Weight Loss

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To my mother, with love, wherever you are.



THE NECK AND HEAD pages 16-20
THE TONGUE pages 21-28
ARMS pages 29-32
ARMS AS A SPRING pages 33-38
FINGERS OF HAND pages 42-45


I have a maxim, "What can not be measured is not much.

What I will write in this book is not a scientific discovery, it is
simply an application of classical mechanics to the movements of
arms, legs, etc ... Classical mechanics is Newtonian mechanics and
the mechanics of large bodies we will not go into relativistic
quantum mechanics or any considerations.
Basically I'll give the halls needed for the times you need to move
different parts of our body to resonate with the natural frequency
of different parts of our body tools.
For a person who does not understand the phenomenon of resonance has
to believe what he will tell, but I will try to give some examples
to understand this phenomenon.
Technically it resonates with a physical oscillator, as can be a
swing or our own arms, when there is another driving force whose
frequency is substantially equal to the natural frequency of the
physical oscillator, and shows that the width goes to infinity as
both frequencies are virtually identical.
To give some examples, when a person pushes a child on the swing (if
we ignore the friction of the swing chains) and that force has the
same frequency as the natural frequency of the swing, which can be
considered as a pendulum come a point where the driving force is
imposed and the child would end fired, the range of motion of the
swing is greatly enlarged (expect anyone to do the test).
These precautions are also used in the military and when a battalion
passed through a bridge is made out of step because if the force
that makes unison troop comes into resonance with the bridge
structure it could come down or classic example of soprano that
emits a continuous note with the same frequency of vibration of a
vessel that causes it to break.
We do not need a very large force, such as the soprano, but once it
comes into resonance with the natural frequency of another
oscillator the resulting amplitude tends to infinity.

We see that the key word is "resonance" and I'll give you the tools
to halles time where you have to move your legs, arms and other
parts of your body to come into resonance with the natural frequency
of these parts of your body.
Finally say that always struck me a picture I once had an
examination and two spherical charges hanging by a thread when
released repel and if they are of the same charge produced the
figure of a pendulum, obviously do not move by the repulsive force
but greatly resembles the shape of a pendulum.

I do not know if the unification of electromagnetic theory with

gravitational continue patterns like a pendulum, but is now
fashionable string theory, that somehow have analogies with the
pendulum movement, the study of the motion of a string is studied in
this branch of physics, and vibrations and waves greatly simplified
if the rope is anchored at one point, so these movements so curious
as to throw streamers are anchored to the fixed point of the hand
that threw occur.



This is a scientific book, can not be considered a novel.

The book discusses aspects that can be measured, in order to reach
Although a scientific book I have tried to try to reach all readers
That said get down to business with a curiosity that I read in a
book, particularly in the French book, vibrations and waves.
The Talmud in a Hebrew book about religious issues and laws is.
It's funny because it was written 2,000 years ago and a legislative
provision of this book said that if a hen cackling broke with her a
jar poking his head inside, the owner of the chicken should pay the
This effect is called resonance, and apparently already knew
thousands of years ago.
The mechanism is the same as making a sustained soprano note that
broke the glass, as discussed below.
A French physicist who also raised chickens called it the precept
not necessary, since he never saw a chicken stick his head in a bowl
and break it with his crowing.
Finally we see that the resonance was known at the dawn of
civilization, where lawmakers typify in a manner somewhat
strange, based on a phenomenon that almost never happens, unless at
that time was such great to typify problem.



We have seen that when entering the resonance amplitude increases

considerably, a small earthquake can knock down a house if both
systems resonate.
I have to confess I do not know exactly the consequences of entering
into resonance with our own natural frequency of floating through
our own momentum, but physically it is shown that the amplitude of
the frequency increases without much knowledge of medicine believe
that, mind, muscles , bones and blood circulation should be favored.
Personally I've been doing two years and the results are spectacular
in terms of my own fitness.
I have seen many times at night on television these magical devices
to lose weight, I have nothing against them but I think a hoax.
Before going I want to say that if you feel bad any kind of exercise
described in this book or let you see a doctor, I just try to put at
the service of physical exercise physical tools we know.
About two years ago an idea came out of the blue and that the human
body can be compared to a table, the example is a bit macabre, but
when someone puts it in a coffin we see that not much room left
A coffin has a natural buoyancy frequency as in the case of a ship
depends only on its sides.
The Greeks knew that when soaking a body was experiencing an upward
force equal to the weight of water displaced (Archimedes'
principle), the other force acting on the floating body is the 3

