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Santiago Lastra Morales
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without the prior written permission of the author.
Author: Santiago Lastra Morales
Scripture quotations from: New International and New King James
Internet and Amazon Publishing by:
Lampstand Communication Australia

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Table of Contents
Dedication............................................................................................................................................. 4
Acknowledgements .............................................................................................................................. 5
Prologue................................................................................................................................................ 6
Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 8
Chapter 1 - Definition of Glory .............................................................................................................. 9
Chapter 2 - Vision Brings Transformation ........................................................................................... 12
Chapter 3 - Revelation with Impartation Brings Transformation ........................................................ 15
Chapter 4 - Being Transformed into the Image of His Glory .............................................................. 19
Chapter 5 - Manifestation of God to Man ........................................................................................... 22
Chapter 6 - God's Revelation is Progressive ........................................................................................ 24
Chapter 7 - The Manifestation of God's Glory .................................................................................... 30
Chapter 8 - God's Glory Doesn't Produce Change by Itself in the Spirit of Man ................................. 33
Chapter 9 - Where is my House? ........................................................................................................ 38
Chapter 10 - Signs That Announce the Coming of God's Glory ........................................................... 43
Chapter 11 - God Calls Us to Be BEARERS OF HIS GLORY .................................................................... 54
Chapter 12 - Transformed from Glory to Glory ................................................................................... 61
Chapter 13 - God Speaks Through Symbols ........................................................................................ 63
Chapter 14- Current Idolatry In God's House ...................................................................................... 67
Chapter 15 - Judgment Brings a Greater Level of Glory ...................................................................... 69
Chapter 16 - The Seven Steps of GOD'S GLORY .................................................................................. 71
1 Step: IMAGE OF GOD ................................................................................................................... 71
2 Step: FACE OF A LION ................................................................................................................... 73
3 Step: FACE OF MAN ..................................................................................................................... 75
4 Step: FACE OF AN OX ................................................................................................................... 78
5 Step: FACE OF AN EAGLE .............................................................................................................. 80
6 Step: FACE OF A CHERUB ............................................................................................................. 82
7 Step: IN THE LIKENESS OF THE SON OF GOD ................................................................................ 85
Chapter 17 - Bearers of His Glory........................................................................................................ 88
Chapter 18 - Other Considerations About God's Glory ..................................................................... 103
Chapter 19 - The Cause for Which God's Glory Could Be Transferred ............................................. 108
Chapter 20 - Sin and Abomination in God's House ........................................................................... 111
Chapter 21 - Ichabod: God's Glory is Transferred ............................................................................. 112
Chapter 22- The Latter Glory ............................................................................................................ 115

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I dedicate this book to by Beloved Holy Spirit, who even in the
bathroom of my house brought this revelation to His servant. To my
beloved brother and friend, Apostle John M. Boney, who the Lord
has placed me to walk with in this marvelous season and whom I love
and honors like a spiritual father.
To my beloved wife, my friend, my prophet, my pastor and my fellow
worker in the work of the Lord: Maria de la Luz Bermdez Gmez.
To my beloved sons Roberto Santiago, Ana Moisel, Santiago El y
Alexis David Lastra who have supported me, follows me in the path
of serving God and to whom the priestly inheritance has already
been imparted to, since the foundation of the world.

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To my spiritual daughters: Alicia Gillespie and Carolyn Correia, who
have endured the discipline and have offered their lives in service to
God under my direction.

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All have sinned and have come short of the glory (Rom. 3:23). What
an awesome thought when we recognize our original garments.
What an incredible realization concerning our present destitution as
a result of sin. What an even greater realization when the revelation
comes to us that the glory of God will fill the earth (Num.14:21).
From destitution to restoration, that is the intent of God for the
earth, and he will use men created in the likeness of sinful flesh to
become bearers of his glory here in the earth.
The earth has never seen anything quite like this before, men
created in the likeness of sinful flesh but bearing the glory of God.
Mortal men in human bodies such as ours, but clothed upon again
with our tabernacle from on high. The 120 followed the command of
the Lord Jesus to "go wait in Jerusalem until they were clothed upon
with power from on high" (Luke 24:49), and history records the
result of their impact upon the earth during the days of the church in
Acts. But Paul is quick to tell us that there is yet to come a greater
manifestation of the glory of God in the earth that will exceed the
temporary and transitory realm and even all of the brightness
reflected in the face of Moses ( 2 Cor.3:12-18). Yes, there will be a
ministry of glory that will invade the church realm and totally
transform it until in earth there is the declaration, JEHOVAH
Apostle Lastra provokes us to think in his treatise concerning the
glory of God, and will certainly challenge many who have hoped to
"go to glory" rather than bring the glory of God to earth. Those who
have expected to see the glory come some distant time in the future
after Jesus returns to the earth will be challenged to realize that the

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word of God reveals something different. The glory of God will be

revealed in us (Rom.8:17).
I am sure there will be much more said and written as revelation
continues to be given, but I commend this work and take much pride
and joy in the revelation that God has continued to give to our
spiritual family concerning his purposes. As a spiritual son, Apostle
Lastra continues to press into the things of God with great zeal and
dedication with the conviction that the glory of God is a present
reality. Keep up the good work! -Apostle John Boney

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Those of us who have grow up in a Charismatic-Pentecostal
environment have gotten used to constantly hearing the expression,
"Glory be to God," to the point that it has become more of a
colloquial expression that by force of habit has all but lost its
For most Christians, the concept of Glory is something very vague,
very distant, intimidating, or fantastic, to the point that it's not very
desirable, or it seems impossible to reach. However, God's purpose
is to bring His Glory here to the earth, and make us participants and
heirs of that Glory through transformation, firstly of those who are
its bearers, and then of the entire planet, fulfilling the word given
through the Prophet Habukuk 2:14 "For the earth will be filled with
the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea"
We need a clearer, simpler, and more complete knowledge of God's
glory as it truly is: a palpable, visible, tangible power that is within
our reach. God has promised to give us his Glory and that is what He
will do. It's time for God's people to prepare themselves to receive

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Chapter 1 - Definition of Glory

The word Glory is derived from the Hebrew word Shekinah, which
comes from the verb Shakan ( ). In the biblical Hebrew language,
the word Shakan literally means to inhabit or dwell and it's
frequently used in the Hebrew bible (Tanakh, or Old Testament).
In ancient rabbinical Hebrew, the word is frequently used to refer to
nests and to the custom of birds to live in them. In the same way, in
classic Jewish thought Shekinah refers to the habitation or dwelling
of the divine presence, so much so that communion with God is
perceived in its most powerful sense in proximity to Shekinah.
Glory, SHEKINAH, is the manifestation of God in the Most Holy Place,
but we must understand that in that small place, only "the voice of
Him who speaks" was manifested. God manifested himself in the
form of "The Speaking Spirit" or the voice that speaks, or the oracle.
God spoke through, and between, the two cherubim with their wings
extended. They served as antennas, like a type of radio receptor,
through which God spoke with Moses.
Without wanting to offend any of the religious spirits, we need to
understand that where the wisdom and knowledge of man ends,
God's begins. "For the foolishness of God is wiser than man's wisdom
and the weakness of God is stronger than man's strength" 1
Corinthians 1:25. So, in the Holy of Holies, God's presence was only
manifested through his voice, hidden in a cloud, covering the
tabernacle during the day and a column of fire at night. The external
manifestation of God's presence, Shekinah, is only an external
representation of God, who is behind it. God doesn't live in his
Glory; rather He is the fountain of Glory. God doesn't reign in his
Glory; rather, He is the King of Glory. He is bigger than his Glory,

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which is only a result or product of what HE is. The word Shekinah

gives the idea of a nest, or a place where a bird places its eggs.
However, God is not contained within his Glory, but glory is the
external manifestation of God, which originates from Him, and which
is His inherent substance.
Some synonyms of glory are: greatness, grandeur, perfection,
brilliance, honour, holiness, Weight, completeness, and the sum
characteristics of a thing. All of the characteristics that pertain to a
person or thing can be classified as its glory. In a person, their
health, money, fame, titles, knowledge, family, etc. make up their
glory. Each thing or object that surrounds us, and which is a product
of creation, has a certain determined weight of glory. Since it was
created by God a part of God's glory was deposited in it. That's why
the psalmist David says in Psalm 19:1, "The heavens declare the glory
of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands"
The glory of a diamond is determined by its weight, size, quality,
value, the perfection of its cuts, etc.
The Word of God tells us, through the apostle Paul in 1 Cor. 15:40,
there are also heavenly bodies and there are earthly bodies; but the
splendour (glory) of the heavenly bodies is one kind, and the
splendour (glory) of the earthly bodies is another. The sun has one
kind of splendour (glory), the moon another and the stars another;
and star differs from star in splendour (glory).
In the same way, each man differs from the others in glory. Even so,
all of the glory of all things in the entire universe and over all the
earth precedes from God. Everything created by Him has the
substance of His Glory and we can see the work of his hands in it. All
glory belongs to Him, and all of the glory contained in created beings,

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animate or inanimate, comes from Him. God has given each thing
and each person a different weight of glory.
God deposits a different weight of glory in each one of us, which can
grow based on the degree that we carry out and obey God's
commands, accomplishing them according to God's purposes, which
He created us for. God isn't a careless God who creates men and
women to see what they might be useful for someday. God has
created us with a specific purpose, unique in eternity, and for a
precise time. There is nothing that hasn't been foreseen and
predestined by God. Even our smallest beauty marks that appear on
our skin at some point in time were written and considered in our
genetic code or book of life.
Each test in our life, each error, even each experience that we
consider a failure are just situations to bring us more experience and
knowledge. And even when our body grows old with the passing of
time, the sum of our experiences is only that much greater. That's
what the scripture says in 2 Cor. 4:16 Therefore we do not lose heart.
Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being
renewed day by day. 17 For our light and momentary troubles are
achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. On the
Lord's path, tests and tribulations add an increasingly great eternal
glory to our lives.
In summary, we can conclude that Glory is all the characteristics of a
thing, or created being, assigning the greatest quality and loftiness of
Glory to God himself.

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Chapter 2 - Vision Brings Transformation

The word vision gives us the idea of an objective: something you
want to become or reach. It's the image that represents something
we desire to have or to become. The image or vision that we have of
ourselves is what we will become. That's why it's so important to
have a clear vision of what God wants for us, since He wants the best
for us, since we're his children. But he wants to reveal it to us so that
we will walk in that vision and become what He wants us to be. The
Word says: Where there is no revelation, the people cast off restraint
Prov. 29:18
Vision that comes from God is a supernatural way of communicating
to us the desires of his heart for us. Usually, when God begins to
communicate with his chosen one, he does it through visions, since it
is the clearest way for his chosen one to be able to understand God's
purpose. When the servant has already been trained in obedience,
communication with God is more fluid and then he will be able to
communicate with him through that audible voice in his Spirit, or
even a voice he hears with his natural ears.
In the initial vision, the spiritual development of God's chosen one is
surely very small, and he won't completely understand God's
purpose, but it will cause a tremendous impact that will mark his
destiny for life, and he will not be able to turn back. God doesn't
have any reason to reveal his purposes to his anointed one all at
once, but little by little he will guide him until he reaches the
moment in which he will fulfill the purpose he was called to by God
God's vision and revelation is progressive, and initially he will speak
in the same language as his chosen one. However, as the years go by

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he may realize that the first revelation is totally different than the
final one. This won't cause any conflict; rather it will confirm an even
more mature relationship between God and his servant.
The vision is so important, it will mark the direction, destiny,
conduct, and thoughts of the chosen one. From now on everything
that happens around his life will be submitted immediately to the
vision: if something brings him closer to fulfilling that vision he will
receive it, if not, he will reject it.
The vision that we have received is revelation of God's desire for us
and through us. Our faithfulness to that vision will doubtlessly bring
us to accomplish it. Although it seems to us that the vision takes too
long to arrive, surely it will arrive. It will be fulfilled in Kyros, God's
perfect timing.
The way we see ourselves in the future is how we will be. That's why
God brings us his vision progressively, and shows us different facets,
so that through them, he can mold us until he is able to make us into
the appropriate instrument to accomplish His purposes.
God's revelation is not for everyone. It is for those whom He has
chosen and who have listened and obeyed his calling. God doesn't
call supernatural beings. He calls us: mortal beings, small no-name
people created by him. Through our obedience He gives the
opportunity for us, these natural beings, these simple individuals, to
become His chosen instruments so that He can perform the wonders
he has determined to do in all creation through us. Everyone who
seeks God will find Him. He has said: He who seeks finds mat. 7:8;
seek me and live Amos 5:4. He is calling us and as the Holy Spirit
says: "Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts.

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God has a vision and a revelation for each man and woman of God
who is seeking HIM. God doesn't speak with careless, stubborn,
foolish people, or with those who have a crooked heart. But he does
talk to those who are hungry for HIM; with those who have a hunger
and thirst for God which He placed in their spirit. Right now, in this
glorious time, God is bringing a supernatural hunger in men and
women which cannot be satiated by anything other than the coming
of God's glory. We, along with all creation, are crying out for the
glorious manifestation of the sons of God, which we are, Hallelujah!
Rom. 8:19

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Chapter 3 - Revelation with Impartation Brings

This adage, which I have heard from my beloved apostle, John M.
Boney, is very illustrative. While a man or woman of God still does
not have sufficient maturity to communicate directly with HIM, God
will always place a mature man of God to impart the revelation that
he receives. During this stage, the man of God will be like God,
speaking and guiding, and the obedience and honour towards him by
the disciple will determine the relationship and intimacy that he will
personally have with God in the future. He will be like a mentor and
tutor for him until the time set by the father Gal. 4:1-2 What I am
saying is that as long as the heir is a child, he is no different from a
slave, although he owns the whole estate. 2He is subject to
guardians and trustees until the time set by his father.
The way that this man responds to, honours, treats, and obeys the
man of God or tutor, is the honour that he gives to God himself, and
it will determine the time when God promotes him to a new spiritual
I would like to clarify that this is the relationship that God desires for
his children: When we come to Christ, we are new creatures. That is
to say, we are spiritual children, and we need to be under tutors and
mentors until we reach the status of sons of obedience. Then we will
be ready to one day become mature enough that God might call us
to become spiritual parents.
It is a shame that there are many spiritual children, who have not yet
even managed to become sons of obedience but who already want
to be, or are pretending to be premature spiritual parents, spoiling

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their children and aborting their purpose for lack of a mature

fatherhood designated by God himself.
Each man and woman of God who is hungry for God's glory should
renounce all human spiritual fatherhood and seek God's direction to
find a mature apostle with God's revelation and support, in order to
be formed and carried to a new spiritual level.
The revelation that God gives to one of his servants is based on an
entire process of intimate communion with the Father and the Son
through the Holy Spirit. To clarify, it's because of God's mercy and
his divine plans that He has chosen us to be receptors of his
revelation. God's does not give his revelation to every apostle. It is
only given to those who have the most intimate communion with
him. In the same way, when Jesus was with his disciples on the
mount of transfiguration (Mat. 17), he called only three of them and
was transformed before them, showing them God's glory. And he
commanded them, saying, "Don't tell anyone."
There are so many men, who are called apostles, and some truly are,
but not all of them have revelation. Most of them are sincere men of
God, but men who have been sent out before their time, and who
haven't received the correct spiritual formation or developed the
character of an apostle. They are functioning in their gifts and in
their calling, but without having Christ's character, which only the
desert can give, and without the anointing that only service and
submission to a servant of God can give.
God's revelation, if it is not borrowed or belonging to someone else,
is a true treasure: It is the valuable pearls that Jesus talks about:
Mat. 7:6 do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls
to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and then
turn and tear you to pieces. God's revelation cannot be given to

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anyone, unless the Lord permits it, and in every case, those who
receive it must be worthy to receive it.
There are many apostles and ministers preaching word that has not
been revealed to them as if it were, dishonouring those who have
received revelation from God, and heaping up dishonour on
themselves. Whoever longs to receive revelation from the Father has
to pay the price for it. Jesus himself established it: Rev 3:18 I counsel
you to buy from me gold refined in the fire, so you can become rich;
and white clothes to wear, so you can cover your shameful
nakedness; and salve to put on your eyes, so you can see. Some say
that the things of God are free because salvation is free; but we must
understand that in reality, salvation is by grace for us but it is not
without price.
Jesus paid the price of salvation for us when he poured out his Blood
on the cross because of our sins. Someone, Jesus, paid for us. After
salvation, the rest has a price. Sanctification, purification, and
anointing all have a very high price and we must pay for them.
Refined gold symbolizes God's Glory and HE wants to give it to us,
but we have to buy it at a fair price. Whoever would attempt to
receive revelation must be willing to humble themselves, seek a man
of God and serve him as they would serve God himself; but they
must be wise to know that he is the man that God will use to carry
him to a new level; he must avoid falling into the hands of false
apostles that are only looking for their own gain. 2 Cor 11:13 for such
men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, masquerading as
apostles of Christ.
Revelation and anointing cannot be transmitted simply by laying
hands. They are transmitted through submission, service, and
obedience over many years. Impartation is the transmission of the

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revelation, the authority, and the gifts that a man of God has
received through many trials and tribulations. These will be given, by
God's orders, to those who are worthy to receive them and to
continue the process of accomplishing God's purposes. They cannot
be given according to man's will, since they aren't something that
belongs to the man of God, but to God himself. And God is zealous
to impart them only to those who are worthy of them. Even when a
man of God wants to impart them to someone he prefers, God won't
allow it. He will only allow impartation to those HE has chosen
beforehand. Impartation will only be effective when it carries the
seal of the Holy Spirit. It will deeply mark the life of whoever receives
it, and they will doubtlessly accomplish the purpose they were
chosen for.
When the imparted revelation is received and sealed by the Holy
Spirit, it will bring transformation in the person: in their acts, their
words, and in every detail of their lives. This transformation will
allow God to intervene, and He will begin to speak directly to the
chosen servant who has been tested and approved during a process
of obedience, submission, service, and humiliation. God himself will
begin to manifest the different aspects of His glory so that the
servant will be transformed into that image little by little, from glory
to glory, until he becomes the very image of what God wants him to

