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Kompanija Fiat Automobili Srbija je danas dobila nagradu Poslodavac godine koju dodeljuje Srpska

asocijacija menadera za aktivnosti, odnos i brigu o zaposlenima, najbolje uslove za rad i razvoj
profesionalnih menadera.
Ova nagrada pripada naim ljudima, zahvaljujui kojima ve godinama unazad ostvarujemo uspene
poslovne rezultate, rekao je Direktor poslovnog razvoja i korporativnih poslova.
FAS je najvedi poslodavac u centralnoj Srbiji. Kontinuirano ulaemo u obuku zaposlenih o emu najbolje
svedoi vie od milion sati uloeno u treninge i razmenu iskustava sa inostranim strunjacima.
Write a letter to someone who has made a real difference in your life and thank them. Expressing
gratitude by opening your heart and sharing your emotions is a very powerful gift that is always received
in awe.
Read a book that touched your heart? Drop by a friend and tell them you were thinking he/she might like
the book. Its a small gesture that shows you thought about that person in a totally unexpected way.
Send flowers to someone anonymously.
Go to a retirement center and visit with anyone who looks lonely and in need of some contact.
Let someone else have your seat on a crowded bus or train.
Cook it
Drop off a home made dinner to someone who just had a baby, has been ill, or you just think might need
a break from dinner making.
Let you better half sleep late and make a special breakfast
Offer to watch someones children so they can take a break and have some together time.
Tell any parent you know or even someone that you dont know, that they are doing a great job.
Offer your time to help someone in whatever way you can
Remember important dates, like days that loved ones of friends passed away and be sure to send a
handwritten note on the anniversaries to express your sympathy.
Visit your parents or friends unexpectedly and take them out to dinner.

Volunteer your talent or time to a good cause. This can be anything from spending time with the elderly to
helping out in school or in social services.
Give a complete stranger in the street a compliment.
Random kindness
Buy a cup of coffee for the person behind you in line.
Express your love to your loved ones by actually telling them you love them for a specific reason.
Buy someone a gift for no apparent reason. A fragrant candle is always appreciated and lasts longer than
a bouquet of flowers.WWW.RITUALS.COM
Kulturnim ponaanjem u gradskom prevozu mogu da se izbegnu mnoge neprilike. Da li su vai maliani savladali
pravila lepog ponaanja u autobusu? Proitajte nau zanimljivu priu:

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