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Quick Start Guide

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Introducing Solve ...................................................................................................................... 3


Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................................... 4


Training ............................................................................................................................................................................. 4


Guide Conventions - this is the main topic title ................................................................................................................ 5

This is a sub-topic title ...................................................................................................................................................... 5


Screen Layout.................................................................................................................................................................... 5


Example Structure Details ................................................................................................................................................. 6

Views & Plans .................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Structure Data ................................................................................................................................................................... 7


Constructing the model............................................................................................................. 9


Starting a New Project .................................................................................................................................................... 10

Settings ........................................................................................................................................................................... 10


Construction Levels & Grids ............................................................................................................................................ 11

Construction Levels ......................................................................................................................................................... 11


Creating Gridlines ........................................................................................................................................................... 12

DXF Import ...................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Rectangular Grid Wizard ................................................................................................................................................. 13
Additional Gridlines ........................................................................................................................................................ 15


Selecting Objects for Editing ........................................................................................................................................... 16

Clearing Selection ........................................................................................................................................................... 16


The Structure-3D View & Scene Content ........................................................................................................................ 17

Navigation and the Navigation Cube .............................................................................................................................. 18
Zoom, Pan & Rotate ........................................................................................................................................................ 18


Dimensions ..................................................................................................................................................................... 19
Creating Dimensions ....................................................................................................................................................... 19
Deleting Objects & Undo ................................................................................................................................................ 19


Creating Columns ............................................................................................................................................................ 20

Supports .......................................................................................................................................................................... 22
Column Supports ............................................................................................................................................................ 23
Deleting Columns ............................................................................................................................................................ 23
Editing Members ............................................................................................................................................................. 24


Creating Beams ............................................................................................................................................................... 26

Opening a 2D Floor View ................................................................................................................................................ 26
Automatic Beam Creation ............................................................................................................................................... 27


Editing Member Releases ............................................................................................................................................... 30

The Solver View .............................................................................................................................................................. 31
Member Local Axes & Force Convention ................................................................................................................... 32

Creating Slabs ................................................................................................................................................................. 33


Copying Floors & Identical Floors ................................................................................................................................... 36

Bracing ............................................................................................................................................................................ 37
Creating Frames for 2D Elevations ............................................................................................................................. 37
Creating bracing ......................................................................................................................................................... 39
Brace Patterns ............................................................................................................................................................ 40
Copying Objects .......................................................................................................................................................... 40


Version 1.0


Loading, Load cases & Combinations .......................................................................................43


Load Cases ...................................................................................................................................................................... 44

Creating a Level Load ...................................................................................................................................................... 44
Slab Loads ....................................................................................................................................................................... 46
Re-set floor(s) to be unique ............................................................................................................................................ 47
Member Loads ................................................................................................................................................................ 47
Edit Load Values ............................................................................................................................................................. 48


Load Combinations ......................................................................................................................................................... 49


Validation: Model & Loading .......................................................................................................................................... 50

Validate ........................................................................................................................................................................... 50
Decompose Load ............................................................................................................................................................ 51


Analysis ........................................................................................................................................................................... 52
Loading Summary Tables ................................................................................................................................................ 53


Results ....................................................................................................................................55


View Analysis Results ...................................................................................................................................................... 56

Results in 2D view ........................................................................................................................................................... 57
Filtering Results .............................................................................................................................................................. 58
Numerical Input/Results Data ........................................................................................................................................ 59
Individual Element Results ............................................................................................................................................. 59


Reports and Drawings .............................................................................................................61


Reports ........................................................................................................................................................................... 62
Structure Reports ........................................................................................................................................................... 62
Creating/ Editing Reports ............................................................................................................................................... 63
Report Filters .................................................................................................................................................................. 64
Applying Report Filters ................................................................................................................................................... 65


Drawings ......................................................................................................................................................................... 66


Next Steps ..............................................................................................................................67


Next Steps & Resources .................................................................................................................................................. 68

Solve Help ....................................................................................................................................................................... 68
Training & Online Resources .......................................................................................................................................... 69


Add a pitched roof structure .......................................................................................................................................... 70

Construction lines ........................................................................................................................................................... 70
Adding & Loading Roof Panels ........................................................................................................................................ 72


Wall Panels & Lateral Area Loads ................................................................................................................................... 73

Adding Wall Panels ........................................................................................................................................................ 73
Creating Wind Loading Combinations and Re-analysing ................................................................................................ 74


Version 1.0

Introducing Solve

1.0 Introducing Solve


Version 1.0

Introducing Solve

1.1 Introduction
Welcome to Solve and this Quick Start Guide. The guide is designed for you to do and to follow rather than just read. First
and foremost it is intended to be brief while remaining effective - this is necessarily a compromise on the extent of coverage.
Please note the following points:

The structure demonstrated is not intended to be realistic and practical in all respects.
Some steps have been chosen to demonstrate options available and so are not necessarily the most efficient or
recommended method of modelling in practice.
If the Guide appears long at first glance bear in mind it is mostly composed of pictures of the program!

1.2 Training
Solve is a powerful and flexible program which can be used to model and analyse a vast range of structural forms and
materials and which a brief guide cannot fully address. In addition you may well have limited time to teach yourself its use.
Consider making use of CSCs proven Training Resources to become productive with Solve in the shortest possible time. You
can find details of these on the CSC website at - just follow the links for Learning.


Version 1.0

Introducing Solve
Guide Conventions - this is the main topic title

1.3 Guide Conventions - this is the main topic title

This section explains the conventions of style - the text font and bullet etc. - used in the guide. This text below a heading title
introduces the topic and/or explains briefly what you are going to do in this section.

