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cuarto de media


(Audio: Top Notch 3, Track 2)

Listen to the conversations. Read the sentences. Then listen again and circle the word or
phrase that correctly completes each sentence.

(1) It is (impolite / taboo / customary) to use first names at this office.

(2) Ayako registered for the conference (before / after / when) it was announced.
(3) In Sophias culture its (bad table manners / taboo / impolite) to eat beef.
(4) The man would like to be called by his (first name / title and last name / title and first name).
(5) They are talking about (table manners / greetings / punctuality).
(6) First, Ms. Pilman (taught a class / became a doctor / went to her doctor).
(7) In Patricias culture, its (offensive / good etiquette / customary behavior) for a student to use a
teachers first name.

(Audio: Top Notch 3, Track 3)


Listen to the conversations. Look at the pictures. Then listen again and write the letter of
the picture that matches each conversation.

Example: b
(1) _____
(2) _____
(3) _____





Listen to the conversation. Read the sentences. Then listen again and check true or false.
true false
Example: The patient has an emergency.
(1) The dentist thinks the patient isnt in a lot of pain.
(2) Its impossible for the dentist to fix the tooth today.
(3) The dentist might give the patient some medication.

(Audio: Top Notch 3, Track 4)

Listen to the conversation. Look at the chart. Then listen again and complete the chart. Use
words from the box. You will not use all of the words.
auto repair


photo processing



Name of business

Kind of service

Adjective to describe service

Maid to Clean

Example: housecleaning








Sew Good




(Audio: Top Notch 3, Track 5)


Listen to the conversation. Read the questions. Then listen again and check yes or no.


Example: Did Alan get lost?

(1) Did Alan leave the office at 5:30?
(2) Did Alan answer the phone?
(3) Did they make a reservation at the restaurant?

Listen to the conversation. Look at the chart. Then listen again and check the reason why
Christina changed her mind about each activity.
Her tastes

study art
(4) study at a
(5) work at an
art gallery
(6) play in a
(7) work at a
Complete each statement.

It's hard
to make a

She didn't
pass the

Her parents
talked her
out of it.

She changed
her mind.

Complete the sentence with a word or phrase from the box. You will not use all of the words.
small talk

table manners



Example: Its appropriate to make small talk when you first meet a person.
5. If something is ____________________ in a culture, then it is not allowed.
6. The ____________________ traditions are what people usually do.
7. Its important to have good ____________________ when you eat with other people.
8. Different cultures have different rules about ____________________, or what is considered polite.

Complete the statement with a tag question.

Example: She was in Thailand last semester,

wasnt she ?

9. Youre going to New Zealand, ____________________?

10. Im not enrolled in the class yet, ____________________?
11. Dr. Holland prefers to be called Michael, ____________________?
12. They have contacted the director of the program, ____________________?
13. Your parents didnt grow up in Madrid, ____________________?
14. We can share the cost of the rental car, ____________________?
15. I have everything I need for the class, ____________________?
16. Mrs. Clark didn't change the time of the meeting, ____________________?

Read the sentence. Then write a number 1 next to the event that happened first, and a number
2 next to the event that happened second.
Example: Id already made plans with Patrick when you told me about the party.
1 I made plans with Patrick.

2 You told me about the party.

17. By the time she left Spain, shed learned Spanish pretty well.

_____ She left Spain.

_____ She learned Spanish pretty well.

18. He had already heard the news when his boss told him about the promotion.

_____ He heard the news.

_____ His boss told him about the promotion.

19. When we arrived at the office, the meeting had started.

_____ We arrived at the office.

_____ The meeting started.

20. It had rained for two hours before they decided to cancel the picnic.

_____ It rained for two hours.

_____ They decided to cancel the picnic.

21. When the movie came out, many people had already read the reviews.

_____ The movie came out.

_____ Many people read the reviews.

22. The team had finished the project by the time Marcy finished her part.

_____ The team finished the project.

_____ Marcy finished her part.

Look at some of Lauras life events. Complete the statement, using the past perfect and
already or not yet. Use contractions when possible.

Example: By 2001, Laura had already gotten married, but she

hadnt yet found

a new job.

23. Laura ____________________ a house when she bought a new car.

24. By the time she went to Japan on vacation, Laura ____________________ Japanese language

25. By 2004, Laura ____________________ business school.
26. Laura ____________________ a new job when she moved to Chicago.
27. By the time she moved to Chicago, Laura ____________________ married.
28. By 1997, Laura had already gotten her first job, but she ____________________ to London with

Look at the picture. Choose the medication from the box that is best for the symptom. You will
not use all of the words.


cough medicine




Complete the conversation with may, might, or must. Sometimes its possible to have more
than one answer.
A: Hi. I wonder if I might be able to see the dentist?

