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The greatest contribution to Mordreds war
effort comes from the inhabitants of the
Confederation of Finklestein. Made up of small
independent member States, the Confederation
supplies the Arme with Dwarves, Dogs and
Ogres. The Dwarves supply the greatest number
of troops from states such as Beervaria, and
have contributed thousands of lives to
Mordreds war effort. The Ogres, most of
whom come from Hnvaria, are some of the
most frightening troops employed by Mordred,
while the Dogs from the States on the starian
border and those such as the Kingdom of
Saxhnde are equally capable troops, though not
quite so intimidating. The Confederation has
provided troops for all of Mordreds major
campaigns, being largely responsible for the
fight against the Krautian Dwarves.
Thousands of Finklesteiners were drafted into
the Grande Arme du Norde for the
Witchlands campaign, where they conducted
themselves with great valour. Without the
soldiers and resources of the Confederation of
Finklestein, it would be difficult for Mordred

The Ferach Elves


The Military Array of the

Tyrant Emperor Mordred

In addition to the large number of soldiers provided by the Confederation,

Mordred draws on both the rebel Bog Orcs of Guinalea and the Toads of Nepolise.
The Bog Orcs fight for the Elves in order to strike against the Orcs of Albion,
who have a strong military presence in their homeland, while the timid Toads
fight on the orders of their King, who desires glory for his subjects. Other races
fight for the Ferach Elves but these are vassal states and fawning client states
and kingdoms.

Welcome to the Composite Insert for the Ferach Elves in the 4th Age. This insert covers all of the current Elf soldiers and their units, weapons, mounts and
so on for the Flintloque and Slaughterloo game systems from Alternative Armies.

The Ferach Elf Armee

The layout of this insert is simple. It begins with a short background to the soldiers in the insert, this is followed with a series of tables and information for
their use in Flintloque the Skirmish and then statistics along with uniform
guides for their use in Slaughterloo.
Please direct any questions and or all requests for further information to and we will be happy to assist you.

The Ferach Empire

The Elves are the driving force behind the wars being fought in Valon. The
Elven Empire was once a glorious institution, a visible testimony to the
formidable power of the Elves. However, time and the enemies of the Elves
eroded this vast Empire, and it dwindled into a triviality. One mans ambition
fired a nations latent patriotism in a bid to halt this decay, and this man was
Mordred, the son of the Elven Empress Morgana. He believed that his mother
was allowing the honour of the Empire to wither and die, and vowed to stop this
Promises of glory and riches rewarded him with the support of a substantial
number of Morganas soldiers, and these troops he named the Ferach. It was they
who were to aid him in his fight to realise his dream of an Elven empire. It was
with these troops he led a revolt against his mother, usurping from her the
throne of Armorica and declaring himself Emperor. After the annulment of
Wylde Magicke and the victories his forces achieved, many nations flocked to
his banner.
Now Mordred commands many Armes composed not only of Elves but of Toads,
Bog Orcs, Dwarves, Dogs, Centaurs, Werewolves, Trollkin, Ogres and huge Trolka
amongst others. The Elves are foremost in might on the face of Valon.


Mordreds Ferach Arme is made up of a diverse mixture of different troop types

and races. His own soldiers, the Elves of Armorica, are his
and take the pride of place in the force with which he intends to rule Valon.
Well-disciplined and drilled to perfection, the Elves are the masters of military
manoeuvre, combining their lethal columns with the devastating firepower of
some of the best Artillery in all Valon. This force has taken Valon by storm, and
had not the rest of the world combined to fight against it, there is a lurking possibility that the Elves would have conquered them all by now...
The Arme of the Ferach Elves of Armorica is a very successful and very diverse
organisation containing many millions of Elven soldiers. Those troops who are
common on the battlefields of Valon are featured here. There are separate
listings for the Elven soldiers of the Ferach Revolution and for the rarer and
more specialised formations, these can be found elsewhere.


Flintloque the Skirmish

When playing a game of Flintloque the Skirmish as the Elves of the Ferach
Empire you will need a copy of the Flintloque Rulebook in order to begin gaming.
To assist you in playing Flintloque the Skirmish as the Elves of the Ferach
Empire on the following page are statistics and tables that apply to the Elves.
These tables give you the racial stats and points costs for an Elf, their normal
cavalry mounts, their normal weapons of war and the statistics for those
weapons in the game.