1.3.1 This is a sub-topic title

This style and bullet indicates an Action - these tell you what actions to take and input to make
This style and bullet gives information
Annotated screenshots like this one directly below will help guide you on the steps to take and show you how your
Solve screen should look:

1.4 Screen Layout

The initial installation will create a standard program setup similar to that shown below.

Window sizes and locations can be customised. Briefly the main parts are:

The Ribbon - command and settings buttons arranged in a number of task-based tabs
The Project Workspace - lists of structure parts, elements and information
The Modelling View - graphical views of the structure where the model can be created, viewed and edited
The Properties Grid - displays the properties of structure members and parts for viewing and editing
The Scene Content - on/off settings for structure objects and information
The Process Window - displays the progress of analysis


Version 1.0

Introducing Solve
Example Structure Details

1.5 Example Structure Details

We will construct the following structure in the guide.

1.5.1 Views & Plans

3D View

Plan views

Grid and column layout


Version 1.0

Introducing Solve
Example Structure Details

Beam and slab layout - all floors

1.5.2 Structure Data


Design Code = United Kingdom (Eurocode)

2 x 6.0m bay by 2 x 4.0 m bay in X and Y directions respectively, 2 storeys of 4.00 m
2-way insitu slab in two bays and a 1-way steel decking slab on secondary beams in remaining bays
Off Grid columns as shown
Lateral stability provided by:
braced bays between grid points B2a-B3 and A3-B3
a moment frame formed by columns and beams on grid points A1-B1

Loading Information

Self-Weight of frame
Slab Dead load
Dead finishes area load all floors
Dead perimeter beam wall load 1 floor only
Services area load all floors
Imposed area load on 1-way slab 1 floor only
Imposed area load on 2-way slab 1 floor only
Roof Imposed area load all slabs


Version 1.0

= Automatically Applied
= Automatically Applied
0.5 kN/m
8.0 kN/m
1.0 kN/m
2.5 kN/m
4.0 kN/m
0.6 kN/m

Introducing Solve
Example Structure Details


Version 1.0

Constructing the model

Example Structure Details

2.0 Constructing the model


Version 1.0

Constructing the model

Starting a New Project

2.1 Starting a New Project

2.1.1 Settings

Launch Solve and click the Settings button on the Home Ribbon tab
Select Design Codes from the options to the left, then select the Head Code you wish to use e.g. = United Kingdom

Note that this determines the design code-based features in the program such as: Materials and generated Load
Review Section Defaults - new members will have these sizes by default. You can change these as you wish by clicking
on the Section name to open a dialog where you can make changes

Make any changes you wish then OK this dialog

Click the New button on the Home Ribbon tab - a new file will open

To enter some information about the Project, click the Project Wiki button on the Home Ribbon tab


Version 1.0


Constructing the model

Construction Levels & Grids

Note that you can make changes to the settings of existing files via Model Settings
Materials can be viewed and added to via the Materials button

2.2 Construction Levels & Grids

Construction levels, gridlines and constructions lines create intersection points on which structural elements are defined.

2.2.1 Construction Levels

Select the Model Ribbon tab then click the Construction Levels button

Click the Insert Above button

Type 4 in the Level 1 input box
Click Insert Above again - the new level will automatically be spaced at 4.0m. Enter names for the levels if you wish.
OK the dialog to create these levels.


Version 1.0


Constructing the model

Creating Gridlines

2.3 Creating Gridlines

You can define grid lines quickly and simply in Solve. Alternatively you can import them into your model from a DXF file.

2.3.1 DXF Import

This option is available on the Model Ribbon tab via the drop-list of Grid Options as follows:

The DXF import has options to either create gridlines or display a shadow image of DXF for tracing gridlines over.


Version 1.0


Constructing the model

Creating Gridlines

2.3.2 Rectangular Grid Wizard

In this example we will create an arrangement of gridlines using the Wizard and manual entering of a line.

Click on the Rectangular Wizard option under the Grid Line button to open the Rectangular Grid Wizard

The first page of the wizard allows you to enter a name for the grid and set which levels it will appear on (these can be
changed after creation if necessary). Click the Next button to continue and enter the following:

Set the orthogonal grid origin position of X=0, Y=0 : accept the default values and click Next

The next dialog will ask you about the Direction of gridlines you wish to generate and the line style you wish to use;
accept the default settings again and press Next>.
For the X direction spacing enter 2x 6.00m bays as follows, then Next


Version 1.0


Constructing the model

Creating Gridlines

For the Y direction spacing enter 2x 4.00m bays as follows

Note that selecting the Irregular option allows you can enter in absolute values, using a comma as a separator. For
example 6,2,5,4 (m) or 3x6 for 3 bays at 6m.

