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Leader Update

Issue #1, 11 December 2014

Issue #1, 11 December 2014

Hello Friends
When a social entrepreneur comes up with a great
new solution to social problems, we believe that
they should get the funding and support that they
need to scale and grow, so that they can impact as
many children as possible, as quickly as possible.
I am glad to say that we have seen all of you do this and more
Amma Lartey
Regional Director, Africa
Reach for Change

in 2014. Weve seen projects grow from ideas to national

movements, peoples passion turned into impact, and children's
lives fundamentally changed in many ways.

We have seen many of you achieve this by establishing more centers to spread your
impact, attaining recognition of your work on regional and global platforms, engaging in
productive meetings with important stakeholders and empowering girls through coding
workshops in deprived communities, among other strategies.

From all the great work you have all done in 2014, two things have really stood out.
Firstly, we have seen all of you scale your impact in unique and significant ways;
touching the lives of over 100,000 children in Africa and we were delighted to bring
9 new Change Leaders into our program early this year; 7 from the Tigo collaboration
and 2 from the MTG Collaboration with Viasat1 Ghana and TV1 Tanzania. Through our
partnership with Tigo, we have supported 7 new change leaders this year;
2 from Rwanda, 2 from Chad and 3 from Tanzania.

Leader Update

Issue #1, 11 December 2014


Faraja Nyalandu, Shule Direct

Carolyne Ekyarisiima, Apps & Girls

Joan Avit, GraphoGame

Faraja Nyalandu, Carolyne Ekyarisiima and Joan Avit stood out from the crowd with
their remarkable initiatives supporting children's education through digital
technologies in Tanzania.

In Chad, we now have Adoumkidjim Naiban who

is working to fight discrimination and abuse of
children with mental disabilities by creating the
first ever Center, specifically for children with
mental disabilities. We also have Mariam
Mayoumbila who fights against violence among
Chadian children.

Adoumkidjim Naiban, CESER

In Rwanda we are supporting, Martine

Umulisa from Kaami Arts, a Centre that stimulates
expression, creativity, problem solving, positive
thinking and confidence among children through
the use of arts and Gaspard Twagirayezu from
Creation Hill who inspires creative thinking among
children to be inventors of technology and to
Mariam Mayoumbila, Association for
Cultural Exchanges, Kadja-Kossi

have fun learning about it. We're delighted to be

able to support them in their work and look
forward to reporting their progress.

Change Leader Update

Issue #1, 11 December 2014

MTG Game Changers

This year we launched a new and exciting campaign, themed Game Changers, with MTG
(Modern Times Group), which is a part of the Kinnevik Group of the companies, through
Viasat1 Ghana and TV1 Tanzania. Game Changers sought social entrepreneurs who are
working to improve the lives of children.

From this competition we selected two outstanding social entrepreneurs. Nyakwesi

Mujaya, our TV1 Tanzania Game Changers winner, is the Founder and Executive Director
of Makini, an organization that identifies children and youth living on the streets and
provides them with emergency assistance, life skills, basic education, vocational skills, fine
and performing arts training. Samuel Gyabah, our Viasat1 Ghana Game Changers winner,
runs an organization called Samalex Solutions that is providing clean micro-flush toilets
for schools around the country with a focus on sanitation and health education in order to
curb absenteeism especially in female students.

Leader Update

Issue #1, 11 December 2014

MTG Game Changers Finalists Viasat1

We also had 4 finalists from each of the competitions. Read more about the Viasat1 Game
Changers Finalists below:
Serwah Quaynor, Autism Awareness Care and Training
The Autism Awareness, Care and Training Center (AACT), is
working to ensure education for children and youth with Autism
across the country and breaking the stigma associated with
autism across society.

Anthony Agee-kum, Edutainment Canopy

Edutainment homework canopy provides light and space where
community volunteered teachers assist children to do their
homework and read their schoolbooks. The edutainment
activities generate children's enthusiasm to learn while the
community volunteer teachers are role models and aid children
to do their homework and learn.
Sara Nana Yeboah, Sangy Foundation Sangy Nursing Services
Sara founded the Sangy Nursing Services that organizes health
outreach programs, home care for ill kids and the aged. Sangy
Foundation serves as the non-profit arm of the nursing services
and provides health education to young girls across the country
through outreach activities including health screening and
mentoring as ongoing support for girls.

Florence Adu & Ekem Amoono-Lartson, LEAP Transmedia

Florence Adu & Ekem Amoono-Lartson are the co-founders and
business partners behind LEAP Transmedia which develops
educational content and programming for multimedia channels
to boost the literacy and numeracy curriculum. Their program
109 Alphabet Street will be through radio and TV and other
channels with story-telling and song learning.

Change Leader Update

Issue #1, 11 December 2014

MTG Game Changers Finalists- TV1

Meet our TV1 Game Changers Finalists below:
Nancy Lazaro SurvivorHood
Her creative interests drew her into being the Founder and
Director of SurvivorHood, a non-profit organization that
uses performing arts and creative writing as a tool to
educate, engage and empower adolescents, girls and boys,
for personal and social transformation preparing them to
become leaders and changemakers so they can experience
a world of limitless opportunities. She believes that
adolescence period should be fun, full of positive discovery,
personal development and growth.
Sharnel M Deo Priority for Entrepreneurship Network
PEN TANZANIA is a non-government organization founded
in July 2009 to tackle problems faced by children, youth
and women in our communities. In 2014, PEN launched a
mobile computer lab to bring free computer training to
children in public primary schools. In order to make the
venture sustainable, Sharnel also runs teacher training for
the primary school teachers to improve their IT teaching
abilities, and works with different stakeholders at the school
to create a permanent computer lab.
Emmanuely Lyimo, Twaonekana
Emmanuely founded Twaonekana, an organization which
provides children with the inspiration, skills and equipment
they need to exercise their right to expression and to let
people know how they see the world, through the creation
Kiiya JK C-Sema
Kiiya is the founder and CEO of the organization C-Sema.
Through their National 24hour Child Helpline 116, Happy
and Sad Opinion Boxes in schools and the magazine
Sema, C-Sema focuses on ensuring that the providers of
childrens services in Tanzania meet the needs and interests
of the children they serve. 'Sema' is a Kiswahili word, which
literally translates to "speak, talk"

