Pokémon Learning League Heredity

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Pokmon Learning League


Written By
Timothy Whitfield

(Episode opens with Ash, Pikachu, Dawn, Piplup and Serena

walking around the streets of Floccesy Town on a partly cloudy
day with a bit of wind in the air. The town has a calm
atmosphere, a few small buildings, the leaves on the trees are in
different colors and some people are walking about. Serena
feels the wind blowing on her and sighs with comfort.)
Serena: That wind really feels nice.
Dawn: Yeah, it does.
Piplup: Piplup.
Ash: It feels good to be back here, right, Pikachu?
Pikachu (agreeing): Pika-chu.
(They continue on down the street. They pass by the clock
tower, which strikes 2:00pm and the bells ring.)
Ash: So, Dawn, what have you been doing?
Dawn: Well, I just started entering the Kanto Contests.
Ash: Thats cool.
Dawn: Yeah, and its been really fun, right Piplup?
Piplup: Piplup, Piplup.
Dawn: Hows the training going for the Showcase, Serena
Serena: Its coming along fine.
Dawn: Thats good.
(They continue on down until they come to a Pokemon Center.)

Serena: Hey guys. How about we stop and rest here?

(Ash and Dawn nod their heads and they go inside.)
Nurse Joy: Welcome to the Center. How can I help you today?
Ash: Could you please revitalize our Pokemon, Nurse Joy?
Nurse Joy: Okay, no problem. You can go wait over there.
(They hand her their PokeBalls, puts them on rocks and takes
them away. They go over to the waiting area and sit down in
the booth.)
Serena: So, where should we go to from here?
(Ash and Dawn think for a moment.)
Ash: Lets head to Virbank City.
Serena: Oh. Is it a nice place?
Dawn: It is.
Serena: Really? What does it have there?
(They start telling her all about it. Five minutes go by.)
Serena: That sounds like a lot of fun.
Ash: Oh, yeah. Youre going to enjoy it.
(They hear the chime and go up to the front desk. Nurse Joy has
their PokeBalls and Pikachu & Piplup all ready to go.)
Nurse Joy: Im happy to say that your Pokemon are doing just

Pikachu: Pi-ka.
Piplup: Piplup, Pip.
(They take their PokeBalls and Piplup & Pikachu return to their
respective trainers.)
Serena: Thanks a lot, Nurse Joy.
Nurse Joy: No problem, guys.
(They leave the Center and head on down the road. Moments
later, they run into Alder, who is carrying bags of Pokemon food
& medicine.)
Ash: Hey, Alder.
Alder: Ash! Long time, no see. Howve you been?
Ash: Great.
Dawn: Hi, Im Dawn, and this is Piplup.
Piplup: Piplup, Piplup.
Serena: And Im Serena.
Alder: Pleasure to meet you both.
Ash: So, what are you doing here?
Alder: Oh, Im taking a week off from the Pokemon League, so I
decided to come back to my hometown.
Ash (intrigued): Really?
Alder: Yep.

Serena: What do you have there?

Alder: This is special food for my Pokemon back home.
Dawn: Oh. Well, do you mind if we come with you?
Alder: No, of course not.
(They go with him on down the street. Moments later, they
arrive to his house, which has a special area behind it for his
Pokemon. The house itself is two stories, has a chimney, a
slanted tiled roof, the walls are made of bricks and has doublehung windows.)
Alder: Well, here we are.
(They head inside. They look around and see the walls are
made with wood paneling, has a shelf with some of his trophies,
the floors have carpeting, the ceilings colored sky blue, and
there are various pictures of Alder, his Pokemon & some of his
Serena: This is a nice place.
Alder: Thanks.
(Dawn looks at one of his trophies.)
Dawn: Hey, Alder, what did you get this one for?
Alder: Oh, this was for the performance I gave in a featurette.
Dawn (getting it): Ahh.
Alder: Yep. I was a good actor when I was younger.

Dawn: Thats cool.

