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pg 13

pg 16
Law & Order




Court Halts
Road Contract

Woewiyu Release From US

Prison Ruffling Feathers












These are indicative rates based on results of daily surveys of

the foreign exchange market in Monrovia and its environs. The
rates are collected from the Forex Bureaux and the commercials
banks. The rates are not set by the Central Bank of Liberia.
Research, Policy and Planning Department,
Central Bank Liberia,
Monrovia, Liberia

VOL 8 NO.747






The lack of pathologists in general hinders the work of prosecution in the process of evidence
gathering particularly in suspected homicide cases where cause of death is required to be

Liberia Votes 2014

- pg.3



p 17

Weah Supporters Go All Out to Trumpet Victory

in Montserrado County Senatorial Race


CBL Executive Governor Mills Jones Assures Staffers

Your Vote is your Voice Vote your Nation & Vote Right

p 10,11

Monday, December 22, 2014

Page 2 | Frontpage

Monrovia iberias National Elections Commission, according

to its chair Cllr. Jerome Korkoya, will not officially
declare winners in this years controversial
senatorial elections until two weeks elapse, but
should provisional numbers stay as they are, President
Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf could be staring down the barrel of a
horrendous final lap of her presidency, facing old nemesis
and the intriguing prospects of new-look Senate that could
complicate her presidential legacy.
Much of the results from polling stations across the country
began pouring in immediately after polling stations closed
Saturday night, but NEC, in keeping with its constitutional
mandate to conduct elections, will declare final official results
within the two-week timeframe prescribed by law. Therefore
the results of votes cast at each polling place in the country
will be processed at the appropriate tally centers across the
country for onward transmission to the NEC Headquarters in
Monrovia where the announcement of Progressive provisional
results will begin early next week, Korkoya averred.
Despite the massive odds favoring Weah and the opposition
Congress for Democratic Changes dominance in Montserrado
County, Sirleafs son, Robert made the battle a fight in the
days leading to the ballot day with some contentious battles
and two altercations which saw his supporters face off with
supporters of Weah in his stronghold in the PHP Community.
War-of-words exchanges between the pair and their supporters
and quiet confidence amongst Sirleafs supporters in the days
leading to Saturday, led many to believe that this would be
a contest of wits, incumbent power and financial strengths.
In contrast, voters, according to exit polling and provisional
numbers made the vote more about what many Sirleafs critics
and political observers had argued it would be: a statement
about his mothers leadership, a litmus test on her popularity
and voters determination to get the presidents attention.
Attention, political observers say, voters have certainly gotten,
but whether these results lead to Sirleaf taking some serious
action in her final few months in office in a bid to appease
many of her nemesis in the new-look Senate remains to be
Samuel P. Jackson, a political economist declared shortly
after the provisional results started to pour in Saturday night,
that The politics of lies, deceit and sycophancy was defeated
yesterday in Liberia, especially in the race that pitted Robert
Sirleaf against George Weah.
Jackson, a long-time friend of Sirleaf says he had voiced
concerns out to members of the President's own family and
those closest to her, including members of the executive but
many of his rants fell on deaf ears. I knew and they should
have known that the anger, frustration and utter disgust the
direction of the administration were deep and it would take
only major policy reversals and a political offensive to change
the narrative. I cried and cried and no one listened.
Now Jackson says the results suggest that young people
alienated from the government have sent a message through
the ballot box.
For Robert Sirleaf, political observers and critics are still
pondering over his next move, at least politically.
Aides say, Silreaf has resigned to inevitable loss which points
to a second-place finish. I think he is going to respect the
peoples choice, an aide said Sunday. I cant tell you how
disappointed we are. We took a very positive high road
during this campaign journey, showing the people a better
way, to better opportunities; they chose a different path,
and wanted what is prescribed as one of their own. We
must respect their preference, said the aide who spoke on
condition of anonymity as he was not yet authorized to speak
on behalf of the Sirleaf campaign team. How quickly Robert
Sirleaf recovers from the loss will define the next phase of his
political life.
The provisional results at least for now points to a rebirth of
some sort for Charles Walker Brumskine, the political leader of
the opposition Liberty Party as well as Cllr. Varney Sherman,
the chair of the ruling Unity Party whose long-running feud
with Sirleaf has been well documented.
Sherman en route to victory in Grand Cape Mount is being
tipped as the next President Pro Tem of the Senate.
Political observers say, should Steven Zargo lead in Lofa
holds, the party emerges out of the 2014 elections with an
undisputed berth into one of the frontrunner positions in 2017.
Not only was the partys shadow political leader, Brumskine
able to massively defeat the President Pro Tem of the Senate
and a candidate endorsed by the president with the little known
Jonathan Kaipay, but a strong showing in Nimba where Edith

The provisional results at least for now points to a rebirth of some sort for Charles Walker
Brumskine, the political leader of the opposition Liberty Party as well as Cllr. Varney Sherman, the
chair of the ruling Unity Party whose long-running feud with Sirleaf has been well documented.
FrontPageAfrica now takes a look at some of the movers and shakers of the weekends senatorial race.





Left for dead, the political leader of the opposition Liberty Party
has a new lease on his political life after helping mass what
appears to be key victories in vote-rich Grand Bassa and Lofa
Counties respectively as well as a strong showing in another
vote-rich county in Nimba where Edith Gongloe Weh is giving
the incumbent Prince Y. Johnson a run for his money. Political
observers say if Brumskine plays his cards well, he could have a
major say in how the 2017 race ends.
Weah never doubted his victory in these elections and the exit
polls suggest many Liberians are comfortable giving him a
chance to see how he fares in the Senate with an overwhelming
majority giving him a lopsided win over his competition. Weahs
destiny is now in his hands. Whether he has the ability to take
his party to the promise land in 2017 is still a matter for debate
as many remain unsure about the partys ability to reach across
the aisle.
The Liberty Party candidate who is on the verge of winning
in vote-rich Lofa County is emerging from political obscurity
into the limelight took advantage of incumbent Sumo Kupees
political fall from grace and is well on his way to become Lofas
next senator.
The former first lady endured a turbulent campaign but looks set
to retain her seat. With the outcome in Margibi looking like a lost
cause for the incumbent Clarice Jah, Jewel is poised to become
re-elected woman in the Senate when the final votes are tallied.
Liberias most successful lawyer has the last laugh. Sherman

Gongloe Weh is giving the incumbent Prince Johnson, a run

for his money, shows how that the party is well positioned to
build serious organization in three of the big five counties.
The conventional wisdom is that no party will singlehandedly
win in 2017, so it remains to see what a Liberty Party block
will look like. For the development of that block, Brumskine

kept his cool when the odds were stacked against him and when
he found himself engulfed in a long-running feud with the
President. He defied the odds of many who predicted a close
contest to clinch his hometown. Next Stop. Pro Temp?
Goliath Slayer Kaipay is on his way to the Senate with numbers
showing him handsomely defeating the powerful President Pro
Tem Gbezhonga Findley. Even though his work with the United
Methodist Church where he supervised several projects in Grand
Bassa County could have helped him but his Liberty affiliation
played a major role.
Love him or hate him, Cllr. Koffa has resurrected the Liberty
Party. This was a do or die call and he delivered. A loss would
have seen the partys stock drop considerably and may have
probably kissed its 2017 chances goodbye. Victories in Lofa and
Bassa coupled with a strong win in Nimba, all vote-rich counties
has put LP in the drivers seat for 2017.
The Chair of the National Elections Commission endured a
turbulent few weeks leading to the elections but credit to his staff
for keeping the elections from getting out of hand. NEC managed
to keep a lot of early election-day problems at bay while ensuring
that the elections went on without any major incidents.
The Nimba County Strongman appears to have weathered the
storm against his closest competition, Liberty Party candidate,
Edith Gongloe Weh and looks set to book a return date in
the Senate. These elections however exposed Johnsons
vulnerabilities and may give him some food for thought for the

may likely turn to his consensus building Chairman and

trusted aide, Cllr. J. Fonati Koffa," whose leadership and
oversight of the partys rebirth and Brumskines reemergence
into the political spotlight could mark the unofficial play for
the 2017 political configuration.

Monday, December 22, 2014



The President had a lot riding on these elections losing out on

virtually all of the candidates she backed will be a bitter pill to
swallow and recovery will take some time. The loss of Findley
where Sirleaf personally campaigned a day before the elections in
Buchanan, although she was greeted with anti-Findley element in
what political observers say was a very painful loss.
Also in Bomi County, the President also turned out days to the
election and campaigned for Unity Party Morris G. Saytumah but he
is running neck to neck with incumbent LahaiN Lassana and should
Saytumah become unsuccessful, it will be a major slap in the face of
the President in her own home county.
President Sirleafs legacy was riding on a Findley win in Bassa and
he failed to deliver despite a late campaign stop by the President
on the eve of the senatorial elections. Having served as Senate Pro
tempt for several years and with money and power available to him,
losing to Kaipay is an indication that he has a mountain to climb in
rebuilding his political career.
The Sirleaf camp was optimistic of pulling an upset against Weah
and made a lot of noise in the process but in the end, his best was not
enough against the formidable Congress for Democratic Changes
presence in Montserrado County. Some of Sirleafs critics say he
could have had an easier and less controversial ride in his mothers
hometown, Gbarpolu. He may be having second thoughts about that
as he ponders his political future.
The star of the 2005 Bong County senatorial race who emerged
from political obscurity to one of the sound voices in the Senate,
prompting Brumskine to carry him as a vice presidential candidate
in 2011 had a poor showing in this years race. Once regarded as one
of the few honest lawmakers in Liberia, Siakor will have to return to
the drawing board if he hopes to realign the stars in his favor.

Sirleaf. But despite the loss, Sanvees youth puts him in a strong
position to resurrect his political life and make a play for a future
political office.
The former head of the National Oil Company of Liberia performed
below expectations and is poised for a fourth place finish. A
lot of unanswered questions are surfacing regarding Neyors
earlier decision to drop from the race. Political observers say his
indecisiveness may have been a factor in Neyors poor showing at
the polls.
Kupees demise started before it began in the Lofa County senatorial
race. His ouster from the ruling Party who saw the writing on the
wall and chose to kick him to the curve did not go down with Kupee,
who sought redemption in the Peoples Unification Party(PUP). The
comeback watch commences.
The head of the powerful Senate Defense, Security and Intelligence
Committee, once flirted with the idea of actually running for
President in 2017, declaring that he would offer himself to the
Liberian people if they accept him as presidential candidate for the
next election. His stock and stars now fallen, Ballout, according to
provisional results appear to be on the way out. The waiting game
commences for the next phase of his political life.
From contemplating on contesting the President to losing a
senatorial election in a lowly populated county mean Ballout has to
rethink and get his career in order.
The provisional results show that the CDC is sticking to the script
that it is a dominant force in Montserrado County but losses in voterich Nimba, Lofa, Bassa and Bong shows the party riding on Weahs
shoulders still has a lot of work to do in its determination to win
state power in Liberia.



Sanvees campaign team opted for a Jehovahs witness-style

campaign play which backfired on the young candidate who found
himself trapped between powerhouses George Weah and Robert

Criticized for not doing much in the last nine years, the Liberty
Party stalwart was one of many lawmakers who fell prey to voter
fatigue against incumbents.


Provisional Results: How Votes Are Being Won in Liberia Senate Race


ith large percentage of provisional results from the 2014

special midterm senatorial election already known from
all fifteen counties in Liberia, the composition of the new
batch of 15 senators looks like a fair representation of all
the political parties and independent candidates.
So far, the race is tight in some counties, very close to call while in
others with the National Elections Commission yet to announce the
official results, outcomes of ballots counting from polling precincts are
serving as hint as to who will be amongst the lucky ones.
Montserrado, Done Deal for Weah
In Liberias most populous county there is no way out for other candidates
as George Weah of the Congress for democratic Change has won with
a wide margin and he can now safely celebrate his first legislative job.
For about nine years now, beginning 2005, the retired Soccer legend has
been struggling to get an elective post until the senatorial election which
has now provided him the opportunity to so.
Provisional results indicate that Weah is in the lead with more than 90%
as opposed to his nearest rival Sirleaf who is around less than 9% of
the votes.
One of Weahs opponents, Benjamin Sanvee is gracious in defeat and
wrote on his Facebook page on Sunday afternoon I just placed a call to
my friend Amb. George M. Weah congratulating him on getting elected
as senator of Montserrado County. It was a hard fought campaign and
I respect the decision and will of the people. I will deliver a formal
concession speech in 24hrs. brs.

close to another nine years as senator of Nimba County.

Bong-Taylor Still Loved
In Bong County which was the capital of former President Charles
Taylor National Patriotic Front of Liberia, the name Taylor is still very
much cherished as his wife Jewel Howard Taylor looks in good shape
to get another mandate from the people of the county to return to the
Taylor has established a huge lead over her nearest rival, Dr. Henrique
Tokpah and one of Jewels contenders, Emmanuel Nuankwelie Bomosie
Flomo of the Congress for democratic Change has already congratulated
the incumbent Senator.
It was good competing with you# Madam_Taylor, pls except my
congratulations on ur re-election as Senator for Bong County. My
compliments is base on the unofficial report that u presently lead,
stated Flomo on his Facebook Page.
Lofa-Zargo Takes Liberty Party near Glory
Stephen J. H. Zargo of the Liberty party is maintaining a strong lead with
huge margin from his closet rival Alhagi G. V. Kromah, an independent
Zargo garnered huge votes in Zorzor and the countys Capital Voinjama
and is also very strong in the densely populated Foyah District.
From the provisional numbers, Zargo who was defeated for the same
position in 2011 looks in good form to clinch the seat.

