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No 264 News Bulletin of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran 31 MARCH 2008

Crackdown to intensify Celebrating the Prophet of Islam’s Birthday

in new Iranian year

B rig. Gen. Ismail Ahmadi-Moqadam,

chief of the Iranian regime’s State
Security Forces (SSF), stressed that the
plan known as “Boosting Public Security”
will continue to be “implemented” and
“not abandoned,” as part of the regime’s
intensification of its suppressive campaign
during the new Iranian calendar year.
Speaking to a gathering of border
regiment personnel in Paveh, western Auvers-sur-Oise, France, March 22 - Mrs. Rajavi, Muslim personalities from France and elswhere
celebrate Prophet Mohammad’s birthday
Iran, he said that people may think
“these plans are temporary … the SSF is
determined and I promise people that the
plan will not be abandoned and it is not
O n the occasion of the birth of Prophet
Mohammad on March 22, 2008, Muslim
dignitaries from France and some Muslim countries
world peace and security by seeking domination
over Iraq and moving rapidly to acquire nuclear
going to end under any circumstances gathered in Auvers-sur-Oise north of Paris at the Mrs. Rajavi also noted the regime’s efforts
and the trend is irreversible,” the state-run residence of Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President- to expand its brand of Islamic fundamentalism
news agency IRNA quoted on March 26, elect of the Iranian Resistance, Representatives to Palestine and Lebanon and spreading fear
2008. of Muslim communities from Morocco, Algeria, and crises to other nations. She welcomed
Ahmadi-Moqadam spoke about Comoros, Mali, Turkey and a delegation of Iraqi the growing resistance to the regime in the
various methods to boost suppression women were among the attendees. region and underscored the important role of
and said, “We will try to prevent minor Mrs. Rajavi commenced the celebratory the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran
Continued on page 3 gathering by welcoming the participants, in which represents the antithesis of the ruling
particular the Iraqi women who are fighting fundamentalist regime in Iran, advocating peace,
Islamic fundamentalism in their homeland. She democracy and human rights.
Friday prayer leader: emphasized that standing firm against the Iranian Sheikh Khalil Merroun, director of the largest
Majlis election fraudulent regime, which is the worst enemy of God, on the
basis of the Quran’s teachings, is the best defense
mosque in France, expressed solidarity with the
gathering and in particular the Iraqi guests who

F riday prayer leader: Majlis elections were

Abolhassan Nouri, the Friday prayer leader
of Islam. This is especially crucial, Mrs. Rajavi
added, at a time the regime poses a major threat to
face great hardship in their country. Sheikh
Continued on page 2

in the southwestern city of Khoramshahr,

described the regime’s recent parliamentary
elections as “fraudulent.” The voters were
Tehran behind attacks in Iraq
enticed, intimidated, and votes were traded,
according to a report by a website close to former
Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC)
T he most senior US general in Iraq has said he has evidence that Iran was behind Sunday’s
bombardment of Baghdad’s heavily fortified Green Zone.
Gen David Petraeus told the BBC on March 24, 2008, that he thought Tehran had trained,
commander Mohsen Rezai. equipped and funded insurgents who fired the barrage of mortars and rockets.
“If it wasn’t for my timely intervention, critics He said Iran was adding what he described as “lethal accelerants” to a very combustible mix.
[of the election process] would not have been freed In an interview with BBC world affairs editor, Gen Petraeus said violence in Iraq was being
[from detention],” the report quoted Nouri. perpetuated by Iran’s Quds Force, a branch of the regime’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps.
According to the website’s report, Nouri Continued on page 2
complained about “mistreatment of critics”
and accused Khoramshahr’s mayor of ignoring
reports of “widespread fraud.”
He said that the evidence revealing the frauds
were in the possession of some government
Exposing mullahs’ espionage network in Sweden
institutions. “Some people were transferred from On page 3
other constituencies to Khoramshahr to vote,”
Nouri added.

