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Provide technical troubleshooting for applications and database systems with emphasis on root cause
Identify and eliminate data skews by working with the application teams
Maintain cron jobs and other admin scripts on Teradata
Identify performance issues and make recommendations for resolution such as the identification of worstperforming SQL instances, understand and maintain performance management macros / processes and
investigate all SQL through DBQL and PMCP interrogation

Act as active advisor on team in design and application review sessions, advise on definition of computing
standards and recommend policies related to those standards

Function as subject matter expert and provide technical advice on industry best practices for Business
Intelligence systems, tactical queries, advanced analytics, and data mining

Write and maintain documentation describing changes and modifications to all systems and databases
Perform exports, backups and data extracts as required
Monitor, dynamically manage and kill sessions
Operate database utilities through CNSTerm
Work autonomously to provide solutions relative to ad hoc analysis and ad hoc SQL queries.
Provide 24x7 on call support as part of a scheduled rotation with other team members

Best Practices are Essential for a Successful Data Warehouse Solution

Some of the data warehousing best practice techniques adopted by our specialists include:

Data Distribution This provides enhanced performance and helps make information more manageable.
However, the grain must be selected carefully, with regard to whether by date, transactions or hashed.

Lean data management Caserta Concepts clients have come to expect a lean, scalable solution that is
manageable and will grow as the amount of data collected by a firm expands.

An efficient ETL process The effective loading of the data is an important part of the data warehousing
best practices process and must support the business with regards to refresh frequency and data latency.
Alongside the above, and many more technical best practices, Caserta Concepts is dedicated to following
its own, established best practices, which it has developed over years of experience in developing and
implementing data warehouse solutions for clients from an array of distinct industries.
Building a data quality sub-system into the data warehouse design and implementation process is also
part of the Caserta Method that helps provide, lean, business-driven solutions that are proven to work.

Advantages of 3NF over Dimensional model I see are:

- reduced ETL effort: makes the data warehouse more agile and meets changing business
needs much quicker - I regularly see that the business changes there mind on what they
want to capture and sometimes it is impossible to keep up - The warehouse can become
- Changes to source data systems can quickly be fed through to the EDW and on to users

- Real time for Dimension model is complex (e.g. inferred dimensions,etc) means EDW is
even slower.
Disadvantages of 3NF over Dimensional model I see are:
- Complex joins - How can you allow the business to perform ad-hoc queries? I can't see
how you can populate an OLAP cube from a 3NF data model.
- Slow performance - multi-joins means query time can be long - no users want to wait for
data to load. Although we be mitigated with powerful hardware
- Where does the calcuation logic go?! ETL performs complex calculations to provide insight
into business.
- High over-head to create reports for users - If a user wants a specific report there is a
significant effort to understand and create the report from the 3NF model.
Sounds like you're talking about a form of operational Data Store (ODS) Andy.

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