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Cardiovascular physiology practice questions

1. Given that HR = 81 & SV = 0.068 L, calculate CO

2. During strenuous exercise CO markedly increases, by how much, and where is flow directed or
reduced during this activity?
Cardiac output increases from around 5-6L/min to about 17-18L/min. Flow to the brain is
maintained at the same amount during rest and strenuous activity. However, flow to the heart,
skeletal muscle and skin is increased. The heart receives more blood as it must work harder to
supple tissues with enough blood, the skeletal muscle performs most of the work and so the
majority of the flow is directed here. Flow to the skin is increased to try and release heat via
radiation. Flow to other organs such as the kidneys and GI tract are all reduced as these organs are
not required during strenuous exercise.
3. Heavy breathing/high breathing rate can increase cardiac output is this statement true or false
and why is it so?
True. Heavy breathing helps to promote venous return by decreasing the pressure in the inferior
vena cava to create a pressure gradient that pulls the blood towards the heart. Heavy breathing also
lowers the diaphragm which compresses abdominal organs, effectively squeezing the blood
towards the heart. Increasing venous return to the heart increases end diastole volume and
therefore stroke volume. An increase in stroke volume directly increases cardiac output.
4. How does increased vagal stimulation affect SV, HR and CO and why?
Vagal stimulation is parasympathetic stimulation and it can help to lower heart rate. As heart rate is
lowered, diastolic filling time is increased and so the preload and stroke volume is increased. Given
that there are no other changes, the cardiac output will remain the same as CO=HRxSV
5. Describe Starlings Law of the Heart
Starlings law states that the greater the volume of blood entering the heart during diastole, the
greater the volume of blood pumped out during systole. This means that as more blood enters the
heart during diastole, the contraction during systole is stronger so that the heart compensates for
the increase in blood entering by ejecting more blood out of the heart.
As a greater volume of blood enters, the myocardial cells are stretched and the muscle fibers are
shortened so that the myofilaments are closer together. This leads to stronger cross bridge
formation and therefore stronger contraction so more blood is ejected from the heart. This
mechanism will occur in an isolated heart (ie. it is an intrinsic property of the heart).
6. List four mechanisms/processes by which CO can be increased, with a brief explanation of each.
For example increased sympathetic stimulation, if correct, is inadequate on its own.
- Increase venous return which increases the preload and stroke volume and thus CO
- Increase heart rate by increasing sympathetic stimulation which increases CO
- Increase contractility by increasing sympathetic stimulation which increases stroke volume and CO
-Decrease afterload which increased stroke volume and hence CO
7. A well conditioned athlete may have a resting HR of 43 explain this phenomenon
A well conditioned athlete will have much stronger heart muscle and so each contraction will result
in greater stroke volume. Since CO=SVxHR, and CO remains the same, a much lower heart rate will
supply sufficient CO to the tissues of the body since the SV is greatly increased.