(They head out back to the area where his Bouffalant,
Garchomp & Vanilluxe are. We look over and see his grandson,
Benga, is playing with Bouffalant, who snuggles him and he
gently strokes its head. Benga has red eyes, red and orange
hair in a style somewhat similar to Alders, wears a necklace of
PokeBalls, a white sleeveless shirt with black shorts and red
Alder: (Calling out.) Hey, Benga.
(Benga stops, looks over and sees them. He runs over to them.)
Benga: Hey, Granddad.
(He gives him a hug.)
Alder: Hows everyone been doing?
(They grunt and growl with happiness.)
Benga: Theyve been having a lot of fun, right?
(They all nod in agreement.)
Adler: Well, thats great. Youre really getting it.
Benga: Thanks.
Alder: Oh, yeah. Guys, this is my grandson, Benga.
Benga: Hi.
Serena: Its nice to meet you. Im Serena.
Ash: Im Ash, and this is Pikachu.

Pikachu: Pika, Pikachu.

Dawn: Im Dawn, and this is Piplup.
Piplup: Piplup.
Alder: Benga, give them each some of this food.
Benga: All right, then.
(He takes the bags, goes over to the Pokemon, and gives each
of them some food in bowls, each one meant specifically for
them. He places them down and they all start eating it. Alder
comes over to them.)
Alder: What do you think, guys?
Bouffalant: (satisfyingly grunts.)
Garchomp (satisfyingly): Gar-chomp.
Vanilluxe (satisfyingly): Vanill.
Alder: Thats great.
(He strokes Bouffalant on the head and it snuggles him back.
They both go back to the others.)
Benga: So, do you guys want to see my Pokemon?
Ash: Oh, you bet.
Pikachu: Pika.
Benga: Okay. Come on out, everyone.
(He tosses up his PokeBalls into the air, and an Escavalier, a
Charmeleon, a Swablu and a Bergmite emerge from them.)

Ash: Thats cool.

Benga: Thanks, Ash.
Ash: Benga, you want to see ours?
Benga: Of course.
Ash: All right, then.
(The three toss up their Pokemon into the air and all of their
Pokemon emerge from them.)
Benga: Thats awesome.
(Just then, Vanilluxe quietly comes up behind Benga gives him a
playful push.)
Benga: Whoa! (He turns around to it and playfully laughs.)
Okay, you asked for it.
(He starts chasing it around the field.)
Alder: (Laughs heartedly.) Thats my grandson.
(He then chases it towards a tree, but Vanilluxe goes up, he
rams into it and falls to the ground.)
Alder: Oh, here we go again. Hold it, Benga.
(He goes over and talks to him.)
Ash: Benga seems like a nice guy.
Serena: Yeah.
Dawn (curiously): Hmm.

Serena: What are you thinking about, Dawn?

Dawn: Well, its the way Benga has been treating the Pokemon.
Ash: What about it?
Dawn: Its almost like he thinks a lot like Alder.
Ash: Ahh. Well, Alder probably taught him all of that.
Dawn: Yeah, but what I mean is its the way hes being really
gentle with and understanding them. How do you think
its done?
(Ash and Serena shrug.)
Dawn: Well, lets see if Siara knows about this.
(She reaches into her backpack, pulls out the Pokepilot, turns it
on and calls Siara, who is working on a layout for a stage.)
Siara: Hey, guys. Hows it going?
Ash: Great, Siara. What are you working on there?
Siara: Its for a big island celebration coming up in few weeks.
Its going to have some big guests coming.
Ash: That sounds cool.
Siara: Oh, it will be. Anyway, what are you up to?
Ash: We ran into Alder and he invited us to his house.
Siara: Thats good.