Celebrating the Prophet ... regret that the mullahs commit their
crimes under the name of Islam and
Continued from page 1
reassured that the Iraqi women would
Merroun presented a specially printed copy confront all those who collaborate
of Quran to Mrs. Rajavi as a good will gesture with the criminal rulers in Tehran.
towards the Resistance. Mrs. Amira Abdulkarim Alaqabi,
Mrs. Faezeh Obeidi, head of women’s section an Iraqi journalist and the head of Iraqi
in the Iraqi National Accord Movement led by Association for Environment, said in
Mr. Ayad Allawi, former Iraqi Prime Minister, her remarks, “The rulers in Tehran
conveyed Mr. Allawi’s message of support to intend to destroy Iraq, the schools,
the Iranian Resistance. She told the gathering universities and academic institutions,
about the situation in Iraq and the Iranian but we are determined to resist that
regime’s meddling in her country and added that trend with the support of our brothers
deprived Iraqi women are encouraged by the role and sisters in the People’s Mojahedin
of Mrs. Rajavi in leading the Resistance to the Organization.” Faezeh Obeidi, head of women’s section in the Iraqi National
Accord Movement led by former Prime Minister Ayad Allawi (right)
clerical regime. Mrs. Mona Adnan Hossein, standing with Maryam Rajavi and three Iraqi women activists
Mr. Ghalib Bin Sheikh, head of the president of the Voice of the Iraqi
International Peace Federation and a distinguished Women’s Association and a journalist, told the together with my sister and my child where we
Muslim figure in France, wished success for the gathering that she was a victim of the mullahs’ were welcomed by its residents.”
Resistance and reiterated that his movement stood regime in Iraq and added, “The clerical regime Regarding Ahmadinejad’s visit to Iraq, she
by the Iranian Resistance to preserve justice. killed my husband before the eyes of my child said, “He went to Iraq to show how much he is
Mrs. Faiq Abdulqader Latif, member of and me. I begged them to spare his life but they in control of the country, but thank God that
Tikrit City Council, said that the Iraqi women are took no notice. They also killed my father because he failed and had to leave Iraq earlier than it was
the victims of the mullahs ruling Iran. Therefore, of his hostility towards the mullahs. They drilled planned.” She expressed hopes that during the
she added, they stand in the same front with his skull. While the government is refusing to new Iranian calendar year, the Iranian people
the Resistance led by Mrs. Rajavi. She expressed provide any help, I sought refuge in Ashraf City would depose of the clerical rulers.

Tehran behind attacks ... from Iran has been spent on new communication
Continued from page 1
centers equipped with computers with Internet
connections, fax machines and mobile satellite
“The rockets that were launched at the Green telephones.
Zone yesterday, for example... were Iranian- Vice President Dick Cheney, speaking
provided, Iranian-made rockets,” he said, adding during a visit to Iraq this month, reiterated
that the groups that fired them were funded and Washington’s claim that Iran seeks to destabilize
trained by the Quds Force. Iraq through support of armed Shiite factions.
“All of this is in complete violation of
promises made by President Ahmadinejad and
the other most senior Iranian leaders to their
Iran funding militia and
Iraqi counterparts.” criminals in Basra fighting -
President Bush Green Zone - Baghdad
Iran seeks to destabilize Iraq Voice of America, March 27 - President Bush,
speaking to Air Force personnel on a base in Iran does not want to see any one force
– U.S. Vice-President the Midwest state of Ohio said, “Iraqi security emerge that has strong hold on power and it does
BAGHDAD (AP), March 25 — U.S. military forces are waging a tough battle against militia not have significant influence either, especially if
spokesman Rear Adm. Gregory Smith blamed fighters and criminals in Basra, many of whom it is the government. It wants a government that
Iranian-backed Shiite militia factions for the have received arms and training and funding it can work with.
rocket attacks, which killed Iraqi civilians outside from Iran.” Tehran wants to maintain a significant
the Green Zone. influence over the government which it already
Smith said the rockets were supplied by the Iran behind clashes in Basra has. Even American commanders openly admit
Quds Force, an elite unit of Iran’s Revolutionary that what the Americans have been doing by
Guards. CNN, Iraq correspondent, March 26 - What default is to consolidate Iranian influence in Iraq.
According to the three U.S. commanders, we are seeing in Basra as what we are seeing in There is a security situation in Iraq. Life in
the militia has received fresh supplies of weapons the capital city, Baghdad, and the other places, Basra is a nightmare and daily life is affected. That
from Iran — contradicting repeated Iranian mostly in the south, is that Iranian-backed is happening through a number of factions; some
denials that it is supporting Iraqi militias. factions fighting Iranian-backed factions. The factions are within the army, some within the
The weapons, the commanders said, included only difference is that some of them are in police, within the provincial council or provincial
rockets, armor-piercing roadside bombs and uniform and some are not. government, and the governor himself. Iran has
anti-aircraft guns that could be effective against Iran backs every horse in the race. Some finger in all of these pies and for now it suits them
low-flying helicopters. even suggest that Iran has colluded to some to see this instability. This is something that the
Additionally, they said an infusion of cash degree with al-Qaeda. Americans, quite confidently, can see.