8. Someone who has suffered a haemorrhage is likely to have a weak thready, but rapid pulse.
Venous return is compromised as blood is being lost and so the stroke volume will increase resulting
in a weak, thready pulse. However, the body will try to maintain cardiac output to maintain blood
pressure and so it will increase heart rate and a rapid pulse is detected.
9. The relationship between resistance (R) and flow down a tube is a function of the radius (r) of
the tube. What is this relationship, and how would flow change if the radius of the tube was
doubled? What is the physiological significance of this relationship?
The resistance in a tube is proportional to 1/r4. That means that doubling the radius of the tube will
result in a reduction in the resistance by 16 times. Resistance is inversely proportional to flow and
this double in the radius will result in increase in flow by 16 times. This means that slight changes to
the radius of blood vessels, especially muscular arteries, arterioles and veins, will have a significant
effect on the blood flow. Blood flow is inversely related to blood pressure and so the body can adjust
the radius of blood vessels to indirectly adjust blood pressure (the most important physiology to be
10. Someone who rises quickly from their nightly slumber and stands up will quite often feel
momentarily faint. Why does this occur?
While lying down, the baroreceptors detect blood pressure as slightly higher than normal as it is at
the same level as the heart. The baroreceptor reflex will come into play and blood pressure will be
lowered. There will be sympathetic stimulation at veins and they will be dilated. Once they stand up,
the blood rushes to the legs due to gravity and so venous return is reduced. This causes a reduction
in stroke volume, cardiac output and hence blood pressure. If a lack of blood reaches the brain, the
person will feel faint.
11. Describe the bodys acute response to a reduction in blood pressure; a flow diagram is not
mandatory, but is quite acceptable
Drop in blood pressure
detected by baroreceptors in carotid sinus and aortic arch
signals sent to cardiovascular control centre of medulla oblongata
signals sent to increase sympathetic stimulation to increase heart rate, contractility and cause
vasodilation of blood vessels
increase in heart rate and total peripheral resistance will increase blood pressure
12. Chemoreceptors and BP control: where are these receptors found, and what do they respond
Chemoreceptors are found in carotid sinus and aortic arch and respond to changes in chemical
composition such as pH, CO2 and O2 levels.
13. BP control: What constitutes the renin-angiotensin mechanism, ie how is it stimulated and to
what effect?
A decrease in blood pressure will cause the kidneys to respond by producing renin. Renin has the
ability to convert angiotensinogen to angiotensin I. Angiotensin I is then converted into angiotensin
II via the angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE). Angiotensin II is a potent vasoconstrictor which will
help to increase blood pressure. Angiotensin II also promotes release of anti-diuretic hormone (ADH)
and aldosterone which promote increase in water re-uptake and therefore increase in blood

14. Related to the previous question: ACE inhibitors prevent conversion of angiotensin I to
angiotensin II - what effect would an ACE inhibitor have on blood pressure and why?
ACE inhibitors help to reduce blood pressure as there is less angiotensin II present and therefore less
vasoconstriction. This reduces the total peripheral resistance and therefore lowers blood pressure.
15. During exercise, blood flow to one of the following decreases which is it?
a) brain
b) heart
c) kidneys
d) skin
e) skeletal muscle
From the following: CO = cardiac output, SV = stroke volume, EDV = end diastolic volume. ESV = end
systolic volume, HR = heart rate, PR = peripheral resistance, F = flow, L = length of tubing, r = radius
of tubing, BP = blood pressure, indicates is proportional to answer the next 3 questions:
16. CO =
a) SV x R
b) HR x SV
c) L
d) ESV x HR
e) SV/R
17. BP =
a) CO x HR
b) CO x SV
c) CO x PR
d) SV x HR
e) r x R x L
18. Peripheral Resistance
a) L
b) 1/L
c) 1/r4
d) = CO x SV
e) both a) and c) are correct
19. Starlings Law of the Heart: an increase in EDV will.
a) increase HR directly
b) decrease HR directly
c) increase force of contraction, ie SV
d) decrease force of contraction, ie SV
a) option a) would be correct if the original statement referred to ESV, not EDV
20. Cardiovascular physiology: Which one of the following will not increase CO?
a) increased breathing rate
b) venous vasoconstriction
c) decreased ESV
d) decreased EDV
e) sympathetic stimulation
21. Angiotensin II


is a potent vasodilator
is a potent vasoconstrictor
stimulate release of renin
stimulates release of aldosterone
both b) and d) are correct

22. The main effect of aldosterone is to

a) increase water uptake via the kidneys
b) increase heart rate
c) stimulate vasodilation
d) increase peripheral resistance
e) convert renin to angiotensin
23. Blood pressure.
a) can fall only slightly before the brain is affected
b) can disrupt lamina blood flow if too high
c) is controlled over the short term by the baroreceptor response
d) is controlled over the long term by the kidneys
e) all of the above are correct
24. Blood is a viscous fluid when compared to water
a) true, and this viscosity tends not to change much under normal circumstances
b) false, blood is normally less viscous than water
c) true, and this can increase significantly during severe dehydration
d) false, blood has the same viscosity as water, but this can be reduced by the effect of
e) both a) and c) are correct

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