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Chapter I



About almost hundreds of thousands are imprisoned around the Philippines, and
almost 600 and counting throughout the Valenzuela city, spending the whole day on a
place known as prisons. Foucalt (1977) discussed, prison is Odious Solution, and has
a double function:
a. It protects society from offenders and preserves social peacefulness;
b. It disciplines inmates to make them able to behave in the society;
Prison is a disciplinary comprehensive apparatus, he added, that controls all
individual aspects and disciplines delinquent in their inmates- habits and customs. It
educates body and mind and should make individuals able to behave without
compromising the social contract. Prison is a disciplinary house for the wrongdoers to
rehabilitate inmates and realize what is right from wrong.
But the environment inside the prison affects different aspects in the well-being of
the inmates. We all know that being incarcerated inside the prison affects the mind,
physical and mental health of inmates. Does putting inmates in a prison and be

incarcerated inside is enough to rehabilitate the inmates? Department of Interior and

Local Government with the use of Bureau of Jail Management and Penology
implemented planned activities to promote the well-being of its detainees, particularly in
Valenzuela City Jail, including physical and mental health promotion, recreation,
knowledge and skills, moral and spiritual aspects of inmates. One of the many rights of
prisoner is the right to medical services and all necessaries facilities and activities that
will promote their health and well being, including the engage in planned physical
activities. In relation to that, we want to provide ideas and information proving that the
use of different program and activities are efficient tools and give recommendations to
enhance the effectiveness of different programs. We want to demonstrate that with the
use of different programs and activities in the jail can provide a meaningful vehicle
through which the personal and social development, physical and mental health
improvement can be positively affected and positive social change, skill and knowledge
development and rehabilitation can be achieve. Thus, the purpose of the study is to
improve understanding of how participation in different programs and activities might
give enhancement to the well-being of the inmates during their stay in the jail.

Theoretical Framework
To the purpose, there are many authors who refer in their work for the use or role
of programs and activities in achieving the well-being of the inmates. As our theoretical
framework, it is possible to support proves in favor of the use of different programs and
activities. We will discuss the relation of the jail activities to the general well-being of

inmates or detainees. Therefore, in the aims to reinforce the mentioned theoretical

framework, we collected observational data. Sports-based programs, as one of the
aspects, are the cost-effective way to tackle health problems and foster a general wellbeing: particularly, physical activity has positive effect for the general mental health of
inmates and it can contribute to achieve higher level of general wellness (Scottish
Prison Service, 2002 as cited to Digennaro). On the other aspect, Religion with the
assistance of religious personnel is the way that the inmates were able to come back to
into the community and promote positive family relationship. Other aspect, like
education, represents for the prison a positive step in the process of rehabilitation
(Tucker as cited in Cohen, College-in-Prison for Inmates Serving Life Sentences)

Conceptual Framework
This study is focused on the relationship between the respondents or the
inmates participation to the different programs and activities which is the independent
variable to the improvement of the general well-being of the inmates which is the
dependent variables. Jail programs and activities could include Alternative Learning
System (ALS), Sports like basketball, Therapeutic Community and Ministry inside the
jail. And the general well-being includes physical and mental health, recreation, spiritual
and moral, skills and knowledge. Also the demographic characteristics of the
respondents will assess. Demographic characteristics include the respondents age,
gender, and years of confinement and the effects on their well-being are the dependent
Independent Variables

Dependent Variables

Jail Programs and activities

Education thru Alternative
Learning System (ALS)
Therapeutic Community
Ministry and Sports

Demographic characteristics
Years of confinement

Well-being of the inmates

Physical and Mental Health
Skills and Knowledge

Statement of the Problem

The purposed of the study is to assess the impact of different jail programs and
activities to the well-being of the inmates in the Valenzuela City Jail (VCJ).
Specifically, this study sought to answer the following questions:
1. What is the profile of the respondents as to:
1.1 Age
1.2 Gender
1.3 Years of confinement
2. The effectiveness of the jail programs and activities to the following:
2.1 Physical and Mental Health
2.2 Recreation
2.3 Spiritual
2.4 Skills and Knowledge
3. What are some recommendations the respondents will give to enhance the well
being of the detainees or inmates of Valenzuela City Jail?


The study will use null hypothesis there is no significant relationship on the
impact of jail activities to the well-being of its detainees in Valenzuela City Jail (VCJ) .

Scope and Limitations

The study will be conducted in Valenzuela City Jail and its activities conducted
daily and weekly. The study is focused on the relationship of the participation of the
inmates to different activities of jail and its effect to their well-being.