Nimba County, PYJ Too Strong

Grand Bassa- Elephant Findley Falls

In the second most populous County, Nimba the incumbent senator

Prince Y. Johnson looks too strong for his nearest opponent, Edith
Gongloe-Weh of the Liberty Party.
In the capital City Sanniquellie and the commercial City of Ganta,
candidate Weh put up a little fight against Johnson with the two running
closely but with results now coming in from other parts of Nimba
dominated by Johnsons Dan ethnic group including Bahn, Tappita,
amongst others, he has established a wide lead which has taken him

One of the biggest defeats in the senatorial election comes in the form
of Senate Pro temp Gbehzongar Findley, occupying one of the most
powerful positions in the Liberian government, Findley finds himself
going out of the Legislature.
Findley was confident going into the race with power and money at his
disposal but things changed with few days to the election and he is now
at the odd side of history.
Jonathan Kaipay of the Liberty Party, a party that has shown strength


Page 3

in Grand Bassa County over years in legislative election looks to have

already sealed the seat from the incumbent.
Provisional results show that Liberty Partys Kaipay is comfortable
ahead of Incumbent, Findley prompting supporters of the Liberty Party
candidate to begin early celebration before NECs official result.
Early results from Electoral Districts one, Two, Three and Four are
favoring Kaipay while areas that were purportedly strong holds of
Findley were claimed by Liberty Party. In Buchanan, Compound #3 and
the LAC plantation, preliminary results have absolutely favored Kaipay
and the Liberty Party.
With District One already won by Liberty Kaipay, Findleys supporters
were hoping for an advantage in Buchanan and District Three but by
late Saturday evening results were quit frustrating for the incumbent
and when the results from LAC were being announced by reporters on
local community radio stations, it appeared that the Findley campaign
team had lost hope.
Celebration in the Liberty Partys situation room where preliminary
votes are being tallied echoed supporters jubilant mood as they
received more positive results from electoral district two and five.
Grand Cape Mount- Sherman Heads for Capitol
The ruling Unity Party is so far certain of at least one seat in person of
the party Chairman, Cllr, Varney Sherman, chasing more seats including
in River Gee County where, Conmany Wesseh and Sinoe County Milton
Teahjay who are all doing well.
With provisional results Sherman looks to have already won the race as
he is being congratulated across Liberia with people referring to him as
a Senator.
Bomi-Disputed Votes could Delay Winner
Before Sunday, Saturdays provisional results favored incumbent Lahai
G. Lassana but on Sunday, confusion emerged after a Supervisor from
several polling centers was caught in cheating by inflicting the number
of valid ballots in favor of Lassana at some polling centers.
Gbajah P. Seh, head of polling and Supervisor Charles Farmah from the
Tulaymu Palava hut, district two are currently being investigated by the
Liberian National Police.
Both Seh and Farmah are accused of providing false information about
their centers when they reported that Lahai Lassanahad 165, Morris
Saytumah-205 and total votes411 votes.
When the ballots were taken to Tubmanburg, during cross checking by the
NEC Magistrate along with members of the media and other observers,
it was confirmed that Lahai Lassana had 4, Morris Saytumah-102 votes,
Invalid votes 25, Valid 120 at the Tulaymu Palava hut prompting police
Supporters of rival candidates are calling for all the centers the two
individuals supervised to be cancelled.
In the counting at NEC sub office Tubman on Sunday afternoon
witnessed by observes and other parties from 5 precincts, 10 polling
places it was established that Morris Saytumah has a commanding lead
with 854 Saytumah votes followed by Lassana with 412
River Cess County Paye in Slender lead
In Rivercess County, Representative Francis Paye is in the lead as
incumbent Jonathan Banney struggles. Paye, the district representative
of electoral district two, one of the two districts in the county, was
famous ahead of the election with opinion polls showing that he was
destine to win.
Rosana Shaack of the Movement for Progressive Change (MPC)
and former county superintendent, Willington Geevon Smith of the
ruling Unity Party (UP) are trailing but they hold a better chance than
incumbent Banny, who is receiving very low votes from most precincts
as provisional results are being released.
Reports from the area also suggest that voter turnout was also low.
Many registered voters failed to vote because of the precincts locations,
leaving them to complain about the cost of transportation to get to the
polling centers.
River Gee County-Voter Sympathy for Wesseh
Unity Party Conmany Wesseh who is contesting for the third time looks
to be rewarded by voters for his courage in keeping the fight on as he is
in the lead in the populated parts of the county mainly the Capital City,
Fish Town.
Wesseh is poised to win the County senatorial seat according to
provisional results from that part of the country but the county is one of
the fiercely contested with all four of the top candidates still within the
chance of winning.
Sinoe County-Teahjay looking to Upset Nyenpan
Rivals met at the polls on Saturday when former Superintendent J.
Milton Teahjay and incumbent senator Mobutu Nyenpan faced off but
from provisional results, Teahjay is in a slight lead and is likely to unseat
his rival.
Grand Kru County-Former Superintendent Sneh leads
In Grand Kru County, former Superintendent Rosalind Sneh is
performing well with provisional results giving her a slight edge over
other candidates.
Gbarpolu County-Close to Call
Provisional results from Gbarpolu indicate that there is no favorite as of
yet with all candidates performing well so far.
Grand Gedeh-Dennis Leads
In Grand Gedeh County, Congress for Democratic Change Marshall A.
Dennis is in a narrow lead according to provisional results.
Reports from that county suggest that independent candidate Zoe
Emmanuel Pennue is crying foul in election process and has announced
that he will filed a formal compliant before the national Elections

Monday, December 22, 2014

Page 4 | Frontpage






Now that the voters have spoken, President

Ellen Johnson- Sirleaf Has her work cut
out to salvage her legacy
VOTERS IN LIBERIAS Special Senatorial Elections
have sent a clear message to the ruling establishment
that they are unhappy with the affairs of state. Now it
is up to those in authority to take notice and make the
necessary tweaks and restore confidence in those feeling
left out of the nations pot.
FOR EIGHT YEARS, President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf
allowed close aides and die-hard sycophants to ruin her
hard-fought political life.
THE VOTES CAST last Saturday must be a wake-up
call for the President who must now begin the process of
mending fences with those with whom she has crossed
paths and those with whom she has become bitter
THE WALK FORWARD should be about salvaging
whats left of Sirleafs legacy and what she has fought
tirelessly over the years to build.
LEADERS IN THE final term are quickly relegated
to lame ducks. In the U.S. however, President Barack
Obama has redefined the term and pushing his political
opponents to the brink while cementing his place in
history with reforms-driven agendas like easing ties
with Cuba and forcing immigration changes.
SIRLEAF CAN and must to the same by reaching out
across the aisle and embracing the change now set to
take over the Senate.
THE PRESIDENT has had a rough ride with those in the
lower house but has gotten by with those in the Senate.
With Gbezhonga Findley now shown the door by voters
in Grand Bassa County, Sirleaf is now forced to mend
fences with the newcomers, particularly the ruling party
chair Varney Sherman who is well on his way to victory
in his hometown, Grand Cape Mount County.
SIRLEAF IS NO DOUBT a smart politician and a
veteran in dealing with her opponents, but time is not
on her side.
AS THE COUNTDOWN commences toward the final
lap of her presidency, Sirleaf must realize that too many
paths have been crossed and too many bridges broken
along the way.
THIS MUST BE a time to build consensus and strengthen
the political machinery of the party that brought her to
power if she must have any chance of protecting her
legacy and the life after her presidency.
THE EBOLA virus outbreak exposed the vulnerabilities
of her administration and brought a lot of hidden lapses
to the core. Now it must be about putting in place a
system, a team and a mechanism that works for Liberia
and for Sirleaf herself.
WITH TIME running out, the last thing Sirleaf needs
is to continue pampering her sycophancy aides and socalled friends.
THE DAYS AND WEEKS leading to these elections
showed the true colors of many she thought she knew
and many she never imagined in her wildest imaginations
would betray or leave her by the way side.
THE PROVISIONAL results in essence is a wake-up
call to Sirleafs reign. How she recovers will determine
her place in history in the anal of Africa and Liberias

Siahyonkron Nyanseor,, Contributing Writer

rederick Douglass once said, Power concedes nothing without a

demand. It never did and it never will The limits of tyrants are
prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress. This
quote describes the plight of the Liberian masses under the rule of the
President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and her Unity Party government.
The question that bothers me is why African leaders do not learn from history?
It was not too long ago when the Peoples Redemption Council (PRC)
government of Samuel Kanyon Doe implemented Decree 88A that banned
all student political activities and anybody from criticizing the ruling military
council in regards to the manner in which the country was being run by the
PRC.The July 21, 1984, Decree 88A gave security forces the power to arrest
and detain any person found spreading rumours, lies, and misinformation
against any government official or individual either by mouth, writing or
by public broadcastDoe wielded Decree 88A like the hammer of the gods,
bludgeoning his opponents into submission with it during the run-up to the
1985 election. Editors and other political enemies were harassed, or worse, and
newspapers were shut down or their facilities burned to the ground. After the
1985 election, the worst incident of ethnic violence in Liberias recent history
scattered Does political opposition and frightened Liberians into submission.
Michael A. Innes writes, Despite a meek effort at repealing the Decree
in 1986, Does treatment of the media in the latter half of the decade was,
paradoxically, at once neglectful, capricious, and mean. (Michael A. Innes,
Enemies of the Revolution: Radio, Propaganda, and National Development in
Samuel Does Liberia, 1980-1980)
Due to Decree 88A, the election results that year were controversial; opponents
claimed it was fraudulent. Many political leaders were imprisoned. In addition,
the Special Elections Commission (SECOM) frustrated the registration of
political parties. Many political observers attributethe political unrest to the
failed attempted coup of November 1985 to Degree 88A.Here we go again!
President SirleafsExecutive Order 65 is remaking of Does Decree 88A. Why
is it that African leaders ignore the realities of history? Are they that dumb or
they have historical amnesia? I wonder! The Liberian people and the world
will see through this scheme because;"You may fool all the people some of the
time; you can even fool some of the people all the time; but you can't fool all
of the people all the time." (Abraham Lincoln)
Moreover, PresidentSirleafs Executive Order 65 is an attempt to instill fear
in Liberians in order to stay in power. If the Executive Order is truly about
preventing Ebola, why are candidates campaigning for election? Are we going
to have elections in secret? Will candidates not campaign? How can there
be a fair and transparent election with restrictions on the movement of the
candidates and supporters from campaigning?
Liberians should not be deterred by the President's scare tactics. The Liberian
people should resist her scheme within the legal framework because this move
has the propensity of igniting another April 14 riot.Therefore, lets remember
the African proverb that says: The ruin of a nation begins in the home of its
Fellow Liberians, what a difference time makes!In the January/March 2000
print Edition of ThePerspectiveMagazine, the Editors, George H. Nubo,
Siahyonkron Nyanseor and J. Kpanneh Doe conducted an interview with Mrs.
Ellen Johnson Sirleaf in Washington, D. C. while she was attending a National
Summit Conference on Africa. The interview was titled: Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf
Challenges GOL and Calls on Opposition to Unite. In answering our question
on the Constitution, she said:
No constitution can enforce itself. Enforcement comes from the combined
efforts of a nations citizens insisting in small and big ways that their rights
be respected and its the officers recognizing the limits of their power and
obeying the laws they take oaths to observe. In that regard, we are all somewhat
responsible for the good and bad governments we have had in Liberia because
as citizens we have tolerated bad behavior on the part of our leaders.
Is this the same person who made the statement?
. . . Somewhat [we are] responsible for the good and bad governments we
have had in Liberia because as citizens we have tolerated bad behavior on the
part of our leaders.
But now that the Liberian people are ready to depart from the BAD practices
of the PAST, President Sirleaf and her Unity Party want to restrict the people
from exercising their rights. Lets hold her to her words!
This reminds me of a quote in Pedagogy of the Oppressed by Paulo Freire. It
reads: To glorify democracy and to silence the people is a farce; to discourse
on humanism and to negate people is a lie. Anyone who is familiar with recent
Liberian politics know that the real intent of PresidentSirleafs Executive
Order 65 is not to protect the Liberian people from Ebola, but to ensure that
her son Robert Sirleaf wins the Montserrado County Senatorial race. This is a
slick move to use the Ebola crisis as an excuse to resuscitate PRC Decree 88A,
a Decree she once condemned and fought against.
Dj vu or Nightmare!
In a January 16, 1984 TIME Magazine Cover Edition, titled: Africas Woes,
Coups, Conflict and Corruption; the magazine printed a depressing picture of
Africa and its leaders.Here is an interesting quote from an article in the same
magazine titled: A Continent Gone Wrong;it reads:
All too frequent, fledgling African democracies have become hostage to
leaders intent solely on gaining and holding power. In the past 25 years, more
than70 leaders in 29 African nations have been deposed by assassination,
purges or coups. Among the 41 major independent black African nations, only
seven allow opposition political parties. Seventeen are single-party states.
Another 17 are ruled by military regimes.
The article continued:
Despite independence, each nations per capita food production levels
have decreased accompanied by disarray in essential government services
such as education, health care and transportation. The articles author noted
the amount of foreign debt the respective governments have accrued and said
Africas national leaders argue that their countries are near bankruptcy as they
ask to reschedule nearly $100 billiondollars of annual debt due to loans.
The author maintains: in the meantime, sub-Saharan Africas population of
210 million in 1960 has grown to 393 million. It continues to increase by 2.9%
annually, the fastest growth rate in the world.
0 years, the issues highlighted in the January 16, 1984 TIME Magazine article
have not improved.In fact, they have become worse. And when the former
President of Senegal,Lopold Sedar Senghor (1969-1980), then 77 years of
age was interviewed, here is what he said about coups in Africa:

