Flintloque Journals of Valon JOV03 Catatonic Inquisitor

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3. Catatonic Inquisitor

Promising riches and influence Cernunnos came from the ancient forests and
corrupted the feast days and festivals of the Catatonic Faith for his own ends.

Agents of the Ferach

In ceremonies not seen since the depths of the Darke Age, the lustful and greedy
servants of the Dark God make all kinds of promises in order to gain the rewards
that their master in turn promised them.

There are few organisations as hated as that of the

Dark Elves, the Catatonic Inquisition and its priests.
Before the Orcish disaster of the retreat to Korruna
they spread the word of the Dark God Cernunnos
carefully and slowely; working there way into the
heart of Catalucian society like a disease. Fearing
reprisals from the still powerful Dark Elf army and
the nobles of Mudrid and elsewhere.
King Fernando of Catalucia had been trying since the
time of Annul to stamp out the cult of the Dark God,
but he had failed. Even though the new religion had
been abolished it spread Though the common elves
loved their King, the ruling classes were enchanted.
But once the Orcs, Rats and others of Great Britocn
.....were gone the Inquisitors stepped up their efforts to
gain control of Catalucia. And they succeeded.
The army of Surjon Moore failed not because they lose a battle, indeed they won
almost all the encounters that over took them; they lost through betrayal. Though
the peasants hated the Ferach and helped the Orcs where they could, agents of the
Dark God spied and reported back to the Emperor Mordred at every turn.

Cernunnos is a corrupter and maker of false promises, the Inquisitors follow his
word and aid the Ferach while the mass of Dark Elves suffer.

Slaughterloo Optional Rules:

Catatonic Inquisitor (20 Points)
In Slaughterloo you can assign an Inquisitor to any Ferach Unit, assuming that unit
is operating in Catalucia and also is not artillery. They operate in the same fashion
to an attached Mounted Officer (pg 17 Rulebook). These traitors perform these
The Unit gains a +2 to its Fire Mod and +1 to Melee Mod when engaging ANY Dark
Elf unit in combat and also a +1 to Morale while he is alive. The miniature does not
count towards the unit total for composition.
The Inquisitor does not replace the Unit officer for any purpose, he only contributes
the bonuses above. He is ALWAYS killed before the Unit Officer, as is a Mounted
Officer. He is killed in the same manner as a Mounted Officer and the unit makes
no Morale Check when he dies - he was a traitor after all!
You may have one Inquisitor for every three units in a division across your army
rounding up.

Machinations brought about by the agents of the Dark God led in time to the rout Flintloque Optional Rules:
of the Catalucian nation and its handing upon a platter of blood and betrayal to the
Catatonic Inquisitor (+20 Points to Dark Elf basic points cost)
Ferach Empire. His court and advisors full of those loyal to the Dark God and
thereby to Mordred, every decision and act made by Fernando was revealed and In Flintloque when there is a Catatonic Inquisitor in the scenario some very odd things
never followed through.
In the end even the King and his families attempt at escape to Southern Catalucia Firstly you may only have one in your section if you DO NOT have any other Dark Elves
was betrayed and he was handed to the Ferach like a caged beast, make to sign in your section. You may only have one Inquisitor in your forces.
treaties and hand over his power to his enemies.
While the Inquisitor is alive then your enemy must deduct -1 to their Initiative roll
While the peasants love their King and soldiers fight for him, it is the Ferach each Turn. Any enemy Dark Elves, Goblins or Todoroni within Line of Sight also must
Elves who control Catalucia. By force of arms they beat down their enemies apply a negative -2 to all Morale Rolls they make. All other enemy characters suffer
regular troops, guerrillas, women and children alike. But they could not do it a -1 to their Morale rolls.
without the help of the Inquisitors.
When shooting at an Inquisitor then you must apply a one negative column shift, as no
Catatonic Inquisitors travel with Ferach permission to spy and undermine all one likes to temp fate by killing an agent of the Catatonic Faith (openly at least).
resistance, many peasants fear them more than soldiers due to their connection to
the Dark God. They are hated and feared by all who encounter them.
A Dark Elf Inquisitor may not carry firearms and may not make any attacks on other
characters; except one.
Cernunnos, the Dark God is something of a mystery to all those who do not feel
No one expects the Catalucian Inquisition
his followers devotion. While not of the power and influence of deities who sided
with the annulment of Wylde Magicke such as Sentinel of the Orcs and Once per Turn you may elect to speak the words of faith at an enemy. Speaking from
Boun-Partee of the Ferach Elves he is an old and evil force.
the book a single enemy within 15cm must make a Morale Test (Pushed Back) or he
is frozen in place with indecision for one turn contemplating the nature of the
Free Catatonic Inquisitor Miniature for Flintloque and Slaughterloo
universe. He may make no actions at all in that Turn.
Thats right a FREE 28mm Character Miniature

The Catatonic Inquisitor is an agent of the Dark Elf faith.

A very useful character miniature for your scenarios.

Size approx 30mm

Follow the link and you can order one of these miniatures for free.
Thats correct FREE, all you need do is pay the normal postage upon arrival at the
cart page.
That is a saving of 1.50 Unpainted or 3.50 Painted and Based.
Choose either one.
You need not order any other products to qualify for this offer.
(Offer open until Friday 30th November 2007)



Points Cost
Light Infantry

Flintloque Stats: Dark Elf

19 Crawl
-1 Falter

3 Prone 6 Stagger 12
18 Walk 24 Run 36
Defence Factor (DF) 2
Wound (W)
Melee Mod

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