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Rockwell Automation Publication H2H-IN001A-EN-EJuly 2012

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2012 Rockwell Automation Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in USA.
2010 OSIsoft, Inc. All rights reserved.
This document and any accompanying Rockwell Software products are copyrighted by Rockwell Automation
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Trademark Notices

FactoryTalk, Rockwell Automation, Rockwell Software, the Rockwell Software logo are registered trademarks
of Rockwell Automation, Inc.
The following logos and products are trademarks of Rockwell Automation, Inc.:
FactoryTalk Historian Site Edition (SE), FactoryTalk Historian Machine Edition (ME), RSView, FactoryTalk View,
RSView Studio, FactoryTalk ViewStudio, RSView Machine Edition, RSView ME Station, RSLinx Enterprise,
FactoryTalk Services Platform, FactoryTalk Live Data, and FactoryTalk VantagePoint.
The following logos and products are trademarks of OSIsoft, Inc.:
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All other trademarks are the property of their respective holders and are hereby acknowledged.

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This product is warranted in accordance with the product license. The products performance may be affected
by system configuration, the application being performed, operator control, maintenance, and other related
factors. Rockwell Automation is not responsible for these intervening factors. The instructions in this
document do not cover all the details or variations in the equipment, procedure, or process described, nor do
they provide directions for meeting every possible contingency during installation, operation, or
This products implementation may vary among users.
This document is current as of the time of release of the product; however, the accompanying software may
have changed since the release. Rockwell Automation, Inc. reserves the right to change any information
contained in this document or the software at anytime without prior notice. It is your responsibility to obtain
the most current information available from Rockwell when installing or using this product.

Table of Contents
Chapter 1

Terminology ................................................................................................... 5
Supported Architectures.............................................................................. 6

Chapter 2

Assign the Licenses to the Target Server .................................................. 9

Verify the Allocated Interface Licenses .................................................. 10

Chapter 3
Installing FactoryTalk Historian
To Historian Interface

Install FactoryTalk Services Platform..................................................... 13

Install FactoryTalk Historian To Historian Interface ....................... 15

Chapter 4
Configuring FactoryTalk
Historian To Historian Interface

Create an Interface Instance in the ICU ............................................... 19

Create a Target Point on the Target Server .......................................... 21
Configure a Trust on the Target Server ................................................. 22
Configure a Trust on the Source Server ................................................. 22
Start the H2H Interface ............................................................................ 22
Verify the H2H Interface .......................................................................... 23

Chapter 5
Creating Multiple FTSS Tags

Import FTLD Tags from the Source Server ......................................... 25

Create FTSS Tags ........................................................................................26
Export FTSS Tags to the Target Server ................................................. 27

Chapter 6
Removing FactoryTalk Historian
To Historian Interface

Removing the Suite Using the Start Menu ........................................... 29

Removing the Suite Using Control Panel ............................................. 30
Removing the Suite Using the Distribution Kit .................................. 30

Rockwell Automation Publication H2H-IN001A-EN-EJuly 2012

Table of Contents

Rockwell Automation Publication H2H-IN001A-EN-EJuly 2012

Chapter 1

The FactoryTalk Historian To Historian Interface is used to
transfer data from a Rockwell Historian server (source server) to
another Rockwell Historian server (target server). This includes a
Rockwell FactoryTalk Historian ME module, a FactoryTalk
Historian SE server or a collective of FactoryTalk Historian SE 3.0
servers being transferred to another Rockwell FactoryTalk Historian
SE 3.0 server or a collective of FactoryTalk Historian SE 3.0 servers.
You will find here information about:
Supported architectures (page 6).
Licensing (page 9).
Installing FactoryTalk Historian To Historian Interface (page
Configuring FactoryTalk Historian To Historian Interface
(page 19).
Removing FactoryTalk Historian To Historian Interface
(page 29).