Leader Update

Issue #1, 11 December 2014

Tigo Digital
Competition 2014
We have also run a new search and selection
campaign with Tigo this year, searching for social
entrepreneurs who are using digital tools and
technology to scale impact for children. Thank you
for all the support you showed us in running this
campaign this year whether it was by nominating
individuals you know to apply to the competition or
by participating in the campaign activities in one
way or the other.

Celebrating 4 NEW Change leaders!

We are very happy to announce 4 new Change Leaders selected from the Tigo Digital
Changemakers Competition this last month. Leka Tingitana and Innocent James from
Tanzania and; Yves Iradukunda and Dominique Uwase Alonga from Rwanda! Leka is a
tech specialist with a passion for creating digital solutions to problems in the health
sector. Innocent has a Travelling Library concept, through which he brings books and
reading opportunities to children in rural areas. Yves idea is called the Academic
Bridge - a program that empowers schools to efficiently collect and manage student's
information. Dominiques idea is to reward the best readers among children in the
nation through organizing Read-a-thon (K-Rat) events and also creating a website
software to encourage and track reading habits of children among Rwandan society.
They all receive $20,000 each and a place in the Reach for Change Incubator where
they will get mentorship to grow their ideas!




Change Leader Update

Issue #1, 11 December 2014

Key Events
This year we hosted two major
international meetings; C10 Awards and
Prototype Change Summit.
Prototype Change Summit
Prototype Change was an inspirational
summit held between 21-23 November
in Stockholm Sweden on how digital
technology is creating social change
around the world and what the next
step will be. We were very honored to
have the attendance of Millicom as a
partner for this Summit together with
you our Change leaders! Extraordinary
individuals that are pushing the
boundaries globally tech wizards and
childs rights heroes, grassroots
activists and innovative corporates
from Sweden, Rwanda, Tanzania,
Ghana, Chad and DR Congo, attended
the event.

C10 Summit 2014 - Stockholm

For the first time, Reach for Change joined
forces with Sophie Stenbeck Family
Foundation and the World Childhood
Foundation to award a prize to 10 leaders and
organizations for their remarkable
achievements and dedication in fighting the
trafficking of children through an even called
the C10 Summit. One of them was James Kofi
Anan from Ghana, Founder of Challenging
Heights. James was trafficked and sold as a
slave at the age of six. After seven years of
abuse and bounded labor in the fishing
industry, he escaped. Today, he prevents
other children from having to face what he
did. Congratulations James Kofi Anan on
your Award!!

Leader Update

Issue #1, 11 December 2014

Some things to look forward to

A WOW Incubator!
This year we completed a new long-term strategy, which we have dubbed The
Way to Wow. This is because want to have an incubator program that is so worldclass in the impact it delivers to you that you say Wow! every time you
participate in our activities. In addition we want the impact you create for children
and the financially sustainable organizations you build to be so outstanding that
when people hear your story they say Wow!. To do this we are developing new
tools and improving some of our existing tools and processes.
The two major international meetings we hosted such as the C10 Awards and
Prototype Change Summit are a few examples of events we will continue to host
that will give you an international platform, to help you connect to each other and
to create rich learning experiences, so as to give you all a WOW Incubator!

Social investors
In addition, Reach for Change needs to bring in a few additional supporters to fuel this
world-class incubator. We are engaging with a network of social investors who will
continue to fund your great work and initiatives. For this reason, the image that you
portray of yourself, offline and online will be of great importance especially to the
social investors. We thus encourage you to maintain your blogs, keep them up to date
with interesting, fun and engaging stories and pictures. In addition, having your own
online presence such as a website or Facebook page will not only make information
about your work easy to access but will also make you look more professional to
potential investors. Our Regional Communications Manager, Tadzie Bosha, who
conducted communications training workshops across the region last year, will be
available for further guidance. She will be sending out a survey to find out how best to
support you in your communications needs now and moving forward.

Change Leader Update

A BIG Thank you to

our partners!!

Issue #1, 11 December 2014

I would like to say that this Change
Leader Update will be one of the many
ways that we will be keeping in touch
and communicating with you next year,
so that we can continue supporting you
further in your work and share
inspirational stories with you from across
the region. We would love to get your
feedback on this communication
channel, so please share with us your
thoughts on what you found most
interesting and inspiring in this quarterly
update and what you would want to
read more of.
I will end by congratulating you all on a
job well done! You have all worked hard;
you have overcome the odds and faced
immense challenges, all to create a
better world for society and children! We
are very proud of you and well done!

The work we do would not be

possible without the partnership
and support of our major sponsors
Tigo, TV1, Viasat1 and other
Kinnevik companies. We have
deepened our partnerships by
running competitions that are
closely aligned to our Partners
brands, Tigo Digital Changemakers
and Game Changers. Our partners
continue to be committed to
support us to empower you to
change the lives of children.

We are grateful to have had a great 2014

working together so far and look forward
to what lies in store in the future!
Best Regards,
Amma Lartey
Please like our Social Media Pages and
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to also follow us!





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