Exposing mullahs’ espionage

network in Sweden
M ullahs’ network for espionage and export of
fundamentalism in Sweden was unveiled by
the representative office of the National Council
Based on the Resistance’s
sources inside Iran, the NCRI
representative disclosed
of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) at a press conference for the first time the name
in Stockholm on March 11, 2008. of the number two man
The information was unveiled by Mr. Parviz at the regime’s embassy in
Khazai, the NCRI’s representative in Nordic Stockholm, Saleh Majd, who From left in the panel, Haleh Pourkeramati, Parviz Khazai and Bente Kraugerud
countries. Mrs. Bente Kraugerud, lawyer and was expelled for his espionage
jurist from Norway and Ms. Haleh Pourkeramati, activities against exiled Iranians in Sweden back Iranian exiles urge Sweden to
member of the NCRI, also joined Mr. Khazai in in January 2008. cut ties with Tehran
the panel. Mr. Khazai stressed that the task of the
Two other members of the NCRI residing in individuals named and the regime’s front The Associated Pr March 11 - An Iranian
Sweden, Mr. Manouchehr Arastoupour, a world organizations is to spy on Iranian exiles and opposition group on Tuesday urged the
veteran canoe/kayak champion, and Mr. Shapour create fear among Iranians residing in Sweden. Swedish government to cut relations with
Bastansiyar, a renowned musician and leader To this end, the regime intends to inflict blows Tehran after the expulsion of an Iranian
of orchestra, also exposed some of the Iranian against the main Iranian opposition - the NCRI diplomat accused of spying on exiles.
regime’s Intelligence Ministry’s campaigns against and the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran “This is the tip of a big iceberg given
members of the Iranian Resistance and their own (PMOI) as its leading member - and to promote the magnitude of the (Iranian) regime’s
families in Sweden. They spoke about threatening fundamentalism. infiltration in Sweden,” said Perviz Khazai.
calls and mail their families and themselves have NCRI’s Nordic representative called on the Sweden expelled an Iranian diplomat
been receiving in order to discourage them from government of Sweden to expose the clerical in January, but did not say why at the time.
continuing with their activities. regime’s spies in a bid to protect Iranian exiles However, a Swedish Foreign Ministry official
Key intelligence agents in the regime’s who have sought refuge in Sweden. on Tuesday confirmed press reports that
network in Sweden include Javad Mohammadi, Ms. Pourkeramati unveiled the role of the the diplomat was believed to have spied on
Hamid Esfahani (manager of Radio Salam), Vaezi regime’s agents outside Iran who pose as former Iranian exiles in Sweden. At a news conference
(representing Ali Khamenei in Scandinavia), and members of the Resistance and the PMOI, as in Stockholm, Iranian exiles said they were
Hosseini (a clergy at Imam Ali mosque). Hassan well as the activities of front organizations that being harassed by the Iranian regime in
Qashqavi, the regime’s ambassador in Sweden, act as essential part of the regime’s espionage threatening telephone calls and letters.
plays a key role in the network. network.