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Chapter 4 - Being Transformed into the

Image of His Glory
When man was created, he was made in the image and likeness of
God. Gen 1:27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of
God he created him; male and female he created them. God's
purpose was, and will always be, that we, men, be his sons, and be
made in his image and likeness. And that's how it will be. Neither
the devil, nor hell, nor sin, nor man himself will ever be able to
change God's purpose, just as he established in Isaiah 49:9
remember the former things, those of long ago; I am God, and there
is no other; I am God, and there is none like me. 10 I make known
the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come.
I say: My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please.
And He has determined that man will rule on the earth, and that His
glory will inhabit the earth, and that this planet will be a branch
office of heaven, and the earth will be His dwelling place. Nothing
can stop it. Despite the consequences of man's sin, God's purpose is
eternal. As my beloved apostle John M Boney says, "God never had
a plan B." When man decided to disobey God, he was separated
from God's glory. That means that the characteristics man had that
resembled God were taken from him: immortality, wisdom, glorified
body, power and dominion over the elements and beings of nature,
etc. Since then, God has put a plan of redemption in motion for man
to be restored to God's glory, so His council will stand.
Because of sin, man's understanding was darkened, and pride,
haughtiness, and arrogance nested in his heart. Men looked to have
God's glory for their own means, acting foolishly. Because of that,
God gave their hearts over to sinfulness so that they would act out
the corrupt desires of their hearts, degrading and corrupting

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themselves in every type of sin and degeneration, committing every

type of sinfulness against their own bodies: Rom 1:21 For although
they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to
him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were
darkened. 22Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools
23and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to
look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles.
24Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts
to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one
another. 25They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped
and served created things rather than the Creator-who is forever
praised. Amen.
Sin has ruled over man to such an extent that the image and likeness
that he had of God has become totally deformed, distorted, and
unrecognizable. In order for man to be able to once again have the
image and be made in the likeness of God, which is His purpose, man
must pass through a process of Regeneration. That is to say, he must
be made new, be born again, experience a new birth, become a new
creature. And God has procured means for that. Blessed be His
Name for His mercy.
In order to do that God speaks to man through other men, through
visions, through dreams, etc. But God will never change His purpose,
because God is a God of love and of mercy, who never contradicts
His Word, and He will keep his promises.
Because sin has brought spiritual darkness, blindness and deafness,
God speaks to man through images so that he can understand. Man
tries to imitate what he sees. It's his nature. God uses this quality of
man in order to bring transformation in him, until he is restored and
becomes once again as he was in the beginning: the image and

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likeness of God. God began the process of the restoration of his

Glory to man from the very moment mankind was separated from it.
We are at a point of entering into the year of rest of the Lord, the
seventh day, the seventh millennium, when God will restore man
again and we will begin a new cycle, now truly eternally with the
Lord. Praise God for His Goodness!
In 2 Cor 3:18 And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's
glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing
glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit. It clearly tells us
that as we reflect the Lord's glory, we are transformed into the same
image we see and reflect.
In every culture we see rituals that are reminders of legends that talk
about what the gods have done, etc. Indigenous peoples dress, paint
themselves, and dance in determined ways, imitating and trying to
obtain the image of what they have seen. Because of this
characteristic of man, God shows us images of His glory, so that man
will be transformed into what He sees. But in order for us to be
transformed again into the image of God, we need the help of the
Holy Spirit, through whom we will accomplish the purpose that God
has determined for us, his children: to be His likeness. Since man is
flesh, he can only discern things in the flesh.
He doesn't understand spiritual things. He cannot understand the
things of God, who is Spirit. That's why God uses symbols, images
that impact the soul and spirit of man in such a way that he can be
directed to accomplish the purposes of the Eternal One.
Although man can't understand the things he sees, he tries to imitate
them, and in that way God brings man little by little to complete the
purpose of restoration.

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Chapter 5 - Manifestation of God to Man

From the very moment of creation, God has manifested himself to
man in different ways. In Eden, God showed himself and spoke to
Adam personally, face to face. The word ADAM isn't just a personal
name. It is a term used to name an entire species, and it denotes
MAN in general. As an interesting point, I've noticed that the name
ADAM in Spanish (ADAN) contains the letters of the genetic code,
DNA, or Deoxyribonucleic acid, which contains the information for
The man, Adam, had the same characteristics as God, since he was
created that way. Man had every characteristic of God. He was the
crown of creation. God covered him in glory as it says in Psalm
8:4what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you
care for him? 5 You made him a little lower than the heavenly beings
and crowned him with glory and honour. 6 You made him ruler over
the works of your hands; you put everything under his feet.

God's glory was in him, because he was the ultimate work of God's
creation, and moreover because God himself was there with him,
and wherever God is, his glory is. God spoke directly with man.
Because of man's sin, this personal, face-to-face communication was
interrupted. But God continued speaking to man in various ways:
dreams, visions, angelic visitations, through natural phenomenon,
etc. But God never abandoned man. His purpose for him is eternal.
As he points out in Job 33:14 For God does speak-now one way, now
another- though man may not perceive it. 15 In a dream, in a vision
of the night, when deep sleep falls on men as they slumber in their
beds, 16 he may speak in their ears and terrify them with warnings,

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17 to turn man from wrongdoing and keep him from pride. God
speaks to man through dreams and visions.

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Chapter 6 - God's Revelation is Progressive

When our child is small, the words we use to communicate with him
are monosyllabic, guttural sounds, gestures, and other physical
expressions, because their maturity level doesn't allow them to
clearly perceive what we want to communicate. That's why the
apostle Paul says, "When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought
like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I left
childish ways behind me." God speaks to us more and more clearly
as we mature and grow spiritually. This is just as true for the
individual as it is for the revelation given to God's people in general.
What we understand of God now has a greater weight of glory than
when we first came to the Lord. Most Christians in the world are
spiritual children; they can't understand the things that must be
discerned spiritually, because they are still carnal. They only have
the revelation of Jesus as Saviour, and they don't want to complicate
their lives more, so they lose out on the treasure of the revelation of
Jesus as Christ, the Messiah, the Anointed, or Holy Spirit. Much less
can they receive the revelation of Jesus as Lord and owner of their
lives. That's why they're only interested in Jesus as Saviour of their
lives, and not in Jesus the owner and Lord of their actions.
The level of revelation in the church in general is exceedingly behind.
They even continue to celebrate Easter. They only have the
revelation of Jesus as the Lamb who was slain, and through whom
they have escaped from Egypt, by the sign of His precious blood.
That happened over 3500 years ago. The most advanced churches
have part of the revelation of Pentecost, which happened 2000 years
ago. However the majority continue singing and crying out for God
to send the Holy Spirit, without realizing that for the past 2000 years
He has already been here. Very few, truly few, can perceive that the
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charismatic church has fallen behind and that where we are headed,
and what we are about to enter is the celebration of the third great
Easter speaks to us of Salvation through Jesus, the Lamb of God, who
took away the sin of the world. Pentecost speaks to us of the coming
of the Holy Spirit, and of charismatic gifts. But Tabernacles speaks to
us of Glory and of the presence of God in the midst of His people.
This is the greatest feast that the people of God must prepare
themselves to celebrate. The former glories have remained in the
past, and God has promised that the glory to come, or the later glory,
will be greater than the former glory. The topic of conversation and
the total preparation of God's people should be the preparations for
the tabernacles. God's glory is about to be manifested; don't let it
surprise you without being prepared; don't get left out of the party.
God's people must repent of yearning for the past manifestations of
the Spirit. The Lord has said in Isaiah 42:9 see, the former things
have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into
being I announce them to you." Erroneously, some of God's people
are crying out for a new visitation of God to the earth, when God's
purpose is HIS HABITATION. Psalm 85:9 surely his salvation is near
those who fear him that his glory may dwell in our land.
When we go to visit a place, the visit is only temporary. God's
purpose isn't just visitation, but habitation on the earth, among His
people, as our God. Rev 21:3 And I heard a loud voice from the
throne saying, "Now the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live
with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with
them and be their God.
Our beloved brothers who are still held captive in the old revelation
and fed by old manna, bound by the religious doctrines of well

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intentioned men without revelation, will continue anxiously awaiting

the rapture, to abandon the earth and leave it to the enemy to
continue destroying it, instead of taking up God's purpose for
themselves: Rev 5:10 You have made them to be a kingdom and
priests to serve our God, and they will reign on the earth."
Nowhere in the bible can we find a scripture stating that it's God's
purpose for us to reign with him in heaven. I'm sorry to disappoint
you, as I was disappointed when I received this teaching, but I went
to work, trying to disprove it through an exhaustive search of God's
Word, and that is how I have been able to advance to a new level of
understanding and revelation. We must respect God's decrees and
not desire to invade what belongs only to Him: heaven. Let's receive
the inheritance He gave to us: the earth.
Psalm 115:15 May you be blessed by the LORD, the Maker of heaven
and earth. 16 The highest heavens belong to the LORD, but the earth
he has given to man. The inheritance for God's children is the earth:
Mathew 5:5 blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.
The devil illegally took over the earth, temporarily, because man
gave him the dominion that God had originally given to man. But
with the coming of the second Adam, the one who came from
heaven, authority over the earth has been restored, Hallelujah! The
enemy no longer has any authority whatsoever on the earth, much
less in heaven, because Jesus established it when he said to his
disciples: Matthew 28:18 Then Jesus came to them and said, "All
authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.
Christians should stop trying to inherit off to the devil something that
God has given to them: the earth. The only thing that can be given
to the devil is the dross, the wicked; those who have refused to
recognize Jesus Christ as their only Lord and Saviour. Psalm 119:119

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All the wicked of the earth you discard like dross; therefore I love
your statutes.
Once again it will be as in the times of Noah: Matthew 24:38 For in
the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying
and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark; 39and
they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came
and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the
Son of Man.
Only the wicked were seized and destroyed; the righteous remained
in the earth and repopulated it. That is how it will be again. That's
why Christians must leave behind their religious mentality and be
transformed and renewed in the spirit of their understanding so that
they can be converted into what God truly wants us to be: Children
of God, fellow citizens with the saints, and members of God's family.
Ephesians 2:19 that is why you are no longer strangers and
foreigners but fellow citizens with the saints and members of God's
household. We need to completely and indisputably receive the
word of the King our God who says, Isaiah 46:9 remember the
former things, those of long ago; I am God, and there is no other; I
am God, and there is none like me. I make known the end from the
beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say: My
purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please.
We are now living in a glorious time of revelation. There is an
abundance of bread, that is to say, revealed Word. God's purpose is
being more clearly revealed now that God is lifting up mature men.
God is restoring His House and the first thing he is lifting up is the
altar or the ministers to officiate and minister and burn incense
before HIM. God is lifting up a new ministerial order; apostles with a
new anointing like that of Melchizedek. Up to now, with very few

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honourable exceptions, the ministers we have known as forerunners

of the apostolic, have been a product of a levitical, priestly anointing
- the sons of prophets. They have been formed and forged with a
very basic apostolic anointing and revelation, like that of John the
Although they've preached about and mentioned the Kingdom of
Heaven, they haven't had revelation about. They have only
announced what is most basic, because the revelation is reserved for
the new order of apostles with the anointing of Melchizedek, since
the levitical priestly anointing has been corrupted by money, fame,
and the power of domination. Now we are seeing great names and
renowned apostles whose revelation has dried up, but who want to
continue ministering, taking advantage of their names, and
preaching the former glory. The Lord says they will end up just like
John the Baptist: decapitated by a conniving woman (Jezebel)
because they have been hindering the rise of the new ministerial
order, obstructing the rise of the apostolic.
It's a time of transition: prophets can't have apostolic children. The
only thing they can do is announce them or discover their callings
and identify them. But every attempt to impose a spiritual
fatherhood that God hasn't ordained will be detrimental to them.
God wants to give direct fatherhood and revelation to this new
generation of apostles with the anointing of Melchizedek, and that's
just what He will do. Very soon we will see judgments on those
ministers who want to keep monopolizing the sky.
God will cast down the stars from on high, and we will see many of
them fall like lightning. The time for abusive spiritual coverings is
over. A time of divine covering has begun: a time of unity, mutual
submission, camaraderie, teaching, love, and heavenly tenderness.

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We will see young ministers, no-name apostles with fresh, powerful,

heavenly revelation backed by the powerful Holy Spirit. God has
determined it, and He will accomplish it.
God's plan has been finished since the beginning. What we see
coming to pass now was already finished in eternity and in the
victory of the Lamb who was slain since the foundation of the world.
And God has made us instruments to conquer all the kingdoms of
earth and to turn them over to the Lord (Jesus), King chosen to reign
with HIM; that is to sayUS! Hallelujah!

Rev. 21:5 He who was seated on the throne said, "I am making
everything new!" Then he said, "Write this down, for these words are
trustworthy and true." 6He said to me: "It is done. I am the Alpha
and the Omega, For God; the things that are to come have already
been finished since the beginning. There is nothing that God has to
do; it is already done. There is nothing outside of God's control and
plan. Everything has already been accomplished.

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Chapter 7 - The Manifestation of God's Glory

When man was created in the image and likeness of God he was just
like God is; God's glory was in him. Just as God is Spirit, so man was
spirit, and could communicate with God, spirit to Spirit. However,
because of sin, the glory, or divine characteristics, that God had given
to man were taken from him, and his spiritual character became
subjugated to his carnal nature. Then his mind, reasoning,
conscience, and thoughts, that is to say, his soul, began to govern
He stopped being an eminent spiritual being contained within a body
of flesh, and became a carnal man, contained within an earthly,
natural, animal, fleshly body. Gen 6:3 then the LORD said, "My Spirit
will not contend with man forever, for he is flesh; his days will be a
hundred and twenty years." God had placed eternity in the heart of
man, that is to say, immortality. Ecl. 3:11 He has made everything
beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men;
yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to
end. However, because of sin, and by God's mercy, death came. If it
hadn't come, the perverted man would have remained eternally
perverted, without possibility of redemption.
So, God established a law: Rom 6:23 for the wages of sin is death,
but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. From the
moment man was separated from Gods glory there could no longer
be communication between God and man as before. Now God
established a new way of communicating with man: through images,
signs, supernatural manifestations, etc. In this way, man's soul,
his intellect, his reason, and his feelings would be marked and
impacted and little by little he could be carried through the
process of restoration until he was regenerated.
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From then on, God has shown himself to man through his chosen
ones, to whom he showed himself in the form of angels, or an
audible voice, or a burning bush, a column of fire, or cloud, as a
consuming fire, etc. In this way, man could record the power of the
manifestation of the glory of God in his soul. God's glory is his
brilliance, his light, and the visible manifestation of God, which
appears to man through symbols, or images so that man, who is
flesh, can understand the intention and purpose of God.
We know the story of the chosen people of Israel, who rose up from
the seed of a chosen man, Abraham. God chose Israel for their
insignificance. Deut 7:7 The LORD did not set his affection on you
and choose you because you were more numerous than other
peoples, for you were the fewest of all peoples. God's purpose in
choosing Israel, a people who were not a people, was that through
them he would speak to the entire world, which is what he has been
doing up to now. Israel is the living testimony of God's project on
earth. Israel was witness to the glory of God.
Ex. 16:10 While Aaron was speaking to the whole Israelite
community, they looked toward the desert, and there was the glory
of the LORD appearing in the cloud Ex 24:17 To the Israelites the
glory of the LORD looked like a consuming fire on top of the
The nation of Israel was an eyewitness to the visible, palpable,
audible, and tangible manifestation of God's Glory. His prophets,
witnesses of these demonstrations, faithfully describe their
appearance and manifestation; presented as a cloud in the desert,
column of fire during the night, light stronger than the sun, thunder,
lightning, earthquakes, etc.