B: Ill have to check. He


have time after lunch.

32. A: Annas not at work today.

B: She ____________________ be really sick because she never misses work.

33. A: Can I get an appointment with the doctor today?

B: I dont know. She ____________________ be too busy.

34. A: The children were so sick yesterday. Do they feel better today?

B: They ____________________ feel better because theyre outside playing.

35. A: I feel terrible. Do you think I should go to the doctor?

B: Maybe. You ____________________ have something serious.

36. A: Will the doctor give me a prescription for my allergies?

B: He ____________________ give you some medicine. It depends on what you're allergic to.
37. A: Is Brian here yet?

B: His car is here, so he ____________________ be here already.

38. A: Do you think we'll be at the doctor's office for a long time?

B: Maybe. She ____________________ have to take an X ray, and that takes a while.
Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verb in parentheses.
Example: Id like to have this picture


(enlarge), please.

39. My mom made me ____________________ (go) to the store with her, even though I didnt want to.
40. You can have the caterer ____________________ (plan) the menu, or you can choose your own

41. If you get that picture ____________________ (frame), itll look a lot better.
42. Who can get the job ____________________ (finish) on time?
43. The shoe repair place lost Bills shoes, so he made them ____________________ (pay) for a new

44. You can't make people ____________________ (do) something they don't want to do.
45. We need to get eight copies ____________________ (make) for the meeting.
46. Where do you have your film ____________________ (process)?

Write the words and phrases in the correct order.

his assistant / copy / have / a few extra pages / Hell
Hell have his assistant copy a few extra pages.

47. get / the status of the project / someone / Can / to check / you

48. delivered / You can / the package / overnight / have

49. before the party / the apartment / cleaned / having / Theyre

50. to call / the restaurant / Shell / someone / for a reservation / get

51. a sign / will have / The store manager / printed / to announce the sale

52. I / need / cut / before this weekend / my hair / to get

53. a song / will have / at the wedding / She / sing / her sister

54. I / in the morning / the courier service / pick up / the package / can have

Complete the conversation. Use was / were going to.
Sally: Beth Goodman? Hi! Long time no see.
Beth: Wow, Sally Sanders! What are you doing these days?
Sally: Well, actually, now Im Sally Finch. I got married last year.
Beth: But I thought you were going to marry Tommy Harrigan!
55. Sally: I ____________________ marry him, but I changed my mind and I didnt. What about you? I

remember you ____________________ move to another city.

Beth: Well, my sister and I ____________________ go to Toronto after high school.
Sally: Now I remember! Your sister was a great dancer, and she ____________________ study
Beth: Yes, she was, but my parents talked her out of it.
Complete the sentence. Use was / were going to and the words in parentheses. Use a capital
letter when necessary.

Example: Tom and I were going to go

because the weather was bad.

(Tom and I / go) camping last weekend, but we didnt go

56. ____________________ (I / go) to Brazil last summer, but then I decided not to.
57. What ____________________ (you / study) when you graduated from high school?
58. Even when they were young, Jamie and Tom said ____________________ (they / have) six

59. ____________________ (your mother / go) back to work after she had children?
Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

Choose the answer that correctly completes the sentence.

a If you have a cold, you might feel ____.
a. weak
c. like your gums are swollen
b. a pain in your hip
____ 60. You should go to the doctor for ____ to make sure you are healthy.
a. a prescription
c. a decongestant
b. a checkup
____ 61. If you want a prescription for medication, you should go to ____.
a. a conventional doctor
c. a spiritual healer
b. an acupuncturist
____ 62. I need to see a dentist because ____.
a. my bridge came out
b. I have a high fever

c. Im dizzy

____ 63. ____ may protect you from illness and disease.
a. A dosage
c. An EKG
b. A vaccination
____ 64. ____ uses the mind or religious faith to treat illness.
a. Herbal therapy
c. Spiritual healing
b. Chiropractic
____ 65. ____ might help you if you often feel weak and tired.
a. Antibiotics
c. Painkillers
b. Vitamins

Complete the sentence. Choose the correct answer.

c If Diane isnt at the meeting, then she ____ an accident. Its the only reason she wouldnt be
a. couldnt have had

b. may have had

c. must have had
____ 66. I used to daydream a lot when I was younger, and now I regret it. I ____ so much time daydreaming.
a. must have spent
c. could have spent
b. shouldnt have spent
____ 67. We dont know what time Mike left. He ____ at 8:30, or its possible that he left at 9:00.
a. may have left
c. would have left
b. must have left
____ 68. Brian had two choices after college. He ____ a job with IMB, but he decided to work for Orden