Further pages give options to set the Rotation and the Axis Angle of the grid layout relative to the Global X and Y coordinates - examine these if you wish but do not change the default values. Click Finish to create the Grid system:


Version 1.0


Constructing the model

Creating Gridlines


Additional Gridlines

The Ribbon Grid button displays the last option chosen from the Grid commands - click the drop-down arrow below the
button to see other options. We wish to add a gridline parallel to and 0.75m above the current horizontal gridline 2 - there is
a specific function for doing this:

From the drop down list under the Grid button select Parallel (quick)
This will begin the operation which is indicated by the yellow information bar now shown at the top of the view. This
gives tips about the next step required in the operation

Click once on gridline 2 to select it as the reference line

Move the cursor upwards to specify the offset direction
You can now click at any point to enter a gridline at that distance - however we wish to enter a precise distance
The distance entry box informs you that you can press the F2 key to edit the distance:

We will do this - click the F2 key on your keyboard to access the entry box, then type in 0.75 as shown below


Version 1.0


Constructing the model

Selecting Objects for Editing

Click the Enter button on your keyboard to enter the gridline

To exit the operation press the keyboard Escape key a number of times - alternatively you can double right-click
using your mouse to do this.
When the yellow information bar disappears this tells you that the operation is closed

2.4 Selecting Objects for Editing

Grid Line Properties

To change the properties of any Grid Lines we Select the gridline object
We will re-reference the Grid Line we have just entered to 2a
Left click on the new gridline - it will now be coloured with the select colour

Now look at the Properties Grid and you will see properties for the selected gridline displayed
Enter the new name 2a by clicking in the User Name box and typing it in
Press the keyboard Enter key to update this change
Many objects can be given a user name in this manner

2.4.1 Clearing Selection

Selected objects remain selected until we clear the selection: to do this press the keyboard Escape key or double
right-click using the mouse


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Constructing the model

The Structure-3D View & Scene Content

2.5 The Structure-3D View & Scene Content

When you have several structural objects on the screen, together with their text labels and rendering style you may find that
the model display becomes cluttered and difficult to use. The Scene Content allows you to configure what is displayed in the
current view.

To obtain a 3D view of the Grid System and Levels select the Structure 3D view tab
Open the Scene Content Window by moving your cursor over the Scene Content tab to the top right of the view

Note you can click the pin icon on the Scene Context header to pin it open if you wish

Turn on the grid on all levels then turn off the Text2D option as follows:

If necessary, to update the scene after changes, right-click on an empty area of the view - this will open the Context
Menu. From this choose Redraw

The view Context Menu also gives quick access to; Undo/Redo, Copy, Zoom Out and an option to Save Screenshot
which creates a picture of the current view (in the same directory as the file)


Version 1.0


Constructing the model

The Structure-3D View & Scene Content

2.5.1 Navigation and the Navigation Cube

Move the cursor over the Navigation Cube to activate it

Click on a Corner, Edge or Face to move the view to the one you wish to see

2.5.2 Zoom, Pan & Rotate

You can also navigate manually as follows in the 3D view:
Scroll Mouse Wheel to Zoom
Hold down mouse wheel and move cursor to Pan
Hold down right mouse button and move cursor to Rotate:
Move the cursor vertically to rotate about a horizontal axis
Move the cursor horizontally to rotate about a vertical axis
In a 2D view hold down right mouse button and move vertically will Zoom

Practice some of these techniques


Version 1.0


Constructing the model


2.6 Dimensions
2.6.1 Creating Dimensions
A dimension can be added in either the 2D views or the 3D structure view.

Select the St. Base (Base) 2D view then click the Dimension button Model Ribbon to start the dimension operation the operation information bar tells you what to do:

Click a grid intersection to start a dimension line

Move cursor to another grid intersection (note - do not click-and-drag) and click this to define the end of the
dimensioned points
Now move the cursor perpendicular to the dimension line - this allows you to offset the dimension. Use the F2 option
as before to type in an exact offset if you wish
Add some dimensions if you wish
To exit the operation press the keyboard Escape key
Ensure Dimensions are turned on in the Scene Content to see them

2.6.2 Deleting Objects & Undo

Pick Delete from the Quick Access toolbar and click a dimension line you wish to delete
Any Structural element can be deleted in the same manner in any of the views plan, elevation or structural 3D view
During the Delete Operation, place the mouse pointer over the object and you will notice that the object that is
about to be deleted will become highlighted. It will not be deleted until you click the highlighted object.
Click Undo from the Quick Access toolbar to undo a delete you did not intend
To exit the Delete operation, press the keyboard Escape key or double right-mouse click.


Version 1.0


Constructing the model

Creating Columns

2.7 Creating Columns

We wish to create the following arrangement of columns first. These will be the full height of the building. Columns can be
created in both 2D and 3D views.

Select the 2D Base view if you do not currently have it open

Click the Steel Column button to begin the Create Steel Column operation
Note the Properties Grid now displays the properties of the columns to be created e.g. the column start and end levels,
rotation and the section size. These can be adjusted before creation. Accept these defaults for now.

Click-and-drag a fence or window to enclose all the grid line intersections at the top of the grid: A3,B3 and C3 as
shown below:


Version 1.0


Constructing the model

Creating Columns

When you let go of the cursor the columns are created - this is often the most efficient way to create columns.

Create the following additional columns in the same manner using two fence operations: A2a, B2a, A1, B1 and C1

Create the final column with a single click on Grid intersection C2

To exit the Create Column operation, press the keyboard Escape key or double right-mouse click.


Version 1.0


Constructing the model

Creating Columns

Viewing the Structure in 3D

Currently all the operations that have been performed have been in the Plan-2D view. We can also model the structure in
3D, 2D elevations and Inclined Planes.

To obtain a Structure-3D view of the model, click on the Structure 3D tab at the top of the View.