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Ex. 40:34-35 then the cloud covered the Tent of Meeting, and the
glory of the LORD filled the tabernacle. 35 Moses could not enter
the Tent of Meeting because the cloud had settled upon it, and the
glory of the LORD filled the tabernacle.
The tangible manifestation of God's glory in that time will be newly
manifested now, but with a greater intensity than in that time,
since God has promised that the later glory will be greater than the
first. Haggai 2:9

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Chapter 8 - God's Glory Doesn't Produce Change

by Itself in the Spirit of Man
Although the people of Israel were first-hand witnesses to the
manifestation of God's Glory, it did not provoke change in the spirit
of man. Due to the fact that they received the glory with their soul,
their flesh and their darkened reasoning, they refused God's glory
and asked Moses to be the one who talked with God instead of
them. Deut 5:25 But now, why should we die? This great fire will
consume us, and we will die if we hear the voice of the Lord our God
any longer. 26 For what mortal man has ever heard the voice of the
living God speaking out of fire, as we have, and survived? 27 Go near
and listen to all that the Lord our God says. Then tell us whatever the
Lord our God tells you. We will listen and obey.
Nonetheless, although God spoke clearly to the people, they said:
We will not walk in it, we will not hear. Jer 6:16 this is what the Lord
says: "Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient path, ask
where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your
souls. But you said, 'We will not walk in it.' 17 I appointed watchmen
over you and said, 'Listen to the sound of the trumpet!' But you said,
'We will not listen.'
That is why God executed judgment upon them, up to the
present day; nonetheless, the counsel of the Lord will prevail; since
He swore on oath that He would bless all the nations of the earth
through Abraham, God remains faithful to His promises, and through
the seed of Abraham ,who is Jesus, we are blessed in all curses you I
will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.
Because God's people are rebellious and stiff-necked and they don't
humble themselves, God establishes His judgments and His decrees

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and, even if it is just one man, God will fulfill His purposes. God has
saved a faithful remnant for Himself through which He will
accomplish His purposes here on Earth.
The manifestation of God's glory does not produce change by itself.
For God's glory to produce change, it should make an impact in the
spirit, not just the soul of a human being. Num 14:22 Not one of the
men who saw my glory and the miraculous signs I performed in Egypt
and in the desert but who disobeyed me and tested me ten times 23 not one of them will ever see the land I promised on oath to their
forefathers. No one who has treated me with contempt will ever see
it. 24 But because my servant Caleb has a different spirit and follows
me wholeheartedly, I will bring him into the land he went to, and his
descendants will inherit it.
We, God's people of today, cannot commit the same mistake as the
people of Israel. We have to be transformed in the spirit by God's
glory. We can achieve this, if the Holy Spirit dwells in us. There is NO
glory of God if it is not through the Holy Spirit of God living in us. The
transformation in us from glory to glory will only be accomplished by
the Spirit of God. 2 Cor 3:18 And we, who with unveiled faces all
reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness
with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the
Spirit. The people of Israel were all witnesses to the manifestation of
God's glory in Egypt and in the desert, but this did not produce
changes in their lives because they only received it in their mind, soul
and in their flesh; nevertheless, in the remnant, Caleb and Joshua,
there was a different Spirit: The Spirit of God. They were guided by
Gods Spirit. They trusted in the Lord's promises.
They didn't walk by sight but by faith, and they received the prize:
They entered into the Promised Land. It's the same now: God's

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people are rebellious, immature, and only want to see the glory of
God like a light show: to excite them and to have something to tell
others, but it doesn't produce any kind of change in their spirit. We
should prepare our spirit for the manifestation of God's glory, and
decide not to be just spectators but BEARERS of God's glory.
We can NOT commit the same mistake as Israel, who rejected the
glory of God. In consequence to that rejection, that generation of the
people of Israel died in the desert and did not enter into the
Promised Land, but blessed be the Lord who is a God of
opportunities, and gave us a second chance.
Moses received the tablets of the law on Mount Sinai, and as he
came down the mountain he found the people worshiping the
golden calf and broke the tablets, but God gave him a new
opportunity and gave him new stone tablets of the law. Exodus 34:1
The Lord said to Moses, "Chisel out two stone tablets like the first
ones, and I will write on them the words that were on the first
tablets, which you broke."
Adam sinned and was dismissed from the Glory of God, but through
Christ, the second Adam, we all have the opportunity for the Glory of
God to be restored. 1 Cor 15:22 for as in Adam all die, so in Christ all
will be made alive.
Israel rejected God on many occasions, the last time through the
rejection of Jesus as the Messiah, nonetheless through us who have
received Him, God gives man the opportunity to come and be fellow
citizens with the saints and members of God's family. John 1:11 He
came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. 12
Yet to all who receive him, to those who believed in his name, he
gave the right to become children of God - 13 children born not of
natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband's will, but born

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of God. In the time of Eli, the priest, because of the sins of his
children and his lukewarm rebuke, the glory of God was transferred
to the Philistines. Nevertheless, God gave them a new opportunity
and the Arc of God was brought to Jerusalem again by David, to
restore praise and worship, and to see God's glory manifested again
as it filled the temple at the inauguration of the House of God that
Solomon built.
For a long time God's glory has been far away from God's people, but
this is the time when, through praise and worship, the glory of God
will be restored again to us who are His people. God is bringing new
revelation and new levels of worship, since it is worship that makes
God's presence descend, for He inhabits the praises of His people,
but worship will cause the glory of God to be restored once again.
That is why the Lord is searching for true worshippers that worship
Him in Spirit and in truth. John 4:23 yet a time is coming and has now
come when the true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and
in truth, for they are the kind of worshippers the Father seeks.
In these moments we can perceive in the spirit that God is finishing
the building of His House, and that the moment in which the Glory of
God fills the Most Holy Place is very near.
God's glory does not descend upon a temple that has not seen
finished being built and I feel in my spirit that God is right now
putting the covering on the sanctuary. If you remember, the roof of
the tabernacle is made up of 4 layers: the interior of fine linen; the
next layer on top, a layer of goat hair; the next, a layer of rams skins
dyed red; and the last exterior layer of the hides of badgers, sown
and bound together.
Those layers represent the unity and submission that God is now
bringing among His ministers all around the world. There is no longer

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a place for independent ministers. God is bringing a spirit of unity

and submission among His servants. The sign of a true servant of God
is submission, humility and desire to work in unity with others.
The last part of building the House of God is done is absolute silence;
it is a spiritual job, and just as in Solomon's time, only blocks dressed
at the quarry were used, and no hammer, chisel or any other iron
tool was heard at the temple site while it was being built. 1 Kings 6:7
Only those that understand and perceive the things of the spirit will
be able to realize that the House of God is about to be finished. And
then the Glory of God will fill His house, in which each one of us are
living stones, or pillars in the temple of my God, or vessels of
honour. Whatever the placement within the House of God, all of us
that take part in the House of God will be full of the Glory of God.

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Chapter 9 - Where is my House?

The majority of people, if asked: "Where does God live?" would
surely answer: "In heaven". Others, a little more advanced, would
say: "In heaven, on earth, and everywhere."
This question has been asked by many people throughout the
centuries but let's look at what God Himself says about His dwelling
place: King Solomon, the man with wisdom from God said: 2 Chron
6:18 But will God really dwell on earth with men? The heavens, even
the highest heavens, cannot contain you. How much less this temple
I have built!
God Himself says through the prophet Isaiah 66:1: This is what the
Lord says: "Heaven is my throne and the earth my footstool. Where
is the house you will build for me? Where will my resting place be?
Let's look at this closely: Heaven, according to God Himself, is only
His throne. The throne of a king is the place where he governs,
where he issues his decrees; where he gives orders so that things get
done; we could say it this way: it is God's governing office.
The earth is a footstool where God rests His feet. So then: Where is
the House of God? Where does God dwell?
Well, in reality God has different dwelling places, according to what
we see in His Word, and that doesnt seem strange to me: if He is
the Creator of the universe and is Almighty He can have houses in
different places. Let's look at what some of them are.
1) God dwells in those who love and obey His Word. John 14:23 Jesus
replied, "If anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching. My Father will
love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him.
Jesus is the Word; the Word is the Word of God; Jesus is the Word of

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God; He that obeys and keeps His Word loves Jesus: Jesus is God. He
that loves His Word has God living in Him; therefore Jesus-God
dwells and lives in the temple that is the person that loves God. A
human being is the quintessential House of God, since our body is
God's Temple and God likes to make His dwelling in His Sanctuary, or
in the Most Holy Place, which is our spirit.
2) We are part of the House of God: Although individually we are
living stones in God's temple, as a body we are the Temple and
House of God; some as stones, others as pillars and others as vessels
of honour. Eph. 2:22 and in him you too are being built together to
become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit. Right now we are
in the process of building the House of God, as a dwelling in which
God lives by his Spirit. We are living stones in God's House 1
Peter 2:5 you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual
house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable
to God through Jesus Christ.
3) God dwells in eternity, in the high and holy place: Isaiah 57:15 For
thus says the High and Lofty One who inhabits eternity, whose name
is Holy: "I dwell in the high and holy place, with him who has a
contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to
revive the heart of the contrite ones. (NKJV)
4) God dwells in those whose lives are united with Jesus in spirit: 1
Cor 6:17 But he who unites himself with the Lord is one with him in
spirit. And when he unites with the Lord, then the deity dwells in that
holy temple that is the man or woman of God consecrated to God.
Col 2:9 For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form,
5) The Church is the House of God: Christ's Church, with Christ's
design and Christ as the chief cornerstone, and the foundation of
apostles and prophets and the revelation given to them, is the House

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of God. There are two types of Church: Christ's Church and all the
rest. Christ's Church has the government, the structure, the doctrine
and the revelation of Christ. Furthermore, it is submitted to the
Head, which is Christ. It knows, obeys, lives, loves and teaches His
The rest are Jezebel-type churches: they say that they have a
husband, but it's only by name, because they do not submit to Him
and they have the government that they want. Nevertheless they
use the name of their husband, just to feel protected, but in reality
they don't know Christ's commandments, much less live them. They
say Christ is their head, but they do not submit to Him.
Paul clearly established in his letter to Timothy: 1 Tim. 3:15 if I am
delayed, you will know how people ought to conduct themselves
in God's household, which is the church of the living God, the pillar
and foundation of the truth.
Christ and the Church are ONE; while He is the head, the church is
the Body of Christ.
Right now, even before the Glory of God has been manifested on
earth, as it will be in a very short time, we are God's representatives
on earth; The apostle who felt the most loved said so in 1 John 4:17
In this way, love is made complete among us so that we will have
confidence on the day of judgment, because in this world we are like
The Holy City of Jerusalem that will descend from heaven is the bride
of the Lamb, and in this city there is no temple, because the temple
is the Lord God Almighty himself. But right now in the spirit we are
already ONE in the Lord, if we truly have been united to Him. Rev.
21:22 I did not see a temple in the city, because the Lord God

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Almighty and the Lamb are its temple. 23 the city does not need the
sun or the moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and
the Lamb is its lamp.
God dwells in His Holy temple and WE ARE GOD'S TEMPLE ON
EARTH: The Lord says: Where is the house you will build for me?
Where will my resting place be? And we can say to the Lord: Here am
I! Here we are! We are your Holy Temple. You can dwell in this,
your House!
Psalm 11:4 The Lord is in his holy temple; the Lord is on his heavenly
throne. He observes the sons of men; his eyes examine them. We are
God's living temple: 1 Cor 3:16 dont you know that you yourselves
are God's temple and that God's Spirit lives in you? 17 If anyone
destroys God's temple, God will destroy him; for God's temple is
sacred, and you are that temple. So then, we can surely see that we
are the living dwelling place of God. Where God is, His glory is, and if
we are His temple, God's glory has to be manifested in us. God's
glory has not been manifested in us yet, due to the fact that we are
in the process of REPENTANCE, that is to say, of a change of mindset.
We still continue to think of ourselves as poor Christians persecuted
by the devil all the time and defeated by his evil forces. We should
understand, that the trials through which we are all passing as
children of God have the purpose of adding unto us, each day, a
more and more excellent weight of glory: 2 Cor. 4:17 For our light
affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more
exceeding and eternal weight of glory. (NKJV)
We should glorify God for each trial we face, as it says in
James 1:2 Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face
trials of many kinds, 3 because you know that the testing of your
faith develops perseverance. Each trial that we successfully face

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works to add to us a far more exceeding weight of glory, which is the

medium through which we are transformed from glory to glory until
we are able to become the very image of God, or rather, until we are
restored to our original image: Made in the image and likeness of
I can confidently declare in my spirit that we are the glorious
generation. That is, the generation that will be witness to the coming
of the glory of God over the earth. I am a minister of the Glory of
God, but with a specific purpose: TO BE A BEARER OF GOD'S GLORY.
The great void that is in my spirit can only be filled by the Glory of
God, and every day my spirit cries out for it - just as thousands of
God's children cry out, groaning as one, yearning to be covered in
God's glory. In the same way, creation is groaning with us for the
glorious manifestation of the children of God, as the apostle Paul
clearly says in chapter 8 of Romans.
I feel in my spirit that the Glory of God is closer that we can imagine
and I believe it because surely the Sovereign Lord does nothing
without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets Amos 3:7, and
He is raising up a company of apostles and prophets with a fresh,
powerful revelation of God's glory, and giving signs like those that
have been given each time that God's glory has visited the earth.
The difference is that now God's glory will not be a visitation to the
earth, but A HABITATION; that is, it will remain here on earth
forever! May His Name be praised!

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Chapter 10 - Signs That Announce the Coming of God's Glory

God calls a servant chosen and prepared by God Himself.

Every time that God is going to do something big on earth, he

does it through a man both chosen and predestined for such a
purpose. God cannot do anything on earth if it is not through a man.
The reason for this is not because He isn't All-Powerful, because He
is, but because He cannot retract His Word. He limited Himself in His
power when He established that the Earth is for the sons of men.
Psalms 115:15-16 May you be blessed by the Lord, the Maker of
heaven and earth. The highest heavens belong to the Lord, but the
earth he has given to man.
Since He decided to give man dominion and lordship, God does
everything through a chosen man. Although the occasion has arisen
that God has made Himself man in order to intervene on earth, when
He hasn't found anyone to fulfil His purpose: Ez 22:30 I looked for a
man among them who would build up the wall and stand before me
in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but
I found none. For that reason, God Himself was made flesh and
dwelled among us: John 1:14 The Word became flesh and made his
dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and
only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.
God lifted up and used a man like Moses to manifest His power
against Pharaoh, to free the people of Israel from Egypt, to erect a
Sanctuary in the desert to dwell among them, filling that tabernacle
with His glory. God lifted up His servant Abraham, so that through
him He could complete His purpose here on earth, and bless all
nations of the earth through his seed, that is Jesus, the Christ and
Lord. God lifted up His servant David so that he would establish His

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kingdom and so that through his loins a son would come, Solomon,
who would build a House for the Lord, which would be full of His
glory. God rose up the priest Ezekiel, as a prophet, to show him the
vision of the glory of God.
Now, in the same way, God is raising up servants all over the planet,
predestined to manifest God's glory in our days. I am one of them,
Praise God! We have been chosen by Him, predestined to be born in
this time; our character has been formed in a special way; we are
products of very special circumstances and our calling has been
supernatural. We have been marked by His Word and His calling,
and God has placed within us a radical spirit and a hunger for His
glory. We are a glorious generation.
2) He gives the revelation of His purposes through dreams and visions and

Each one of the servants that God has chosen to manifest His glory
has received direct communication from God through angelic
visitations as with Abraham near the great trees of Mamre. Gen. 18:1
The Lord appeared to Abraham near the great trees of Mare while he
was sitting at the entrance to his tent in the heat of the day. God also
speaks to His servants through dreams as with Jacob: Gen. 28:12 He
had a dream in which he saw a stairway resting on the earth, with its
top reaching to heaven, and the angels of God were ascending and
descending on it.
Daniel received from God the secret of the revelation of
Nebuchadnezzar's dream. Dan. 2:19 during the night the mystery
was revealed to Daniel in a vision. Then Daniel praised the God of
heaven. Today, God still speaks to His servants; God has spoken to
me and speaks to me continuously, when it is time to call me or
when is it the time to bring me to a new level of revelation.

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As a psychiatric medical specialist for the treatment of addictions I

know that when a patient says that God speaks to them, they are
truly disturbed. And God spoke to me. But, if in five years the
person that says that God speaks to them is not in a psychiatric
hospital then truly God has spoken to them. And God spoke to me
over 7 years ago and I still have not ended up in a place like that. God
speaks today and is giving us revelations through dreams, visions and
revelations about His purposes. Maybe God is speaking now more
than ever.
3) He sends a zeal for holiness and faithfulness to His servant, to call the

Something that distinguishes someone chosen by God is that they

have found grace in God's eyes. God gives them a zeal for holiness
and faithfulness, just like Abraham who was faithful to God, with the
zeal for holiness that came upon Elijah, with the boldness like that of
John the Baptist, etc.
4) He sends His anointed one like a voice that cries out in the desert:

The deserts where the voice that announces the Word of the Lord
travels are not only geographic but those places where few people
listen to the message that is being announced. Just like John the
Baptist; like Ezekiel 12:25 But I the Lord will speak what I will, and it
shall be fulfilled without delay. For in your days, you rebellious
house, I will fulfill whatever I say, declares the Sovereign Lord.
The House of God, God's people, continue to be rebellious, lacking
discernment; they don't know how to listen to God's voice. Because
of their pride, denominational arrogance, and the spirit of religion,
they dont know how to discern one sent by the Lord.