Crackdown to intensify in new Iranian year

Dissident Ayatollah on Continued from page 1
and order is among other measures by the SSF
hunger strike in crimes and robberies by doubling our efforts, this year,” State-run TV reported on March 26.
Evin prison by ordinary and undercover agents, increasing
the number of patrols and police stations,
Remarks by the SSF commander, a close
confidant of mullahs’ president Mahmoud

A yatollah Yaasoub-Eddin Rastegari

Jouybari, a stern opponent of the
clerical rule in Iran, has gone on a
equipping constabularies, monitoring systems
and undercover inspectors,” IRNA added.
Meanwhile, Brig. Gen. Hossein Zolfaqari,
Ahmadinejad, indicates that the clerical regime,
engulfed in domestic and international crises, is
planning to raise the level of brutal suppression
hunger strike in Tehran’s notorious Evin deputy commander of the SSF, declared that to new heights. This follows the sham Majlis
prison in protest to his unjust detention new forces would be deployed under various (parliamentary) elections and the maturity
and inhumane treatment, NCRI’s names to spread suppression. “The neighborhood of the regime’s internal contradictions while
Committee on Religious Freedom watch plan will be expanded with the help of efforts to acquire nuclear weapons and export
reported on March 22, 2008. people… honorary police force planning to get of fundamentalism and terrorism have been
According to Ayatollah Rastegari’s people more involved in the promotion of law dramatically stepped up.
family, the prison guards had threatened
him with a mock execution. He remains
in poor health after three weeks of
hunger strike.
Over the years, he has resisted
pressures by the regime and refused
to endorse the ruling faction as being
Islamic. Ayatollah Rastegari is the
author of a number of books on Islam. The above frames are taken from a video clip secretly passed to the Resistance’s network inside
Iran, showing SSF officers set alight a young man’s hair while in their custody.