Check you have entered the columns with the correct locations and height
Note the orientation of the columns - zoom in using the Mouse Wheel to do this. They have the default rotation of 0
in which the major axis is parallel to the Global X-axis (horizontal) on plan

2.7.1 Supports

If a support is not attached to a column - e.g. is directly supporting a beam - then it has a rotation of 0 and its axes
are aligned with the Global Axis System which is shown by the Axis System icon

The figure below shows the support axes, fixity and Reaction names and convention

The following table lists the convention for support fixities and Reactions
Support Fixity/ Force

Reaction Name


Translation/ shear in the X-axis direction



Translation/ shear in the Y-axis direction



Translation/ shear in the Z-axis direction (vertical)



Rotation/ moment about the X-axis



Rotation/ moment about the Y-axis



Rotation/ moment about the Z-axis (support torsion)


Version 1.0



Constructing the model

Creating Columns

The reaction names are used in the Foundation Report output and follow the convention for a column support
orientation shown in section 2.7.2 below

Support fixities and angle can be altered via the properties grid

2.7.2 Column Supports

You will note that a support is automatically added to the base of the columns - what are the settings for these?

Left-click a support to select it - you can then view its settings in the Properties Grid as shown below

The default column support fixities can now be seen. These can be edited if you wish
To understand the orientation of the support, refer to the
convention explanation below and the figure below right

A column support is a special case. The support angle is fixed to that of

the column and cannot be edited directly. Thus if the column rotation
is changed the support automatically follows this. See the diagram to
the right which shows a vertical column and the +ve reaction forces.
The column support Y-axis is always aligned with the column local z-axis
(see section 2.10.1 below for more details of member local axis system)
and the support Z-axis is always aligned with the Global Z-axis. The
support X-axis is orthogonal to these following the Right Hand rule
(index finger along X-axis, thumb along Z-axis). This results in the
following convention of support fixities:


Translation in the column local y-axis (in both directions)

Translation in the column local z-axis (in both directions)
Translation in the Global Z-axis direction (vertical up/down)
Rotation about the Major axis
Rotation about the Minor axis
Rotation about the Global Z-axis (support torsion)

2.7.3 Deleting Columns

If you need to delete any columns do this in the same manner as you deleted gridlines in section 2.6.2 above

Ensure you also delete any supports that are not required

Ensure you exit the Delete operation when you are done deleting! Press the keyboard Escape key or double rightclick.


Version 1.0


Constructing the model

Creating Columns

2.7.4 Editing Members

We wish to change the section size of our columns and edit the orientation of two that will form part of a moment frame:

Selecting via the Project Workspace Structure Tree

Elements can be selected for editing via the Project Workspace Structure Tree
In the Structure Tree, expand (click the + icon before the name) Members/ Steel Column/ Rolled then click on the
group name I Symmetric - this will select all the columns for viewing/editing in the Properties Grid
The type and number of items selected is shown in the Properties Grid header as shown below:

The Properties of all the selected columns are now displayed below in the Properties Grid
Under the Properties heading All Stacks, click the Section row then the drop-down arrow at the end of the row
select <New\Edit>
This will open the Select Section database Window - Select a UKC 203 203 46 to be applied to all columns


Version 1.0


Constructing the model

Creating Columns

Click the Select button to apply this - you will see the rendered section size of all the columns change

Selecting Manually

Hold down the Ctrl key on the keyboard - this allows you to select multiple objects with single individual clicks just as
you would items from a list in any Windows program.
Single left-click with the cursor on the columns A1 and B1 in turn to select them - they will be shown highlighted in the
selection colour

Note the type and number of items selected now shown above the Properties Grid:
Under the heading General set the Rotation = 90 as shown above
In the same manner as you did before, change the section size to a UKB 406 178 67

Clear the selection by press the keyboard Escape key or double right-mouse-click
Save the file at this stage - ensure you Save on a regular basis


Version 1.0


Constructing the model

Creating Beams

2.8 Creating Beams

2.8.1 Opening a 2D Floor View

In the Project Workspace, expand the Levels under the Structure area

Double click on Level St.1 (1 Floor) or right click and select Open view
We wish to create the following arrangement of beams



Version 1.0


Constructing the model

Creating Beams

2.8.3 Automatic Beam Creation

Click the Steel Beam button to start the Create Steel Beam operation

Note the properties of the beams that will be created which are displayed at this stage in the Properties Grid. All
these settings can be edited prior to creation as well as after creation, as we shall see.

Use the click-and-drag automatic creation method you used above for columns - click-and-drag a fence as shown
below enclosing all the columns. Solve will automatically create beams where it can spanning between columns along


Version 1.0


Constructing the model

Creating Beams

This will create the following arrangement of beams

We now wish to create the following beam spanning horizontally between Column C2 and the beam spanning
between columns B1 and B2a

Create this as follows:


Click on column C2 to start beam


Move the cursor over the target beam (the one you want to connect to) - the available connection points on the
beam are shown graphically; points, 1/3 points, mid-point and perpendicular points


The perpendicular connection point is indicated by a dashed line - click this point on the target beam to enter the
new beam


Version 1.0


Constructing the model

Creating Beams

Create the remaining two joists in a similar manner:

Hint:-pick the mid-point of the Right side edge beams first

Press the keyboard Escape key to exit the Create Beam operation when you are done


Version 1.0


Constructing the model

Editing Member Releases

2.9 Editing Member Releases

We wish to create a moment frame between grid points A1 and B1. We have seen that the properties of an element can be
edited by the process:

Select the Element(s) in the Scene

Edit the Element(s) properties in the Properties grid

Here we will look at a different method:

Switch to the 3D Structure view

Right-click over the beam indicated SB 1/A/1-1/B/1 and select Edit SB 1/A/1-1/B/1 from the resulting Context Menu

