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December 2014

Public Health Information for EHPs

Hertfordshire Public Health Conference 2014

The second Hertfordshire Public Health Conference
organised by Herts County Council in association with
RHEnvironmental and JigsawPSPH attracted over 200
delegates to Stevenage in November. Keynote speakers were

So This is Xmas
and what have you done to use a lyric from one of my
idols the late John Lennon. Its at this time every year
we get a chance to reflect on the past 12 months. Busy
is the first word Id use to describe 2014 in Public
Health terms as the subject has really hit the
headlines in a way I cant remember previously. Much
of that must be down to the actions of individual Local
Authorities and nationally to Public Health England
who have certainly made sure that subjects such as
obesity, smoking and alcohol are rarely out of the
news. Quite whether thats good enough to improve our
long term health and take some pressure off the NHS
is something that will still take time to show itself.
With an election looming in 2015 that is a concern,
from what I have heard and read the three traditional
parties, if we can call them that, still seem to want to
solve all our ills by throwing money at the NHS. As for
UKIP its hard to know exactly what they have in mind,
their website has no search function and their policies
dont mention Public Health at all. Still plenty of work
to be done there then. The recent Ebola outbreak has
been a tragic but still interesting example of much of
the medias perception of health. Quite rightly a lot has
been made of the need for treatment centers and
qualified health staff but disappointingly little has be
written about the equally relevant Public Health
advice that can play a major role in stopping the
spread of the virus. Finally as I write this DECC are
running a days Twitter engagement using
#BackClimateAction. The response has been amazing
with the subject trending nationally. Maybe it points a
way forward for the Public Health Family? The more
engagement and the more the message gets out the
more pressure there will be on the new administration
not to dismantle what finally seems to be making
progress. Have a Great Christmas!


Clinical Psychologist Gay Sutherland who talked about

smoking and mental illness and Ipsos Mori Chief Executive
Ben Page who gave a fascinating insight into public opinions.
Other topics on the day included, behaviour change and
obesity, physical activity, and the voluntary sector.
Proceedings were recorded by visual artist Laura Broderick
(opposite) and you can view more from the day at http://

Jigsaw Links
New Documents & Guidance:
Public Health England
Ebola Updates
Winter Health Watch
Healthy Cities - Promoting Health & Equity
Avian Influenza Information
Institute of Health Equity
Natural Solutions To Tackling Health Inequalities
Faculty of Public Health
Start Well Live Better
Government Office for Science
Innovation: Managing Risk, Not Avoiding It
What Works Centre for Wellbeing
Climate Change 2014 Synthesis Report

Happy Christmas
& A Prosperous and Healthy New Year
from all At JigsawPSPH
Thanks for your support in 2014

The Back Page

Ask StanleyStats

Editing: Pete Hill

Want some statistics? Let the Jigsaw

Furby tell you all about it.
You can e-mail him:
Or follow on Twitter @ stanley stats1

Design: Pete Hill & Sarah James

Jigsaw Northern Ireland

Hello to our new

Stanley Says:
More than 800,000 tonnes of
wrapping paper will be used on
Christmas presents the equivalent
of 50,000 trees. Last year 83
square km ended in UK rubbish
bins enough to cover an area
larger than Guernsey. Every year
we throw away 1 billion Christmas
cards, 1,500 tonnes of used tree
lights, 250 tonnes of Christmas
trees, 230,000 tonnes of festive
food waste and 4,500 tonnes of
tin foil.

The Time is Now

Social Media Training
Contact Us for more details

Anthony McCloskey
JigsawNews is an independent

Colin Galway

production all views expressed


are solely those of the editorial

Do Something Different

team and do not represent those

of any other organisation.

Lisa McNally
Graham Phillips

Did You Know:


Public health efforts to discourage the use of

trans fat in restaurants and decrease other

Herts Viewpoint

heart disease risk factors have contributed to

a 60% decrease in the death rates from the
disease since 1950.

DPH Cheshire West

Emma Spencelayh

Contact Us:

JigsawPSPH working with

Delivering quality
services to a wide
range of businesses
and Public Sector
bodies since 1999

Alberts Square
Learn from
yesterday, live
for tomorrow.
The important
thing is not to

Did You Know:

In the UK, about 600 people a year die
from a complication of seasonal flu.
This rises to around 13,000during an

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cted by a
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ense any
distribution for comme
rcial gain
without permission
is prohibited.

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Coopers Corner
It said in the
newspaper Do
Your Christmas
Shopping Early
so I got up at 5am
but all the shops
were closed!

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