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What is an Alien Employment Permit (AEP)?

An Alien Employment Permit is a document issued by
the Department of Labor and Employment which authorizes
a foreign national to work in the Philippines.

2. Who are the foreign nationals required to apply for an

a. All foreign nationals who intend to engage in gainful
employment in the Philippines;
b. Foreign professionals who are allowed to practice their
profession in the Philippines under reciprocity and other
international agreements and in consultancy services
pursuant to Section 7(j) of the PRC Modernization Act
of 2000.
c. Holders of Special Investors Resident Visa (SIRV), Special
Retirees Resident Visa (SRRV), Treaty Traders Visa (9d)
or Special Non-Immigrant Visa (47(a)2) for as long as
they occupy any executive, advisory, supervisory, or
technical position in any establishment.

3. Who are exempted from securing an AEP?

a. Members of the diplomatic services and foreign
government officials accredited by the Philippine
b. Officers and staff of international organizations of which
the Philippine government is a cooperating member,
and their legitimate spouses desiring to work in the
c. Foreign nationals elected as members of the Governing
Board who do not occupy any other position, but have
only voting rights in the corporation;
d. All foreign nationals granted exemption by special laws
and all other laws that may be promulgated by the
e. Owners and representatives of foreign principals, whose
companies are accredited by the Philippine Overseas
Employment Administration (POEA), who come to the
Philippines for a limited period solely for the purpose of
interviewing Filipino applicants for employment abroad;
f. Foreign nationals who come to the Philippines to teach,
present and/or conduct research studies in universities
and colleges as visiting, exchange or adjunct professors
under formal agreements between the universities or
colleges in the Philippines and foreign universities or
colleges; or between the Philippine government and
foreign government; provided that the exemption is on a
reciprocal basis; and
g. Resident foreign nationals and temporary or probationary
resident visa holders employed or seeking employment
in the Philippines.

4. Where shall an application for an AEP be filed?

An application for AEP shall be filed personally or through
their respective employer with the DOLE Regional Office or
Field Office having jurisdiction over the intended place of
In case of foreign nationals to be assigned in subsidiaries,
branch offices and joint ventures, and those assigned in the
headquarters with oversight functions in any of the branch
offices, operations or projects in the country, they may file
their application in any of the DOLE Regional/Field Offices
nearest their place of work.

5. What are the requirements in the filing of application for

A. Documentary requirements
a. Duly accomplished Application Form;
b. Photocopy of Passport, with visa or Certificate of
Recognition for refugees;
c. Contract of Employment/ Appointment or Board
Secretarys Certificate of Election;
d. Photocopy of Mayors Permit to operate business or in
case of locators in economic zones, Certification from
the PEZA or the Ecozone Authority that the company
is located and operating within the ecozone; and
e. Photocopy of current AEP (if for renewal)
B. Fees
Permit fee is P8,000 for one year validity or fraction
thereof plus P3,000.00 for every additional year of
validity or a fraction thereof, which shall not exceed five
years, to be paid upon submission of application.
C. Penalties
If upon evaluation, a foreign national is found to have
worked without or with expired AEP prior to application,
a penalty of Ten Thousand Pesos (P10,000.00) shall be
imposed for working without an AEP for one (1) year or
fraction thereof.

6. Who authorizes the issuance of an AEP?

The Secretary of Labor and Employment, through the
DOLE Regional Director, who has jurisdiction over the intended
place of work of the foreign national, authorizes the issuance
of an AEP.

7. Who are covered by the publication requirement?

An application for new AEP, for additional or change
in position of the foreign national in the same company or
subsequent assignment in related companies during the
validity or renewal of the AEP will be subject for publication
requirement and payment of publication fee.

8. If there is an objection/information filed with the Regional

Office regarding the application for AEP published, how
will it be resolved?
The Regional Director shall determine as to whether
or not an information/objection to the application for AEP
merits the denial of the application or cancellation of the
The Regional Director may require the appearance/s of
either or both the foreign national and the parties providing
the information/objection. If the objection is meritorious,
the Regional Director will deny the application or cancel the
AEP if it has been issued. If the objection is not meritorious,
the Regional Director will grant the AEP.