The individual element properties window will be displayed - select the Releases option from the list on the Left
Edit end 1 and end 2 Fixities to Moment and note what fixity/release this applies - OK this
Now select the beam in the scene
Via the Properties Grid set the section size = UKB 533x165x74

Note that we can view and edit the Releases here also
Clear this selection when you are done


Version 1.0


Constructing the model

The Solver View

2.10 The Solver View

The Solver View allows you to review and check the underlying analysis model:

To open the Solver View right-click on Structure at the top of the Project Workspace and select Open Solver View
A new tab will open displaying the Analysis Model

Select an element or a joint to see its analysis properties in the properties grid

Icons display the nature of the support fixities - zoom in to see these clearly. A single arrow shows translation fixity, a
double-arrow is moment fixity (about the arrow)
Here you can see how the supports are oriented as discussed in section 2.7.2 above - note the orientation of the
supports of the columns you rotated to 90


Version 1.0


Constructing the model

The Solver View

Further information can be turned on via the Scene Content - e.g. Element and Node numbers and graphical icons for
the Local Axes and releases of members
Turn on Local Axes and Releases this as shown below. It can be seen that by default the beams are pin-ended - i.e.
moment is released about both major and minor axes (moment release is about the double-arrow)

2.10.1 Member Local Axes & Force Convention

The following convention is used for force and fixity:



Minor axis shear
Major axis shear
Major axis moment
Minor axis moment

Version 1.0

(parallel to x-axis)
(parallel to y-axis)
(parallel to z-axis)
(moment about x-axis)
(moment about y-axis)
(moment about z-axis)


Constructing the model

Creating Slabs

2.11 Creating Slabs

We wish to create the following arrangement of two-way and one-way spanning slabs


Move to the 2D 1 Floor view

Click the Slab on Beams button to start the slab creation operation
In the Properties Grid enter the slab depth = 175mm and accept the default setting of Two-way decomposition
Click-and-drag a fence enclosing the two Left-hand bays

Let go of the cursor when the fence encloses the two bays as shown above - the slabs will be created
You can also create slabs by
o Clicking once in individual bays
o Un-tick the Select bays default input method (top of the Properties Grid) - now you can
click on each corner of an area in turn to create a slab: double-click the final corner to
complete the entry


Version 1.0


Constructing the model

Creating Slabs

Next we wish to enter one-way spanning slabs in the right-hand bays

Choose the Composite Slab option from the drop-down list under the Slab button

Enter the depth of the slab = 125mm

Use the click-and-drag method as before to enter all the slabs in one go:

The slabs are now complete except for the correct orientation of the one-way spanning slabs:

Press the keyboard Escape key to exit the Create Slab operation


Version 1.0


Constructing the model

Creating Slabs

Now select all the one-way spanning slabs by creating a click-and-drag fence from left to right as shown below

Hint! - when selecting by click-and-drag:

if you create the fence from Left to Right only enclosed objects are selected

if you create the fence from Right to Left enclosed AND intersected objects are selected

In fact this will select more objects than just the slabs, but this is not a problem. Simply select the Slab Items only
from selection filter list at the top of the Properties Grid

Now we can edit just the Rotation Angle of these slabs = 90. Type in 90 and hit the keyboard Enter key to accept

Having done this, press the keyboard Escape key or double right-click to clear the selection.
The floor is now complete - Save at this stage.


Version 1.0


Constructing the model

Copying Floors & Identical Floors

2.12 Copying Floors & Identical Floors


Next we wish to make a copy of the 1 floor on the roof level

Move to the 3D structure view

Open Construction Levels
For the Roof level, click the drop-down button for the Source and choose 1 to make the roof identical to Floor 1

OK this - all beams and slabs on Floor 1 are now created at the roof level!

With this setting any edits and additions to the First floor will be replicated on the Roof, and vice-versa


Version 1.0


Constructing the model


2.13 Bracing
We have a moment frame to resist sway in the X-direction. We also wish to place bracing on grid lines B and 3 as follows:

Bracing on Grid line 3

Bracing on Grid line B

2.13.1 Creating Frames for 2D Elevations

Bracing members can be added in the 3D view. However this is sometimes tricky and it can often be easier to work in a 2D
elevation. Such 2D elevations on any Grid line can be created easily using the Frame function
Move to the Structure 3D view if you are not currently in it
Click the Frame button

Move the cursor over Grid Line B and click this to create a Frame - this is indicated by a shaded panel


Version 1.0


Constructing the model


Repeat the process to create a Frame for Grid Line 3

Exit the operation when you are done

The Frames are now listed under Frames in the Project Workspace Structure Tree
Double-click on FRM 3 to open this 2D view


Version 1.0


Constructing the model


2.13.2 Creating bracing

These are created in the same manner as individual beams - by picking the start and end points in turn

Cclick the Steel Brace button to add individual bracing members

Note the brace properties displayed in the Properties Grid prior to creation
- edit the section size if you wish

Create an arrangement of two diagonal braces as shown between columns A3 and B3


Version 1.0


Constructing the model


2.13.3 Brace Patterns

Now open the view of Frame B - we will use the X Brace pattern for placing the bracing in
this frame
Click the X Brace option from the drop-list at the bottom of the Steel Brace Button
Four points are required to define a brace pattern - note that the operation information bar
at the top of the view informs you what step is required

Click on the four corners of the bottom bay as shown above - the pattern will begin to take shape after you click the
2 point and move the cursor upwards along a column. The brace pattern is created on clicking the 4 point.

