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Starting the interview in English

Now, lets switch to English

Can we speak in English a little bit?
Now, lets continue the interview in English
Now Ill ask some questions in English
Can I ask some questions in English?
Ok, no problem
Sure, you can start
Sure, go ahead
Ok, Im ready
Hi, how are you doing? - How are you?
Im doing great, thanks. How about you?
Im fine. I was looking forward to this interview.
Where do you live / work now?
I live in Avenida Paulista, near MASP.
I work in Berrini, near Morumbi Shopping.
How do you go to work?
I go by car (bus / subway).

What do you like to do in your free time (or weekends)?

a) I like to go to the park (beach / the movies / theater).
b) I usually meet my family (have dinner with my friends).
c) I love listening to music (playing guitar / singing / writing /
cooking) on the weekends.
d) I enjoy reading books. My favorite one is Good to Great, by Jim
a) Really, what did you like the best about the book?
I love this book because I totally agree with the concepts it talks
about, and believe they are indeed what companies need to become
great, however unfortunately I see so little of that being put in practice
in the companies.
b) Are you married?
No, I am single.
I am engaged, we will get married next year.
Yes, I got married two years ago.
c) Do you have brothers or sisters (siblings)?
Yes, I have two brothers and one sister.
No, I am the only child.
d) Nice, what kind of music (movies / books) do you like?
I like rockn roll and jazz (drama and comedy / business books).

CAPTULO III - Talking about yourself, personality

Tell me a little bit about yourself ?
Where were you born?
Where did you study? What did you study?
What is your profession?
What are your hobbies?
What do you like to do in your spare time?
Do you consider yourself an optimist or a pessimist person?
How do you seek self-awareness?
If you didnt have to worry about money, what would you do?
What do your parents think about your life and career goals?
What is your biggest dream in life?
a) informaes bsicas
My name is Marcos Almeida, Im 34 years old and I work as an
Engineer. I live in So Paulo, but I was born in Campinas. My family
came to So Paulo when I was 15 years old. I graduated in Civil
Engineering at USP, after I graduated, I started working at Camargo
Corra. I worked there for a few years and then moved to my current
job at Gafisa. Nowadays, I live in Itaim and I enjoy living there, its a
nice neighborhood, full of stores and restaurants.

b) famlia e interesses
Im married and I have two kids, Jorge and Ftima. On the weekends
we usually travel to the beach. I love reading books and listening to
music, specially the Rolling Stones. I also like movies, my favorite
genre is Comedy, it makes feel more relaxed after a week full of work.
c) personalidade
Im an extrovert, I like to make new friends and to talk to people. I am
also very curious and I am always trying to learn new things. I am
very friendly, I just get angry with corruption and the traffic jams in
So Paulo.
d) dados iniciais sobre profisso e educao:
I am an Eletronic Engineer. Now I am working at a company called
AZ Systems, I am the manager of my department. I studied
Engineering at Unicamp from 1988 to 1993. I also studied English for
3 years. I really like what I do.
Tell me about your educational background
Now, talk about your education. What / Where did you study?
Possveis respostas:
I have a bachelor degree in Psycology. I studied at Universidade de
So Paulo.
I graduated in Law, in Universidade Federal Fluminense.

I hold a Masters degree in Business Administration

I am Phd in Chemistry.
Idiomas: algumas frases abaixo para ajud-lo a descrever seus
conhecimentos de idiomas:
Which languages do you speak?
How long did you study English?
How long have you been studying English?
Where / When did you study English?
Possveis respostas:
I speak English, Spanish and a little bit of German
I studied English for 2 years with a private teacher
Ive been studying English for 2 years at Outliers Professional
Language School
I study English at Outliers. I started studying in 2008.
What other courses did you take?
Possveis respostas:
I took MS Office course at Comp Training and also Accounting
course at Rocha Associados.
I had Payroll classes in 2005.

Now, tell me about your professional experience.