Significance of the Study

Definition of Terms
Prison, also known as a penitentiary or correctional facility, is a building in which
people are legally and physically confined or kept while awaiting trial or sentence. It
serves as a punishment for crimes committed if they have been convicted. In postconflict, prisons are sometimes also used to detain mentally ill or traumatized persons

who cannot be placed elsewhere. In critical situations, illegal immigrants, refugees,

political prisoners, previous war combatants, and sometimes even victims of crime are
put in prisons while they await trial, documentation processing or even deportation. The
objective of imprisonment is to get prisoners to respectfully perform the sentence
passed by the court, and to facilitate their rehabilitation so as to prepare them for their
return to society.

Review of Related Literature

Foreign Studies
This chapter contains review of literature focused on what are the impacts of the
jail programs that may help the detainees or inmates to relieve, help and uplift the
following aspects: their knowledge and skills, recreations from being frustrated and
anxiety, physical, and spiritual and moral being. The chapter begins with the relation of
the different programs to the well beings of the detainees and inmates.

Many researcher findings proclaimed that there are significance on improving the
well being of the inmates and detainees thru the implementation of different jail
programs, as on the study of Digennaro(2010) concludes that sports can be an asset to
deal with many social issues. Particularly, the conditions regard: frequency and
durability: sport involvement has to last long and be frequent; multidimensional and
person-centered approach: individuals involved have to be engaged in activities
encompassing all their personal dimensions (social, educational, physical and cultural
dimension); networking: more contributes are required and more community services
have to be involved under a coordinated program; efficient leadership, encompassing
managers, educators and volunteers; staff involved need to be aware of its social role
and it has to be well prepared to deal with a wide range of social circumstances. In
addition to that, sport is effective and low-cost means to cope with at-risk individuals,
inmates and probationers. Also in his findings, Sport has a multi-level impact on
individuals and communities: a) a first level impact in related to a physical and mental
dimension; practicing sport improves general wellness and offers leisure time
opportunities; b) a second level in connected to the function of sport in educating
individuals; physical activity is part of an educative strategy encompassing individual
physical, mental and socials aspects; c) a third level concerns a more sophisticated use
of sport activities; it is related to achieve social goals and address a variety of social
issues. He also concludes that the sports program should be put in agendas as a costeffective tool and that a public policy committed to meet both needs of convicts and
those who are released from the prison system has to be undertaken.

In the study of Gallant et al, (2014), using data analysis on four different
programs and different site as individual case studies, found out in the first site located
in Melbourne, Australia using a sport program, soccer in partnership with a not-for-profit
organization, that participants discussed positive mental and physical health outcomes
as a result of participation in the soccer program. Participants stated that they had an
increased sense of happiness and reduced feelings of stress, anxiety, and tension. As
one of their interviews noted Wednesday is a good day. It releases it all out, everyone
out there playing their hearts out, training, all the stretches as well you know? Its good
for their mind; its good for my mind too.. It has something to do with their physical
aspects. As one of the inmates said to their interviews noted you work out too, you
know, where youre not just sitting around lazy all day. Youre working your body out..
Two of the inmates reported that they had reduced their smoking habit because they
were focusing on bettering their health, specifically to play soccer, the study found. In
the second site of their data analysis located in Queensland, Australia but relatively
small population, found out that using sports program improved their mental and
physical health as the participation to the program. Some of the inmates also stated that
just going out to the activities to socialize was a great way to reduce their stress and
anxiety within the prison: it reduces my stress and anxiety . . . I go out and sit down,
have a yarn with her [program facilitator] as one of the inmates said to the interview.
The third site of their data analysis located in Tasmania, Australia, a case study focused
on primarily on inmates participation in an organized physical exercise program
delivered by a not-for-profit organization, the program was run on a rotating weekly
basis with different cohorts of inmates. The primary aim of the program was to provide

