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As per 2001 census of

India, the total number of
million cities in the country
(A) 25
(B) 30
(C) 35
(D) 40
2. The country with the
largest of petroleum reserves
in the world is
(A) Iran
(B) Iraq
(C) Saudi Arabia
(D) Russia
3. The three leading petroleum
producing countries in correct
descending order are
(A) Saudi Arabia, U.S.A. and
(B) U.S.A., Saudi Arabia and
(C) Saudi Arabia, U.S.A. and
(D) U.S.A., Saudi Arabia and

4. The largest producer of

silver in the world is
(A) Canada
(B) Mexico
(C) U.S.A.
(D) Australia
5. The largest exporter of
fish in the world is
(A) Norway
(B) U.K.
(C) Canada
(D) Japan
6. Which one of the following
States has the highest
percentage of Scheduled Caste
population ?
(A) Tamil Nadu
(B) Punjab
(C) Rajasthan
(D) West Bengal
7. The Indian National
Congress was founded by
(A) Lala Lajpat Roy
(B) Lord Dufferin
(C) Lord Ripon

(D) Allen Octavian Hume

8. Annie Besant arrived in
India in
(A) 1893
(B) 1895
(C) 1890
(D) 1904
9. In which state are the
Mahadeo hills located ?
(A) Bihar
(B) Rajasthan
(C) Madhya Pradesh
(D) Chhattisgarh
10. From economic point of
view the most important rocks
of India are
(A) Dharwar
(B) Gondwana
(C) Vindhyan
(D) Cuddappah
11. To which of the following
did Aurangzeb give title Deen
Panah ?
(A) Mohammad Azam
(B) Azam

(C) Kam Bakhash

(D) None of the above
12. Nadir Shah invaded India
(A) 1740
(B) 1739
(C) 1745
(D) 1746
13. During which of the
following Mughal Emperors
rule was the third battle of
Panipat fought ?
(A) Alamgir II
(B) Bahadur Shah II
(C) Akbar Shah II
(D) Shah Alam II
14. During 1707 to 1759, in a
span of just five decades how
many Mughal Emperors had
ascended the throne ?
(A) Eight
(B) Nine
(C) Seven
(D) Six
15. The Atmiya Sabha was

founded by
(A) Swami Vivekanand
(B) Raja Rammohan Roy
(C) Swami Dayanand
(D) Ramakrishna Paramhansa
16. How many departments are
there in the Ministry of Home
Affairs ?
(A) 6
(B) 7
(C) 5
(D) 4
17. In India the smallest
million city is
(A) Allahabad
(B) Amritsar
(C) Faridabad
(D) Rajkot
18. National Authority
Chemical Weapons Convention
(CWC) has been set up under
the administrative control of
(A) Prime Ministers Office
(B) Cabinet Secretariat
(C) Central Secretariat
(D) Home Ministry

19. According to 2001 census,

the least urbanised State of
India is
(A) Assam
(B) Bihar
(C) Himachal Pradesh
(D) Sikkim
20. In which one of the
following crops does Madhya
Pradesh stand first in India
in area and production ?
(A) Cotton
(B) Millet
(C) Sugarcane
(D) Soyabean
Answers with Hints
1. (C) As per Census of 2001
No. of million cities in India
is 35 with Greater Mumbai
topping the list while Rajkot
as the smallest million city.
2. (C) Saudi Arabia has proven
oil reserves2642 billion
barrels (about 19% of the
world total petroleum
reserves) which is the highest

of any country in the world.

3. (A) Saudi Arabia (first)
U.S.A. (second) and Russia
(third) are the three leading
petroleum producing countries
in decreasing order.
4. (B)
5. (A) Norway is the second
largest exporter of fish
commodities after China in the
6. (B) Punjab with 289% has
the highest percentage of
Scheduled Castes population in
7. (D) 8. (A) 9. (C)
10. (A) The most important
rocks from economic point of
view are Dharwar rocks.
11. (C) 12. (B)
13. (D) The third battle of
Panipat was fought between
Marathas and Ahmad Shah Abdali
in 1761 which gave crushing
blow to the rising Maratha
supremacy because Marathas
were badly defeated in this
14. (A)

15. (B) In 1815 Raja Rammohan

Roy founded the Atmiya Sabha
with objective to reform the
Hindu Society.
16. (A) 17. (D)
18. (B) National Authority,
Chemical Weapons Convention
(CWC) was set up under
resolution of Cabinet
Secretariat dated May 5, 1997
to fulfil the obligation
enunciated in the Chemical
Weapons Convention initially
signed by 130 countries in a
conference concluded in 1993.
To prohibit stockpiling of
chemical weapons.
19. (C)
20. (D) Madhya Pradesh ranks
first in production of