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They don't know how to discern God's voice. The Lord is speaking to
His people today, through those He has sent saying: Isaiah 40:3 in the
desert prepares the way for the Lord; make straight in the wilderness
a highway for our God. 4 Every valley shall be raised up, every
mountain and hill made low; the rough ground shall become level,
the rugged places a plain. 5 And the glory of the Lord will be
revealed, and all mankind together will see it. For the mouth of the
Lord has spoken.
This is God's message for today's people: Prepare yourselves, oh
people of God! Prepare the way for the manifestation of the Glory of
the Lord on earth; start living uprightly not just when others are
looking, but when you are alone; all those who are mourning and
depressed, value yourself for what you are: a child of God! All those
who are arrogant and prideful, humble yourselves; those who are
living wrongly, in iniquity, take the straight path and all those who
have been haughty and looking down on others, clothe yourself with
meekness; When this happens with God's people God's Glory will
manifest on earth; and the world will see it, because just as the Lord
has promised it, so it will come to pass.
During Moses' time the glory of the Lord manifested and all the
people saw the glory of the Lord with their own eyes. During the last
almost 6000 years since God placed Adam in the garden of Eden, in
this current cycle of evolution within the eternity of God, He has
been visiting the earth from time to time, and intervening through
His chosen ones to guide His remnant to accomplish his purpose of
restoration, which He has determined since eternity.
We are about to finish the 6000 year season and enter into the 7th
day, the day of the Lord's rest; the only day in which there is no
longer night. If you notice in reading the book of Genesis, every time

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God spoke and ordered something to be made on earth we find the

declaration: And there was evening and there was morning the first
day, the second day, the third, the fourth, the fifth, the sixth. But on
the seventh day, the evening no longer appears, because in that day
there will no longer be any night; nor will there be a need for the
sun. Rev. 22:2 down the middle of the great street of the city. On
each side of the river stood the tree of life, bearing twelve crops of
fruit, yielding its fruit every month. And the leaves of the tree are for
the healing of the nations.
3 No longer will there be any curse. The throne of God and of the
Lamb will be in the city, and his servants will serve him. 4 They will
see his face, and his name will be on their foreheads. 5 There will be
no more night. They will not need the light of a lamp or the light of
the sun, for the Lord God will give them light. And they will reign
forever and ever.
If we receive the apostle Peter's prophetic spirit when he says: 2
Peter 3:8 But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the
Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a
day; we see that since Jesus came to the earth and ascended into
heaven almost 2000 years have now passed, therefore we are about
to enter the third day of the Lord: Some Pharisees came to Jesus and
told him that Herod was seeking to kill him: And Jesus answered
them: Luke 13:32 He replied, "Go tell that fox, ' I will drive out
demons and heal people today and tomorrow, and on the third day I
will reach my goal.' 33 In any case, I must keep dong today and
tomorrow and the next day.
What this means is that two thousand years have passed since Jesus
was in his ministry on earth, and in these two thousand years, with
Jesus' authority, the Church has been casting out demons and

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healing people, but now we are about to enter into the THIRD DAY,
when Jesus' purpose to establish God's Kingdom on earth forever will
be completed.
According to the traditional Hebrew calendar, right now we are in
the year 5768, but there is a Jewish study that has calculated that
based on Scripture we are actually in the year 5990, or rather, ten
years away from completing the 6000 year season. Due to its
importance I have included a translation of this article that is also
available on the Internet in Spanish.
WHAT YEAR ARE WE IN? 2007, 5767 o 5990

By Eliyahu Ben Avraham,

Another error of Judaism is to suppose without basis that before the
Christian age 3760 years had passed. Which is why in Judaism, and
also the messianic "Jews", blindly believe that since the creation of
Adam and Eve 5767 years have gone by up to the year 2007. Below I
will present some Biblical texts that allow us to calculate with
exactness how much time has passed since Adam and Eve were
created by YHWH in the Garden of Eden.

If we take the year that YHWH created Adam as the beginning,

Genesis 5:3-29 totals 1056 years until Lamech begat Noah, and later
Noah was 600 years old at 51 the beginning of the flood (Genesis
7:11). So, from the creation of Adam to the flood 1656 years passed.
The idea is to add the age of every father when their son was born
and then add to it Noah's age at the time of the flood. It's interesting
that Methuselah was born in the year 687 (3296BCE) and lived 969
years. If you add 687+969 you will see that Methuselah died by
drowning in the flood in the year 1656 (2327BCE)!

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Next, Genesis 11:10-24 shows that two years after the flood Shem
begat Arphaxad and if we successively add up to the birth of Terah,
father of Abram, 220 years, we have 1878. Next we add up until the
death of Terah 205 years (Genesis 11:32), and we have 2083 years,
which is when Abram left Haran (Acts 7:4) and Abram (without the
H) was 75 years old when he left Haran (Genesis 12:4).
Later, Abraham was 99 years old when YHWH made the covenant of
circumcision with him (Genesis 17:1-10), so we should add 24 more
years. Now we have 2107 years. Galatians 3:16-17 and Exodus
12:40 show that since the covenant of YHWH with Abraham up to
the Covenant on Mount Sinai 430 years passed. The Covenant on
Mount Sinai coincides with the year in which Israel left Egypt. We're
up to 2537 years.
1 Kings 6:1 shows that from the Exodus of Israel from Egypt up to the
4 year of Solomon's reign 480 years passed. Now we have 3017
years. And, the majority of historians and encyclopedias agree that
the 4 year of Solomon's reign was in 966 BC. So, to get to our "year
zero" we add 966 years. So, Adam and Eve were created 3983 years
before the year zero and not 3760 as is supposed in Judaism.
If we add the 2007 years that bring us from "year zero" to today we
have come to total 5990 years since YHWH created Adam and Eve.
So, there would only be 10 years to the year 6000 and the beginning
of the 7 day of a thousand years?? (Revelation 20:1-5) because for
YHWH one day is like a thousand years (2 Peter 3:8), but we cannot
use this information to prophesy the return of the Messiah and the
beginning of the Thousand Year Reign (Revelation 20:1-5). Although
it all seems to indicate that this calculation is prophetic, we know
that no one knows the day or the hour, but it could happen in
approximately 10 more years (Matthew 24:32-36; Mark 13:32)

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Remember that 3 and a half years before the return of the Messiah is
when the Great Tribulation should start (Revelation 12; Daniel 12:7),
and the last year before the return of Yeshua, the Messiah,
corresponds with the "day" Of WRATH of YHWH. No one knows the
day or the hour, but we can know the approximate year (Matthew
24:32-36; Mark 13:32).
The Great Tribulation will be a time of anguish like has never been
seen since the beginning of the world until now nor will ever be
again (Matthew 24; Luke 21). The signs are clearer every day (2
Timothy 3:1-5), but Yeshua HaMashia reminds us that we should put
his precepts into practice (Matthew 7:21-23) and reject the yeast
(false doctrines) of the scribes and Pharisees.
Although we don't exactly share some of the conclusions the author
mentioned, his article is useful to demonstrate that perhaps we are
much closer to the Day of the Lord than we thought. Personally, it
makes me happy, especially in my spirit, since it motivates us to think
that the time when God's glory will be poured out over all the earth
is very close. Rev. 19:7 let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory!
For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his bride has made
herself ready. 8Fine linen, bright and clean, was given her to wear."
(Fine linen stands for the righteous acts of the saints.)
5) God Is Lifting Up An Anointed Generation With The Spirit Of Elijah:

Whenever God is going to do something powerful, He prepares a

man He has chosen, as we said before. When God freed Israel from
Egypt, He lifted up Moses. When the Messiah was going to be
manifested, He sent John the Baptist; when He is about to send His
glory upon the earth, God sends the prophet Elijah, but it's not an
anointed person whom the children of God will follow, it's a
corporate man; a group of people, chosen and predestined, before

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the foundation of the world, to prepare the path of the Lord. It's a
generation prepared by God for this unique purpose.
This generation is characterized by a zeal for holiness equal to that of
Elijah, and the courage and bravery of John the Baptist: However,
this generation won't fail like Elijah did when Jezebel threatened
him, or like John, when he didn't follow the Messiah as His disciple;
but this generation will fulfill the purpose which it was created for.
Isaiah 43:5-7: Do not be afraid, for I am with you; I will bring your
children from the east and gather you from the west. I will say to the
north, 'Give them up!' and to the south, 'Do not hold them back.'
Bring my sons from afar and my daughters from the ends of the
earth- everyone who is called by my name, whom I created for my
glory, whom I formed and made." This generation has been specially
created by God to bring and to bear His Glory! It is our generation.
We have the choice to simply see the glory from among the
multitude, or to be bearers of His Glory. It depends on you, and on
the price that you are willing to pay! Hallelujah.
God has blessed me by uniting my path with the beloved apostle
John M. Boney, whom the Lord has brought to me in this latest cycle,
to receive teaching, formation and submission, and I bless His name
for that.
Apostle Boney has taught us about the corporate man, which are
Christ's generation and the forty-second generation. Based on this
teaching, the Lord has added more revelation, as I study His word
and now I can share it, because giving is how we receive In Mathew
chapter 1, speaking about the generations leading to Jesus, there is a
very interesting matter that we can only understand with God's
revelation. Mathew 1:17: Thus there were fourteen generations in all

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from Abraham to David, fourteen from David to the exile to Babylon,

and fourteen from the exile to the Christ.
However, if we pay attention and count the generations that are
mentioned in Mathew chapter 1, we can count from Abraham to
David, there are fourteen generations mentioned; 14 more from
David to the exile and from here until Jesus' birth there are thirteen
more generations. So, the sum of all those generations is 41 up to
Jesus; but we know, up to the generation of CHRIST there are 42
Then the question is: are Jesus' generation and Christ's generation
two different generations? And the answer is yes. Let's support it
with the bible. Revelations 11:15: The seventh angel sounded his
trumpet, and there were loud voices in heaven, which said: "The
kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his
Christ, and he will reign forever and ever."
If Jesus is Lord of lords, then when the previous word shows that:
"the kingdom of this world has become the kingdom of our Lord and
of his Christ," it means that the kingdoms of the world shall be given
to Jesus, King of kings and Lord of lords and His Christ, who is a group
of anointed, chosen saints, who Jesus will reign on the kingdoms of
the world which shall be given to him. This is the generation that is
mentioned in Revelation 5:9 and they sang a new song: "You are
worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals, because you were
slain, and with your blood you purchased men for God from every
tribe and language and people and nation. 10 You have made them
to be a kingdom and priests to serve our God, and they will reign on
the earth."
This generation of kings and priests is the generation that God has
predestined to reign over all kingdoms with Him. This generation is

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ARE THEM. Hallelujah!!!!!
This is for those who have wisdom and are led by the Spirit to receive
it. If you can receive it, just receive it. Praise God.
I receive in my spirit, that God is the God of second chances: And
God has given his people an opportunity for the generation that
perished in the desert to be restored in our days. Numbers 32:13:
The Lord's anger burned against Israel and he made them wander in
the desert forty years, until the whole generation of those who had
done evil in his sight was gone. I feel and declare in my spirit that
GENERATION, the glorious generation, the 42 generation; IT'S THE
Isaiah 43:5: Do not be afraid, for I am with you; I will bring your
children from the east and gather you from the west. 6 I will say to
the north, 'Give them up!' and to the south, 'Do not hold them back.'
Bring my sons from afar and my daughters from the ends of the
earth- 7 everyone who is called by my name, whom I created for my
glory, whom I formed and made."

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Chapter 11 - God Calls Us to Be BEARERS OF HIS GLORY

I don't have any doubts. We are the glorious generation that will see
the God's glory poured out on the earth, and we are called to be
bearers of God's glory, but not all of us, because many are called but
few are chosen. Even though all have the right to enter, not all are
willing to pay the price to buy the GOLD REFINED in the fire, which is
God's glory, which we will pay for to Jesus glorified.
In the following pages, we will see how we are being transformed
from glory to glory and which levels we have to pass through and
fulfill so that God's glory will be restored to man again.
God is speaking to the glorious generation, through the prophet
Isaiah saying: Isaiah 60:1-7: 1 "Arise, shine, for your light has come,
and the glory of the LORD rises upon you. 2 See, darkness covers
the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the LORD
rises upon you and his glory appears over you. 3 Nations will come
to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn. 4 "Lift up
your eyes and look about you: All assemble and come to you; your
sons come from afar, and your daughters are carried on the arm. 5
Then you will look and be radiant, your heart will throb and swell
with joy; the wealth on the seas will be brought to you, to you the
riches of the nations will come. 6 Herds of camels will cover your
land, young camels of Midian and Ephah. And all from Sheba will
come, bearing gold and incense and proclaiming the praise of the
LORD. 7 All Kedar's flocks will be gathered to you, the rams of
Nebaioth will serve you; they will be accepted as offerings on my
altar, and I will adorn my glorious temple. This word is for me, and
for all the strange ones, who are hungry and thirsty for God's glory,
and who, in all their lives, have not been filled or satisfied by
anything else.
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The Lord is talking to us saying: arise, get to the next level; let the
light of God's glory shine upon you and through you, because the
glory of the Lord has been born in you. That glory rises up in you
already, you only have to let it manifest through you, being
transformed into different forms, levels or images of the glory of the
Lord. Because everyday evil, darkness and ignorance will increase in
the nations, but His glory will be seen in the fellow citizens of the
saints and the members of God's family.
When that glory manifests, we will be just like HE is; then the power
and the glory of God will manifest in us and through us, with signs,
creative miracles, supernatural wonders, healings, etc. in such a
way, that powerful people and kings, will try to gain access to and
obtain benefits from the glory that will flow in us. I would like to
show here, just a little of the revelation that God has shown me
about how things will be when the glory manifests: That day, we will
wake up just like any other day, maybe somebody will go to an
important meeting with someone at a very popular restaurant. At
that time of the day, the place will be totally full of regular clients. A
man selling lottery tickets will approach the table where the child of
God is seated, led by a little boy because, as everyone at the
restaurant knows he was born blind; when he approaches, the seller
will fall down to the floor. Everybody will think he suffering from a
heart attack, but the Son of God, because he knows God, will know
that blind man fell down because of the glory of God. The Holy Spirit
will tell him: "Just be quiet and watch what I'm going to do."
Everybody will be alarmed, they will call paramedics, the police, etc.
who will arrive along with TV teams. Paramedics will do their job,
and so will the TV. In that moment, the victim will get up and in front
of everybody will start shouting, first scared, then amazed and then
joyful, because he has never seen and now he can see everything

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around him for the first time: he is the beneficiary of a creative

miracle and the glory of God, flowing from His anointed one who is
present there, He has blessed him with new eyes, because there is
no sickness where the glory of God is present!
The doctors will interview him and so will the police. Scared
customers will confirm that he is the blind man they have seen for a
long time and that in fact, he didn't have eyes. The happy man will
say: "I don't know. One thing I do know. I was blind but now I see!"
(John 9:25). Then the Word will be fulfilled that Jesus said in John
14:12 I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I
have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I
am going to the Father.
In that moment, going back to the restaurant commotion, where the
blind man is shouting and jumping joyfully, another man comes with
an amputated leg, supported by his crutch, trying to find out what's
happening: in front of the astonished crowd with the ringing cell
phones, the TV cameras, and the radios, the missing leg of the man
with a crutch, begins to grow in front of everybody. Some people
just faint, others shout and a few more just rejoice and start kneeling
down to the One that owns all honour and glory. The TV, police and
doctors will come to interview the anointed one who rejoices in the
Lord and they say: "you have to explain to us what's happening
here." He will answer: "The Lord's glory has begun to pour out in the
earth trough His sons, and I am one of them".
Everybody, crying, scared, amazed, will ask the son of God, "Please,
give me your phone number, your address, what church do you go
to? Please pray for my son, he's dying in the hospital; my wife has

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At night, the TV everywhere in the world, will be showing the news

about these wonders and signs around the world; then the world will
know that in one day, a country will be born; the nation of the sons
of God. Isaiah 66:6: Hear that uproar from the city; hear that noise
from the temple! It is the sound of the LORD repaying his enemies all
they deserve. 7 "Before she goes into labour, she gives birth; before
the pains come upon her, she delivers a son. 8 Who has ever heard
of such a thing? Who has ever seen such things? Can a country be
born in a day or a nation be brought forth in a moment? Yet no
sooner is Zion in labour than she gives birth to her children. 9 Do I
bring to the moment of birth and not give delivery?" says the LORD.
"Do I close up the womb when I bring to delivery?" says your God. 10
"Rejoice with Jerusalem and be glad for her, all you who love her;
rejoice greatly with her, all you who mourn over her. 11 For you will
nurse and be satisfied at her comforting breasts; you will drink
deeply and delight in her overflowing abundance."
That day is close!! Let's hurry up. God has said it: and it will be like
He said. Hallelujah.
I continue in Isaiah 60:3 Nations will come to your light, and kings to
the brightness of your dawn. 4 "Lift up your eyes and look about you:
All assemble and come to you; your sons come from afar, and your
daughters are carried on the arm. 5 Then you will look and be
radiant, your heart will throb and swell with joy; the wealth on the
seas will be brought to you, to you the riches of the nations will
come. 6 Herds of camels will cover your land, young camels of
Midian and Ephah. And all from Sheba will come, bearing gold and
incense and proclaiming the praise of the LORD. 7 All Kedar's flocks
will be gathered to you, the rams of Nebaioth will serve you; they
will be accepted as offerings on my altar, and I will adorn my glorious

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Then, your city, your state, and your country will know about you
that very night and your life will change that same moment.
Governors and kings from every nation, powerful people who own
huge and wealthy corporations will want to bring you before them,
because they need God's glory. They will offer you whatever you
want in exchange for what they need; crowds will follow you
wherever you go; stadiums will be full of thousands and
thousands of people, hungry and needy for God's glory; and the
Lord will send you there and He will tell you: "Don't preach, just
adore me and exalt my name; my glory and my Spirit will do the
You will introduce yourself, raise your hands, adore God's name and
God's glory will manifest. There will be abundant healings,
deliverance, and creative miracles. People will come and offer all
their goods and will leave them before the feet of the sons of God.
They will offer you all you've wished for and even more; your
children will be admired and blessed, seeking your favour.
Unimaginable wealth will flow to you; you will receive the finest and
most powerful cars; they will bring you millions of Euros and
abundant jewels; whole ranches with the finest livestock will be
given to you; properties, etc. and the word of God will be fulfilled:
Joel 2:19 The LORD will reply to them: "I am sending you grain, new
wine and oil, enough to satisfy you fully; never again will I make you
an object of scorn to the nations.
Praised and glorified is the blessed and wonderful name of Jesus
Christ, our Lord and King! My eyes will see it, hallelujah!! At this
point, I could stop writing this short book about God's glory, but we
have just started. What I have just mentioned is the what; now we
will see the how.