For the latest information on the FactoryTalk Historian To

Historian Interface, please refer to the KB article 58662

Individual components of the FactoryTalk Historian SE and

FactoryTalk family products may be referred to in this document
using the following abbreviations and naming conventions:

Rockwell Automation Publication H2H-IN001A-EN-EJuly 2012

Chapter 1 Introduction



H2H Interface

FactoryTalk Historian ME
FactoryTalk Historian SE
FactoryTalk Historian Live Data Interface
FactoryTalk Historian To Historian Interface
Interface Configuration Utility
Rockwell Automation Knowledgebase
System Management Tools
A Rockwell Historian ME module, an SE server, or a collective of SE
3.0 servers from which the H2H Interface transfers data.
A Rockwell Historian SE 3.0 server or a collective of SE 3.0 servers to
which the H2H Interface transfers data.

Source Server
Target Server

Supported Architectures

The diagram below presents a typical architecture topology for the

FactoryTalk Historian To Historian Interface:

Rockwell Automation Publication H2H-IN001A-EN-EJuly 2012

Introduction Chapter 1

The H2H Interface can be installed on the following architectures:



On the Target Server The Target Server must be a FactoryTalk Historian SE 3.0 server or a
collective of FactoryTalk Historian SE 3.0 servers.
On the Source Server The Source Server may be any of the following:
A FactoryTalk Historian SE 3.0 server.
A collective of FactoryTalk Historian SE 3.0 servers.
On a non-legacy
A non-legacy Historian computer is a machine:
Historian computer
On which neither of the following versions of FactoryTalk
Historian SE is installed:
FactoryTalk Historian SE 2.0
FactoryTalk Historian SE 2.1
FactoryTalk Historian SE 2.2.
Which is not an Interface node.
Which is not a client computer.

In all the architectures only a FactoryTalk Historian SE 3.0 server

may function as the Target Server.


Rockwell Automation Publication H2H-IN001A-EN-EJuly 2012

For information on how to install the FactoryTalk Historian To Historian

Interface on the Source Server or a non-legacy Historian computer, refer
to the FactoryTalk Historian To Historian Interface User Guide. The
document is located in the Common Files\Rockwell\Help directory in
the Program Files (32-bit operating system) or Program Files (x86)
(64-bit operating system) folder.
If the Target Server is an OSI PI Server, you need to install the OSI PItoPI
Interface, rather than the Rockwell H2H Interface.
For detailed information on the supported configurations of the Source
and Target Servers, refer to the FactoryTalk Historian To Historian
Interface Release Notes.

Chapter 1 Introduction

Rockwell Automation Publication H2H-IN001A-EN-EJuly 2012

Chapter 2

To use the FactoryTalk Historian To Historian Interface, you need
to purchase an H2H license activation file, activate the interface
using FactoryTalk Activation Manager, and assign the license
activation to the Target Server using the FactoryTalk
Administration Console.

Assign the Licenses to the

Target Server

For more information on activating the interface, refer to the

Activate Rockwell Software Products leaflet, available with your
FactoryTalk Historian installation package.
For more information on licensing for FactoryTalk Historian
products, refer to the FactoryTalk Historian SE Installation and
Configuration Guide, section "Managing Licenses".

To assign the license activations to the target server:

1. Go to Start > All Programs > Rockwell Software > FactoryTalk
Administration Console.
2. In the Select FactoryTalk Directory dialog box, select
Network and click OK.
3. In the Explorer tree, expand System > Connections >
Historical Data.
4. Right-click the name of the server to which you want to assign
the license activations, and click Properties.
5. In the Historian Server Connection Properties dialog box,
click the Licensing tab. The table in the tab lists the types and
number of activations available for the selected server.
6. To assign a license activation to the server, type a number in
the Assigned column for the selected license activation. The

Rockwell Automation Publication H2H-IN001A-EN-EJuly 2012

Chapter 2 Licensing

number shows how many licenses of the selected type will be

assigned to the server.

7. Click Apply.
After you have assigned the activation file to the server, a point
source FTSS has been created and set to unlimited. You can check it
in the Point Sources tab.


Verify the Allocated

Interface Licenses

You need to restart the server for the changes to take effect.