____ 69.

____ 70.

____ 71.

____ 72.

____ 73.

____ 74.

a. could have taken
c. must have taken
b. shouldnt have taken
Kim had to stop by the office this morning. She ____ something yesterday.
a. must have forgotten
c. should have forgotten
b. would have forgotten
Felicia stopped painting at an early age. She ____ a huge success, but now well never know.
a. couldnt have been
c. might have been
b. should have been
She really wanted that job. She ____ disappointed when she didnt get it.
a. could have been
c. must have been
b. would have been
My parents have a lot of artistic ability. I ____ an artist, but I didn't really try.
a. must have become
c. couldn't have become
b. might have become
You ____ the highway to get here. That way is a lot faster.
a. would have taken
c. may have taken
b. should have taken
I ____ Shawn. I really regret my decision now.
a. should have married
c. may have married
b. must have married

Short Answer

Make small talk about the topic. Write at least one sentence or question.
Example: occupations: What kind of work do you do?
75. preferred way to be addressed

76. you think youve met a person before

77. the weather

Read the sentence. Then check the sentence that is closest in meaning to the original sentence.
My back really hurts.
I have a lot of back pain.
My back might be bothering me.
78. Kelly is very nauseous.

She feels like shes going to vomit.

She feels like she cant breathe.
79. Thanks for fitting me in.

Thanks for giving me an appointment.

Thanks for making me feel better.
80. Im sick and its an emergency.

Ill take something later if I dont feel better.

I need help immediately.
81. Nausea is a side effect of the medication.

The medication is for nausea.

The medication can make you feel nauseous.
82. I've been coughing and sneezing.

I am cold.
I have a cold.
83. My head is killing me.

I have a headache.
My head feels weak.
Complete the conversation in your own way. Make conclusions with must.
Ive had a headache for two days.
You must feel awful!
84. My eyes are red and itchy, and I cant stop sneezing.

85. Susie broke her tooth last night during dinner.

86. I just won $1,000!

87. I haven't slept in two days.

Match each step for planning a social event with the correct definition. You will not use all of
the definitions.

Example: get a caterer h

(a) tell people what to do

(1) pick a date and time _____

(b) have invitations printed

(2) make a guest list _____

(c) get someone to play music

(3) hire a DJ _____

(d) invite people to the party

(4) make a budget _____

(e) change the appearance of the room

(5) assign responsibilities _____

(f) decide who to invite

(g) decide how to spend the money
(h) have someone make the food
(i) choose when to have the party

Look at the picture. Use the passive causative to write one sentence about the service that the
person wants.

Annie wants to have her skirt lengthened .


Stan __________________________________________________.

Harry __________________________________________________.

Irene __________________________________________________.
Match each sentence to one with a similar meaning. You will not use all of the sentences.

Example: I have a good memory.


I have knowledge of the topic. ____

a. I'm very reliable.

b. I have learned a lot of abilities.


I have a lot of talents.


c. I remember things well.


I have a lot of skills.


d. I have worked with the topic before.


I have experience with the



e. I was born with a lot of abilities.

f. Im familiar with and understand the

Answer the question in your own way. Write complete sentences.

Example: Youre waiting for a friend, but he is late. What do you think might have happened to
He might have gotten lost.
93. What is one thing that you should have done differently in your life?

94. What is one skill, talent, or ability that you have?

95. When you were a child, what did you think you would be when you grew up?


Read the article. Then read it again and check true or false for each sentence.



Example: King Louis XIV of France was a woman.

(1) Fashion changes with time.
(2) Fashion wasnt part of culture in the past.
(3) You can know about fashion without knowing the names of
(4) The culture of fashion has changed a lot over time.
(5) People often wear clothes that are similar to other peoples.

Read the article. Then read it again and check the true statement for each item.

Laughter can help reduce stress.
When you laugh, you cant have any stress.


Laughter can give you headaches.

Laughter can help your body fight disease.


Laughter can cause high blood pressure.

If you need to lower your blood pressure, laughing might help.


Its better for your health to laugh than to ride an exercise bike.
Laughter is one form of exercise.


You will remember things better if you laugh after you learn them.
Laughing keeps your brain healthy so you can remember more.


Laughter is better than medicine.

Laughter is one good way to improve your health.


Read the article. Then read it again and match each sentence beginning to the correct ending.
You will not use all of the sentence endings.

Example: Make time


a. help with things you need to do.


Have something


b. planned, like a big party.


Have other people


c. to help you manage your time.


Tell people


d. do tasks around the house.


Get your family to


e. how to do things your way.


Get this book


f. when you need help.

g. for things that you enjoy.
h. do all of your work, including housecleaning.
i. done, like a massage treatment.


