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Office Address:
Indian Institute of Information Technology,Design & Manufacturing,
Dumna Airport Road, Jabalpur 482005 (MP), India.
Phone: +91-9425156308; Fax: +91-761-2632524.
Email: //

Academic Qualifications:

Ph. D in Applied Functional Analysis and Optimization, IIT Kharagpur, India (2013).
Thesis Title: Variational inequality and equilibrium problems with generalized monotonicity.

M. Sc in Mathematics, IIT Kharagpur, India (2008).

B. Sc in Mathematics (Hons.), J. K. College, Purulia, University of Burdwan (2005).

Research Interest:
My broad area of research is Applied Functional Analysis and Optimization. In particular, I do work on
The equilibrium problem and variational inequalities problems.
In my research works, the main objectives are to look at the existence solutions of variational inequality
and equilibrium problems under different types of generalized monotonicity assumptions. Furthermore, I
am interested to propose some iterative schemes for finding a common element of the fixed points set of
quasi--nonexpansive mapping and the set of solutions of the equilibrium problem (or, variational
inequality problem).

List of Publications:
1. N. K. Mahato and C. Nahak, Variational-like inequalities and equilibrium problems with
generalized monotonicity in Banach spaces, Advances in Operations Research, Volume 2012,
Article ID 648070, 15 pages doi: 10.1155/2012/648070.
2. N. K. Mahato and C. Nahak, Weakly relaxed -pseudomonotonicity and equilibrium problem in
Banach spaces, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing, 40 (2012) 499509.
3. N. K. Mahato and C. Nahak, Equilibrium problems under various types of convexity in Banach
spaces, Journal of Mathematical and computational Sciences, 1 (2011) 77-88.

4. N. K. Mahato and C. Nahak, Hybrid projection methods for the general variational-like
inequality problems, Journal of Advanced Mathematical Studies, 6(1) (2013), 143-158.
5. N. K. Mahato and C. Nahak , Mixed equilibrium problems with relaxed -monotone mapping in
Banach spaces, Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo, DOI 10.1007/s12215-013-0103-0.
6. N. K. Mahato and C. Nahak, Equilibrium problems with generalized relaxed monotonicities in
Banach spaces, OPSEARCH, 2013, DOI 10.1007/s12597-013-0142-5.
7. N. K. Mahato and C. Nahak,Vector equilibrium problems with new types of generalized
monotonicity mappings,

Yugoslav Journal on Operations Research, 23(2), (2013), DOI:


Workshop and Conference Attended:

1. Training program on optimization theory and applications, Delhi University from Feb 10 to Feb
14, 2010.
2. 38th annual conference of Orissa mathematical society and national seminar on role of
mathematics in engineering & technology, Institute of Technical Education and Research.
3. National meet of research scholars in mathematical sciences (NMRSMS), October 12-15, 2011,
IIT Kharagpur.
4. 39th annual conference of Orissa mathematical society and national seminar on Cryptography,
February 4-5, 2012.


Qualified CSIR-UGC NET examination held on June, 2010.

Qualified GATE examination 2008.

MCM scholarship from IIT Kharagpur, 2007-2008.

Qualified Joint Admission Test for M.Sc. (JAM), Conducted by IIT Delhi, 2006.

Best paper presentation award held on 39th annual conference of Orissa mathematical society,

I have completed one CSIR-project entitled studies on equilibrium problem under generalized
monotonicity and generalized convexity in Banach space under the supervision of Prof. C.

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