You can verify that the H2H Interface licenses has been properly
allocated in the System Management Tools.
To view the information on the allocated licenses:
1. Go to Start > All Programs > Rockwell Software > FactoryTalk
Historian SE > System Management Tools.
2. Under Collectives and Servers, select the server for which you
want to view the license information.
3. Under System Management Tools, select Operation >


Rockwell Automation Publication H2H-IN001A-EN-EJuly 2012

Licensing Chapter 2

4. Click Resources > PointSourcesLimit.FTSS.


Rockwell Automation Publication H2H-IN001A-EN-EJuly 2012

For more information on viewing the allocated licenses, refer to

the FactoryTalk Historian SE Installation and Configuration Guide,
section "Viewing Allocated Licenses".


Chapter 2 Licensing


Rockwell Automation Publication H2H-IN001A-EN-EJuly 2012

Chapter 3

Installing FactoryTalk Historian To

Historian Interface
In this chapter you will find instructions on how to install the
following core components of the FactoryTalk Historian To
Historian Interface suite:
FactoryTalk Services Platform (page 13)
FactoryTalk Historian To Historian Interface (page 15)

Install FactoryTalk Services


When you select this option, the following components will be

FactoryTalk Diagnostics
Windows Firewall Configuration Utility (WFCU)
FactoryTalk Services Platform
FactoryTalk Services Platform is an underlying architecture and a set
of common services (such as diagnostic messages, health monitoring
services, access to real-time data, and shared plant resources such as
tags and graphic displays) that Rockwell Automation products build
upon. It is a prerequisite for all FactoryTalk-enabled software
products, such as FactoryTalk Historian SE, FactoryTalk View, and
RSLinx Enterprise.
FactoryTalk Diagnostics collects and provides access to activity,
status warnings, and error messages generated throughout a
FactoryTalk system.

Rockwell Automation Publication H2H-IN001A-EN-EJuly 2012


Chapter 3 Installing FactoryTalk Historian To Historian Interface

For more information on FactoryTalk, refer to FactoryTalk Help.

You can access it from Start > All Programs > Rockwell Software >
FactoryTalk Tools > FactoryTalk Help after you have installed
FactoryTalk Services Platform on your machine.

Make sure to install FactoryTalk Services Platform on all the computers,

including the computer that will serve as the FactoryTalk Directory.

To install FactoryTalk Services Platform:

1. Unpack the distribution kit on your computer.
2. Double-click setup.exe. The installation wizard appears.
3. On the main page of the installation wizard, click Install
FactoryTalk Historian To Historian Interface > Install
FactoryTalk Historian To Historian Interface > Install
FactoryTalk Services Platform.
The system checks if you have all the required components
installed. If any components are missing, a dialog box appears
prompting you to install the missing components. Click
Install to install the components.
The installation wizard appears.
4. On the Welcome... page, click Next.
5. On the License Agreement page, read and accept the terms of
the license agreement, selecting the I accept... option.
Click Next.
6. On the Setup Type page, select Standard and click Next.
7. On the Ready to Install the Program page, click Install to
start the installation.
The Installing page appears with the status of the installation.
8. On the InstallShield Wizard Completed page, click Finish
to exit the wizard.


Rockwell Automation Publication H2H-IN001A-EN-EJuly 2012

Installing FactoryTalk Historian To Historian Interface Chapter 3

You may be prompted to restart your computer to complete

the installation. If you do not choose to restart your computer
at this time, be sure to restart it at the completion of the
required installation steps for FactoryTalk Historian To
Historian Interface.

Install FactoryTalk
Historian To Historian

To install FactoryTalk Historian To Historian Interface:

1. Double-click setup.exe. The installation wizard appears.
2. On the main page of the installation wizard, click Install
FactoryTalk Historian To Historian Interface > Install
FactoryTalk Historian To Historian Interface.
The installation wizard appears.
If there are any software prerequisites missing from the
computer, they are listed in red at the bottom of the
installation wizard Welcome page. Click Cancel and Finish
to exit the wizard, install the prerequisites, and start the
installation wizard again.
3. On the Welcome... page, click Next.
4. On the License Agreement page, read and accept the terms of
the license agreement, selecting the I accept... option.
Click Next.
5. On the Review Component Installation page, review the list
of the components that are already installed and those that will
be installed during the installation process.
Click Next.
6. On the Destination Drive page, select the drive on which you
want to install the product.
If the space available on the drive is not sufficient for the
installation, a warning message will appear below the
Installation drive list. In such a case, select another drive or
increase the available space on the drive you have originally