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I ask: Is it worthwhile to seek God's glory? Is the possibility that we

are the glorious generation too incredible or too farfetched? Don't
ask your flesh; ask your spirit and it will tell you: now is the time and
you are one of those chosen to be bearers of God's glory. Are you
willing to be transformed? Are you willing to buy gold refined in the
fire from me?"
Now is decision time. This is the day when God is raising up a new
GIVEN, BECAUSE THROUGH JESUS, we have been made to be a
kingdom and priests to serve our God, and they will reign on the
earth (Rev. 5:10).
God is lifting up his church, which is his body, walking in unity, as one
man, through the restored five ministries. Ephesians 4:11 It was he
who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be
evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers, 12 to prepare
God's people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be
built up 13 until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge
of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole
measure of the fullness of Christ.
a) We are the Lord's anointed ones: the same Holy Spirit that was
upon Jesus when He was on the earth, is the spirit that is upon us:
Isaiah 61:1 The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the
LORD has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent
me to bind up the broken hearted, to proclaim freedom for the
captives and release from darkness for the prisoners;

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b) We are the Christ: Christ or Messiah means anointed and

corporately we are the CHRIST who will reign with Jesus, the Lord of
lords (we are the lords); and Jesus the King of kings (we are the
c) We are just like Him, on the earth 1 John 4:17 in this way, love is
made complete among us so that we will have confidence on the Day
of Judgment, because in this world we are like him.
d) We have been sent: we are apostolic people that have been sent
to preach the kingdom's gospel, and for that, the Lord has already
restored the five ministries.
e) We are called to restore the ancient ruins of God's house and the
ruins of generations.
f) Foreigner and aliens will come to help and serve us.
g) We are called priests and ministers of the living God.
h) We will feed on the wealth of the nations.
I) we will be exalted with his glory.

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Chapter 12 - Transformed from Glory to Glory

Friday, May 2, in the afternoon, as usual, I took a shower in my
bathroom. There, God began to bring this revelation. I've heard
many ministers that God only speaks to them when they have been
fasting many days and on their knees many hours. The lord, by his
mercy, speaks to me when he wants, in the most unexpected places,
because he knows I'm his servant and one of my ears is always alert
and reserved for His voice exclusively. It was almost three weeks
after our first international kingdom conference, from April 6 to 12,
2008, and I'd just heard the teaching of my mentor, friend, and
apostle Boney, about how God's glory manifested first as the face of
an ox, but then as a cherubim. (Ezekiel 1:10; 10:14)
This word stunned my spirit, because I knew that as a ministry and as
an individual, we had been experiencing a transformation, and I was
interested in knowing what part of the process we were in. The lord
says through his word: Psalm 37:4 delights yourself in the LORD and
he will give you the desires of your heart.
He has answered my petition, more fully than what I had expected or
what I could have asked. He began to teach me, praised and blessed
be his name; all honour is for HIM.
Ezekiel, the priest, was a witness of the manifestation of God's glory.
He gives specifications of the exact time and place he received that
vision of God's glory and he describes it in such a detailed way that
it's said that a NASA engineer, trying to distort the possibility that
such a flying artifact could ever be designed; gathered enough
scientific information to conclude that current science is not yet
advanced enough to design a flying machine like that, but that the
technical details described are absolutely clear and scientifically

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logical, consistent with a faithful account of a super advanced,

technically developed machine. As a result of that investigation, he
became a believer of the Word.
This stunning description of God's glory is manifested together with
wind, a great cloud, fire, brightness, and in the middle of it, the
figure of four living beings. These beings had the likeness of man.
Each living creature had four faces and four wings. The angle of
Ezekiel's vision allowed him to place them like this: On the right side:
1) man's face and lion's face, and On the left side: 2) ox's face and
eagle's face.
Ezekiel 1:10 Their faces looked like this: Each of the four had the face
of a man, and on the right side each had the face of a lion, and on
the left the face of an ox; each also had the face of an eagle.
This whole representation is an enigmatic manifestation of Gods
glory, which can only be understood through the revelation of the
father. I believe that God's revelation must be completely backed up
in the Word of God; otherwise, it doesn't matter how pretty or
spiritual it may be, you must not receive it. For us who spiritually
discern, we must look for the spiritual message that can be applied
to our life in this wonderful process of transformation from glory to

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Chapter 13 - God Speaks Through Symbols

As I mentioned at the beginning of this study, God speaks to man
through visions, dreams, visitations, etc. using symbols and signs that
produce a strong mark in the soul or the psyche of the human being.
Since man is flesh, he can only discern things from the flesh 1
Corinthians 2:14 The man without the Spirit does not accept the
things that come from the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to
him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually
That's why God's glory is manifested here through understandable
symbols for a human being. These symbols, or images, were easily
perceived by Ezekiel, so that he was able to describe them without
doubt. As we will be able to see, the same image of God's glory was
manifested on several occasions and in different places, at least
three times but in the same form.
The first time, next to the Kebar river happens in Ezekiel 1:10.
The second manifestation occurs in Ezekiel 3:23 so I got up and went
out to the plain. And the glory of the LORD was standing there, like
the glory I had seen by the Kebar River, and I fell facedown. The
third time that God's glory manifests in the same way is in Ez. 8:3 He
stretched out what looked like a hand and took me by the hair of my
head. The Spirit lifted me up between earth and heaven and in
visions of God he took me to Jerusalem, to the entrance to the north
gate of the inner court, where the idol that provokes to jealousy
stood. 4 And there before me was the glory of the God of Israel, as in
the vision I had seen in the plain.
God's glory manifests again, with the same likeness, near the
captives in Telaviv. During these three manifestations, God's glory

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shows the same image of four faces: of a man and a lion on the right
side; of an ox and an eagle on the left side.
However, there is a fourth manifestation where we notice that the
image of god's glory has been modified, and here it's very important
to look for the reasons why the glory changes; what happens to
cause this change to occur, and what message is there for us?
First of all, let's see what happens:
In chapter 8, Ezekiel says he was in his house with the elders of Judah
sitting before him, when he was taken by the hair of his head, by a
figure with human appearance, and he was lifted, in a vision,
between heaven and earth, and taken to the temple of Jerusalem. In
that temple, he is shown the idol that provokes to jealousy, which
was an idol Asherah, placed in the courtyard of God's temple by the
king Manasseh. 2 Kings 21:7 He took the carved Asherah pole he had
made and put it in the temple, of which the LORD had said to David
and to his son Solomon, "In this temple and in Jerusalem, which I
have chosen out of all the tribes of Israel, I will put my Name forever.
In the vision, Ezekiel is shown all kinds of idolatry and abominations
committed in God's temple, beginning with the elders or priests, who
were kneeling down to all kinds of images and idols of filthy beings
that were painted on the wall of the holy place, where they offered
incense to these images. They said: "The LORD does not see us; the
LORD has forsaken the land." (Ex 8:12).
Next he is taken to another place where he sees the women who
were performing a pagan cult ritual in the same temple, mourning
and lamenting, shouting and crying to a pagan Babylon god called
Tammuz. Tammuz was a Babylonian divinity for agriculture and
flocks. He was the god of prosperity, money, and wealth. Every year

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would be born again and when the drought came, the women were
crying and doing immoral rituals for him to come back.
Later, Ezekiel sees what men were doing inside the temple and
he sees twenty-five men with their backs toward the temple, bowing
down to the sun in the east.
Then the figure, who the Lord sent, says, Ez. 8:17: He said to me,
"Have you seen this, son of man? Is it a trivial matter for the house of
Judah to do the detestable things they are doing here? Must they
also fill the land with violence and continually provoke me to anger?
Look at them putting the branch to their nose! 18 Therefore I will
deal with them in anger; I will not look on them with pity or spare
them. Although they shout in my ears, I will not listen to them." This
expression literally means: "they expel flatulence before me, and
they use aromatic herbs to cover the bad smell in their noses." In
verse 18, God decrees judgment and begins with his house, starting
with the priests. 1 Peter 4:17: For it is time for judgment to begin
with the family of God; and if it begins with us, what will the
outcome be for those who do not obey the gospel of God?
It is very important and significant that we realize that this judgment
determines changes in the appearance in God's glory, as we will see
later. In chapter 9, six men appear, each one equipped with deadly
weapons, and with them is a man clothed in linen, who has a writer's
kit by his side. He is ordered to place a mark upon the foreheads of
those who grieve and who lament for all the abominations
committed in the temple. The guards begin the work of destruction
and death, beginning in the Sanctuary and with the elders, until they
have destroyed all those who were committing abominations and
wickedness in the house of God. However, all those who were
marked on the foreheads, the HOLY REMANANT, were preserved

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from death and destruction. Chapter 9 ends with the report of the
man clothed in linen: I have done as you commanded. Judgment is

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Chapter 14- Current Idolatry In God's House

My heart beats strongly when I consider this Word, and the Spirit
moves me to compare the situation at that time with the current
situation; the Holy Spirit forces me to raise my voice to say that,
nowadays, he same thing happens in what is called the House of
There is terrible idolatry and sin in what is called God's house in the
whole world, where the image that provokes to jealousy is egoidolatry. The greatest idol among Christians (not among the children
of God) is: themselves. They neither accept nor obey anything other
than what they consider to be right and acceptable. They are ready
to judge, criticize and determine what they will and won't obey from
There is an absolute tolerance among the majority of Christian
leadership to all kinds of sin in the House of God. In an attempt to
retain members, the world's customs have been allowed into the
church so that people don't miss the world. The elders, in fact, the
ministers, commit all kind of sins and abominations in their personal
lives and they still believe that the "success" that they have in
their massive campaigns and TV programs and great attendance to
their huge, elegant buildings, is because God doesn't see their sins
and HE is too far from the things of earth.
Women mourning Tammuz represent people who miss, and still
practice, all kinds of pagan rituals the same way they did before they
belonged to the people of God.
The twenty-five men adoring the sun and turning their back to the
temple represent all those men who have made the decision to
establish their own religion, their own belief, in perfect syncretism,

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making a mixture of God's word with their own oriental philosophies,

those philosophies that they have considered to be right and have
established as spiritual strongholds, disguised as worship to God.
God's judgment is close, and I believe in my spirit that it has already
started. God is bringing to light the sin of great leaders (who have
had a big influence in the religious or political world), and He will
continue with leaders, pastors, and sinful ministers, bringing all their
abominations to light. Even so, they don't understand or value God's
mercy, which extends in their lives and they still want to use God's
name for their own profit.
The Lord has determined that judgment will begin first in His house,
and truly, no one will escape. But praise the Lord that He has kept a
holy and faithful remnant, who cries out because of the
abominations that are committed in the House of God. He has
heard our crying and the time of God's vengeance is coming
It's time for repentance. It's time to preach REPENTANCE. It doesn't
matter that this message is not very popular or that they refuse to
give you offerings for speaking so harshly. The Lord says: Ez 2:5 And
whether they listen or fail to listen-for they are a rebellious housethey will know that a prophet has been among them. 6 And you, son
of man, do not be afraid of them or their words. Do not be afraid,
though briers and thorns are all around you and you live among
scorpions. Do not be afraid of what they say or terrified by them,
though they are a rebellious house. 7 You must speak my words to
them, whether they listen or fail to listen, for they are rebellious.

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Chapter 15 - Judgment Brings a Greater Level of Glory

In Ezekiel 9:3, the fourth manifestation of God's glory appears, but
now we can see that A TRANFORMATION HAS HAPPENED, and now
the glory of the God of Israel went up from above the cherubim,
where it had been, and moved to the threshold of the temple.
Here we see God's glory has changed its appearance. THE FACE OF
This makes me think of the moment when judgment was executed
on Adam because of sin. Genesis 3:24 After he drove the man out, he
placed on the east side of the Garden of Eden cherubim and a
flaming sword flashing back and forth to guard the way to the tree of
Again at that moment, when judgment is carried out because of
sin, the cherub appears, who is a keeper or bearer of God's glory.
Most of the time these flying beings of high divine rank, appear as
bearers of God's glory, or as very close servants of the almighty.
Numbers 7:89 When Moses entered the Tent of Meeting to speak
with the LORD, he heard the voice speaking to him from between the
two cherubim above the atonement cover on the ark of the
Testimony. And he spoke with him.
To summarize, I'd like to state that God's glory is transforming; that
yesterday's glory won't be the same in the future; that God's glory
will always be growing and the later glory will be greater that the
former. Hallelujah! That glory is reserved for us, the sons of God,
who will be transformed, and in fact, we are already being

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transformed from glory to glory as the same image, as we see in the

process of the seven levels revealed later.

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Chapter 16 - The Seven Steps of GOD'S GLORY

Originally, man was made in the image and likeness of God, but
because of sin he WAS SEPERATED FROM GOD'S GLORY. That is, he
lost the attributes that made him like God, and since that moment
he's had to pass through a long, evolutional process of
transformation, provided by God himself in order for God's purpose
to be fulfilled, which is for man to be made in the image and likeness
of God. Neither the devil, nor hell, nor the sin of man can change
God's purpose to establish his Kingdom on earth and dwell among
his people. That's why God is lifting up a Holy Remnant through
whom He will accomplish his purposes. God wants to restore his
glory to man, but now it will come with a price, a difficult process of
transformation through which man has to be renewed and
transformed with the help of God's Spirit until he reaches the original
image he was created in. That's why God uses the likeness of his
glory to reveal distinct phases and faces that man has to pass
through until he reaches the state in which God's glory will be
restored. Here are the seven steps of God's glory:

As I have mentioned in other books, "no one looks for something

they have not lost or loses something they did not have." I have
mentioned that man is an innate seeker from birth. He is born, he
grows up, and he dies looking for what they were looking for. Those
of us who have communion with God and who have, through his
mercy, received revelation from Him, have reached the conclusion
that man, from the moment he fell from God's glory, has become a
seeker of that lost glory. However, because of the pain and
confusion that sin brings to his soul, the vision of his former glory has

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been distorted, and he has become a poor excuse for a man, a

wreck, which the devil has turned him into because of the jealousy
and hatred he has towards man, for not having been himself, the
devil, created in God's image and likeness.
In the beginning, God created man Gen. 1:27 So God created man in
his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female
he created them. This is the first step of man: Made in the same
image as God. At that moment, Gods glory was manifested in man.
All the attributes of God were established in man's spirit: power,
wisdom, knowledge, understanding, goodness, dominion over the
laws of nature, dominion over creation and created beings. As it says
in Psalm 8:3 when I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, 4 what is man
that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him?
You made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned
him with glory and honour. 6 You made him ruler over the works of
your hands; you put everything under his feet: 7 all flocks and herds,
and the beasts of the field, 8 the birds of the air, and the fish of the
sea, all that swim the paths o the seas. 9 O LORD, our Lord, how
majestic is your name in all the earth!
Man was made in the exact image of God. An error exists in some
biblical translations of verse 5 from this chapter. God didn't create
man to be a little less than angels. In fact, we are going to judge the
angels: 1 Cor. 6:3 Do you not know that we will judge angels? How
much more the things of this life! That's why God himself says in
Scriptures, Psalm 82:6 said, 'You are "gods"; you are all sons of the
Most High.' 7 But you will die like mere men; you will fall like every
other ruler lets not get confused: We are not God; we have only
been made in His likeness. It doesn't matter if the religious spirits, or

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those ignorant of the bible get offended, Scripture itself affirms: we

were made in the image of God (Gen 1:27) and God's purpose is for
us to be the likeness of His son: Rom 8:29 For those God foreknew he
also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son, that he
might be the firstborn among many brothers. He has also promised
in 1 John 3:2 Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we
will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when he
appears, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is.
While God lived in communion with God, he was a beneficiary of His
glory. He talked with God face to face, and spoke to him intimately.
But because of sin and disobedience towards God, man was removed
from God's glory and then he degenerated: Rom 1:21 For although
they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks
to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were
darkened. 22Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools
23and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images
made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles.

When man was separated from God's glory, the first step he passed
through was that of a Lion. The image of what you see is the image
you will be transformed into. When man stopped listening to and
obeying God, and he listed to and obeyed the voice of his wife and
did what the enemy told him, his nature was altered into the image
of the devourer, the roaring lion: 1 Pet. 5:8 Be self-controlled and
alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking
for someone to devour.
The characteristics of a lion are: he is arrogant, prideful,
conceited, he thinks he is always right, he is intolerant of others, and

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very pompous, wanting to boss everyone around. He is independent,

egocentric, and if one phrase characterizes him it is: I CAN. Man lost
his likeness to God and adopted the likeness of a lion, the adversary
who, like a roaring lion, prowls around looking for somebody to
devour. He was converted from a worshiper of God to a worshiper
of the sun and of created things. His character was transformed
and he became violent, trying to conquer others, using weapons and
his own strength. He became independent, authoritarian, and
obstinate, trusting in himself, worshiping luxury riches and pleasure.
Rom 1:24 Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their
hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one
another In the stage of man as a lion, humans are capable of
committing every type of sin, abomination, and perversity. Rom 1:26
Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their
women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. 27In the
same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women
and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed
indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due
penalty for their perversion.
28 Furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the
knowledge of God, he gave them over to a depraved mind, to do
what ought not to be done. 29They have become filled with every
kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy,
murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, 30slanderers,
God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of
doing evil; they disobey their parents; 31they are senseless, faithless,
heartless and ruthless. 32 Although they know God's righteous
decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only
continue to do these very things but also approve of those who
practice them.