2.13.4 Copying Objects

We could repeat the above process to add the same pattern in the bay above to complete the bracing as shown on page 37 however we will take this opportunity to introduce the Copy function.

Press the keyboard Escape key to exit the X Brace creation operation
Click on either of the braces to select it - both braces will be selected automatically as they are a Brace Pair


Version 1.0


Constructing the model


At the right end of the Model Ribbon tab click the Edit button then the Copy button from drop-down list to start a
copy of this current selection

Check the operation information bar - we now need to click a point to define the copy reference point. Click an
appropriate point to do so
Now move the cursor over another point - as soon as a point is identified a preview of how the copy will look is

Click on the appropriate point to commit to the copy - a copy of the brace pair is created
You could continue to make further copies in this manner during this operation if you wished
Press the keyboard Escape key to exit the operation when you are done - the frame should now look as shown above
Press the keyboard Escape key again to clear the selection


Version 1.0


Constructing the model



Version 1.0


Loading, Load cases & Combinations


3.0 Loading, Load cases & Combinations


Version 1.0


Loading, Load cases & Combinations

Load Cases

3.1 Load Cases

We now wish to add the following loads

Loading Information

Self-Weight of frame
Slab Dead load
Dead finishes area load all floors
Dead perimeter beam wall load 1 floor only
Services area load all floors
Imposed area load on 1-way slab 1 floor only
Imposed area load on 2-way slab 1 floor only
Roof Imposed area load all slabs

= Automatically Applied
= Automatically Applied
0.5 kN/m
8.0 kN/m
1.0 kN/m
2.5 kN/m
4.0 kN/m
0.6 kN/m

Click the Load Ribbon tab

Click the Loadcases button to open the list of cases
You will see that a number of default cases already exist. Just click the Add button at the right of the dialog to create
more cases as you need.

Note the frame (loadcase 0) and slab (loadcase 1) loadcases are set to Calculate Automatically
OK to accept these default cases and settings

3.1.1 Creating a Level Load

Loads can be input in any 2D or 3D view - switch to the 3D view to input the following loads
Select the Dead loadcase for editing via the list at the bottom left of the Solve program Window


Version 1.0


Loading, Load cases & Combinations

Load Cases

Click the Level Load button - note the next required action in the operation information bar

Enter the Load value in the Properties Grid of 0.5 kN/m

Move your cursor over any slab item - a preview will show were the load will be applied
Click to apply the load - it is automatically applied to all slab items in the level you clicked and to the other level since
they are currently set to be identical

Select the Services loadcase for editing via the list at the bottom left of the Solve program Window
Use the same method to apply a Level Load = 1.0 kN/m


Version 1.0


Loading, Load cases & Combinations

Load Cases

3.1.2 Slab Loads

What if you want to apply an area load only to specific slab areas? For this use the Slab Load.

Select the Imposed loadcase for editing via the list at the bottom left of the Solve program Window

Click the Slab Load button

Enter the Load value in the Properties Grid of 4.0 kN/m
Move the cursor over any of the two-way slab items - the load preview will show that only the two-way slab items will
be loaded

Click to apply the load

Use the same method to apply a Slab Load = 2.5 kN/m to the one-way spanning slabs then exit the operation when
you are done


Version 1.0


Loading, Load cases & Combinations

Load Cases

3.1.3 Re-set floor(s) to be unique

Next we wish to apply wall load of full UDLs to the perimeter beams - logically this might apply to the first floor only. We
also want a different Imposed load on the roof to that on the 1 floor.

Open Construction Levels (on the Model tab)

For the Roof level, click the drop-down button for the Source and choose unique then OK this

Nothing will change initially - all of the objects and loads will remain as they were before making this change.
However the floors are no longer linked and so changes to one will no longer apply to the other hence-forth.

3.1.4 Member Loads

Select the Dead loadcase for editing via the list at the bottom left of the Solve program Window

Click the Full UDL Member Loads button

Enter the Load value in the Properties Grid of 8.0 kN/m
Move the cursor over any of the 1 Floor edge beams - the beam snap-points and a load preview will be displayed on
the beam indicated by the cursor as shown below:

Click anywhere on the beam to apply the load - it will now be displayed on the member with the load value


Version 1.0


Loading, Load cases & Combinations

Load Cases

In the same manner apply this load to the rest of the 1 Floor edge beams
Note that you can make the view clearer during the operation if you wish by turning off Slab Items and other Loads in
the Scene Content

If you turned slab items and loads off to make the view clearer, turn them back on before you move on

3.1.5 Edit Load Values

Now that the roof is a unique level we can edit the Imposed Load value:

Select the Imposed loadcase for editing via the list at the bottom left of the Solve program Window
Hold down the keyboard Ctrl key then click on each slab load on the roof to select them - they will be coloured with
the select colour and the Properties Grid will display the current properties

Note that since the two loads have different values, the Load value in the Properties Grid will be blank
Enter the Load value in the Properties Grid of 0.6 kN/m then press the keyboard Enter key to accept this - you will
see the load relative sizes and values update graphically
Many more types of loads can be applied. Hint! some loads - such as Level Point and Line - can only be applied in a
2D view.


