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Industrial Power

SST-700 Steam Turbine

Environmental Product Declaration
according to ISO 14021

Sustainability as opportunity
Sustainability is the basis for how we do business
Our goal is to create value for the long term by treating
people and the environment in a responsible manner.
Innovative products and solutions are
the foundation for our success
They help our customers to achieve their business goals
while meeting global challenges such as urbanization,
demographic change, climate change and resource
We walk the talk
We pursue ambitious goals with regard to resource efficiency and environmental protection; we see our employees as our most valuable asset and develop them for the
long term; we value a corporate culture with a strong
emphasis on integrity; and we promote education, social
issues, arts and culture wherever we operate.

Siemens aims to set the highest standards for Environmental Protection. We urge our business partners to share
this ambition. We cooperate with both customers and
suppliers in an honest and open dialog in order to drive
forward a joint effort to attain continuous improvement.
The main objective of our environmental work is to
prevent pollution and continually to reduce the environmental impact from our activities in order to protect the
environment for future generations.
To meet these objectives, we will maintain and further
develop a culture in which reducing the environmental
impact of the product life-cycle is an integral part of our
daily work practice. Our integrated management system
for environment, health and safety, ISO 9001, 14001
and OHSAS 18001, is implemented worldwide within
the Siemens Energy Sector.

SST-700 IP turbine
at the Solnova 1 CSP plant near
Sanlcar la Mayor, Spain.

SST-700 HP Turbine
module in the
German workshop.

Steam Turbines for Renewables

The replacement of fossil fuels by renewables,using e.g.
sun and biomass, and the enhancement of the conversion
efficiency of heat into electricity are the most important
challenges for the power generation industry. Siemens
offers an extensive steam turbine portfolio in order to
meet these challenges.
With over a century of experience and continuous development in steam turbine technology, Siemens has stayed
at the forefront of development, is a leader in plant installation and a prime partner for your business.
Product stewardship: The Siemens standard SN 36350
Environmental compatibility is a cornerstone of product
design at Siemens. In 1994, we published an in-house
standard, SN 36350, to advance environmentally friendly
product design throughout the company. The standard
has since been expanded to provide product development
engineers with a comprehensive toolbox.
Siemens SN 36350 defines standards for
environmentally compatible product and system design
handling of critical substances
declaration of substances in products
environmental product declarations.

These requirements and regulations are accompanied

by a guideline giving examples of how to implement the
standards requirements; a semi-quantitative tool for
evaluating a products environmental footprint is also
The standard describes how to address the needs of
environmentally compatible product and system design
in management systems.

Environmental Product Declaration

The data in this Environmental Product Declaration (EPD)
are related to one SST-700, 50MW concentrated solar
power (CSP) steam turbine. The environmental impact is
given by the specific material footprint and by the global
warming potential (GWP) related to the product. The GWP
has been evaluated within a full scale Life Cycle Assessment study according to ISO 14040.

Product description
The SST-700 is a dual-casing steam turbine with up to
175 MW power output. It is specially designed for power
generation applications. In order to make the best use
of large changes in volumetric flow from inlet to outlet,
the SST-700 turbine steam expansion is divided into two
different modules: one high-pressure turbine (HP) and
one low-pressure turbine (LP), operating at different

SST-700 steam turbine

generator set

The two modules are combined to provide the turbine

configuration that is most suitable for a specific
Optimum performance is assured by selecting an optimal
size for each cylinder appropriate to volumetric flow and
by using two different and optimized speeds for the HP
and LP turbines. Internally controlled process steam
extraction provides a constant extraction pressure over
a broad range of steam flows, a feature that makes the
SST-700 steam turbines both flexible and easy to operate.
Bleed extractions are available and can be equipped with
external pressure control valves.
With a symmetrical barrel type casing and small dimensions of the hot parts, resulting in low thermal and
mechanical inertia, the SST-700 turbine can accept very
short start-up times and rapid load changes.

Material allocation
The SST-700 consists to nearly 100 percent of steel,
predominantly low-alloyed steel. The following diagram
shows the material allocation of the product.