A. Read the article. Then read it again and match the correct response to each question. You
will not use all of the responses.
Example: Why should you read the c
job description before the interview?
(1) Why should you always be on ____
time for an interview?

a. Theres no excuse for being late.

b. You should be cool, calm, and


Why shouldnt you be too

friendly in an interview?
Why should you ask questions ____
in an interview?

c. You need to think about how youll

tell the interviewer about your skills.
d. It shows that you are interested in the
e. It is a formal occasion.

B. Read the article again. Then circle the letter of the answer that best completes each

(4) You ____ wear formal clothes to an interview.

a. should
b. shouldnt
c. can never
(5) You ____ think before you answer a question in an interview.
a. should never
b. must
c. would
(6) You need to show the interviewer that you ____.
a. can do the job
b. are nervous
c. already have a job
100. Choose one of the following topics to write about. Write four or five sentences.

a. What is one way in which the culture in your country has changed in the last fifty years? What do
you think about this change?
b. Discuss etiquette in your country. Use words from the box and your own words.
cultural literacy


table manners


101. Choose one of the following topics to write about. Write four or five sentences.

a. Think about one type of medical treatment (conventional medicine, homeopathy, herbal therapy,
acupuncture, chiropractic, or spiritual healing). What do you like and / or dislike about this
treatment? Why?

b. Create a conversation for the following storyline:

(1) You ask a friend to recommend a doctor.
(2) You call the receptionist to make an appointment.
(3) You arrive at the office and are greeted by the receptionist.
(4) The doctor asks you about the problem and suggests a treatment.
102. Choose one of the following topics to write about. Write four or five sentences.

a. Imagine that you are planning a party with some friends or family. Who is the party for and why?
Who will you get to help you plan the event? What things will you have them do?
b. Your neighbor has just moved to town and has asked you to recommend services you use
regularly. Think of the one you use most. What kind of business is it? What can you get done
there? Describe the quality and workmanship.
103. Choose one of the following topics to write about. Write four or five sentences.

a. Think about a job you want (or a job you have). Why do you think you would be good at that job?
Write about your skills, abilities, experience, or knowledge.
b. Think about a work or life decision that you regret. Express regret, possibility about the past, and
a conclusion about the result of this decision.

cuarto de media
Answer Section
1. ANS:

(1) customary (2) before (3) taboo (4) title and last name (5) punctuality (6) taught a class (7)
Audio: Top Notch 3, Track 2
A: Good morning, Im Vanessa Graham.
B: Hello, Mrs.Graham.
A: Actually its Ms. Graham, please.
A: Excuse me. Im looking for Dr. Guerra.
B: Ill get him. But call him Manuel. Everyone uses first names here.
A: OK, thanks.
B: By the way, Im Julia.
A: Nice to meet you. Im Neil.
A: Hello. Im Ayako Suzuki. Im here for the conference.
B: I dont see your name here. Did you register?
A: Yes, I did. In fact, I had already registered by the time the conference was announced.
B: Oh, excuse me. Here it is.
A: Hey, Sophia. Im making beef for dinner. Would you like to come over?
B: Thanks, Mark, but I dont eat beef. There are rules against it in my culture.
A: OK. Well maybe some other time. I can make chicken.
B: Sounds good!
A: Hi, Im Denise Pei.
B: Hello, Im Daniel Hoffman.
A: Nice to meet you. By the way, how would you like to be addressed?
B: Mr. Hoffman is fine, thanks.
A: What time are you going to dinner?
B: The reservation is for 8:00, so Ill get to the restaurant after that.

A: No! In this culture its impolite to arrive late. You should be there no later than 8:00.
A: Why do your students call you Ms. Pilman instead of Dr. Pilman?
B: Well, I had already taught them for a while when I became a doctor. They were used to calling
me Ms. Anyway, titles really arent important to me.
A: Hi, Im Elizabeth Flores, the new English teacher.
B: Hello, Im Patricia Small. Im a teacher here, too. Ill introduce you to everyone. How do you
want the students to address you?
A: Whats customary here?
B: Well, in our culture its very impolite for a student to call a teacher by his or her first name.
A: Then Ms. Flores is fine.
PTS: 0
SKL: Listening
2. ANS:

DIF: 1

REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 01

(1) a (2) c (3) d
(1) false (2) false (3) true
Audio: Top Notch 3, Track 3
A: Nikki, whats wrong?
B: My head is killing me. I keep taking medicine, but it doesnt help.
A: You must feel terrible! You should go to the doctor.
A: Hello, Im Jessica Banks. I have a 2:00 appointment.
B: OK. And what brings you in to the office today?
A: One of my fillings came out.
B: Oh, no! How did you lose a filling?
A: I dont know, but it really hurts!
B: Im sorry. The doctor will see you in just a minute.
A: Hi, Susan.
B: Hi, Jim.You look awful.
A: Thanks.