When outfitting your

soldiers remember that when
paying the points for their
weapons you must take note of
where they come from.
For example a standard
weapon be it musket, pistol of
carbine costs the same for any
soldier to own but a Ferach or
High Elf Musket costs 5 points
for a Ferach Elf to own but 9
points for any non Elf whither
Ferach allied, Alliance or
Undead and so on.


When playing games of Slaughterloo then use the statistics and guides provided
here for your units. All Elven units currently in Slaughterloo appear here.
The fastest Line Infantry Valon has ever seen, the swift advance of the Elven
columns has caught many a foe unawares and led to their immediate destruction.
The Elf Line Infantry are classed as Regular Infantry
armed with Ferach Muskets.
The Infantry uniform consists of dark blue tunic, white breeches,
white or black gaiters, a black shako with a white plume, white cords and gold
metal fittings and black shoes. Facing colours (cuffs, collars, etc.) are red.
Equipment is black and brown, with equipment straps being of white leather.
Only the most experienced soldiers are privileged enough to find themselves in
the Grenadiers de la Garde. Veteran soldiers who have proven their worth in
many campaigns; the best of Mordreds regular foot soldiers.
The Elf Grenadiers de la Garde are classed as Regular
Infantry armed with Ferach Muskets.
The Infantry uniform consists of a dark blue tunic, white breeches,
white or black gaiters, a black busby with a red plume, white cords and gold
metal fittings and black shoes. Facing colours (cuffs, collars, etc.) are red.
Equipment is black and brown, with equipment straps being of white leather.
Drafted from the inhabitants of Armorica to help Mordred in his quest for world
domination, the Militia Units are often used to bulk up the numbers of the
Arme. Many served in the Witchlands fighting the Undead hordes, and very
few returned to recount the terrible stories of that unhallowed place.
The Elf Militia are classed as Militia Infantry and are
armed with Ferach Muskets.
The Militia uniform consists of a dark blue tunic, white breeches,
white or black gaiters, a black tricorne with red & white feathers, and black
shoes. Facing colours (cuffs, collars, etc.) are red. Equipment is black and brown,
with equipment straps being of white leather.
Covering the advance of Mordreds columns are the Elven Light Infantry, the
Voltigeurs. Voltigeurs work closely with the Line Infantry Units to which they
once belonged. The standard Light Infantryman of the Elven Arme, the
Voltigeurs combination of speed and training make them a difficult foe.
The Elf Voltigeurs are classed as Light Infantry and are
armed with Ferach Muskets.
The Voltigeur uniform consists of a dark blue tunic, white breeches,
white gaiters, a black shako with a yellow and green plume, white cords and gold
metal fittings and black shoes. Facing colours (cuffs, collars, etc.) are red.
Equipment is black and brown, with equipment straps being of white leather.
While the Voltigeurs were formed from specially trained soldiers in the Line
Infantry, the Chasseurs are the rank-and-file of dedicated Light Infantry Units.
The Elf Chasseurs are classed as Light Infantry and are
armed with Ferach Muskets.
The Chasseurs uniform consists of a dark blue tunic, dark blue
breeches, a black bicorn with red feathers and black shoes. Facing colours (cuffs,
collars, etc.) are red. Equipment is black and brown, with equipment straps being
of white leather.
These are the elite of the Elven Light Infantry. They support Garde Units and are
hand-picked from the specialist Light Infantry Units (Chasseurs and Voltiguers)
to provide small Units of crack Light Infantry. Better training in hand-to-hand
combat gives them an advantage against most enemies.
The Elf Carabiniers are classed as Light Infantry and are
armed with Ferach Muskets.
The Carabiniers uniform consists of a dark blue tunic, dark blue
breeches, a black bicorn with a red plume and black shoes. Facing colours
(cuffs, collars, etc.) are red. Equipment is black and brown, with equipment
straps being of white leather.
While many troops in Mordreds Arme were trained to function as mounted
Infantry, a shortage of horses and the tactics of the battlefield dictated that the
vast majority of such soldiers found themselves performing strictly Cavalry roles
shortly after being sent into battle. This unit is the Corps Imperial des Dragons,
the brainchild of the ruthless Elven Colonel, Gui de Cacharoth both on and off
their horses.
The Corps Imperial are classed as Mounted Infantry and
are armed with Ferach Muskets.
The Corps Imperial uniform consists of a dark green tunic, white
breeches, a brass and black helmet with a white plume and black boots. Facing