They are the result of the perversion of the colonial system, which encouraged
us to keep the personality cult and the spirit of dictatorship. That was the
nature of colonial power. The frequency of coups in Africa is the result of
the backwardness in civilization that colonization represented. There is indeed
many, many dictatorship. But there are exceptions: look at the Ivory Coast and
Cameroon, just to name two. I am concerned about the frequency of coups.
We are too docile, allowing ourselves to be influenced by the Americans, the
Soviets or even the French and the British. What we should all be fighting for
is democratic socialism. And the first task of socialism is not to create social
justice. It is to establish working democracies. (Emphasis is mine.)
Wow, what a statement coming from someone so revered!
While Lopold Sedar Senghor is regarded by many as one of the most brilliant
and important African intellectuals of the 20thcentury and his Philosophy of
Negritude in some ways contributedto raising the consciousness of Africans
in Africa and its Diaspora, he fell short in several ways to address the core
problem of European racism. In my opinion, Senghorsstatement,The first
task of socialism is not to create social justice it is to establish working
democracies speaks volume to his world view. I am convinced that in some
way or the other this world view aided European imperialists in pursuing their
political and economic agenda in Africa and its Diaspora. I am not alone in
arriving at this conclusion. The statement below by Bell Hookssupports my
observation. Here is what she wrote:
Negritude becomes a tool in furthering the process of colonisation in the minds
of the colonized. Although Senghor saw Negritude as a way of combating
colonialism, Negritude is implicit with the process of colonial domination. The
counter-reading of stereotypes which Negritude proposes fails to challenge
the cultural domination of colonialism at its root. Bell Hooks, Postmodern
Blackness, in P. Williams and L. Chrisman (eds.), Colonial Discourse and
Post-colonial Theory, London: Longman, (1993).
To which I say, beware of praises coming from our adversaries, because
there are always ulterior motives for their benefits.They gave us leaders like
William V.S. Tubman, Felix Houphouet-Boigny, Mobutu Sese Seko, El Hadj
Omar Bongo, Daniel arap Moi, Mengistu Haile Mariam, Colonel Muammar
Gaddafi, Jean-Bedel Bokassa, Habib Bourguiba, Blaise Compaor, just to
name a few. They interfered in our affairs; then accused us of not being able
to govern ourselves.
I am convinced there are many African leaders today in this exclusive
club; President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf is not exempt. These club members
are preoccupied with implementing the agenda of International Capital at
the expense and detriment of their countries and people. For carrying out
their wishes, they are rewarded with all sorts of international awards and
recognitions. This is what mortgaging your countries natural and mineral
resources for mere chicken feedwill earn for you. To me, this practice is not
only dumb; it isstupidity to the highest degree.
Below are reactions I gathered from Liberians on Liberian listservs and
websites when Executive Order 65 was announced. One person said:
Liberia is the only country where citizens are totally occupied with colonial
mentality without the need to eradicate it or to show that they are not inferior.
Where in Africa will a Presidents son think about winning a senatorial election
after the parent had created a mess, from Ebola to corruption, to disregard of
citizens rights to good health care?Only in Liberia! Liberians prefer to die in
cold blood than to exercise their rights either at the ballot box or through direct
protest in order to change their condition. Liberian citizens' love for those who
do not like them, even after knowingthe truth, especially at this time, defies
Liberian history and vindicates the Americo-Liberians in their treatment of
indigenous Liberians.
Another said: This Executive Order is a joke. [The] President cannot
suspend any portion of our constitution. Article 17 is a fundamentals right
hence it cannot be suspended by a tyrant and despot like this criminal. The real
game is to make her useless son senator by the same unconstitutional way she
became "president". But it is up to the Liberian people to either obey an unjust
law from a tyrant or disobey such law that is already void and of no legal
effect in keeping with Article 2.Ellen you are not smart, we have just been
patience but this is below the belt and we will resist. Understand the end game
is to use under pay police officer to killed their fellow native along with some
boko haram Nigerians in military uniform under the guise as Nigerian soldiers
but the masses will resist all of your evil plan with your unholy knife to their
throats and your bloody heartless bullets to their breast....think this will end
the game of thievery, nepotism and reckless auction of the natural resource by
a German Liberian or better stated a hybrid hateful and evil criminal to meet
the deviant sexual behavior of her incarnateson.
Finally, this person said: I am sensing foul play. This is sad for Liberia and we
must resist this to the fullest. The president wants to turn the elections results
around in the favor of her beloved son. But she knows exactly that will not
happen. Liberians must now stand against the proposed Sirleaf Dynasty. Why
restrict movements, protest, rallies or demonstration after elections results
when the election is not yet held. This has to stop now or it bestopped!
These are what our people are saying!
Let me add to what most of the observers above said. Sometime ago, I was
among those who felt that if a woman took the leadership of our country
she would perform better than her male counterpart. Oh, how wrong I was!
This is what I said in a speech I made to the Liberian Women Association of
Kentuckiana (LWAK) on Saturday, April 22, 2006 in Louisville, Kentucky.
I said, Most Liberian women of my mothers era, were God-fearing first,
honest, disciplined, reserved, visionary, and compassionate. Based on these
qualities, I am of the belief that if women were given major roles to play in
world affairs, we might not have had all of the problems confronting humanity
today. I honestly believe this to be true! Therefore, I am not surprise that
Liberia has become the first, once again, to elect the first woman president in
Africa. In fact, Liberia has had many powerful women leaders. For example,
Madam Suacoco after whom Suacoco is named was not only a community
organizer, but also a skilled politician. Then there is Ambassador Angie
Brooks, the first female president of the UN General Assembly. Ambassador
Brooks was elected with 113 votes out of the 118 ballots cast to become the
president of the 24th session of the UN General Assembly in 1969.(Louise
Crane, Ms. Africa: Profiles of Modern African Women, 1973)
President Sirleaf disappointed many people, especially women. All the
promises she made when she was criticizing others, she engaged in those
practices when she obtained power; some with impunity.
To this end, I close with the quote by Paul Robeson, the great AfricanAmerican scholar and artist. It reads:

Read full text online;

Monday, December 22, 2014







What is wrong with an electorate that puts a person into office for
NINE YEARS (18 YEARS for those re-elected) without knowing their
platform or having enough time to quiz the candidate due to a rushed
election? Why encourage Ellen Johnson Sirleaf to destroy our country?
Wake up, my fellow Liberians, we can do better. Change is on the way.
Mr. Harris, I don't always agree with Ellen but I disagree that Ellen is
destroying the country. I think your ill-conceived charcoal machine
poses a serious threat to the environment. Where do you plan to get all
that wood from to operate your charcoal machine, or WoodGas machine
as you call it.
Ebola is a deadly virus that with the help of the international community
will be eliminated. However, the virus that is slowly killing Liberians
daily is corruption in government. Can the Supreme Court rule on
corruption cases too or will the court regard corruption cases as a
political matter in the future when such case is before the court?
Matter lay to rest finally, the High court has given its decision. Election
scheduled for Dec. 20, 2014. let this one election go ahead my people.
MY TURN: Look at the illogical reasoning of the two dissenting justices,
Banks and Kibena, that these two men didn't know Ebola fear is NOT
a constitutional issue baffles me. Now you know why Banks has been
trying to overshadow Chief Justice Francis Kporpor, and why Banks put
the "stay order" on this frivolous lawsuit. And why in most instances
Banks is awarded the "Justice in Chambers" role? That a "smart" Banks
as "Justice in Chambers" could not find that the rule of law was abused,
and question of constitutional violation in the FPA/Rodney Sieh versus
Chris Toe case tells me how some on the Court are "pushing personal
agendas" or trying to legislate from the Court.
Philip Banks is not an astute judge and can only be a judge in Liberia.
Where is the Nigerian man's money? Ja'neh is a rebel and is also not
qualified to sit on the bench. I have not read in any news media any
creditworthy dissenting opinion from these two judges. They feel
because a group of Liberians filed a lawsuit so it's their constitutional
right to be heard. Stupid. Only in judicial matters should this be the case.
The decision by the Legislature to hold elections with Ebola measures
in place was not unconstitutional. Both Ja'Neh and Banks are agents
of Ellen Sirleaf. The names Laveli Supuwood, Emmanuel Bowier and
Blamo Nelson should have been a red flag. Selfish old men who have
been involved in Liberian politics for over 100 years with nothing to
show for it. They hoped their selfish political greed would have halted
the elections. They lost. They should all be fined for wasting the court's
time on their selfish political interests. Supreme Court opinions are based
on "Reasoned Judgment". Where is the "Reasoned Judgment" in Ja'neh
and Banks opinions? None. Zero. Ebola is not a constitutional matter.
People are so dumb.
Saintm75: You are very correct, and these are the characters Ellen put on
the Supreme Court. And the Senate helped to confirm them.
Yes, I forgot to mention the $500, 000.00 taken from the Nigerian man
at RIA. In court, Banks who was the Justice Minister could not produce
the money (evidence). Instead, Banks said he used the money to chase
down runaway prisoners who broke jail from the Zwedru Palace of
Corrections/jail. Newspapers reports including FPA had it that some
of the money supposedly went to putting up a fence around President
Sirleaf's house. At one point, President Sirleaf hinted that the Nigerian
man was said to be "a drug dealer and money launderer."
That Nigerian man is now an elected member of the Nigerian Parliament.
When Liberia was given a judgeship on the ECOWAS Court, the
Nigerian argued that Liberia does not deserve the seat on the Court if
Liberia refuses to abide the Court's decision to give him his money.
Hence, the Liberian taxpayers had to pay for the criminality of Philip
Banks. And now Banks sits on Liberia's Supreme Court. The curse on
Liberia takes many forms from the president who confessed to funding
our civil war that killed 250, 000 Liberians, to warlords who carried out
orgies of mass killings now in our Ligislature. But 99 days for rogue, and
one day for master.
In the end, the Liberian taxpayers paid back the Nigerian man's money
after he sued L I beria at the ECOWAS Court in Abuja, Nigeria.


The comments expressed here are those of our online readers and
bloggers and do no represent the views of FrontPageAfrica

The Reader's Page

Page 5

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The Editor,

f the NEC resorts to its old dirty games in supervising

yet another fraudulent elections as it did in 2005 and
2011, then it should be prepared for what follows from
supporters of the cheated candidates who will not accept
any cheating. Enough Is Enough
A well placed LANS news source in the NEC told my
authoritative Liberian African News Service, LANS that
the outcome in Saturday's senatorial race for Montserrado
County was already decided in favor Robert Sirleaf, and that
the exercises (elections) were simply a formality. He said the
Sirleaf camp had paid big bucks to NEC higherups to rig the
outcome in favor of Robert.
The source said if there is an overwhelming massive turnout
for CDC's George Weah, and threats and warning that the CDC
will reject any fraudulent outcome, that may perhaps sway the
NEC to change course.
When you put the puzzle together, it is not hard to figure
out why mom President Ellen Sirleaf went for the desperate
unconstitutional power-grab measure in imposing the dead-onarrival "Decree #65" disguised as Executive Order #65.
All the doubting "Thomases" need to ask themselves why did
mom President declare "there would be NO protests against
the announced results of the elections until 30 days after"
son Robert is declared winner and is sworn in as "Senator."
Hence, Decree #65 after Weah and the CDC put over 100,
000 supporters in the streets and brought life in Monrovia to
a standstill.
To upend this scheme by mom and son, CDC must DEMAND
the counting of all ballots at every polling station in the presence
of representatives of ALL contesting candidates, national and
international observers. It would be a fatal mistakeby CDC if
the NEC says its staff will count all ballots at its headquarters.
In the process of transporting the ballot boxes to the NEC
headquarters, then obviously the game is over and Robert
Sirleaf wins. Count all the votes at each voting station, and
CDC wins in a landslide.
The senatorial races are a referendum on the woeful failed
leaderdhip of President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf. We don't need a
Sirleaf Dynasty of Mother, Son and the rest of the Sirleaf Clan.
We have had enough suffering under mom president.
Meanwhile, LANS is now airing the hour long special
by National Public Radio (NPR) affiliate in New York
City, WNYC FM and reporters from Monrovia. The team
interviewed FrontPageAfrica's Rodney Sieh, Wade Williams
and Mae Azango. Topics range from Ebola to corruption,
injustice, lack of electricity and safe drinking water, the jailing
of R odney Sieh last year, the closing down of Phillibert
Brown's Chronicle newspapers and much more. All on LANS
news--518-556-1343. Then listen for my narrative at the end
of WNYC special.
Jerry Wehtee Wion,
Journalist and Political Commentator,
Washington, DC, USA.


The Editor,

am going to say this. I will take the consequences. I am

a patriotic Liberian first. The politics of lies, deceit and
sycophancy was defeated yesterday in Liberia, especially
in the race that pitted Robert Sirleaf against George
Weah. For those who did not have the courage to tell Robert A.
Sirleaf that he never had a prayer of winning in Montserrrado
County and his defeat would be stunning and embarrass his
mother and make her politically irrelevant are sociopaths who
only bleed Mrs. Sirleaf and do not love or cherish what she
has ascended to in Liberia. I voiced this out to members of
the President's own family and those closest to her, including
members of the executive. I knew and they should have known
that the anger, frustration and utter disgust the direction of the
administration were deep and it would take only major policy
reversals and a political offensive to change the narrative. I
cried and cried and no one listened.
They even tried to sully my hard earned reputation by lying
about my private life and even leaked the fact that someone did
me a favor on one occasion, as friends in powerful positions
should do for someone who's been there for 40 years, loyal
and truthful.
Six months after the inauguration of Madam Sirleaf to her
second term, I predicted the political bedlam existing in Liberia
today and warned anyone that would listen that the young
people of the country were alienated from the government
and that we should reconnect to that base for the sake of the
future. No one listened. My written communication are in the
records. Those who got it know it. They will read this post and
remember that I did so.
Now, for those who lied to Mr. Sirleaf and told him they could
win an election in Montserrado County against the most potent
political force here, in an environment of alienation, personal
hurts, anger and deep frustration and in an atmosphere amidst
deepening poverty are liars, sycophants and enemies to Mrs.
Sirleaf. I will tell her so personally, but I want them to see
this public post on Facebook to make them feel dirty, nasty
and scared. They are enemies of progress, against the wishes
of the Liberian people and are even dullards for conducting
a campaign of lies, deceit, paying people to wear t shirts,
trucking people to political rallies and making RAS believe
them. He should make his mom fire all of them from her
government and bring in some young vibrant and energetic
people from outside. This will never happen. Like the Rasputin
in Czarist Russia, my friend Ellen may be too far gone in the
direction they want her. When she is ready to change and go
in a different direction, we will be right here waiting for her,
the genuine friends she has deserted for the sycophants and
And so it goes.
Samuel Polypheus Jackson


Rodney D. Sieh, Managing Editor, 0886-738-666;

Wade C. L. Williams, News Desk Chief, wade.; 0880664793
Sports Editor, Danesius Marteh, danesius.marteh@, 0886236528
Henry Karmo, henry.karmo@frontpageafricaonline.
Al-varney Rogers
com, 0886-304498
Sports Reporter, A. Macaulay Sombai,macaulay., 077217428


Grand Bassa, Alpha Daffae Senkpeni, 0777432042
selma.lomax@, 0886-484666
Sinoe County, Leroy N.S Kanmoh, leroy.kanmoh@
Kadi Coleman Porte, 0886-304-178/ 0777832753, advertise@

Monday, December 22, 2014

Page 6 | Frontpage




Sweep in Sights for Weah

Monroviarovisional exit polls

from the 15 counties
in Liberia are showing
results with incumbent senators
looking shaky in their quest to
hold on to power.
Montserrado County Senatorial
Polls shows that former
soccer star George Weah of
the opposition Congress for
Democratic Change (CDC), is
leading what seems a landslide
against Independent Candidate
Robert A. Sirleaf, Liberty
Partys Benjamin Sanvee and
Dr. J. Christopher Z. Neyor,
former head of the National Oil
Company of Liberia.
With polling over in the
midterm special senatorial
election in all 15 counties,
incumbent senators are having
rocky path to maintain their
grip on power as Liberia most
populous Montserrado County
looks likely to award soccer
legend Weah his first elected
Four counties are so far
showing glaring signs of who
might get the one slot to the
Capitol come January 2015
while others are still having
ups and downs.
Montserrado looks sealed and
dusted for Weah, Grand Cape
Mount nearly done for Cllr.
Varney G.N.

Johnson topping in Nimba.

Provisional results indicate
that Weah is in wide lead at
nearly all polling places in
Montserrado County with
his main contender Robert A.
Sirleaf trailing far behind.
From the numbers the margin
between Weah and his nearest
rival Sirleaf looks highly
unlikely to overturn, meaning
Weah is certain of a legislative
seat after two successive
attempts proved unsuccessful.
Findley in Trouble
In Grand Bassa County where
the incumbent, Gbehzongar
Findley is the Senate pro Temp,
he appears loosing grip on his
lucrative post with the Liberty
Party of Jonathan Kaipay
taking an early lead.
Incumbent Senator, Findley
voted at the administration
many other voters had already
gathered to exercise their
franchise. Findley was upbeat
about the process and told
reporters that hes optimistic
about claiming a victory at the
end of the competition.
Said Sen. Findley: Senators
development, all the roads, all
the lights, all the clinics, all
the schools that we have today,
the senators have been very
instrumental in getting what
we have today.