B: No, I mean, you must feel terrible. Do you have a cold?

A: No, I dont. Its my allergies. I forgot to take my allergy medication this morning. I cant stop
sneezing. The trees and flowers are making my eyes red and itchy. Im going to take something
right now.
A: Is anything bothering you today, Mr. Kemper?
B: No, Dr. Powell. I feel fine. I just came in to get my allergy shot.
A: OK, Ill give you the shot, and youll be out of here quickly.
B: Thats great. Thanks.

A: Thanks for fitting me in this morning. I needed to see someone right away.
B: Glad to be of help. Whats the trouble?
A: I think I broke a tooth.
B: You must be in a lot of pain.
A: Yeah, its really killing me.
B: Well, lets have a look. I might be able to fix it today.
A: Will I need a prescription afterwards?
B: Maybe. I might give you some painkillers.
PTS: 0
SKL: Listening
3. ANS:

DIF: 1

REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 02

(1) honest (2) copying (3) fast (4) auto repair (5) helpful (6) tailoring (7) reasonable
Audio: Top Notch 3, Track 4
Julia: Hi, Im your new neighbor. I just moved into apartment number twelve. Im Julia Frost.
Mark: Im Mark Fines. Welcome to the neighborhood. Let me know if you need anything.
Julia: Actually, can you recommend a housecleaning service? Id like to get the apartment cleaned
before I unpack.
Mark: Sure. Almost everyone in the building uses Maid to Clean. Theyre very honest.
Julia: Great. And what about a copy service? I have to get some things copied before Monday.
Mark: Go to Edisons. Its just down the street. Theyre really fast.
Julia: Edisons for copying. And can you tell me where you get your car repaired?
Mark: I always go to Tonys Auto Repair. Theyre not very efficient, but theyre extremely helpful.
Theyre around the corner.
Julia: And just one more question. Can you recommend a tailor?
Mark: Sure. Sew Good is great for tailoring. Their work is excellent, and theyre very reasonable.
Theyre across the street.
Julia: Thanks so much for your help. I appreciate it.
Mark: No problem. See you around!

PTS: 0
SKL: Listening
4. ANS:

DIF: 1

REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 03

(1) no (2) yes (3) no
(4) She didn't pass the exam.
(5) Her tastes changed.
(6) Her parents talked her out of it.
(7) She changed her mind.

Audio: Top Notch 3, Track 5

A: I wonder where Alan is.
B: He must have gotten lost.
A: Oh, look, there he is. Hi, Alan!
C: Hi, guys. Sorry Im late. I was going to leave the office at 5:30, but I got a call at 5:25. I
shouldnt have answered the phone.
B: No problem. Now, lets talk about dinner! I thought wed try the Indian place down the street.
A: Oh, we should have made a reservation for that place. It gets really busy.
B: Well, lets go look . . .

Simon: Hi, Christina. Im Simon Wells, your career counselor. Lets look at your resume ...
So ... you studied art, but you didnt graduate. What happened?
Christina: Well, it was going to be hard to make a living as an artist, so I quit.
Simon: And then you studied at a beauty school?
Christina: Yes, but I couldnt cut hair. I had this exam, but I didnt pass.
Simon: OK . . . and you have some job experience? You worked at an art gallery.
Christina: Yes, but I decided that I liked music better than art.
Simon: So your tastes changed?
Christina: Exactly! So I was going to play in a band, but my parents talked me out of it.
Simon: And then you worked at a bank?
Christina: Yes, I worked there for a few months, but then I didnt want to anymore. I guess I just
changed my mind.
Simon: And now you want my help?
Christina: Yeah!

PTS: 0
SKL: Listening

DIF: 1

REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 04

DIF: 1

REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 01

PTS: 0
DIF: 1
SKL: Vocabulary
7. ANS: table manners

REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 01

PTS: 0
SKL: Vocabulary
8. ANS: etiquette

DIF: 1

REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 01

PTS: 0
SKL: Vocabulary
9. ANS: aren't you

DIF: 1

REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 01

5. ANS: taboo
PTS: 0
SKL: Vocabulary
6. ANS: customary

PTS: 0
DIF: 1
OBJ: Tag questions: form and social use
10. ANS: am I

REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 01

SKL: Grammar

PTS: 0
DIF: 1
OBJ: Tag questions: form and social use
11. ANS: doesn't he

REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 01

SKL: Grammar

PTS: 0
DIF: 1
OBJ: Tag questions: form and social use
12. ANS: haven't they

REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 01

SKL: Grammar

PTS: 0
DIF: 1
OBJ: Tag questions: form and social use
13. ANS: did they

REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 01

SKL: Grammar

PTS: 0
DIF: 1
OBJ: Tag questions: form and social use
14. ANS: can't we

REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 01

SKL: Grammar

PTS: 0
DIF: 1
OBJ: Tag questions: form and social use
15. ANS: don't I

REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 01

SKL: Grammar

PTS: 0

DIF: 1

REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 01

OBJ: Tag questions: form and social use

16. ANS: did she

SKL: Grammar

PTS: 0
DIF: 1
OBJ: Tag questions: form and social use
17. ANS:

REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 01

SKL: Grammar

2 She left Spain.

1 She learned Spanish pretty well.

PTS: 0
DIF: 1
OBJ: The past perfect: form and use
18. ANS:

1 He heard the news.

2 His boss told him about the promotion.

PTS: 0
DIF: 1
OBJ: The past perfect: form and use
19. ANS:

2 We arrived at the office.

REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 01

SKL: Grammar

2 They decided to cancel the picnic.

PTS: 0
DIF: 1
OBJ: The past perfect: form and use
21. ANS:

2 The movie came out.

REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 01

SKL: Grammar

1 The meeting started.

PTS: 0
DIF: 1
OBJ: The past perfect: form and use
20. ANS:

1 It rained for two hours

REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 01

SKL: Grammar

REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 01

SKL: Grammar

1 Many people read the reviews.

PTS: 0
DIF: 1
OBJ: The past perfect: form and use
22. ANS:

1 The team finished the project.

REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 01

SKL: Grammar

2 Marcy finished her part.

PTS: 0
DIF: 1
OBJ: The past perfect: form and use
23. ANS: hadnt yet bought

REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 01

SKL: Grammar

PTS: 0
DIF: 1
OBJ: The past perfect: form and use
24. ANS: had already begun

REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 01

SKL: Grammar

PTS: 0
DIF: 1
OBJ: The past perfect: form and use
25. ANS: had already started

REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 01

SKL: Grammar

PTS: 0
DIF: 1
OBJ: The past perfect: form and use
26. ANS: hadnt yet found

REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 01

SKL: Grammar

PTS: 0
DIF: 1
OBJ: The past perfect: form and use
27. ANS: had already gotten

REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 01

SKL: Grammar

PTS: 0
DIF: 1
OBJ: The past perfect: form and use
28. ANS: hadn't yet traveled

REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 01

SKL: Grammar

PTS: 0
DIF: 1
OBJ: The past perfect: form and use
29. ANS: cough medicine

REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 01

SKL: Grammar

PTS: 0
SKL: Vocabulary
30. ANS: painkiller

DIF: 1

REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 02

PTS: 0
SKL: Vocabulary
31. ANS: antacid

DIF: 1

REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 02

PTS: 0
SKL: Vocabulary
32. ANS: must

DIF: 1

REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 02

PTS: 0
DIF: 1
REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 02
SKL: Grammar
33. ANS: might / may
PTS: 0
DIF: 1
REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 02
SKL: Grammar
34. ANS: must
PTS: 0
DIF: 1
REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 02
SKL: Grammar
35. ANS: might / may
PTS: 0
DIF: 1
REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 02
SKL: Grammar
36. ANS: might / may
PTS: 0
DIF: 1
REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 02
SKL: Grammar
37. ANS: must
PTS: 0
DIF: 1
REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 02
SKL: Grammar
38. ANS: might / may

PTS: 0
DIF: 1
REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 02
SKL: Grammar
39. ANS: go
PTS: 0
DIF: 1
REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 03
OBJ: Causatives GET, HAVE, and MAKE
SKL: Grammar
40. ANS: plan
PTS: 0
DIF: 1
REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 03
OBJ: Causatives GET, HAVE, and MAKE
SKL: Grammar
41. ANS: framed
PTS: 0
DIF: 1
OBJ: The passive causative
42. ANS: finished

REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 03

SKL: Grammar

PTS: 0
DIF: 1
OBJ: The passive causative
43. ANS: pay

REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 03

SKL: Grammar

PTS: 0
DIF: 1
REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 03
OBJ: Causatives GET, HAVE, and MAKE
SKL: Grammar
44. ANS: do
PTS: 0
DIF: 1
REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 03
OBJ: Causatives GET, HAVE, and MAKE
SKL: Grammar
45. ANS: made
PTS: 0
DIF: 1
OBJ: The passive causative
46. ANS: processed

REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 03

SKL: Grammar

PTS: 0
DIF: 1
REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 03
OBJ: The passive causative
SKL: Grammar
47. ANS: Can you get someone to check the status of the project
PTS: 0
DIF: 1
REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 03
OBJ: Causatives GET, HAVE, and MAKE
SKL: Grammar
48. ANS: You can have the package delivered overnight
PTS: 0
DIF: 1
REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 03
OBJ: The passive causative
SKL: Grammar
49. ANS: Theyre having the apartment cleaned before the party
PTS: 0
DIF: 1
REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 03
OBJ: The passive causative
SKL: Grammar
50. ANS: Shell get someone to call the restaurant for a reservation

PTS: 0
DIF: 1
REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 03
OBJ: Causatives GET, HAVE, and MAKE
SKL: Grammar
51. ANS: The store manager will have a sign printed to announce the sale
PTS: 0
DIF: 1
REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 03
OBJ: The passive causative
SKL: Grammar
52. ANS: I need to get my hair cut before this weekend
PTS: 0
DIF: 1
REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 03
OBJ: The passive causative
SKL: Grammar
53. ANS: She will have her sister sing a song at the wedding
PTS: 0
DIF: 1
REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 03
OBJ: Causatives GET, HAVE, and MAKE
SKL: Grammar
54. ANS: I can have the courier service pick up the package in the morning
PTS: 0
DIF: 1
REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 03
OBJ: Causatives GET, HAVE, and MAKE
SKL: Grammar
55. ANS: was going to, were going to, were going to, was going to
56. ANS:

DIF: 1
REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 04
Future in the past: WAS / WERE GOING TO and WOULD

57. ANS:

DIF: 1
REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 04
Future in the past: WAS / WERE GOING TO and WOULD

58. ANS:

DIF: 1
REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 04
Future in the past: WAS / WERE GOING TO and WOULD

59. ANS:

DIF: 1
REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 04
Future in the past: WAS / WERE GOING TO and WOULD

I was going to go

were you going to study

they were going to have

Was your mother going to go

PTS: 0
DIF: 1
REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 04
OBJ: Future in the past: WAS / WERE GOING TO and WOULD
SKL: Grammar
60. ANS: B

PTS: 0

DIF: 1

REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 02

61. ANS:
62. ANS:
63. ANS:
64. ANS:
65. ANS:
66. ANS:
67. ANS:
68. ANS:
69. ANS:
70. ANS:
71. ANS:
72. ANS:
73. ANS:
74. ANS:

PTS: 0
PTS: 0
PTS: 0
PTS: 0
PTS: 0
PTS: 0
Perfect modals: meaning and form
PTS: 0
Perfect modals: meaning and form
PTS: 0
Perfect modals: meaning and form
PTS: 0
Perfect modals: meaning and form
PTS: 0
Perfect modals: meaning and form
PTS: 0
Perfect modals: meaning and form
PTS: 0
Perfect modals: meaning and form
PTS: 0
Perfect modals: meaning and form
PTS: 0
Perfect modals: meaning and form

DIF: 1

REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 02

DIF: 1

REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 02

DIF: 1

REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 02

DIF: 1

REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 02

DIF: 1

REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 02


REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 04


REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 04

REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 04
REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 04
REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 04
REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 04
REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 04
REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 04
REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 04

75. ANS:

(Sample response:) How do you prefer to be addressed?

PTS: 0
DIF: 2
SKL: Social Language
76. ANS:

REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 01

(Sample response:) You look familiar. Werent you in my science class?

PTS: 0
DIF: 2
SKL: Social Language
77. ANS:

REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 01

(Sample response:) Beautiful day, isnt it?

PTS: 0
DIF: 2
SKL: Social Language
78. ANS:

REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 01

She feels like shes going to vomit.

PTS: 0
DIF: 1
SKL: Social Language
79. ANS:

REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 02

Thanks for giving me an appointment.

PTS: 0
DIF: 1
SKL: Social Language
80. ANS:

REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 02

I need help immediately.

PTS: 0
DIF: 1
SKL: Social Language
81. ANS:

REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 02

The medication can make you feel nauseous.

PTS: 0
DIF: 1
SKL: Social Language
82. ANS:

REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 02

I have a cold.
PTS: 0
DIF: 1
SKL: Social Language
83. ANS:

REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 02

I have a headache.
PTS: 0
DIF: 1
SKL: Social Language
84. ANS:

REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 02

(Sample response:) You must have allergies.

PTS: 0
DIF: 2
SKL: Social Language
85. ANS:

REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 02

(Sample response:) It must really hurt.

PTS: 0
DIF: 2
SKL: Social Language
86. ANS:

REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 02

(Sample response:) You must be so happy!