weight Swimmer Swimmer own.
No I will demonstrate how to get to the formula of the natural
frequency of a body submerged floating level, although any sophomore
physical should be able to find it taking into account the density
of the liquid, but for a body square is T = 2 * pi (h / g)^1/2 where
(h) the extent of the wings and (g) the gravity constant 9.81 m / s
2 on Earth's surface.
If you do a weighted average of the cost of a human body is to be
about 14 cm (wider in the thighs, ankles thinner and wider in the
By measuring this variable in your body we can measure the time that
we do a full stroke, in my case T = 2 * 3.14 * (0.14 / 9.81)^1/2
= 0.84 seconds this is the time when I do a full stroke (since we
started doing the back stroke and plunge us back up to be in the
same position), thus we get the strength to develop produce this
movement comes into resonance with the natural frequency of our own
body to float.
Summarizing my body to float up and down repeatedly oscillates
within a certain time, this is called a simple harmonic motion, from
now (m.a.s)
For example when climbing a mountain the force of gravity is
constant but swim down a little and plunging back up to the surface,
the force of gravity and the upward thrust produced by the water
displaced, make our floating body to climb up and down again
following a (m.a.s).
Two years ago I started doing this exercise in pools but I was
afraid to walk the pool, now I think it's not worth worrying about
moving too, and yes make the move to sink and rise to the surface
without much progress, so it is can be done in a small pool.
If you want to make progress, your body must be driven along a sine
function of period you've found for your own body, the period in
(more) is the time when the body repeat twice the same position, eg
since begin the stroke immerse ourselves back up and being in the
same position.

I think it is best to dive and go forward a bit, it is better

because it is precisely in the vertical movement of the body where
it produces (more), more than the horizontal movement of progress
where there occurs the (more). I have also tried in the
sea, but the waves have their own natural frequency, and it is
unlikely that two physical oscillators (wave frequency and the

natural buoyancy of the body) in resonance with our own driving
Displaying the formula you realize that people with a wider side
must swim more slowly than thinner people.
It does not matter how much you immerse us as a property models
(mas) is that the frequency does not depend on the amplitude, if we
stretch a spring two meters vibrate with the same frequency as if
stretched 10 cm, obviously first case will move more faster because
it has more room to go. As we shall see the natural frequency
flotation our body is very similar to that of a T = 2 * pi (h / g)^
1/2 pendulum changing (h) the width of our sides by (l) the length
of a pendulum T = 2 * pi (l / g)^1/2
Later we will use the formula of a physical pendulum for different
parts of our body.
Finally consider that the human body is not like a table but an
approximation of 80% is good enough physical approximations used
continuously in many cases and that greatly simplify the
calculations and often are perfectly valid to solve the problems we


The period of a pendulum is T = 2 * pi * (g / l) however half a

pendulum has a dependency on the position on his speed, just see its
equation of motion
x = A * sin (wt + O) where (A) the amplitude (w) and angular
velocity (0), the phase angle.
A pendulum when released does not start to decrease fast, stops,
accelerates again and then follows a steady rate, ie no stutters,
but follows a harmonious movement, so he called him harmonic
movement to movement.
To simplify the movement of legs and arms have to have a couple of
thoughts on the pendulum at the ends of their movement speed is 0
and acceleration is maximum and its lowest point is maximum speed
and acceleration is 0
So in the coming years we should start the pendulum movement of our
arms and legs in a way slowly, reaching its maximum speed at its
lowest point and reduce its speed to the other end.
All this time we will find below for each arm or leg especially
I know it's a little complicated but with a little practice you can
In fact for swimming exercise must also follow this
procedure, starting with a slow immersion, increasing the speed at
the midpoint of the dive and reducing the speed until it reaches the
lowest point of the dive.
The first exercise is the classic ballerina with one foot on the
floor and leaning with one hand, keeping the other leg in the air

freely for all purposes leg is in the air in a rigid movable like a
physical pendulum anchored cylindrical hip.

For all purposes in this leg acts as a physical pendulum motion of
cylindrical shape of period T = 2 * pi * (I / mgh)^1/2, where (I) is
the moment of inertia of a cylinder (m) mass of the leg, in the
human body despite the leg is 10% of total body weight (g) the
acceleration of gravity at sea level 9.81 m / s^2 may be considered
constant anywhere in the planet earth, unless you do the exercise in
the Himalayan peak (h) is the distance from the hip that acts as a
point of
anchor the center of mass of the leg that goes on about the knee.
The moment of inertia of a cylinder is I = MR^2 + 1/12 ML^2 being
MR2 (M) the mass of the leg (R) cylinder radius, ie the radius of
the leg if we consider it as a cylinder, this measurement may be
made to the knee (L) the total length of the leg from hip to foot.
I'll find the period of oscillation of my leg for this exercise,
let's start with the moment of inertia of my leg.
(M) the mass of my leg is about 7.1 Kg. 10% of my weight (R) the
radius of my leg as the knee comes to about 0,025 m. (All measures
must be put in an international system of measurement, kilograms,
meters and seconds) (L) the length of my leg is about 0.7 meters.
Thus the moment of inertia is I = 1/4 * 7.1 * 0.0252^2 + 1/12 * 7.1
* 0.72^2 = 0.29 kg * m^2
Spending this amount to the period of oscillations formula we have:
T = 2 * 3.14 * (0.29 / 7.1 * 0.35 * 9.81)^1/2 = 0.68 seconds.
The other exercise I suggest is to have the thigh horizontal and
move the leg that runs from the knee to the foot of a pendulum.

