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The Art of Drawing Spirits into Crystals

Book of Prayers
1 Preliminary Consecrations
1.1 Making Holy Water
1.2 The Incense
1.3 The Lamen
1.4 The Candles
1.5 The Garment
1.6 The Girdle
2 Preparations
2.1 Confession and prayer
2.2 Shower and Bath
2.3 Donning of the Vestments
2.4 Cleansing the Prepared Temple
2.5 Anointing with the Holy Oil
2.6 When lighting the candles
Appendix Cleansing Bath printout sheet

1 Preliminary Consecrations
1.1 Making Holy Water
Set out a clean bowl of fresh water and a cup of sea salt.
Pray: Our help is in the name of the Lord. Who made heaven and earth.
Lay your right hand on the salt and recite the the Exorcism of Salt:
Gods creature, salt, I cast out the demon from you by the living God, by the true God, by
the holy God, by God who ordered you to be thrown into the water-spring by Eliseus to heal
it of its barrenness. May you be a purified salt, a means of health for those who believe, a
medicine for body and soul for all who make use of you. May all evil fancies of the foul fiend,
his malice and cunning, be driven afar from the place where you are sprinkled. And let every
unclean spirit be repulsed by Him who is coming to judge both the living and the dead and
the world by fire. Amen.
Pray: Almighty everlasting God, we humbly appeal to your mercy and goodness to
graciously bless this creature, salt, which you have given for mankinds use. May all who use
it find in it a remedy for body and mind. And may everything that it touches or sprinkles be
freed from uncleanness and any influence of the evil spirit; through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Lay your right hand on the water and recite the Exorcism of the Water:
Gods creature, water, I cast out the demon from you in the name of God the Father
almighty, in the name of Jesus Christ, His Son, our Lord, and in the power of the Holy Spirit.
May you be a purified water, empowered to drive afar all power of the enemy, in fact, to root
out and banish the enemy himself, along with his fallen angels. We ask this through the
power of our Lord Jesus Christ, who is coming to judge both the living and the dead and the
world by fire. Amen.
Pray: O God, who for mans welfare established the most wonderful mysteries in the
substance of water, hearken to our prayer, and pour forth your blessing on this element now
being prepared with various purifying rites. May this creature of yours, used in your
mysteries and endowed with your grace, serve to cast out demons and to banish disease.
May everything that this water sprinkles in the homes and gatherings of the faithful be
delivered from all that is unclean and hurtful; let no breath of contagion hover there, no taint
of corruption; let all the wiles of the lurking enemy come to nothing. By the sprinkling of this
water may everything opposed to the safety and peace of the occupants of these homes be
banished, so that in calling on your holy name they may know the well-being they desire,
and be protected from every peril; through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Now pour the salt into the water in the form of a cross and say:
May this salt and water be mixed together; in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of
the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Then pray: The Lord be with you. And with thy spirit.
God, source of irresistible might and king of an invincible realm, the ever-glorious
conqueror; who restrain the force of the adversary, silencing the uproar of his rage, and
valiantly subduing his wickedness; in awe and humility we beg you, Lord, to regard with
favor this creature thing of salt and water, to let the light of your kindness shine upon it, and
to hallow it with the dew of your mercy; so that wherever it is sprinkled and your holy name is
invoked, every assault of the unclean spirit may be baffled, and all dread of the serpents

venom be cast out. To us who entreat your mercy grant that the Holy Spirit may be with us
wherever we may be, through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Solomonic ritual to make Holy Water
Take some sea salt and a bowl of fresh spring water. Recite the following prayer over the salt
Truth and the Life, deign to bless and sanctify this creature of salt, to serve unto us for help,
protection, and assistance in this art, experiment and operation, and may it be a succor unto
Cast the blessed salt into the water and recite the following Psalms over the salted water
(numbers according to King James version*):
Psalm 102 (Hear my prayer, O Lord: and let my cry come unto thee)
Psalm 54 (Save me, O God, by thy name)
Psalm 6 (O Lord, rebuke me not in thine anger, neither chasten me)
Psalm 51 (Have mercy upon me, O God, according to thy loving kindness)