However he admitted that

there are some odds against the
incumbents in these elections:
All is not well but weve seen
tremendous improvement, the
Independent candidate noted.
Results from the populous
Buchanan and fewer districts
indicate that Kaipay is inching
towards victory.
In Grand Cape Mount County,
the Chairman of the ruling
Unity Party Cllr. Varney G.N.
Sherman looks certain of
victory with provisional results
from polling centers putting
him ahead of his nearest rival,
Dr. FodayKromah.
Nearby Bomi appears to be
leaning towards incumbent
Senator Lahai G. Lassana who
is in an early lead followed
by Morris G. Saytumah of the
ruling Unity Party.
Jewel in Good Shape
In Bong County, incumbent
Jewel H. Taylor is performing
well with Dr. Henrique Tokpah
putting up a good fight followed
by Ranney B. Jackson.
At 7: 30 pm, supporters
of Howard-Taylor in their
thousands, trooped to the
streets of Gbarnga and other
towns in celebration, even as
counting was still in progress
and the National Elections
Commission (NEC) yet to
come out with final result.
The jubilant supporters took

to the streets, shouting "Jewel,

Jewel", while some youths
who rode their motorcycles
dangerously, kept shouting
nickname) as results from
Gbarnga and other districts
were announced by Presiding
Officers at the different polling
centers, with Howard-Taylor
leading with wide margin.
Results from Salala, Totota and
Sanoyea in lower Bong County
indicated that Tokpa lost to
Howard-Taylor. At the polling
center in Totota, a cumulative
number from six precinct
centers, Howard-Taylor scored
433, while Tokpa scored 237.
A cumulative number of votes
from six precincts centers
In Salala, Howard-Taylor
obtained 527 followed by
Tokpa with 114.
In Gbarnga, Senator Taylor
scored 925 from eight precinct
centers, while Dr. Tokpa scored
236. However, Tokpa beat
Senator Taylor and Ranney
Jackson in Meleke, electoral
district three by scoring 88
votes, Howard-Taylor 44,
while Jackson came a distance
third with 10 votes.
In Tokpas native district of
Suakoko, the NPP scored 348
votes, Tokpa 156 votes while
Jackson scored 58.
Heavy presence of security

In Lofa County, Independent
candidate Alhaji G. V. Kromah
is doing well with Stephen
Zargo of the Liberty Party
and incumbent Sumo Kupee
putting up a fight so far.
In Grand Kru County,
provisional results are not forth
coming along with Rivercess
for now.
In Margibi County, Ansu D.
Sonii of the Congress for
Democratic Change, Richard
Saah Gbollie and Womba J.
Tornonlah are running neck to
Wesseh Looking Strong in
River Gee
Conmany Wesseh looks in
good shape from provisional
results in River Gee County
Capital, Fish Town.
How is Weah Doing It?
In Central Monrovia, Weah has
already proven his supremacy
as he leads in the West Point,
PHP (Public Hand Pump),
Capitol Bye-pass and New Kru
Town communities.
Weah who has a huge following
among the youths voted at the
Kendeja Public School not too
far from his residence in the
Rehab community.

presence of security provided
by several security agencies,
during the election, the county
witnessed a peaceful election
as voters trooped out to cast
their votes for their choice
candidate who will serve the
county for the next nine years.
At most places visited in
electoral districts one and
two, election materials arrived
at polling centers as early as
6:45am as accreditation of
voters started immediately
while voting commenced at
exactly 8.00am.
Though, other materials got to
most polling centers early in
Gbarnga, the county capital, the
ballot papers got late to Handi
and Bong Mines in Fuamah
district areas due to reasons
that had not been explained as
at the time of filling this report.
Neck and Neck in Sinoe
In Sinoe County with few
provisional results in, Mobutu
Nyenpan and Milton Teahjay
are the two main candidates
running neck to neck.
In Maryland county things
are not looking good for
incumbent John Ballout as few
centers at the main high school,
Pleebo High School, populated
New Kru Town Community
and other places showing good
sign for candidate Gbleh-bo J.

Though there were no

buckets to wash his hands
or thermometer to check his
temperature, Weah voted in
Liberias Special Senatorial
Elections in the morning. The
former football star who is
running for the third time for an
elected position told journalists
that this time he is sure to win,
if not cheated. He seemed
pleased with the conduct of the
elections so far.
It was a smooth process;
directed well and I voted and
so Im happy, he said.
I have never been defeated;
Ive always been robbed of my
legitimate right. But this time
around, we hope that it will
be free and transparent and
Weah is among hundreds of
candidates taking part in the
election nationwide.
At the G. W. Gibson Public
School Weah swept the
polls with 492 votes while
Sirleaf could only afford to
accumulate a total of 79 votes.
At the Newport Jr. and Sr.
High School where Sirleaf cast
his vote on Saturday morning,
Weah swept with 560 votes,
while Sirleaf got 106 votes.
In what the Sirleaf camp has
claimed as its territory, the
PHP (Public Hand Pump)
community and where the
camp headquarters was based,
Weah flogged the son of
President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf
massively with a total of 304
votes to 58 votes.
In West Point where the Sirleaf
camp has argued that it was
no mans land, Sirleaf was
badly defeated by Weah who
proved that the area is indeed
his territory. At the Liberia
Electricity Corporation Poling
Center in West Point, Weah
clinched 970 Votes while
Sirleaf could only grab 93

Monday, December 22, 2014


Page 7

votes. These results are all

provisional results based on
exit polls.
Candidates like the Liberty
Party candidate Benjamin
Sanvee and Christopher Neyor
are now racing for third and
fourth place. But the rest of
the others including Miatta
Fahnbulleh, seem to have been
given a technical knockout
by the people of Montserrado
Polling challenges
Starting polling activities on
time in Montserrado County
was a serious challenge
for the National Elections
activities in some quarters
started as late as 10:00 am two
hours after the promised 8:00
At the Kenedja
center in Paynesville where
Ambassador George
In the early hours of the voting
process, Liberians who spoke
to FrontPageAfrica criticized
the delay by the NEC and
termed it a clever attempt to
deny them the opportunity to
vote for the candidate of their
choice, yet these voters were
determined to cast their vote at
all cost.
We will be here today until
we cast our vote; if they like let
them start 6:00pm, said James
Bayogar. But we will remain
here and ensure that we vote
for our candidate. We know
their tactics, it is to delay us
and discourage us.
Bayogar said though he had to
work, because of the delay, he
would risk going to work late,
even if it meant losing his job.
Ebola preventive measures
Contrary to promises made by
the NEC to adhere to Ebola
safety measures and keep
voters three feet apart, in some
areas people were queued
up like sardines in a can.
The health authorities failed
to provide buckets for hand
washing at many centers in
Montserrado County.
Prior to the start of voting
Nyenswah Assistance Health
Minister for Curative Services,
visited the Kendeja Public

School and noticed that

buckets were missing for hand
washing or Thermometers to
check voters temperatures.
Nyenswah said though there
was a delay in the placement
of the materials he promised
to make them available. We
have about 1000 thermometers
that we are giving to various
polling centers.
Minister Nyenswah urged,
voters to follow the health rules
by keeping three feet apart
while standing in the queue.
There have been serious
concerns raised by some
Liberians, political parties
about the risk in conducting
election in this Ebola period.
Many have called for the
election to be postponed
but the constitutionality of
postponement of the election
seems to have pushed the
government to go ahead with
election despite the risk of
spreading the deadly virus.
Sirleaf votes
Independent candidate Sirleaf
was among the first voters

at the Newport Junior High

School to cast his vote.
Sirleaf who is usually dressed
casually was seen in a black
business suit some say he
was practicing wearing the
senatorial attire. Voter turnout
in Central Monrovia was
At the S.t Peter Lutheran
High School Rep. Munah
Youngblood of the CDC
said she was satisfied with
the conduct of the process.
Youngblood said that during
her visit to other centers, she
observed at the Bright Stone
Academy that the number of
ballot boxes were less than the
number of precincts.
unprecedented actions on
Election Day, many stayed
outside of the voting centers for
hours and refused to go home.
Voters told FrontPageAfrica
that they were making sure
that the elections were not
overturned. For them they had
voted and were going to remain
outside of the centers until
the exit polls are posted. The
election was fairly peaceful,
though there were minor
skirmishes and suspicion of
irregularities, which were
immediately brought under
control. The Weah camp is
already celebrating as the
county awaits the NEC to
officially announce the results.
For the people of Montserrado
the victory is won, they have
spoken and they can now
Kaipay Calls For NECs
Voters turned out slowly at
various polling places in Grand
Bassa County in an election
for the countys senator and
reports from across the county
suggested that many voters
were preparing to cast their
ballots just before the end of
voting at 6pm today.
In electoral district three, the
countys largest, voters were

showing apathy as NEC staff

attended to very few voters
per an hour. On Compound
Three, the countys second
most populated settlement, one
voter casted a vote and it could
take almost 30 minutes before
another. Journalists in the area
reported that mostly women
showed interest.
I came to vote because I
want change in Grand Bassa,
Mary Doegbar, a resident of
Compound Three said. I want
to see that the roads in this
county are fixed; good clinics
and school for our children to
go to, she added.
Another woman, who had just
voted displayed her voting card
to a group of reporters and said
she walked for over 15 minutes
to ensure that her voice is
heard through the casting of
her ballot.
Grand Bassa want to see more
development and unity among
the leaders in this county so
that we can have a better future
for our children, thats why I
came to vote today, She said.
For Buchanan, the process
was mildly impressive with
observes hoping that the turnout
improved by the evening. One
poll watcher said that turnout
was slow but he was happy
that the process was going
smoothly. At the ACFI polling
center where six polling centers
were, there were absolutely no
voter in the queue after 6PM.
An observer told FrontPage
Africa that out of the 665
persons who registered at the
polling place where he was
assigned, less than 150 persons
turnout. It appeared to be the
same at the Bassa High and
the administrative Building
precincts. These precincts,
in past elections recorded
impressive turnout unlike
Saturday, when voter apathy
seem high.
Just outside Buchanan, Big Joe
Town - where the Liberty Party
candidate casted his ballot, the
turnout was slow and those
who showed up seemed excited

about the process.

John Payne, Principal of the
towns junior high school
said: Im pleased to vote for
my choice thats why I came.
Im voting because I want
somebody to lead us, I stood
around and heard people saying
they will not vote because
they are frustrated with the
governments work but for me
Ill turned out to vote, he said.
Meanwhile, at some polling
places in the county there were
lapses in the Ebola preventive
measures policy by NEC. The
commission claimed it could
had enforce during the election.
Thermo flashes were not seen
and voter were only allow to
wash their hand before voting.
Wants Honesty


For his main challenger,

Jonathan Kaipay of the Liberty
Party, he casted his ballot at
the Big Town Precinct, just
outside Buchanan City. Kaipay
described the day as good
for the people of Liberia
and praised the process that
did not experience any form
of violence and noted that
together Liberians can have a
very free, fair and democratic
Commenting on the slow
turnout across the county,
he said: You know these
elections are being marked by
several activates that could
affect the voter turnout. As you
may know, the Ebola situation
and then several postponement
based upon the supreme court
stay order.
Despite the slow turn out.
Kaipay remained optimistic
that voters showed up at the
end of the day: By and large,
I hope our people will turnout
and we are sure good number
will turnout and by the end
of the day we will have more
persons participating.
Meanwhile, the Liberty Party
candidate cautioned NEC

especially when there were

Election Day alleging that
some candidates were buying
voters card and recording the
serial number.
I want to call on the NEC to
be very steady in the process,
to be very strong intense
of wanting a free, fair and
transparent election, Kaipay
told FrontPage Africa at the
Big Town polling centers,
where he claims he has voted
for the past elections.
There are elements that we
are noticing; we hope those
problems will be solved as
soon as possible. We want to
tell them that we hope and pray
if we should maintain the peace
in this country and of course the
election commission should be
very careful and honest in the
The Liberty Party candidate
revealed that his party has
deployed poll watchers all over
the county at every precinct
but was quick to admit to
some challenges like bad road
NEC recently announced
that it received numerous
campaign irregularities from
aspirants as well as private
citizens.Cllr. Jerome Kokoya,
the Commission chairman
said the violations were
occurring during the electoral
process, noting that some of
the complaints were criminal
in nature. The Commissioner
also indicating that those
complaints that are admissible
are being investigated by
Committee while those with
elements of criminality are
referred to the Liberian
National Police.
However, Chairman Korkoyah
said NEC will not hesitate to
apply the law to anyone found
violating the election law, as in
chapter 10 of the New Elections
law of 1986, no matter who is

Monday, December 22, 2014

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Monday, December 22, 2014


Page 9

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Monday, December 22, 2014





CBL Executive Governor Mills Jones Assures Staffers

Governor of the
of Liberia says
the CBL will not bow or
be moved by unnecessary
criticisms once the bank
continues to carryout things
that are in the interest of the
Liberian people.
Speaking Friday at a wellattended Christmas Party
organized by the bank,
Dr. J. Mills Jones told the
gathering that for too long
Liberians have muddle and
thus everyone must now put
their minds towards making
Liberia a great country.
The answer to the question
of development is not in any
book. Its in your hands.
You are sitting down here
and others think outside the
books. Look for solutions.
Dont just come up with
the problem is you have
it within your capacity to
solve problems, he said.
Governor Jones said while
help is needed, Liberians
must be confident to raise
themselves up.
But if we continue to stretch
our hands, the helping hand,
we will always be the beggar.
And begging has never
raised a nation up. Dont let
anybody fool you. Nations
rise because nations work.
Nations rise because nations
are productive. This is what
makes a great nation, he
told the gathering.

