Introduction To The Project - Shan Single Pack SKU (Repositioning)

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Introduction to the Project Shan single pack SKU

Currently, there are more than 20 million people living in Pakistan, out of which majority
belongs to low income groups. Therefore, consumers generally are in search of better value
propositions and always want to opt for discounts and saving offers.
In order to cater to this segment, Shan foods launched (when) 25 gm SKU of their masala brand
which became an instant hit with the masses. The SKU, which is priced at Rs. 20 has grown
phenomenally at an unparalleled growth rate of almost 50% year on year (confirmed?). This
clearly helped Shan to penetrate into the mass consumer segment but the growth also brought
along several issues in its wake.

Problem Identification-What went wrong?

After the launch of Sachet SKU, the company realized that cannibalization was taking place. The
single pack SKU offering 50 gms at a price of Rs. 50 which has been the flagship mainstay for
Shan foods since the early 1980s has seen a steady decline in sales growth year on year. AC
Nielsen industry reports has cited the growth of single pack SKU at a bear 6% while the sachet
SKU has seen an unprecedented growth of 36%.
Despite the sales volume increase company has not witnessed an increase in profitability due to
lower margins on sachet pack as compared to single pack SKU.

Project Vision
To bring consumers back to the single pack SKU and increase the frequency of single pack
consumption on a weekly basis.

Faculty Advisor for the Project

We will be advised by Prof. Hanif Ajari throughout the Project.

Project Objectives
1. To determine reasons for the major shift from single pack to Sachet.
o Find out the perception consumers hold towards Single Pack and Sachet pack

o In-depth study of the present usage of single pack SKU across SEC A1, SEC A,
and SEC B household.
o Improved Convenience of Sachet over single pack.
2. To determine industry dynamics of the recipe category with a focus on single pack
o Conducting of a retail audit
3. To determine and design a new marketing strategy to lure consumers back to the single
pack SKU and increase its usage and frequency.
o How can Shan single pack SKU proposition be changed to reposition it as a High
Value Investment.
o Build a communication strategy to rekindle the way consumers perceive usage of
single pack recipe mixes.
4. Design of final strategy to revitalize the single pack SKU
o Develop a comprehensive retail/channel management strategy to complement the
new competitive strategy
o To bring a turnout in the bottom-line of single pack SKU

The company has factories in Karachi where we will conduct our research.

Timeline of Activities

Background research. We shall focus on understanding the industry dynamics by conducting

informal interviews with Shan management.


Project proposal/TOR to be given to the company.

TOR approval by the company.

TOR presentation the client, Mr. Asad Ilyas and Dr. Mohammad Nishat.


Literature review and secondary research.

Retail audit.

Focus group 1

Focus group 2

Transcription and analysis of the focus groups.


Progress report to the company, project coordinator and project advisor.

Designing the consumer questionnaire in consultation with the company.

Administering consumer surveys (including mall intercepts).


Tabulation and analysis of the surveys (Identifying the consumer perception patterns and
utilization of Shan recipe mix)

Interim Report presentation.


Consultative meeting with Shan to design a marketing plan for the Single pack SKU.

Develop a repositioning strategy for the Single Pack SKU

Develop a communication approach for the new positioning


Final report submission.(First half)

Final report presentation.(Second half)


Research Methodology
Problem Definition

Secondry Research

Literature Review

Case Studies Analysis

Competitor Analysis

Primary Research

Focus Group

Retail Audit

In-depth interview



Quantitative Analysis using SPSS

Recommendations & implementation

The above research will help us find out different alternatives that could be used to boost Shans
bottom line by increasing the sales of single pack.

Budget for the Project

The expenses incurred during our research will include:
o Traveling expenditure
o Arrangements of focus groups and interviews
o Stationery expenditure

Risks and Constraints of our Research

Listed below are potential risks and constraints faced by our project:


Time horizon and the risk of overrunning it

Political instability, which would hinder our schedules of Market research
Sampling errors
Limited budget and the risk of overrunning it
Privacy / Confidentiality issues

Resources required from the company

Financial reimbursement for the project will be Rs. 25,000. Costs shall be tentatively divided
as below:
o Transportation costs: Rs. 15,000
o Printing & photocopying costs: Rs. 5000
o Other costs (For e.g. any additional costs incurred including souvenirs to be given
to interview/focus group participants.): Rs. 5000

Detailed meeting with the client at least once a month.

Support in terms of information and clients customers accessibility.


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