Rockwell Automation Publication H2H-IN001A-EN-EJuly 2012


Chapter 3 Installing FactoryTalk Historian To Historian Interface


You can choose the destination drive only if you install the
component on the selected machine for the first time. If there
have been any FactoryTalk Historian components installed on
the machine before, the Installation drive list will not be

Click Next.
The Installation Progress page appears. It lists the
components that are going to be installed. The status of the
installation is displayed in the Status column of the
component table.
7. Click Install to start the installation.
A message box appears informing you about the necessity of
restarting the computer after the installation.
8. Click Yes to continue with the installation.
9. Wait until the components are installed. The installation time
will vary depending on the number of components being
installed and the computer performance. The installation
status is displayed below the component table.
10. On the Installation Wizard Completed page, click Show the
installation log (page 17), if you want to view the installation
log after the installation wizard closes.
If any of the installed components requires rebooting the
computer, a relevant message will appear on the installation
wizard page, and you will be prompted to restart the machine
after the installation wizard closes.
11. Click Finish to exit the installation wizard.
12. If prompted, restart the computer.


Rockwell Automation Publication H2H-IN001A-EN-EJuly 2012

Installing FactoryTalk Historian To Historian Interface Chapter 3

View the Installation Log


You can open the installation log, fth_installer.log, directly from

the installation wizard. If you want to refer to it later, open it from
the following location:
C:\Program Files\Rockwell Software\FactoryTalk
Historian\Installation Manager\<Name of the Historian
suite>\FTHInstallerLogs\<Date and Time of the Installation>.

Rockwell Automation Publication H2H-IN001A-EN-EJuly 2012


Chapter 3 Installing FactoryTalk Historian To Historian Interface


Rockwell Automation Publication H2H-IN001A-EN-EJuly 2012

Chapter 4

Configuring FactoryTalk Historian To

Historian Interface
To configure the H2H Interface, perform the following steps:
1. Create an interface instance in the ICU (page 19).
2. Create a target point on the target server (page 21).
3. Configure a trust on the target server (page 22).
4. Configure a trust on the source server (page 22).
5. Start the H2H Interface (page 22).
6. Verify the H2H Interface (page 23).

Create an Interface
Instance in the ICU

The configuration steps are based on the assumption that

FactoryTalk Historian To Historian Interface is installed on the
target server.

To create an instance of the H2H Interface:

1. Go to Start > All Programs > Rockwell Software > FactoryTalk
Historian SE > Interface Configuration Utility. The Interface
Configuration Utility dialog box appears.
2. From the menu bar, select Interface > New Windows
Interface Instance from EXE. The Configure a New
Interface dialog box appears.
3. Click Browse. The Locate Interface dialog box appears.

Rockwell Automation Publication H2H-IN001A-EN-EJuly 2012


Chapter 4 Configuring FactoryTalk Historian To Historian Interface

4. Navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\Rockwell

Software\FactoryTalk Historian\PIPC\Interfaces\FTPItoPI
and select FTPItoPI.exe.
5. Click Open.
6. Under Host PI Server/Collective, select this computer.
7. Complete the following information:


Point Source
Interface ID
Service ID


8. Click Add.
9. In the PI ICU Register Interface message box, click OK.
10. In the General tab, under General, verify that FTSS is the
Point Source.

11. Under Scan Classes, click

second frequency.

to create one scan class at a 15

12. Under Scan Frequency, type 15.

13. In the PItoPI tab, go to the Required tab, and type the
Source host. It may be either a DNS name or an IP address.

Rockwell Automation Publication H2H-IN001A-EN-EJuly 2012

Configuring FactoryTalk Historian To Historian Interface

Chapter 4

14. In the Service tab, click Create.

15. In the PI Interface Configuration Utility message box that
appears, click Yes.
You have successfully created and configured the H2H Interface.