Now for all purposes the part that goes from knee to foot acts as a
physical pendulum anchored in the knee, in my experience it should
be a little careful as you force your knee slightly in position to
act as the knee anchor point in a slightly unsteady.

I will find the corresponding period for my leg and start at the
moment of inertia.
(M) the mass of my leg from knee to foot is about 3.5 Kg. 5% of my
weight (R) the radius of the bottom of my leg doing a weighted
average between the knee and the foot comes to be 0.02 m. (All
measures must be put in an international system of measurement,
kilograms, meters and seconds) (L) the length from knee to foot is
about 0.3 meters.
Thus the moment of inertia is I = 1/4 * 3.5 * 0.02 ^ 2 + 1/12 * 3.5
* 0.3 ^ 2 = 0.026 kg * m^2
Spending this amount to the period of oscillations formula we have:
T = 2 * 3.14 * (0.02 / 3.5 * 0.3 * 9.81)^1/2 = 0.27 seconds.
I'll describe it is a physical pendulum, but is physically a bit
advanced not worry since the calculations for this exercise are very
simple, but this is a physics book and so I put it, if you're not
interested in knowing works as a physical pendulum you can skip this
The article is taken from Wikipedia.
A compound pendulum or physical pendulum is any rigid body can swing
freely in the gravitational field around a fixed horizontal axis
that does not pass through its center of mass.
The physical pendulum is a system with one degree of freedom;
corresponding to the rotation about the fixed axis ZZ '(Figure 1).


Physical pendulum position is determined, at any instant,

by the angle 0 which is determined by the rotation axis (ZZ ') and
the center of gravity (G) of the pendulum with the vertical plane
passing through the rotation axis plane.
Call h, the distance from the center of gravity (G) of the pendulum
to the rotation axis ZZ '. When the pendulum is deflected
of its equilibrium (stable) an angle O, two forces acting upon it
(mg and N) the resultant moment about the axis ZZ 'is a vector
directed along the axis of rotation ZZ', in the negative direction
of thereof; i.e.,
M = -mgh * sin (O)
If (I) the moment of inertia of the pendulum about the axis of
suspension ZZ ' and call the same angular acceleration, angular
momentum theorem allows us to write the differential equation of
rotational motion of the pendulum without -mgh * (0) = I * we can
write in the form
+ mgh * sin (O) / I = 0
which is a second order differential equation, the same type as that

found for the simple pendulum.
In the event that the angular amplitude of the oscillations is
small, we can set sin (O) = O and the equation takes the form
corresponding to a simple harmonic motion.
The oscillation period is T = 2 * pi * (I / mgh)^1/2
I'll find the period of oscillation of my leg for this exercise,
let's start with the moment of inertia of my leg.
(M) the mass of my leg is about 7.1 Kg 10% of my weight (R) the
radius of my leg as the knee comes to about 0,025 m (all measures
must be put in international system of measurement, kilograms,
meters and seconds) (L) the length of my leg is about 0.7 meters.
Thus the moment of inertia is I = 1/4 * 7.1 * 0.0252 + 1/12 * 7.1 *
0.72 = 0.29 seconds kg * m2
Spending this amount to the period of oscillations formula we have:
T = 2 * 3.14 * (0.29 / 7.1 * 0.35 * 9.81)^1/2 = 0.68 seconds.
Another exercise is the exercise bike, the pedal is a circle that
will divide into two semicircles, when the pedal is in the middle
position (neither up nor down).


then begins to drop and turns on the rear middle position again.
Part of our leg from the knee to the foot acts to all effects as a
physical pendulum cylindrical, as in the previous section but now
using only the portion of the knee to the foot, when the foot makes
this movement and begins to rise the other leg back to doing the
same motion made before the other leg begins to lower and raise
semicircular like a pendulum, that is, by measuring the period of
half pedaling so that the part of our leg from knee to foot between
in resonance with the natural frequency of oscillation of our leg
from knee to foot multiplied by two will know the time we have to do
a full rotation of the pedal.
I will find the corresponding period for my leg and start at the
moment of inertia.
(M) the mass of my leg from knee to foot is about 3.5 Kg 5% of my
weight (R) the radius of my leg as the central thigh becomes 0.02 m
( all measures must be put in an international system of
measurement, kilograms, meters and seconds) (L) the length from knee
to foot is about 0.3 meters.
Thus the moment of inertia is I = 1/4 * 3.5 * 0.02 ^ 2 + 1/12 * 3.5
* 0.3 ^ 2 = 0.026 kg * m^2
Spending this amount to the period of oscillations formula we have:
T = 2 * 3.14 * (0.02 / 3.5 * 0.3 * 9.81)^ 1/2 = 0.27 seconds
multiplied by two is 0 , 54 seconds, this is the time when we must
make a complete rotation of the pedal so that our driving force in
resonance with the natural frequency of our legs.
In some cities there are devices where you support the foot and move
the leg rigidly it forward and backward movement is like making
skiers, but the device is a bit off the ground, for all purposes
have to use period encountered earlier in the example of
the dancer to move a leg rigidly, but this way we can use both legs.
Finally consider that we are making approximations for physical
pendulum with small oscillations, which are sufficiently accurate,