meaningful physical activity to occupy inmates time and to develop links to similar
established programs in the community (which inmates could access once released).
Some of the activities run in the prison complex included soccer, football, softball, and a
boot camp. In this study, they found out that with the help of this program, majority of
the inmates relieve the feeling of boredom whilst in the prison. The last site of the data
analysis is located in Central Australia, accommodating over 300 prisoners of all
security. They found out that some inmates although did not directly perceived any
improvement on their mental health, stated that the football program helped them to
reduce stress and anxiety related to family issues occurring on the outside. All of the
inmates believed that the program was an effective diversion from their current
The experience of prison should help inmates to maintain and improve their
health, mental and social situation (Coyle, 2002) and sport based programs are costeffective way to tackle health problems and foster a general well-being: particularly,
physical activity has positive effect for the general mental health of inmates and it can
contribute to achieve higher level of general wellness (Scottish Prison Service, 2002).
Therefore, due to the difficult conditions that inmates experience, it seems necessary to
help them in dealing with daily problems (for instance: stress control and emotions
management) and a direct involvement in sport activities can offer suitable results in this
direction (Steptor, 1992). In addition to the discussed non-medical function, sport
presents other two relevant features for the well-being of those who are imprisoned.
Firstly, playing sport and taking part in physical activity offers a unique occasion to relax
and fight against boredom and this result in a positive effect for inmates due to its

reported links to depression, distractibility and loneliness (Coalter, 2001). Secondly,

taking part in sports activities enables inmates to express their needs movement and
their rights to take part in educational and cultural activities. From this perspective,
sports activities can have a double effect: from the one hand they can contribute to
develop a positive well-being and offer creative and relaxing activities; from the other
hand they can be part of a wider approach concerning the use of sport as a means to
foster education and achieve social goals.
Foreign Literature
Religious persons and religious institutions have long been associated with
correctional practice.

This influence began prior to the invention of the prison,

continued with the development of a correctional philosophy aimed at repentance, and

more recently serves to assist inmates who try to practice their faith while incarcerated.
Prison Chaplains have always served as the main conduit through which religion is
delivered at correctional facilities. As the assistance of religious personnel, the inmates
were able to come back to into the community and promote positive family relationship.
Sometimes it is the best strategy of prisons to relieve the psychological stress due to
crowded area of jail. (Religion in Corrections, The Encyclopedia of Crime and
Punishment, Vol. 3. Pg. 1375. 2002).
According to Bard Prison Initiative FAQs, Returning home with confidence and
hope, participants are able to find and hold satisfying jobs in a range of
fieldsRegardless of the path they choose, all are radically less likely to return to prison
and are far better prepared to lead productive and fulfilling lives when free.


according to Worth education may be the most effective way to lower prison costs. In
some prison systems, cost-effective management is possible only because programs
keep prisoners busy, with less supervision than youd need otherwise. Especially with
respect to certain types of prison educational programs, you save money by hiring fewer
officers in the short run and reducing recidivism in the long run. (As cited in Cohen,
College-in-Prison for Inmates Serving Life Sentences)
Bard Prison Initiative FAQs argued that Education changes people. And, I think
thats what prisons should do, change somebody from one way of thinking to a different
way of thinking. Its the logical view of incarceration; going to prison is the punishment,
once in prison its our obligation to make [people in prison] better than they were. (As
cited in Cohen, College-in-Prison for Inmates Serving Life Sentences)
Tucker argued that providing for education for the inmates, therefore, represents
for the prison a positive step in the process of rehabilitation: What the college presents
if not so much a direct challenge to the institutionalization process, but an alternative
form of legitimate compliance coupled with a previously alien opportunity structure
within the prison walls. (As cited in Cohen, College-in-Prison for Inmates Serving Life
Sentences) "Although there is a necessity to punish wrongdoers, it is also necessary to
restore the moral, emotional, and psychomotor aspect of the person, hence the
turnaround in the jail system.
Local Literature
One way that the BJMP addresses this need is through its Therapeutic
Community Modality Program (TCMP) which looks into the potential of an inmate and

uses this latent potential into practical use. According to J/Csupt Doris Remedios
Dorigo, deputy chief for operations of the BJMP, during government medias regular
tv/radio program Talking Points, skills trainings and seminars that would help hone
and introduce new skills are given to the inmates which would aide them when they go
back to the outside world, she added. The program, with the use of an assessment
tool, checks the capabilities of inmates: technical skills, non-skills, administrative
potential, and leadership skills all tapped and used in office or maintenance work.
Through this program, prisoners realize the skills that they never knew they possess
and at the same time, the program gives them a feeling of worthiness something
most of prisoners havent felt during their time outside jail."

Synthesis of Related Literature and Studies

The review of related literature revealed that jail programs and activities have an
impact to the mental, physical, social and psychosocial issues of its inmates. Relieved
them from the stress brought from the environment of the prison, give them knowledge
and remove the facts that they are living inside the prison and make a normal life just
like they were living in the outside world. Also it viewed that different programs create a

multi-level impact to the inmates, like being able to have efficient leadership. This study
added to the growing body of research on the impacts of jail program and activities to
the well being of the inmates on Valenzuela City Jail.

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