Latest News
General Awareness Quiz

1. Which of the following

Article of Indian Constitution

propounds Equality before Law
(A) Article 15
(B) Article 13
(C) Article 14
(D) Article 12
2. Which of the Articles of
the Constitution of India
enshrines protection against
arrest and detention in
certain cases ?
(A) Article 22
(B) Article 23
(C) Article 25
(D) Article 26
3. Ozone layer lies in
(A) Mesosphere
(B) Stratosphere
(C) Exosphere
(D) None of the above

4. Which Article of Indian

Constitution says that no tax
shall be levied or collected
except by authority of law ?

(A) Article 265

(B) Article 266
(C) Article 268
(D) Article 270
5. Chemically Vitamin C is
(A) Riboflavin
(B) Thiamin
(C) Ascorbic acid
(D) Niacin
6. Which of the following
vitamins is not fat-soluble ?
(A) Vitamin A
(B) Vitamin C
(C) Vitamin D
(D) Vitamin E
7. The poem Pagri Sambhal O
Jatta which infused patriotic
fervour in Punjab during
freedom struggle was written
(A) Banke Dayal
(B) Lala Lajpat Roy
(C) Sardar Ajit Singh
(D) Ghulam Kader
8. Indias First War of

Independence is the book

written by
(A) Bhupendranath Dutt
(B) Ganesh Savarkar
(C) Vinayak Damodar Savarkar
(D) Lala Hardayal
9. The Gadar Party was set up
(A) 1913
(B) 1915
(C) 1914
(D) 1912
10. Kaiga Atomic Power Plant
is situated in
(A) Karnataka
(B) Maharashtra
(C) Uttar Pradesh
(D) Tamil Nadu
11. The maximum number of
members that the Legislative
Assembly of a State in India
can have, is
(A) 400
(B) 450
(C) 500
(D) 550

12. Bank rate is the rate at

which the Reserve Bank of
India provides loans to
(A) Public Sector Undertakings
(B) Scheduled Commercial Banks
(C) Private Corporate Sector
(D) Non-Banking Financial
13. Who of the following
founded the East India
Association ?
(A) C. R. Das
(B) Dadabhai Noroji
(C) Devendra Nath Tagore
(D) V. D. Savarkar
14. Tipu Sultan died fighting
the English forces under
(A) Lord Cornwallis
(B) Lord Wellesley
(C) Lord Dalhousie
(D) Lord Hastings
15. The battle of Wandiwash
was fought between
(A) Marathas and Portuguese
(B) The English and the French

(C) The English and the

(D) The Marathas and the
16. Golden Quadrilateral
Project is
(A) Conversion of meter gauge
into broad gauge
(B) Construction of four lane
highways joining four
metropolis of India
(C) Joining of four important
rivers of North India and
(D) Joining of four important
cities of India with air
17. The first weekly Bengali
newspaper Samachar Darpan
was published by
(A) Harish Chandra Mukherjee
(B) Dinabandhu Mitra
(C) Marshman
(D) Vidyasagar
18. Where is the headquarters
of Asian Development Bank

situated at ?
(A) Jakarta
(B) Manila
(C) Singapore
(D) Bangkok
19. Who was responsible for
the introduction of the
Vernacular Press Act of 1878 ?
(A) Lord Mayo
(B) Lord Lytton
(C) Lord Rippon
(D) Lord Curzon
20. Gandhiji started Civil
Disobedience Movement in
(A) 1930
(B) 1931
(C) 1933
(D) 1942
Answers with Hints
1. (C) According to Article 14
of Indian ConstitutionThe
State shall not deny to any
person equality before the law
or the equal protection of the
laws within the territory of

2. (A) Article 22 says that

every person who is arrested
and detained in custody should
be produced before the nearest
magistrate and he should be
given the right to consult and
to be defended by a legal
3. (B) 4. (A) 5. (C)
6. (B) The fat soluble
vitamins include vitamin A, D,
E and K.
7. (A) 8. (C)
9. (A) The Gadar Movement took
its birth on November 1, 1913
when Lala Hardayal set up the
Gadar Party at San Francisco,
the first President of which
was Sohan Singh Bakhna.
10. (A) 11. (C) 12. (B) 13.
(B) 14. (B)
15. (B) The battle of
Wandiwash is also known as
Third Carnatic War (17561763)
and was fought between the
English and the French.
16. (C) 17. (C) 18. (B) 19.
(B) 20. (A)

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