Stephen D. Kollie, 0776329124

CBL Executive Governor Dr. J. Mills Jones speaking to staffers

Some CBL Deputy and Assistant Directors

Mr. Michale B. Ogun, Deputy CBL Director/Supervision

L- R Deputy
CBL Governor for Economic policy Boima S. Kamara, Mrs. D Sheba

Brown, Director of Admin and Mr. Michael B. Ogun, Deputy Director of supervision

L-R Deputy Governor Charles Sirleaf, Dr. J. Mills Jones, Deputy Governor Boima Kamara

Mr. Elijah F. Chilar, Assistant CBL Director/HR

Vivian Kawreh and others sing at the party

Mrs. D Sheba Brown, Director of Administration

Crusaders for Peace Band performs at the occasion

Monday, December 22, 2014


Govern Jones presents the Executive Governors award to staff of the Executive Governor office

Page 11

CBL Directors

Vivian Kawreh, CBL Accountant

Deputy CBL Governor for Operations Charles Sirleaf

makes phone call at the party

Mrs. D Sheba Brown, Director of Administration

Page 12 | Frontpage

Tubmanburg, Bomi Countyiberians are voting in

marred with a lot
of controversy, low
turnout and a few incidents
forcing some voters to turn away
from voting.
At the main University of Liberia
campus, polls opened at 8:30,
thirty minutes later than polls
should have been opened.
Some polling stations are
regulations that temperatures
above 38 degrees will not be
allowed in voting booths, others
were turning away voters still
bearing voter Identification
cards from the 2005 general
elections the National Elections
Commission say has expired.
In Bomi County, polling
commenced peacefully in Bomi
County where over 58,000
electorates are expected to
elect one candidate out of 10
contestants at 150 polling places
and 76 precincts.
From interviews with crosssection of people, incumbent
LahaiLassana looks like a
likely favorite with Morris G.
Saytumah of the ruling Unity
Party said to be another main
contender even though other
candidates who might not have
garnered huge crowd during
the campaign period could do
something special.
Lassana who climaxed his
campaign in Tubmanburg on
Friday departed early morning
for Gbah to cast his ballot while
Saytumah is also expected to
cast his ballot in his home town.
As early as 6:30 am workers
from the National Elections
arranging and getting the Vai
Town Cinema Voting Precinct in
Central Tubmanburg ready for
Tubmanburg and immediate
environs all show poor turnout
with only the Vai Town Cinema
Voting Precinct showing little
light of as fewer people were
turning out to vote.
The C.H. Dewey High School
polling Center was virtually
empty with one voter turning out
every 10 to 15 minutes, while



Monday, December 22, 2014


In Liberia Senatorial Elections, Ebola Precautions

Stephen D. Kollie, Mae Azango

the Court House, Moses Vincent

Compound was also recording
low turnout.
Ebola preventive measures
pronounced by the National
Elections Commission including
temperature check, buckets
for washing hands and voters
standing three feet apart were
all in place with officers from
the Liberia National Police
and the Bureau of Immigration
and Naturalization providing
security and ensuring that voters
adhere to the measures.

At the Vai Town Cinema Voting

Precinct, Fatu M. Sheriff,
19 was the first to put in the
ballot at the center and she told
FrontPageAfrica she was happy
to vote in her first ever election.
Today is my first time voting
and I feel happy because we are
about get somebody that will
help us get good school, said
She said after polling she was
going to serve as an observer
for the Congress for Democratic
Change senatorial candidate.

Ammie Tucker, 42, a Coordinator

for the Ministry of Gender and
Development in Bomi County
was also happy to cast her ballot.
This election was necessary
because, we have to get our
leaders. Ebola has reduced so,
we needed this election, Ammie
Titih M. Clarke, 58 said she put
her trust in God that the election
will go well.
I finish voting and now I just
trusting God that no confusion
will come out. I happy to vote

today, God will help us get

somebody good to help our
county, she said.
Construction worker wanted to
beat the afternoon rush as he
turned out early cast his vote.
At least I finish doing my own, I
going wait to hear the result, you
see our road bad, we really want
God to give somebody that will
fix our road, Massah said.
All on Course
Dressed in a white T-shirt and a
blue jeans trouser, Stanislaus N.

Wesseh, Elections Commission

Magistrate in Bomi County
has had restless time since
Saturday morning, moving from
one polling center to another
to ensure that all is well for
electorates and poll workers.
He told FrontPageAfrica that the
2014 special senatorial election
is a very challenging exercise
considering the many Ebola
preventive measures put in place
to safeguard the public.
We started the process since
five AM this morning. We have
deployed our poll workers all
around and the process is going
on right now, he said.
He said about seven hundred
and seventy five poll workers
have been deployed at the one
hundred fifty polling places in
the seventy-six polling precincts
across the county.
Wesseh told FPA that the
commission prior to
conduct of the election, received
complaints of election violence
between supporters of Unity
Party candidate Morris Saytumah
and t incumbent Senator Lahai
Lassana when both sides had
clashes during last minutes
campaign rallies.
He said the commission did not
do further investigation into the
matter because both candidates
refused to adhere to regulations
from the Commission after they
failed to present their campaign
We told them to do something
that they did not do. So when
they brought the complaints,
we told them to go to the police.
Because we wanted to get the
campaign activities dates but all
of them failed, he noted.


Henry Karmo (0886522495)

Monroviawo election monitoring

Economic Community
States (ECOWAS) in Liberia
have declared Liberia special
senatorial election as free, fair,
and transparent despite what
they described as few absolute
insignificant challenges.
At a Press conference the
ECOWAS election monitoring

team in Liberia said among

many things they observed the
absence of logistics to deliver
polling materials, delays in
absence of security officers, and
the non-compliance to Ebola
protective measures, amongst
The ECOWAS observers also
said, after closely monitoring the
preparations and conduct of the
20th December, 2014 Special

Senatorial Election in Liberia,

and after a careful review of the
reports and feedbacks from the
observers deployed in Monrovia
it observed several challenges
some of which include; absence
of enthusiasm and very low
turnout of voters at the opening
of the polling stations and
throughout the voting centers
across the county; the absence
of adequate logistics such as
suitable tables and chairs for

electoral officials in some of

the polling centers; and delay
in the commencement of voting
as scheduled due to absence of
monitoring team said they also
observed the absence of security
officers in a number of voting
precincts, and more particularly
in some more sensitive areas.
The noncompliance with health
protocols relating to prevention
of EVD in some of the polling
centers and the non-display of
registered voters list in some of
the polling Centers were some
of the challenges outlined by the
Despite the faults, the monitoring
Team at a press conference
in Congo Town said; the easy
location of polling stations;
adequate guidelines on measures
put in place to prevent the spread
of Ebola Virus Disease (EVD)
as contained in the booklet, the
meticulous, transparently and
professionally voting process
carried out by the electoral
officials was welcoming.
A.J OueDraogo head of

the ECOWAS Observation

Mission said election officials
knowledge of their roles, and
in the effective presence of
political parties and independent
candidates agents, and that the
positioning of the polling booths
guaranteed the secrecy of the
The presence of the media in
some of the polling stations give
credence to the election in most
polling stations visited, almost
all eligible voters who wished
to do so freely exercised their
franchise. There were no visible
queues thereafter, allowing polls
to close at the official time of
18:00 Hrs. The reconciliation
of the ballot, the sorting of
ballot papers and counting at the
polling stations observed by the
ECOWAS EOM were carried,
stated the Observers.
In light of the preceding
observations and analysis, the
ECOWAS Observer Mission
to the 2014 Special Senatorial
Election in Liberia, arrived
at the following preliminary
conclusions that the insignificant
shortcomings did not prevent the

free expression by the citizens

of their right to vote. Therefore,
the Mission considered that the
Special Senatorial elections of
20th December, 2014, proceeded
in the acceptable atmosphere
of free, fair, credible and
transparent ECOWAS said.
The ECOWAS Mission urges
the NEC to announce the
provisional results within the
stipulated time limit to make all
the stakeholders to abstain from
speculating on unofficial results
or declaring them as such.
Based on the challenges
identified in the electoral
process, the ECOWAS EOM
wishes to make the following
recommendations: NEC; that
NEC should ensure continuous
training of Electoral officials and
Party Agents as well as initiate
civic education campaigns for
the populations in cooperation
with the Civil Society; provide
adequate logistical preparation
and structure for the upcoming
general elections; To ensure that
security officials play their role
during the electoral process,
especially of preventing crisis at
the level of the voting precinct,

Monday, December 22, 2014




Page 13

UNs Moon Pledge to Help Liberia in This Time of Need
he United Nations
says the world body is
committed to standing
with Liberia in the face of the
threat against the Ebola virus
disease. We will be with you
until this outbreak is under
control and the country has
recovered, he said.
According to an Executive
Mansion release, Mr. Ban Kimoon made the statement during
a joint press stakeout with
President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf
in the foyer of the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs following a
meeting. Mr. Ban, at the head of
an 18-member delegation, was in
Liberia on the first-leg of a visit
to the three worst affected Ebola
Im here to demonstrate our
strong partnership, solidarity
and assurance of support for
the people and government of
Liberia in addressing this Ebola
outbreak, the UN Secretary
General emphasized.
He also took the opportunity
to express his great admiration
and respect for the thousands
of national and international
responders who are making
lifesaving contributions in the
frontlines including the United
States which have sent so many
of its civilian and military
personnel to join the fight against
the Ebola outbreak. The United
States and many other countries,
and civil societies, their
commitment and compassion are
truly inspiring.
Mr. Ban expressed cautious
optimism that this terrible disease
will be defeated considering the

Commission on Higher Education Director General long Corruption tale

fact that the virus is slowing down

in Liberia, and paid tribute to
the dedication and commitment
of all Liberians. However, he
warned that now is not the time
to let the guard down because
one case of Ebola can trigger
an epidemic and committed the
United Nations to supporting all
affected communities to contain
the Ebola virus disease.
Looking forward, the Secretary
General said though the number
of cases is still high, there
was a need to be more robust
with contact tracing, greater

preparedness at the district level;

while the promising results that
Liberia has experienced must be
shared regionally to avoid the
risk of re-transmission.
The UN Secretary General
praised the Liberian leader for her
strong leadership, commitment
and vision as she addresses the
Ebola virus disease, adding,
This requires a political will
and leadership and the United
Nations is ready to fully support
and work with you. he assured
President Sirleaf.
He noted that since the long time

socio-economic impact is likely
to be significant, its not too soon
to begin work on recovery for
tomorrow. We must scale up
our effort to re-establish basic
social services, strengthen health
services, support economic
activity and build the countrys
resilience, Mr. Ban stressed,
pledging the UNs assistance to
the Liberian Government and
people to build a society more
resilient and stronger.
Mr. Ban underscored that the
engagement of the international
community behind the Ebola

affected countries has been

tremendous and appealed to
the international community to
stay engaged. I appeal to all
stakeholders to work together
to preserve Liberias hard won
peace, he urged.
Commenting on the Special
Senatorial Elections, the third
since the end of the civil war, the
UN Secretary General said these
elections will give Liberians an
opportunity to show the world
how far theyve come; urging
all Liberians to ensure that these
elections are peaceful and at
the same time follow the public
health guidelines to protect
themselves against Ebola.
Earlier, President Sirleaf, on
behalf of the Liberian people,
welcomed Mr. Ban and his
delegation to the country. He first
visited here in March 2013.
She recognized the global
exhibited since his tenure as UN
Secretary General especially that
leadership role at the onset of the
Ebola crisis, its effect on Liberia
and how he brought the global
leadership together to respond
in such a manner that today the
country has made remarkable
President Sirleaf also recognized
the presence of the DirectorGeneral of the World Health


Woewiyu Release From US Prison Ruffling Feathers

former Liberian
defense minister in Charles
Taylors National Patriotic
Front leadership has been

released from custody in the

United States of America.
U.S. authorities had declared
Woewiyou a flight risk and
denied bail suggesting that he
was a flight risk.
Woewiyou was booked in

May by U.S. Immigration and

Customs Enforcement and
Federal Bureau of Investigation
agents at Newark Airport on
his return from Liberia and
charged him with lying on
his citizenship application by

failing to disclose his alleged

affiliation with a violent
political group in Liberia.
Woewiyu served as defense
minister in Charles Taylors
former rebel National Patriotic
Front of Liberia (NPFL),
during that countrys civil
war. His immigration lawyer,
Raymond Baasso, had argued
that Woewiyou amended his
citizenship application to
include his participation in the
Taylor regime.
Basso said he was confident
his client would be exonerated
because, although he made a
misrepresentation in his first
citizenship application, it
was later modified to include
Woewiyus participation in the
Taylor regime.
U.S. prosecutors insisted that
the case is an immigration
issue based on Woewiyus
non-disclosures under oath
regarding his background.
According to prosecutors, one
of the requirements was that
he names all the organizations
that hes been in, political
organizations, and Woewiyou
did not report that he was
a member of the National
Patriotic Front of Liberia.
prosecutors checked No
when asked in his application
whether he had ever advocated,
either directly or indirectly, the
overthrow of a government by

force or violence.
Another question was whether
he had either directly or
indirectly persecuted any
group for a number of reasons,
including political opinion and
social affiliation and he said
No to that.
Woewiyu pleaded not guilty
at his detention hearing to all
counts against him, including
perjury and four counts of
fraudulent misrepresentation in
immigration applications.
In recent days, mounting
speculations have surfaced in
Monrovia that Woewiyous
releases was tied to a deal in
which he had agreed to serve
as a witness against other
members of the Association for
Constitutional Democracy in
Liberia(ACDL) in the United
A source in the U.S. District
Attorney office in Philadelphia
recently declined to confirm
or deny whether Woewiyou
had in fact struck a deal
with U.S. authorities, when
FrontPageAfrica made an
inquiry, stating instead that the
case was a rather complicated
The U.S. indictment of Mr.
Woewiyu comes just two
years after former President
Charles Taylor was convicted
by an international tribunal
for aiding and abetting rebels
who committed war crimes
and crimes against humanity in
neighboring Sierra Leone and
sentenced to 50 years in prison.

Margaret Chan, a part of the UN

Secretary-Generals delegation,
and how she has worked with
the Liberian Government in
bringing the quick response that
the country needed.
It was slow in the beginning,
the Liberian leader admitted,
but it came under the SecretaryGenerals leadership and under
hers [Dr. Chan] with full force
that has enabled us to be where
we are. She thanked bilateral
and multilateral partners, other
United Nations and NonGovernmental
particularly the UN Secretary
General who brought these
groupings together to enable
Liberia make the tremendous
progress it has made in the fight
against the Ebola virus disease.
While in Liberia, the UN
Secretary General participated
in an Incident Management
System (IMS) meeting at the
Monrovia City Hall. He later
met with United Nations staff
at the UN Mission in Liberia
headquarters at the Pan African
Plaza and later visited the 25-bed
field hospital intended to treat
healthcare workers affected by
Ebola in Charlesville, Margibi
County. He later departed
Roberts International Airport for
Freetown, Sierra Leone on the
second-leg of his three nation

Taylor was convicted n all

11 charges in the indictment,
including terror, murder, rape
and conscripting child soldiers.
Shortly after U.S. authorities
also sought and won the
deportation of George Boley,
formerly of the rebel group, the
Liberia Peace Council.
The U.S. unsealed indictment
makes note of the ACDL whose
members include President
Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, Dr.
Amos Sawyer, former head
of the Interim Government of
National Unity(IGNU), Dr.
Patrick L.N. Seyon, a former
Vice President of the University
of Liberia and research fellow
at the African Studies Center,
Boston University, Ezekiel
Pajibo, a former students
activist, Dr. Momo Rogers,
Director General of the Sirleaf
Cabinet, Mr. Harry A. Greaves,
former Managing Director of
the Liberia Petroleum Refining
Company(LPRC) and the late
Mamadee Woahtee.
The indictment states: While
residing in the United States,
formed the Association for
organization that advocated
against the Doe regime.
Defendant Woewiyu, also
along with its leader, Charles
Taylor and others, founded
the National Patriotic Front
of Liberia(NPFL), a military
organization committed to
the violent overthrow of the
Doe government. The ACDL
supported the NPFL and raised
funds for the group.