these approaches are perfectly valid for not more than 45
oscillation amplitude. you can use the general formula for a
pendulum that will expose the end of the book but it is quite
complicated and not think it's necessary for our calculations as we
usually do we exceed this range, although it is true that some
exercises can be overcome somewhat, who want to use it is perfectly
right, I also give you some examples, but again stress that I
consider quite complicated for our calculations.
Summarizing the first exercise with stiff leg, hip acts as an anchor
point and we have to consider the entire leg from the hip to the
The second exercise, the exercise bike, the anchor point of the
physical pendulum is located in the knee and must consider the leg
from knee to foot, to make our calculations.



Many times I have seen people move to relax the neck and head from
left to right to relax the neck and head are a very important part
of our body, indeed the latter allows us to think.
In this chapter I will give you the formula so that you find the
time to the natural frequency of torsional oscillation of the neck
and head.
The necks for all purposes is a torsion pendulum, the formula of the
period is T = 2 * pi * (I / c)^1/2, can be made perfectly
approximate the moment of inertia of the head and neck is a cylinder
I = 1/12 MR^2 + 1/4 ML^2 the same as in the first paragraph of the
preceding example, being (M) the mass of the head, the mass of the
head of an adult being comes to about 8 Kg . owe this to add the
weight of the neck, find no better way to weigh your head and neck
to put them on a scale, I think you will not be very difficult (R)
is the radius of the head neck system, or a little less than half of
the skull as the radius of the neck is a little smaller, you can
make a weighted average head system neck with a measure a little
less than half of the skull, I believe that the approximation is
good enough (L) is the length of the base of the neck at the highest
point of your head.
The equilibrium position is that we have facing forward, if for
example found in your neck period is 0.5 seconds,
movement have to do is since deviate neck slightly to the left or
right you move to the other side and returns to the position where

you had to start exercising, or spending twice the equilibrium
position, basically like a pendulum , but in this case the torsion.
My experience in laboratories, constant torque head neck system is
relatively large, and otherwise difficult to measure due to the
large number of muscles acting in that movement.
I will use the method of measuring the constant typical torque in a
laboratory, which is turning the head 15 , 30 and 45 and find
the time of the force, I have to say that although there are ways to
find the moment of force not have the necessary equipment to find it
and I'll do exactly ojmetro, then I shall find the regression line
with the 3 data and finally find the slope of the line to find a
constant torque.
The 3 data are:
Moment exerted 15th 2N * 0.05 m.
Moment exerted 30th 4N * 0.05 m.
Moment exerted 6N 45 * 0.05 m.

Tabla de Datos



















b=((3 )(21)-(90)(0.6)) / ((3)(3150)-(90)2)

a=(0.6 - 0.00666666666667*90)/3

Therefore, the best-fit line is:

Y = 1.85037170771E-16 + 0.00666666666667x
The regression line is y = 0.007x + 0 so its slope is 0.007 and
torsion constant "c" = 0.007 N * m
I'll find the period of oscillation for my neck, but remember that
the neck is very united head system, that is another exercise for a
future issue, but should be able to find it and !.
The moment of inertia of a cylinder, in the case of my neck is:
I = MR^2+ 1/12 ML^2
As (M) the mass of my neck about 2 Kg.
(R) The radius of my neck about 4 cm.
(L) The height of my neck about 7 cm.
Therefore I = 1/4 * 2 * 0.04^2 + 1/12 * 2 * 0.07^2 = 0.0016 kg * m^2
With these data we find the natural oscillation period of my neck,
considering a torsion pendulum.
T = 2 * pi * (I / c) 1/2 = 2 * 3.14 * (0.0016 / 0.007)^ 1/2 = 3
That although the calculations have been done in a very subjective
way, we conclude that we should move the neck in a very slow manner.
It's funny how the physical formulas are very similar and the body
consists of pendulums (arms and legs) torsion pendulums (neck) or
floating tables (when our body sinking a little nothing)

Also keep in mind that these movements should be made as close as

possible to the natural frequency when power our body in the same
natural frequency of the body that the force tends to infinity and
is a force to be advantage, besides not enter phase with the natural
frequency which makes your exercise more effective, personally the
results are quite spectacular and not have to do more than 5 or 10
minutes of exercise to be effective.
In the graph of resonance we can see that the approach much to the
natural frequency, not too broad peak tends to infinity, even if you
do the exercise with small deviation of the period of its natural
frequency still rogue chub, but with a deviation occurs some tenths
and you only get about 20% strength of resonance.