Create a Target Point on the To create a FTSS point on the Target Server to be the target
Target Server
1. Go to Start > All Programs > Rockwell Software > FactoryTalk
Historian SE > System Management Tools. The System
Management Tools dialog box appears.
2. Under Collectives and Servers, select the target server.
3. Under System Management Tools, select Points > Point
4. On the toolbar, click

5. In the General tab, complete the following information:

Point source

Depending on the type of the tag from the Source Server, you
may need to specify also the Point type and Digital set values.

6. In the Classic tab, complete the following information:




(This value is the interface ID you have specified in step 7 in
"Create an Interface Instance in the ICU (page 19)".)


7. On the toolbar, click

The new tag is displayed in the right pane of the System

Management Tools dialog box.

Rockwell Automation Publication H2H-IN001A-EN-EJuly 2012


Chapter 4 Configuring FactoryTalk Historian To Historian Interface

Configure a Trust on the

Target Server

Since the Interface is local to the FactoryTalk Historian SE 3.01

Server, it will use the default proxy trust. If the Interface was
installed on a computer other than the Target Server, then you
would need to define a trust to allow a connection from that
computer to the Target Server.
For more information on creating trusts, refer to the online help
available in the System Management Tools. To open it, under System
Management Tools, select Security > Mappings & Trusts, and click
on the toolbar.


Configure a Trust on the

Source Server

Create application trusts for the following applications with the

piadmin user:

Start the H2H Interface

For more information on creating trusts, refer to the online help

available in the System Management Tools. To open it, under
System Management Tools, select Security > Mappings &
Trusts, and click
on the toolbar.

To start the interface:

1. Go to Start > All Programs > Rockwell Software > FactoryTalk
Historian SE > Interface Configuration Utility. The Interface
Configuration Utility dialog box appears.
2. Under Interface, select the interface you have just created.
3. On the toolbar, click

The status of the interface at the bottom of the dialog box has
changed to Running.


Rockwell Automation Publication H2H-IN001A-EN-EJuly 2012

Configuring FactoryTalk Historian To Historian Interface

Verify the H2H Interface

Chapter 4

To verify that the H2H Interface is working properly, you need to

check whether the current value of the tag at the Source Server
(BA:Temp.1) equals the current value of the tag at the Target
Server (MyTEMPtag).
To verify the interface:
1. On the source server, go to Start > All Programs > Rockwell
Software > FactoryTalk Historian SE > System Management
Tools. The System Management Tools dialog box appears.
2. Under Collectives and Servers, select the Source Server.
3. Under System Management Tools, select Data > Current
4. On the toolbar, click

. The Tag Search dialog box appears.

5. Under Tag Mask, type BA:Temp.1, and click Search.

The tag appears in the tag list.
6. Double-click the tag or click OK to open it.
7. The tag is displayed in the right pane of the dialog box.
8. Under Value, check the current value of the tag.
9. On the Target Server, repeat the steps described above for the
MyTEMPtag tag. If the values of the two tags are the same,
the H2H Interface works properly and is able to transfer data.

Rockwell Automation Publication H2H-IN001A-EN-EJuly 2012


Chapter 4 Configuring FactoryTalk Historian To Historian Interface


Rockwell Automation Publication H2H-IN001A-EN-EJuly 2012

Chapter 5

Creating Multiple FTSS Tags

In "Configuring FactoryTalk Historian To Historian Interface
(page 19)", we have used as an example an internal FactoryTalk
Historian SE point for creating a target FTSS point on the Target
Server. In real life, you would need to create multiple FTSS target
points for multiple source points collected through an FTLD
interface instead, so that they can be used for transferring data by the
H2H Interface.
To automate the process of creating the FTSS tags, you can use the
Tag Configurator Excel Add-in, distributed with the FactoryTalk
Historian Management Tools.

For information on supported versions of Microsoft Excel, refer to the

FactoryTalk Historian SE Release Notes.