9. What is the period of validity of an AEP?

The AEP shall be valid for one (1) year or co-terminus
with the duration of employment, consultancy services
or other modes of employment or term of office which in
no case shall exceed five years. Said AEP is valid for the
position/s and company for which it was issued.
In case of assignment in the companys subsidiaries,
branch offices and joint ventures and those assigned in the
headquarters with oversight function in any of the branch
offices, operation or projects in the country, one (1) AEP
shall be required and valid for all the said assignments
irrespective of their place/s.

10. How long is the processing period for the issuance of

If the application is filed at the Regional Office, issuance
or denial of AEP shall be within 24 hours after the publication.
If the application is filed at the Field Office, issuance or denial
of AEP shall be within 5 working days from date of filing of

11. What are the grounds for the denial of AEP?

An application for AEP may be denied for
misrepresentation of facts in the application; submission of
falsified documents; the foreign national has a derogatory
record; or availability of a Filipino who is competent, able
and willing to do the job intended for the foreign national.

12. What are the grounds for suspension of AEP?

The AEP may be suspended after due process based on
the following:
a. The continued stay of the foreign national may
result in damage to the interest of the industry or
the country;
b. The employment of the foreign national is suspended
by the employer or by order of the Court.

13. If an application has been denied or cancelled by the

Regional Office, can the foreign national apply for an AEP
in other Regional Offices?
No, foreign nationals whose applications have been
denied or whose AEPs had been cancelled shall not be allowed
to re-apply in any of the DOLE Regional Offices, unless said
foreign national has provided proof that the ground for
denial/ cancellation/ revocation has been corrected.

14. Is there a remedy for a denied/cancelled or revoked

Yes, an Appeal maybe filed by any aggrieved party with
the Secretary of Labor and Employment within 10 days after
receipt of the Order of denial/cancellation or revocation.

15. Is the decision of the Secretary final and executory?

Yes, the decision of the Secretary shall be final and
executory, unless a motion for reconsideration is filed within
ten (10) days after receipt of the decision of the Secretary.
No second motion for reconsideration shall be entertained.

16. When shall an application for renewal of AEP be filed?

An application for renewal of AEP must be filed before
its expiration.
For elective and appointive positions,
applications must be filed within 15 working days after
election/appointment or before expiration of AEP, if election
or appointment will take place before expiration of AEP.
In case the election or appointment will take place
after the expiration of the AEP, the application shall be filed
before the expiration of the AEP, and shall be renewed for
one year.

17. What are the grounds for revocation/cancellation of

Any of the following is a ground for revocation/
cancellation of an AEP:
a. Non-compliance with any of the requirements or
conditions for which the AEP was issued;
b. Misrepresentation of facts in the application;
c. Submission of falsified or tampered documents;
d. Meritorious objection or information against the
employment of the foreign national as determined
by the Regional Director;
e. Foreign national has a derogatory record; or
f. Employer terminated the employment of the foreign

18. Are there fines and penalties relative to the filing of an

application for an AEP?
Yes, a fine of Ten Thousand Pesos (P10,000.00) for every
year or a fraction thereof shall be imposed on foreign nationals
found working without an AEP or with an expired AEP.

19. Is there a grace period in the filing of application for new

Yes, newly hired, elected or appointed officers are
allowed to file application for new AEP without penalty within
fifteen (15) working days after signing of contract, election or
However, if the appointment, election or signing of contract
is more than 15 working days before the start of contract or
term of office, the application may be filed before the start of
contract or term of office.

20. What is required in the replacement of an AEP Card?

Replacement of AEP card shall require a fee of Seven
Hundred Fifty Pesos (P750.00). In case of loss of AEP card,
request for replacement shall be supported by an Affidavit of

For more information, you may visit our

website at
or you may contact

DOLE Call Center SMILE

(from 6:00am to 9:00pm, Mondays through Saturdays)

527-8000 and 908-2917.

You can also send text (SMS) at 2910

or any DOLE Regional Offices,

and the
Bureau of Local Employment
6th Flr., BF Condominium, A. Soriano Ave.,
Intramuros, Manila

Tel. 528-0083/87 Fax 527-2421

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