The tongue is an organ of the human body vibration of the first

magnitude, basically you move from top to bottom, from inside to
outside or arching upward to disturb the air and thus produce
syllables and words.
We will not take their normal motion that is when it is in its
horizontal position resting on the lower jaw and where arches,
raised or curve to produce words, this movement does not interest
us, first because it is a complicated move to make calculations and
moreover this movement is not a more
But if we make a simple change of coordinates 90 degrees, magically
and with the help of physics we are in a situation where the
language is now for all purposes a physical pendulum tabular
anchored in the front of the mouth .
Or in the position in which the head down to savor an ice cream and
tongue position is upright.


We started doing the math and started calculating the moment of

inertia of the tongue I = 1/3 * M * L2 (L) is the total length of
the tongue, in an adult becomes 10 cm. if you want more accuracy you
will have to measure it with a ruler.

(M) is the mass of the language, I searched on the internet and say
the mass of the language of an adult is between 100-150 grams, I
think it's a fairly realistic mass and will use a mass of 125 grams
for our example. If you want more accuracy the only thing I can
think of is to take a small glass of water and make a mark on the
top where the water reaches scoring half of the tongue and make
another mark, although the liquid displaced by half the language, ie
the content between the two marks and multiply it by two to find the
total mass of the tongue, we see again that Archimedes principle is
again useful.
Well we complete the calculations for the moment of inertia of the
tongue and not forget spending all the measures the international
system. I = 1/3 * 0.125 * 0.12 = 0.00042 (put units)
Using this measure in the formula for the period T = 2 * pi * (I /
mgh) 1/2 where m = mass of the tongue, g = acceleration of gravity
on Earth, h = distance from the anchor point of the tongue its
center of mass, as the tongue is a little narrower at its end and we
have agreed that the language comes to be 10 cm. We will consider
your center of mass a few millimeters before its center about 4.8 cm
With these data we can find the period T = 2 * 3.14 * (0.00042 /
0.125 * 9.81 * 0.048) 1/2 = 0.53 seconds.
I sometimes do this exercise and tongue thanks you, for all purposes
when doing this exercise language resonates with the natural
frequency of oscillation and strengthens the language concerned, I
am convinced that when our muscles, such as the language, resonates
with the natural frequency of oscillation also get a mental benefit
for all purposes both our mind and body work better.
For now let's calculations so you can find the time or period in
which you must move your tongue in the upright position.
I want to emphasize that when I speak of time, talk time for all
purposes, in fact the period is measured in seconds, the physical
idea of time is equal to what we usually understand as something
repetitive, like when a woman has her period, or it periodically.
Strictly physical period is the time when a simple harmonic motion

makes a full motion, for example when moving a pendulum to the right
we drop, goes to the left and returns to its initial position to the
right, in physics the time when there was the whole movement is
called period, if there were no friction the pendulum would be doing
all the time that movement in time we call period.
Let's start with the calculations, the formula is the classical
period for a physical pendulum T = 2 * pi * (I / mgh)^1/2, now is
the moment of inertia corresponding to a rectangular table anchored
by one side, in this case one corresponding to the part of the
tongue anchored to the inside face of the narrow sides.
The moments of inertia are tabulated on any page of physical and
online you can find them without major problems, the technical name
for a rectangular plate aby sides thickness c is cuboid, I admit
that I struggled a bit to find this moment of inertia, I finally
found on a page of agronomists, and was surprised that the moment of
inertia of a parallelepiped to the plane formed by the AOC hand,
It was according to this page I = 1/12 Mb ^ 2, I was surprised that
the moment of inertia of the language on this plane only depended on
the length of the tongue, an adult length of the tongue is measured
10 cm .
We came to this hair as much simplified calculations and if
want more accuracy it is sticking out tongue with a ruler and
measure it, be careful not eat it.
But then still could not see as much simplified formula of this
moment of inertia, and decided to figure it out on my own, in
physics the worst you can do is calculate ojmetro things and when
you have a question it is best to get to do the math with pencil and
paper following the physical and mathematical rules necessary. Also
sometimes I fail my spatial vision but sometimes I work very well as
the idea for the book came to me when considering arms and legs as
physical pendulums cylindrical, or to bring the body and language as
two parallelepipeds in the first if swimming and in this particular
case to consider language as a parallelepiped and anchored in its
vertical position in the plane with the language form the front of

the mouth.
As this is a physics book will put the development to find this
moment of inertia, the calculations are not overly complicated, it
just takes a little skill in basic integration, but for anyone
without physical knowledge may obviate this problem without any
explanation and applied for final calculation formula will be
explained below.
*** moment of inertia of a square aby c thick sides respect one side