The process of creating the multiple FTSS tags, consists of the

following steps:
1. Importing FTLD tags from the source server (page 25).
2. Editing the imported data to create FTSS tags (page 26).
3. Exporting the created FTSS tags to the target server (page 27).

Import FTLD Tags from the

Source Server

To import FTLD tags:

1. Open Microsoft Excel.
2. On the ribbon, click the Add-Ins tab.

Rockwell Automation Publication H2H-IN001A-EN-EJuly 2012

If you cannot see the tab, refer to the FactoryTalk Historian SE

Installation and Configuration Guide, section "Configuring Excel
Add-ins for FactoryTalk Clients" to learn how to enable it

Chapter 5 Creating Multiple FTSS Tags

3. In the Add-Ins tab, click PI-SMT, and select Import Tags.

The Import PI Tags dialog box appears.
4. Under Import from, select the Source Server that uses the
FTLD interface.

If the server is not listed, click Connections and add the server
in the Connection Manager. Refer to the help in the Connection
Manager for more information.

5. Under Point Source, type FTLD.

6. Click OK. The tags are imported and displayed in the Excel

Create FTSS Tags

In these steps we will automate the process of creating FTSS tags

described in "Create a Target Point on the Target Server (page 21)".
To create FTSS tags:
1. In the Excel workbook, select the tag names in the Tag column
for which you want your H2H Interface to collect data.
2. Press Ctrl+C to copy the names of the tags.
3. Click Sheet2, press Ctrl+V to paste the names of the tags to
the A column, starting from the A1 cell.
4. In the B1 cell, type STAG=.
5. In the C1 cell, type =$B$1&A1.
In this way you create a formula that will add the expression
from the B1 cell to all the cells to which you will copy it.
6. In the C column, copy the C1 cell and paste it in the
subsequent cells of the column that are located in the rows
with the tag names you have pasted in the A column.
In this way you add a STAG= expression to each name of the
7. Copy the modified tag names from the C column.
8. Click Sheet1 and go to the exdesc column.


Rockwell Automation Publication H2H-IN001A-EN-EJuly 2012

Creating Multiple FTSS Tags Chapter 5

9. Right-click the first cell in the exdesc column to which you

will paste the modified tag names.
10. Select Paste Special >
. The modified tag names are
pasted to the subsequent cells of the exdesc column.
In this way you create references to the source tags for the
FTSS target tags you are about to create.
11. Go to the Tag column, and rename the tags you have selected
and copied.
In this way you create names for the FTSS tags.
12. Go to the pointsource column, and replace FTLD with FTSS.
In this way you define the tags as FTSS tags.
13. Go to the location1 column, and type for each modified tag
the ID number of your H2H Interface.
See step 7 in "Create an Interface Instance in the ICU (page
19)" for more information.
14. Go to the location4 column, and type for each modified tag
the Scan Class number of your H2H Interface.
See step 11 in "Create an Interface Instance in the ICU (page
19)" for more information.
15. Save the Excel workbook.

Export FTSS Tags to the

Target Server


When you import tags to the Excel workbook, all the imported tags are
marked with an x in the Select (x) column. If you do not want to export
all the tags, leave the x mark only next to the tags you want to export.

To export the FTSS tags:

1. On the ribbon, click PI-SMT > Export Tags. The Export PI
Tags dialog box appears.
2. Under Export to, select the PI Server.
3. Under PI Server, select the target server.
Rockwell Automation Publication H2H-IN001A-EN-EJuly 2012


Chapter 5 Creating Multiple FTSS Tags


If the server is not listed, click Connections and add the server
in the Connection Manager. Refer to the help in the Connection
Manager for more information.

4. Click OK.
The tags are exported to the target server.


Rockwell Automation Publication H2H-IN001A-EN-EJuly 2012

Chapter 6

Removing FactoryTalk Historian To

Historian Interface
To remove FactoryTalk Historian To Historian Interface from your
computer, choose either of the following methods:
Using the Start menu (page 29).
Using Control Panel (page 30).
Using the distribution kit (page 30).

Removing the Suite Using

the Start Menu


Stop the Batch interface before you start the removal process.