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This is man's condition without God, separated from God's glory, the
image of a lion, the devil, with a carnal, animal, earthly, diabolical
nature. James 3:14 But if you harbor bitter envy and selfish ambition
in your hearts, do not boast about it or deny the truth. 15Such
"wisdom" does not come down from heaven but is earthly,
unspiritual, of the devil.
Man's first sin was pride, or arrogance; and it is the last to leave.
Man, without God, is condemned to remain in this step, unless he
decides to turn his life over to God and receive Jesus Christ not only
as his Saviour but also as the Lord and owner of his life.
Not even Christians should or can have these characteristics of a
lion, much less the Sons of God. Even so, each one should examine
his heart and look at himself in God's spiritual mirror and pay close
attention to what image the mirror reflects. If he cannot perceive it,
then it would be good to humble himself and go to others and ask
them, "What image do I reflect before you?" Surely they will help

Man, without God will continue to live his entire life as a proud,
conceited and independent lion. But when man decides to come to
the Lord, repent and receive Jesus as his Saviour, he is transformed
into A NEW CREATURE. In His infinite love, God created man, and,
due to the fact that one of His characteristics is to be a Creator, he
created man and the earth so that man would rule over it. God has
absolutely everything planned out. He has planned it out from
eternity. He is Alfa and Omega, beginning and end, and because of
that, everything He said would come to be has already been
accomplished. There is nothing that takes God by surprise. He

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announces what is to come from the beginning: Isaiah 45:21 who

foretold this long ago, who declared it from the distant past? Was it
not I, the LORD? And there is no God apart from me, a righteous God
and a Saviour; there is none but me. 22 "Turn to me and be saved,
all you ends of the earth; for I am God, and there is no other First,
man is made in spirit, in the image and likeness of God, but with a
body formed from earth. He is a spirit clothed in flesh. His nature is
divine, but his body is earthly or material.
The first man, Adam, is of the earth, made and formed from earth.
The second man, who is Jesus, the Lord, is of heaven. Just as we
inherited the image of the earthly man through the iniquities and
wickedness of our ancestors, God also promises that we will bear the
image of the heavenly man, the image of Christ, the image of God
himself, again. 1 Cor. 15:47 The first man was of the dust of the
earth, the second man from heaven. 48As was the earthly man, so
are those who are of the earth; and as is the man from heaven, so
also are those who are of heaven. 49And just as we have borne the
likeness of the earthly man, so shall we bear the likeness of the man
from heaven.
When the earthly man, in his stage as a lion, is moved to repentance
by God and comes to Christ to accept Him as his Saviour and the Lord
of his life, the lion-man is transformed into a new creature. In other
words, he acquires the image of Man. 2 Cor. 5:17Therefore, if
anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new
has come! 18All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself
through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation from this
moment, man begins to be transformed from lion-man, that is to
say, proud, independent man, separated from God, into a creature
that seeks to be renewed in the spirit of his mind. He begins the
struggle to die to his old, lion-man nature and to be transformed into

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a new man. Rom 6:6 For we know that our old self was crucified with
him so that the body of sin might be done away with, that we should
no longer be slaves to sin.
During this stage of man, the person must struggle to die to the old
man and renew his mind and soul, and take control over his flesh, in
order to submit to Jesus not only as his Saviour but also as his Lord.
The new man is the man who has received the revelation in his spirit
that he is no longer owner of himself, but Jesus Christ is the owner
and Lord of his life. He can no longer decide to do things according
to his own will and desires, but according to the will of his Lord, Jesus
Christ. Eph. 4:22 You were taught, with regard to your former way of
life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful
desires; 23to be made new in the attitude of your minds; 24and to
put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and
When the new man receives this revelation and walks in it, trying to
be like Christ, he will be ready to pass to the next step, since he is
willing to fulfill the image of Christ and he submits to Christ as his
Lord and not only his Saviour. Most Christians spend their whole
lives fighting against the old man, trying to make him die, and almost
none of them are able to do it. But now the Lord, in His mercy, is
bringing abundant revelation and we can understand that God's
purpose isn't for us to be Christians, whatever concept each person
might have of the word, but for us to be Sons of God. When we
receive in our spirit that those who are led by the Spirit of God are
sons of God. 15For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave
again to fear, but you received the Spirit of sonship. And by him we
cry, "Abba, Father." 16The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that
we are God's children. 17Now if we are children, then we are heirsheirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his

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sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory. 18 I consider

that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory
that will be revealed in us. So, if God's Spirit lives in him, man is truly
free, and able to be led by God's Spirit and transformed into the next
image of God's glory.

The next stage in the transformation of man in the path of the

restitution of God's glory is the stage of the ox. An ox is a bull that
has been castrated in order to be used as a pack animal. He has been
deprived of his virility and his ability to reproduce in order to utilize
all of his strength to serve in field work. All of the fire, the cockiness,
and the aggressiveness have been cut out of his nature by the
castration and his character has changed. The characteristics of an
ox are as follows: he is strong, obedient, trustworthy, calm, humble,
patient, he knows how to listen, he doesn't change his mind, he is
quiet, introverted, dedicated, he accomplishes his work, he puts his
whole heart into his tasks, he chews his cud, he is grateful, firm in his
principles, he teaches and guides others in his ways, and he has firm
character. The bible talks about a man whose heart and nature was
changed to the likeness of an ox.
This man, the king
NEBUCHADNEZZAR, was the man who, after God, acquired the
greatest glory in the history of the kingdoms of the world. The Bible
says of him in Daniel 2:37 You, O king, are the king of kings. The God
of heaven has given you dominion and power and might and glory;
38 in your hands he has placed mankind and the beasts of the field
and the birds of the air. Wherever they live, he has made you ruler
over them all. You are that head of gold.
"After you, another kingdom will rise, inferior to yours. Next, a third
kingdom, one of bronze, will rule over the whole earth. He is the only

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king who is ever called the king of kings apart from Jesus Christ. He
attained great fame and power, which God allowed, but he became
full of pride. Daniel 4:30 he said, "Is not this the great Babylon I have
built as the royal residence, by my mighty power and for the glory of
my majesty?" 31 The words were still on his lips when a voice came
from heaven, "This is what is decreed for you, King Nebuchadnezzar:
Your royal authority has been taken from you. 32 You will be driven
away from people and will live with the wild animals; you will eat
grass like cattle. Seven times will pass by for you until you
acknowledge that the Most High is sovereign over the kingdoms of
men and gives them to anyone he wishes" There is an infallible law
of God: The one who humbles himself will be exalted, and the one
who exalts himself will be humbled. This man wanted to obtain glory
through his own strength, and God immediately took his kingdom
right out of his hands so that the world would know that only the
Lord can give glory to those He chooses.
In this Scripture we see how the most glorious man in human history
was degraded to such an extent that his heart was transformed into
the heart of a beast. In the same way, God can transform the heart
of a beast, such as the lion-man, into a new creature. In this
Scripture we also see that there are SEVEN TIMES, OR STEPS FROM
4:16 Let his mind be changed from that of a man and let him be
given the mind of an animal, till seven times pass by for him. 17 "
'The decision is announced by messengers, the holy ones declare
the verdict, so that the living may know that the Most High is
sovereign over the kingdoms of men and gives them to anyone he
wishes and sets over them the lowliest of men.'
Nebuchadnezzar is the example of glorious man, who is separated
from his glory in order to later be restored to it. Just like this king,

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man was created and covered in glory by God; but because of

Satan's deception, promising man he would become what he already
was (you will be like God. Gen 3:5) and because of his own
disobedience towards God, he was separated from God's glory, and
he has to pass through seven times, or seven steps, to receive God's
glory again. Praise the Lord for this revelation. Of all the sacrifices
God established as a pleasing offering to Him for the forgiveness of
sins, the sacrifice of an ox was the most valuable, since the
usefulness of that animal in that time was extremely valuable. Today,
God demands a sacrifice and a complete and total surrender from
man for Him. Rom 12:1 Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of
God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and
pleasing to God-this is your spiritual act of worship.
The new man, who has died to the old man in his life, is willing to
pass through the step of ox, or servant. When we are new creatures
and we want to be formed and to reach the stature of the perfect
man, the Spirit guides us to be like Christ: gentle and humble of
heart. Then the Holy Spirit brings us to take on the characteristics of
the ox out of love for Him. When we do that, offering our service
to God, blessing our brothers and considering others as better than
ourselves, we are like an ox, offering ourselves as a living sacrifice for
God, which is very pleasing to him. It's necessary to pass through
this process and to be tested and approved in order to pass on to the
next image of God's glory, which brings us closer to the restoration
of his Glory. And youare you willing to become an ox?

The symbol of an eagle is very valued in charismatic environments,

and in fact, many of its characteristics are desirable. Even so, in the
Bible it is considered to be an unclean animal. Although it is one of

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the steps man must pass through when he is destined to become a

bearer of God's glory, even in this step certain worldly things remain
and must be dealt with in order to transition to other steps, closer to
the restitution of God's glory. Let's look at the characteristics of an
eagle and analyse how they manifest in God's children:
1) Eagles obtain their food alone: The man of God who is in this step
seeks out the Word of God on his own. He doesn't need to be in a
church or denomination in order to seek God and His Word. He has
a need to deeply investigate the Word of God and meditate night
and day on it. He makes his relationship with God the priority in his
life. The Word is in his spirit and it manifests in him in every
2) When an eagle needs help or feels weak, other eagles come to
help him: The man of God in this step is always willing to support,
motivate, serve, and help others in their needs, whatever they might
be, without expecting anything in return.
3) Eagles make their nests in high places: The man of God who is in
this step has his gaze fixed on the heights. He looks for things above.
He isn't discouraged by the things of this world; he knows that his
citizenship is in heaven. He investigates the mysteries of God and he
begins to receive revelation from on high. Col 3:1 Since, then, you
have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above,
where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. 2Set your minds on
things above, not on earthly things. 3For you died, and your life is
now hidden with Christ in God
4) After finishing their nest, eagle couples are ready to start their
new family: The man of God in this step knows how to recognize the
different cycles God takes him through, and he isn't afraid to begin
anew or to close the cycles he has already passed through. When he

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is placed in God's family, he is willing to submit and to cooperate in

everything within his reach to walk as a family.
5) Eagles have very developed vision: An eagle's vision is extremely
sharp. They can see details from long distance. They can detect their
prey from great distances. They see storms coming from afar and
they don't shy away from the attack, they face it and get through it
victoriously. They plant themselves next to their next and they
protect their young, without regard to the risks and consequences.
The man of God in this step has clear prophetic vision of God's
purposes for his life, and is able to face many storms in his life, and
come out victorious. This brings an excellent formation of his
character, which prepares him to continue to the next step. The
character of the man-eagle is formed in solitude. Although he needs
others to be renewed, finish one step of his life, and begin the next,
the eagle decides to do it alone. When the time comes to be
transformed and renew his feathers his beak, and his claws, he is
willing to confront the painful process and be renewed, and he
accomplishes it. He always leaves his battles and storms victoriously,
because his vision is clear and he is rejuvenated and strengthened
after each test because it is through those tests that he acquires the
spiritual maturity demanded of him. God will carry the man of God
that is passing through this step to the desert, a solitary place, so he
will learn to depend completely and totally on God. Isa. 40:31 but
those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar
on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk
and not be faint.

At the beginning of this work, I mentioned that when God was

executing his judgment over man because of his sin, he placed

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cherubim around the Garden of Eden to keep man from being able
to reach the tree of life in order to take back his immortality - one of
the benefits of God's Glory.
At this time, God's judgment has begun in His House. Every
abomination and sin in Christ's Church will come to the light and
nothing will remain hidden. But there is a very small remnant, which
cry out and lament because of the detestable things done in God's
House, and we have been marked to protect us in the hour of testing
that is going to come over the whole world. It's time for the
cherubim to be revealed. Let's see what cherubim are. Gods Word
doesn't shed much light on the distinct celestial hierarchies, since all
the honour and glory belong to the Creator, not the creatures.
However some different hierarchies are mentioned as thrones,
principalities, powers, rulers, spiritual forces, etc.
The Bible mentions diverse spiritual beings such as seraphs,
Cherubim, angels, archangels, etc. Which I am not going to elaborate
on much. It is enough to know that the cherubim are beings created
by God for His service, and who appear as care takers or bearers of
God's glory. They fill a place very close to God and it is in between
them where God speaks, over the Arc of God in the Most Holy Place.
Col 1:16For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on
earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or
authorities; all things were created by him and for him.
The cherubim occupy the second place in the celestial hierarchy,
below the Seraphs. The name Cherub comes from the Assyrian word
Karabu, the Acadian word Karib, and the Babylonian word Karabu.
The Assyrian word means great or powerful; the Acadian and
Babylonian words mean favorable and blessed. This information is
enough to understand that the cherubim have a lot to do with God's

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glory. That's why their image is etched on the manifestation of God's

glory in Ezekiel 10:14 each of the cherubim had four faces: One face
was that of a cherub, the second the face of a man, the third the face
of a lion, and the fourth the face of an eagle. 15Then the cherubim
rose upward. These were the living creatures I had seen by the Kebar
It's very interesting that in this biblical portion the face of an ox does
not appear. After judgment in God's house, THE SERVANT HAS BEEN
TRANSFORMED INTO A CHERUB. I ask again: and youare you
willing to become a servant like the ox? God's glory is worth it.
Eze 10:18 Then the glory of the LORD departed from over the
threshold of the temple and stopped above the cherubim. 19 While I
watched, the cherubim spread their wings and rose from the ground,
and as they went, the wheels went with them. They stopped at the
entrance to the east gate of the LORD's house, and the glory of the
God of Israel was above them. God's glory will be restored to man
once and for all, but for that to happen, he must pass through the
step of Cherub, or bearer of God's Glory. However, God's purpose is
not for us to be like cherubim, but for us to be made into the image
of THE SON OF GOD. Rom 8:29-30: For those God foreknew he also
predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son, that he
might be the firstborn among many brothers. 30And those he
predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those
he justified, he also glorified.
We have a destiny in God; we are predestined to be made
"conformed" to the image of His Son. Those he foreknew he also
predestined; those he predestined he also called, justified, and
GLORIFIED. In other words, he covered them in Glory!

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What God did in the past he will do again: Ps 8:4 what is man that
you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him? 5 You
made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him
with glory and honour.
With the clarification that we made earlier, that God did not make
man a little less than angels, but superior to them, God will place a
crown of Glory on the head of his chosen ones; glory will be restored.
1 Pet. 5:4 And when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the
crown of glory that will never fade away.
The step of Cherub, that is, BEARERS OF GOD'S GLORY, is the step of
greatest spiritual elevation before God and it is the image we should
try to reach until we have THE IMAGE OF GOD HIMSELF AND ARE

The last step in this fabulous transformation from Glory to glory is

that man is once again made into the image and likeness of God. 2
Cor 3:18 And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory,
are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory,
which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit This path through the
different steps of the manifestation of God's glory helps us to
understand God's purpose in our spirit, and allows the possibility
that each of us who has been called and who have seen the glory of
the Lord reflected as in a mirror will be converted or transformed
All of this is possible and has been established by the Holy Spirit
through the Word inspired by Him and written by the hand of the
holy apostles, as in 1 John 3:2 Dear friends, now we are children of
God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we

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know that when he appears, we shall be like him, for we shall see
him as he is.
Now, just as we are, we can say with confidence that we are Children
of God if we are truly led by His Spirit. Although on occasion we may
see our reflection in the mirror as reflecting some other image, other
than the image of the Son of God, we know that when HE, Jesus
Christ, manifests, we will be like Him; we will have his image and HIS
glory will be reflected in us and through us. Then, in one day, the
earth will give birth to a nation: the nation of the Sons of God,
revealing themselves on that same day, in the whole world, and
God's promise will be fulfilled from Habakkuk 2:14 For the earth will
be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters
cover the sea.
It's interesting to note that God's glory is manifested again in Rev 4:7
the first living creature was like a lion, the second was like an ox, the
third had a face like a man, the fourth was like a flying eagle. 8Each
of the four living creatures had six wings and was covered with eyes
all around, even under his wings. Day and night they never stop
saying: "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was, and is,
and is to come."
Here we see the four living beings manifested in God's glory. That is
to say, we see all the steps of glory that we see in Ezekiel, and that
each person must walk through if they want God's glory to be
restored in them, but we observe them as living beings submitted to
and sanctifying the name of God.
We can also observe that the purpose of receiving God's glory is to
offer it and present it before He who is worthy to receive all the
Glory and Honour and Worship forever and ever. To the only wise
God. Rev 4:9 Whenever the living creatures give glory, honour and

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thanks to him who sits on the throne and who lives forever and ever,
10the twenty-four elders fall down before him who sits on the
throne, and worship him who lives forever and ever. They lay their
crowns before the throne and say: 11"You are worthy, our Lord and
God, to receive glory and honour and power, for you created all
things, and by your will they were created and have their being."
This revelation is submitted to the people of God. Maybe some will
be willing to hear it, to receive it, and to walk in it. I know that the
majority will not. But I have heard the voice of the Lord who has said:
Eze 2:5 And whether they listen or fail to listen-for they are a
rebellious house-they will know that a prophet has been among
them. 6 And you, son of man, do not be afraid of them or their
words. Do not be afraid, though briers and thorns are all around you
and you live among scorpions. Do not be afraid of what they say or
terrified by them, though they are a rebellious house. 7 You must
speak my words to them, whether they listen or fail to listen, for
they are rebellious. 8 But you, son of man, listen to what I say to you.
Do not rebel like that rebellious house; open your mouth and eat
what I give you."

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Chapter 17 - Bearers of His Glory

When God gives a revelation to one of his servants, it's not for him to
write books, make a profit or gain fame with it, but it's for him to
walk in it. It looks like God is in a hurry to pour out His glory over His
people, over His remnant, because the revelation He is bringing is
constantly more plentiful and continuous, more and more clear,
deeper and deeper, and with a greater weight of Glory. He is
satisfying the hunger and thirst of his people; He's giving answers to
all who inquire in His presence about His glory. They are not many,
but they are chosen.
In each nation, God is preparing His chosen ones and forming their
character into the image of Christ. During the past centuries, church
leaders have being operating according to their gifts and under a
charismatic anointing, but with grave deficiencies in their character.
This has brought, as a consequence, many ministries that achieve
fame, hold revivals, and attract crowds on the base of charisma,
teaching of The Word, miracles, and healings, etc. but because of a
lack of character formed by The Lord, they fall under the
accusations of the devil, because of the doors to sin that they have
opened in their lives.
In this time of transition, as we are approaching the day of The Lord,
God is subjecting His remnant to a hard test. There isn't a child of
God who is not being tested tremendously, because He is teaching us
to depend completely and absolutely on Him, and to submit to the
authority of one another. God wants to deposit His power and
authority in us, and if we don't know how to submit to glory, power,
and authority from on High.

