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WKNJ Newscast

Alex Wisniewski

Good afternoon, its Saturday, December 20th at 2:00 and youre listening to
WKNJ-FM, Union, New Jersey. Im ____________________ with the news.

In Local News
A grandmother from Middlesex County just turned 100. Eve Mogiliver of New
Brunswick has survived World War II and the Cold War to make it to the century age
mark. Mogilivar was born in Ukraine in 1914 to a proprietor of a carbonated beverage
factory and is the eldest of seven children. During World War II Mogiliver and her family
were forced into Nazi concentration camps before escaping to the USSR. She is the
mother of three children, the eldest having died of pneumonia at age seven. Mogilivar
immigrated to the United States in 1991 and currently resides in New Jersey with her
husband, children, and grandchildren.

The Annual Santa Con is making its way to Hoboken this Christmas season. The Pub
crawl known as Santa Con is an annual tradition where patrons are asked to dress in a
Santa Claus outfit as they sample the Pubs in the town of Hoboken in Hudson County.
The event runs from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. and is open to anyone 21 years and older. Half of
the proceeds from the event will be donated to the Wounded Warrior Project.

In National News

Families of Military members will be getting a little extra help this Christmas season.
Trees For our Troops is partnering with FedEx to provide free farm-grown Christmas
trees for American armed forces. The project has been in operation since 2005 and has
delivered more than 139,000 trees. This year's project kicked off in November with
volunteers packing and loading 200 trees for troops stationed in Afghanistan and Guam.
Military families are very appreciative of the program and feel its a boost to their spirits
while their loved ones are away. The program is wrapping up this holiday season, but
eligible families can sign up for next year's project by visiting

A high school senior is taking a year book shoot seriously. Rebekah Rorick of New York
was initially denied her request to have a photo of her hunting with her dog included in
her school's yearbook. Allegedly, the school did not want to include any images of
students holding guns. Rorick appeared before the school board on Monday to appeal the
decision, pointing out that she was obviously holding the rifle for hunting purposes, and
an image featured in a 2012 yearbook showed another student in a similar setting. After a
closed-door meeting the board ruled the image appropriate and allowed it to be printed.
School board president Robert Becker believed the initial rejection of the image was due
to a hyper-sensitivity to firearms and understands the response. School superintendent
Stephen Tomlinson added that Rorick was obviously holding the rifle in a non malicious

In International News

In response to the recent hacking of Sony Entertainment's network, North Korea released
a statement Saturday that they were not responsible for the attack. North Korea has even
proposed to work with the United States in a joint investigation. However, North Korea is
threatening "grave consequences" if the United States does not cooperate with them.
United States intelligence still shows that there is enough information to convict North
Korea in the hacking. Allegedly, the "tools" used by the hackers are the same as the ones
used in North Korea's last hacking attempt on several South Korean banks and media
outlets last year.

A German teen is paying his respect to the Holocaust victims in his own special way.
Linus Jansen of Frankfurt, Germany has been voluntarily living in a homeless shelter in
America as part of his faith's quest to atone for the Nazi Holocaust. Jansen was assigned
to work in the shelter which houses 14 Jewish men and women age 60 and older. He is
just one of 25 German students who was sent to America to work for agencies that help
the poor. He is a volunteer for the Action Reconciliation Service established by the
German Lutheran Church. Jansen believes the experience is making him appreciate what
he has and hopes to bring the German and Jewish communities closer together.

In Sports

The NHL's star player makes his return after battling with disease. Sydney Crosby has
been the latest player affected by the Mumps epidemic this NHL hockey season. Crosby
was isolated from his team for the past several days, but finally returned to practice with
the Pittsburg Penguins Thursday morning. Several players from California to New Jersey
have been infected by the Mumps this season, which some believe originated in St.
Louis, Missouri. Crosby's teammates Olli Maatta and Beau Bennett as well as an intern
working with the Penguins' radio broadcast have been infected with the disease. Crosby
has been cleared of the infection and has returned to play.

The NHL will be taking extra efforts to reduce its carbon emissions. The National
Hockey League announced that it will be significantly reducing its carbon footprint
through improved energy conservation, detailed efficiency analysis, and the purchase of
renewable energy certificates through its partnership with the Constellation Energy
Group. This new investment will decrease the league's total greenhouse gas emissions by
about 550,000 metric tons. Joe Nigro, CEO of Constellation states the company is
committed to providing the NHL with sustainable energy options and believes the League
is setting an example for the professional sports industry.

Your WKNJ Hourly Weather Update

Temperature is 32 degrees with a 10 percent chance of precipitation and zero miles per
hour wind speed.

In Entertainment

The big shots at Sony Entertainment are worried that the recent hack on their network
might publicly reveal their salaries. Sony did not want this knowledge to be made public
before they post their annual results in April. According to a source some of the highest
paid employees for Sony worked in their music department which deals with such artists
as Barbara Streisand, David Bowie, and Bruce Springsteen. Until everything is sorted out
all high-level correspondence on music is being done via fax.

Music star Madonna has decided to release six tracks from her new album early in light
of an illegal leak of her music. Madonna's next album is due to be released in March of
2015, but earlier this week incomplete rough versions of the tracks were unofficially
posted online. Madonna opted to officially release the completed tracks through an
authorized source partially to make up for any potentially lost revenue and partly so that
her fans won't have to settle for the rough versions of her songs. A spokesperson for
Madonna stated that more tracks will be available in early February.







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