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I HAVE DONE ( Present Perfect ) or I DID ( Past Simple ).

O tempo verbal Ingls Present Perfect refere-se a algo iniciado no passado e que
continua at hoje, tendo portanto um tempo indefinido.
Veja s:
Em portugus dizemos: "Eu trabalho aqui h 2 anos" - querendo dizer que entrei
na empresa faz 2 anos e ainda estou l.
Poderamos dizer tambm: "Tenho trabalhado aqui por 2 anos" - esta a forma
do Present
Perfect que apesar de "no existir oficialmente" na gramtica portuguesa
usado tranquilamente no dia a dia,certo?
Em ingls ha uma diferena entre o uso desses dois tempos verbais.Veja:

With a finished time ( yesterday / last week , etc ... ), we use the Past Simple
Com um tempo definido (ontem / semana passada,etc.) usamos o Simple Past

last week
We arrived at 3 oclock
in 1995
six months ago
DO NOT USE the Present Perfect with a finished time .
NO USE o Present Perfect com tempo definido.
Examples :
I saw Paula yesterday
Where were you on Sunday afternoon ? ( not where have you been )
What did you do last night ? - I stayed home .
William Shakespeare lived from 1564 to 1616 . He was a writer . He wrote
many plays
and poems.

Use the Past Simple to ask when , what time ?

Use Past Simple (Passado Simples) para perguntar:- "quando" - "a que horas"
When did they arrive ? ( not when have they arrived ? )
Dica: Todos os Tempos Verbais e procure pelo Present / Past Perfect
Compare these sentences - compare estas frases


I have lost my key / I lost my key last night
Bill has gone home / Bill went home ten minutes ago
Have you seen Ann ? / Did you see Ann on Saturday ?
Have you ever been to Spain ? Did you go to Spain last year ?
The letter hasnt arrived yet / The letter didnt arrive yesterday
Tips: The answer has to be in the same tense as the question:
Did you book the flight?
No, I didn't book the flight
Have you booked the flight?
No, I haven't booked the flight?
Have you made the reservations?
No, I haven't made the reservations.
Did you make the reservations?
No, I didn't make the reservations?

"Ever" usado:
- Em perguntas:
Have you ever been to England? (Voc alguma vez esteve na Inglaterra?)
Has she ever met the Prime Minister? (Ela j conheceu o Primeiro Ministro?)

- Em Perguntas Negativas:
Haven't they ever been to Europe? ( Eles nunca tinham estado na Europa?)
Haven't you ever eaten Chinese food? ( Voc nunca tinha comido comida
- E na negativa usando "Nothing .......... ever", "Nobody .......... ever":
Nobody has ever said that to me before. (Ningum tinha falado aquilo pra mim
Nothing like this has ever happened to us. (Nada como isso tinha acontecido
- "Ever" usado tambm com "The first time ...":
It's the first time (that) I've ever eaten snails. ( a primeira vez que eu tinha
comido caracis)
This is the first time I've ever been to England. (Essa a primeira vez que eu
tinha estado na Inglaterra)
- "Never" significa nunca, e a mesma que "not ..... ever":
I have never visited Berlin (Eu nunca visitei Berlim)
- CUIDADO, no pode usa "never" e "not" juntos:
I haven't never been to Italy. <= Errado
I have never been to Italy. <= Certo (Eu nunca estive na Itlia)

-Refere a uma ao que tinha acontecido sem tempo especfico. Ele sugere que
no precisa de repeties:
I've already drunk three coffees this morning. (Eu j tinha bebido trs copos de
caf nesta manh.) (E voc est oferecendo caf.)
Don't write to John, I've already done it. (No escreva pro John. Eu j tinha feito
- tambm usado na interrogativa:
Have you already written to John? (Voc j tinha escrito pro John?)
Has she finished her homework already? (Ela j tinha terminada a lio de

OBS: "Already" pode ser colocado antes do verbo principal (past participle) ou
no final da frase.
- usado na negativa e na interrogativa, significa "no" no perodo do tempo
entre antes do presente e o presente:
Have you met Judy yet? (Voc no tinha conhecida a Judy ainda?)
I haven't visited the Tate Gallery yet. (Eu no tinha visitado a Tate Gallery
Has he arrived yet? (Ele no tinha chegado ainda?)
They haven't eaten yet. (Eles no tinha comido ainda.)
OBS: "Yet" geralmente colocado no fim da frase.
- usado com o past perfect para referir algo que foi um tempo curto do que
The train had just left when I arrived at the station. (O trem tinha acabado de
partir da estao)
She had just left the room when the police arrived. (Ela tinha acabada de sair do
apartamento quando a polcia chegou)
I had just put the washing out when it started to rain. (Eu tinha acabado de
colocar pra secar a roupa quando comeou chover)
Since (desde)
She has lived here since 1980. (Ela tinha morada aqui desde 1980)
We have taught at this school since 1965 (Ns tinha tido aula nesse escola
desde 1965)
Alice has been married since March 2nd. (Alice tinha casada desde 2 de Maro)
They have been at the hotel since last Tuesday (Eles tinha estado no hotel desde
tera-feira passada)
For (por, durante)
She has lived here for twenty years. (Ela tinha morada aqui por 20 anos)
We have taught at this school for a long time. (Ns tinha tido aula nessa escola
por muito tempo)
Alice has been married for three months. (Alice tinha casada durante 3 meses)

They have been at the hotel for a week. (Eles tinha estado no hotel durante uma

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