Version 1.0


Loading, Load cases & Combinations

Load Combinations

3.2 Load Combinations

There is a Wizard for generating Design Code-based combinations

Click the Combination button on the Load tab, then the Generate. button

You can Next through the Wizard to view the options - click Finish to create the single default Combination at this
Solve automatically names the combination(s) and applies the appropriate factors for the various load types
Select the combination name in the list pane to the left to see the details of the combination

Click OK to accept this combination

The loading is now complete for this stage


Version 1.0


Loading, Load cases & Combinations

Validation: Model & Loading

3.3 Validation: Model & Loading

3.3.1 Validate
Validate will check the model for problems. This is run automatically as part of analysis, but there is a button for this process
at the ends of both the Model and Load ribbon and also on the Quick Access Toolbar

Click the Validate button to run Validation

If there are any issues the Status tab of the Project Workspace will automatically be displayed - you can select this
manually prior to Validation if you wish

If any issues are listed they will be displayed like this - e.g. if you intersect members

Double-click on a Validation issue to highlight the area in the model - you can try this if you wish


Version 1.0


Loading, Load cases & Combinations

Validation: Model & Loading

3.3.2 Decompose Load

Decomposition will calculate and display the distribution of area loads via slabs to supporting members. Two-way slabs will
be calculated with a finite element (FE) mesh as part of this process, and this mesh is displayed. Decomposition is always
performed as part of analysis, but you can run this process separately to view and check the resulting loads look OK to you.

Select for example the Imposed load case for viewing then click the Decomposition button

You can make the view of the decomposed loads clearer as shown above by

Turn off Slab Items and Loading other than Decomposed

Turn off Geometry for all members leaving the Insertion Line only displayed

You can also view the load values as follows:


Version 1.0


Loading, Load cases & Combinations


3.4 Analysis
There is a separate Ribbon tab for Analysis options titled Analyse.

Before running analysis you can open the Process window to view the progress

Click the 1st Order Linear button to begin Analysis - the Select Loading box will then appear


Tick the Combinations and Loadcases boxes to submit them all to analysis then click OK to run analysis.

Version 1.0


Loading, Load cases & Combinations


When analysis is complete the Status tab of the Project Workspace will be displayed - any Analysis problems will be
displayed here. You can double-click issues to highlight them in the model as discussed in section 3.3.1 above

3.4.1 Loading Summary Tables

Do Applied loads = Reactions? Solve checks this for you automatically.

Select the Loading tab of the Project Workspace - all the cases and/or combinations are listed here. A green tick
means applied load = reactions

Click a Load case in the list to select it - the Properties Grid then displays the check details for that case and you can
see the total values of applied loads and reactions


Version 1.0


Loading, Load cases & Combinations



Version 1.0



4.0 Results


Version 1.0


View Analysis Results

4.1 View Analysis Results

Results are available both graphically and numerically

Click the Show Results button on the Analysis Ribbon tab to open the Show Results mode
This will open a new Ribbon tab Results - click on a button to activate that diagram e.g.
Moment Major

Select the case/combination you wish to view result for from the list at bottom left just as you did when adding loads

There is a toggle button to the left of the Loadcase selection box that toggles the box between displaying loadcases
or combinations
Move the 1D Forces Scale Slider to adjust the scale for force results
Move the Deflections Scale Slider to adjust the scale for the displaced shape

Force, deflection and reaction diagrams can be viewed simultaneously which can be very useful in verifying results
and behaviour are as intended

There are buttons at the right end of the Results ribbon tab to turn on/off the diagram values for each result


Version 1.0


View Analysis Results

4.1.1 Results in 2D view

Results can also be viewed in any 2D View. Furthermore, all 2D views can be toggled into/out of 3D

Select a 2D view then click Show Results in this view

Select or Open a 2D view of a level, then click the 2D/3D toggle button at the bottom right of the screen

You can now Show Results in this view as shown above so you can view out-of-plane forces and deflections for just a
single level easily


Version 1.0


View Analysis Results

4.1.2 Filtering Results

You can further filter graphical results by turning on/off the members in the Scene Content.

Open the Scene Content and experiment with this - e.g. to get a view of the axial loads only in the bracing on a Frame
view as shown below

Expand Members in the Scene Content and check off Steel Column


Version 1.0


View Analysis Results

4.1.3 Numerical Input/Results Data

Click the Tabular Data button to open a view of Numerical (Solver Model) Data
You can select from a number of input and result data tables from the drop-down list on the Ribbon

4.1.4 Individual Element Results

Right-click a member and choose Openloading analysis view to see detailed individual member results


Version 1.0


View Analysis Results


Version 1.0


Reports and Drawings

View Analysis Results

5.0 Reports and Drawings


Version 1.0


Reports and Drawings


5.1 Reports
5.1.1 Structure Reports
There are many Report options which we will introduce briefly here.

Select the Report Ribbon tab - some standard Reports are available from the drop-down list at the top left

Select one of these then click the Show Report button

This will open a new tab for the Report View and also additional Ribbon buttons for editing the report Appearance,
Navigating and Exporting


Version 1.0


Reports and Drawings


5.1.2 Creating/ Editing Reports

Click the Edit button to open the Report Contents dialog

Click the Add button to Add a new report style and give this the name Frame B

Now drag-&-drop items from the item list on the left to the Report Contents list on the right.
Drop the items shown above Picture and Analysis Diagram\ 1D\ Moment Major


Version 1.0


Reports and Drawings


5.1.3 Report Filters

Report output is controlled by Filters. These must first be created as follows.

Model Filters

In the right-hand pane under the heading Report Structure , right-click over the Picture Item and choose from the
Context Menu: Model Filter Edit\New
In the Select Filter dialog click the Add button
Now to the right select the Frame filter type and tick the box FRM B from the list below
Finally, edit the filter name to Frame B then OK this

Loading Filters

Right click over the Picture Item again and choose from the Context Menu: Loading Filters Edit\New
Repeat the above process to create a Loading Filter now for the Imposed Loadcase


Version 1.0


Reports and Drawings


5.1.4 Applying Report Filters

Once the filters are created they can be applied to other items as follows:
Right-click over the Analysis Diagram item and apply the Model and Loading filters you created above to it:

Note that the applied filters are now listed in brackets after the items

OK the Report Contents dialog to save what you have created.