Lets talk about your career
Talk about your professional backgroud
I started my career in 1996 as Marketing Assistant at BZ Company, I
was responsible for analyzing market intelligence data and customer
statistics. I explored all the reports in detail and I identified that
customers would be willing to pay more for product Beta and it was
possible to increase its price. I worked there for 3 years.
After this, in 1999 I was a Marketing Analyst of Robs Furniture
company; my main tasks were all related to branding aspects. I
prepared advertisements for magazines. My main accomplishments
were to increase the wardrobe sales by 34% after my marketing
campaign. I worked there for 4 years.
Finally, in 2003 I joined Finch Consulting Group as a Consultant
Manager. My responsibilities were to work with my clients in cost
reduction programs. I developed an innovative way to save costs and
increase my clients gross margin. My colleagues told me I did an
outstanding job. This is how my career developed. Now Im looking
for new opportunities.

Do you prefer to work alone or in a team?

I am a team player. I feel more motivated when I work in a team.
I prefer to work alone and independently. I concentrate myself better.
Do you prefer an organized job with defined tasks, or a job without a
defined scope?
I am a dynamic and creative person. Rules are important, but I like to
find new and innovative ways of doing things.
I am a very organized person. I like when rules and tasks are well
What are your best qualities as a professional
What are your strengths?
I am very proactive, motivated and determined. My determination
helps me to achieve great results.
I am very positive, trustworthy and competent. I always get excellent
results to my company.
I am mature, methodical and energetic. I can work long hours if
necessary, in an important project.

What are your weaknesses?

Here is a though one, just be sincere and try to think about something
that will not cause a very bad impact, always bearing in mind the
position you are applying! A lot of candidates say that there are
impatient or anxious, try to be more creative than this.
Give me an example of a situation in which you did something really
good at work.
Tell me one successful action that you took at work.
What have been your key achievements to date?
I implemented a new process in Accounts Payable department, and no
bills were paid in delay anymore.
I created an employees club, getting people from many areas of the
company involved.
I headed a project to reduce costs, and helped to save R$ 1.5mi for the
company in 2009.
I led a team of 5 people and my department had the best grade in the
employees satisfaction survey.
Give an example of a situation in which things didnt go the way you

Tell me a situation in which you didnt get good results (or got bad
results) at work.
Professionally, what are the three things you did that embarass you the
Once I tried to implement a new IT system, but people were not ready
for changes and it didnt work very well in the beginning.
I hired an employee and I had huge expectations about his work, but
he didnt do a good job.
What are your plans for the next 5 years?
Where do you see yourself in 5 years from now?
For the next 5 years I will take courses in Human Resources and
Marketing. I want to improve my knowledge in these fields.
I want to do an MBA at a top school and I want to be promoted to
marketing manager.
In the next five years I want to have good results for the company and
be promoted to manager.
In 5 years I want to be responsible for one department and lead


1. Tell me about yourself.
2. Tell me about your 3 greatest achievements.
3. Are you happy with your career to date?
4. Tell me about the most difficult situation you have had to face
and how did you tackle it. /
5. What do you like about your present job?
6. What do you dislike about your present job?
7. What are your strengths?
8. What is your greatest weakness?
9. Why do you want to leave your current employer?
10. Why have you applied for this particular job?
11. Why did you choose this company and not the competitor?
12. Why should we hire you? Or Why do you think you are the
best candidate for this position?


What do you enjoy about this industry?
Give an example of when you have worked under pressure.
What kinds of people do you like working with?
Give me an example of when your work was criticized and how
you reacted to that criticism.
Give me an example of when you have felt anger at work. How did
you cope and did you still perform a good job?
What kind of people do you find it difficult to work with?
Give me an example of when you have had to face a conflict of
interest at work.
Tell me about the last time you disagreed with your boss.
Give me an example of when you haven't got on with others.
Do you prefer to work alone or in a group? Why?
This organization is very different to your current employer - how
do you think you are going to fit in?
What are you looking for in a company?
How do you measure your own performance?
What kind of pressures have you encountered at work?
Are you a self-starter? Give me examples to demonstrate this?

What changes in the workplace have caused you difficulty and

How do you feel about working long hours and/or weekends?
Give me an example of when you have been out of your depth.
What have you failed to achieve to date?
What can you bring to this organization?



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