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Labour Co-Operatives in India

Presented By :Sandeep Kumar

Ravindra Singh
Shivesh Dubey

What is Labour Co-Operatives


co-operatives societies are those which work for giving

employment to the group of laborers.
The remuneration received after the work done is distributed
equitably among the laborers by organizing themselves into
labor co-operatives.
Workers can do collective bargaining instead of individual
Labor co-operative undertakes work in building construction,
roads, factories, irrigation canals, dam projects etc.

worker cooperative has the characteristic that the majority of its workforce
own shares, and the majority of shares are owned by the workforce.
The free and voluntary membership of their members, in order to
contribute with their personal work and economic resources, is conditioned
by the existence of workplaces.

To impart skill training to members at reasonable rates and provides
To help in collective bargaining instead of individual bargaining.
Better working conditions for its members.
Better Payment of salaries/wages to its members.
To provide basic essential tools to members to carry forward the job.


It is an apex organization established in the year 1981, now

working under the provisions of Multi State Cooperative
Societies Act (2002).
NLCF's main objective is to organize, promote, co-ordinate,
help and develop the working of Labour Cooperatives for
economic and social development

Functions of NLCF
To organize, promote and develop labour cooperatives, their district
and/ state level unions/federations.
To promote the economic interests of its members including their
affiliated societies vis a vis NLCF to obtain work from work awarding
agencies and to ensure the execution through labour cooperatives to
improve the financial position of NLCF and to provide regular work
to member cooperatives round the year.
To set up industries, plants,etc., in collaboration with other
cooperatives for the manufacture of construction material, equipments
and allied products to facilitate the working of member cooperatives

Problems of labour co-operatives

Lack of continuous work.
Competition from private sectors.
Lack of skill among members.
Lack of good and healthy working conditions.

Labour co-operatives must have skilled and unskilled kind of Jobs.

Labour co-operatives should be exempted from paying earnest money or

guarantee amount.
The machinery required for jobs should be provided to them on rental
Assignment of work that is safe and perennial in nature.

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