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This book is directed to those who know in their spirit that their
destiny is to be Bearers of His Glory. I put this work in the hands of
The Lord and of my beloved Holy Spirit, that He may cause it to get
to those who should receive it. I know that many of you, as I did at
one point, are asking The Lord, "Can it be true that I'm a son of God?
Will Your glory really be manifested to the world through me? Will
You really make kings come before me because of Your glory? How
can this be? What do I need to do?" And so many other questions
that come from the Spirit and that The Spirit is willing to answer.
Let's see some general answers that can shed some light on these
1. How can I be transformed from my current situation to having the image
of God?

Answer: The transformation from glory to glory is through the Spirit

of the Lord.
2 Co. 3:17 Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord
is, there is freedom. 18And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect
the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with everincreasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit. In
order to be transformed from glory to glory, it is necessary to be led
be the Holy Spirit. That's why it is necessary to have the revelation
of JESUS not only as savoir, but as LORD. The majority of Christians
are spiritual children who are only interested in their salvation and
they receive Christ as their saviour only, but they continue to live
their life the way they want to. They haven't received Christ as their
LORD, or as their master. Receiving Christ as saviour is necessary,
but it is not sufficient. Salvation is the beginning of a new life style;
it's the first step in the Way, which is Jesus. But to be transformed

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from glory to glory, it is necessary to have the revelation of Christ as

LORD, who reigns in your life.
It requires a total submission and complete obedience to Christ's
commandments. It requires renouncing your own thoughts, in order
to have the thoughts and the mind of Christ. It requires a high and
certain degree of commitment to and revelation of Christ. Jesus is
the Lord, and the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord
is, there is freedom. This word complements this other: John 8:36 so
if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. To be led by the
Spirit, it is necessary to submit completely to God, because the Spirit
doesn't dwell in the sons of disobedience. Then when the Spirit of
God dwell in us, He will guide us into all truth and all justice and then
we can be led and transformed by Him.
Rom 8:14 because those who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of
God. When there's no revelation of Christ as Lord, there cannot be
freedom and Christian people will be bonded to old doctrines,
traditions, fears, spirits of religion, etc. and there cannot be
transformation because of the bonds that exist in their life.
When a Christian receives Christ as his or her Lord and submits to
Him, the Holy Spirit starts to bring guidance and revelation to his or
her life and transform him or her from a Christian person (being a
member of a religion called Christianity), to being a member of a
family, and to having a relationship with his or her Heavenly Father.
The son of God is led by the Spirit, not like a Christian who is always
attempting to lead the Spirit, asking for backup, protection, and
revelation in all their actions, wanting to tell the Spirit what to do,
and pretending that the Spirit submits to their orders instead
submitting themselves to the Spirit of God. When God brings the
revelation of His Glory, we will see with unveiled faces, clearly, as in

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a mirror, all the details of the image of God, and we will be

transformed by the Spirit of God, into the images we see, each one in
His timing, as we are acquiring in our spirit the image of what we see.
We are really privileged that the Lord, in His great mercy, would give
us the revelation of His glory so that we can be transformed into His
very image. In order to be transformed, we must determine what
step we are in currently: What is the image that we reflect in front of
other people? The rest of our brothers are the mirror in which we
are going to be reflected in reality and they will determine, according
to our testimony and the fruits of the Spirit that are manifested in us,
the step we are in, on our way to being transformed in the very
image and likeness of God. It's time to quit using masks to fool
ourselves and pretend to be those who we really are not. Some use
the mask of a Pharisee, thinking they are holier than others and
giving themselves the right to judge and to point out others' failures,
without seeing the plank in their own eye; others use the mask of a
victim to cover their apathy and lack of commitment to God, and
they're always complaining about others' failures and injustices;
others use a mask of false religion, which covers a strong and impure
spirit of jezebel; I can mention many other masks that must be taken
off and thrown in the trash in order to recognize and realize our true
spiritual situation.
If we are still in the step of the lion, full of anger, pride, and
arrogance, let's not try to fool others wanting to show them the face
of an eagle, wanting to soar, because we will be nothing more than
an impure, despicable vulture, hungry to devour corrupted meat.
We need to accept the reality of the step we are in and take the
commitment to finish it satisfactorily, and to ask the Holy Spirit to
guide us until we reach the next image of His glory; He'll be happy to

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do His work, if we are submitted to Him. The first question has been
2. Who will bring the transformation from baby church to Kingdom church?

As I said in my other book, on December 8, 2005 the Lord gave me a

word of revelation which said that 90% of Christians in the world are
spiritual babies; 5% are mature but are investing their time taking
care of the babies; only 3% of Christian churches in the world would
be willing to establish the government of the five ministries
established by Jesus, to renounce their own forms of government;
and only 2% will become Kingdom churches.
After all these years, and now that the Lord has taken me to five
continents to get to know the situation of the church in the world,
and after I've shared this revelation with many ministers; we have
agreed that this is the sad reality of the church today.
This is why, looking at the situation, we would think that the
probability for the current church to become the Kingdom church is
very far away, according to the spiritual level of the ecclesiastic
leadership, the difficulty of receiving teaching from one another, and
the difficulty to submit to one another. But we know that what is
impossible with men is possible with God, and He has His strategies,
which will not fail: His purposes will be fulfilled. That's why it is very
valid to ask ourselves: Who will bring this transformation from a
baby church to the glorious church of the Kingdom of God? Like my
beloved Apostle John M. Boney says: "God doesn't have a plan B in
His eternal purposes; God has never had to call an emergency
meeting to ask what to do to accomplish them."
The answer is: He will cause the current church to be transformed
into the glorious Kingdom church that is THE BRANCH.

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Perhaps the majority of you will ask: And who is this branch? And the
answer will be obtained in the next pages.
Psalm 80:14 Return to us, O God Almighty! Look down from heaven
and see! Watch over this vine, 15 the root your right hand has
planted, the son (or branch) you have raised up for yourself. This is
the cry of the Body of Christ here in Earth, passionately desiring a
reunion with its Head; it is the cry of creation itself, for the
manifestation of the children of God. It is the hope of the people of
God to see God's will fulfilled, to establish His Kingdom here on Earth
and for His will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. The psalmist
cries out prophetically for this generation, the Branch, the Offspring,
which will do the will of God on the earth.
The branch, or bud, or shoot is the offspring of a plant. Part of the
same plant surges to life after its roots have dried up. After the
earth has been turned over and watered, it comes back to life, and it
springs up again. Jesus said about himself: John 15:5 "I am the vine;
you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will
bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.
Jesus is Abraham's offspring; David's offspring. That plant is the tree
that has emerged from the seed, which, in order to produce, has to
die; John 12: 24 I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat falls to
the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it
produces many seeds. Jesus is the true vine. John 15: 1"I am the true
vine and my Father is the gardener. Jesus is the tree, or plant, that
died, like the grain of wheat, but this brought as a consequence
much more fruit. We are the vineyard of the Lord; Isaiah 5:7 the
vineyard of the LORD Almighty is the house of Israel and the men of
Judah are the garden of his delight We are the people of God, the
spiritual Israel; we have been, just like Israel, a rebellious and stiff-

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necked people, but, we are still the Lord's vineyard. Although this
vineyard has been mistreated by those whom God chose to take care
of it: Jer 12: 10 Many shepherds will ruin my vineyard and trample
down my field; they will turn my pleasant field into a desolate
wasteland. In this wonderful prophetic time, God has allowed the
Branch, the Offspring to rise; we are the generation of the branch;
we that have been born again; we are the new creatures, the new
men, who have been renewed. We are brothers of Christ; He is the
firstborn among many brothers; we are THE BRANCH.
Isaiah 4:1-4: In that day seven women will take hold of one man and
say, "We will eat our own food and provide our own clothes; only let
us be called by your name. Take away our disgrace!" 2 In that day
the Branch of the LORD will be beautiful and glorious, and the fruit of
the land will be the pride and glory of the survivors in Israel. 3 Those
who are left in Zion, who remain in Jerusalem, will be called holy, all
who are recorded among the living in Jerusalem. 4 The Lord will
wash away the filth of the women of Zion; he will cleanse the
bloodstains from Jerusalem by a spirit of judgment and a spirit of
fire. This scripture is very illustrative about when, who, and how the
branch will manifest:
The Apostle Boney teaches that the seven women of verse 1 are the
churches that will look for covering from ministers with revelation,
only to continue entertaining their members and to be up to date in
their teaching; and these ministers will come asking only for their
name or covering, but they are going to want to keep living
independently, governing themselves and doing what they want.
This is the time when a lot of churches are covering themselves with
the last name: apostolic-prophetic, but they are still offering the
same corrupt manna, the same rotten oil, and the same old wine as
always. But in this time, the BRANCH will arise in beauty and glory.

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Once God brings judgment over his House, starting with the leaders
and elders, and when He holds His trial because of the abominations
and sins that are committed in His house, the glory of the Lord will
manifest trough the branch, the offspring, his chosen ones.
Another scripture that defines the branch is: Isaiah 53:2 He grew up
before him like a tender shoot, and like a root out of dry ground. He
had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his
appearance that we should desire him. 3 He was despised and
rejected by men, a man of sorrows, and familiar with suffering. Like
one from whom men hide their faces he was despised, and we
esteemed him not. This scripture, which has traditionally been taken
as what it is: a prophetic description of the ordeal of Jesus; can
also be applied perfectly to the branch, which is the people of God in
this generation: the Christ.
This generation of the Christ, the offspring, the branch, has been
raised up before God, when a radical people was least expected, in
the middle of so much evil and confusion in the world. The
manifestation of the perfect Man in this perverse and adulterous
generation is something that nobody expected. It will spring up,
like a plant growing in a wall, where no one expects it. This
generation of the branch, made up of strange men and women, with
their thoughts beyond the earth, with their hope put in the glory of
God, who sound incoherent when they speak, and whose revelation
of the glory of God takes them beyond the sun, don't have a great
appearance or apparent beauty. There are not many who want to
imitate them. They are marked with the mark of those who wants to
live piously through years and years of persecution. Despised and
rejected by men, a man of sorrows, and familiar with suffering,
humiliations, and tests. This is the dramatic description of the
generation of Christ; the Branch persecuted by the Pharisaic spirit

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and the satanic spirit of Jezebel. But each test and fight has been to
bring him, "a far more exceeding and greater weight of glory"
This generation of the branch, these branches, these chosen ones of
God, have been through the great tribulation of life and we haven't
received the mark of the beast, this worldly system, but the mark on
the forehead, of the man clothed in linen who had a writing kit,
because we have cried out against the abominations in the house of
Jer. 23: 5 "The days are coming," declares the LORD, "when I will
raise up to David a righteous Branch, a King who will reign wisely and
do what is just and right in the land. These are the days in which
God is raising David's descendants, the righteous branch that will
reign as King. God promised David that his offspring would reign
over the throne forever. 2 Sam 22: 51 He gives his king great
victories; he shows unfailing kindness to his anointed, to David and
his descendants forever. Jesus is David's blood descendant; the
anointed one of God. Jesus is our older brother; we are the
generation of the Christ, the anointed ones of God who will reign
with him, because the kingdoms will be delivered to the Lord and to
His Christ; that means, the branch in other words, us. We will be
blessed and there will be judgment and justice on earth. It's clear
then, that the branch is not an individual but a reborn generation.
Zac. 6: 12 Tell him this is what the LORD Almighty says: 'Here is the
man whose name is the Branch, and he will branch out from his
place and build the temple of the LORD. 13 It is he who will build the
temple of the LORD, and he will be clothed with majesty and will sit
and rule on his throne. And he will be a priest on his throne. And
there will be harmony between the two. This Scripture is even more
explicit, and wonderfully describes what I've been contemplating

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about the branch. This man, whose name is the branch, is the
PERFECT MAN. This generation of branches that has sprung up from
His roots; this branch, is the five-fold ministry that is receiving the
anointing of Melchizedek: royal and priestly, that is not from the
levitical order but comes from the Father himself. This branch is the
ministers that are preparing God's people for works of service, so
that the body of Christ may be built up. That is to say, it is the house
of God, the church of Christ, which will be full of the glory of God and
will receive authority to govern, with justice: with the authority of
kings and priests. Rev 5: 10You have made them to be a kingdom and
priests to serve our God, and they will reign on the earth.
To summarize, the branch is the generation of the Christ; the 42
generation; the Perfect Man who reaches the stature of Jesus Christ
and who is like him; the New man who will rein with Him.
HALLELUJA!!!! Second question answered.
3. Who will be the bearers of His glory?

Because of our carnal nature, and the spirit of rejection that we are
born with, and from which very few have been delivered, it is very
hard to accept God's plans for our lives. When we read and receive
the message of God's wonderful plans for our lives, we rejoice and
would like to believe, but we immediately begin to think: "Well yes,
but, I don't think that I will be able to" or "Well yes, but, I don't
think I'm worthy." Stop now! It's time to renew our minds and
declare and receive in our spirit what we really are CHILDREN OF
GOD AND CO-HEIRS WITH CHRIST. The same glory that Jesus has
received is the one that correspond to us, if we really walk with Him.
God's glory won't be given to anyone other than His sons and
daughters. Let's say glory means: total, complete, all, weight. And
this means that everything God has is His glory. He is our Father,

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and just like fathers store up for their children and prepare their
entire inheritance, meaning, all their glory, for their children, so the
glory of God, is the inheritance for his children, which we are. It's
possible for a Pharisaic spirit of legalism and religion to operate in
one of His children, and for them to say, "but I'm not worthy to
receive the glory, only God deserves it." and they would not be so
mistaken in their words, but we need to know that God will deposit
His glory in those who are willing to surrender it before Him and to
give all the glory to Him.
But we need to clarify who will be bearers of His glory:
1) Those who have passed through the different steps, or stages, of
God's glory and have been flexible enough to allow the Holy Spirit to
transform them from glory to glory. Those who have received the
revelation of God's glory, and who are hungry for it and who are
willing to surrender their entire being, to be transformed into the
image of His own glory.
2) Those that have been predestined by the Father and have been
marked on their foreheads, because of their cries due to the
abominations that are committed in the house of God; those that are
thirsty for holiness and purification; those who have kept themselves
pure from the contamination of women, or church doctrines, and
who have received the gospel of the Kingdom and have been willing
to walk with him. Those who having believed, they were marked in
him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit (Ef. 1:13).
Rev 7: 13 Then one of the elders asked me, "These in white robeswho are they, and where did they come from?" 14 I answered, "Sir,
you know." And he said, "These are they who have come out of the
great tribulation; they have washed their robes and made them
white in the blood of the Lamb. 15Therefore, "they are before the

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throne of God and serve him day and night in his temple; and he who
sits on the throne will spread his tent over them. They are those who
have been tested through great tribulations, they have passed
through every kind of trial establish by God, and they have decided
to give their lives to be like Christ. God has transformed them and
chosen them as priests, servants, and ministers for him, and God
himself will make them dwell in His tabernacle forever. That's way
God has spoken trough His word telling us: My sons, do not be
negligent now, for the LORD has chosen you to stand before him and
serve him, to minister before him and to burn incense (2 Chr. 29: 11)
This word has been Rhema for more than 4 years for us in our
ministry and it has a powerful weight in our spirit, and it fits perfectly
with God's purpose for our lives. Hallelujah!
The bearers of God's glory will be those who have graduated from
being an ox; those who have humbled themselves as an ox does, and
have been raised up higher than eagles, and even beyond Cherubim
until they have reached the image and likeness of the son of God.
I believe and feel in my spirit that we are a generation that has been
formed and predestined by God himself, for His glory to be
manifested as it says in Isaiah 43: 5 Do not be afraid, for I am with
you; I will bring your children from the east and gather you from the
west. 6 I will say to the north, 'Give them up!' and to the south, 'Do
not hold them back.' Bring my sons from afar and my daughters from
the ends of the earth 7 everyone who is called by my name, whom I
created for my glory, whom I formed and made.
This glorious generation is being raised up and formed right now, in
this time, with a supernatural hunger and thirst for holiness and to
see the Glory of God manifested with our own eyes. I firmly believed
that this is happening in the entire world and just as it's happening in

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me, it's happening in thousands more in every nation. And I believed

that suddenly, from one day to the next, in the moment when we
least expect it, the Glory of God will manifest in the whole earth, and
a nation will be born, the nation of the CHILDREN OF GOD. It will
come to light and to life and we will be the brilliance of the God's
Glory in this world of darkness, and then the world, in one day, will
be witness to the birth of a nation, for the Glory of His Name.
4. What will happen when the glory of God is being manifested?

Wow It will be simply glorious!

