2GB of
RAM or higher, 80GB Hard Drive

Supported Applica?ons
GT BioServer | GT Demographica
MS Windows 7, Windows 7
Embedded Standard, Windows
Server 2008, Intel Pen?um IV,
2GHz or faster processor (or
equivalent), 2GB of RAM or higher,
Microso: SQL Server 2008 R2 or
higher II7 or higher

Biometrics Setup and Implementation Time-Line

Enterprise Implementation

Cloud Implementation

Exis?ng Local Area Network (LAN) in a
single loca?on
Network Server has been pre-congured
on a Windows network
2 Kiosks, 4 PCs, 1 Windows Applica?on
Server, 1 Windows Database Server
No customiza?on requirements
GT BioServer (1 Hour) per server
GT Listener (20 Minutes) per client system
GT Demographica (2 Hours)


1MBPS Internet Connec?on per device
2 Kiosks, 4 PCs, 1 Windows Applica?on
Server, 1 Windows Database Server
No customiza?on requirements
GT BioServer (1 Hour) per server
GT Listener (20 Minutes) per client system
GT Demographica (2 Hours)

Copyright 2012 Glonetex Technologies



Automation Proposal

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Software and IT Solutions can help achieve
your business goals, please contact us:

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+234 8176266916 (Nigeria)
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Bedell International LLC (USA): Registered Office

436 Johnston Avenue., Jersey City, NJ 07034
Bedell International Limited (Nigeria) : Registered Office
4, Akin Olugbade Street, Victoria Island, Lagos, Nigeria

Copyright 2012 Glonetex Technologies


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