Page 14 | Frontpage



Monday, December 22, 2014


Medical Students And Faculty Decry

Monrovia -

at the Country
only run Medical
College is calling
on the Liberian Government and
the University of Liberia (UL)
Administration to settle their
stipends owed them for the past
eight months.
The A.M Dogloitti students,
represented by their leaders,
K. Mugabe Pojah, student
representative to the UL Faculty
Senate, and Gassimu Kaba,
a third year medical student
president, said they are currently
facing serious problems as the
stipend have not been paid for

eight months.
According to the student
catching hell since the
government promised to allot
US$200 to each student of
both Colleges of Medicine
and Pharmacy to be received
The student representatives said
they had also been promised
tuition waiver scholarships for
the years they are in school.
These, too, however, were
not forthcoming.
They told
the front page Africa that the
governments intent is to support
them so that upon completion of
their medical studies they would,

in turn, serve the health sector.

However, the students said this
process, though it began well
as they were regularly receiving
said stipend, it has turned
disastrous over the past eight
months, as we hardly receive
any amount from the Fiscal
Affairs office of the University
of Liberia.
When this stipend payment
was renewed by President Ellen
Johnson Sirleaf, we received
US$200 each. But after a few
months, complaint came from
Fiscal Affairs office that they
were not receiving money from
the government and so they have
to go into an undergraduate

account to pay us L$16,000,
which did not match the
equivalent value of the US$200,
Mugabe added.
The student representatives said
they were issued checks at one
point in time, and were obliged to
go to the bank where they found
it difficult to cash the checks.
instances, the student leaders
stressed that they hardly
receive any money from the UL
authority, which usually tells
them that the government has not
approved their money in the
fiscal budget.
approaches, the two medical

students lamented, their families

depend on them to provide the
necessary support. However, as
people without jobs, due to the
full-time nature of their
studies, they are financially
stranded, thus relying only on
what government gives them as
to the government and UL
Administration to exert every
effort to pay at least three out
of the eight months for now, so
that we too may be able to enjoy
the Season with our
Mr. Gassimu Kaba specifically
noted that students at the
Medical college are Liberians,
and will always be here to help
the government, It will send a
bad signal to those who want to
enter the Medical
field, because if they hear of the
sufferings we are encountering,
they will surely divert to other
areas of study and abandon the
field that is so cardinal to the
survival of Liberians.
through several speakers at
University graduation has called
on Liberians to study sciences
as the country currently has too
many business graduates.
We need Liberians to study
the Sciences and avoid the
business course, this country
need graduates of sciences,
mainly Biology, Chemistry, or
physics, most Liberian students
are swaying away from
the sciences because they dont
want to put in time to studies
President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf
on one of the UL Graduation.
When contacted, the Dean of
the Medical College, Dr. Vuyu
K. Golakai, confirmed that the
students stipend had not been

forth coming, because the

government has not given the
University of Liberia any
He said the faculty and staff of
the institution have not been paid
for the past three months because
of the same reason.
"All we do is to plead with
this government to provide the
students and faculty their money
because the festive season
is nearer, they too have their
families. The Dean noted.
President Sirleaf said the number
of graduates coming out in
sociology, political science is a
good sign: Our message to them
now is: if we're going to support
a scholarship programme and
provide subsidies, they have
to go into areas that have been
neglected. Most of the mining
concessions are now giving
scholarships to people to study
agriculture concessions are
giving scholarships to study
Sirleaf said the shift is starting,
by her governments action of
giving support to those who
will study those disciplines.
We have a lot of foreign
scholarships, and in those
areas we are stressing medical
doctors, engineers, scientists.
It will take a while. And then
there is the challenge what do
we do with all of those political
science graduates, sociology
graduates? We're encouraging
some to be retrained, using the
basic education that they have,
but shifting to a more specialized
area that will enable them to


TOP 7,000

CONAKRY, Guinea (AP)

he worst Ebola outbreak on record has now killed more than
7,000 people, with many of the latest deaths reported in
Sierra Leone, the World Health Organization said as United
Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon continued his tour
of Ebola-affected countries in West Africa on Saturday.
The three countries hit hardest by Ebola have now recorded 7,373
deaths, up from 6,900 on Wednesday, according to WHO figures
posted online late Friday. A total of 392 of the new deaths were in
Sierra Leone, where Ebola is spreading the fastest.
The new totals include confirmed, probable and suspected Ebola
deaths. The WHO says there have also been six Ebola deaths in Mali,
eight in Nigeria and one in the United States.
The total number of cases in Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia now
stands at 19,031, up from 18,569.
Ban arrived in Guinea, where the outbreak's first cases were confirmed
back in March, on Saturday after touring Liberia and Sierra Leone
on Friday. After meeting with President Alpha Conde, he expressed
concern about the situation in the country's southeast forest region,
where he said the number of infected people "seems to continue to
grow." The region borders Liberia, Sierra Leone and Ivory Coast, and
Ban called for cross-border collaboration to bring the disease under
He urged all Guineans to commit themselves to eradicating Ebola,
saying that the U.N. and its partners "are there to help you."
"It has never been so important to work together," he said.
Guinea has recorded 2,453 Ebola deaths and 1,550 cases, according to
the WHO. This past week, officials in Conakry, the capital, announced
a ban on New Year's Eve celebrations such as fireworks displays and
beach gatherings in a bid to curtail transmission.
Ban was expected to travel to Mali Saturday evening.

CONAKRY (Reuters) .N.

SecretaryGeneral Ban Kimoon on Saturday
affected by the Ebola virus to
avoid discriminating against
healthcare workers fighting to
end the disease.
Ban was speaking in Guinea
on the second day of a whistle-

stop tour aimed at thanking

healthcare workers of the
countries at the heart of the
According to the latest World
Health Organization figures,
7,373 people have died of
Ebola in the three worstaffected countries, Liberia,
Sierra Leone and Guinea.
Ban's tour began in Liberia and

Sierra Leone on Friday and

will end later on Saturday in
Ghana, site of the U.N. Ebola
response mission (UNMEER),
after a visit to Mali.
discrimination for those who
have been working or helping
with Ebola. Those people are
giving all of themselves," Ban
told U.N. officials in Conakry.

His comments follow a meeting

on Friday in which Rebecca
Johnson, a Sierra Leonean
nurse who caught the virus,
recounted how she fell gravely
ill, recovered and is now back
treating Ebola patients.
Ban said he was moved by
Johnson's story that she still
faced a stigma as a survivor.
UNMEER is a short-term
mission and Ban said he hoped
its work would be done in a
year from its formation last
UNMEER set an initial
December 1 target of getting
70 percent of Ebola patients
in treatment and 70 percent of
bodies safely buried.
"My intention is not to keep
UNMEER longer than one
year. If that isn't the case,
people will regard it as a
failure," Ban said.
The number of new cases is
slowing in Guinea and Liberia
but Sierra Leone launched a
campaign around the capital
this week to bring a rapid
increase in transmissions there
under control.

Monday, December 22, 2014




Page 15

Environmental Specialist
2 Years Term Appointment
Location: Monrovia, Liberia

iberians have been
cautioned to eschew
elections violence to
the peace and stability of the
country. The call was made by
church pastor of New Water in
the Desert Assembly when he
spoke at the December 17th,
2014 3rd Intercessory Worship
service of the local church
during this month of December
to praise God for His healing
mercy on Liberia. Rev. Dr.
Kortu K. Brown, who is also
general overseer of the Apostolic
warned Liberians to remember
that peace is priceless;
therefore nothing should be done
to undermine the peace, adding
violence is not the answer to
the myriad of challenges facing
the country.
Liberians should realize that
stability is a foundational

investment which when secured

can be the platform on which the
other walls whether political,
economic or social can be built.
Without stability -in the country,
there will be no political,
economic or social development.
We therefore want all Liberians
to know that we all have a stake
in the foundational investment of
the country, which is stability
The service which coincided
with the 47th Edition of the 100Day Prayer for Peace for Liberia
is being held under the theme:
with Scripture text from St. Luke
2:13-14. The church formal
annual Christmas service will be
held on Sunday, December 21,
As we go to senatorial elections,
the astute Pentecostal cleric
who is also First Vice President
of the Liberian Council of
Churches (LCC) reminded
candidates in the elections to
direct their supporters away

from violence, which is a threat

to peace and stability. Let the
candidates know that the people
of Liberia will hold each of
them responsible for the action
of their supporters, adding
peace is important to Liberia
than any individual or group of
Rev. Brown concluded his
remarks by calling on all
Liberians to redirect their
energies during this period of
peace to productive ventures
that will advance the country.
He advised parents to speak to
their children to avoid plunging
themselves into violent activities
that could lead to confusion and
chaos and plunge Liberia into
a red Christmas. As we go
to vote, let us remember that
Ebola virus is still around us
and we should do whatever we
can to undermine its spread, he



women has been a
serious challenge
impeding women participation
in the governance process of
To address this need the
Liberia Women Media Action
designed a radio to mobile
platform which intend to
improve women access to
information all levels.
The President of the LIWOMAC
Estella Nelson said, limited
attention is given women issue
in the media adding that with
the help of the radio to mobile
platform women in rural Liberia
can access information.
Nelson said, the idea behind
the program is based on data
that proves a large portion of
the population do have access
to mobile adding with such
medium women can obtain
expanded across the country
over the last ten years and is
potentially a vehicle to improve
information access, enhance
promote development, Nelson
Nelson explained that women
will be required to dial a short

code on their mobile to tune to

the Liberia Women Democracy
Radio (LWDR FM 91.1).
Nelson said, through a short
code designed by Cellcom GSM
people will be able to listen to
LWDR via their mobile.
Media Action
(LIWOMAC) recognizes the
role improved information
access can play particularly in
advancing women, Nelson
Nelson said, their major goal is
to empower mostly rural women
to access critical information
and create opportunity for
them to influence news and
development around peace and
security on LWDR.
Deputy Minister for Planning,
Policy, Research and Technical
Ministry of Gender Children
and Social Protection Mardea
Wiles said, the radio to mobile
program is a brilliant idea
adding that it will give women
the opportunity to be abreast
of what is happening in their
LIWOMAC for been able to
engage CELLCOM in forming
part of the program.
Minister Wiles said the media
can reach thousands of people
in limited time adding women
issues should be considered.

Just by dialing a short code you

will be able to access the radio.
Information is important for
women because in any situation
women suffer two times than
men, Wiles said.
Minister Wiles who launched
the Radio to Mobile platform
between the media and women
during which she urged the
media to think out of the box
by exploring opportunities in
reporting women issues.
During the discourse, women
used the occasion to inform the
media on the shortcomings in
the coverage of women issues
and urged them to go beyond
the surface in their reportage.
The women however thanked,
the media for the role they
have been playing and continue
to play in reporting issues
affecting women.
Members of the media at the
unwillingness of women to
speak on national issues as one
of the major problems in having
fair representation for women
in the media.
Some members of the media at
that program resolved to widen
their coverage on women issues
despite the challenges they are
faced with.

The World Bank Group (WBG) is seeking to recruit a highly qualified Environmental Specialist to be
based in the World Bank Country Office in Monrovia, Liberia to contribute to the business lines of the
Global Practice on environmental and natural resources management, especially pollution management
and environmental health; environmental risks management and safeguards in large infrastructure
project; biodiversity conservation and natural resources management; and climate change agenda.
The specialist will support the GPs work on the application of environmental policy to Bank investment
lending, including risk management and knowledge and learning initiatives. The Environmental Specialist
will play an essential role in the application of the Banks environmental policies (i.e. Environmental
Assessment OP 4.01, Natural Habitats OP 4.04, Pest Management OP 4.09, Physical Cultural Resources
OP 4.11, Forests OP 4.36, and Safety of Dams OP 4.37) and in supporting the use of environmental
assessments methodologies across a range of sectors and country contexts.

The Responsibilities will include:

The Environmental Specialist will have the following main tasks and responsibilities: a)Seek and develop
opportunities to integrate sound environmental management and environment safeguards policies in
different investment operations, participate as a team member in such operations and related AAA, and
enhance local capacities for implementing these policies. b) Contribute to the Unit in at least one
particular area of environmental expertise, such as pollution management and environmental health;
natural resources management and biodiversity conservation; and climate change themes that are
increasing in importance throughout the Region. c) Maintain dialogue and coordination between the
Liberian national counterparts and the teams working in Liberia, with an emphasis in developing longlasting relations with Government counterparts and relevant national institutions. d) Participate as team
member in the preparation and/or supervision of environmental safeguards policy requirements in
different Bank funded operations. e) Provide expert advice to client and counterpart organizations, project
teams and GP management with regard to the preparation and supervision of Pollution Management and
Environmental health related projects


In addition to meeting Bank-wide Grade GF level positions, it is expected that the successful candidate
will meet the following selection criteria: Advanced degree (PhD or Masters) in environmental economics,
environmental science/engineering, natural resources management or related field, preferably with major
in one or more of the following areas: environmental health or pollution; environmental institutions or
policy; forestry, biodiversity or climate change. A minimum of 5 years of full-time relevant professional
experience in the environment sector.
For the full job description and selection criteria for this vacancy, qualified candidates are requested to
visit and submit an electronic application at the World Bank careers . Once on the site, Click on > Current Job Opening > Job Type
> Professional & Technical > Job Family > Environment > Job number 141411. The World Bank
Group is committed to achieving diversity in terms of gender, nationality, culture and educational
background. Individuals with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. Closing date is December 25,
2014. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

Page 16 | Frontpage


Monday, December 22, 2014




of Commerce and
Industry Axel Addy is
calling on Liberians
to adjust their consuming
behavior and support Liberian
He said if Liberians adjust their
consuming behavior they will
have access to the economy
something he observes will
help the country in terms of
growth and development.
Minister Addy said I am only
asking to have a slight change
in the behavior of consumers
not the donor funds, in doing
so you are inspiring.
He spoke when the Ministry
of Commerce and its partners
launched the first Liberian
trade market in Monrovia.
The program brought together
several international and local
dignitaries including Vice
President Joseph N. Boakai,
representative from Firestone
and the United States Embassy,
among others.
The commerce minister said
It is indeed a pleasant day to
see something from idea to
reality and this marks another
milestone driving for inclusive
and equitable growth by the
Ministry of commerce.
He further added We are
promoting a change for small
as a means to empower small
and medium enterprises.
Minister Addy noted that the
launch of the Liberian Trade
store is part of SME policy
which is to create access to
market aimed at improving the
quality of Liberian products.
The SME answers the
question that over 70 percent
need when they wonder on the
feeding of their children and
themselves he said.
The Commerce Minister added
that the launched is also geared