We started using the classic formula of the density to find the mass
of the tongue p = M / V, for all purposes we consider the density of

the tongue constant at every point, ie p is a
Thus the mass of the tongue is M = pV, as a differentiator use an
infinitesimally thin plate length side db acy therefore this
differential mass element is:
dm = p * a * b * db moment of inertia of such differential AOC the
plane element is dm ** Dica = b2 = b2 Dica ie * p * a * b * db and
the entire body, with respect to same plane a distance b (b = c = 0)
of the plane AOC
Ica is the integral b2 ** = p * a * b * db integration between the
limits 0 and c, the sides of the infinitesimal volume element, and c
are constants and density, so go outside the integral and is
p * a * b ** Ica = b2 * db integrating between the limits defined
above is I = 1/3 * p * a * b * c3, this is where I wanted to come
here and see that the moment of inertia depends on 3 sides of the
parallelepiped, but our dear friends agronomists had realized that
the mass of the cuboid is M = p * a * b * c so we can simplify and I
= 1/3 * M * c2, we again see that physics is magic and the moment of
inertia considered, ie the language in an upright position only
depends on the length of the language and its mass.
We started doing the math and started calculating the moment of
inertia of the tongue
I = 1/3 * M * L2 (L) is the total length of the tongue, in an adult
becomes 10 cm. if you want more accuracy you will have to measure it
with a ruler.
(M) is the mass of the language, I searched on the internet and say
the mass of the language of an adult is between 100-150 grams, I
think it's a fairly realistic mass and will use a mass of 125 grams
for our example. If you want more
accuracy the only thing I can think of is to take a small glass of
water and make a mark on the top where the water reaches scoring 27

half of the tongue and make another mark, although the liquid
displaced by the middle of the tongue, or is the content between the
two marks and multiply it by two to find the total mass of the
tongue, we see again that Archimedes principle is again useful.
Well we complete the calculations for the moment of inertia of the
tongue and not forget spending all the measures the international
system. I = 1/3 * 0.125 * 0.12 = 0.00042 Kg * m2
Using this measure in the formula for the period T = 2 * pi * (I /
mgh) ^ 1/2 where m = mass of the tongue, g = acceleration of gravity
on Earth, h = distance from the anchor point language to its center
of mass, as the tongue is a little narrower at its end and we have
agreed that the language comes to be 10 cm. We will consider your
center of mass a few millimeters before its center about 4.8 cm
With these data we can find the period T = 2 * 3.14 * (0.00042 /
0.125 * 9.81 * 0.048) 1/2 = 0.53 seconds.
I draw much attention to the natural frequency of a human body
floating we consider normal, about 0.16 cm. Side is about 1 second
and the language of a measurement of 10 cm. and a mass of 0.125 is
0.5 seconds, do not know who the second considered as a universal
measure of time, but fully hit as it is consistent with two
important activities of our morphology, first swimming (experts say
that all living things including us both come from water), do not
disparage anyone because I have a physical defect but universal
media tends to 1 second, and the language that we use to talk about
the very important function that is 1/2 second half, or we see a 1
to 1/2 then compare with measurements of arms, legs and neck-head to
see if it remains simple relationship.
We have made some progress and we know how fast we have to move our
tongue to taste ice cream and not get into phase with its own
natural frequency and therefore does not make unnecessary efforts,
in addition to what we said at the beginning about the soprano is
able to break a glass using her vocal cords and the language itself.




With arms we can do two exercises in which we can find easily the
Do consider the approximation of arms as physical pendulums shaped
cylinder, the first exercise is to maintain rigid biceps and elbow
without moving this part only move the forearm,


if we do it without any dumbbells in hand the center of mass would
be located just above the middle of the forearm as
the part near elbow wrist outweighs, we see that the mass of the arm
influences not as in swimming where only matter measurement side, if
we use a small weight for example 1 kg. would move the center of
mass about the center of the forearm as the weights will be more
more big move the center of mass of the arm to the hand.
We also have to take into consideration that the weights must be
small (a ball of 1 kg for example) because if they are of a large
volume such as a dumbbell break apart the approximation of
considering the forearm as a cylinder and hamper the calculations.
The formula we use is the same as in the example of arms, or that of
a cylinder.
We must also take into account the radius of the arm, or if we
consider it as a cylinder have to do a weighted average of its
radius would be half the width measured at the half forearm forearm.
For example my forearm is 20 cm. and half its width becomes about 2
cm. as these data we can find the period of the motion would be ...
Can you find you just ?.
I have to remember that the more weight we use in hand over will
move the center of mass of the forearm was the wrist.
Although obviously the point of attachment of this physical pendulum
is the elbow, where we are neglecting friction occurs.
The other exercise is to keep the arm vertically aligned with the
body, the formula would be the same as in the previous example, we
still consider the whole arm as a cylinder and now the anchor point
would be the shoulder, the center of mass approximately elbow height
and length of the physical pendulum would be to the whole arm.
The motion would move the stiff arm from his position
balance to no more than the horizontal with the ground, better not
reach the horizontal position of the arm, always maintaining the
rigid arm.
The weighted average of the radius we can measure the elbow and
comes to be a little higher than when we measure the forearm, in my