1.2 The Incense

O God of Abraham, God of Isaac, God of Jacob, deign to bless these odoriferous spices so
that they may receive strength, virtue, and power to attract the Good Spirits, and to banish
and cause to retire all hostile Phantoms. Through Thee, O Most Holy Adonai, Who livest and
reignest unto the Ages of Ages. Amen.
I exorcise thee, O Spirit impure and unclean, thou who art a hostile Phantom, in the Name of
God, that thou quit this Perfume, thou and all thy deceits, that it may be consecrated and
sanctified in the name of God Almighty. May the Holy Spirit of God grant protection and
virtue unto those who use these Perfumes; and may the hostile and evil Spirit and Phantom
never be able to enter therein, through the Ineffable Name of God Almighty. Amen.
O Lord, deign to bless and to sanctify this Creature of Perfume so that it may be a remedy
unto mankind for the health of body and soul, through the Invocation of Thy Holy Name. May
all Creatures who receive the odour of this incense and of these spices receive health of
body and of soul, through Him Who hath formed the Ages. Amen.
For the following items I suggest cleansing them with Holy Water (Cleanse me with hyssop
oh Lord..) and consecrating them with either incense or Holy Oil.

1.3 The Lamen

O God Thou God of my Salvation I call upon Thee by the mysteries of Thy most holy name,
On, St. Agla, I worship and beseech Thee by Thy names El, Elohim, Elohe, Zebaoth, and by
Thy Might Name, Tetragrammaton, Saday, that Thou wilt be seen in the power and force of
these Thy most holy names so written filling them with divine virtue and Influence through
Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

1.4 The Candles

I bless thee in the name of the Father. O Holy, Holy Lord, God, Heaven and Earth are full of
Thy Glory before Whose face there is a bright shining light forever; bless now, oh Lord, I

beseech Thee, these creatures of light which Thou hast given for the Kindly use of man that
they, by Thee being sanctified, may not be put out or extinguished by power, malice, or filthy
darkness of the devil, but may shine forth brightly and lend their assistance to this my Work,
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

1.5 The Garment

O Holy, blessed and Eternal Lord God Who art the God of purity and delightest that our
souls should appear before Thee in clean and pure and undefiled Vestments, grant o Lord
that these garments being cleansed, blessed and consecrated by Thee, I may put them on,
and being therewith clothed I may be whiter than snow, both in soul and body in Thy
presence this day, in and through the Merits, death, and passion of our only Lord and
Saviour Jesus Christ, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the Unity of the Holy Spirit, ever
one God, world without end. The God of Abraham, the God if Isaac, the God of Jacob, bless
thee, purge thee, and make thee pure, and be thou clean in the Name of the Father, Son
and Holy Ghost. Amen.

1.6 The Girdle

O God Who by the breath of Thy nostrils framed heaven and Earth and wonderfully disposed
all things therein in six days, grant that this now brought to perfection by Thine unworthy
servant mat be by Thee blessed and receive Divine virtue, power and Influence from Thee
that every thing therein contained may fully operate according to the hope and confidence of
me, Thine unworthy servant through Jesus Christ our Lord Saviour. Amen.

2 Preparations
Start a 24 hour fast.

2.1 Confession and prayer

O Lord God Almighty, be propitious unto me a miserable sinner, for I am not worthy to raise
mine eyes unto heaven, because of the iniquity of my sins and the multitude of my faults. O
pitying and merciful Father, who wouldest not the death of a sinner but rather that he should
turn from his wickedness and live, O God have mercy upon me and pardon all my sins: for I
unworthy entreat Thee, O Father of all Creatures, Thou Who art full of mercy and of
compassion, by Thy great goodness, that Thou deign to grant unto me power to see and
know these Spirits which i desire to behold and to invoke to appear before me and to
accomplish my will. Though Thee Who are Conqueror, and Who are Blessed unto the Ages
of Ages. Amen.
O Lord God the Father Eternal, Who are seated upon the Kherubim and the Seraphim, Who
lookest upon earth and upon Sea; unto Thee do I raise my hands and implore Thine aid
alone, Thou Who alone art the accomplishment of good works, Thou Who givest rest unto
those who labour, Who humblest the proud, Who art the Author of Life and the Destroyer of
Death; Thou art our rest, Thou art the Protector of those who invoke Thee; protect, guard
and defend me in this matter, and in the enterprise which I propose to carry out, O Thou
Who livest, reignest, and abidest unto the Eternal Ages. Amen.