Circuit, Civil Law
court for Montserrado
County has placed a
Temporary Restraining Order on
the signing of the construction
contract for the KarlokenHarper and Fish Town Karloken
Highway pending a hearing
by the court into a complaint
filed against the signing of the
Consortium Africa (JUPICA)
Represented by its Managing
Director for Economic and Social
Interests, Honorable Edwin K.
Martin of the City Monrovia
filled a petition before the Civil
Law court against the Ministry
of Public Works and thru its
Minister Gyude Moore, deputy
Ministers, Assistant Ministers,
Directors and all authorized
persons and agents acting under
its control and the management
Comptran Engineering and
Planning Association and Njras
represented its authority agency
including but NOTG Limited
to any representative or contain
person acting directly under and
within the scope of its authority
for the Harper-Karloken and
Karloken-Fish Town highways
also of the City of Monrovia.
the court Temporary

We are making a simple consumer preposition, buy local, build Liberia, we are not asking for big body project neither big
donor funding project. If you buy a shirt made in Liberia, or drink our coffee, you are putting money in the hands of 70%
that go to sleep not knowing what their meal will be the next day in Liberia, Axel Addy, Minister of Commerce and Industry

Bettie Johnson/

toward providing a linkage

between supplier, buyer and
consumer, by putting in place
certain standards.
We are making a simple
consumer preposition, buy
local build Liberia. We are not
asking for a big body project
neither big donor funding
project. If you buy a shirt make
in Liberia, or drink our coffee,
you are putting money in the
hands of 70% that go to sleep
not knowing what happens the
next day in Liberia.

according to statistics from
Organization , SME accounts
for two third of all formal
jobs in developing countries,
80% in low income countries
all jobs in , 45percent total
employment, 33% in GDP,
and account of 90% economic
activity that are affecting a
Minster Addy noted that
poverty alleviation can also be
addressed if you buy Liberia,


this project will begin to see the

impact of today, many talents
that we have to offer, through
a simple initiative we can
support the Liberian identity,
when you make one purchase,
you are putting in money in
the hands of women in Bassa,
Margibi, sinoe and all such of
products for their living and
empower them mainly their
child to go to school.
Bright future for Liberian


Also speaking the head of

FALAMA Liberia Angie
Howard, commended the
ministry of Commerce and
partners for their immense
I am happy to be part of the
first Liberian trade store, as the
head of this management store,
we are committed in supporting
stores, local business producers
in helping them in all sectors of
the country she added.
The FALAMA boss said I see
the bright future for Liberian

business, we have our own

problem but seeing this store
develops shows that we are
moving from one level to
another positively.
We are bringing in their
products so that you can walk
in and see and buy products
of Liberians Madam Howard
For his part, Vice president
Joseph Boakai said with the
launch of the project, Liberian
consumers have now built a
long confidence in international
and local businesses.
He added that the ministry
of commerce has a greater
potential in creating job for
The Liberian government
Liberian consumers that we
will support this project
Ambassador Boakai assured.
He continued From the look of
it, I have heard the strides you
are making in producing these
products but this government
supporting your endeavor.
Ambassador Boakai noted that
the Ministry of Commerce is
setting the stage in providing
an environment and producers
must be proactive if the project
is to improve.
Producers, it is now a
challenge for you to produce
quality products and spent
extra time on the finishing
of the products, the Vice
President said.

Court Halts Karloken-Harper Road Contract

Restraining Order issued by the

Sheriff of the court on December
it stated By directive
of His Honour Johannes
Z. Zlahn, Assigned Circuit
Judge, Sixth Judicial Circuit

Court, Montserrado County,

Republic of Liberia, the Sheriff
of the, Sixth Judicial Circuit,
Montserrado County, Republic
of Liberia is hereby ordered to
temporarily restraint, and enjoin

the 1st, 2nd and 3rd respondents

to mstay or stop all actions and
activities regarding the signing
of the road project contract
for the Karloken-Harper and
Fish Town Karloken Highways

subject of these proceedings.

According to the mandate of
Judge Zlahn, the temporary
restraint order shall remain in
force until the court adjudicates
the matter.

This temporary restraining order

shall remain enforce pending the
final hearing and outcome of the
preliminary injunction stated
the Courts order.
Jude Zlahn also mandated the
sheriff to notify the parties to
the case informing them to file
returns into the petition.
You are further ordered to
notify the above named 1st, 2nd
and 3rd respondents to file their
answer on or before the 29th day
of December A.D. 2014, same
being the 10th day as of the date
of the service, further stated the
Temporary Restraint order.
The order mandated the two
respondents to file their returns
before the hearing date of
December 29.
You are further ordered to
file your official returns on or
before the above mentioned
date and time, endorsed on the
back of the original copy of this
temporary restraining order as
to the manner and form of its
service. Have you here and then
Temporary Restraining Order,
the order furthered.

Monday, December 22, 2014



ice President Joseph

Boakai has expressed
satisfaction over the
of the December 20 special
senatorial election in Liberia
describing it as surprising.
Ahead of the election, people
fear that there would have
been tension on Election Day
specifically in Montserrado
County as a result of the preelection trend of events.
The county was tense with
claims and counterclaims of
election violence and allegations
of attempt by the government
to cheat in favor of a candidate
because of some political
Giving his impression about
the process moments after
voting, VP Boakai described
the process as surprisingly
peaceful something in his words
demonstrated that Liberians are
very peaceful people.
We can make all of our noise
but when it comes to business
we are serious. I want to thank
all Liberians for being Peaceful
despite all the suspicions, he
The claims and counterclaims
ahead of the election led to
some level of fear and voters
fatigue especially among some
Liberians in Montserrado who
felt that enough is enough and
Liberians should accept any one
announced winner in the process.


VP Boakai Upbeat on Senatorial election

Henry Karmo (0886522495)

Two days to the election, heated

tension between supporters
of Candidate George Weah of
the Congress for Democratic
Change (CDC) and Independent
resulted in to lockdown of
normal business activities in the
Rally Time Market area where
both sides accused each other

of starting the violence where

stones where thrown.
Voting my conscience
Despite the absence of a
Unity Party candidate in the
Montserrado County senatorial
election, the senior Partisans
of the Party refused to deny

themselves the opportunity

to exercise their Democratic
Franchise by casting their ballots
for the candidate of their choice.
One of the those senior Unity
Partisans is Vice President
Boakai who now appears to
be the man leading the party to
2017 as President Ellen Johnson
retires from politics with the

expiration of her second term of

VP Boakai who voted in an
many expected him to exercise
that right in Lofa
from where he hails instead
voted in Montserrado County
in Paynesville at the Calvary
Chapel School on the Roberts

Page 17

Field Highways a stone throw

from the residence of Candidate
George Weah.
On why he voted in Montserrado
and not Lofa and his choice for
the senate seat in Montserrado
he said: I did not go to Lofa
because I registered here and I
think who I voted for supposed
to be personal.
Many believe that the Vice
President did not vote for Mr.
Robert Sirleaf the son of his
Party standard Bearer and boss
President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf.
According to some politicians
the Vice President would not
have voted Mr. Sirleaf because
of the stance taken by the Unity
Party who described Sirleaf as
an emerging monster and an
enemy of the Party.
Prior to the UP comments
against Mr. Sirleaf the UP
candidate in Montserrado, Mr.
Ali Sylla withdrew from the
race. Days after the decision, the
Party (UP) described (Sylla) as
a sell out and a betrayal who is
belly driven.
Mr. Sylla supporters equally
responded to the UP comments
against candidate Sylla by
accusing the Party of playing
lip service to the UP candidate
because according to them there
was no support given him from
the level of the party.
It is believed that Mr. Sylla
support to Mr. Sirleaf was in
exchange for money but people
making the allegations have
failed to say the amount of
Money paid by candidate Sirleaf
to Candidate Sylla to withdraw.



Buchanan, Grand Bassa County llr. Charles Walker Brumskine, the

political leader of the opposition Liberty
Party and his prodigies Rep. Byron
Browne and Senator Nyonblee KarngaLawrence LP led a huge crowd of supporters Friday
in a parade many supporters of Jonathan Kaipay,
the partys candidate in Saturdays senatorial race
in the count, described as the million man march.
Thank you because you have realized it is time
to change this county; it is time for Grand Bassa
County to come together. It is time for Change, a
screaming Brumskine told supporters.
The parade started at Monrovia junction where
hundreds of supporters trekked earlier and were
awaiting Mr. Kaipay and his team of campaigners.
They parade went through the major streets of
Buchanan, drawing more crowds as the intensity
Over the past couple of days, the Liberty Party
and their array of political campaigners focused on
winning the support of rural Bassonians people
of Grand Bassa County. Kaipay appears popular in
electoral districts one, two, portion of district three
and five. The party were hopeful that the turnout in
Buchanan Friday ahead of the opening of polls will
motivate supporters and voters.
The crowd of Kaipay supporters was described by
many in the port city of Buchanan as the largest
turnout since the start of political campaign in the
county. But the climax of the match which was held
on the Fairgrounds saw both Cllr. Brumskine and
Kaipay attracting applauds from their supporters
as they delivered separate remarks calling on
supporters to turn out on Saturday and vote for
what they term as for change.
Said Brumskine: It is time to stop corruption in
this county. Fellow citizens, my people of Grand
Bassa County, you have spoken and tomorrow you
will demonstrate that when you say something you
mean it. I want to make a prediction that tomorrow,
Grand Bassa County will vote 70% for Jonathan
The Liberty Partys candidate in the 2014 special

senatorial election is the main challenger for the

incumbent, Senator Gbehzongar Findley, and has
also won the support of several other prominent
politicians in the county including, Deputy speaker
of the house of representative, Hans Barchue and
Daniel Chea, former senatorial candidate in the
2011 and 2013 senatorial elections in the county.
In his remark during the climax of his campaign,
Kaipay thanked the people of Bassa for
understanding the voices of change. He called on
his supporters to turnout at the polls on Saturday
and vote what he term as for development, Liberty
Party and Jonathan Kaipay.
Rep. Jeh Byron Browne, the co-chair of the Liberty
Party campaign team in Grand Bassa said it was
time for a person with traditional orientation to
become senator of the county.
We want a senator that will be able to speak
our dialect and I think Kaipay is well equipped,
politically prepared and it is time we make this
history, Rep. Browne told the crowd.
Meanwhile, Senator Findley kept its momentum
when President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf took time
off to drive through the port city on the same
Friday. But the President was greeted with some
resistance from some of Kaipays supporters who
had gathered at Benson River, about a mile away
from the city. The Liberty Party supporters rejected
advances from the president when she attempted
wooing them over to Findley.
The President did manage to encourage some
marketers to vote for Findley and left the city just
before 6pm, the deadline for political campaign.
Grand Bassa County has five certified candidates
in the special senatorial election but the withdrawal
of the Alternative National Congress (ANC)
candidate, late last month left four candidates to
battle for the Senate seat.
Incumbent, Gbehzongar Findley is facing stiff
challenge from Jonathan Kaipay and Representative
Gabriel Smith but the former has put up a good
challenge for the incumbent adding intrigue to the
race as voters head to the polls Saturday.


Weah Supporters Go All Out to Trumpet Victory in Montserrado County Senatorial Race

Monrovia -

ith the National Elections

Commission not set to make
results of last weekends
senatorial elections official until
another two weeks, supporters and sympathizers
of football legend George Manneh Weah were in
celebratory mood Saturday night.
Cllr. Pearl Brown Bull, a long-time Sirleaf
sympathizer and friend, currently vacationing
in the U.S., called in to LIB24 Radio Saturday
to declare her appreciation of the way Liberians
sent a poignant message to President Sirleaf
through their votes.
Cllr. Bull says she was not in favor of Sirleafs
son, contesting the Montserrado County
Senatorial race, said she hoped that the president
would take heed from what the voters had to say
through their votes.
On the streets of Monrovia, scores of Weah
supporters celebrated his lopsided victory.
Photos of Weah and his supporters Rep Edwin
Melvin Snowe(Montserrado County, District 6)

and businessman Musa Bility made the rounds

on the social media Facebook.
In Liberias most populous county there is no
way out for other candidates as George Weah
of the Congress for democratic Change has
won with a wide margin and he can now safely
celebrate his first legislative job. For about nine
years now, beginning 2005, the retired Soccer
legend has been struggling to get an elective
post until the senatorial election which has now
provided him the opportunity to so.
Provisional results indicate that Weah is in the
lead with more than 90% as opposed to his
nearest rival Sirleaf who is around less than 9%
of the votes.
One of Weahs opponents, Benjamin Sanvee is
gracious in defeat and wrote on his Facebook
page on Sunday afternoon I just placed a call to
my friend Amb. George M. Weah congratulating
him on getting elected as senator of Montserrado
County. It was a hard fought campaign and I
respect the decision and will of the people. I will
deliver a formal concession speech in 24hrs.

Page 18 | Frontpage




ABUJA, Nigeria (AP)

human rights lawyer
says 54 soldiers have
been sentenced to
death because they
embarrassed Nigeria's military
by demanding weapons to fight
Islamic extremists, and says they
were justified in not going on
what would have been a suicidal
Defense attorney Femi Falana
said Thursday he will take
all legal measures to prevent
authorities from carrying out
a "genocidal verdict" of death
by firing squad delivered
Wednesday night by a courtmartial.