Serena: We just met his grandson, Benga, and hes a pretty

good trainer. Then, Dawn started wondering thinking about
how he gets them like Alder does, so do you know how that is?
Siara: Yeah. To really get this, you need to know about
Ash: All right, but how will that help?
Siara: Let me explain. What it is, is the passing of certain traits
from parents and grandparents to the offspring. When two
creatures reproduce, a one-celled organism divides itself into
two copies, also called alleles. One is dominant and the other is
recessive. The proteins in them can affect the traits, so any
variations in protein activity can produce different phenotypes,
which are the composites of any traits.
Ash: All right, but how can you tell which allele is dominant or
Siara: A dominant allele creates a dominant trait offspring who
has one copy of the allele from one of the parents have. But for
a recessive allele, in order for it to produce a recessive
phenotype, it has to have two copies of the allele from both
parents. Lets say, if a dad passes a trait for blonde hair, then
the child will have it, or the child could have blue eyes when the
parents dont at all.
Dawn: Okay, what sort of other traits are there?
Siara: There are two kinds that can be inherited. One is the
physical traits, like the hair and eye color, height, curly or

straight hair and our vision. And theres the behavioral traits,
which are the characteristics of the way one acts, like
sensitivity, liveliness, tension and vigilance.
Serena: I see, but how are the traits formed?
Siara: Well, this is where it gets complex. Every offspring
inherits a pattern of growth from each parent and, when
combined, determine how they will develop. Its all arranged in
the cells nucleus into tiny bodies called chromosomes and they
contain several types of proteins and DNA.
(As she explains, the images are animated to the words being
Ash: Okay, what else?
Siara: The traits are determined by the DNA segments, or
genes, which have specific sequences of nucleotides. Also, the
somatic cells carry a number of similar, or homologous
chromosomes. Lastly, two specialized cells, or gametes unite
and they go through a process known as meiosis. When this
happens, the homologous chromosomes replicate, pair up and
interconnect in another process called synopsis, where they
split into two and each chromosome goes to a new cell.
Dawn: Boy, you werent kidding about it being complex.
Siara: Yeah, it is, which is why Im going to show you something.
Dawn: All right.
Piplup: Piplup.

(Pan up to an upper panel displaying a branching tree showing

the phases of heredity.)
Siara: All right, you guys up for it?
Serena: Of course.
Siara: Very well, then. How does it all start?
Dawn: The child inherits growth patterns from the parents,
they get combined & is determined how it develops.
Siara: Very good, Dawn. Now, what happens afterwards?
Serena: They get arranged in the cells nucleus into
Siara: All right, Serena. What happens after that?
Ash: The traits are decided by the genes in the DNA.
Siara: You got it, Ash. Youre doing great, guys.
Dawn: Thanks, Siara.
Piplup: Piplup.
Siara: Youre welcome, Dawn. Now, I need to get back to this
layout. See you guys later.
Ash: See you.
Pikachu: Pika-chu.
(Dawn turns the Pokepilot off and puts it back in her backpack.)
Ash: Hey, guys, before we get back to it, how about we do
something different?

Serena: All right, Ash, but lets if the audience wants to do it.
Dawn: Okay. (She turns over to the audience.) You guys up for
it? (She casually waits for an answer from the audience for one
second.) Oh, okay. What makes a dominant trait different
from a recessive one? (She casually waits for an answer from
the audience for two and a half seconds.) It has a copy of a
dominant allele from one of the parents. You got it.
Serena: What are the two kinds of traits? (She casually waits for
an answer from the audience for one second.) Physical &
behavioral. All right.
Ash: What do chromosomes contain? (He casually waits for an
answer from the audience for two seconds.) Proteins and DNA.
Oh, yeah. You guys did great.
Pikachu: Pika, Pikachu.
(They look over to see Alder showing Benga something.)
Alder: Okay, watch this.
(He gets into position, croutches down and pounces to the
Benga: That was good, granddad.
Alder: Okay, now you try.
(Pan back over to the trio.)
Dawn: Ooh, that was pretty good
Ash: Yeah. Now, lets get back to it.