case the weighted average radius of my arm is about 2.5 cm with this
data and the length my arm we find the period of the motion with a
fairly good approximation. For example for an arm length of 40 cm
and 2.5 cm radio period would be ... (Try to do the math you), this
is the time when we must move the arm from its vertical position to
a position not above the horizontal with the ground and return to
its equilibrium position.
Here again has importance if we use hand weight or not, but we use
the center of mass weight would be on the elbow, but if we use
weight shift the center of mass of the wrist was the larger shape is
more weight.
The position is similar to the ancient Egyptians made engravings.



We have seen how to swim and move the limbs of a pendulum can be
made following a simple harmonic motion, now we will see another way
to move your arms in harmony, but along the lines of a spring.
The boats are at sea harmonic movements, pendulum clocks pendulums
used for a specific period of clock gears move in a given time and
thus move clockwise so that they can measure time, well the springs
are also harmonic motion and now we are going to find the time when
we must move our two arms in unison, to enter into resonance with
its natural oscillation in the Earth's gravity, explaining that if
we were on the moon, the calculations needed replacing as it exerts
less force on our body.
Let us find the differential equation of a spring to prove it's the
same that we used in the chapter on the fingers of one hand, in that
example was + (mgh / I) * O = 0 (where O angular displacement).
The force exerted by a spring on a mass is shown that F = k * x
(where k is the spring constant and x recovery displacement).
We see two characteristics:
1) opposite to the displacement force is
2) k is the constant recovery feature beginning each spring and is
closely related to the material and shape of pier construction.

Since F = m * a (Newton's second law) m * a = k * xy as acceleration
is the second derivative of displacement with respect to time, we
can write:
d2x / dt2 = - (k / m) * x is exactly like = - (mgh / I) * changing
the constant O (k / m) by (mgh / I)
The exercise itself is to illustrate in the following drawing.

For all purposes the two arms act as two springs of hanging the 34

remaining mass of the body, perhaps hard to see that the arms are
springs of hanging the remaining part of the body in that position,
but it's really when they act as springs to raise and lower your
arms slightly elevating and lowering them.
The arms act as the exercise recovery spring constant "k" very
large, practically as a fine wire spring is deformed very little,
although the inner muscles themselves are deformed more and
therefore can be likened more to a traditional spring.
Initially we will use a very high value of k slightly deformable
We will find the period in which we have to raise the arms an inch
and re-download, I recall that in simple harmonic motion amplitude
is independent of time, or can raise the arms 2 or 10 inches but we
have to do in the period we have found, obviously if we got 10
centimeters have to do it faster than if you just went up 2
centimeters, but whatever the climb to do the entire move will be
done in the period found for your own arm.
Here we do not enter into consideration of energy, if you raise the
arms 10 cm. the potential energy produced is much greater than if we
just got our body 2 cm.
We are now focused only on the simple harmonic motion of our two
arms regarding them as two springs of hanging the remaining mass of
our body.
An important consideration is that the mass of the body hanging from
our two arms, or two springs, and when a mass hanging from two
springs calculating the elastic constant "k" changes considerably,
in a similar way to what making the resistances in electrical
circuits, if they are connected in series or in parallel.


We see that there is a clear analogy to the calculation of the

spring constant and the equivalent resistance when both are
connected in series, seems to me a clear analogy between mechanics
and electromagnetism, but in our case our arms, are connected in
parallel and the analogy with electromagnetism continues as describe
in the following drawing.


Again we see that there is a clear analogy between the two systems,
one mechanical and one of electromagnetism.
First let's find the constant equivalent of both arms as if they

were hanging docks remaining mass of our body.
I insist that this year so we work are the arms from wrist to
shoulder, and we go up and down trying not torsionarlos arms or
helping other muscles in our body, and we believe that exercise
every part of our body arms than an inert mass, and arm movement up
and down is to do in the period we find to our own body.
We will find the spring constant equal to my arms and generally for
anyone, arms are almost non-deformable, not as metal rods, but
constantly very large elastic, this means as I have said before that
deform very little weight when hanging them.
A "k" realistic arms for our walks on the order of 4000 N / m
(I've found using a regression line with the values that our arms
are deformed to different weights and calculating the slope), and as
both arms are in parallel, the resulting spring constant is equal
1 / Kr = 1/4000 + 1/4000 2/4000 = therefore Kr = 2000 N / m
The period of a spring is equal to T = 2 * pi * (m / k)^^1/2
Our two arms weigh 20% of our total weight, therefore we have to
measure mass is about 80% of our weight, in my case as the mass 70
Kg weight I have to put in the formula is 70 Kg * 0.8 = 56 Kg (All
measurements in the international system).
Therefore, the period in which we have to raise and lower arms
it is in my case:
T = 2 * 3.14 * (56 Kg / 2000 N / m)^1/2 = 1.05 s.
Can you now find the time for your own arms and your body mass ?.
I have to admit that this exercise is one of my favorites, and
strengthens the body in an exceptional way, is that this year we
introduced a new variant, and is considering arms as two springs in
parallel, a spring constant very large, or nearly indeformables.
At this point we will introduce another peculiar year, and is
considered the entire body like a pendulum.