colours (cuffs, collars, etc.) are yellow. Equipment is black and brown, with
equipment straps being of white leather.
Favoured as the best Light Cavalry available to any Elven General, the Lanciers
Rouge are both fast and deadly. Their striking red uniforms sound the death
knell for any exposed Infantry.
The Lanciers Rouge are classed as Light Cavalry.
The uniform of the Lanciers Rouge consists of a red tunic, red
breeches with a blue stripe down the side, white gloves, a white czapka and black
boots. Facing colours (cuffs, collars, etc.) are blue Equipment is black and brown,
with equipment straps being of white leather.
While not of the highest talent, unlike the famous LEsprit du Garde, the regiments of Cuirassiers form the bulk of the heaviest Elf Cavalry on any battlefield.
The Cuirassiers are classed as Heavy Cavalry.
The uniform of the Cuirassiers consists of a blue tunic, white breeches,
a steel cuirass, a steel helmet with black horsehair. Facing colours (cuffs,
collars, etc.) are often red or green. Equipment is black, with equipment straps
being of white leather.
Elite Cuirassiers the LEsprit du Garde are Units who have served Mordred
tirelessly throughout his campaigns. The LEsprit du Garde received their renown
during the bitter fighting of all the Ferach campaigns
The LEsprit du Garde are classed as Heavy Cavalry.
The uniform of the Cuirassiers consists of a blue tunic, off-white
breeches, a steel cuirass, a steel and gold helmet with a red plume and black
horsehair. Facing colours (cuffs, collars, etc.) are red. Equipment is black and
brown, with equipment straps being of white leather.
Making their reputation against the Zombiski Cossacks these Light lancers are a
screen before the main columns.
Chevalulegers are classed as Light Cavalry.
Uniforms vary by regiment but normally consist of a blue tunic,white
or grey breeches, a grey or blue waxed coat and grey shako covers; white gloves.
Facing colours (cuffs, collars, etc.) are red. Equipment is black.
These light Cavalry are some of the most flamboyant that the Ferach have available to them and often their uniforms put pause to the enemy long enough for the
sabres to begin to fall.
The Hussars de Jeunes are classed as Light Cavalry.
The uniform of the Hussars consists of a black tunic with a purple
with white fur trim jacket, dark yellow or brown breeches, black shako with
purple with red tipped plume and black boots. Facing colours (cuffs, collars, etc.)
are black. Equipment is red and gold, with equipment straps being black leather.
Some of the best Artillerie crews ever to grace Valon can be found in Mordreds
Elven Arme.
The Elven Foot Artillerie are classed as Artillery.
The Artillerie uniform consists of a dark blue tunic, white breeches, a
black bicorn and black boots. Facing colours (cuffs, collars, etc.) are red. Equipment is black and brown, with equipment straps being of white leather.
The finest artillerie Officers and crews are assigned to Horse Artillery batteries
like the Garde Artillerie a Cheval where they put fear into all enemies, for the
mobility and skill they possess make them a huge asset in battle. Able to charge
to within a few hundred yards of the foe and then rapidly unlimber, fire and
then escape before any counter fire is attracted the Horse Artillery is very useful.
The Artillerie a Cheval are classed as Horse Artillery.
The Artillerie crew uniform consists of a blue tunic, white breeches, a
black bicorn and black boots. Facing colours (cuffs, collars, etc.) are red and yellow with a grey greatcoat. Equipment is black and brown, with equipment straps
being of white leather.
Leading the world of Valon in the arts of medicine the surgeons of Lyonesse and
elsewhere follow the Ferach soldiers onto the very field of battle, where they
patch up the lightest to the gravest of wounds and return the trooper to the lines.
In battle the Elf Field Hospital is moved as per any other unit (note that all miniatures in this unit must be in base to base contact at all times), it has special
properties that can be used when within 45cm of any friendly Units in play. If
any friendly Unit is within 45cm distance (measured from the centre of the
Hospital Unit to the closest miniature in the friendly Unit) then when that Unit
is under ranged fire (not Melee) it automatically benefits from this modifier for
being near a hospital. Firing Modifier Table = Target Unit near friendly Field
Hospital (4) modifier. There is no limit to the number of friendly Units this
can assist within 45cm per Turn.
The Elven Field Hospital is classed as a Special Unit.
The Hospital uniform consists of many different colours and civilian
styles of clothes with bottle green, grey and white being popular.

Statistics Tables
Ferach Elf Soldiers

Alternative Armies
PO Box 8207
KA26 0YB


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