PTS: 0
DIF: 2
SKL: Social Language
87. ANS:

REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 02

(Sample response:) You must be very tired.

PTS: 0
DIF: 2
SKL: Social Language

REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 02

88. ANS:

(1) i (2) f (3) c (4) g (5) a

PTS: 0
SKL: Vocabulary
89. ANS:

DIF: 1

REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 03

(Sample response:) Stan wants to get (OR have) a package delivered

PTS: 0
DIF: 2
OBJ: The passive causative
90. ANS:

REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 03

SKL: Grammar

(Sample response:) Harry wants to get (OR have) his suit dry-cleaned
PTS: 0
DIF: 2
OBJ: The passive causative
91. ANS:

REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 03

SKL: Grammar

(Sample response:) Irene wants to get (OR have) her shoes repaired
PTS: 0
DIF: 2
OBJ: The passive causative
92. ANS:

REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 03

SKL: Grammar

(1) f (2) e (3) b (4) d

PTS: 0
SKL: Vocabulary
93. ANS:

DIF: 1

REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 04

(Sample response:) I shouldnt have left school before I finished.

PTS: 0
DIF: 2
SKL: Social Language
94. ANS:

REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 04

(Sample response:) I have good mathematical ability.

PTS: 0
DIF: 2
SKL: Social Language
95. ANS:

REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 04

(Sample response:) I thought I would be a doctor.

PTS: 0
DIF: 2
SKL: Social Language

REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 04

96. ANS:

(1) true (2) false (3) true (4) false (5) true
PTS: 0
SKL: Reading

DIF: 1

REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 01

97. ANS:

(1) Laughter can help your body fight disease.

(2) If you need to lower your blood pressure, laughing might help.
(3) Laughter is one form of exercise.
(4) Laughing keeps your brain healthy so you can remember more.
(5) Laughter is one good way to improve your health.
PTS: 0
SKL: Reading
98. ANS:

DIF: 1

REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 02

(1) i (2) a (3) f (4) d (5) c

PTS: 0
SKL: Reading
99. ANS:

DIF: 1

REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 03

DIF: 1

REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 04

A. (1) a (2) e (3) d

B. (4) b (5) b (6) a
PTS: 0
SKL: Reading
100. ANS:

a. (Sample response:) Fifty years ago, women didnt usually have jobs. But now that has changed. It
is common for women to work in offices, businesses, and stores. I think this is good for women
because they can earn their own money and be more independent.
b. (Sample response:) The etiquette in my country has gone through a lot of changes in the last
twenty-five years. Since technology has increased, we communicate with many people from all
over. This has increased the cultural literacy in my country. People are more aware of what is
customary in other cultures and what is taboo.
PTS: 0
SKL: Writing
101. ANS:

DIF: 3

REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 01

a. (Sample response:) I have always used conventional medicine. I usually like it because it makes
me better when Im sick. But one thing I dont like is that doctors always want to give me a
prescription. Sometimes I think people could try to heal themselves other ways.
b. (Sample response:)
Me: Could you recommend a doctor? Im sick.
Friend: Theres one not far from here. Her name is Dr. Melendez.
Me: Hello. I wonder if I might be able to see the doctor today. Im sick.
Receptionist: Let me check. Could you be here by 2:15?

Receptionist: You must be Nicole. Youre here to see Dr. Melendez, arent you?
Me: Thats right. Ive been feeling sick.
Me: My stomach is killing me.
Doctor: That must hurt. Lets have a look. I think its a good idea to take an antacid.
Me: Are there any side effects?
PTS: 0
SKL: Writing
102. ANS:

DIF: 3

REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 02

a. (Sample response:) Im planning a party for my moms birthday. Im going to have a caterer make
the food so we dont have to cook. Ill have my sister be in charge of the decorations because
shes very creative. Im going to have the invitations printed at a copying place. I will get one of
my friends to do the music.
b. (Sample response:) I get my hair cut at Dawns Salon. Its a little expensive, but the quality is
high. Dawn is also very honestshe never tries to get me to have anything done that I dont
want. Shes also very helpful when I need ideas for a new hairstyle.
PTS: 0
SKL: Writing
103. ANS:

DIF: 3

REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 03

a. (Sample response:) I want to be a nurse. A nurse has to be patient and like to help people. Im
caring and patient. I really enjoy helping people and taking care of them.
b. (Sample response:) I should have studied art. I think I would have been very happy. But, I may
not have been able to make a living as an artist. I didnt choose to study art, though, so I must not
have been very interested in it.
PTS: 0
SKL: Writing

DIF: 3

REF: Top Notch 3 Unit 04

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