The reliable and well proven turbine is optimized for

solar steam cycles. The latest upgrade reflects feedback
from the CSP plants already in operation and allows for
improved start-up times and higher internal efficiency.
The new design enables a double-reheat steam cycle,
which further improves the plant efficiency.


High alloy steel

Low alloy steel
Non alloyed steel

Key Environmental Performance Indicators

Siemens uses standard life-cycle software for the evaluation of the environmental impact of all product life-cycle
stages. All results are verified by internal reviews.

Global Warming Potential


phase, on the other hand, has no real impact on the GWP

of the product.
Environmental benefit
Concentrated solar power plants (CSP) enable mankind to
generate power without using fossil fuels. Not using fossil
fuels protects our natural resources and helps to avoid the
emission of greenhouse gases.
The SST-700 saves around 2,610kt CO2 over its lifetime
compared to the world fossil average (see calculation
below). Thus it makes a tremendous contribution to
environmental protection.


Material Manufacturing Transport


CSP plants require steam turbines which are optimized

for their complex and challenging cycle conditions. The
SST-700 meets all these environmental and technological

End of life Recycling reduces the environmental impact of

the product and gives a positive contribution to the overall GWP
of the product (not shown).

Global Warming Potential

Global warming is the rising of the global temperature
due to emissions of greenhouse gases such as carbon
dioxide and methane. The GWP is evaluated in CO2
The GWP of the SST-700 is shown in the figure above.
The diagram is separated into the four life-cycle sections
Materials, Manufacturing, Transport and Operation.
Nearly two thirds of the environmental impact of global
warming are caused by the Materials. The operational

Greenhouse gas emissions savings of one

SST-700, 50MW, CSP
Power generation:

CO2 savings:

in 20 years of

2,610kt CO2
in 20 years of

* referring to 3000h of
operating per year

** a
 gainst world fossil
average of 870kg/MWh

Description of the
life-cycle stages
An important product focus for Siemens is to minimize
the environmental impacts from resource extraction
through to ultimate disposal. At every stage, Siemens
has developed trendsetting solutions in accordance
with sustainable life-cycle thinking.

The life-cycle stage Materials includes the
material inventory which involves the extraction
of natural resources, transport to the processing
sites and the production of raw materials.
All product materials have been chosen with
regard to minimizing environmental impact.
The SST-700 consists mainly of ferrous and
non-ferrous metals. This ensures a high degree
of recyclability.
Manufacturing and Transport
The Manufacturing section covers all production
processes up to the assembly of the finished
product at the manufacturing site. The essential
data like energy, water and gas consumption,
are based on the annual manufacturing data of
the site.
The Transportation section includes the transport, mainly per sea, to the customer site. For
this LCA a customer site in the south of Spain
was assumed.
The life-cycle stage Operation covers all
environmental impacts of the described product
system during its operation phase. This also
includes the related service equipment. For steam
turbines, and therefore also for this LCA, a normal
operation time of about 20 years is assumed.
Its flexibility and inherent reliability have made
the SST-700 the steam turbine of choice for the
Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) industry.
End of life
The end-of-life scenario includes the disassembly,
recycling and thermal treatment of all recyclable
materials and also the disposal of all other
Recycling reduces significantly the consumption
of primary materials. A high degree of recycl
ability is given due to the high amount of steel
for the SST-700. In the case of steel, the recycling
rates are nearly 100%.

Published by and copyright 2014:

Siemens AG
Energy Sector
Freyeslebenstrasse 1
91058 Erlangen, Germany
Siemens AG
Energy Sector
Power Generation
47053 Duisburg, Germany

For more information, contact our

Customer Support Center.
Phone: +49 180/524 70 00
Fax: +49 180/524 24 71
(Charges depending on provider)
Power Generation
Order No. E50001-E410-T116-X-4A00
Dispo 34806, K12 140037, WS 0714
Printed on paper treated with chlorinefree bleach.

All rights reserved.

Trademarks mentioned in this
document are the property of
Siemens AG, its affiliates, or their
respective owners.
Subject to change without prior
notice. The information in this
document contains general
descriptions of the technical options
available, which may not apply in
all cases. The required technical
options should therefore be
specified in the contract.

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