Dawn: Very well, Ash. Lets see if the viewers are up for this
Serena: Okay. (She turns over to the audience.) Hey, do you
guys want to do it? (She casually waits for an answer from the
audience for one second.) All right, then.
(Cut back to the tree, and pan down to the next part of it.)
Ash (O.S): All right, then. (He casually waits for an answer from
the audience for two seconds.) The gametes unite and they go
through meiosis. You got it.
Serena (O.S): What is the last thing that happens? (She casually
waits for an answer from the audience for one and a half
seconds.) It goes through synopsis. Yeah.
(Cut back to them and Dawn casually speaks to the audience.)
Dawn: That was good, guys.
Piplup: Piplup, Piplup.
Alder (O.S.): Now, you know what to do, Benga?
(They come walking over to them.)
Benga: Yes, I do.
Alder: Thats good.
Ash: Is everything okay, you two?
Benga: Yep. Everythings fine.
Alder: Okay, Benga, you up for doing it again?

Benga: You bet.

Alder (tempted): Oh, Vanilluxe.
(Vanilluxe quickly goes away and they go charging after it, all
the way to the other side of the field. They chase it back over,
when suddenly, they pounce with their arms out and grab it.
They land on the ground.)
Alder: Ha. Thought you could get away from us, huh?
Benga: Yeah.
(Vanilluxe giggles.)
Benga: We did well there, didnt we?
Alder: Yeah. Hey, Benga, look.
(He looks over and Alder playfully pushes him by his shoulder.
He heartedly laughs.)
Benga: Oh, yeah?
(He leaps onto him and pins him to the ground. They both start
playfully wrestle each other and try to pin the other. Pull back
to the trio watching them.)
Ash: They really love doing that, dont they?
Serena: Yeah, they do.
(They look on and sigh with fond nostalgia.)
Serena: Hey, Dawn?
Dawn: Yeah?

Serena: What was your own dad like?

Dawn: My father was a nice man. He would help beginning
trainers out and give them some great tips on how to train
them. Though, there were some that didnt make sense.
Ash: Thats pretty good.
Dawn: It was, and he would also help the town out in any way
he could to make it better for everyone, and his Pokemon were
really great, too. So, what about your dad, Serena?
Serena: Well, he was a little bit crazy. Whenever he did
anything, hed always do it differently than others, and it didnt
always work out.
Dawn: Really?
Serena: Yeah. But, some of what he did actually ended up
being really helpful for us. And he was a great Pokemon
trainer. His Pokemon did combinations that no one thought
could be done.
Ash: Thats really awesome.
Pikachu: Pika-chu.
Serena: How about yours, Ash?
Ash: Well, my dad was a good guy and some trainers in Pallet
Town admired him. He always loved to find a good challenge
and try to overcome it, although it didnt always work out, but
when he wasnt doing that, hed play with me sometimes and
even show some of his Pokemon.

Dawn (intrigued): Ahh.

Piplup (intrigued): Piplup.
Ash: Then, when he left on a big journey, Mom would tell me
stories about some of the adventures he was on, and it made
me think about having some like that someday.
Serena: Thats really nice, Ash. Do you think hes still out there
Ash: Who knows, but itd great to see him again.
(Pikachu jumps off his shoulder.)
Pikachu: Pika, Pika.
Ash: Oh, you want to play, buddy?
(Pikachu nods.)
Pikachu: Pika.
Ash: Well, all right, then.
(They turn to the audience.)
All: Thank you, guys.
Pikachu: Pika-chu.
Piplup: Piplup.
Fennekin: Fenne.
(Cut to moments later, where everyone is playing with their

Serena: Well, thats was an interesting episode. Did you guys

enjoy it? (She casually waits for an answer from the audience
for one second.) Oh, okay.
Fennekin (O.S): Fenne.
Pancham (O.S): Pancham.
Serena: (Calling over.) Hold on, you two. (She glances over.)
Well, see you guys later.
(She waves goodbye to the viewers and goes off to play with
Fennekin and Pancham. The scenery fades to black, ending the

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