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Common Core

From: Sid Karp []

Sent: Saturday, December 20, 2014 1:43 PM
To: Sid Karp @ CC
Subject: To One & All:- Jeb Bushs Common Core Problem - Kelsey Harkness / The Daily Signal

To One & All

"Jeb Bushs Common Core
"Jeb Bush has long advocated for
all 50 states to adopt Common
Core national standards. .....
Bushs longstanding support for
Common Core is no secret: Over a
year ago, Frederick M. Hess, an education expert at
the American Enterprise Institute, predicted that if
he decided to run for president, Common Core
could be his Romneycare."" - Kelsey Harkness /
The Daily Signa0l

Robert B. Sklaroff, M.D., a friend who puts

together a "Blast" e-mail that he sends out to others
on his list on a wide variety of topics, and on an
almost daily basis (I am on his list), sent me this
latest one that mentioned and provided for, a link to
the article below. Doctor Bob, as some people call
him, is basically a conservative activist who has
supported consumer issues in the past, which is how I
had met him. Thanks for the info, and the link to the
story about Jeb Bush and Common Core, Bob.
Common Core reminds me of "common sense" because they have the word "common" in
common. Merriam-Webster's online dictionary says that "common sense" is "sound and
prudent judgment based on a simple perception of the situation or facts" and the "noun"
describes it as "the ability to think and behave in a reasonable way and to make good
decisions," but what is so common about common sense? If it is so "common," then everyone
would have "sound and prudent judgement...," and "the ability to think and behave in a
reasonable way... ," and i do not think that it is so. So, what is "Common Core?"
Glenn Beck, in one of his latest books titled "CONFORM," describes Common Core in
Chapter 13, titled "COMMON CORE IS "RIGOROUS", and which begins on page 89, and
sums it up several ways, one, talking about "math," and quoting others like Michelle Malkin,
writing, "Michelle Malkin, who has taken an active role in exposing Common Core, explains
that the math standards "abandon 'drill and kill' memorization techniques for fuzzy 'critical

thinking' methods that put the cart of 'why' in front of the horse of 'how.'... ..... "So, in terms
of math, Common Core is definitely not "rigorous"----either by America's historical standard,
nor the progressives' gooey "twenty-first-century skills" standard. And the English standards
aren't much better." Glenn Beck's book is a compelling read as they say!
So... let's see how Jeb Bush, brother of former President George W. Bush, both the sons of the
first President Bush, fits in with Common Core. In my humble opinion, I think that Common
Core stinks to high heaven! You?
Read on, if you will.

Jeb Bushs Common Core Problem

Kelsey Harkness / @kelseyjharkness / December 17, 2014 /

Jeb Bush in New Port Richey, Fla., in 1998.

(Photo: St. Petersburg Times/Tampa Bay Times/
Jeb Bush has long advocated for all 50 states to adopt Common Core national standards.
Now that the former Florida governor has all but confirmed his plans to run for president in
2016, the issue threatens to overshadow his likely campaign.
Bushs name, matched with consistently high polling numbers among potential 2016 Republican

candidates, makes landing a seat in the Oval Office feasible. But in order to reach the general
electionto perhaps take on Hillary ClintonBush must first overcome concerns about
Common Core with conservative primary voters.
>>> Heres How People Reacted to Jeb Bushs 2016 Announcement, in 36 Tweets
Bushs longstanding support for Common Core is no secret: Over a year ago, Frederick M. Hess,
an education expert at the American Enterprise Institute, predicted that if he decided to run for
president, Common Core could be his Romneycare.
What is Common Core?
Common Core standards were created by the National Governors Association and Council of
Chief State School Officers, and funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The goal,
supported by the Obama administration, was to increase education standards in America.
Among conservatives, however, the issue one of the most controversial. Several politicians have
flip-flopped on the issue, pulling their support or even abandoning the standards in their states.

The Heritage Foundation is among the organizations that have rallied against Common Core.


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Sid Karp
sid **dot** karp **at ** comcast **dot** net
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Have a good day, if you can!

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Remember the Alamo, the Intifada, and 9/11 too!
Try to balance national security with the need for privacy and survival!
Support research, and a real cure for Celiac Disease,
which mainly affects Jewish Americans, but many others as well!
1 out of 100 Americans has it, but only 5% have been diagnosed!
Do you have the symptoms?
Visit my web site, Jewish Celiacs Newsletter. NOTE: My website is closed off right now
(password-protected) with the help of my website provider, due to to the fact that it was hacked
and used by some individual or group that seems to be selling hot goods (Nike shoes, etc.), and
this individual or group is or are related to French Arab terrorists, and Neo-Nazis in cahoots
with Left-wing anti-Shemites. This is not the first time that I have had these kinds of problems
as it relates to my websites at Microsoft, Yahoo, and others.
Vayikra (Leviticus) 25:35-38 35: And if thy brother be waxen poor, and his means fail with
thee; then thou shalt uphold him: as a stranger and a settler shall he live with thee. 36: Take
thou no interest of him or increase; but fear thy G-d; that thy brother may live with thee. 37:
Thou shalt not give him thy money upon interest, nor give him thy victuals for increase. 38: I am
HaShem your G-d, who brought you forth out of the land of Egypt, to give you the land of
Canaan, to be your G-d.

eviticus Chapter 2 3 -3
. 35
. 36
-- - ,
. 37
, ,
{ } 38
NOTE: For those unfamiliar with the Hebrew language, you read from right to left.
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