March 26, 2008 March 24, 2008

Iran’s Resistance Mullahs fiddle the figures

By Professor Lord Alton of Liverpool By Lord Corbett of Castle Vale, Chair of the British
Parliamentary Committee for Iran Freedom
March 26 - Good news came earlier this
month, when the UN Security Council March 24 - What, asked the young man outside
adopted a third sanctions resolution the mosque in Qom the day before Iran’s general
against the Iranian regime over its illegal nuclear weapons activity. Resolution election last week, is the point of voting, “when the results are known in
1803, which includes an outright ban on travel by officials involved in advance?”
Tehran’s nuclear and missile programmes, gives the autocratic rulers three The Guardian reporter, Julian Borger, said Mujtaba Mivehchizadeh and his
months to comply with the demands of the UN nuclear watchdog to mates worried about youth unemployment and galloping inflation in a country
suspend uranium enrichment and reprocessing or face new sanctions. where seven out of ten are under the age of 30.
But even as the resolution was being adopted by 14-0 with only one The farce of the elections was illustrated during the day itself when the
abstention - Indonesia - the regime’s officials vowed that, regardless of state-run news agency ISNA reported a turnout of 124 per cent at Varzaqan,
however many resolutions were adopted at the UN, the Islamic Republic East Azerbaijan. Earlier some 2,700 would-be candidates were barred for ‘un-
would never halt its uranium enrichment activities. Islamic sentiments’ by the unelected religious Guardians’ Council, including
Tehran’s belligerent attitude stems from the West’s half-hearted policy former MPs and ministers.
of countering its unlawful activities. Despite its vociferous posture against No wonder the EU Presidency dubbed the poll as ‘neither fair nor free’,
the regime at the UN, the West is in fact assisting the regime on another adding that they ‘did not allow for truly competitive elections’.
front. In particular, Britain is spearheading an effort to crack down on the The mullahs used every fiddle going to boost turn-out figures. Brigadier
only effective opposition movement in an effort to win concessions from General Alireza Afshar, director of elections in the Ministry of Interior, simply
Tehran. ignored figures from the National Statistics Bureau showing 49,500,000 people of
The theocratic regime’s weak point is its lack of popular support. voting age by clipping six million off the figure to swell the phantom turn-out. And
According to the National Council of Resistance of Iran, students and votes could be bought for $25 in Abidan, $15 in Gilan and up to $50 in Elam, with
women were responsible for a major portion of the more than 5,000 anti- a free lunch thrown in for rural voters bussed into urban polling stations.
government protests that were held in Iran last year alone. Iran’s fanatical theocracy, underpinned by the Revolutionary Guard which
If the international community lends support to the Iranian people the US labels as a terrorist organization, dare not risk fair and free elections. The
and their resistance movement, this would undoubtedly force the regime Iranian Resistance, which monitored turn-out at 25,000 of the 45,000 polling
to think twice before unilaterally pressing on with its clandestine nuclear stations, claims that only five in every 100 people voted, responding to its call
projects and meddling in the affairs of regional states. It would also for a boycott.
encourage the population to come out in greater numbers against the The mullahs have not just made themselves look silly at home and abroad,
regime which is becoming increasingly isolated on the international scene. but know whatever support they may have had is fast evaporating. The 95 per
Remarkably, at a time when we should be isolating the regime for its cent who stayed at home means that military and government workers too
sponsorship of terror at home and abroad, the UK government is hampering refused to take part in this polling stunt.
the efforts of the Iranian opposition to bring about change in Iran. In any case the parliament – Majlis – is only consultative, with the theocrats
Since 2001, it has banned the main democratic Iranian opposition on the Guardians’ Council and the appointed-for-life Supreme Leader having
group, the People’s Mojahedin Organisation of Iran (PMOI) at the behest a veto over it. So a double lock: permit only the candidates who can be trusted
of Tehran’s rulers. In 2002, it encouraged the EU to ban the group as well. to stand and then do not entirely trust them.
When in December 2006, the European court of first instance Whichever of the four religious factions is said to be on the up, the fact is
ordered the EU to lift the ban on the PMOI, it was the UK government that since the Revolutionary Guards installed one of their own as President, in
that pressured the EU council of ministers to ignore the court ruling and the shape of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the extremists have tightened their grip.
maintain the ban. They all have the same agenda, so it is just a matter of the degree of repression.
Worse still, when on November 30, 2007, the UK high court’s No faction is calling for free elections, an end to public hangings from cranes,
Proscribed Organisations Appeal Commission (POAC) ruled unequivocally or of amputations and eye gougings.
that the PMOI is “not concerned in terrorism” and ordered the Home The long-suffering public wonders why petrol is rationed in a country with
Secretary to lift the “flawed” and “perverse” ban, the government simply the world’s fourth-largest oil reserves, and why there is insufficient refining
ignored the ruling in order to further appease a regime which has executed capacity when it can seemingly afford nuclear weapons development, with
over 120,000 members of the PMOI and continues to employ more than rampant inflation and a highly educated people with far too few jobs on offer.
174 forms of torture in its notorious prisons. The extremist regime will doubtless push on with its nuclear programme,
It is clear that as long as Britain and the EU continue to stifle the now scattered across at least 12 sites, the better to conceal and continue the
very force working tirelessly to end the mullahs’ despotic rule, the regime brutal suppression of those who dissent.
would feel secure enough to brazenly ignore however many security council This election is yet another signal to our own and other governments to stop
ultimatums it receives. appeasing the mullahs and to treat the Resistance as allies in the campaign to turn
Whitehall should now do the right thing by lifting the ban on the back the menace of rampant fundamentalism. It helps to kill British and other
PMOI and allowing the Iranian people and their resistance to bring about coalition troops in Iraq, helps thwart the Palestinian peace process by financing
democratic change in Iran. Such action, coupled with comprehensive and arming Hamas and bids, through Hezbollah, to unseat a fragile democracy
sanctions against the regime at the UN, would be an appropriate response in Lebanon. What other incentive does the UK need to back the millions in Iran
and pave the way for fundamental change in Iran. who cry freedom rather than those who have stolen it from them?


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