God has allowed me to see only a small portion of what it will
happen when His glory manifests, but it has been enough to make
me look forward day after day to the manifestation of His glory. I
have described in one of the previous pages what will happen
around us on the day the God's glory manifests, but let's see what
His word says in chapter 60 of Isaiah. What will happen with the
children of God when His glory is manifested in us? For a greater
understanding, I will paraphrase that chapter of Isaiah, and I know
that each one of us will rejoice, be happy, and long each day simply
for the glory of God to come NOW.
Isaiah 60:1 Arise, and show the brightness of the God's glory that has
been put in you since your birth. Show the world that is in darkness
that the glory of God is upon you. Prepare yourself because the
nations will know that the glory of God is upon you, and they will
come to look you because of it, and the first ones that will come will
be the kings of the nations because they will want to be blessed by
the glory of God that is upon you. Multitudes will follow you, and
your sons and daughters will be treated excellently.
You will lift up your eyes and you will be amazed by what happens
around you, and your heart will rejoice, when you see the thousands
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and thousands and thousands that will fill the stadiums only to see
the glory that is over you, as it is demonstrated in miracles, wonders,
and signs. And you will give the glory to God and you will attract
multitudes to worship His Name. Then riches will come to you in
abundance; they will give you presents and they will even beg for
you to accept the latest model luxury cars from all over; even planes
will be brought to you. Jewellery, gold, perfumes, and the most
expensive and rare things will be brought to you and all of them will
praise the name of Jehovah.
They will inform you that the best cattle and goats, have been
prepared as a gift for you and your family and you will present them
as an offering acceptable to God and you will enjoy them. Different
companies will come from different parts of the world to offer to
work for you, to build all kinds of hotels, condos, and meeting places
for multitudes, and even the kings of those nations will want to stay
near you and to walk with you. Multitudes will come in planes on
special flights from all over the world, and they will wait for you from
coast to coast, for you to minister the glory that has rested upon you.
Cities will be built around you, and the doors of your house will be
open continually receiving delegations from all over the world who
will show up at all hours of the night and day. You will receive in
your house the kings of the nations who will be drawn to you
because of the glory; and the kings who refuse to come will be
removed from their power. The finest wood from every part of the
world, along with the best carpenters and crafters will be sent to
build a magnificent house for the Lord, and there the glory of the
Lord will be manifested powerfully. The children of the people who
had murmured about you, made you suffer or persecuted you and
despised you, will come to humble themselves before you.
Moreover, some will kneel on the floor and when you pass by, and

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you'll notice that they are the very ones who made fun of you before
when you talked about the coming glory, and surely they will say,
"You are the House of God, the city of God, because here the Holy
One of Israel is present.
Your city that nobody cared for, the one that many people spoke
badly of will be known and loved in the whole world. There will be
nothing out of the riches of the world that will be held back from
you. All kinds of riches and jewels will come to you.
violence, drug trafficking, poverty, destruction, nor desolation will
ever be heard of again in your city or in your state. The walls of your
city will be built with salvation and its doors with praise. You won't
have the need for electricity, or be worried about the bills to the
electricity company, because supernaturally, the glory of God will
provide all things, and the brilliance of His glory emanating from you
will illuminate all you surroundings. Your days of sorrow, drought,
embarrassment and crying will be finished. The people who live
together with you will all be righteous, and they will eternally inherit
the earth, they will also be members of the Branch, the generation
that God chose from eternity, to give them His glory. Even the
youngest among us will be followed by, and the least of us, will be
founder of great cities. It will be like this soon, because the mouth of
the Lord has spoken it and the fulfillment of all things is near,
because now is the glorious time; because suddenly, every vision and
every promise that has come from the mouth of God will be
accomplished. This is what will happen soon, before our very eyes.

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Chapter 18 - Other Considerations About God's Glory

God's purpose, to establish His Kingdom on earth, to dwell among
His people, and to make man the crown of His creation, will be
accomplished. There is absolutely nothing that can change the
purpose of God; as He has spoken, so it will be. Therefore the
coming of God's glory is something inevitable.
I feel and declare that the manifestation of God's Glory will happen
very soon, even more so as we quickly approach the Day of the Lord.
Let's see what the day of Lord is:
Isaiah 2:12 tell us about a judgment day, a terrible day in which the
power of God will manifest to crush the proud, the lofty, and the
wicked and to punish the perverse and incredulous generation. It's a
day of punishment for the nations. It will come as destruction from
the Almighty; it's a day of revenge for all the evil that the nations
have committed against the people of God; it will be a frightening
day of sorrows; it will be day of darkness and not of light, it will be as
though a man fled from a lion only to meet a bear, as though he
entered his house and rested his hand on the wall only to have a
snake bite him; it will be day of darkness. Amos 5:18-20
This terrible day of the Lord will bring judgment over the nations and
over the children of disobedience. It will be a day without light or
darkness, it will be a day like no other, and like never before, but in
the evening there will be light; and that day, the feet of the Lord will
stand on the Mount of Olives, and that mountain will be split in two.
And the Lord will come with all His Saints and from that Day on, the
Lord will be King over the whole earth. On that day there will be ONE
Lord, and His Name the ONLY name. Zec. 14:9

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One of the signs that the day of the Lord is near, is that God has sent
the prophet Elijah, which is actually a company of prophets, a
generation of prophets, who have announced the coming of the
apostle, just like John the Baptist announced the coming of the One
sent from God, the apostle, or the Messiah, Jesus. Similarly, these
days, the generation of the past 30 years has been announcing the
coming of the apostolic anointing of Melchizedek, but, just like John
the Baptist, the majority of those prophets, or that generation of
Elijah, have continued with their own ministries, obstructing the
emergence and development of the generation of the Christ; that's
why the Lord has said: "If they don't repent and wane, they will end
up like John, decapitated by a conniving woman with the spirit of
Notorious judgment will come over these ministries that have
wanted to continue leasing their names and building up their
kingdoms, and usurping an anointing that has already been
removed from them. I believe that this Word has already been
fulfilled; the anointing of fatherhood has been established, although
it has been misunderstood and misused by both sides in the majority
of cases, but nevertheless the Word has been fulfilled.
The day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night, suddenly; but
this terrible day will only be for those who are asleep, those who
are in darkness, because we are sons of the light and sons of the
day. 1 Thes. 5:1-5. 2 Peter 3: 7By the same word the present heavens
and earth are reserved for fire, being kept for the Day of Judgment
and destruction of ungodly men; verse 13 But in keeping with his
promise we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth,
the home of righteousness. 14 So then, dear friends, since you are
looking forward to this, make every effort to be found spotless,
blameless and at peace with him.

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If we consider that we are quickly approaching the conclusion of a

cycle of 6000 years, since the formation of Adam until today, we are
close to concluding the sixth day, which has been the day of the
formation of man, when man has exalted himself through science
and technology and has puffed himself up, believing he can do the
work of God by his own strength. But on the seventh day, the day of
rest of the Lord, there will be no more night. It's the day in which the
purpose of God will be fulfilled. Currently we are in the time in which
the Rock not cut by hand will fall from the heaven and destroy the
idols of men and they will become a great mount, which will be the
head of all mounts, and will fill the earth. This is the Kingdom of
God that will be established suddenly and will remain forever.
When will God's glory come?

Although nobody can know the date and time in which the glory of
God will come, surely it will come before the Day of the Lord. The
conditions in the world now are propitious for God's glory to be
manifested. What we know according to the Word of the Lord in Joel
2:11 is that before the terrible Day of the Lord, the Lord will restore
his people. The LORD thunders at the head of his army; his forces are
beyond number, and mighty are those who obey his command. The
day of the LORD is great; it is dreadful. Who can endure it? 12 "Even
now," declares the LORD, "return to me with all your heart, with
fasting and weeping and mourning." 13 Rend your heart and not
your garments. Return to the LORD your God, for he is gracious and
compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love, and he relents
from sending calamity. 14 Who knows? He may turn and have pity
and leave behind a blessing - grain offerings and drink offerings for
the LORD your God.

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Our merciful God warns us that before the very terrible Day of the
Lord comes, He will call us to repent, to convert with all our hearts.
18 Then the LORD will be jealous for his land and take pity on his
people. 19 The LORD will reply to them: I am sending you grain, new
wine and oil, enough to satisfy you fully; never again will I make you
an object of scorn to the nations. 21 Be not afraid, O land; be glad
and rejoice. Surely the LORD has done great things.22 Be not afraid,
O wild animals, for the open pastures are becoming green. The trees
are bearing their fruit; the fig tree and the vine yield their riches. 23
Be glad, O people of Zion, rejoice in the LORD your God, for he has
given you the autumn rains in righteousness. He sends you
abundant showers, both autumn and spring rains, as before. 24 The
threshing floors will be filled with grain; the vats will overflow with
new wine and oil. 25 "I will repay you for the years the locusts have
eaten the great locust and the young locust, the other locusts and
the locust swarm my great army that I sent among you.
The prophet Joel continues describing the time of restitution for
God's people, a time of abundance and prosperity, when his
people will never be in disgrace or be embarrassed. Then in verse
31, he specifies that all this will occur, before the coming of the great
and dreadful day of the LORD. I believe, yearn, and declare that the
glory of the Lord will manifest before the dreadful day of the Lord,
and that because of his mercy, his people will be exalted over those
who have disgraced them. As a consequence, the whole world will
witness the glory of God trough the children of God and many of
them will repent and the nations will come to the light of His glory;
although there will be ungodly ones will not convert even when they
see the glory of God and they will be destroyed. Rev 21: 24The
nations will walk by its light, and the kings of the earth will bring their
splendour into it. 25On no day will its gates ever be shut, for there

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will be no night there. 26The glory and honour of the nations will be
brought into it.

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Chapter 19 - The Cause for Which God's

Glory Could Be Transferred
What God has determined will be. There is nothing that can prevent
God's Glory from being restored to man. We will consider some
causes that seem like they would be a reason for God to remove His
Glory from his people, but which, in fact, did not cause him to do so.
And, we will analyse the only reason that could cause God to transfer
his glory from his chosen ones to others. Currently there are so many
instances of sin occurring among God's people that anyone observing
would think this is the least likely moment for God's Glory to fall on
his people. But let's look at what has happened before, which is
happening now, and which doesn't stop God's glory from coming.

One of the characteristics of God's people is that they are rebellious

and stiff-necked. That is to say, they are full of pride, disobedience,
and arrogance. That's how it was in the people of Israel before,
and today, among Christian people, those who are called God's
people, it is exactly the same. That's why the Lord says in 2 Chron.
7:14, if my people, who are called by my name, will humble
themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked
ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will
heal their land.
The land is sick. There is spiritual and economic drought among
God's people, but the reason the earth has stayed this way is not
because of the wicked, but because of God's people, those who call
on God's name. Condemnation has already been determined for the
wicked from before the foundation of the world, but we have been
predestined, and our names have been written since the foundation

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of the world. Let's look at Rev. 17:8 The beast, which you saw, once
was, now is not, and will come up out of the Abyss and go to his
destruction. The inhabitants of the earth whose names have not
been written in the book of life from the creation of the world will be
astonished when they see the beast, because he once was, now is
not, and yet will come.
But by his mercy, we are those spoken of in Rom. 8:29 For those
God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness
of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers.
30And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also
justified; those he justified, he also glorified.
However, the only ones who can see the world liberated from the
vanity it has been subjected to on account of sin are the people of
God, because by our attitude, and repentance, we can cause God to
bring healing to the earth. If the Lord says, "If my people humble
themselves," it's because God's people have not humbled
themselves; they are prideful and arrogant. If He says, "if my people
will pray," it's because they are not praying. "If they will turn from
their wicked ways," it is because they haven't turned from their
wicked ways; they continue to walk in wicked ways. But God has
established that if we do these things, He will hear from heaven and
forgive our sins and heal our land. Someone might say it is
impossible for all of God's people to convert and humble themselves
and pray, but, praise God, He has always had a remnant
reserved, willing to carry out his conditions so that God's plan can be
fulfilled. This small remnant, which at times has dwindled to a single
righteous person, has always been enough for God to preserve his
plans and maintain the earth. We have the example of Noah, of
Abraham, of Jesus, etc. The people of Israel, who were rebellious,
saw God's glory in the desert, but it was not enough to change the

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internal condition of their hearts, and they were not allowed to enter
into the Promised Land. Out of that generation only two (Joshua and
Caleb) entered. That is truly a remnant.

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Chapter 20 - Sin and Abomination in God's House

Chapter eight of Ezekiel describes the abominations that were
committed in the House of God; however, not even that stopped the
glory of God from manifesting in the temple, although those
sinners could not see it.
However, although these horrible
abominations did not cause God's glory to go away, they did bring
judgment over God's people, starting with His House, his priests, and
continuing until absolutely all of the wicked were destroyed. Only
those who had the mark and seal on their foreheads, those who had
cried out before God because of the sins of His house, were
preserved and protected. Likewise today, the same and even worse
abominations are committed among God's people, and, abusing
God's mercy, many Christians believe that God doesn't see them and
has abandoned the earth. They confuse God's mercy and think that
since they are not struck by a bolt of lightning in the moment of their
sin, God isn't aware of their wickedness. All of the abominations
were done in the House of God with the purpose of kicking God out
of his own house, but that was not possible. These grave sins that
are committed before God will serve to raise up a remnant to be
separated from evildoers, as wheat is separated from chaff, and to
test the upright of heart, and to bring God's judgment over his
people. All of this is necessary so that God's glory can manifest in
his holy, righteous people.

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Chapter 21 - Ichabod: God's Glory is Transferred

could be transferred, unavoidably, is if God's chosen priesthood fails
to correctly administer discipline in his house. Let's see why. 1 Sam.
2:25-36. God had chosen the tribe of Levi in Egypt to be God's
priests perpetually, but the laws for the offerings and for discipline in
the priestly family were very strict, since they were to be holy
priests, consecrated to Jehovah. However, the sons of Eli, also
priests, committed every type of sin among the people and in the
tabernacle itself, and Eli only reprimanded them lightly. He didn't
want to cause trouble with them because he loved them so much, so
he tolerated their sins and didn't correct them like he should have.
Eli had made his children his idols, honouring them more than God.
As a consequence, God's judgment came upon Eli and his family. A
curse of death came upon the men of Eli's family so strongly that
none of them died of old age; each one died in their prime. Both of
Eli's children, Hophni and Phinehas, died the same day, along with
their father. And a perpetual curse of poverty and scarcity was
brought over their descendents.
The most tremendous thing happened at the moment they brought
the news to Eli of the death of his sons and the news that the arc of
the covenant, where God's glory manifested itself, had been
captured by the philistines. At that very moment, Phinehas' wife
went into labour suddenly and was overcome by her labour pains.
As she died during the birth, she only had time to give a name to her
son: ICHABOD, meaning, "The glory has departed from Israel."
God has called men of God into his service, and we must know how
to govern His house well. If we cannot govern our own house, how
are we going to know how to govern the House of God? 1 Tim 3:4
He must manage his own family well and see that his children obey
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him with proper respect. 5(If anyone does not know how to manage
his own family, how can he take care of God's church?). God has
given a very great responsibility to His ministers to administer
discipline and authority in the church as well as in their own
household. And God will hold us accountable for any misuse of
The great majority of ministers in the church have failed to govern
their children. The majority have decided to cover-up the sins of
their children and they have lost their spiritual authority before God,
before the demons, and before the people of God, as well as their
own children. Our spiritual authority is going to be tested first in our
own house, and the man of God who longs and desires to be a
bearer of God's glory has to have his priorities and hierarchies very
clear: first, honour God, second honour his wife, third, honour his
children, and later everyone else. Even so, his authority will be
challenged by the children of his ministry, and he will need a
conviction which comes from the Holy Spirit to correct every act of
disobedience with discipline, love, and firmness, whatever it costs.
Critics will come, and attacks, and rumours, and every other attack of
the enemy, but the consecrated minister must know very well what
he seeks: God's glory, which is worth much more than our own lives.
If a minister honours his wife or his children or the members of his
congregation more than he honours God, he will never be able to be
a bearer of God's glory. This is the only reason God's glory can
depart from us, so let's not make the same mistake as Eli. Let us
correct our children, using the bar of correction. It doesn't matter
what we risk, God's glory is well worth it.
God has placed each man of God as the head of his household, as the
priest of his home to rightly direct his family before God. It's is not

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just the job of the church ministers to govern their house well; each
man who has come to Christ is called to be the priest of his family.
Let us prepare ourselves because the enemy is going to sneak into
our houses when one of our children enters into the sin of rebellion.
Then we will be tested and that is where God will ask us for our
Isaac. Are you prepared to hand him over?

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Chapter 22- The Latter Glory

The first House that Solomon built for God was recognized as one of
the greatest wonders of ancient times, for the magnificence and
richness it was built with; but, more than that, because the glory of
God was manifested there, as we can see in the book of First Kings;
subsequently, after the temple was destroyed, it was rebuilt on
various occasions, along with the city, however, it was never rebuilt
with the glory that Solomon first built it with. However, the Lord has
promised that:
Hag 2: 9 'The glory of this present house will be greater than the
glory of the former house,' says the LORD Almighty. 'And in this place
I will grant peace,' declares the LORD Almighty."
However, we have to understand that God is not interested in
building a basilica, or a magnificent temple to dwell in, because He
himself is the Temple of the Holy City, the New Jerusalem that will
descend from heaven, and will dwell on earth forever.
His presence, reining from His throne, and the Lamb of God
with him, among His people forever, will make that later glory,
surely greater than the first. Never again will this glory be taken
away; it will remain with us eternally, forever and ever. This new
House of God is the family of God, not a material building, but His
People. And His House, meaning His people, will be filled with the
Glory of God and, in that way it will be manifested in the whole
earth, through us, His children. Hallelujah.
Then, when the God's glory is manifested, the radiance of his glory
will be manifested trough the Christ, that is this glorious generation:
Heb 1: 2but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son,
whom he appointed heir of all things 3The Son is the radiance of

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God's glory and the exact representation of his being Christ, the
Church established by him, the generation of the Christ, the
corporate man, will make the glory of God shine and we'll be the
very image and substance of God, because we'll be ONE as the will of
the Father has been forever.
I don't want to be redundant and I feel in my spirit that the Word has
been spoken and the revelation has been communicated for our
ministry and for those whom the Lord will allow to receive it. I hope
and trust the Lord, that the passion that He has placed in my spirit,
he has also placed in my brothers all over the world, through His
Holy Spirit, and in those with whom we are united in the Spirit. I
submit this work to the people of God and I hope it will help to build
and edify God's House a little more, which one day not very far away,
will be fill with the Glory of God. I started writing this book the day
Sunday April 20 and I finished it on May 19, 2008. The honour and
glory are for the Lord.

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stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise,
without the prior written permission of the author.
Author: Santiago Lastra Morales
Internet and Amazon Publishing by:
Lampstand Communication Australia

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