PWDs in Indonesia

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Majority of disabled lack access to education

The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | National | Tue, March 19 2013, 10:46 AM

Close to 70 percent of special needs children have no access to education, says the Education and
Culture Ministry.
The ministry said that only around 116,000 disabled children were currently enrolled in formal
That number was only around 31 percent of the total number of special needs children in the
country, which means that the government should work harder to ensure that these children have
the same access to education as any other child would, The ministrys director for special
education and special services, Mudjito, said on Monday.
Mudjito said that 85,000 physically disabled children were currently enrolled in special schools,
while the rest go to inclusive schools schools with systems that no longer distinguish between
children with differences or special talents or potential, from those who study general programs.
Data from the ministry showed that there were currently a total of 2,500 inclusive schools and
1,720 special schools, which provide special treatment for disabled children.
We would add more training sessions for teachers to develop inclusive education in public
schools and campaign to the public about the inclusive schools, Mudjito said. Because
apparently the most important thing for us to do is ensure that these children are comfortable
studying alongside regular children at the same school.
Emilia Kristiyanti, program manager of Opportunities for Vulnerable Children (OVC) of Helen
Keller International Indonesia said that one of the main obstacles faced by the government in
providing education for special needs children was the lack of teachers who were equipped to
teach special programs.
Indonesia does not have enough teachers that can teach special education programs. There are
only 11 universities in the country that have programs that prepare teachers for special needs
children, Emilia told The Jakarta Post.
The universities include Jakarta State University (UNJ), Indonesian Education University (UPI)
and Yogyakarta State University (UNY).
Emilia said that the OVC program, which was designed to help the government provide all
children with equal access to education, had created a model to guide elementary school teachers
in providing good education to special needs children.
Under the program, which is supported by the United States Agency for International
Development (USAID), a total of 5,706 teachers have been trained for the purpose. The program
also converted 25 public schools in six provinces Aceh, DKI Jakarta, West Java, Central Java,
East Java and South Sulawesi into inclusive schools.
We are hoping that the government will continue the program that we have developed and reach
out to other provinces, including areas in the eastern part of Indonesia even though the program
has now concluded, she said.
Mudjito said that the program had also succeeded in educating more than 16,000 special needs
children and initiated 15 new special schools.

Separately, director general of primary and secondary education at the National Education
Ministry, Suyanto, said that the new 2013 curriculum would not be implemented at inclusive and
special schools.(nad)

Persons with Disability will Receive Scholarship

Selasa, 24 Juni 2014 13:03:32 WIB

By: Jerry Junius Tula. SST

"Persons with disability is one of the citizens who have the same rights and obligations as other
citizens to make a life change that is: want to be appreciated, loved, and respected, and is entitled
to earn a living to perpetuate life, so that meant PWDs expected to integrate socially with the
community after participating in a social rehabilitation program, "said Kaswito (Head of PSBN
Mahatmiya Bali) in his speech at the activities OUTREACH SERVICES / Outreach Ministry of
Social Affairs rehabilitation Institute for the Blind and familly PWDs support in Banyuwangi
East Java (20/6 ).
Persons with visual disability is a citizen of Indonesian society that dignity which must be
respected and upheld. Perons with visual disability entitled to the fulfillment of their basic rights
in the field of social welfare. The paradigm of social rehabilitation services has change from a
charity (charity) into efforts to protect, respect, promote and fulfill the rights of persons with
disabilities (convention on the rights of persons with disabilities). Therefore equal opportunities
of persons with disabilities, particularly visual disabilities in all aspects of life must be realized.
"Persons with disabilities will receive a scholarship to continue their education to pursue higher
education," said the regent of Banyuwangi, H.Abdullah Anas Anwar, M.Sc., at the opening of
the activities referred OUTREACH which attended by 40 persons with visual disabilities and 40
participants from families with disabilities in the YKPTI (Foundation for Welfare of Persons
with Tuna Indra) Banyuwangi on 18 s / d June 23, 2014 with the training massage skills.
Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities in the UN resolution 61/106 dated
December 13, 2006, Law No. 4 of 1997 on Persons with Disabilities, Government Regulation
No. 43 of 1998 on Improving the Social Welfare of Persons with Disabilities and the Law
Decree No. .19 in 2011 on the Convention on The rights of Persons With Disabilities (the
Convention on the rights of Persons with Disabilities), has given the mandate to the aspect of
education, health, social protection, employment and accessibility. How wonderful if the local
government in Indonesia concerned with persons with disabilities such as what has been done by
the Local Government Banyuwangi which will automatically promote and fulfill the rights of
persons with disabilities including those with visual disabilities. Through the development of
social welfare programs that have been implemented as PSBN Mahatmiya Bali in cooperation
with the local Department of Social Welfare and Government of Banyuwangi, expected that all
persons with visual disabilities in the local area can be reached in the development process.

UI Provide Guidance Assistance Services for Student with

University of Indonesia through Faculty of Psychology provide services for student with special
needs or persons with disabilities who need guidance assistance. It was delivered by the
Chairman of the UI Graduate School of Psychology Faculty, Prof. Dr. Frieda Mangunsong,
M.Ed., Psi. Unmitigated, these services are available for at least 200 students from the Regular
S1, S1 students Parallel 50, and 40 students S1 Special Class International (KKI). Companion or
facilitators for students with disabilities selected in advance by the Faculty of Psychology.
"Nothing special persyarataan, we are ready to help anyone," said Frida.
Furthermore Frieda said, guidance assistance for students with disabilities will be appropriate to
the demands and conditions of the students. Students with disabilities who are used
independently, generally dont need a lot of help. Previously, Faculty of Psychology UI ever
helped organize lectures for students who have mental retardation in Jakarta State Polytechnic. In
collaboration with the Center for Disability Studies University of Indonesia, Faculty of
Psychology also periodically organizes disability awareness training for the citizens of the UI.
Meanwhile, Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs, Prof. Dr. Bambang Wibawarta,
S.S., M.A. confirms that the UI never discriminate against students with disabilities with other
students. He also stressed that the UI continues to strive to provide the best educational access
for students with disabilities in the UI. He pointed out, when there is a class of students with
disabilities, lectures can take place on the ground floor so as not to complicate. UI's commitment
to people with disabilities is also demonstrated by the implementation of Sign Language courses.
In these lectures, UI brings a number of lecturers to teach deaf sign language.
In addition, UI also seeks to facilitate students with disabilities through the provision of certain
facilities such as printers braille for visual disabilities students. Related to the process of
selection into the UI, Bambang Wibawarta ensure that the selection criteria are based on the UI
is not related to the physical limitations of prospective students. A number of students with
disabilities, among others, studied or are studying in the Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of
Humanities, Faculty of Psychology, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences University of
Indonesia. "When they (students with disabilities) entry UI, we give as much as possible the
ease. There is no discrimination," said Bambang. (KHN)

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