Moscow (AFP) resident Vladimir Putin

vowed on Thursday that
Russia would rapidly
recover from its financial
crisis and said his grip on power
was firm, even as new Western
sanctions and a run on the ruble
pile on the pressure.
The Russian leader, who is locked
in a confrontation with the West,
showed no willingness to change
tack on Ukraine and dismissed the
possibility of the country's elite
turning against him.
Sanctions-hit Russia is grappling
with a ruble collapse seen as a
major test for Putin, whose pact
with voters has been based on
the relative prosperity brought by
years of high oil prices.
"Yes, these are not easy times,"
Putin told his end-of-the-year news
conference, acknowledging that oil
prices could keep falling.
He said Russia's would adjust
to low oil prices, but he gave no
recipe for turning the economy




Monday, December 22, 2014




Dzhokhar Tsarnaev
returned to court
Thursday for the first time since
he was arraigned in July 2013.
Security was tight at the federal
courthouse in Boston for the final
pretrial conference before his
trial begins next month.
Tsarnaev, 21, was led into the
courtroom by U.S. marshals. He
was wearing a black sweater and
gray trousers and had a scruffy
beard. He smiled to his attorneys
and one patted him on the arm.
The courtroom was packed with
FBI agents, police who worked
on the case and more than a dozen
survivors and family members.


he lone gunman
who walked up to
a Brooklyn patrol
car and opened
fire, killing two New York
City police officers execution
style, has been identified as
a Baltimore man who posted
chilling anti-cop messages to
social media Saturday before
traveling to New York to
carry out his threats.
New York City Police
Commissioner Bill Bratton,
speaking at a press conference
Saturday night, confirmed
the identity of the shooter
as 28-year-old Ismaaiyl
Brinsley. He identified the
two slain cops as partners
Wenjian Liu and Raphael
Brinsley posted a sinister
message on Instagram earlier
Saturday along with an
image of a silver handgun
and hashtags invoking the
names of Michael Brown and
Eric Garner after reportedly
shooting and wounding
a former girlfriend in
Im Putting Wings On Pigs
Today. They Take 1 Of Ours...
Lets Take 2 of Theirs ... This
May Be My Final Post...Im
Putting Pigs In A Blanket.
Brinsley wrote, with the
hashtags #ShootThePolice
#RIPErivGarner #RIPMike
According to Baltimore
police, Brinsley shot and
wounded a former girlfriend
there around 5:45 a.m.
Saturday before traveling to
Brooklyn, Bratton said. The
woman's mother contacted
Baltimore police after she
noticed Brinsley's comments
on Instagram.
Baltimore police faxed a
bulletin describing Brinsley
to NYPD headquarters that
arrived at 2:45 p.m., Bratton
said, at almost the exact
moment Brinsley opened fire
on Liu and Ramos. Bratton
said the ambush was at 2:47
p.m. in Brooklyn's BedfordStuyvesant neighborhood.
Bratton said according to
a witness, Brinsley took

Shooter posted chilling threates before killings; Two
NYPD cops identified as Wenjian Liu and Raphael Ramos

a shooting stance on the

passenger side of the police
cruiser and fired several times
striking both officers in the
head. The pair, he said, never
had the chance to draw their
own weapons and may never
have seen their assailant.
Both officers paid the
ultimate sacrifice today,
Bratton said.
Brinsley later fatally shot
himself in the head on a
subway platform after fleeing
the scene.
New York City Mayor Bill
de Blasio, speaking after
the commissioner, called
the attack an "assassination"
and said that when a police
officer is attacked, every New
Yorker should feel as though
they were attacked.
Although we are still learning
the details, its clear that this
was an assassination. These
officers were shot execution
style, de Blasio said. A
particularly despicable act

when a police officer is

murdered, it tears at the very
foundation of our society.
"Our city is in mourning, our
hearts are heavy," he said.
There have been protests
almost nightly in New York
City since the grand dury
decisions in the policeinvolved deaths of Michael
Brown and Eric Garner.
Cops in both cases were not
The mayor has been sharply
criticized by New York
City police union leaders
for comments perceived as
unsupportive of the city's
police force after an officer
investigated in the chokehold
death of Staten Island man
Eric Garner was not indicted.
Lingering tensions from that
fallout were on stark display
Saturday night in raw video
captured by local television
showed a wall of officers
turning their backs on de

Blasio as he arrived at a press

In mid-December, outraged
leaders of the Police
(PBA) gathered hundreds of
officers' signatures on a form
demanding that de Blasio
stay away from the funeralsof
cops killed in the line of duty.
The Sergeants Benevolent
Association tweeted the
below message Saturday:
Sharpton also released a
statement saying that the
Garner family is outraged by
the police killings, and the
idea that their son's name and
death has been connected to
the shooting.
"Any use of the names of Eric
Garner and Michael Brown,
in connection with any
violence or killing of police,
is reprehensible and against
the pursuit of justice in both
cases," the statement said.
Attorney General Eric Holder
also released a statement

condemning the "senseless

underscores the dangers that
are routinely faced by those
who protect and serve their
fellow citizens. As a nation
we must not forget this as
we discuss the events of the
recent past. These courageous
men and women routinely
incur tremendous personal
risks, and place their lives on
the line each and every day,
in order to preserve public
New Yorkers throughout the
five boroughs turned to social
media to post eyewitness
accounts after routine days
were suddenly shattered by
shocking events.
Sabrina de la Torre, who lives
in the neighborhood, said she
was listening to Christmas
music while waiting for
the G subway heading to
Williamsburg for work, when
roughly 20 cops ran onto the
platform and screamed for
everyone to get down.
Everyone was very freaked
out, she told Yahoo News.
It was really intense and
scary because no one know
what was going on. It was a
really intense.
As they ducked down to the
ground, de la Torres friend,
John, shot a video which she
then posted to her Instagram
page. The view is clearly
from the ground and the
feet of several cops are seen
rushing by in pursuit of the
They kept us kind of
detained for a while before
we found out anyone was
shot, she said.


troops from Somalia
after the African
Union blocked the West
African country from rotating
its soldiers over fears for the
Ebola virus.
Sierra Leone sent 850 troops
to Somalia for a 12-month
deployment to fight the alQaeda-linked rebel group, alShabab, in Somalia in 2013.
Their rotation was delayed
after a group of 800 soldiers,

who were waiting to replace

their comrades in Somalia,
were quarantined after one of
the soldiers was tested positive
for Ebola.
"They have to go. We wish
they could have stayed but they
have been here long. And there
is no rotation possible because
of the nature of the situation,"
Maman Sidou, the AU's special
representative for Somalia said
during a farewell event for the
troops held in the port city of
Kismayo on Friday.

In August, Somali's President

Hassan Sheikh Mohamud said
no new troops from Sierra
Leone will be deployed to his
country after calls by activists
and a campaign on social
media by Somalis calling for
halt to the deployment.
"This is something that is
beyond the control of Republic
of Sierra Leone, beyond the
control of AU and beyond the
control of the Federal Republic
of Somalia; but we have clearly
stated that we are very grateful

for their contribution. They

came to Somalia at a very
difficult time. They are leaving
Somalia in a much, much better
situation," President Hassan
said during the heavily guarded
farewell ceremony.
The African Union which has
more than 22,000 troops in
Somalia from Kenya, Ethiopia,
Djibouti, Uganda, Burundi,
Nigeria and Ghanan said the
departing soldiers will now be
replaced by other troops from
countries that already have

boots on the ground, until the

virus has been fully contained.
The troops will withdraw from
Somalia in January.
The worst outbreak of the
Ebola virus in history has
claimed the lives of more than
7,300 people this year in West
Africa according to the World
Health Organization. In Sierra
Leone there have been more
than 2,470 deaths reported.

Monday, December 22, 2014



Page 19





insists he is "not
scared" of spending
money in the transfer market
and hinted that new players
could arrive in January.
The Gunners paid over 30
million (40m) for Alexis
Sanchez in the summer and
around 45m (60m) for
Calum Chambers, Mathieu
Debuchy and Danny Welbeck,
but the squad has struggled
with injuries so far this season
and sit in seventh in the Premier
League heading into Sunday's
clash with Liverpool.


with a mild case of
pneumonia that was caught
early and should result in a
short hospital stay, an Ali
spokesman said Saturday
heavyweight champion, who
is battling Parkinson's disease,
is being treated by his team
of doctors and is in stable
condition, said his spokesman,
Bob Gunnell.
"He went into the hospital this
morning," Gunnell said in a
phone interview. "He has a
mild case of pneumonia and
the prognosis is good."
Gunnell declined to say
where the 72-year-old Ali is
hospitalized. He indicated that
Ali's bout of pneumonia was
caught quickly.
"This all came about this
morning," Gunnell said.
No other details are being
released due to the Ali family's
request for privacy, he said.
Ali's public appearances have
diminished in recent years
as he continues to battle
Parkinson's disease, but he
still enjoys getting out and
watching sports and visiting
Ali appeared in public in
September at a ceremony in
his hometown of Louisville



for the Muhammad Ali
Humanitarian Awards. Ali did
not speak to the crowd but
posed for photos with award
winners, including former
NFL great Jim Brown.
Brown leaned over and
whispered to the seated Ali

during the photo session.

Later, Brown said he told
Ali: "You're the greatest of all
Ali retired from boxing in
1981 and devoted himself
to social causes. He traveled
the world on humanitarian


Liberian Player Manager Declares
A. Macaulay Sombai

bout month ago,

the Liberia Football
Association (LFA)
appointed one of

Lone Stars former strikers James

Salinsa Debbah as Head coach
of the senior national football
team of Liberia (The Lone Star)

and also named another former

midfielder Kelvin Sebwe as
But Debbahs appointment has

missions, mingling with the

masses and rubbing elbows
with world leaders.
Ali received the Presidential
Medal of Freedom from
President George W. Bush in
The Muhammad Ali Center,

in Louisville, is dedicated to
Ali's humanitarian causes and
showcases his boxing career.
Ali and his wife, Lonnie, have
homes in Paradise Valley,
Arizona; Berrien Springs,
Michigan; and in Louisville.

become a serious argument

among enthusiasts of the national
Some are describing the nation
Most Celebrated Soccer Stars
appointment as a step forward
for the national team and the
country as a whole while others
are saying his appointment is
Emmanuel T. David, Manager
of Liberia professional striker
Herron Scarla Berrian presently
playing for Platanias FC
in Greece, Europe believes
national team coach is a test for
all former international players.
Debbahs appointment as a major
test not only for Debbah but also
for the rest of the former players
who have been given the same
coaching position for the rest of
the Junior Lone Star teams.
David emphasized that the LFA
confirmed to the Liberian people
that Debbah was appointed
after undergoing three months
coaching course along with his
assistant Kelvin Sebwe and the
other former players who were
also appointed to take charge of
the junior Lone Star squads.
The LFA clarified to the
Liberian people that Debbah
was appointed to lead the

senior national team based on

the highest points he scored
among all of his colleagues that
participated in the coaching
course, so I think Debbah and the
rest of his colleagues should be
given the chance to either prove
themselves right or wrong.
He acknowledged that other
countries in the West African
region have tried their former
players in coaching role and
some were successful while
others failed and called on his
fellow football enthusiasts not to
quickly condemn the coaching
abilities of Debbah and the rest
of his colleagues until they all
prove themselves wrong or right.
The Manager emphasized that
Debbah once played for the
same national team he has
been appointed to coach and
that he has played in several of
the biggest football leagues in
David believes Debbah could
bring new flavor to the national
team against their opponents.
It can be recalled that Debbah
told the Liberian people that he
is going to coach the players
according to the rules and
techniques of the game but it
will be left with the players
themselves to really listen
and follow those tactics or

regory van der Wiel

Saint-Germain "do
not feel well" after
they slipped to a 0-0 draw with
Laurent Blanc's side have
throughout the first half of the
campaign and missed a chance
to leapfrog them at the top of
the table on Saturday.


nter boss Roberto Mancini

has hinted he could make
a move for Tottenham
winger Aaron Lennon in
the January transfer window.
The Italian replaced Walter
Mazzarri in the San Siro hot
seat in November and having
cast an eye over his squad over
the past six weeks, is ready to
begin addressing areas he feels
they need strengthening.
One such department is in
attack, with Mancini admitting
he is keen to add a direct, pacey
threat who could add goals
to his side as well as a central
midfield player.
He told Gazzetta dello Sport:
"I have already made the point,
we are looking for a winger
and preferably two. We need a
player who is strong, very fast,
direct, good technically and
capable of scoring goals.
"If we can't find a player with
these qualities then it is better
not to by anyone at all. Cerci,
Lennon and Lucas Leiva are all
good reference points and not
random choices."




VOL 8 NO.747

Madrid win Club World Cup,
fourth title of 2014

Marrakech (Morocco) (AFP) eal Madrid defeated San Lorenzo of Argentina 2-0 on
Saturday to win the Club World Cup and secure their
fourth trophy of 2014.
The Spanish giants dominated the final with Sergio
Ramos, who had been an injury doubt because of a hamstring
strain, and Gareth Bale getting on the scoresheet.
Real added the year-ending trophy to the Champions League,
Copa del Rey and European Super Cup titles they had already
secured in 2014. They will also end the year on top of La Liga.
Saturday's triumph was also their 22nd consecutive win in all
competitions, and they now have in their sights the mark of 26
straight wins achieved by Johan Cruyff's Ajax side in 1971-72.
"We deserved to win the title -- we can say that Real Madrid are
the best team in the world," said Real coach Carlo Ancelotti.

"We have done really well this year, it's been unforgettable. We
are a team and a family."
Real are also guaranteed to finish the year as La Liga leaders and
Ancelotti was already setting his sights on similar achievements
in 2015.
"We'd be happy with a repeat. We'll continue forward like this in
all competitions and will face the new year with excitement and
Meanwhile, Bale tweeted: "Couldn't think of a better Christmas
present, FIFA World Club Champions 2014!! #HalaMadrid."
Ramos opened the scoring after 37 minutes when he rose above the
San Lorenzo defence to send a thumping header past goalkeeper
Sebastian Torrico from a Toni Kroos corner.
Bale made it 2-0 six minutes into the second half when he
collected a pass from Isco and fired the ball straight at Torrico.


But the Argentine 'keeper made a terrible hash

of the Welshman's tame shot and fumbled the
ball over the line.
Real 'keeper Iker Casillas was relatively
untroubled, called into serious action for the
first time well after the hour mark to keep out
an Emmanuel Mas drive.
At the other end, Karim Benzema went close
to a third Real goal but his touch went wide
of the post.
Cristiano Ronaldo had a quiet night and failed
to get on the end of a Benzema cross in the
80th minute.
In the last minute, San Lorenzo's Juan
Mercier unleashed a powerful, long distance
drive which was saved by a diving Casillas.
"Madrid won fairly. But for us it was an
honour to have finished the year playing in
the final of the World Cup. We are very proud
despite the grief of losing," said San Lorenzo
coach Edgardo Bauza.
"It's been a wonderful year for the club and
for the fans -- we won the Copa Libertadores."
Earlier, New Zealand's Auckland City claimed
third place after defeating Cruz Azul 4-2 in a
penalty shoot-out to become the first Oceania
team to win a medal at the tournament.
The two sides were locked 1-1 at the end of
normal time with defender Ryan de Vries'
goal in first-half injury time equalised by
Joao Rojas' close-range effort just before the
hour mark for the Mexican side.
In the shoot-out, Sanni Issa scored the
eventual winner for the semi-professionals
from Auckland.
The Kiwis had made the third-place play-off
by beating Moroccan side Moghreb Tetouan
1-0 and then seeing off African champions
Setif of Algeria by the same score.
They narrowly missed out on a place in the
final when they conceded an extra-time goal
in a 2-1 loss to San Lorenzo.
"Half of my players are amateurs. We deserve
to finish where we have because weve
been brilliant from beginning to end," said
Auckland coach Ramon Tribulietx.
"I hope this performance will have a positive
impact on football in New Zealand. No one
expected us to come third, and its a real




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