In this exercise we will consider the whole body of the arms hanging
like a pendulum cuboid, or in table form, and we will find its
natural oscillation period for your own body.
It is true that there is a gap above the head and the arms, as you
can see in the picture below, but the approach is quite good.

The exercise is easy, is hung balancearnos our arms, as if our whole
body were a pendulum in a table.

As we saw in the exercise of the tongue, the moment of inertia of a

parallelepiped is:
I = 1/3 * M * L2 (L) is the total length of the body that is the
total height with arms raised, or slightly more than normal height,
in my case about 1.96 me. and that I measure 1.72 me.
(M) is the total mass of my body 70 ka.
The moment of inertia for my case is:

I = 1/3 * 70 * 1.962 = 89.64 Kg * m^^2
With these data and the help of a physical pendulum formula I can
already find the natural oscillation period of my body, considering
a physical pendulum in the form of table.
(ha) the center of mass, we consider it a little below the center
(L) as there is a substantial gap between arms and head,
approximately 1.17 me. suspension point.
T = 2 * pi * (I / Ghana) 1/2 = 2 * 3.14 * (89.64 / 70 * 9.81 * 1.17)
1/2 = 2.01 seconds
This is the time when we must make a full swing, forward and go back
into that full time.
It must be said that the exercise is not to resist hanging, but do
rolling in time for your own body found sometimes without getting
tired or exhausted.



This chapter is perhaps a bit technical and people who are not
overly familiar with physics can spend a little tiptoe through the
physical explanation, but I tried to make it as pleasant and simple
as possible, in any way at the end will have a simple expression to
make their own calculations.
Previously we were busy measuring the period in which they had to
push a swing to match its own natural frequency and so the two
systems come into resonance, the swing were our arms, legs, tongue
and body, and were the driving force ourselves through our mind led
through our muscles.
Now let's look at the problem from another point of view, now we
want to know that speed is the physical pendulum, or our fingers or
our legs, at any given time and therefore what position it is in a
certain time after releasing.
Solving this problem can help us to know that long a pianist has to
hit the piano keys once
starts down the finger, or the speed at which a player has to hit
the leg with a ball that is falling, although Mr. Iniesta seems to

know this quite well.
The physical pendulum is a physical entity that performs periodic 41
oscillations under the action of the gravitational force, as we have
The motion of a physical pendulum is fully governed by the
differential equation + (mgh / I) * W = 0 which is a differential
equation of second identical to that of a spring order, as in both
cases the acceleration is proportional and sign opposite to the
displacement, not go into considerations such as differential
equations are solved, which will be familiar that it is a second
order differential equation which is solved by the sine or cosine
function, since the derivative the sine and cosine function is the
second derivative is within a negative sign.
The origin of our coordinate system is at pi and considering a
movement of 45 degrees or 1/2 * pi can find the acceleration
Angular who has his finger in that position.
Taking the length of the finger as turning radius is easy to
calculate the speed you would finger hitting the piano key and the
time it would have to make that move.


Hopefully these laborious calculations serve for a pianist to play

some sublime melody, if possible, than they usually do.
The same considerations could be made on how fast you need to move
your leg a player to hit a ball in the air where you need to move
rigidly leg 15 degrees, for example from its rest position.
An important consideration is that the pianist must move their

fingers according to the beat of the song, this is just a physics
book that aims to give an idea, the idea would be to make a melody
to the rhythm of the natural frequency of the fingers of the
pianist, but this is another story.
The same consideration should be on the player, it has to shoot as
hard as possible to score a goal, but we deliver in your workouts.

The force of gravity is the cause of That move like pendulums move,
it is Important to get along comfortable with.
When I was writing this book I Heard on the radio in an informative
fitness program That Were NASA experiments showing without gravity
That age before, This can only happen in space as a feature of
gravity is that you 'can not shield, This Means That When present
can not be overridden by any Means, anyone interested on the issue
of aging due to lack of gravity Should consult Their Own, I have not
but I was curious Studied.
That remark Finally we are taking advantage of a free force,
Serves Un certain constraints under gravity to save energy, like the
classic problem of building a long tunnel into the earth to launch
rockets to the Moon with a remarkable energy saving, the problem
would be how to build it.

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