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Spider Diagrams

Spider diagrams are mainly used for planning (eg an article or story ) or creating and provo king ideas. Spider d iagrams are not the same thing as mind maps but they can be just as useful in s ome way s as an idea organiser or an alternative note takin g method.

Spider diagrams are very organised in a neat and clearly stuctured lay out. Again like mind maps they start with a central idea and branch out. The main differences are that spider diagrams do not alway s use colour and there is no specific way of how y ou must structure a spider diagram.

The advantages of spider maps is that they are so easy and very quick to make. You draw them how y ou like and they 'll be done in a matter of minutes. The reasons why y ou should y ou use sp ider maps over linear notes is that alike mind maps, they reflect on the structure of y our brain. They start with a central idea, branch outwards from the centre, leaving endless po ssib ilities.

Before mind maps were invented by Tony Buzan, spider diagrams would have been the clo sest th ing to them. Sometimes it can be a bit of a job to create a whole mind map with all the colour and jazz if y ou just want to brains torm some ideas, and that is where y ou use spider maps. Any way , heres how y ou do it.



First y ou write what the top ic/concept of the brains torm is in the middle of the page, then draw a bubble around it. For ins tance, if I was drawing a spider diagram to decide on a top ic for a poem, I would right POEM in the middle, then I'd draw the bubb le.
Next start with y our sub idea: One of the p ossib le top ics for my poem is my dog (busta). You add the sub idea by drawing an arrow or a line from the bubble outwards. You then label it at the end of the line. Some people like to make the line an arrow, some people like to draw a circle around the label. It is up to y ou. There are no set, "stick to these or else" rules in sp ider diagrams. Mix and match, do it y our own way .
Add sub heading , sub-su b headings and so on. The ideas shou ld s tart to flow and viloa y ou have y our brainstorm!

Now as I said, y ou do not have to stic k to this structure, do it the way y ou want and the way that suits y ou best. If y ou want, by all means - add colour. Go hi ghlighter crazy ! Again stic k to the personalis ing principles on the note ta king page to ma ke it you r spider diagram.

Now that y ou know how to use this brainstorming technique, consider putting it to use. Y ou may fancy this as an alternative to jotting down an idea per line. If y ou prefer the old-fashioned way , fine, I never said y ou had to - many people still prefer the "an idea per line" technique.

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