To remove the suite using the Start menu:

1. Go to Start > All Programs > Rockwell Software > FactoryTalk
Historian SE.
2. Click the Uninstall link of the FactoryTalk Historian suite
you want to remove from the computer.
The removal wizard appears.
3. On the wizard pages, click Next and then Uninstall to start
the removal process.
4. Click Finish.
5. In the message that appears, click OK to complete the removal

Rockwell Automation Publication H2H-IN001A-EN-EJuly 2012


Chapter 6 Removing FactoryTalk Historian To Historian Interface

Removing the Suite Using

Control Panel


Stop the Batch interface before you start the removal process.

To remove the suite using Control Panel:

1. Go to Start > Control Panel > Programs > Programs and
2. Under Uninstall or change a program, select the name of the
FactoryTalk Historian suite you want to remove from the
computer, and click Uninstall/Change.
The removal wizard appears.
3. On the wizard pages, click Next and then Uninstall to start
the removal process.
4. Click Finish.
5. In the message that appears, click OK to complete the removal

Removing the Suite Using

the Distribution Kit

To remove the suite using the distribution kit:

1. Double-click setup.exe.
2. On the main page of the installation wizard, click Uninstall
FactoryTalk Historian To Historian Interface.
3. On the Uninstall FactoryTalk Historian To Historian
Interface page, click the link of the interface suite. The
removal wizard appears.
4. On the removal wizard page, click Next, and then Uninstall
to start the removal process.
5. Click Finish to exit the wizard.


Rockwell Automation Publication H2H-IN001A-EN-EJuly 2012


Assign the Licenses to the Target Server 9

Configure a Trust on the Source Server 22
Configure a Trust on the Target Server 22
Configuring FactoryTalk Historian To Historian
Interface 19
Create a Target Point on the Target Server 21
Create an Interface Instance in the ICU 19
Create FTSS Tags 26
Creating Multiple FTSS Tags 25

Documentation Feedback 32

Export FTSS Tags to the Target Server 27

Import FTLD Tags from the Source Server 25
Install FactoryTalk Historian To Historian
Interface 15
Install FactoryTalk Services Platform 13
Installation Assistance 32
Installing FactoryTalk Historian To Historian
Interface 13
Introduction 5

Rockwell Automation Publication H2H-IN001A-EN-EJuly 2012

Licensing 9

New Product Satisfaction Return 32

Removing FactoryTalk Historian To Historian
Interface 29
Removing the Suite Using Control Panel 30
Removing the Suite Using the Distribution Kit
Removing the Suite Using the Start Menu 29
Rockwell Automation Support 32

Start the H2H Interface 22
Supported Architectures 6

Terminology 5

Verify the Allocated Interface Licenses 10
Verify the H2H Interface 23
View the Installation Log File 17


Rockwell Automation Support

Rockwell Automation provides technical information on the Web to assist you in using its products. At, you can find technical manuals, a knowledge base of FAQs,
technical and application notes, sample code and links to software service packs, and a MySupport feature that
you can customize to make the best use of these tools.
For an additional level of technical phone support for installation, configuration, and troubleshooting, we offer
TechConnect support programs. For more information, contact your local distributor or Rockwell Automation
representative, or visit

Installation Assistance
If you experience a problem within the first 24 hours of installation, review the information that is contained in
this manual. You can contact Customer Support for initial help in getting your product up and running.
United States or Canada
Outside United States or

Use the Worldwide Locator at, or contact your
local Rockwell Automation representative.

New Product Satisfaction Return

Rockwell Automation tests all of its products to ensure that they are fully operational when shipped from the
manufacturing facility. However, if your product is not functioning and needs to be returned, follow these
United States
Outside United States

Contact your distributor. You must provide a Customer Support case number (call the phone number above to obtain
one) to your distributor to complete the return process.
Please contact your local Rockwell Automation representative for the return procedure.

Documentation Feedback
Your comments will help us serve your documentation needs better. If you have any suggestions on how to
improve this document, complete this form, publication RA-DU002, available at

Rockwell Automation Publication H2H-IN001A-EN-EJuly 2012

Copyright 2013 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A.

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