2.2 Shower and Bath

Shower. Then fill a vessel with water and recite the following prayer:
I exorcise thee, O Creature of Water, by Him Who hath created thee and gathered thee
together in one place so that the dry land appeared, that thou uncover all the deceits of the
Enemy, and that thou cast out from thee all the impurities and uncleanesses of the Spirit of
the World of Phantasm, so they may harm me not, through the virtue of God Almighty Who
liveth and reigneth unto the Ages of Ages. Amen
Now recite the following prayer over a small amount of salt:
The Blessing of the Father Almighty be upon this Creature of Salt, and let all malignity and
hindrance be cast forth hencefrom, and let all good enter herein, for without Thee men
cannot live, wherefore I bless thee and invoke thee, that thou mayest aid me.
Mix it with the water and pray:
O Lord Adonai, Who has formed me thine unworthy servant in Thine Image and
resemblance of vile and abject earth; deign to bless and to sanctify this Water, so that it may
be for the health and purification of my soul, and of my body, so that no foolishness or
deceitfulness may therein in any way have place.
O Most Powerful and Ineffable God, Who madest Thy people pass dryshod through the Red
Sea when they came up out of the Land of Egypt, grant unto me grace that I may be purified
and regenerated from all my past sins by this Water, so that no uncleanness may appear
upon me in Thy Presence.
Wash yourself with this water. When finished, recite:
Be ye regenerate, cleansed, and purified, in the Name of the Ineffable, Great, and Eternal
God, from all your iniquities, and may the virtue of the Most High descend upon you and

abide with you always, so that ye may have the power and strength to accomplish the
desires of your heart. Amen.

2.3 Donning of the Vestments

By the figurative Mystery of these holy vestments,
I will cloath myself with the armour of Salvation in strength of the most high,
That my desired end may be effected through thy strength, Adonay,
to whom the praise and glory will forever & ever belong.

2.4 Cleansing the Prepared Temple

"Cleanse me with hyssop oh Lord, and I shall be clean; wash me, and I shall be whiter than
Sprinkle in the form of a cross. First yourself (Mundabor) then the four quarters
(Mundaberis), and finishing with sprinkling yourself again, for a total of six times.

2.5 Anointing with the Holy Oil

2.6 When lighting the candles
I exorcise thee, O Creature of Fire, in the name of the Sovereign and Eternal Lord, by His
Ineffable Name, which is YHVH; by the name of Yah, and by the Name of Power EL; that
thou mayest enlighten the heart of all the Spirits which we shall call unto this crystal, so that
they may appear before us without fraud and deceit through Him Who hath created all

Appendix Cleansing Bath printout sheet

on the next page

Cleansing Bath
Shower, then fill a vessel with water and recite
the following prayer:
I exorcise thee, O Creature of Water, by Him Who hath
created thee and gathered thee together in one place
so that the dry land appeared, that thou uncover all the
deceits of the Enemy, and that thou cast out from thee
all the impurities and uncleanesses of the Spirit of the
World of Phantasm, so they may harm me not, through
the virtue of God Almighty Who liveth and reigneth
unto the Ages of Ages. Amen.
Now recite the following prayer over a small
amount of salt:
The Blessing of the Father Almighty be upon this
Creature of Salt, and let all malignity and hindrance be
cast forth hencefrom, and let all good enter herein, for
without Thee men cannot live, wherefore I bless thee
and invoke thee, that thou mayest aid me.
Mix it with the water and pray:
O Lord Adonai, Who has formed me thine unworthy
servant in Thine Image and resemblance of vile and
abject earth; deign to bless and to sanctify this Water,
so that it may be for the health and purification of my
soul, and of my body, so that no foolishness or
deceitfulness may therein in any way have place.
O Most Powerful and Ineffable God, Who madest Thy
people pass dryshod through the Red Sea when they
came up out of the Land of Egypt, grant unto me grace
that I may be purified and regenerated from all my past
sins by this Water, so that no uncleanness may appear
upon me in Thy Presence.

Wash yourself with this water. When finished,

Be ye regenerate, cleansed, and purified, in the Name
of the Ineffable, Great, and Eternal God, from all your
iniquities, and may the virtue of the Most High descend
upon you and abide with you always, so that ye may
have the power and strength to accomplish the desires
of your heart. Amen.

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