Now select your new report from the list and click the Show Report button to view it:


Version 1.0


Reports and Drawings


5.2 Drawings
AutoCAD DXF plans and elevations can be generated that can then be viewed and further manipulated using your preferred
DXF compatible drawing package. There are many settings for drawings available via the Edit button on the Draw Ribbon.

To create a drawing; open the View you want a drawing of e.g. Floor 1 2D view (ensure it is in 2D view mode) , select
the Draw Ribbon and click the General Arrangement button.
Accept the default settings and click OK - if a DXF Editor/Viewer is installed the drawing will usually open in this


Version 1.0


Next Steps

6.0 Next Steps


Version 1.0


Next Steps
Next Steps & Resources

6.1 Next Steps & Resources

Well done! You have completed this stage of your introduction to Solve and have learned many of the fundamentals. What
next? Here are some ideas of what to try next with this model:

Add a pitched roof and roof and wall panels

Create new loadcases for Roof imposed and lateral Wind loads
Apply projected and lateral area loads to the panels and generate additional load combinations
Analyse the model again and view the results for these

There are some hints and tips on the following pages to get you started with these tasks but not every single step is explained
to give you a challenge. For more assistance remember to consult the Help System & online resources on the CSC website.

6.1.1 Solve Help

Solve has a state-of-the-art Help System which is linked to Online Content

Click the keyboard F1 key to open the Solve Help System which provides comprehensive program guidance

The button at the bottom right indicates the online/offline status - green for online red for offline
Cursor over this to bring up an option to toggle between online and offline mode:


Version 1.0


Next Steps
Next Steps & Resources

6.1.2 Training & Online Resources

There is a wealth of resources available inside MyCSCWorld, CSCs product Help, Learning & Downloads website.

For information go to the CSC website at - just follow the links under Learning and


Version 1.0


Next Steps
Add a pitched roof structure

6.2 Add a pitched roof structure

Say the structure has a pitched roof of 30 with the gable at the Front as shown below. You will need to add members to
form this then roof panels so it can be loaded with area loads.

6.2.1 Construction lines

Construction lines allow you to easily establish points for the creation of members. They work like grid lines but are not
labelled and so do not clutter the grid. Construction lines can be entered between two defined points and also by a length
and angle - the Polar method. You can use this method to locate the roof apex point as shown above right

Create a Frame on Grid line 1 and open the view of this

Start a Construction Line by clicking the button
Enable the Polar method by clicking the POL button at the bottom right of the Solve
Window - click this button after clicking the Construction Line button
To define the rafter line enter a construction line at 30 of sufficient length starting at the eaves as shown below:

Now enter a second, vertical, construction line in the middle of the elevation to intersect this - see the next page for a
hint on how to do this


Version 1.0


Next Steps
Add a pitched roof structure

Hint! start at the top of the vertical of Grid line B. Move the cursor up and look for the word Along in the Pick point
2 entry box - this tells you the line you are drawing is vertical. Extend this sufficiently to intersect the sloped line.

Construction lines work just like grid lines - intersections are points you can create members on. Now its easy to add
a column and two beams to create the roof members on this Frame:

In a 3D view, you can use the Copy function (see section 2.13.4 above) to make 2 copies of these new members on
grid lines 2a and 3

Next add in some ridge beams and the roof is complete as shown at the start of this section above
You will also need to add some bracing or some beam end fixity to make the roof stable.


Version 1.0


Next Steps
Add a pitched roof structure

6.2.2 Adding & Loading Roof Panels

Click the Roof Panel button to start the operation, then click on the corners of the roof to create
a panel as shown below - double click on the final point and the panel will be created
Add panels on both pitches of the roof

Create a new loadcase of the type Roof Imposed

While you are doing this you can also add some Wind type loadcases for lateral loads

Now apply a Projected Area load of 0.6 kN/m to the roof


Version 1.0


Next Steps
Wall Panels & Lateral Area Loads

6.3 Wall Panels & Lateral Area Loads

For Lateral Loading you can use Wall Panels which work just like Roof panels but on elevations. Their shape does not need to
be only rectangular.


Adding Wall Panels

Click the Wall Panel button to start the operation, then click on the corners of the wall to create a
panel as shown below - double click on the final point and the panel will be created
Add Wall Panels on all the elevations

Hint! Wall Panels have an outer (front) and inner (back) surface determined by their local axis system. Create the
panel clicking in the order shown - anti-clockwise on elevation - then the outer surface is the one you are looking at.

The wall front/back is indicated by the colours which you can see and edit in Settings.

There is a Reverse command from the Edit menu if you need to change a walls orientation


Version 1.0


Next Steps
Wall Panels & Lateral Area Loads

Now you can apply lateral area loads to the Walls in the cases you created for this - set the load Direction as

Decompose the loads as you did in section 3.3.2 above to see the member loads resulting from these area loads.

6.3.2 Creating Wind Loading Combinations and Re-analysing

Use the Load Combination Generator to generate new combinations including your new loadcases - the Generator
automatically detects Wind type load cases to generate appropriate combinations.

Analyse the model again then view results for your new cases and combinations.


Version 1.0


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